1 minute read
William Booth
William Booth (1829–1912)
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William Booth was not a typical preacher. He had a low growl in his voice, and he had a very long beard. He looked like a soldier. He acted like one. William faced many struggles that might have caused him to give up, but with each new challenge he believed that God had something bigger for him. William once said, “Work as if everything depended upon work, and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.”
If you guessed that William worked—and prayed—you’re right. He prayed because he believed he couldn’t do the work alone. He worked because he knew that obeying God was the right place to start.
When William was young, his family became poor. He had to leave school and begin work when he was only thirteen years old. Two years later, William was training himself to become a preacher. He discovered a friend who said he believed that the story of God’s great rescue by sending Jesus to save humans was the greatest story anyone could share.
Each new ministry William worked with helped him learn what he needed to know to begin the Salvation Army. This ministry has always worked to make things easier for people who struggle. When people knew the Salvation Army cared about them, they listened more carefully to the message the Salvation Army shared.
People needed help, but they needed Jesus even more. That was the message William always wanted to share. William showed that passion when he said, “If I thought I could win one more soul to the Lord by walking on my head and playing the tambourine with my toes, I’d learn how!”
Remember to do good and help each other. Gifts like this please God.