PORTFOLIO Baraa I. Ghabban
BARAA I. Ghabban ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO SELECTED WORK 2013 - 2018 - (May) E-mail: 966560260088 Portfolio Online:
TABLE OF CONTENT 01I About Me ............................................................................. 6 02I CV............................................................................................... 8 03I Academic Work ............................................................. 10 04I Summer Trainnig ........................................................ 56 05I Professional Experience ......................................... 68 06I Certificates And Skills ............................................... 104
I am always looking for something new: a new inspiration, a new philosophy, a new way to look at something, new talent.
About Me
About Me Albaraa Ibraheem Ghabban (b. 1993) is graduate student from King Abdualaziz University,
Designs. Baraa earned bachelor’s degree in architecture (one of the highest honors, 2017)
(KAUARCH). Albaraa
looking for a place where he can learn new things, interested in research and new experiences in the fields of sustainability
Surround yourself ONLY with people who are going to lift you HIGHER
and technology in architecture. م متخــرج مــن كليــة1993 البــراء إبراهيــم غبــان مواليــد عــام
حاصــل علــى،تصاميــم البيئــة بجامعــة الملــك عبــد العزيــز درجــة البكالوريــوس مــع مرتبــة الشــرف بتقديــر ممتــاز مــن .قســم العمــارة البــراء محــب لــكل مــا هــو جديــد يبحــث عــن المــكان الــذي مهتــم باألبحــاث،يســتطيع أن يتعلــم منــه الشــيء الجديــد العلميــة والتجــارب الجديــدة فــي مجــاالت االســتدامة .والتقنيــة فــي العمــارة Architecture Portfolio
Personals Skills
Date Of Birthday: 05I12I1993 AD
Ability to Learn
Front Office I Royal Deyar Hotel,Madinah, 2011
Nationality: Saudi Arabian
Acadimic Work I Kauarch, Jeddah, 2012-2017
Autodesk Revit Tutor I KAUARCH,Jeddah,
GPA: 4.67I5 Language: Arabic (Native) - English (Intermediate) SCE Membership Number: 334993
Bachelor Of Architecture I 2012-2017
Certifications •
King Abdualaziz University, Kauarch, Jeddah, KSA
English Language I 2012 Course, Wall Street Institute, Madinah, KSA
Course, King Abdualaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
Building Performance AnalysisI 2016
Diploma In Graphics Design I 2016
Jazeel Voluntary Certificate
Graphics Certificate from
Shaw Academy, Live Online Course
Renewable Energy Workshop I 2016 Course, Saudi Council Of Engineers, Madinah, KSA
Freelancing Document from the Ministry of Labor
Course, Autodesk, Online Course
Certificate Of Membership Of The Saudi Council Of Engineers
Energy Responsive Design To Built EnviromentI 2015
Web Designer I KAUARCH Website, 2014 Training I Edge Office, Jeddah, 2015 - Children Hospital, Taif
Education •
Professional Experience
Book Designer I Working Drawings, KAUARCH, 2016
Book Designer I Suliman Alkhriji Book, 2016 Training I Bojer Office, Jeddah, 2016 - Alwaledan Mousqe, Madinah - Retail Facade, Jeddah
Training I Raka Office, Jeddah, 2016 - Alnawras Tower, Jeddah
Children School In TanzaniaI Volunteer, Moshi,Tanzania, 2016
Housing Project I Kauarch, Jeddah, 2016
University Certificate of
Representative KAUARCH In The Student Advisory Council I KAUFED,
Excellence for 2013 to 2017 •
Kaunetzero I KAUARCH, Jeddah, 2015
Jeddah, 2016-2017
6th Scientific Forum from King
Architect Part Time Job I Sabbagh Office,
Abdualaziz University
Jeddah, 2017-NOW
Baraa I. Ghabban
Proficiency Private Villa I Hassan Family, Jeddah
Model M.
Architect I Vice President For Projects| KAU, Jeddah, 2017-NOW - KAU Royal Gallery, 2017 - KAU Female Campus Theater, 2017 - KAU Vip Pavilion, 2017 - KAU Female Campus Administrative Building, Jeddah, 2018 - KAU Women Driving School, 2018 - KAU Female Campus Security And Safety Building, 2018 - KAU Female Campus Community Service Building, 2018 - KAU Classrooms Building 30X60 Prototype
Container HUB I Horizon Planning Office, 2018
Competitions Prince Sultan bin Salman Award I
Jazzel Charitable Organization -
Saudi Commission For Tourism And National Heritage,Fourth Place, 2015
Designing a home and school for
Sustainable Envelope CompetitionI
children in Tanzania 2016
King Fahd University Of Petroleum And Minerals, TBA, 2017
9th Scientific Forum I King Abdualaziz University, Third Place, 2018
Architecture Portfolio
Design Studio Start-Up Business BYN Design Studio -دار بين للتصميم-
Albaraa Ibraheem Ghabban (b. 1993) is graduate student from King Abdualaziz University, Faculty of Environmental Designs. Baraa earned bachelor’s degree in architecture (one of the highest honors, 2017) from Architecture Department (KAUARCH). Albaraa loves everything new, always looking for a place where he can learn new things, interested in research and new experiences in the fields of sustainability and technology in architecture.
966560260088 Social Media: @baraaig
REFERENCES Dr. Khaled Yossef Assistant Professor At King Abdualaziz University Architecture Department - 0537896144
Dr. Mohannad Bayoumi Assistant Professor At King Abdualaziz University Architecture Department - 0565873331
KAUFED - KAUARCH King Abdulaziz University From 2013-2017
ACADEMIC WORK 01I Graduation Project 02I Planar House 03I Mixed Use Tower 04I Housing Project 05I Philips Exhibition 06I Office Building 07I Extended Family House 08I Micro House
01 I
REVITALIZING THE CORE Project site located in the heart of Jeddah - Historical Jeddah
The graduation project was done in an entire year, it was divided into two main parts. The first part was an urban design process that was done as a team of three: Siraj Mandoura, Hamoud Al-Khamash, and me. The urban design process focused on the development of the Abu Anaba axis in the historical area of Jeddah, after study the main problems in historical Jeddah. مشــروع التخــرج عمــره يقــدر بســنة وكان العمــل منقســم إلــى جزئيتيــن :رئيســيتين عمليــة التصميــم الحضــري وكانــت بشــكل جماعــي مــع زمالئــي وكانــت عمليــة التصميــم الحضــري تركــز،ســراج منــدورة وحمــود الخمــاش بعــد دراســة،علــى تطويــر محــور أبــو عنبــة فــي المنطقــة التاريخيــة بجــدة . المنطقــة التاريخيــة ومعرفــة أهــم المشــاكل التــي تعانــي منهــا المنطقــة
Academic Work
Graduation Project Urban Design - Team Work
supervisor: Dr. Mohanned Bayoumi - Dr. Turki Shauib Level: 500 - Graduation Year: 2016-2017
Architecture Portfolio
The task is develop an urban design concept for a Cultural Hub that grows from the heart of Historic Jeddah.
Methods Proof of Concept:
Summary of AL BALAD Analysis 14
Problem Statment
HQE2R Analysis
Literature Review
Case Studies
Site Visit
Model Making
BIM Modeling Academic Work
Try using the five senses in design sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, So take advantage of senses to navigate and other things, Give a special character for each area in terms of smell and color of materials used and other so positively affect the design.
Abu Inabah Analysis
Architecture Portfolio
Five Senses Concept
3D Model for Abu Inabah Axis 16
Design Proposal for Amphitheater
Design Proposal for Nassef Plaza Academic Work
Five Senses In Design Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste And Smell VISIT & ENJOY To enable easy access and create attractive points of entry and key corridors; continually enhance the visitor experience through Service with style; increase hotel patronage and available beds; develop tourism attractions; increase dwell time and length of stay; promote attractiveness and manage perceptions. WORK & CREATE Attract more jobs with a focus on high value roles and key sectors; encourage SMEs and entrepreneurship; promote available skills to inward investors. STAY & SHOP Greening the city through the provision of quality landscaping and environments is a fundamental objective of this City Centre Strategy. Grow footfall, catchment and revenues; optimise trading hours; improve experience, variety and links to other leisure activities; embrace technology & future trends, promoting accessibility. Design Proposal for Al Ashmawi Plaza Architecture Portfolio
Some areas have increased space as Nassif
buildings and provide elements serve the
to add an external amphitheater serves
site is used by some of the old material.
the buildings and activities surrounding
And many of the historic buildings have
institute musical, acting, restaurants, etc.,
become stable and activated.
and increased utilization of the buildings for the rest of the space ratio. Also benefit from the collapsed building materials for the construction of new
Academic Work
The proposed design has been taking special
lighting columns and a basket of waste into account where combined together are designed for ease of organization and maintenance. Master Plan Architecture Portfolio
02 I NASSEF CULTURAL CENTER Project site located in the heart of Jeddah Historical Jeddah - 3,000 sqm The section was individual project and required the design
القســم الثانــي مــن مشــروع كل فــرد لــه منطقــة خاصــة وتقتضــي
of an integrated architectural project in the same area of the
المتطلبــات بتصميــم مشــروع معمــاري متكامــل فــي نفــس منطقــة
project was to build a cultural center is an extension of the
الدراســة الخاصــة بمشــروع التصميــم الحضــري ويصنــف مشــروع التخــرج
historic Nassef house.
.أنــه مركــز ثقافــي امتــداد لبيــت نصيــف التاريخــي
Academic Work
Graduation Project
Nassef Cultural Center - Individual supervisor: Dr. Mohanned Bayoumi - Dr. Turki Shauib Level: 500 - Graduation Year: 2016-2017
Architecture Portfolio
A new building supporting the old building that provides modern integrated and technical services The project is a cultural center with many educational,
cultural that
many groups such as tourists, families, intellectuals and entertainment lovers. In addition, there are rarely any cultural centers in Jeddah. The project is a continuation of the project of urban design for the Nassif area it’s also considered an extension of Nasif House
Project Goals 22
Nassef House Academic Work
Nassef cultural center an extension of
objectives that target many groups such
as tourists, families, intellectuals and
recreational, cultural and environmental
The main problem lies in the fact that
has given us a rich culture. Afterwards, less
was to revive and develop the Abu Anaba
Jeddah has been a meeting place for
attention was given to the historic area.
axis. The project is an extension of that
many cultures from all over the world. This
Therefore, the solution at the urban level
Architecture Portfolio
West 24
Academic Work
Site Condation
Site Area
Pedestrian Movement
Shade and Shadows
Wind Flow
Architecture Portfolio
Circulation Movement Concept
The cultural center is multi-functional
One of the characteristics of Jeddah›s
cultural and entertainment must increase
old identity is the climate component
the element of experience and the idea
because it benefits from the continuity of
that there is an element of experience
air movement (cross ventilation).
between the spaces can be an internal or external visual element. Climatic Concept 26
Academic Work
Strategies Concept
Strategies Concept
Architecture Portfolio
Based on the current data of the site and
The non-historic buildings on the site
based on the strategies already set in the
were removed and the external veneer of
urban design project and based on the
the historic buildings was preserved from
site analysis studies, some key decisions
classification B and classification C, and
were made.
the preservation of the Naseef Building.
Designing Transition Of Space To Make A New Experience In Every Zone The boundaries of the new buildings have been determined based on references to external walls and their orientation to these historic buildings. The areas around the project are designed to be user and visitor areas and according to the main activities of the project, and the design of the interior arena as well. And enhance the spirit of the project by defining the project›s inputs as materials and uses.
Academic Work
Architecture Portfolio
Model Making - Proposal 1
Model Making - Proposal 2
Model Making - Proposal 3
Model Making - Proposal 4 29
Define A Special Character To Each Space The project has four main entrances: the first is a direct entrance to Beit Nassif and the other is a private entrance to the theater down the ground, the other two are the cultural center. In the first floor of the buildings in the Eastern Block, an exhibition connected to Beit Nassif and moving in that block using a slope related to all the roles. Nasif House is an exhibition connected to the new East Block as an extension of the exhibition when needed.
Academic Work
Elevation Architecture Portfolio
Wall Section 31
Critical Regionalism Is An Approach To Architecture That Strives To Counter The Placelessness The proposed treatment of the area of removing and adding new buildings serving the region, as well as to
Total Consumption VS Total PV Supply
increase the size of some of the main squares and treatment of historic buildings and buildings based on the criteria.
Wind Flow 32
Olgyay Bioclimatic Chart Academic Work
Architecture Portfolio
PLANAR HOUSE Project site located in the north of Jeddah - Obhour - 200 sqm
Academic Work
03 I
احــد المشــاريع التــي كانــت بمثابتــة مرحلــة انتقاليــة فــي عمليــة التصميــم
One of the projects that was a transitional stage in the
اعتمــا ًدا علــى االنظمــة الطبيعيــة المناخيــة باإلضافــة لدراســة المــواد
design process based on the natural climatic systems
المكونــة لهيــكل المبنــى ،تــم االعتمــاد علــى الخرســانة المســلحة التــي
in addition to studying the materials that make up the
تصنعهــا شــركة ميزابــور كونهــا تحتــوي علــى مســامات هوائيــة تمنــع انتقــال
structure of the building.
جــزء كبيــر مــن الحــرارة مــن الخــارج الــى الداخــل والعكــس كذلــك ،فالشــركة
It has been based on the reinforced concrete
تقــدم منتــج بســماكة تصــل الــى 44ســم بمعامــل مقاومــة انتقــال حــراري
manufactured by Mispor because it contains the air
يصــل الــى 0.15باإلضافــة للعديــد مــن الخصائــص كمقاومــة الميــاه كونــه
pores that prevent the transfer of a large part of the
يعتبــر عنصــر عــازل للمــاء وغيرهــا مــن المزايــا.
heat from the outside to the inside and vice versa.
Working Drawings Planar House - Group Work
Supervisor: Dr. Mohanned Bayoumi - Arch. Afandi Level: 400 - Architecture Project Year: 2015-2016 Architecture Portfolio
Ground Floor
The building utilizes solar panels on the horizontal roof for energy gathering, combined with a small vertical wind turbine.
Ground Floor
Planar House is a vacation unit designed for a couple. The house is located in Jeddah facing Obhour, it’s a two storey building that uses wood and concrete as construction elements, with an area of 135 msq. The concept emphasizes on an open plan while obtaining a zero net energy building.
Ground Floor 36
Academic Work
Construction Details
As well as the company offers a product with a thickness of up to 44 cm U-value coefficient up to 0.15 in addition to many properties as water resistance being Is a waterproof element and other advantages.
Architecture Portfolio
1- Fair-Faced Concrete 45 Cm 2- Wooden Board 2.5 Cm 3- Wooden Column 4- Thermal Insulation 7.5 Cm 5- Moisture Insulation 0.5 Cm 6- Air Gap 2.5 Cm 7- Glass 8- Reinforced Concrete
9- Mortar 10- Wood Frame 11- Wooden Beam 12- Beam Joint 13- Concrete 14- Metal Sheet 15- Stud 16- Aluminum
Column Detail
Roof Detail
Wall Detail
Building Model 38
Academic Work
Interior Space
Real Detail for Connection Between Shear Wall and Wooden Wall Architecture Portfolio
Preparing a Detail 39
Firstly We Calculated Heat Transmitted Through Elements Of The Envelope After calculating the cooling load, we selected some of the common household equipment and devices and calculated its electrical power demand. In the suggested scenario the worst case was considered having the A.C. on for 14 hours daily, furthermore, an electrical car that drives 100kmIday on avergae was added, and we calculated
usage from lighting. After calculating the
demand for each device, a factor of simultaneous was taken into account.
Energy Calculations 40
Academic Work
To maximise on energy gain, we also, used
we assumed the Betz limit was %35,
a small wind turbine. Firstly we needed
summing up we had our total energy yield
from our turbine.
we used a Wiebull distribution for wind on
how many hours to each wind speed. Vedio Link Architecture Portfolio
04 I
MIXED USE TOWER Project site located in the north of Jeddah - Obhour
Owing to the increased number of international
بســبب ازديــاد الجانــب التجــاري فــي جــدة يركــز المشــروع علــى
business Firms re-locating in Jeddah, a leading
إنشــاء مبنــى مرتفــع متعــدد اإلســتخدامات فــي المنطقــة الشــمالية
international real-estate alliance planned to construct
.فــي جــدة علــى الكورنيــش ليصبــح أحــد معالــم مدينــة جــدة
a High-Rise Mixed-Use building in the new developed
،والهــدف مــن المشــروع خلــق بيئــة مســتدامة مــن أجــل معيشــة النــاس
area of northern Cornish». To become a land mark for
باإلضافــة إلــى أن إنشــاء مبنــى متعــدد اإلســتخدامات ســيزيد مــن الوعــي والمعرفــة
the city of Jeddah.
.بالمملكــة العربيــة الســعودية
Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Dr. Farooq Mufti Level: 400 - Architecture Project Year: 2015-2016
Academic Work
The goal of this project is to create a Sustainable Environment for the residents of the project which will enhance the way of people living and hopefully with an outstanding difference. Mass Generation Architecture Portfolio
Outdoor Seating
Building Height
Two Towers
Mixed-Use project will bring more as awareness to the region of Saudi Arabia. Many families spend time in
their homes, their homes are should
cater for a great healthy living. The targeted users for the project are the
citizens, tourists and businessmen Outdoor Shading visitors and residing in Jeddah daily.
Solar Chimney
B Core
Units A
Green Area
Units Site Plan
Ground Plan on Site
Academic Work
Residential Floor Zoning
Offices Floor Zoning
Office Typical Floor Architecture Portfolio
Core Details
Residential Typical Floor
View Concept 45
05 I
HOUSING PROJECT Project site located in the north of Asfan- Alfaridah
The project is built to be in Jeddah region, specifically
.صمم المشروع بالتعاون مع شركة إيوان للتطوير العقاري
in the province of Dhahban, in one of lands that owned
وقــد اتاحــت الفرصــة بعــد، متــر مربــع6390 تبلــغ مســاحة المشــروع مــا يثــارب
by Ewan company for real estate development. The plot area for the project is around 6390 square
العديــد مــن التحاليــل توفيــر ســاحة مركزيــة تعطــي إطاللــة داخليــة للوحــدات . وتلعــب الســاحة دورًا اجتماعيًــا فعــا ًلا لألنشــطة اإلجتماعيــة،الســكنية
meters. Its small area gave a chance (after the analytical
وحــدة ســكنية بمســاحات مختلفة فــي أفضل70 يمكــن للمشــروع أن يســتوعب
steps) for provision of a central court yard that gives a
وحــدة ســكنية فــي44 الســناريوهات المطروحــة ويمكــن أن تتوســع لتصــل إلــى
special view for the dwelling units either toward the
.أقــل الســيناريوهات المطروحــة
court yard or the street, and it plays a role for social interactions.
Organization & Flexibility Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Dr. Mustafa Sabbagh Level: 400 - Architecture Project Year: 2015-2016
Academic Work
The dwelling units design depends on flexibility this means that the project can accommodate 70 dwelling units in the largest scenario and they can also expand to be 44 units in the smallest scenario. Architecture Portfolio
Mass Generation 47
06 I
PHILIPS EXHIBITION Project site located in the north of Jeddah
A permanent exhibition for Philisps Company, a leader
معــرض دائــم لشــركة فيليبــس الرائــدة فــي مجــال األجهــزة المنزليــة واإلضــاءة
company in the field of home lighting and health
تتركــز فكــرة المشــروع بعكــس مبــاديء الشــركة علــى، والخدمــات الصحيــة
devices and services. The goal is to reflect the company’s
وتــم، التصميــم وتعتبــر أهــم مبــاديء الشــركة اإلدراك والبســاطة وغيرهــا
principles of simplicity and realization in the design.
فهــو يعتبــر بســيط ومــدرك، عكــس مبــاديء الشــركة عــن طريــق المكعــب
These principles were reflected by the simple, realistic
. وســهل الفهــم ووظيفــي فــي نفــس الوقــت
and functionally efficient cube.
Beauty & Experience Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Yossef - Abdualziz Albarrak Level: 300 - Architecture Project Year: 2014-2015
Academic Work
development of Philips and technological development of architecture.
Architecture Portfolio
07 I
OFFICE BUILDING Project site located in the middle of Jeddah
The idea of the project has started from the importance of the land, because of its historical location that considers as the gate of old Jeddah city, and the gate of the tourists’ journey as well. So the idea was to construct a building with modern style using modern and local building materials that patterns the historical style with soft glass facades that reflects the surrounding historical buildings.
Style & Character Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Yossef - Abdualziz Albarrak Level: 300 - Architecture Project Year: 2014-2015
Academic Work
Ground Floor
So we’re talking here about the confluence of past and present, the project is a company building for local tourism in Saudi Arabia; the company chooses to locate the Headquarters in the historical Jeddah district. Architecture Portfolio
08 I
EXTENDED FAMILY HOUSE Project site located in the middle of Jeddah
The project was to design an apartment building that serve a family with the intention of future extension to own the whole building. A family contains of a
هــدف المشــروع إلــى تصميــم عمــارة ســكنية تخــدم عائلــة لديهــا الرغبــة ً مســتقب .ال بالتمــدد وامتــاك المبنــى بشــكل كامــل
father, a mother, and three kids. They want to build
أبنــاء يرغبــون فــي بنــاء عمــارة ســكنية يســكنون3 عائلــة مكونــة مــن أب وأم و ً فــي إحــدى الشــقق ويتوســعون مســتقب ال ويســتفيدون مــن باقــي الشــقق فــي
an apartment building to live in one of its apartments
40 ويحتــوي المشــروع علــى، حيــث يتــم التمــدد بشــكل أفقــي ورأســي،التأجيــر
and then extend the apartment in future, and rent the
.. وحــدة ســكنية فــي إقصــى ســيناريو محتمــل
remaining apartments.
Organization & Flexibility Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Yossef - Abdualziz Albarrak Level: 200 - Architecture Project Year: 2013-2014
Academic Work
The future extension can be either vertical or horizontal. The project contains of 40 apartments in the maximum scenario. System Floor Architecture Portfolio
09 I
MICRO HOUSE Project site located in the north of Jeddah
This project’s goal is to design a small unit with
ويهــدف المشــروع الــى تصميــم وحــدة صغيــرة بأدنــى المقاييــس الممكنــة
minimum livable standards, while roaming, relaxing
مــع األخــذ فــي،لمعيشــة اإلنســان خــال فتــرة تجوالــه واســتجمامه وترفيهــه
and pleasuring, with considering power generation
اإلعتبــار طــرق توليــد الطاقــة الممكنــة وأعمــال الصــرف والتغذيــة وطريقــة . تركيــب الوحــدة فــي الموقــع وتركيــب قطــع األثــاث أيضــ ًا
methods, drainage, building prosses in site and furniture.
Building Component Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Dr. Khaled Yossef - Abdualziz Albarrak Level: 200 - Architecture Project Year: 2013-2014
Academic Work
A man who enjoys spending time camping in the desert, for his safty he decides to build a micro house in his camping area, which provides him with his basic needs. One of his concerns is his privacy in the camp. Architecture Portfolio
Section 55
KAUFED Edge Office - Bojer Constuction Office - RAKA Design Office From 2014 - 2016
SUMMER TRAINNIG 01I Taief Children Hospital 02I KAUNETZERO 03I Al-Walidan Mousqe 04I Retail Shops Facade 05I Al-Nawras Project
01 I
Taif Children Hospital Project site located in Taif - EDGE Office
I did my first training session in summer (summer2015) in Ahmad Zaidan office for engineering consultants.
أتممــت التدريــب األول خــال فصــل الصيــف بمكتــب المهنــدس أحمــد زيــدان . لإلستشــارات الهندســية
We were engaged in the office’s most prominent project;
وخــال فتــرة التدريــب تطرقنــا ألبــرز مشــاريع المكتــب وهــو مشــروع حكومــي
a governmental project under the Ministry of Health, a
ســرير ويعتبــر األكبــر300 تابــع لــوزارة الصحــة وهــو مستشــفى أطفــال بســعة
children hospital with a capacity of 300 beds and it will
. علــى مســتوى الشــرق األوســط
consider as the largest in the Middle East.
كانــت معظــم مراحــل التدريــب تتطــرق نحــو التصميــم الداخلــي العــام .للمستشــفى وأيضــ ًا أجــزاء فــي العمــل المعمــاري واإلنشــائي
Children Hospital Interior Design - Team Work Supervisor: Eng. Ala’a Byanoni Summer Training 1 Year: 2014
Summer Trainnig
Nurse Staion
Most of the training prosses were focuses on the general interior design of the hospital, also some parts in the architectural and constructional design Patient room Architecture Portfolio
KAUNETZERO Project site located in the north of Jeddah - Eiwan Company
02 I
One of the projects which is still under the design process. It’s about the provision of housing solutions to the Ministry of Housing in cooperation with the Iwan Real Estate Development Company in Jeddah, which is a joint project with some professors from the University of King Abdul Aziz from various departments. أحــد المشــاريع التــي ال تــزال تحــت عمليــة التصميــم وهــو عبــارة عــن توفيــر حلــول ســكنية لــوزارة اإلســكان بالتعــاون مــع شــركة إيــوان للتطويــر العقــاري بجــدة وهــو يعتبــر مشــروع مشــترك مــع بعــض األســاتذة مــن جامعــة الملــك عبدالعزيــز مــن مختلــف األقســام ،ويهــدف المشــروع إلــى الوصــول إلــى بيــت يخــدم مختلــف المراحــل بمختلــف المســاحات بحيــث يكــون هناك تنــوع لكن بنظــام موحــد وبأســعار تكــون متناولــة فــي أيــدي مختلــف فئــات المجتمــع.
Summer Trainnig
One Unit
Section Architecture Portfolio
Two Units
Three Units 61
AL-WALEDAN Mousqe Project site located in the north of Madinah - Bojer Office
03 I
مشــروع مســجد الوالديــن بالمدينــة المنــورة بطاقــة إســتيعابية تصــل إلــى 2500
Al-Waledan Mosque in Medina with a capacity project
مصلــي كانــــت مهمتــــي خــــال فتــــرة قــــدرت بســــتة أســــابيع أن أقــــوم بالعمــــل
of up to 2500 worshipers the project was completed
علــــى الرســــومات التنفيذيــــة الخاصــــة بالمســــجد باإلضافــــة الــــى أعمــــال اإلظهــار
during the second summer training period in 2016 When
المعمــــاري الداخلــــي للمســجد ودورات الميــاه واختيــــار بعــض المــواد للتشــطيب
I started training the design was almost complete, and
لســــكن اإلمــــام والمحــــات التجاريــة وأعمــال حســاب الكميــات وكل ذلــك
my job during the estimated six weeks was to work on
بإســتخدام تقنيــة الـــ .BIM
the working drawings of the mosque.
Al-Waledan Mousqe Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Eng. Bojer Basyoni Summer Training 2 Year: 2015
Summer Trainnig
Mousqe Plan
In addition, I worked on the internal architectural manifestation of the mosque, toilets and choose some materials for finishing housing Imam, shops and business account and all quantity scedules were made using BIM. Architecture Portfolio
Main Gate 63
04 I
RETAIL SHOPS FACADE Project site located in the north of Jeddah - Bojer Office
When I started to apply at the engineering office of
عنــــد بــــدء التقديــم لــدى مكتــب المهنــدس بجيــر بســــيوني فقــــد إطلــــع علــــى
Bojer Bassiouni, He looked on my previous work at
أعمالنــــا الســــابقة فــي الكليــة وكان أحــد تلــك المشــاريع الســابقة لــي مشــروع
the university. He was pulled by one of my projects
معــرض فيليبــس حيــث شــد انتبــاهه لوجــود فكــرة مشــابهه يريــد تحقيقهــا
the (Philips Gallery) he claimed that it has a similar
فــــي احــــد المشــــاريع فكان المشروع أحــد المعــــارض التجاريــــة بطريــق الملــك
idea on the project that he was working on Jeddah on
وقــد كانــت احــد المشــاكل الموجــــود هــي طريقــة تنفيــذ، عبــــد العزيــــز بجــــدة
King Abdul Aziz Road , one of the problems was the
.الفكــــرة بأبســط الطــــرق والحلــول لضمــان الجــودة
way Implementing the idea in the simplest ways and solutions to ensure quality.
Retail Facade Architecture - Individual Supervisor: Eng. Bojer Basyoni Summer Training 2 Year: 2015
Summer Trainnig
Architecture Portfolio
05 I
ALNAWRAS PROJECT Project site located in the north of Jeddah - RAKA Office
I worked part-time in the summer of Ramadan at the Raka Design Office in Jeddah and they had a mixed-use business located in the north of Jeddah next to the Nawras Roundabout and the design was a competition to win the design process for the office. عملــت بشــكل جزئــي فــي شــهر رمضــان2015 مــن ضمــن أعمــال التدريــب الصيفــي مــن عــام المبــارك فــي مكتــب راكا للتصميــم بجــدة وكان لديهــم مشــروع تجــاري متعــدد االســتخدامات يقــع فــي شــمال جــدة بجــوار دوار النــورس وكان التصميــم بمثابــة مســابقة لكســب عمليــة .التصميــم للمكتــب
Mixed Use Project Architecture - Team Work Supervisor: Dr. Ahmad Khan Summer Training 2 - Part time Year: 2015
Summer Trainnig
Architecture Portfolio
REAL LIFE KAU Vice Predincy for Projects - Sabbagh Office - Freelancer From 2017 - NOW
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 01I KAU Royal Gallery 02I KFCC - VIP Pavilion 03I KAU Female Campus - Theater 04I KAU Women Driving School 05I KAU Female Campus - Administrative Building 06I KAU Female Campus - Security and Safety Building 07I KAU Female Campus - Community Service Building 08I Residential Project 09I BYN Design Studio 10I Graphic Design
01 I
KAU ROYAL GALLERY Project site located in King Abdualaziz University - 900 sqm
The project is an extension of the King Faisal
المشــروع يعتبــر امتــداد لمركــز الملــك فيصــل للمؤتمــرات فــي المنطقــة
Conference Center in the northern region behind
الشــمالية خلــف المســرح الــذي يقــع علــى المحــور الــذي يربــط بيــن المدخــل
the theater which is located on the main axis that
.الرئيســي للجامعــة مــع اإلدارة العليــا للجامعــة
ويركــز المشــروع علــى تصميــم قاعــة إســتقبال ملكيــة إلســتقبال خــادم
with the Higher management of the university.
الحرميــن الشــرفين وكبــار الزوار بحيــث يحتوي المشــروع على قاعة إســتقبال
The project focuses on designing a reception hall to
.ملكيــة وصالــة عــرض متعــددة اإلســتخدامات وقاعــة إنتظــار ملكيــة
welcome the higher guests . The project will include a reception hall,royal arcade, amultipurpose showroom and a royal waiting room.
Royal Project Architecture - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
The main organization of the main spaces of the project consists of three main spaces: the internal exhibition area and the service belt, such as elevators,wc etc. and the outer envelope area. It has been distributed to ensure the efficiency of the space and to ensure the free plan in the indoor space for display .
Professional Experience
Royal, Flexibility, Exhibition
The main distribution of the main spaces of the project consists of three main spaces: the internal exhibition area and the service area, such as elevators, etc. and the outer envelope area. It has been distributed to ensure the efficiency of the space and to ensure access to the largest indoor space is open for display as follows: The outer cover contains the afforestation area, the plants as well as the structural load area, the medium cover contents services, the toilets, the vertical movement, and the inner space as the main open exhibtion area without internal columns. The project has the following main functions: the exhibition and its own services, the royal lobby between the exhibition and the King Faisal Conference Hall, with the Royal Salon within the King Faisal Convention Center.
Flexibility Architecture Portfolio
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
02 I
KFCC - VIP PAVILION Project site located in King Abdualaziz University - Renovation
The project is a re-design of the interior space of the
المشــروع يعتبــر امتــداد لمركــز الملــك فيصــل للمؤتمــرات فــي المنطقــة
VIP Hall of the King Faisal Conferences center located
الشــمالية خلــف المســرح الــذي يقــع علــى المحــور الــذي يربــط بيــن المدخــل
in the east side. It includes reception rooms and a royal
.الرئيســي للجامعــة مــع اإلدارة العليــا للجامعــة
council with all services and is connected to the King
ويركــز المشــروع علــى تصميــم قاعــة إســتقبال ملكيــة إلســتقبال خــادم
Faisal Hall Theater.
الحرميــن الشــرفين وكبــار الزوار بحيــث يحتوي المشــروع على قاعة إســتقبال .ملكيــة وصالــة عــرض متعــددة اإلســتخدامات وقاعــة إنتظــار ملكيــة
The project focuses on redesigning the centeral area and revisiting the walls, floors, ceilings and even furniture to respond to the modern style.
VIP Pavilion Renovation - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
The design focuses on simplifying colors,
moving colored ceiling as an element to
shapes and all materials to reach a
attract attention and give a free touch and
comfortable and simple space and focus
a wider range of consideration as a unique
on removing the walls that are located
in the centre to create visual connctivity
to the garden and give touches that
maintain building layout and minimize
suggest widening the space in addition
to providing natural lighting , Leaving the 78
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
The design focuses on keeping all the
in the furnishings also and stay on all lines
elements of the VIP lounge in King Faisal
of movement to reduce the construction
Hall inspired by the colors of the current
and modification.
hall and covering all the elements of the walls and interior walls and changing the skylight cover it to respond to the modern style and reflect the spirit of the KAU university , And to reach to a modern style 80
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
03 I
KAU THEATER Project site located in King Abdualaziz University - Female Campus
Among the development of the university for female students campus , the establishment of a special theater for students serves events and special events, and be a competitor to the major halls of the university.
اســتمرارًا ألعمــال تطويــر شــطر الطالبــات بالجامعــة تــم انشــاء مســرح وتوجــد قاعــات، شــخص للمســرح الرئيســي1600 بإســتيعابية تصــل إلــى 60 مســاندة يمكــن اســتخدامها دراس ـيًا ويصــل متوســط اســتيعابيتها .طالــب
THEATER Architecture - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
The built-up area of the project is 4,466 square meters and has a
approximately and
accommodates 1600
spectator classrooms
with a total capacity of 1,000. The built-up area of the project is 4,466 square meters and has a
approximately 1600 spectator and more than 10 classrooms with a total capacity of 1,000.
Ground Floor on Site Architecture Portfolio
Section 84
Professional Experience
Isometric Architecture Portfolio
The mass of the theater was formed taking
a different shape and a bold projection of
into account the functional and aesthetic
the void and using the metallic fabric, and
aspects, These include the formation with
covering the theater with materials other
respecting the context and to simulate the
than the lower cluster.
King Faisal Conferences Center. In addition, the simplification of the mass by using the pre-cast panels , and emphasized the main entrance by giving 86
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
04 I
KAU WOMEN DRIVING SCHOOL Project site located in King Abdualaziz University - 24,000 sqm
university campus , and its a prototype model that
احــد المشــاريع المســتعجلة بجامعــة الملــك عبــد العزيــز فعنــد صــدور قــرار قيــادة المــرأة تــم توكيــل الجامعــة ممثــ ًلا فــي قســم
can be placed in different site all around the campus.
الدراســات والتصاميــم بتصميــم أول مدرســة قيــادة للنســاء
The design ideas focuses on flexibility , growth and
. بحيــث يكــون مقرهــا جامعــة الملــك عبــد العزيــز،فــي جــدة
expansion . The driving school is located within the
أعتمــد تصميــم المدرســة علــى إيجــاد أكبــر قــدر مــن المرونــة لضمــان فصــل .المبنــى مســتقب ًلا ليكــون للرجــال والنســاء
The project is a female driving school in King Abdulaziz
campus of King Abdulaziz University at the south-west corner. It is located at the intersection of Prince Majid Street with Abdulla Sulaiman Street.
Driving School Architecture - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
Ground Floor
Elevation Architecture Portfolio
First Floor 89
05 I
KAU Female Administrative Building Project site located in King Abdualaziz University
The facades of the female students› buildings,
الــذي يُأهــل حال ًيــا47 وخصوصــا مبنــى تتميــز واجهــات مبانــي شــطر الطالبــات ً
especially the 47th building, which currently hosts the
ليكــون مكتــب اإلدارة العليــا الخــاص بشــطر الطالبــات بوجــود نمــط متناغــم
director office of the female section, are characterized
.فــي واجهــات المبانــي الحاليــة
by a harmonious pattern in the facades of existing
حيــث أن واجهــات المبنــى مكونــة مــن وحــدة مكــررة وكل وحــدة تحتــوي
علــى قطــع متســاوية فــي األبعــاد واإلرتفاعــات وجميعهــا مكونــة مــن قطــع
The facades of the building are composed of a repeating
ممــا أعطــى لتلــك الواجهــة طابــع متناغــم،خرســانية ســهلة الفــك والتركيــب
unit and each unit contains equal parts in dimensions,
all of which are made up of easy-to-install concrete pieces, which gave the facade a special harmonious character.
Office Building Renovation - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
As part of the rehabilitation plan of the building requires a rearrangement of the facade to contain a new element of the movement of a new glass facade and the rehabilitation of concrete pieces in a simplified manner.
Architecture Portfolio
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
06 I
KAU Female Security Building Project site located in King Abdualaziz University - Renovation
One of the projects to rehabilitate the facades in the
ممثـ ًلا51 أحــد مشــاريع أعــادة تأهيــل الواجهــات بشــطر الطالبــات مبنــى رقــم
female cumpes of building No. 51 representatives in the
حيــث تــم إعــادة تأهيــل الواجهــات لتعطــي طابــع،،فــي مبنــى األمــن والســامة
security and safety building, where the facades were
وخصوصــا جديــد للمبنــى بعناصــر رأســية لتكويــن شــخصية مختلفــة للمبنــى ً
rehabilitated to give a new character to the building
. بحيــث يعتبــر إبــن المســرح،انــه مجــاور لمبنــى المســرح الســابق
with vertical elements to form a different personality of the building Especially since it is adjacent to the former theater building, so that he is considered it as baby theater.
Office Building Renovation - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
07 I
KAU 30X60 Classroom Project site located in King Abdualaziz University - Renovation
One of the projects to rehabilitate the façades of the
أحــد مشــاريع أعــادة تأهيــل الواجهــات بشــطر الطالبــات للمبانــي الجديــدة التــي
female section of the new buildings, which did not
ويســمى المبنــى بـــ،لــم يتــم اخــذ تصميــم الواجهــة فــي اإلعتبــار بشــكل جيــد
take the design of the facade well considered, and the
حيــث تــم تغييــر الواجهــات بشــكل بســيط، وهــو مبنــى فصــول دراســية60*30
building is called 60 * 30, a classroom building, where
.حتــى يســتطيع المقــاول إســتكمال أعمــال الواجهــات
the facades were changed in a simple manner so that the contractor can complete the works of facades.
Education Renovation - Team Work Department: KAU-VPP Full Time Job Year: 2017
Professional Experience
Architecture Portfolio
08 I
RESIDENTIAL PROJECT Project site located in Obhor - 450 sqm
One of the private villa projects, where the requirements
حيــث كانــت متطلبــات العائلــة تصميــم فيــا،أحــد مشــاريع الفلــل الخاصــة
of the family designed a villa from two floors so that
مــن دوريــن بحيــث يكــون الــدور األرضــي للــزوار والــدور العلــوي للعائلــة والــدور
the ground floor for visitors and the upper role of the
.األخيــر يتــم تأجيــره ليوفــر مصــدر دخــل
family and the last role is rented to provide a source of income.
Residential Project Architecture - Individual Client: Hassan Family Freelancer Year: 2018
Professional Experience
Elevation Architecture Portfolio
Ground Floor
First Floor 99
BYN DESIGN STUDIO Start-Up Business Design Studio
وﺣﺪة ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻤﻴﺔ ﻣﻬﺘﻤﺔ ﺑﻜﻞ ﻣﺎﻫــﻮ ﻣﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﺑﺎﻟﺘﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﺑﺸﻜل عام وبالتصميم المعمــاري بشــكل خاص.
09 I
A design unit interested in everything related to design in general and architectural design in particular.
وتنقســم خدمــات المكتــب إلــى قســمين رئيســيين ،القســم األول :الخدمــات
The services of the Office are divided into two main
التصميمــة مــن تصميــم معمــاري وتصميــم داخلــي وتصميــم جرافيكيـــ
sections: Section 1: Designing services from architectural
والقســم الثانــي هــو القســم المتعلــق بالمنتجــات (المنتجــات الفنيــة) مــن حــرف
design, interior design and graphic design.
يدويــة ولــوح ومجســمات فنيــة وغيرهــا الناتجــة عــن خلفيــة تصميميــة فــي محاولــة تحقيــق التكامــل بيــن الفــن والتصميــم فــي هــذه الوحــدة.
Studio - Teamwork Credits: Siraj Mandurah - Hossam Farghal Salem Malibary Year: 2017-NOW
Professional Experience
The second section is the section on products (artistic products) of handcrafts, plates and other artistic figures resulting from a design background in an attempt to integrate art and design in this unit .
Guidelines Architecture Portfolio
10 I
GRAPHIC DESIGN Some Graphics Design Projects
Among the works of the graphic design and
مــن ضمــن األعمــال الجرافيكيــة تــم تصميــم واعــداد بعــض الكتــب ككتــاب حياة
preparation of some books such as the book of life of
الشــيخ ســليمان الخريجــي وكتــاب أعمــال طــاب مــادة الرســومات التنفيذيــة
Sheikh Suleiman Al-Khuraiji and the work book of the
وبعــض المســابقات الخاصــة بتصميــم الشــعارات كمســابقة،2015I2016 لعــام
students of the graphic drawings for the year 2015I2016,
.الغرفــة التجاريــة بــرأس الخيمــة باإلمــارات
and some competitions for the design of slogans as the competition Chamber of Commerce in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
Graphics Projects Design - Individual Credits: Dr.Musafa Sabbagh Salem Malibary Year: 2017-2018
Professional Experience
Biograpgy Book Solaiman El-kheriji
Working Drawings - Student Work 2015I2016
And some competitions for the design of slogans as the competition Chamber of Commerce in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
Website Design Architecture Portfolio
ME I learn a lot of things since I graduated from Secondary School, those things makes me good in my experience live in work in university in work .. etc
CERTIFICATES AND SKILLS 01I Skills 02I Certificates
105 105
Certificates And Skills
Flow Simulation
Model Making
Active Learning
Construction Drawings
Architecture Portfolio
Graduation Certificate
Diploma in Graphic Design
I obtained some certificates in many fields, including Diploma in Graphic Design from the Shaw Academy for online courses and certificate of completing the course of sustainability provided by Autodesk.
Autodesk Certificate 108
Certificates And Skills
ﻭﺛﻴﻘﺔ ﻋﻤﻞ ﺣﺮ
Freelancing Document
ﺍﻟﺒﺮﺍﺀ ﺍﺑﺮﺍﻫﻴﻢ ﺑﻦ ﺣﺴﻦ ﻏﺒﺎﻥ
ﺍﻟﺒﺮﺍﺀ ﺍﺑﺮﺍﻫﻴﻢ ﺑﻦ ﺣﺴﻦ ﻏﺒﺎﻥ
Design & Creative
ﺍﻟﺘﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻭﺍﻹﺑﺪﺍﻉ
Document Validity
Authorized Document ID
11 March 2019
ﺭﻣﺰ ﺍﻟﻮﺛﻴﻘﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺘﻤﺪﺓ
ﺻﻼﺣﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﺛﻴﻘﺔ
2019 ﻣﺎﺭﺱ11
Freelancing Document
Superior Certificate between 2013 to 2017 Also certificates of excellence from the
the research graduates at the ninth scientific
years 2013 to 2017, and a certificate from
forum at King Abdulaziz University
SCE Certificate
the Ministry of Labor for the free work and a certificate of accreditation from the Saudi Organization for Engineers to practice the profession, and a certificate of excellence in
9th Scientific Forum Certificate Architecture Portfolio
BARAA I. Ghabban ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO SELECTED WORK 2013 - 2018 - (May) E-mail: 966560260088 Portfolio Online:
Certificates And Skills
+966560260088 | | @Baraaig | May 2018