Newsletter 34 RFDC D4420, april 2019

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#034 We a re t h re e m o n t h s a w ay f ro m comple ng another stage of the glorious history of District 4420. We have accomplished a record number of successful projects. But we s ll have a lot of firewood to burn and make it possible for many to enjoy our legacy through humanitarian projects. Tools such as Solidarity Insurance and Ci zen Companies remain available and should be prospected the whole year. Opportuni es arise all the me. The two projects together represent a significant por on of our funding and it costs us nothing. And as we are talking about projects, we are realizing that more and more, more companions are perfected in their elabora on, given the quan ty and the quality of those that have been presented. I do not think there is any lack of inspira on. And enchantment! Come together! Carlos Torci GD 2018-19 D 4420 (SP - ABCDMR - Baixada San sta)

Raising the Needs fo r a P r o j e c t -




Rotary Founda

on Mission

Empower Rotarians to promote goodwill, peace, and world understanding through support for health improvement, educa on, and an -poverty ini a ves.

What is the Citizen Company?


A focus group is a format used to determine a group's preferences and opinions on a par cular issue or idea. This format can help determine how stakeholders feel that community problems should be addressed. Focus grouping requires careful planning and a skilled facilitator to guide the debate. Most focus groups consist of six to 12 people. Par cipants respond to a variety of open-ended ques ons on different community issues. As a group, dialogue tends to evolve and parcipants complement each other's responses. An effec ve focus group will look more like a collabora ve conversa on than a debate. It is more appropriate to lead a focus group in a private and comfortable environment with a facilitator and someone to record par cipants' responses.


(number of cases ocurred un l March 23rd)







occurred cases

occurred cases

occurred cases

2016: 13 2017: 14 2018: 21

2016: 20 2017: 08 2018: 12

2016: 04 2017: 00 2018: 00

Global Grant enables func onal recovery for pa ents with special diseases. The Metropolitan Center for Func onal Recovery was opened on March 25. It is a project which was made possible by the Rotary Club of Santos-Porto. The Project provides access to physiotherapeu c treatment for pa ents with hemophilia, cardiopulmonary diseases and chronic degenera ve diseases, chronic column problems of the metropolitan region of Baixada San sta, reducing the physical consequences of such diseases, promo ng health through ac ons and educa onal campaigns. The Project also included the improvement of the infrastructure of the exis ng office at Santa Cecília University (UNISANTA) and improving the training of local staff in the health area along with students enrolled in the University who are taking the Physiotherapy course through monitored work and the acquisi on of modern equipment for health promo on. With the implanta on of the 1,200 m 2 center, it is es mated that at least 200 pa ents with haemophilia / year, 300 pa ents with cardiovascular diseases / year and an increase of 300 pa ents / year who have chronic spinal problems are es mated. Currently they are a ended by the Physiotherapy clinic of UNISANTA, about 600 pa ents / year. The USD 96,000 project was partnered with RC E-Club 9920 Francophone, Pacific D9920, US D5330 and D4420. He also received USD 30,000 from Nicon, owned by Rotarian and EGD Hiroshi Shimuta through the Directed GIFT program of The Rotary Founda on.

District 4420 has got the 5th Global Grant approved

+1 GG

RC Santos Boqueirão, in partnership with the Secretary of Educa on of Santos, built rooms dedicated to the prac ce of Restora ve Jus ce in public schools in Santos, along with the applica on of a specific methodology that addresses psychological effects caused by conflict by teaching young people about preven ve measures and restora ve techniques and procedures, changing schools into spaces of harmony and reliable coexistence. Restora ve Jus ce and its circles have made the difference in Santos schools avoiding bullying, agressive behaviour and stablishing Peace. Conflic s are being dealt and rela onships have improved a lot. The US$ 41,000 project has interna onal partners RC Wuse Central-Abuja and D 9125, both from Nigeria and D4420.

E X P E D I E N T Chair CDFR - Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco (RC de Santos-Oeste); Comunicação - Hamilton Luiz Costa Jr. (RC de Santos-Oeste); Tradução para o inglês – Ana Maria Santos da Silva (RC Santos Boqueirão); Rotaract - Camila Domingos (RC São Paulo Independência) e Gustavo Ba sta (RC Praia Grande); Comissão de Subsidios – Cláudio Loureiro (RC de Santos Praia); Subsídio Global - Antonio Domingos Rossi (RC São Paulo Ipiranga); Subsídio Distrital - Valéria Garcia (RC Santos Boqueirão) e Lia Fernandes (RC Santos Boqueirão); Gerenciamento de Fundos Globais - Yoi Fujiwara (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Gerenciamento de Fundos Distritais - Rodenei Lemes Junior (RC Santo André Norte); Captação de Recursos - José Joaquim do A. Ferreira (RC São Paulo Sul); FR 100 anos - Antonio Carlos da Silva Dueñas (RC Santos Ponta Praia); Global Rewards- Antonio Taveira (RC Santos Vila Belmiro) Empresa Cidadã – Watson U. Travassos (RC Santos Ponta da Praia); Seguro Solidário – Dorival Mar ns (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); PHS - Marcos Totoli (RC São Paulo Sul); Fundo Anual - Hiroshi Shimuta (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Pólio Plus Divulgação e arrecadação – Gelvana Flávio Barreto Reis (RC Santos Boqueirão); Programas Alumni e Bolsas da Paz - Samir Nakhle Khoury (RC São Paulo Saúde); Programa VTT - Celso Garagnani (RC Cubatão); CADRE - Rui Cabral Mello (RC São Paulo Sudeste); CADRE – Nídia Caivano (RC São Paulo Pq do Ibirapuera) e Adelaide Priamo (RC São Paulo Anchieta); Organização do PER – Ronaldo C. Varella (RC Santos Porto).

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