newsletter 11

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B anyan Newsletter Reading and Writing Workshop


We went outside and worked with our bodies to experience momentum. We walked and tried to stop. We jogged and tried to stop and then we ran our fastest and tried to stop. I asked the students in which experience was it harder to stop your body. What happened to your body when you tried to stop.? We went to the playground and looked for examples of momentum.


We looked at a video of the Olympics of 2004. We watched the gymnastics portion and looked for examples of gravity and momentum. The students worked in their journals recording every day examples of momentum. Take some time to look for some examples over the week off: skiing, swinging, biking down a hill etc.

SOCIAL STUDIES We continued thinking about communities. Who is in our community at MCDS? The students brainstormed people in our community. We came up with questions to ask them in an interview. We will be going out in



Banyan readers continued to

We started a new unit

add to their nonfiction elements

continuing our work with

books. We added in elements that

addition and subtraction. Make

they may use in their nonfiction

sure to check out the parent


letters on the Banyan webpage

We continued to write in our

under the math section in

reading response journals. We end each reading workshop with a

Resources. We revisited some old games

share in which each student

with new twists to challenge their

shares something they wrote in

mathematical thinking. We

their notebook. We practice

played missing parts games

speaking and listening skills at this

looking at combinations of 10.

time as well. Banyan students

We discussed fact families.

invite each other to share around

(7+3=10, 10-3=7, 10-7=3). We

the circle and eagerly listen to

also began looking at

their thoughts about their

combinations for 12. We talked


about systematic ways in which we could find all the

How-To Books Writers are almost finished

combinations and be sure. The

with the steps and materials lists

students are learning to organize

for their how-to books. Banyan

their mathematical thinking

students are now reading their

during “How Many of Each�

steps to each other to figure out if

problems. We looked at a more

they are missing anything. Then,

complex version of these

we will illustrate each step and

problems: I had 7 crayons in my

edit our writing.

box. Some are red and some are blue. I have more blue crayons than red crayons. What could I have?

small groups to interview a number of people who help our community function each day. BANYAN NEWSLETTER


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