It is with great enthusiasm and anticipation that I invite you to the inaugural Crossroads Sale in Arcadia, IN hosted by Madluke Cattle Co! The Herr family is excited to have you join them on October the 12th at their farm for this special event. Their vision has been to host such an event to offer high quality Simmental cattle and genetics in central Indiana that will work in a variety of programs, regardless of size or budget.
Looking through this offering, there is no denying the depth of quality, diversity, and the certainty of genetics offered by Madluke Cattle Co and guest consignors. This group of established, well respected Simmental enthusiasts have dug deep into the keeper pen to offer their very best. We truly believe there is something in this offering for everyone from the largest and most progressive breeders to the first year 4-H members. If you are unable to join in person, please join us on CCiLive to evaluate, watch and bid online. Please feel free to reach out to any of the consignors directly or myself to discuss the offering in more detail.
We look forward to seeing you October the 12th in Arcadia!
Ryan Haefner
Claeys Livestock
Matt Claeys 5587 W 900 S Fowler, IN 47944 765.427.9078 matt@agricultural-innovations.com
Double Image Cattle Co
Scott Ison 5408 S 500 W Atlanta, IN 46031 765.860.8341 simmentalison@gmail.com
Jason, Kady, Garrett Graves 1625 N 800 W Tipton, IN 46072
765.438.3007 jasongravesphotography@bluemarble.net
Huelsenbeck Family
Charlie Huelsenbeck 6203 W 750 N West Lafayette IN, 47906
260.450.7104 Charles.huelsenbeck@gmail.com
Huffman Cattle
Robert Huffman 11577 W 800 S Warren, IN 46792 260.375.6151
J&AE Livestock
Austin Egloff 2247 E 1600 N Lincoln City, IN 47552 812.309.4152 austin.egloff@transova.com
J & J Simmentals
Jerry Frasa 1694 N 200 E Winamac, IN 46996 574.242.4010 jfrasa@centurylink.net
Kolb Livestock
Jesse Kolb 3933 W 241st. Sheridan, IN 46069 317.697.9765 jessekolb45@gmail.com
MadLuke Cattle Co.
Jim Herr 26440 Anthony Rd. Arcadia, IN 46030 317.439.0911 jherr@beckshybrids.com
Purdue Univsersity
Charlie Huelsenbeck 6203 W 750 N West Lafayette, IN 47906 260.450.7104 Charles.huelsenbeck@gmail.com
Reeser Cattle Farms
Levi Reeser 1024 CR 2325 E Secor, IL 61771 309.261.2527 levi.reesercattle@gmail.com
Walther Simmentals
Bennett Walther 6957 Philomath Road Centerville, IN 47330 765.969.0540 bennettwalther@gmail.com
Sale Day Contacts:
Ryan Haefner
OCTOBER 12, 2024
Jim Herr 317.439.0911
Luke Herr 317.385.9902
Scott Ison 765.860.8341
Jason Graves 765.438.3007
Charlie Huelsenbeck 260.450.7104
Robert Huffman 260.375.6151
Austin Egloff
Jerry Frasa 574.242.4010
Jesse Kolb 317.697.9765
Levi Reeser 309.261.2527
Bennett Walther 765.969.0540
Matt Claeys
Barry Wesner 219.863.4744
Brian Defreese 765.491.7421
Thomas Lundy 502.471.0354
Sale Staff:
Thomas Carper, auctioneer 540.336.2737
Evan Eggersman
Rob Chapman 269.832.9622
Herd Health:
All cattle sold will have health papers to travel anywhere in the United States.
Dr Randy Bush, Sale Day Vet. 574.967.4341
Friday, October 11th
Cattle at Sale Facility and Available for Viewing
Members of this sale will have trailers headed in multiple directions following the sale. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can with your trucking needs.
Sale terms:
All lots sell in accordance with the suggested guidelines of the American Simmental Association, American Maine Anjou Association. For updated EPDs and information please visit the respective breed association websites. Announcements made sale day from the block take precedence over printed material in this catalog. Payment will be accepted in form of cash, cashier’s check, or check. All cattle must be paid for prior to release from sale site. No cattle will be released, delivered, or transferred without full payment. All sales are final.
Crossroads con, nor any other consignor or sale staff assume NO LIABILITY for injury, accident, or damage to persons or personal property. All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk.
Catalog Design : Barbour Marketing Solutions, LLC
Internet Bidding:
Sale Management: Ryan & Megan Haefner
Saturday, October 12th
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Cattle available for viewing 12:30 PM Lunch Served 2:00 PM
BD: 5/5/24
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
RP/MP Right To Love 015U
WS A Step Up X27
HF Sabrina
Miss Knockout 74T
BD: 2/23/22 ASA: 4404161 TATTOO: 20K BW: 78
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
RP/MP Right To Love 015U
We saw a full sister to this one that had some national success a few years back in the Walther string. She really caught our eyes and the judges as well. We were fortunate to purchase some embryos and boy were we rewarded. She is every bit as good or better than we had hoped. Show ring to pasture she is a ‘can’t miss’. Selling half interest and showing rights will go to the buyer.
Consiged by MadLuke
WS A Step Up X27
HF Sabrina
Miss Knockout 74T
20K is an impressive young cow with loads of generating still left to do. This star headed female is sired by the timeless HPF Quantum Leap, a bull that needs no introduction. She is incredibly sound, massive ribbed, with enough pieces to mate her tons of different ways. She sells bred to TJSC Coping With Destiny, the hot young sire who has dominated every show ring he has set foot in.
Bred AI to TJSC Coping with Destiny 9K, ASA#4103854 on 6/6/24
Consiged by Walther Simmentals
BD: 2/1/20
TJ Main Event 503B
CDI Innovator 325D
ASA: 4036777
CDI Ms Shear Force 49U
TATTOO: 35H BW: 78
Remington Secret Weapon 185
Walther Sabrina 66F
HF Sabrina
35H is one that stings a little to let go, as we think she has so much potential generating power. 35H is just good solid livestock. She isn’t a freak in any way, but her basic fundamentals are so incredibly good and consistent. Looking back on her maternal side, she stems from our lead donor HF Sabrina who I can write paragraphs on her impact on our program. She sells bred to LCDR Anthem, the young herd sire from Lazy C Diamond that now works at Pleasant Hill Farms in Kentucky. We think this mating could result in a calf with an intriguing phenotype with a great set of EPDs behind it. Bid with confidence in one we have confidence in.
Bred AI to LCDR Anthem 33K, ASA#4113686 on 4/21/24
Consiged by Walther Simmentals
SSF On Point 4028
Rose MC Encore 0463 Burns Elba 1454
Another good investment opportunity here. We successfully campaigned a full sister to this mating a few years ago with many stops in the backdrop, who now looks to be one of our most promising young cows. Bulls out of this mating have impressed many with their incredible raw power, functional skeleton, and massive capacity. This mating is one that is proven succcesful no matter which sex they come out.
Consiged by Walther Simmentals
W/C Relentless 32C
Walther Gianna 76G
HF Sabrina
Talk about show heifer deluxe. These embryos are out of our young donor Gianna who was 5th overall Bred and Owned at the AJSA National Classic. She stamps her progeny with a cool look, and that should continue with this mating. Encore has been as hot of a sire in the country at producing elite show heifers, continually siring multiple high sellers and champions for many elite operations. Buy with confidence.
Consiged by Walther Simmentals
Knockout L021
BD: 12/6/23 ASA: 4405186 TATTOO: L021 BW: 79
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
SJW Exit 44 7111E
CMB Yolanda Y658
WLE Uno Mas X549
CNS/HFS Knockout 21H
RRCC Knockout N Style 21F
Blaze faced, purebred, and royally bred… 3 reasons to get to Arcadia October 12th. This Exit 44 daughter continually improves every day. Flashy presentation with incredidible cow power.
Consiged by J&AE Livestock
BD: 12/10/23 ASA: 4403817 TATTOO: L13 BW: 79
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
WLE Copacetic E02
WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365
WLE Missy K13
WLE Hilda Missy F13
Missy L13 is backed by our up-and-coming donor, WLE Missy K13, who was our pick of the heifer crop at WLE in 2022 and was successfully campaigned by the Kennedy family in Indiana. L13 is a super complete female who balances extremely well in profile, with excellent proportions. Where this female truly excels, however, is when she’s in motion—she’s bigbodied, broody, and built to last. I can’t help but imagine what she’ll look like next summer as a heavy bred. Her running gears are excellent and she has a sweetheart disposition. It should be fun for whoever is along for the ride.
Consiged by Huelsenbeck Family
BD: 1/2/24
GCC Total Recall 806T
GCC Gold Standard X615
OCC Juanada 925R
ASA: Pending TATTOO: 71M
BNWZ Data Bank 1311C ET
MLCC Charm 71K
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
This young beauty is Charm’s first calf out of and angus sire from Griswold that makes her 1/2 Angus, 1/4 Simmental, and 1/4 Maine Anjou (can be shown as a Maintainer). Charm was the Grand Champion Heifer at the 2023 Tipton County 4-H fair and this daughter has the look to compete and the disposition for any showman. Very gentle, Kid friendly!!
Consiged by Jason, Garrett, Kady Graves
BD: 1/6/24 ASA: 4405189 TATTOO: M067 BW: 75
W/C Double Down 5014E WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365 WHF Summer365C
J-AE Tradesman
J-AE/GWC Trading Up K067 C10
Double Up has been one of our favorite calving ease sires, and this heifer is a prime example as to why! Ultra soggy, and 3 dimensional. This gal will be easy on the feed bill and make a massive front pasture brood cow!
Consiged by J&AE Livestock
BD: 1/20/24
KBHR Sniper E036
KBHR Sriracha H127
4403495 TATTOO: 20M BW: 88 HCC Whitewater 9010 Ruby NFF Rhythm 296K Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z
Wow! Look at the nice long front and head on this one! This heifer has got a promising future in her. She is out of one of the top donor cows at Ruby Cattle Co in Iowa.
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
BD: 2/4/24 ASA: (4405187) TATTOO: M074 BW: 74
G A R Grid Maker
S A V Bismarck 5682
S A V Abigale 0451
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
HF Serena Miss Knockout 74T
Striking Bismarck daughter of the immortal Serena donor. We love this heifers prescence and soft maternal design. There is no doubt to potential that comes with every Angus sired Serena daughter. If we could keep them all this gal would definitely be on our short list.
Consiged by J&AE Livestock
BD: 2/8/24 ASA: (4394174) TATTOO: 4111M
VCL Foresight Second Chance 601H HPF Victoria B396E
TL Ledger TL Countess 25J EC Countess 283F
A Second Chance daughter that has good style with great structure that set her apart. When you combine her look and performance with the genetic punch of Second Chance on our TL Ledger donor, you are onto a really special opportunity.
Consiged by Reeser Cattle Farms
BD: 2/9/24 ASA: 4381302 TATTOO: M902 BW: 83
WLE Copacetic E02
MLCC Simpatico H71D
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
WLE Uno Mas X549
CLRWTR Sheza Star J902
CLRWTR Sheza Gem Z902J
This elegant girl has the most impressive extension in her front we have ever seen. Her dam was purchased from Clearwater and we have been nothing but pleased with our decision that day. This heifer brings the functionality of her dam with the pure presence and power of MLCC Simpatico. She has been to the show ring and is ready to go again.
Consiged by MadLuke and Rocking H
BD: 2/10/24 ASA: 4390083 TATTOO: 4112M
WLE Copacetic E02
MLCC Simpatico H71D
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
MLCC/Images Summer 40K
CCS/JS Summer 40H
Here is the prize we hoped for when we purchased Summer a couple years ago. Her first calf out of MLCC Simpatico is a perfect blend of power and practicality. Not only are her lines beautiful, but her depth and power compliment extremely well. You cannot miss with Summer.
Consiged by Reeser Cattle Farms
SO Remedy 7F
EC Noble 283J
DSFF Countess 357D J&J
BD: 2/15/24 ASA: (4404356) TATTOO: M5
WS Pilgram H182U
CMFM Barbie 51AD
Partisover Barbie 158X
Look at the style of this heifer! Long body, deep sided and good haired. She is out of the EC Noble bull that is now deceased and semen is hard to find. Last semen was sold for $400 a straw. We are sure this heifer can get it done in the show ring and go straight to the donor pen.
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
BD: 2/15/24 ASA: (4381306) TATTOO: 5034M BW: 88
Mr CCF Vision
Mr CCF 20-20
HTP SVF Dew The Stroke
Mr HOC Broker
Chez STCC Miley 5034C
GF/HS Miley X243
We watched the Trennepohl Family bring Miley on the scene and no lies, we were envious! So, when we had a chance to purchase Miley embryos out of the great 20/20 we jumped. Her feet and legs are simply fun to watch and as your eyes look up you see tremendous depth and power riding on that beautiful chassis. We are excited for her showring potential in following her dam’s footsteps.
Consiged by MadLuke
BD: 2/21/24 ASA: 4381304 TATTOO: M71 BW: 93
BBBN X2 201X
BNWZ Data Bank 1311C ET BNWZ Calypso 28Y
W/C Wide Track 694Y
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
HPF Miss Knockout X071
HERE WE GO! This is a proven winning mating as her full sister, Charm, was a winner for the Graves family in 2023. Josh Streitmater saw this cow and said we had to try Databank on her. Well, he knows his stuff! This heifer is dual registered Maintainer and Sim Solution. We love the showring look of this one and are confident in her maternal capabilities. Want to hang a few banners? This is her.
Consiged by MadLuke
BD: 2/23/24 ASA: 4381305 TATTOO: M01W BW: 85
LLSF Uprising Z925
HILB Oracle C033R SS Babys Breath P035
WLE Genuine E020
WLE Bandy Maid G01W
MAC/B&L Bandy Maid 01W
My friend, Barry Wesner, put us onto the dam of Bandy and we could not be more grateful. She has produced a showring animal every year and this year may be her best work yet. She was a division winner at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes and her winning ways are just getting started. The elegance of the Bandy Maid family is well-complemented by the power of Oracle and we could not be happier with her.
Consiged by MadLuke
SFI Platinum F5Y Only One
BD: 2/24/24 ASA: (4394175) TATTOO: 4124M TL Ledger TL Countess 25J
UDE Princess 905G
Countess 283F
This eye-catching female has been striking since day one and continues to impress. She has style and ruggedness accompanied by tremendous maternal cow power from our TL Ledger donor. She will perform exceptionally in the ring and in the pasture.
Consiged by Reeser Cattle Farms
MLCC Time To Shine M068
BD: 3/2/24 ASA: 4381303 TATTOO: M068 BW: 88
WLE Copacetic E02
MLCC Simpatico H71D CLRWTR Ms Knockout
JBSF Berwick 41F
B C R Time To Shine J068
CMFM Time To Shine 99D
WOW, this one is truly shiny. We bought her dam out of Buck Creek a few years back and she was an instant success in our program. We saw the sleek look and great structure and added the power and bone of MLCC Simpatico and boy did that work out. This female has impeccable structure that carries plenty of depth and maternal capacity. She is ready to go to the ring.
Consiged by MadLuke
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838 FCF Proven Queen 419 J-AE
BD: 3/2/24 ASA: 4405188 TATTOO: M001
SCC Tradition Of 24
RGRS SRG Two Step 20Z ET Shawnee Miss 1D WLE Missy U409
Out of our lead donor at J&AE Livestock, “Deb” does it again! Her first half blood mating has us fired up about the next crop we have coming this fall! Good build, added dimension and big, soft hairs! AND a sweet personality!
Consiged by J&AE Livestock
W/C Loaded Up 1119Y GEFF County O Ruby NFF Rhythm 475B RUBY 111M
BD: 3/18/24 ASA: 4405278 TATTOO: 111M BW: 84
Harkers Uprising D226
Harkers Full Moon
BFJV Miss Delilah 258D
Sleek necked with plenty of punch as she goes away. Get in on this heifer, she is one that gets better everyday.
Consiged by Kolb Livestock
HPF Quantum Leap Z952 WLE Copacetic E02 CMFM Joy 02ZB K45 SHELBY 744M
BD: 3/21/24 ASA: 4405055 TATTOO: 744M BW: 80
WLE Big Deal A617 WLE Shelby G2744 WLE Shelby E2744
Who doesn’t love a good baldy heifer? And one stacked with proven gentics. This heifer is one you won’t want to over look come October 12th.
Consiged by Kolb Livestock
BD: 3/21/24
WS All-Around Z35
OMF Epic E27
OMF Time Less B100
TNGL Grand Fortune Z467
MLCC Queen F113
WLE Queen C113
Poke a hole in this one, and you really are digging deep. She is structurally as sound as they make them with style and power to boot. This Queen family we have built off of the Wesner program has paid dividends every time. Combine the look with the big numbers and you really do see champions meeting genetics.
Consiged by MadLuke
BD: 3/22/24
LLSF Uprising Z925 HILB Oracle C033R SS Baby’s Breath P035
W/C Relentless 32C
MLCC Looker H71B
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
She surely is a LOOKER! Her style comes through at every angle and she will not dissapoint when you head to the show ring. Her dam is a beautiful Relentless daughter that gathered up multiple banners for Luke and her calves always LOOK the part. Take her home, love on her, and be rewarded with great performance.
Consiged by MadLuke
J&J Miss Marcy
BD: 3/24/24 ASA: (4404357) TATTOO: M16
W/C Relentless 32C
GSC Savage 9G Welsh’s Scarlet 161Z
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148 XTB Hottie K016
GVC Hottie
This heifer has a great future ahead of her. She is out of the $90,000 Savage bull. She is well balanced and pretty fronted plus very eye catching in the pasture. Her grandmother is from the great Cirle M Hottie cow and look at what she has accomplished! She could get you into the purple next summer!
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
Striking color that is sure to catch the judges eye when she hits the ring. Quality and color with this open female.
Consiged by Kolb Livestock
BD: 4/5/24 ASA: (4404353) TATTOO: M13
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
GBC XTB Legend S12H OBCC Legend S12X
Miss Marilyn A heifer that reads a notch greener in her make-up, but one that is sure to explode on the feed
Wow! Wow! Wow! Make sure you look this heifer up on sale day out of the GBC XTB Legend. Just an April heifer that will just get better each day she’s in the show barn and be very competitive next summer! Her grandmother was the Champion at the 2012 Indiana State Simmental Show.
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
Consiged by Kolb Livestock
BD: 4/26/24 ASA: (4404354) TATTOO: M10
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
GBC XTB Legend S12H
OBCC Legend S12X
W/C Lock Down 206Z
Purdue Miss F101
Purdue Miss D101
Super nice made open heifer. This baldy is sure to catch the judge’s eye next summer! She puts a lot of good things together and is out of the GBC XTB legend bull. She is just an April calf, but has the size and volume it takes to compete. I think this one will also make a nice bred in the future!
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
BD: 4/26/24 ASA: (4404352) TATTOO: M51
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
GBC XTB Legend S12H
OBCC Legend S12X
WLE Copacetic E02
J&J Miss Heidi
WLE Infatuation Z5127
Super nice young heifer. Just a late April heifer. She is good on her feet and legs, excellent front end and long bodied! This heifer just keeps getting batter and better everyday!
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
BD: 5/5/24 ASA: (4404355) TATTOO: M30
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
GBC XTB Legend S12H
OBCC Legend S12X
HPF Quantum Leap Z952
CMFM Blackbird 305E
WLE Blackbird Y305
One of the younger heifers in the sale with a lot of eye appeal and balance. Out of GBC XTB Legend that had half sisters sale for $78,000 and $50,000. Check this cow family out! Every day this heifer keeps getting better. Just buy her, take her home and feed her. I guarantee you will be happy next summer.
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
DUE: 2/1/25
CCS/WHF Ol’Son 48F
WHF Point Proven H45
WHF Delilah 45D
HTP SVF In Dew Time
Miss Time To Shine Y251
JJ Black Obsession
Offering a Heifer Calf Pregnancy sired By WHF Point Proven out of the Famous Time to Shine Y251. Rarely do these embryos or pregnancies come up for sale. There is no doubt what these daughters can do. The recip is a young half blood Uno Mas daughter that is just entering her prime production years. Recip ASA # (3916827) Due to Calve 2/1/25
Consiged by Purdue University Beef Unit
DUE: 2/2/25
Yardley Utah Y361 W/C Relentless 32C
Miss Werning KP 8543U
Profit Bailey’s Profit’s Dream Bailey’s Ms Dreamy 946W
Offering a Heifer Calf Pregnancy sired By W/C Relentless and out of national Champion Bailey’s Profit’s Dream a stacked pedigree with many high sellers out of this mating. Power in the blood here folks be sure to look her up on sale day. This recip is the cherry on top for this Pregnancy. This Red 3/4 blood female sired by loverboy is halter broke and is a sweetheart to work with not only that but as a first calf heifer did an outstanding job of raising one of our largest calves as a first calf heifer. Recip ASA # (4126692) Due to Calve 2/2/25.
Consiged by Purdue University Beef Unit
HPF/Hill Uprising C104 SO Remedy 7F
B&K Cream Soda 8D
DUE: 3/10/25
Reckoning 711F
JSUL Mary 2432K
JSUL Mary Is Proud 8047F
Offering a heifer calf Pregnancy sired By SO Remedy out of a full sister to JSUL Dare 2 Compare that is an up and coming donor for our program. Recip is a young 1/2 blood cow just entering the prime of her life Recip ASA# (3754037) Due to calve - 3/10/25
Consiged by Purdue University Beef Unit
DUE: Due 3/10/25
HPF/Hill Uprising C104
SO Remedy 7F
B&K Cream Soda 8D
TL Ledger
TL Miss Ellie 6K
RJ Miss Ellie 7052E
Offering a Heifer Calf Pregnancy sired by SO Remedy and out of TL Miss Ellie 6K, a Full Sister to TL Revenant 35 (ASA #3829823), the $100,000 Sale Feature from Hartman’s 2021 Bull Sale, Descending from Hara’s Miss Heartbreaker Cow. The recip is a moderate, half-blood baldy G Series female. Recip ASA #: (3567420) Due to calve on 3/10/25.
Consiged by Purdue University Beef Unit
Second Chance 601H - reference sire ALL
VCL Foresight Second Chance 601H
HPF Victoria B396E
DUE: 3/10/25
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
MLCC/Images Summer 40K
CCS/JS Summer 40H
This heifer calf pregnancy is a who’s who of Simmental genetics. Do your research on Second Chance 601H and the mother, MLCC Images Summer 40K. Summer 40K was raised by Double Image and MLCC. 40K goes back to the legend herself, WHF Summer 365C and Second Chance is a direct son of the powerhouse HPF Victoria B396E, better known as Vikki. You have the opportunity to not only obtain current cutting-edge genetics but also a young purebred cow with added genetic potential. They always say put good eggs in good cows. We bought this recip as an open from MLCC at the WLE sale. She was successfully shown and put into production. This big, bodied sound made female has raised a marketable calf every year. She possesses a good udder and a great temperament. We don’t have room for a lot of cows so we put an egg in her this year. Recip is a registered purebred cow, MLCC Princess H113, ASA #3732188
Consiged by Double Image Cattle Co/ MLCC
Nichols Legacy G151
CNS Dream On L186
CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
SS Goldmine L42
Shawnee Miss 770P
SO Remedy 7F, ASA#3419044 3 IVF Conventional Embryos
National Champion stacked pedigree. Remedy was Champion bull in the 2019 show season and is the sire of the conventional IVF embryos out of the full sister to the Simmental Sweepstake Champion and Reserve National Champion, Uno Mas. WLE Missy D020 is built for the long game and is producing cattle that will work in the ring and in the pasture. These embryos are stacked with quality and pedigrees that will definitely be able to compete. Consiged by Claeys Livestock
SJF SMJ Payroll 7245J F, ASA#3992818 3 IVF Conventional Embryos
Payroll is the real deal. Foot size, power, masculinity, he’s a bull, he’s all there, no fluff or fake to him. Missy D020 is the real deal. Sound built, big bodied, balanced look. Conventional IVF embryos that will result in real deal cattle.
Consiged by Claeys Livestock
BD: 2/7/23 ASA: 4234119 TATTOO: L113 BW: 85
WLE Copacetic E02
MLCC Simpatico H71D
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
TNGL Grand Fortune Z467
MLCC Queen F113 WLE Queen C113
This is a powerful PB Simmental! She was MLCC top selling heifer in 2023 and won a few banners during her show carrier. Queen was Grand Champion at Indiana Junior Simmental Show, Reserve Grand Champion heifer at the Tipton County 4-H fair, and Reserve Division winner at the Indiana State Fair open show in 2024.
41 A KJG Queen 113M BD: 9/1/24 SEX: Heifer BW: 70lbs SIRE: THSF Lover Boy B33, ASA#2983443
Consiged by Jason, Garrett, Kady Graves
BD: 3/4/23 ASA: 4242274 TATTOO: L45
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
THSF Lover Boy B33 RP/MP Right To Love 015U J&J MISS ROSEANNE CE
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
SFIS Breanna
Finleys Queen Mother 0364
A nice well balanced bred heifer mated to Coping with Destiny! One of the hottest bulls on the market today.
Bred AI to TJSC Coping With Destiny 9K, ASA#4103854 on 4/28/24
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
MLCC/Images Shez It 162L
BD: 3/3/23 ASA: 4234117 TATTOO: 162L BW: 86
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
THSF Lover Boy B33
RP/MP Right To Love 015U
BD: 2/25/23 ASA: 4242273 TATTOO: L37
W/C Relentless 32C
S B C Shez It 162J WLE Shez It D056
Scott Ison and Kate Herr conspired to purchase this heifer’s dam a few years back at Louisville and both programs are happy. This Loverboy daughter out of Shez It is very nice with a great demeanor. She has all the look you want and brings it on a good set of feet and legs. Our OMF Epic daughters have done well for us and we are confident this one in the oven will not dissapoint.
Bred AI to OMF Epic E27, ASA#3317371 (sexed heifer) on 3/20/24. Ultrasounded safe to AI date due 1/1/25
Consiged by MadLuke and Double Image
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
THSF Lover Boy B33
RP/MP Right To Love 015U
SP The Answer 813
J L F Miss Suzy Q
RF Ms Diana 5056
What a great big bred heifer! This heifer is deep, soggy and bred right Ai’d to the great Coping With Destiny bull. Her dam has also produced many champions. Make sure to look her up!
Bred AI to TJSC Coping With Destiny 9K, ASA#4103854 on 4/30/24
Consiged by J & J Simmentals
BD: 2/10/22
ASA: 4099377 TATTOO: 71K BW: 84
BBBN X2 201X
BNWZ Data Bank 1311C ET
BNWZ Calypso 28Y
W/C Wide Track 694Y
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
HPF Miss Knockout X071
Charm is a double registered Simmental, and Mainetainer heifer (papers on both). Charm was Grand Champion heifer at the 2023 Tipton County 4-H fair in 2023. Her family has a long line of success in the show ring and the pasture. Take her home and raise great females or powerful steers!
Pasture bred to MLCC/RCKH Synchronicity 31L, ASA#4216252 on 5/31/24
Consiged by Jason, Garrett, Kady Graves
BD: 3/21/19
ASA: 3597898 TATTOO: G01A BW: 78
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
Mr TR Hammer 308A ET SVF/HS Expecting A Dream
B C Lookout 7024
Circle M Bandy Maid 01WA
MAC/B&L Bandy Maid 01W
Here’s your chance to get in on a underappreciated cow line with a proven cow that has plenty of life in her. G01A is a good looking, sound made, functional bred cow that has many different options for breeding decisions. She sells bred to Walther Leadoff, the calf champion at the 2024 Cattlemens Congress in OKC. We are hot on this young sire, and this is the only opportunity to get in on his progeny this early. Be an early adopter and jump on this chance.
PE to Walther Leadoff 7L, ASA#4236197 from 4/24/24 to 5/15/24 Expected due date: 2/20/25
Consiged by Walther Simmentals
BD: 9/18/17
Cowan’s Ali 4M
BPF Miley 80T
ASA: 489348 TATTOO: 7106E
KJG Miss Pepsi GCC Miss Ice Pick 2066
Pepper is a PB Maine Anjou cow! Pepper was Reserve Champion Maine heifer at the 2018 Indiana State Fair. Her full sister was also Reserve Champion Maine heifer at the 2016 Indiana State Fair. This female is stacked with GCC in her pedigree! Her bloodline goes back to the 066 cow family that has produced many top sellers for Griswold’s.
Bred AI to THSF Lover Boy B33, ASA#2983443 on 7/3/24
PE to KF Pays to be Cool J210, 3885508 due 4/12/25
Consiged by Jason, Garrett, Kady Graves
BD: 9/16/23
Rubys Turnpike 771E
H/C Turnpike 9080G W/C Miss Werning 5013C HUFF APOLLO
ASA: 4405512 TATTOO: HUFF71L BW: 58
Goet I80
MLCC Rock Em E71A
CLRWTR Ms Knockout
This guy is structurally correct with an extended front end and very square-hipped. His big feet carry him around with ease and his easy disposition makes him a joy to work. He will certainly be a candidate for heifers given he was a 60# birth weight.
Consiged by Huffman Cattle