1 minute read
David Brainerd
David Brainerd (1718–47)
he foLloweD hiS dreaM
Most people have dreams. You probably do too. There is something you want to be or something you want to do, but right now might not be the right time. There are always going to be things that seem to hold up a stop sign to your dreams.
David Brainerd had dreams, but his parents died and he became an orphan when he was only nine years old. He wanted a college education but was sent home when he became sick. He wanted to be a missionary, but if he was to be a missionary he would have to work while he was sick.
David coughed most of the time, but despite his serious illness, he worked with several Indian tribes in New York and New Jersey. He traveled more than three thousand miles by horse as a missionary. He preached, started a new school, and translated the Psalms for the people he worked with.
David didn’t let being an orphan stop him from following his dream. He didn’t let being kicked out of school stop him. He didn’t even let his sickness stop him. David had perseverance. That means he stuck to his dream. David said, “We should always. . .glorify God and do all the good we possibly can.”
For three years, David worked as a missionary. He wrote a journal that has been read by many. His story has encouraged men, women, and children to become missionaries. David died before his thirtieth birthday, but he followed his dream because his dream looked a lot like God’s plan.
When we have learned not to give up, it shows we have stood the test. When we have stood the test, it gives us hope.