Newsletter RFDF D4420, june 2019

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#036 Despite being in the mood of our 28th District Conference, when several accomplishments were celebrated, we all know that our figures are not the finals. Only 11 months have passed and the la er has to pay for all le . We are thankful for everything that has been done and for everything that will be done, in a great union of effort for a wonderful result of District 4420 in this Rotary year. As we learned in one of the lectures, paraphrasing Prof. Cortella, "The 2018-2019 Rotary year is being too fast to be small," meaning our success is the result of hard work in a me that is not over yet! Come Together and Be the Inspiraon! Carlos Torci GD 2018-19 D 4420 (SP - ABCDMR - Baixada San sta)

Offer your support to disaster vic ms

Every single day we learn something new! This is my experience in the past three years as the chair of the Rotary Founda on District Commi ee. I´ve been learning from many Rotarians from all around the world. People concerned with carrying out projects to save children, help people's health, make water available and hygiene condi ons in needy regions, enable quality educa on to spread, develop communi es and spread peace. They are special, generous and kind people who donate part of their resources, be it me, money and incen ve to develop social impact projects. Every corner of the world has Rotarians worried about extermina ng Polio and worried about making someone happier. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more and only to INSPIRE even more for a successful CONNECTION. Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco president of the CDFR.

Par cipa on in global projects is 05 mes higher than the average since 2010-11

32 Projects 15 approved and 17 in analyzes

Since April, The Rotary Founda on is also working with Disaster Assistance Grants. Currently the fund addressed for this purpose is without resources to be able to grant subsidies. Do you want to offer your support? It is possible to donate through Credit Card or Banking cket. Dona ons to these funds are eligible for the EREY and also for Paul Harris tle.

Until 21/05/2019

US$ 2.350.000 - US$ 331.000 District 4420


Tell us your insurance invoice number

Porto Seguro, Itaú e Azul

$olidary In$urance


Raising the Needs fo r a P r o j e c t

The D4420 District Grant 2018-19 had the approved report A er being audited by the FR, the report with the rendering of accounts of 90 projects from 50 clubs, summing up to US$ 84,340, was finally approved. Get ready for the Na onal Mul vacina on Campaign

Community mapping is used to reveal different perspec ves on a community. It requires some resources and a certain amount of me, and can be adapted for par cipants of all ages or academic backgrounds. In this ac vity, individuals or groups draw a map of the community, highligh ng certain points of importance and men oning how o en they visit such places. One facilitator leads the discussion about maps, while another records the points discussed. A good community mapping exercise will ensure that par cipants: - Iden fy how they use community resources and any barriers they face in accessing them; -Compare percep ons about the importance of various community resources; - Generate ideas for community improvement.

o Fundo Anual de 3 anos atrás.

This year the Na onal Mul vacina on Campaign, including AGAINST A POLIO, will be from August 5 to 23. Get ready to engage your club right now. Let's make sure all children get vaccinated to eradicate child paralysis once and for all.

Use of DDF – Thedos Lastclubes 03 yearsdo Distrito para arrecadação é oControlled recurso gerado com base naresource The U liza on Fund is the O Fundo de Utilização Controlada generated on the collec on of the clubs Últimosbased 3 anos– ofUtilização the District todotheFDUC Annual Fund 3 years ago. In US$ 1.000


Balance in 30/6/2016 DDF ref. 2013-14

What is the Citizen Company?

Chair CDFR - Marcos Anselmo Ferreira Franco (RC de Santos-Oeste); Comunicação - Hamilton Luiz Costa Jr. (RC de Santos-Oeste); Tradução para o inglês – Ana Maria Santos da Silva (RC Santos Boqueirão); Rotaract - Camila Domingos (RC São Paulo Independência) e Gustavo Ba sta (RC Praia Grande); Comissão de Subsidios – Cláudio Loureiro (RC de Santos Praia); Subsídio Global - Antonio Domingos Rossi (RC São Paulo Ipiranga); Subsídio Distrital - Valéria Garcia (RC Santos Boqueirão) e Lia Fernandes (RC Santos Boqueirão); Gerenciamento de Fundos Globais - Yoi Fujiwara (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Gerenciamento de Fundos Distritais - Rodenei Lemes Junior (RC Santo André Norte); Captação de Recursos - José Joaquim do A. Ferreira (RC São Paulo Sul); FR 100 anos - Antonio Carlos da Silva Dueñas (RC Santos Ponta Praia); Global Rewards- Antonio Taveira (RC Santos Vila Belmiro) Empresa Cidadã – Watson U. Travassos (RC Santos Ponta da Praia); Seguro Solidário – Dorival Mar ns (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); PHS - Marcos Totoli (RC São Paulo Sul); Fundo Anual - Hiroshi Shimuta (RC São Paulo Aeroporto); Pólio Plus Divulgação e arrecadação – Gelvana Flávio Barreto Reis (RC Santos Boqueirão); Programas Alumni e Bolsas da Paz - Samir Nakhle Khoury (RC São Paulo Saúde); Programa VTT - Celso Garagnani (RC Cubatão); CADRE - Rui Cabral Mello (RC São Paulo Sudeste); CADRE – Nídia Caivano (RC São Paulo Pq do Ibirapuera) e Adelaide Priamo (RC São Paulo Anchieta); Organização do PER – Ronaldo C. Varella (RC Santos Porto).

293 331

District Grants - 93 projects


Global Grants - 11 projects


Polio Plus


Balance in 30/6/2017 DDF ref. 2014-15


Debit Balance

293 361

District Grants - 104 projects


Global Grants - 12 projects


Polio Plus


Balance in 30/6/2018 DDF ref. 2015/16

282 174

District Grants - 90 projects


Global Grants - 24 projects


Global Grants (to be confirmed) - 8 proj -50 Polio Plus


Expected Balance 30/6/2019



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