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Architect + Urban Planner


Barbara Bueno.

Barbara Bueno.

Arquitetura + Urbanismo CAU: 169986-5

Rua 06 Casa 10 - Araçagy São Luis, Maranhão - Brasil



2011 - 2015

Universidade Estadual do Maranhão Bacharelado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo


2014 - 2015



Verônica Pires Arquitetura - Auxilio no desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetônicos, design de interiores, clínica hospitalar e de iluminação. - Participante da equipe de projeto do PAC das cidades históricas na etapa de levantamento cadastral, anteprojeto e projeto executivo. - Adaptação de projetos para os softwares: AutoCAD e Scketup. - Acompanhamento e gestão da execução dos projetos desenvolvidos. Urbaniza Engenharia - Levantamento arquitetônico das edificações localizadas na área de tombamento estadual no centro histórico de São Luis. Érica Rocha Interiores - Auxilio no desenvolvimento de projetos de interiores. - Adaptação de projetos para os softwares: Promob, AutoCAD e Scketup. - Acompanhamento da execução dos projetos.





“Estudo da viabilidade de implantação de uma ciclovia na Av. Litorânea. Um estudo sobre duas rodas” Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Nádia Freitas Rodrigues. Apresentado no Seminário de Iniciação Científica (SEMIC) e na Semana Nacional de Ciências e Tecnologia. “Arquitetura Militar no Maranhão por meio de suas fortificações”. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Marcia Tereza Campos Marques. Apresentado no Seminário de Iniciação Científica (SEMIC) e na Semana Nacional de Ciências e Tecnologia. Projeto de Extensão: “Lar de José” Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Marcia Tereza Campos Marques.

(98) 98186.7770

22 anos, solteira

PROJETOS INTERNACIONAIS EQUINOX - Atelier Internacional de Criação Urbana Grupo Nodebeat , França (2014) Grupo Pungada, São Luis (2012) IDIOMAS



DOMÍNIO DE SOFTWARES Microsoft Office Autodesk AutoCad Autodesk Revit Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Ilustrator CorelDraw Promob Studio Google Scketchup V-ray Scketchup OUTRAS INFORMAÇÕES RELEVANTES Curso de primeiros socorros SESC - 20horas Carteira de habilitação - Tipo B Possui carro Disponibilidade: Turnos matutino e vespertino

Undergraduate thesis

Historical Monuments of Maranhão: Review and update

All heritage is a legacy of the past and an important component of this, responsible for the formation of our identity and reference for our future. Because of this, the protection and conservation of historical monuments, it is a fundamental action in society today and for future generations. Thus, as an undergraduate thesis, it is proposed update, revise and supplement the book “Historical Monuments of Maranhão,” written in 1979 and considered the first asset inventory of Maranhao, aiming to contribute to the perpetuation of the memory of the historical buildings on the impossibility their immediate restoration. During the research was carried out thorough research on the history, conservation status and photographic survey of 82 buildings and squares contained in the original book, locating them on maps easy to read and location so that everyone could have access to the knowledge offered. To deepen knowledge and better understand the context in which the book was produced, was also an introduction to the basic concepts related to equity, property issues in discussions on international, national and local, and a brief analysis of the evolution of preservationist thinking in San Luis comparing two publications on the heritage of Maranhão written at different times: the “Monumentos Históricos do Maranhão”(1979) and “São Luis - Ilha do Maranhão e Alcântara: Guia de Arquitetura e Paisagem” (2008). Understanding that for the preservation and conservation there is a need for stronger relations between citizen/heritage and knowledge of history and increase the feeling of belonging are fundamental to this, the book serves as a facilitator to disseminate it. Thesis cover

Comparative photos of some buildings studied at thesis - 1979 x 2015

Alcantâra - Maranhão - Brasil

Gastronomic Center Cocreator - University work

Floor Plan - 1 floor

Section AA’

Designed for a site in Historical Center at São Luis - Maranhão, Brasil; the Gastronomic Center propouse offer a place where usuarios can learn regional food and share their experience with local dwellers and tourists. The build has the sustainability as priority using local materials, natural light and whater reuse system. With two floors, the center has class roons , restaurant, coffe, great spaces to temporary and permanent expositions and stores, everything to introduce you for de world of gastronomy.

Emergency Shelter Cocreator - IX Bienal José Aroztegui

“CASCO” is a emergency shelter design to a international student contest during the IX Bienal José Aroztegui. The challenge was create temporary buildings for accomodation homeless by natural disasters thinking in offer the best conditions of thérmic confort. One item has capacity to four users. The transport is easy and the assembly simplified by division into constructive plans separated from each other and identified intuitively by color. The parts of floor, walls and pre-fabricated coverage in fiberglass and polyurethane foam (P.U.).

Simple assembly identified intuitively by color

The packed kit has 0,82 x 2,72 x 2,72 m Ventilation and insolation scheme


15 units in a truck with 15m

EQUINOX Cocreator - International workshop of urban creation - Group: Nodebeat

The NODEBEAT concept highlights the presence of a territory with many attractive “nodes” that, if considered individually issue localized and independent pulses. By creating links between them, the pulse of self-feeding, creating intermediate “nodes”, which can be tangible or intangible at different scales.

Master Plan

Programation - New nodes + New functions

Restoration of historic buildings Cocreator - Work - Verônica Pires’s office

The draw below is an old train station named RFFSA that will be a government secretary and museum. This is one of the buildings that I helped to do the architectural survey, draw, knowing the damage and developed a restoration project when I was integrated an equip of architects of Verônica Pires’s office contract by the government to improve the historical center of São Luis - Brasil. RFFSA - 2015

Frontal view - Restoration project RFFSA

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