2012 memoria v02

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Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

MEMÒRIA ANUAL Exercici 2012

Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

PRESENTACIÓN.......................................................................................... 3 1.

LÍNEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN.............................................................4 1.1 Cristalino, catarata y acomodación...................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Propiedades elásticas de las zonulas del cristalino humano........................................... 4 1.1.2 Tratamiento con láser para restablecer la acomodación................................................. 6 1.1.3 Estudio sobre la posible relación entre Alzheimer y catarata ........................................ 8 1.2 Queratoprótesis, queratocono y superficie ocular ............................................... 9 1.2.1 Aplicación de pruebas electrofisiológicas para keratoprotesis....................................... 9 1.2.2 Anillos intracorneales en el tratamiento de queratocono ............................................. 11 1.2.3 Utilidad clínica de las pruebas objetivas de la enfermedad del ojo seco .................... 12 1.3 Estudios clínicos de enfermedades de retina .....................................................13

2. ACTIVIDADES DOCENTES ............................................................... 14 2.1 2.2 2.3

Tesis de doctorado en desarrollo ........................................................................14 Trabajos de investigación Máster .......................................................................16 Formación y cursos .............................................................................................21

3. ACTIVIDADES EN ORGANIZACIONES CIENTÍFICAS ................23 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

European Association for Vision and Eye Research ......................................... 23 Acta Ophthalmologica ....................................................................................... 23 European Vision Institute - Clincal Trials......................................................... 24 Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa................................................ 27

4. PUBLICACIONES ................................................................................29 4.1 4.2

Publicaciones en revistas indexadas.................................................................. 29 Presentaciones en congresos internacionales.................................................... 30


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

Presentació A banda dels treballs d’investigació que es desenvolupen dins de la programació d’aquesta Càtedra de Recerca, ens agradaria destacar una fita important en l’àmbit de les publicacions científiques, l’article “Elastic properties of human lens zonules as a function of age in presbyopes.”, publicat a la revista d’investigació de la nostra especialitat que considerem més important Investigated Ophthalmology Visual Science, del que són autors Michael R, Mikielewicz M, Gordillo C, Montenegro GA, Pinilla Cortes L, Barraquer RI., tots ells de la nostra institució. Aquest és un treball en l'àmbit de Phacio Ersatz: el reemplaçament del material cristal.linià per tractar la presbícia després de la cirurgia de cataractes i recuperar l’acomodació. La presbícia és una condició relacionada amb l'edat degut principalment a la pèrdua d'acomodació del cristal·lí influenciada per diversos factors. El 100% de la població sofrirà de presbícia als 50 anys d'edat. A dia d'avui no existeix un tractament definitiu per a aquesta patologia. Així mateix hem establert noves col·laboracions amb l'Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) a Castelldefels amb un projecte d'un sistema d'ablació làser sense inducció de dany tèrmic sobre el cristal·lí, que després serà sotmès a mesuraments en el nostre aparell d'assaig per estudiar els canvis biomecànics i òptics produïts, amb la finalitat d'investigar alternatives per restaurar l'acomodació. Al 2012 hem aconseguit publicar un total de 13 treballs en revistes indexades a Medline; 6 d'aquestes publicacions estan relacionades amb la retina i el segment posterior de l'ull. Dues publicacions en revistes importants s'han publicat com a fruit del nostre treball a la xarxa espanyola Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa (RETICS), integrada per diversos centres i grups d’investigació en biomedicina associats a l'Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Dins de l’àrea de keratoprotesi hem aconseguit una publicació a la segona revista europea més important “Acta Ophthalmologica”. Aquesta revista va triar una fotografia del nostre estudi per la seva portada del mes de setembre 2013. No voldríem acabar aquesta breu presentació sense deixar constància de la important feina desenvolupada pel nostre fòrum de debat, “Transparency Club”, que des de fa uns anys està col·laborant eficaçment en l’assessorament i el disseny d’estudis d’investigació, així com en la preparació de conferències per a ser exposades a congressos i reunions científiques. Doctor Rafael I. Barraquer 20.III.2013


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1. Líneas de investigación 1.1 Cristalino, catarata y acomodación Reemplazamiento del material cristaliniano para recuperar la acomodación tras la cirugía de cataratas 1.1.1 Propiedades elásticas de las zonulas del cristalino humano

En el trabajo publicado describimos un dispositivo de ensayo para medir las propiedades biomecánicas del cristalino, zonulas y el cuerpo ciliar. Es un aparato de alta precisión diseñado y construido por nosotros que permite estiramientos del tejido ocular en pasos de 1,25 µm y mide fuerzas a nivel de 10 mN con una precisión de 0,1 mN. (Una fuerza de 5 mN corresponde a la fuerza de gravedad de un sujetapapeles de tamaño estándar.) Ensayos con este dispositivo son muy útiles para comprender el mecanismo de acomodación y evaluar diferentes tratamientos para restaurar la misma, es decir, se plantea una solución para la presbicia. En la publicación presentada utilizamos este dispositivo para medir las propiedades mecánicas de las zonulas que sujetan el cristalino. Conocer estas propiedades es importante para el desarrollo de técnicas de restauración de la acomodación. En nuestro estudio encontramos que la biomecánica de la zonula no presenta alteraciones importantes a partir de la presbicia. Esto permitiría en un futuro rellenar el saco capsular con polímeros blandos y ópticamente adecuados para sustituir la función del cristalino.


CĂ tedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1.1.2 Tratamiento con láser para restablecer la acomodación La presbicia es una condición relacionada con la edad debido principalmente a la pérdida de acomodación del cristalino influenciada por diversos factores. El 100% de la población sufrirá de presbicia a los 50 años de edad. Al día de hoy no existe un tratamiento definitivo para este padecimiento. En colaboración con el Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas en Castelldefels realizaos diferentes tratamientos con un sistema de ablación láser sin inducción de daño térmico sobre el cristalino, que luego será sometido a mediciones en nuestro aparato de ensayo para estudiar los cambios biomecánicos y ópticos producidos, con el fin de investigar alternativas para restaurar la acomodación.


CĂ tedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

Transmitted Scanned Infrared Light (TSIL) and Two Photon Excitation Fluorescence (TPEF) to visualize micromachined structures inside the crystalline lens


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1.1.3 Estudio sobre la posible relación entre Alzheimer y catarata Es un estudio en curso sobre la estructura molecular en muestras del cerebro y del cristalino de donantes con la enfermedad de Alzheimer en colaboración con: Ellen Gelpi Banc de Teixits Neurològics, IDIBAPS, Universitat de Barcelona Francisco Tresserra USP Instituto Universitario Dexeus, Barcelona Gijs F.J.M. Vrensen Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Leiden Rafael I. Barraquer, Ralph Michael, Gustavo Montenegro Institut Universitari Barraquer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1.2 Queratoprótesis, queratocono y superficie ocular 1.2.1 Aplicación de pruebas electrofisiológicas para keratoprotesis

The role of visual evoked potential and electroretinography in the preoperative assessment of osteo-keratoprosthesis or osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis surgery Aline Lütz de Araujo,1, 3 Victor Charoenrook,1, 2 Maria Fideliz de la Paz,1, 2 Jose Temprano,2 Rafael I. Barraquer,1, 2 Ralph Michael1 1 Institut Universitari Barraquer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 2 Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer, Barcelona, Spain 3 Instituto de Oftalmologia de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brasil

Purpose: To determine the value of electroretinography (ERG) and visual evoked potential (VEP) in predicting visual outcome in patients undergoing osteo-keratoprosthesis (OKP) or osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) surgery. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study of 143 eyes in 101 patients who underwent OKP or OOKP surgery. The subjects underwent ERG, VEP testing, or both up to six months prior to surgery. The ERG and VEP results were classified into four categories based on wave amplitude, latency, and configuration. The main outcome was the maximum best corrected visual acuity (maxBCVA) reached at any time postoperatively. Results: One hundred thirty-four cases had undergone preoperative ERG, 82 VEP, and 73 both exams. The sensitivities of ERG and VEP to detect maxBCVA ≥ 0.05 was 68.5% and 87%, respectively, while the specificity was 63.2% for ERG and 47.4% for VEP. The maxBCVA was significantly better in patients with normal ERG (p=0.033) and those with normal VEP (p=0.048), once having defined appropriate normal and abnormal cut-off levels. When comparing fellow eyes in patients who underwent surgery in both eyes, maxBCVA was better in the eyes that had better VEP results (p=0.013). Conclusion: Eyes demonstrating normal ERG or VEP achieved better visual outcome than those with abnormal results. In addition, VEP proved instrumental in determining the eye with the best prognosis when comparing both eyes of a given patient.


CĂ tedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

Portada de la revista con fotos de nuestro estudio:


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1.2.2 Anillos intracorneales en el tratamiento de queratocono En 2012 salieron dos publicaciones en el marco de RETICS y en colaboración con la Universidad de Alicante:

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, December 2012, Vol. 53, No. 13

Cornea 2012;31:491–499


CĂ tedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1.2.3 Utilidad clĂ­nica de las pruebas objetivas de la enfermedad del ojo seco Hemos colaborado en un estudio sobre la osmolaridad de la lagrima:


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

1.3 Estudios clínicos de enfermedades de retina Los colaboradores del segmento posterior lograron publicar 6 artículos en revistas indexadas durante el año 2012: Nadal J, López-Fortuny M, Sauvageot P, Pérez-Formigó D. Treatment of recurrent retinal detachment secondary to optic nerve coloboma with injection of autologous platelet concentrate. J AAPOS. 2012 Feb;16(1):100-1. PMID: 22370676 Nadal J, Delas B, Piñero A. Vitrectomy without face-down posturing for idiopathic macular holes. Retina. 2012 May;32(5):918-21. PMID:22080914 Verdaguer P, Nadal J. Intraretinal cyst secondary to longstanding retinal detachment. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2012 May-Jun;22(3):506-8. doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000034. / PMID:21928257 Nadal J, Carreras E, Canut MI. Endodiathermy plus photocoagulation as treatment of sclerotomy site vascularization secondary to pars plana vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Retina. 2012 Jul;32(7):1310-5. PMID:22466471 Nadal J, Verdaguer P, Canut MI. Treatment Of Retinal Detachment Secondary To Macular Hole In High Myopia: Vitrectomy With Dissection of the Inner Limiting Membrane to the Edge of the Staphyloma and Long-term Tamponade. Retina. 2012 Sep;32(8):1525-30. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0b013e3182411cb8. / PMID:22466478 Capella MJ, Foster CS. Long-term efficacy and safety of infliximab in the treatment of Behçet's disease. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2012 Jun;20(3):198-202. doi: 10.3109/09273948.2012.670360. / PMID:22486265


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

2. Actividades docentes 2.1 Tesis de doctorado en desarrollo I.

Evolución del astigmatismo a largo plazo tras queratoplastia penetrante en queratocono. Juan P. Álvarez de Toledo Elizalde. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Lentes precristalianas para la corrección de alta miopía. Tahsin Martini. Tutor: Prof. Joaquín Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Endoftalmitis de etiología exógena. Revisión de datos clínicos. Simona Nossa, Bergamo, Italia. Tutor: Santos Muiños. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Alteraciones intraoculares secundarias a la cirugía de la catarata senil: estudio comparativo entre los ultrasonidos y el sistema Aqualase. Repercusiones en el endotelio corneal, barrera hematoacuosa y mácula. Fabiano Brandao M. Araujo, Brasil. Tutor: Rafael I. Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Capsulorhexis posterior: estudio del segmento posterior mediante OCT. Marcia Toledo. Tutor: Rafael I. Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Tratamiento de la hipermetropía con Fotoqueratomileusis según el frente de ondas. Ana María Pascual Agúndez. Tutor: Rafael I. Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB


Predictibilidad en el cálculo de la lente BIG-BAG en pacientes miopes altos. Julia Sempere Matarredona. Tutor: Rafael. I. Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).

VIII. Estudio comparativo entre la cirugía de pequeña y micro-incisión: repercusiones en la barrera hematoacuosa, endotelio corneal, anatomía macular y calidad visual. Rodrigo Abreu González. Tutor: Rafael I. Barraquer y José Augusto Abreu. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Intralase versus Microqueratomo: Estudio de la morfología y variabilidad del colgajo corneal mediante Visante. Estudio retrospectivo. Elisa Carreras Bertran. Tutor. Rafael I. Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Cambios en el tejido corneal tras crosslinking. Patricia Pujol Gomis. Tutor: Rafael I. Barraquer. (Tesis en desarrollo).


Corrección del Astigmatismo con Láser Excimer. Marta López Fortuny. Tutor: Prof. Joaquín Barraquer y Andrés Picó. (Tesis en desarrollo)


Medición de la luz dispersa intraocular como nuevo parámetro para valorar la calidad visual. Gustavo Montenegro. Tutor: Prof. Joaquín Barraquer y Ralph Michael. (Tesis en desarrollo)


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

2.2 Trabajos de investigación Máster Máster

Segmento anterior “Inflamación e infección en cirugía de la catarata”

Ramon Barreiro Tutor: H. Martínez Osorio

Pablo Caire

“Niveles de serotonina (5H-T), (5-HIAA), urinaria en pacientes diagnosticados de Glaucoma Primario de Angulo Abierto (POAG) en comparación a controles sanos” Tutor: F. Ruiz Tolosa

Jose Luis Cuadrado

“Resultados objetivos y subjetivos del implante bilateral de lente intraocular pseudofáquica multifocal difractiva Acri.LISA” Tutor: E. Barraquer

Carlos Jesko De Astica

“Estudio morfo-funcional de la ampolla de filtración con Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica” Tutor: M. Samaan

Milagros De la Torre

“Ciclofotocoagulación transescleral de contacto con láser diodo (CTCD) en el tratamiento del glaucoma neovascular (CNV)” Tutor : Dra.M. Canut

Anel De Luca

“Seguridad y eficacia de la queratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda (DALK) en pacientes con queratocono” Tutor: Dr.J.P. Alvarez de Toledo-DR. R. I. Barraquer

Hamdy El Sharif

“Estudiar si existe cambio nictameral de la paquimetría comparando dos técnicas de medida que son pentacam y ultrasonidos” Tutor: Dr. A. Picó

Beatriz Estévez

“Estudio morfo-funcional de la ampolla de filtración con Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica” Tutor: Dr. M. Samaan


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB


Segmento anterior “Complicaciones de la cirugía de catarata en vitrectomizados”

Ailén Garcés Tutor: Dr. JP Alvarez de Toledo-Dra. M. Canut

Mikel Pezonaga

“Estimación de la eficacia de la esclerectomía profunda no perforante en el tratamiento quirúrgico del glaucoma al año de la cirugía en el Instituto Barraquer de barcelona”, Tutor: Dra. M. Canut

Laura Pinilla

“Influencia del material de las lentes intraoculares en la calidad visual” Tutor: Dr. R. Michael-Dr. R. Barraquer

Angel Sánchez Sanz

“Incidencia de hipertensión ocular en el postoperatorio reciente de cirugía de cataratas” Tutor: F. Ruiz Tolosa

Fernando O. Salamanca

“Evaluación de la calidad de las revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis publicadas en el área de glaucoma de acuerdo al PRISMA” Tutor: Dra. M. Canut

“Láser femtosegundo en cirugía del cristalino” Mauricio Torrico Tutor: JP Alvarez de Toledo

Renan Vega

“Refracción esférica predichas vs. Refracción esférica final en pacientes operados de catarata” Tutor: Dr. JP Alvarez de Toledo-Dr. A. Picó

“Impacto de la cirugía de catarata en el espesor macular” Víctor Ruiz Tutor: Dra.MJ Capella


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB


Segmento posterior “Síndrome de Harada: a propósito de varios casos”

Amor Sánchez Rodríguez Tutor: MJ Capella

Fabio Contieri

“Prevalencia de patología retiniana no diabética en screening de retinopatía diabética de una población española Tutor: MJ Capella

“Técnicas de autofluorescencia para el estudio de la DMAE” Aurora Gimeno Quintana Tutor: MJ Capella

Hussein Almuhtaseb

“La zona foveal altamente reflectante en la tomografía de coherencia óptica (SD-OCT) en los ojos con tracción vitreomacular o membranas epirretinianas Tutor: S. Abengoechea

Omar Fernando Salamanca

“Medida del espesor coroideo en ojos con Degeneración Macular Asociada a la Edad (DMAE) medido a través de tomogarfía óptica de coherencia(Cirrus HD(SD-OCT)” Tutor deseado: Dr.S. Abengoeceha

Agnieszka Ana Dyrda

“Tratamiento de la proliferación angiomatosa retiniana: comparación de los resultados funcionales y anatómicos a largo plazo de cuatro tipos de tratamientos”, Tutor: Dr.S. Abengoeceha

Janny Aronés Santivañez

“Efectividad del uso de terapia fotodinámica en pacientes con coriorretinopatía serosa central (CSC) crónica” Tutor: Dr. Santiago Abengoechea


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB


Segmento posterior

Alicia Caballero Carrasco

“Actualización en el manejo del tratamiento del edema macular diabético” Tutor: Dr. Santiago Abengoechea

Juan Camilo Contreras

“Revisión de tema: estado del arte de la Coriorretinopatía Serosa Central y su relación con la infección por Helicobacter pylori”, Tutor: Dr. J. Nadal

Marta Jorge Vispo

“Oxígeno hiperbárico en el tratamiento de las oclusiones arteriales retinianas” Tutor: Dr. J. Nadal

Ailén Garcés

“Resultados funcionales del retratamiento de la cirugía de desprendimiento de retina con PVR” Tutor: Dr. J. Nadal

“Patología carotidea en Trombosis Venosa Retiniana” Isabel Angelica De la Iglesia Tutor: J. Nadal

“Factores de crecimiento en edema macular diabético traccional Cristina Pérez Fernández Tutor: Dr. J. Elizalde

Mª Soledad Gómez del Rio

“Retinopatía del prematuro: experiencia sobre los límites de peso al nacer, edad gestacional y otros factores de riesgo en el HURS”, Tutor: Javier Elizalde


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB


Segmento posterior “Vitreorretinopatía Exudativa Familiar Unilateral?”,

Mauricio Torrico Tutor: Dr. J. Elizalde

Maria Parrilla Vallejo

“Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Retinoblastoma en la Unidad de Oncología Ocular del Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena” Tutor: Dr. J. Elizalde

Valoración de la curva de aprendizaje en cirugía de retina” Jordi Martín

Tutor: Javier Elizalde

Francesco Moroli

“Prevalencia de retinopatía diabética en pacientes diabéticos valorados en el servicio de telemedicina en Badajoz” Tutor: Dr. Javier Santos Muiños

Alfredo Insausti

“Aplicaciones clínicas del implante intravítreo de dexametasona de liberación prolongada (Ozurdex) para el tratamiento del edema macular” Tutor: Tutor: Dra. Viver

Anel De Luca

“Nuevos desarrollos para el tratamiento médico de la retinopatía diabética” Tutor: Dr. Javier Santos Muiños

“Actualización en diagnóstico y tratamiento DMAE exudativa, Mª Concepción Rodríguez Tutor: Dra. S. Viver


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

2.3 Formación y cursos 2.3.1. Curso de Estadística Dos sábados: 10 y 24 de noviembre 2012 de 6 horas (9-15h) Docent: Dra. Cristina Pereira Santos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Programa: • • • • • •

Estructura de bases de datos en SPSS Tipos de variables Análisis exploratorio de los datos Cálculo de tamaño de la muestra Estadística paramétrica - no-paramétrica Elección de la prueba estadística

• • •

Comparación de medias Análisis de la variancia Correlación y regresión lineal simple

2.3.2. Transparency Club Meetings Grupo de Investigación Segmento Anterior: Cada mes se ha organizado una reunión llamada "Transparency Club" o "Club de Transparencia". El nombre es debido a una de las características más importantes de la córnea y del cristalino. Participan en el grupo los oftalmólogos especializados en segmento anterior, los residentes y alumnos máster interesados en el segmento anterior, y también el equipo del departamento de cirugía refractiva. Se tratan temas clínicos y experimentales en forma de discusión, "brain storming" y ponencias.


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

Transparency Club Meetings 2012

Miércoles día 5 de diciembre 2012, 14:00 - Validación de la clasificación de cataratas "BCN10" - IOL power calculator (http://www.iolpower.org) - Taller de estadística, como primer seguimiento del curso de estadística

Miércoles día 27 de junio 2012, 14:00 - Propuesta de colaboración con el Institut de Ciències Fotòniques en Castelldefels: "Retinal imaging with Adaptive Optics Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (AOSLO)" Miércoles, 23 de mayo 2012, 14:00 - Resultados estudio Alzheimer & Catarata

Miércoles día 21 de noviembre 2012, 14:00 - Estudio Raman: Alzheimer y Catarata (Colaboración Holanda) - Crosslinking en ojos de banco (Colaboración ICFO) - Evaluación Boston-KPro (Colaboración Salzburgo)

Miércoles, 25 de abril 2012, 14:00 - Proyectos actuales sobre la luz dispersa en el COB - Inicio de la colaboración con la Universidad de Oxford

Miércoles día 24 de octubre 2012, 14:00 - Novedades del ESCRS Milano - Crosslinking en ojos de banco (Colaboración ICFO) - Phaco Ersatz - Wavefront sensor (Colaboración ICFO)

Miércoles, 14 de marzo 2012, 14:00 - Terapia celular para la reparación de la superficie ocular Miércoles, 8 de febrero 2012, 14:00 - Primeros resultados estudio Alzheimer & Catarata - Update Phaco Ersatz - Estudio con el Institut de Ciències Fotòniques

Miércoles día 3 de octubre 2012, 14:00 - Reunión con Prof. Burd, Oxford Miércoles día 25 de julio 2012, 14:00 - Lens treatment with fs laser - Raman study Alzheimer - Cataract - Possible collaboration with BCN Innova

Miércoles, 11 de enero 2012, 14:00 - Boston KPro - diseño de estudio BarcelonaSalzburgo - EVER 2012 en Niza - diseño de dos "Special Interest Symposium" - Estudio Alzheimer & Catarata


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

3. Actividades en organizaciones científicas 3.1 European Association for Vision and Eye Research El Dr. Ralph Michael trabaja en el Comité de Programa del EVER.

3.2 Acta Ophthalmologica

El Dr. Ralph Michael trabaja en la junta como "Editorial Board Member" de la revista Acta Ophthalmologica.


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

3.3 European Vision Institute - Clincal Trials

EVI.CT.SE Clinical Trials.Sites of Excellence European Vision Institute. Clinical Trials. Sites of Excellence (EVI.CT.SE) is a network of European Ophthalmological Clinical Research Sites, dedicated to perform clinical research in ophthalmology with the highest standards of quality, following the European and International Directives for clinical trial research. The Centro de Oftalmologia Barraquer is part of this network since 2007. The EVI.CT.SE is a Special Committee of the European Vision Institute, European Economic Interest Grouping (EVIEEIG) legally constituted in 2003 under European law as a not-forprofit, science–driven organisation in Brussels. The office of EVI.CT.SE is located in Coimbra, Portugal, upon decision of the General Assembly of the EVIEEIG, held in Vilamoura, 2004. 2. Main objectives - Organization of multicentric clinical trials in ophthalmology in Europe - Performance of multicentric clinical trials in ophthalmology with the highest level of quality. - Assume EVI.CT.SE as a resource for Healthcare Industry. - Establish rapid and regular communication links between the Healthcare Industry and the EVI.CT.SE members. - Create synergies between members and promote clinical research programmes in order to establish clinical trial research in Europe. - Establish programmes for regular educational and training activities for its members. - Create an alternative to USA to perform Phase 1 and 2 studies - Create groups of experts for Clinical Trial design in specific areas of ophthalmological research.


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

European Vision Institute. Clinical Trials. Sites of Excellence: Clinical Sites with Full Certification: - CS nº 1 - AIBILI, Coimbra, Portugal - CS nº 24 - University of Freiburg, Department of Ophthalmology, Freiburg, Germany Clinical Sites with Conditional Certification: - CS nº 2 - Johannes Gutenberg University, Department of Ophthalmology, Mainz, Germany - CS nº 5 - Faculty of Medicine Mannheim of the RuprechtKarls–University Heidelberg, Department of Ophthalmology, Mannheim, Germany - CS nº 6 - Centre National d’Ophthalmologie des QuinzeVingts, Centre d’Investigation Clinique, Paris, France - CS nº 7 - VISSUM - Instituto Oftalmologico de Alicante, Alicante, Spain - CS nº 8 - Ghent University Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Ghent, Belgium - CS nº 9 - Universitäts-Augenklinik Tübingen (UAK), Tuebingen, Germany - CS nº 10 - Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Trials Unit and Reading Centre, London, United Kingdom - CS nº 11 - University Eye Hospital Munich, Germany - CS nº 12 - University Hospital Antwerp, Department of Ophthalmology, Antwerp, Belgium - CS nº 13 - CHU Gabriel Montpied, Unité de Recherche Clinique, Service d’Ophthalmologie, Clermont-Ferrand, France - CS nº 15 - University of Bonn, Department of Ophthalmology, Bonn, Germany - CS nº 16 - University of Milan, Centre for Clinical Trials at San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy - CS nº 17 - University Medical Centre St Radboud, Macula Trial Centre Nijmegen, Netherlands - CS nº 19 - Medical University of Vienna, Department of Ophthalmology, Vienna, Austria - CS nº 20 - G. B. Bietti Foundation - IRCCS, Roma, Italy - CS nº 25 - Academic Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - CS nº 26 - Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer, Barcelona, Spain - CS nº 27 - University Eye Hospital, Leipzig, Germany


Clinical Sites implementing SOPs and that have had an EvaluationVisit - CS nº 4 - IOBA – Instituto Universitario Oftalmobiologia, Valladolid, Spain - CS nº 14 - Hôpital Lariboisière, Service D’Ophthalmologie, Paris, France - CS nº 21 - University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Department of Ophthalmology, Hamburg, Germany - CS nº 30 - Glostrup Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Copenhagen University, Glostrup, Denmark - CS nº 36 - Catholic University, Institute of Ophthalmology, Rome, Italy - CS nº 37 - Sezione di Oftalmologia, Dipartimento di Scienze Otorino- Odonto-Oftalmologiche e Cerv. Facc., Parma Clinical Sites implementing SOPs and have not yet had an Evaluation Visit: - CS nº 3 - Centre Hospitalier Creteil, University Eye Clinic, Paris, France - CS nº 18 - University Hospital Leuven, Department of Ophthalmology, Leuven, Belgium - CS nº 22 - Universitäts – Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenheikunde, Bern, Switzerland - CS nº 23 - University Medical Centre of Ljubljana, University Eye Hospital, Ljubljana, Slovenia - CS nº 28 - Instituto de Oftalmologia Dr. Gama Pinto, Lisbon, Portugal - CS nº 29 - Instituto Galego de Oftalmoloxia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain - CS nº 31 - Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, McCauley Education and Research Center, Mater Vision Institute (MVI), Dublin, Ireland - CS nº 32 - Porto Medical School / Hospital S. João, Department of Ophthalmology, Porto, Portugal - CS nº 33 - Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Department of Ophthalmology, Poznan, Poland - CS nº 34 - University of Milan, Luigi Sacco Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Milano, Italy - CS nº 35 - Queen’s University, Institute of Clinical Science, Royal Victoria Hospital Ophthalmology And Vision Science Research Center, Belfast, United Kingdom - CS nº 38 - Institut Català de Retina, Barcelona, Spain - CS nº 39 - Clinica Oculistica, Università di Padova, Italy - CS nº 40 - Department of Ophthalmology, Rotterdam Eye Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands CS nº 41 - Institut de la Màcula i de la Retina, Centro Médico Teknon, Barcelona, Spain

Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

7th EVICR.net Annual Members Meeting 11 to 12 of October 2012 in Nice, France during the EVER 2012 Congress The meeting was attended by 101 participants and 48 Clinical Sites out of 77 were represented. Chairman Jose Sahel, MD, PhD Steering Committee Jose Sahel, MD, PhD José Cunha-Vaz, MD, PhD Esther Hoffmann, MD, PhD Jorge Alió, MD, PhD Joaquim Murta, MD, PhD Tunde Peto, MD, PhD, FHCO, FHCD Cecília Martinho, BSc Expert Committees AMD and Retinal Dystrophies Diabetic Retinopathy Glaucoma Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery Ocular Surface and Inflammation Reading Centres


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

3.4 Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa

El Instituto Universitario Barraquer es miembro de la red temática Patología Ocular del Envejecimiento, Calidad Visual y Calidad de Vida, subproyecto Calidad de Vida y Cirugía del Dioptrio Ocular desde noviembre de 2007. REDES TEMÁTICAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN COOPERATIVA (RETICs) El Instituto de Salud Carlos III es un organismo público de investigación con carácter de organismo autónomo, adscrito al Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, cuya misión es desarrollar y ofrecer servicios científico-técnicos de la más alta calidad dirigidos al Sistema Nacional de Salud y al conjunto de la sociedad. En materia de fomento de la investigación en salud, la Ley de Cohesión y Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud le encomienda a este Organismo público, en el ámbito de las competencias del Estado, funciones de planificación de la investigación, vertebración de los recursos dedicados a ella, difusión y transferencia de resultados, y desarrollo de programas de investigación, entre otras.


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

SUBPROYECTO Calidad de Vida y Cirugía del Dioptrio Ocular Coordinador del Nodo: Jorge L Alió Título de la Red: Patologías oculares del envejecimiento y mejora de la calidad de vida. Subproyecto: Calidad de Vida y Cirugía del Dioptrio Ocular GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN INVOLUCRADOS EN ESTE NODO

1. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Departamento de Cirugía, Área de Oftalmología 2. Fundación Privada Doctor Carlos Vergés, Barcelona 3. Universidad de Murcia. Laboratorio de Óptica 4. Universidad de Navarra, Servicio de Oftalmología, Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. 5. Instituto Gallego de Oftalmología, (Grupo de la Red C03/13) 6. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, E.U de Óptica y Optometría, 7. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Área de Óptica 8. Universidad de Valladolid, Instituto Universitario de OftalmoBiologia Aplicada, (Grupo de la Red C03/13)

9. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Óptica Daza de Valdés, Madrid 10. Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Óptica 11. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Departamento Psicología de la Salud 12. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales 13. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Centro de Biomateriales GRUPOS CLÍNICOS ASOCIADOS

14. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Institut Universitari Barraquer, Barcelona 15. Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos, Madrid 16. Conselleria de Sanidad, Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia 17. Fundación ICHUVI, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo 18. Fundación Andaluza de Investigación Oftalmológica


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

4. Publicaciones 4.1 Publicaciones en revistas indexadas Michael R, Mikielewicz M, Gordillo C, Montenegro GA, Pinilla Cortes L, Barraquer RI. Elastic properties of human lens zonules as a function of age in presbyopes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Sep 12;53(10):6109-14. doi: 10.1167/iovs.11-8702. / PMID:22850416 de Araujo AL, Charoenrook V, de la Paz MF, Temprano J, Barraquer RI, Michael R. The role of visual evoked potential and electroretinography in the preoperative assessment of osteo-keratoprosthesis or osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis surgery. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep;90(6):519-25. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2010.02086.x. / PMID: 21595859 Montenegro GA, Michael R, van den Berg TJ. Variation of straylight between contra lateral eyes - results from 1017 healthy subjects. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012 Jun;90(4):e332-3. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2011.02252.x. / PMID:21957898 Piñero DP, Alio JL, Barraquer RI, Michael R. Corneal Biomechanical Changes After Intracorneal Ring Segment Implantation in Keratoconus. Cornea. 2012 May;31(5):491-9. PMID: 22314819 Peña-García P, Vega-Estrada A, Barraquer RI, Burguera-Giménez N, Alio JL. Intracorneal ring segment in keratoconus: a model to predict visual changes induced by the surgery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Dec 19;53(13):8447-57. doi: 10.1167/iovs.12-10639 / PMID:23169881 Sullivan BD, Crews LA, Sönmez B, de la Paz MF, Comert E, Charoenrook V, de Araujo AL, Pepose JS, Berg MS, Kosheleff VP, Lemp MA. Clinical utility of objective tests for dry eye disease: variability over time and implications for clinical trials and disease management. Cornea. 2012 Sep;31(9):1000-8. PMID:22475641 Löfgren S, Michael R, Söderberg PG. Impact of iris pigment and pupil size in ultraviolet radiation cataract in rat. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012 Feb;90(1):44-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2010.01871.x / PMID: 20346084


Càtedra de Recerca en Oftalmologia "Joaquim Barraquer" - UAB

Publicaciones en revistas indexadas Nadal J, López-Fortuny M, Sauvageot P, Pérez-Formigó D. Treatment of recurrent retinal detachment secondary to optic nerve coloboma with injection of autologous platelet concentrate. J AAPOS. 2012 Feb;16(1):100-1. PMID: 22370676 Nadal J, Delas B, Piñero A. Vitrectomy without face-down posturing for idiopathic macular holes. Retina. 2012 May;32(5):918-21. PMID:22080914 Verdaguer P, Nadal J. Intraretinal cyst secondary to longstanding retinal detachment. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2012 May-Jun;22(3):506-8. doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000034. / PMID:21928257 Nadal J, Carreras E, Canut MI. Endodiathermy plus photocoagulation as treatment of sclerotomy site vascularization secondary to pars plana vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Retina. 2012 Jul;32(7):1310-5. PMID:22466471 Nadal J, Verdaguer P, Canut MI. Treatment Of Retinal Detachment Secondary To Macular Hole In High Myopia: Vitrectomy With Dissection of the Inner Limiting Membrane to the Edge of the Staphyloma and Long-term Tamponade. Retina. 2012 Sep;32(8):1525-30. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0b013e3182411cb8. / PMID:22466478 Capella MJ, Foster CS. Long-term efficacy and safety of infliximab in the treatment of Behçet's disease. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2012 Jun;20(3):198-202. doi: 10.3109/09273948.2012.670360. / PMID:22486265

4.2 Presentaciones en congresos internacionales


Presentation Abstract Program#/Poster#:


Abstract Title:

Absence Of Beta Amyloid In Cortical Cataracts Of Donors With And Without Alzheimer's Disease

Presentation Start/End Time:

Tuesday, May 08, 2012, 8:30 AM -10:15 AM

Session Number:


Session Title:

Human Cataract and Animal Models


Hall B/C

Reviewing Code:

135 cataractogenesis - LE

Author Block:

Ralph Michael1, Jurja Rosandić1, Gustavo Montenegro1, Elvira Lobato2, Francisco Tresserra3, Rafael I. Barraquer1, Gijs F. Vrensen4. 1Institut Universitari Barraquer, Barcelona, Spain; 2La Asociación para Evitar la Ceguera en México, I.A.P. Hospital “Dr. Luis Sánchez Bulnes”, Mexico D.F., Mexico; 3Department of Pathology, Institut Universitari Dexeus, Barcelona, Spain; 4Department of Ophthalmology, Leiden University Medical Center, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands.


445 cataract, 413 aging, 598 microscopy: light/fluorescence/immunohistochemistry

Abstract Body:

Purpose: To study crystalline lenses from donors with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in order to evaluate the presence of cataract and beta-amyloid. Methods: We obtained 31 lenses from 17 donors with AD and 15 lenses from agematched controls provided by the Banco de Ojos para Tratamientos de la Ceguera (Barcelona, Spain). The controls included 7 donors with cortical cataracts and 8 donor with transparent lenses. All lenses were photographed in a dark field microscope. Histological sections were analysed with classical and a modified, more sensitive Congo red staining, thioflavin staining, and by immunohistochemestry. Brain tissue from a donor with AD and a cornea with a lattice dystrophy were used as controls for the staining techniques. Results: From the 17 donors with AD, 9 had cortical cataract and 8 did not have cataract. Classical and modified Congo red, and thioflavin staining were positive in the control tissues. Immunohistochemestry staining was positive in the brain tissue but not in the cornea sample. Every staining technique performed in the lenses from this study was negative for beta-amyloid. Conclusions: The results in our control tissues correspond well with known observations in the brain and cornea. The absence of staining of the AD and control lenses with the techniques employed makes us conclude that there is no classical amyloid in lenses from donors with AD and in control cortical cataracts.

CommercialRelationships: Ralph Michael, None; Jurja Rosandić, None; Gustavo Montenegro, None; Elvira Lobato, None; Francisco Tresserra, None; Rafael I. Barraquer, None; Gijs F. Vrensen, None Support:


©2012, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to www.iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at arvo@arvo.org.

Presentation Abstract Program#/Poster#:


Abstract Title:

Transportation Simulations Of Cultured Human Limbal Epithelial Cells Subjected To Eyebank Storage

Presentation Start/End Time:

Monday, May 07, 2012, 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Session Number:


Session Title:

Corneal Epithelium and Ocular Surface Health


Hall B/C

Reviewing Code:

154 corneal epithelium - CO

Author Block:

Tor P. Utheim1, Øygunn A. Utheim1, Jon Roger Eidet1, Maria de La Paz2, Edward Messelt3A, Borghild Roald3B, Darlene A. Dartt4, Torstein Lyberg1. 1Center for Clinical Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 2El centro de Oftalmología Barraquer, Barcelona, Spain; AInstitute for Oral Biology, BDepartment of Pathology, 3University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; 4Schepens Eye Research Institute, Boston, MA.


482 cornea: epithelium, 483 cornea: storage, 449 cell survival

Abstract Body:

Purpose: The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of transportation simulations on the morphology, phenotype and viability of cultured human limbal epithelial cells (HLEC) subjected to four days of storage at 23°C. Reliable methods for cell transportation are becoming increasingly more important with the centralization of production units, due in part to strict regulatory demands imposed on tissue laboratories. Methods: HLEC cultured for 3 weeks were transferred to closed glass containers. The cultures were divided into five experimental groups, and all were subjected to four days of storage at 23° C in HEPES buffered Minimal Essential Medium (MEM) supplemented with antibiotics. Storage bottles containing cultured HLEC were completely filled with medium for groups 1-3 and 5, but for group 4 they were only ¾ full. Pluronic F-68, a water-soluble triblock copolymer with shear protecting properties, was added to the medium in group 5. Transportation simulations were initiated after 3 hours of storage. In group 1 (control group) HLEC cultures were stored but were not subjected to transportation simulations. In group 2 cultures were stored and agitated for 6 h at 200 rotations per minute (rpm) using an orbital shaker. HLEC cultures in groups 3, 4 and 5 were stored and subjected to orbital shaking at 200 rpm for 36 h. Cell morphology and phenotype were analysed by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry, respectively. A calcein-acetoxymethyl ester/ethidium homodimer-1 assay was used to assess cell viability. Results: HLEC morphology appeared unchanged in all but group 4, where the number of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes was significantly lower than the other groups. The number of cell layers (2.8 - 3.5), cell viability (96.4% - 97.5%), and cell phenotype (C/EBPβ, ABCG2, deltaNp63α, p63, Bmi-1, Caspase-3, Ck3, Ki67 and PCNA expression), did not demonstrate any significant differences between the five experimental groups. Conclusions: HLEC subjected to four days of storage at 23°C in HEPES-MEM are able to withstand long-term transportation simulations especially well when cell storage containers are completely filled with medium. We hypothesise that the lack of air above the medium in the container reduces mechanical stress, i.e. shearing forces exerted on cells.


Tor P. Utheim, Inven2 AS (P); Øygunn A. Utheim, None; Jon Roger Eidet, None; Maria de La Paz, None; Edward Messelt, None; Borghild Roald, None; Darlene A. Dartt, None; Torstein Lyberg, None


Norwegian Health Region South East

©2012, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to www.iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at arvo@arvo.org.

EuCornea - European Society of Cornea & Ocular Surface Disease Specialists







Página 1 de 1



Saturday 08 September 2012 09:30 - 10:30 | Brown Hall 3 Free Paper Session: Keratoprosthesis and Basic Science Moderator/s: S. Hannush USA, A. Villarrubia SPAIN


M. de la Paz SPAIN


J. Kang USA


J. Hou USA


C. Forlini ITALY


O. Buznyk UKRAINE Ukraine results of collagen-based bioengineered corneal substitutes implantation in rabbits




J. Vazirani INDIA


E. Villani ITALY


M. Weyns BELGIUM Scleral contact lenses for long term management of exposure keratitis and trophic ulceration in facial nerve palsy

Visual prognosis and complications of Boston keratoprosthesis in two eye centers in Europe

Anterior segment optical coherence tomography for the evaluation of anterior segment dynamics and angle structure following Boston keratoprosthesis type I

Retroprosthetic membrane thickness and risk of donor cornea melt in patients with type I Boston keratoprosthesis

The use of different types of temporary keratoprosthesis: what to choose?

Foldable artificial cornea for treatment of cornea blindness

Antimicrobial efficacy of riboflavin and ultraviolet: a light combination in vitro for multi drug resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa and fusarium solani isolates

The aging meibomian glands: an in vivo confocal study



EVER 2012 E C I N www.ever.be SCIENCE FOR SIGHT




Programme Committee meeting, June 2012

Programme secretary, Marcela VOTRUBA Section programme secretaries ACB

Anatomy/Cell Biology



Cornea/Ocular Surface

Jean-Jacques GICQUEL


Electrophysiology, Physiological Optics, Vision Sciences







Piergiorgio NERI


Lens and Cataract



Molecular Biology/Genetics/Epidemiology



Neuro-ophthalmology/Strabismus/Paediatric Ophthalmology/ History of Ophthalmology











European Association for Vision and Eye Research LC: Ocular straylight: new developments Ocular straylight has been established as an additional measure of visual quality next to visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. In our SIS we will present new developments to model and measure straylight. Another aspect will be the discussion to use ocular straylight as an objective indicator for cataract surgery. This is currently an important topic for insurance companies in some European countries. Session type Special Interest Symposium Moderators for this session Ralph MICHAEL, Thomas JTP VAN DEN BERG Time and place of session This session will take place on Saturday 13 October 2012 from 13:35 till 15:05 in room Gallieni 4. Abstracts assigned to this session (5) New straylight issues in treatment of the eye



A statistical eye model that incorporates straylight




Straylight as indication for cataract surgery





Straylight values in pseudophakes - standard IOL versus bag-in-the-lens IOL





Clinical relevance of straylight in patients with retinitis pigmentosa










EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465.214.572

European Association for Vision and Eye Research COS: Current management of keratoconus The SIS will give a state-of-the-art overview on keratoconus and it's current treatment with special consideration of the keratoconus patterns and intrastromal segment implantation.

Session type Special Interest Symposium Moderators for this session Rafael I. BARRAQUER, Ralph MICHAEL Time and place of session This session will take place on Saturday 13 October 2012 from 11:00 till 12:30 in room Erato. Abstracts assigned to this session (5) 11:00



Keratoconus and keratectasia





Long-term results of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in patients with keratoconus





Keratoconus patterns and intrastromal segments





Visual and refractive outcomes of intracorneal ring segments in the treatment of keratoconus: the RETICS multicentrical study





Cross linking for keratoconus clinical results comparing epithelium removal versus no removal



EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465.214.572

European Association for Vision and Eye Research e4433 - Keratoconus patterns and intrastromal segments Print this page Session information This abstract has been assigned to session Current management of keratoconus. This session will take place on Saturday 13 October 2012 from 11:00 till 12:30 in room Erato. Authors

BARRAQUER RI Institut Universitari Barraquer (Barcelona) ALFONSO J Author 2 Instituto Oftalmológico Fernandez-Vega (Oviedo) MURTA J Author 3 University of Coimbra (Coimbra) Abstract Intrastromal corneal segments (ICS) are a popular alternative for the treatment of keratoconus. However, its variability makes difficult a simple approach to ICS implantation. The SA.ANA classification of ICS implant modalities was developed to Purpose enable comparability between case series, with implications on the best ICS combinations for the different keratoconus patterns. A multicenter database was established including ICS implanted during the 2004 to 2011 period. Based on 1097 cases, a simple classification of ICS implantation modalities was Methods devised using 2 basic criteria: symmetry and axiality, whose combination results in 4 major types. The observed series was fitted into this framework. 2 equal ICS facing each other define symmetrical (S) implantation. Asymmetrical (A) means only 1 or 2 different ICS. Axial (A) implants are those placed with their center at the flatter astigmatism axis, while non-axial (NA) refers to those at an axis differing ≥30º from that of astigmatism. This results in 4 main types (SA, AA, SNA, ANA), while the Results asymmetric types can include 1 or 2 ICS (AA1, AA2, ANA1, ANA2). The most frequent modality was asymmetrical-axial (AA) totaling almost 70% of the implants. Symmetricaxial (SA) represent about 10%. The non-axial groups account for the remaining minority (20%). The SAANA classification employs simple criteria for a comprehensive description of the ICS implantation types. Identifying these types is a prerequisite for a meaningful comparison of the clinical results. This classification is also useful as a guideline to select Conclusions the best ICS combinations for a particular keratoconus case. While axial implantation constitutes 80% of the cases, the non-axial types may address special problems as noncoincident astigmatism & coma. Author 1

EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465 214 572 • VAT FR 88 753 973 718

European Association for Vision and Eye Research LC: Free papers : Cataract surgery Session type Free papers Moderators for this session Marie - JosĂŠ TASSIGNON, Rafael I. BARRAQUER Time and place of session This session will take place on Friday 12 October 2012 from 11:00 till 12:30 in room Gallieni 3. Abstracts assigned to this session (6) 11:00



Evolution of cataract surgery: Barraquer experience





Efficacy of surgical simulator training versus traditional wetlab training on the complication rate during capsulorrhexis portion of cataract surgery in trainees





Intracameral cefuroxime injection at the end of cataract surgery reduces the incidence of endophthalmitis, a French study





Morphology of age-related cuneiform cortical cataracts: the case for mechanical stress.





Contribution of 3D anterior segment reconstruction by rotative UBM to the sizing of phakic IOL


Influence of multifocal intraocular lenses on standard automated perimetry test results






European Association for Vision and Eye Research e3481 - Evolution of cataract surgery: Barraquer experience Print this page Session information This abstract has been assigned to session Free papers : Cataract surgery. This session will take place on Friday 12 October 2012 from 11:00 till 12:30 in room Gallieni 3.

Authors DE LA PAZ M Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer (Barcelona) BARRAQUER J Author 2 Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer (Barcelona) ALVAREZ DE TOLEDO JP Author 3 Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer (Barcelona) Abstract Purpose To describe the evolution of cataract surgery at the Barraquer Eye Center Several videos are presented showing the different techniques of cataract surgery Methods over the last century Intracapsular cataract extraction using the eysiphake was first developed by Prof. Ignacio Barraquer and the surgery was done with topical anesthesia, sutureless technique. This technique was later on enhanced with zonulolysis using alphachymotrypsis as discovered by Prof. Joaquin Barraquer. Anterior chamber Results intraocular lens implantation using the Strampelli lens thru a small corneal incision is also shown. Finally we show the present day technique femtosecond laser assisted phacoemulsification thru a 2 mm incision with implantation of foldable intraocular posterior chamber lens. Several changes have taken place thru the last century in cataract surgery. ConclusionsTechniques have been developed for less intra operative and postoperative complications, faster visual rehabilitation and excellent refractive results. Author 1

EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465.214.572

European Association for Vision and Eye Research e3484 - Morphology of age-related cuneiform cortical cataracts: the case for mechanical stress. Print this page Session information This abstract has been assigned to session Free papers : Cataract surgery. This session will take place on Friday 12 October 2012 from 11:00 till 12:30 in room Gallieni 3.

Authors MICHAEL R Institut Universitari Barraquer (Barcelona) VRENSEN G Author 2 Department of Ophthalmology, University of Leiden (Leiden) BARRAQUER RI Author 3 Institut Universitari Barraquer (Barcelona) Abstract Purpose To study the morphology of age-related cuneiform cortical cataracts. We evaluated the gross morphology, location, and fiber cell architecture of equatorial cortical opacities in the aging human lens. Using dark-field stereomicroscopy, we photographed donor lenses in toto and as thick slices. In Methods addition, we investigated the details of the fiber cell architecture using fluorescent staining for membranes and by scanning electron microscopy. We then combined our data with data from recent studies on lens viscoelasticity. We found that small cortical and cuneiform opacities are accompanied by changes Results in fiber structure and architecture mainly in the equatorial border zone between the lens nucleus and cortex. Because the lens cortex and nucleus have different viscoelastic properties in young and old lenses, we hypothesize that external forces during accommodation cause Conclusionsshear stress predominantly in this border zone. The location of the described changes suggests that these mechanical forces may cause fiber disorganization, small cortical opacities, and ultimately, cuneiform cataracts. Author 1

EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465.214.572

European Association for Vision and Eye Research e3872 - Large optico-reconstructive corneal grafts in complicated cases Print this page Session information This abstract has been assigned to session Free papers : From refractive surgery to corneal grafting. This session will take place on Friday 12 October 2012 from 17:30 till 19:00 in room Gallieni 4. Authors Author 1

BARRAQUER J Instituto Barraquer (Barcelona)


Demonstration of different procedures for eye surface reconstruction and visual rehabilitation in complicated conditions. Case 1: LASIK photokeratomileusis is demonstrated in a case previously operated for penetrating keratoplasty. Case 2: Optico-reconstructive penetrating 11 mm keratoplasty performed in a case of bilateral keratoconus-keratoglobus. The fellow eye had been operated for 11 mm penetrating keratoplasty 20 years earlier, with good Methods result. Two years after the operation of the second eye opacification of the graft developed in the second eye due to irreversible homograft reaction. A second penetrating graft, 7.6 mm in diameter was performed in the center of the previous, opaque, graft. The procedure was combined with simultaneous extracapsular lens removal and IOL implantation. The excellent results of these three examples of complicated large penetrating corneal Results grafts are demonstrated in all three cases with video and slides. The prognosis of large diameter optico-reconstructive penetrating keratoplasties in apparently unfavourable situations can be definitely improved selecting appropriate surgical indications, combined with a meticoulus surgical technique, adequate Conclusions postoperative medication (local and systemic corticosteroids, cyclosporine A eye drops 2 %, immunosuppressors, topical cycloplegics, etc.)and rigurous postoperative follow-up control.


EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465 214 572 • VAT FR 88 753 973 718

European Association for Vision and Eye Research eT087 - Boston Keratoprosthesis (Type I): visual prognosis and complications Print this page Session information This abstract has been assigned to session Poster session 1 : Molecular Biology / Genetics / Epidemiology - Anatomy / Cell Biology - Cornea / Ocular Surface - Neuroophthalmology/Strabismology/Paediatric Ophthalmology/History of Ophthalmology. This session will take place on Thursday 11 October 2012 from 16:45 till 18:00 in all rooms.

Authors DE LA PAZ M Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer (Barcelona) STOIBER J Author 2 Salzburg Eye Clinic (Salzburg) MICHAEL R Author 3 Institut Universitari Barraquer (Barcelona) Abstract to describe the functional results and sight threatening post-operative complications Purpose of Type I Boston Keratoprosthesis. retrospective descriptive study of Boston Keratoprosthesis patients from two Methods European eye centers. A total of 66 eyes were included for analysis. Mean follow-up time was 28 months. Majority of patients had more than 2 penetrating keratoplasties, primary clinical diagnosis are presented. Mean preoperative best corrected visual acuity was 2.05, mean best ever achieved post-operative best corrected visual acuity was 1.16 and Results final mean postoperative best corrected visual acuity was 1.47 . The most common sight-threatening complications were as follows: retroprosthetic membrane, retinal/choroidal detachment, infectious keratitis, endophthalmitis, peripheral retinal occlusive vasculitis and prosthesis extrusion. Management of complications are discussed. 95 % retention rate with overall improvement in visual acuity demonstrates that Type I Boston Keratoprosthesis is a good alternative to cases of multiple graft Conclusions failure due to various primary clinical diagnoses. Complications must be detected early on and managed accordingly to ensure success of the procedure. Author 1

EVER Office - European Association for Vision and Eye Research Kapucijnenvoer 33, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium ever@ever.be • tel +32 16 233 849 • fax +32 16 234 097 • VAT BE 0465.214.572

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