Newsletter RFDC D4420, may 2019, number 35

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What is the Citizen Company?

Drinking water can help stop polio in Pakistan. Orangi Town, in Karachi, Pakistan, is the fi h largest favela in the world with a popula on of over 2.5 million. Most of its residents live in improvised se lements with li le access to safe water. Water supplies, o en contaminated by sewage, may contain disease-causing pathogens, including hepa s A, diarrhea, typhoid, and polio. Although vaccinators work relessly to immunize children against polio, Orangi Town also needs potable water to reduce the spread of the disease. To address this problem, local Rotary clubs have raised half of the funds needed to set up a solar water filtra on plant in Orangi Town. They received addi onal funding from the Na onal PolioPlus Commi ee of Rotary and partnered with Coca-Cola of Pakistan and the United Na ons Development Program to provide potable water to 55,000 residents. This is the 15th water filtra on plant installed in the country. With improved access to safe drinking water and ongoing immuniza ons against polio, Orangi Town residents have a be er chance of having a healthy future. Source: Rotary Interna onal's Annual Report 2017-18.

Raising the Needs fo r a P r o j e c t Global Grant Project Divina Diet at APAE São Paulo, Brazil for pa ents whit Phenylketonuria

Global Project of US $ 38,000 at APAE São Paulo to combat Phenylketonuria. On 03-15, the Global Grant Project GG 1872189 - Divina Diet, was approved in October 2018 by The Rotary Founda on. The objec ve of this project is to provide specific and varied feeding for pa ents with phenylketonuria who are in social vulnerability. The equipment purchased guarantees the opera on and the expansion of the produc on of foods with low protein content, but with a high quality standard required for pa ents with phenylketonuria. Phenylketonuria is a gene c disease that results from deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase produced in the liver, which converts the amino acid (part of the protein) phenylalanine to tyrosine (precursor of dopamine and noradrenaline). If untreated, it can lead to intellectual disability, or cause important sequelae, such as: behavioral disorders, characteris c urine odor, irritability, seizures, hypotonia and derma s. Phenylketonuria has no cure, but it has a strict diet where all phenylalanine-rich foods are excluded from the diet, such as: meats, eggs, wheat, oats, corn, nuts, peanuts, nuts, beans, len ls, peas, soybeans, chickpeas, milk and dairy products. The project was designed by the partnership between APAE of São Paulo, Rotary E-Club D4420, District 4420, The Rotary Founda on, Rotary Club Rosario and District 4945, both from Argen na.

Message from the Peace Fellow Amanda Luz


INVENTORY OF RESOURCES Building an inventory helps iden fy several types of resources in the community, such as people, places, ins tu ons, services, and events. To develop it, par cipants iden fy people, places, and things that have value to the community, and then document and analyze the results. The final inventory lists the resources found and can be used to cause posi ve changes locally. Benefits of inventories: - Maximize available resources; - Encourage the crea on of broad and inclusive networks for change; - Help iden fy areas of interest of community members; - Can be maintained, extended and used repeatedly.


District 4420 has the 6th and 7th Global Grants approved

+2 GG

GG 1980389 prepared by the E-Club D4420, the 2nd one in this Rotary year of this club, provides for the acquisi on of equipment for Neo Natal ICU of the Hospital das Clínicas of São Paulo, to serve 2,000 youngsters and children with high complexity problems. The GG 1982224 prepared by RC SP Interlagos aims to expand the Human Milk Bank of the General Hospital of Grajaú of São Paulo, also offering more equipment for humanized deliveries and thus reduce the infant mortality rate. E X P E D I E N T


Tell us your insurance invoice number

Porto Seguro, Itaú e Azul

$olidary In$urance

Chair CDFR - Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco (RC de Santos-Oeste); Comunicação - Hamilton Luiz Costa Jr. (RC de Santos-Oeste); Tradução para o inglês – Ana Maria Santos da Silva (RC Santos Boqueirão); Rotaract - Camila Domingos (RC São Paulo Independência) e Gustavo Ba sta (RC Praia Grande); Comissão de Subsidios – Cláudio Loureiro (RC de Santos Praia); Subsídio Global - Antonio Domingos Rossi (RC São Paulo Ipiranga); Subsídio Distrital - Valéria Garcia (RC Santos Boqueirão) e Lia Fernandes (RC Santos Boqueirão); Gerenciamento de Fundos Globais - Yoi Fujiwara (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Gerenciamento de Fundos Distritais - Rodenei Lemes Junior (RC Santo André Norte); Captação de Recursos - José Joaquim do A. Ferreira (RC São Paulo Sul); FR 100 anos - Antonio Carlos da Silva Dueñas (RC Santos Ponta Praia); Global Rewards- Antonio Taveira (RC Santos Vila Belmiro) Empresa Cidadã – Watson U. Travassos (RC Santos Ponta da Praia); Seguro Solidário – Dorival Mar ns (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); PHS - Marcos Totoli (RC São Paulo Sul); Fundo Anual - Hiroshi Shimuta (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Pólio Plus Divulgação e arrecadação – Gelvana Flávio Barreto Reis (RC Santos Boqueirão); Programas Alumni e Bolsas da Paz - Samir Nakhle Khoury (RC São Paulo Saúde); Programa VTT - Celso Garagnani (RC Cubatão); CADRE - Rui Cabral Mello (RC São Paulo Sudeste); CADRE – Nídia Caivano (RC São Paulo Pq do Ibirapuera) e Adelaide Priamo (RC São Paulo Anchieta); Organização do PER – Ronaldo C. Varella (RC Santos Porto).

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