Mahatma Gandhi
Owen L. Pine Class MCDS June 2013
Introduction Famous Quotation: Where there is love there is life. Best known for: Being India's great soul. He stopped Britain from ruling India.
What I find interesting: He led a march to the ocean.
3 Key Qualities:
I chose this person because... I knew that he was Indian. I looked at a map and saw India was near China and I'm half Chinese.
1. brave 2. smart 3. creative
Overcame a Hardship/Challenge Indians were not allowed to make their own salt. He led a march to the ocean to get salt. The British hit them with sticks.
I think it was a good idea that they made their own salt. It was not fair.
Showed Compassion and Empathy Indians in the lowest group were called UNTOUCHABLES. Untouchables did not have much money. Gandhi thought it was not fair that they did not get to walk on the public roads.
I think the untouchables should have more money. They must've felt bad and mad.
Took Action/ What He Did Gandhi picked crops during the Boer War. They got paid 25 cents. He led India in noncooperation with the British. Indians stopped buying British stuff, burned British clothing and wouldn't join the British Army.
I know it can feel bad to not cooperate, but if Gandhi hadn't done it. India wouldn't be a free country.
Persevered/Never gave up Gandhi did not eat until the UNTOUCHABLES were free & no longer segregated.
I think it was brave because maybe the longest I didn't eat for was 11 hours because I was sleeping. I was really hungry.
Demonstrated Bravery Gandhi went to a store and had to stay out of it because it was only for the British.
I think that Gandhi was feeling excluded. He knew it wasn't fair.
Author Talk I’m similar to my Change Maker because
My Change Maker is connected to... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because Gandhi gave him advice on leading peaceful marches.
I’m a Change Maker when I... wrote this book.
Bibliography Mohandas Gandhi
Gandhi India's Great soul
Glossary A Change Maker is: Someone who changes the world in a positive way. Someone who thinks about what is unfair, and does something about it.
Army: A large group of men and women trained for war.
Salt: a white substance found in earth and sea water used to season and preserve food.
Segregated: Separated or set apart
Map of India