Front Cover: (Detail) Lot 61 Montague J. Dawson
Back Cover: (Detail) Lot 54 Andrew Winter
Front Cover: (Detail) Lot 61 Montague J. Dawson
Back Cover: (Detail) Lot 54 Andrew Winter
Bernard Langlais (Am. 1921-1977), Seagull, 1970
A Maine landmark that hung on the facade of 3 Main St., Bar Harbor, Maine for 50 years and was restored in 2013.
Acquired by Barridoff in 2020, and now on display at our facility in South Portland.
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SATURDAY , APRIL 1 , 2023 | 1:00PM EDT
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l.c. lower center
l.l. lower left
l.r. lower right
u.c. upper center
u.l. upper left
u.r. upper right
b. born
c. circa Am. American Br. British Can. Canadian
Chn. China Eur. European Fr. French Ger. German It. Italian Jap. Japanese
Rus. Russian Swe. Sweden
h. height
w. width
l. length
d. depth
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William J. Milliken. ME license number AUC1627
Copyright © 2023
Night House
Oil on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.c.
22 1/8" x 15" actual, 23 15/16" x 16 11/16" framed
$900 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Pearl Lake, 2012
Mixed media on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated l.r.
16" x 12 3/4" actual, 19 3/16" x 16 3/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Monoprint hand painted with stenciling, framed under glass
Signed l.r., Robert Schoelkopf Gallery labels verso 22 3/4" x 16 1/2" sight, 30 3/8" x 24 3/16" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Monoprint hand painted with stenciling, framed under glass
Signed l.r. 22 5/8" x 16 5/8" sight, 28" x 22" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Yasuo Kuniyoshi (Jap./Am. 1893-1953)
Café Number 2, 1936
Lithograph on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated in pencil l.r., editioned "Ed. 100" l.l., exhibition label verso
13 1/2" x 10 1/8" sight, 25 11/16" x 21 3/4" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: From the Collection of George and Dadee Burk
Marsden Hartley (Am. 1877-1943)
Apples in Basket, 1923
Lithograph on paper, matted
Signed and dated in pencil l.r.
15 7/8" x 21 5/8" sight, 21 13/16" x 27 5/8" matted
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Louise Nevelson (Am. 1899-1998)
American Jewish Congress, 1974
Screenprint on paper, framed under glass
Initialed and dated l.r., editioned "72/100" l.l.
27 3/4” x 22” image, 33” x 26 3/4” framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Richard Prince (Am. b. 1949)
Twelve Portraits
Ektacolor print on paper, unframed
Signed l.r.
10" x 8" actual
$6,000 - $8,000
Provenance: From a Private New England Collection
Richard Prince (Am. b. 1949)
Red Nude
Charcoal and watercolor on paper, matted
Signed l.r.
12" x 8 15/16" actual, 20" x 16" matted
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: From a Private New England Collection
Provenance: From a Private New England Collection
Neil Welliver (Am. 1929-2005) Little Marsh, 1986 Woodcut on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r., editioned "9/100" l.l., exhibition label and O'Farrell Gallery label verso 31 1/4" x 32 1/8" sight, 39" x 40" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Medford, Massachusetts
William Wegman (Am. b. 1943) "Secret Saying" 1994
Polaroid, framed under glass
Signed and dated l.r., titled l.c. 27 3/4" x 21 1/2" sight, 36 3/4" x 28 3/4" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Rufino Tamayo (Mexican 1899-1991)
Woman at Table, 1928 Pencil on wove paper, unframed Signed and dated u.r. 7 1/4" x 6" actual,
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Other Notes: According to Juan Carlos Pereda, the Curator at the Museum Tamayo, the above lot is an unpublished work and appears to be a portrait of one of the daughter's of Maria Izquierdo (also a Mexican painter). Izquierdo was Tamayo's first romantic partner before marrying Olga Flores Rivas. There is a similar work listed in the book "Drawings of Tamayo" published in 1950. Barridoff Auctions would like to thank Juan Carlos Pereda for his assistance cataloging this lot.
Domingo Ramos (Cuban 1894-1956)
"Landscape From the Isle of Pines II" 1921 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated u.r., inscribed indistinctly in Spanish verso 15 15/16" x 18 1/4" actual, 21 5/16" x 23 7/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Sausalito, California
*This lot is being sold to benefit the Marine Mammal Center
Mark A. Pollack (Am./Cuban 1874-1946) Still Life with Red Vase, 1946 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.l. 23 7/8" x 17 7/8" actual, 30 5/8" x 24 3/4" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Sausalito, California
*This lot is being sold to benefit the Marine Mammal Center.
Tiffany & Co. Lioness Paperweight Bronze
"TIFFANY STUDIOS NEW YORK 932" incised on underside
Approx. 1 5/8" x 4 3/4" x 1 3/4" actual
$400 - $600
Provenance: Private Collection Portland, Maine
Luigi Lucioni (It. 1900-1988) Pines and Birches, 1936 Oil on board, framed Signed and dated l.l., dated and inscribed indistinctly verso 20" x 15 7/8" actual, 25" x 21 1/8" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: James D. Julia Inc. Fairfield, Maine, August 21, 2003 to Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Eric Aho (Am. b. 1966)
Corn Hill Beach
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated l.r.
5" x 6 7/8" actual, 13 1/2" x 15 7/16" framed
$900 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Eric Aho (Am. b. 1966)
"From the Johnson Suite: The Connecticut" 2000
Monotype on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r., signed, titled, dated and exhibition label verso 22 1/4" x 29 3/4" actual, 24 1/2" x 31 15/16" framed
$900 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Eric Aho (Am. b. 1966)
Autumn Field
Pastel on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.c. 10 7/8" x 13 5/8" actual, 18" x 20 3/4" framed
$900 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Eric Aho (Am. b. 1966)
"The Sky on September 21st" 1999
Oil on canvas, framed Signed, titled and dated verso 24" x 24" actual, 25 3/8" x 25 3/8" framed
$5,000 - $7,000
Provenance: Artist to Private Collection Massachusetts
Robert Kulicke (Am. 1924-2007)
Floral Still Life, 1961
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass Signed and dated u.c. 7 5/8" x 8 5/8" sight, 15 1/4" x 16 1/4" framed
$900 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Seymour Remenick (Am. 1923-1999)
"Fruit with Orange Background"
Oil on canvas, framed
Signed u.c., titled, "Painted after the Hoffman period Probably late 1947 or 1948" and "Discharged army late 1943" inscribed by artist on stretcher verso 12" x 16" actual, 19 11/16" x 23 3/4" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Robert Kulicke (Am. 1924-2007)
Les Fleurs, 1967
Oil on canvas, framed
Signed u.c., Obelisk Gallery exhibition tag and ArtNews Magazine clipping attached verso 9 1/4" x 9" actual, 14 1/2" x 14 1/4" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Private Collection Boston, Massachusetts
Dale Chihuly (Am. b. 1941)
Persian Glass Sculpture, 2003
Glass with original mount affixed to underside
Signature and date incised on underside
Approx. 12" x 12" x 6" actual
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection Portland, Maine
Dale Chihuly (Am. b. 1941)
Persian Glass Sculpture, 2003
Glass with original mount affixed to underside
Signature and date incised on underside
Approx. 17 1/8" x 16 5/8" x 5" actual
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Portland, Maine
Dale Chihuly (Am. b. 1941)
Persian Glass Sculpture, 2003
Glass with original mount affixed to underside
Signature and date incised on underside
Approx. 13 3/4" x 13 3/4" x 4" actual
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection Portland, Maine
Front image Side image showing mount Front image Side image showing mount Front imageKatherine Bradford (Am. b. 1942) "Canoe Carry" 2007 Oil on canvas, unframed Signed and titled verso 6 1/8" x 9 1/16" actual
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: MECA Annual Art Auction to Private Collection Portland, Maine
Other Notes: This lot is accompanied by the Annual Art Auction Registration Tag from the Maine College of Art auction from which it was purchased
Katherine Bradford (Am. b. 1942) Lone Swimmer, c. 2005 Oil on canvas, framed Ogunquit Museum of American Art labels verso 4 1/8" x 6" actual, 8 9/16" x 10 9/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Ogunquit Museum of American Art to Private Collection Portland, Maine
Ruth Bernhard (Ger./Am. 1905-2006)
"Two Leaves" 1952
Gelatin silver print, framed under glass
Signed l.r., signed, titled and dated verso 14 1/4" x 11" sight, 24 3/8" x 20 7/16" framed
$3,000 - $4,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Ruth Bernhard (Ger. 1905-2006)
"Spanish Dancer" 1971
Gelatin silver print, framed under glass
Signed l.r., signed, titled, dated and artist's stamp verso 8 3/8" x 13 1/2" actual, 17 3/8" x 21 1/4" framed
$5,000 - $7,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Alfred Eisenstaedt (Am./Ger. 1898-1995)
"Children Dancing School at La Scala: Milan, Italy" 1934
Gelatin silver print, framed under glass
Titled, dated and artist's stamp verso
17" x 11" sight, 22 13/16" x 18 13/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
$4,000 - $6,000
Provenance: Artist to Private Collection New York City, New York to Private Collection Connecticut
Nelligan (Am. 1924-2018) "10 Oct '00" on paper, framed under glass Signed l.r., titled verso 1/8" x 10 3/8" actual, 10 1/8" x 17 1/8" framedNathaniel Kaz (Am. 1917-2010)
Two Works:
1] Don Quixote Bust, 1941
2] Small Face Mask, 1945
1-2] Bronze
1] Signature, date and edition "5/11" incised verso
2] Signature and date incised verso
1] 10" x 4" x 3" actual
2] 4 1/2" x 3 1/4" x 2" actual
$400 - $600
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Nathaniel Kaz (Am. 1917-2010)
St. Sebastian Standing Figure, 1947 Bronze
Signature and date incised on base 17" x 7" x 4" actual
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Rolph Scarlett (Am./Can. 1889-1984)
Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r. 40" x 49 1/8" actual, 41 3/16" x 50 3/16" framed
$20,000 - $30,000
Provenance: Private Collection New York
John Steuart Curry (Am. 1897-1946)
Study of an Effigy Charcoal and ink on paper, framed under glass
Initialed l.r.
9 7/8" x 6 1/4" actual, 19 1/8" x 15 1/8" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Morris Graves (Am. 1910-2001)
Lone Bird
Ink on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r.
9" x 12 1/4" sight, 15 5/16" x 18 1/2" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Philip Evergood (Am. 1901-1973)
Gouache and watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.c. 8 1/4" x 8 9/16" sight, 12 7/8" x 13 1/4" framed
$500 - $700
Provenance: Berman's, New Jersey to Private Collection Vermont
Philip Evergood (Am. 1901-1973)
The Exultant Woodsmen, 1962
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r., dated in Roman numerals l.l., Kennedy Galleries labels verso 29 3/8" x 21 3/4" sight, 32 1/2" x 25" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Tom French Gallery, Ohio to Rachel Davis Fine Art, Cleveland 2009 to Kennedy Gallery, New York to Private Collection Vermont
Morris Shulman (Am. 1912-1978)
"Root at Burnt Head / Monhegan" 1949 Casein on paper, framed under glass Signed, titled and dated verso 21 7/8" x 30 1/8" actual, 28 1/8" x 36 3/8" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Howard Rackliffe (Am. 1917-1987)
Winter Dunes, 1978 Oil on masonite, framed Signed l.r., Weschler's Auctioneers and Appraisers label and exhibition label verso
54 5/8" x 49 1/8" actual, 57 1/8" x 52" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Reuben Tam was not only an incredibly talented and prolific artist, but also a respected educator and published poet. To some, painting and poetry may appear to be disparate disciplines, but to Tam they were both expressions of the same unique vision. This vision stemmed from his love for nature and his complete immersion in it, which permeated every aspect of his personal and professional life. Barridoff Auctions has been fortunate enough to promote and sell the artist’s work for nearly 4 decades. He remains one of the more undervalued artists in the market given the body of work he created, particularly while on Monhegan Island, Maine.
Born in Kapaa, Hawaii on the northernmost Hawaiian island of Kaua'i in 1916, Tam spent his formative years combing the beaches and coastlines of the Islands. He received a degree in education from the University of Hawaii in 1937 and briefly worked as a public-school teacher before attending graduate courses at the California School of Fine Arts. In 1941, Tam relocated to New York where he took courses in art history and philosophy at the New School for Social Research and Columbia University. It was in New York where Tam's artistic career began to take shape when in 1945 he became affiliated with the Downtown Gallery. He exhibited prolifically in national and regional shows, and his abstract landscape paintings won critical praise.
Tam's paintings were recognized for their unique style and expression. He often fused his passion for poetry and painting, creating evocative and striking works that captured the essence of the landscapes he painted. His
art was deeply influenced by coastal landscapes both in Maine and in his native Hawaii.
Tam's work gained recognition and in 1948 he was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. The following year, he exhibited in the National Academy's annual exhibition for the first time.
Throughout his painting career, Tam won numerous awards and held over thirty oneman shows. Tam was not just a painter, he was a respected educator as well. From 1946 to 1974, he was an instructor at the Brooklyn Museum of Art School, where he taught advanced studies in painting and served as chairman of the graduate painting department. He also taught at other institutions such as Oregon State University, Haystack and Queens College, CUNY. Tam's teaching style emphasized individuality and self-expression, which reflected his own artistic philosophy.
Beginning in 1948, Tam and his wife Geraldine spent nearly 30 summers at their home and studio on Monhegan Island, where he would befriend other well-known Monhegan artists of the time including William Kienbusch. Reuben Tam's paintings of the island's landscapes
and seascapes are particularly noteworthy. His Monhegan paintings are celebrated for their unique style that capture the island's rugged beauty and serene charm. As his work evolved in his later years, he moved closer and closer toward pure abstraction.
Despite his extensive body of work produced in Hawaii and Monhegan, Tam is not always given the recognition he deserves as one of the notable artists of his day. However, his contributions to American art and art education are significant. Tam's legacy as a painter, poet and educator endures, and his work continues to in -
spire and captivate viewers. His art is a testament to his creativity, his passion for painting and his appreciation for modernism and the beauty of nature.
His work is held in museum collections throughout the country, including the Addison Museum of American Art, the Brooklyn Museum, the Farnsworth Museum, the Hirschhorn Museum, the Hawaii State Museum, the Honolulu Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the National Academy of Design, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Whitney Museum of Art, the University of Michigan Art Museum and the Monhegan Museum among others.
$700 - $900
Provenance: Private Collection Boothbay Harbor, Maine
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection Michigan
Reuben Tam (Am. 1916-1991) "Island of Monhegan 7" Oil on paper, framed under glass Signed l.r., The Vincent Price Collection exhibition label verso 2 1/4" x 4 5/16" sight, 13 1/4" x 14 3/4" framed Reuben Tam (Am. 1916-1991) "Northern Lights, White Flares" Monhegan, 1978 Oil on paper, framed under glass Signed l.r., titled on mat l.l., signed, titled and dated verso 6 3/4" x 7 3/4" sight, 13 7/8" x 15 5/8" framedSpring
Reuben Tam (Am. 1916-1991)
Gull at Sunset, Monhegan, 1960
Oil on masonite, framed Signed and dated l.l. 16 1/4" x 20 3/8" actual 21 9/16" x 25 5/8" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection San Diego, California
William Kienbusch (Am. 1914-1980)
Camp Island #2, 1951
Casein on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated l.r., Gleason Fine Art exhibition tag attached u.l. 22 1/8" x 29 15/16" actual, 32 1/2" x 40 1/8" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Henry Kallem (Am. 1912-1985)
Abstracted Seascape with Moon, 1947 Acrylic on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated l.l.
12 1/2" x 18 7/8" sight, 19 1/2" x 25 7/8" framed
$700 - $900
Provenance: Private Collection Michigan
Alex Minewski (Am. 1917-1979)
"Wreck Fragments" Monhegan Island, Maine Oil on panel, framed
Signed l.l., signed and titled verso
11 7/8" x 15 7/8" actual, 16" x 20 1/4" framed
$900 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Jay Connaway (Am. 1893-1970) Coast of Monhegan Oil on masonite, unframed Additional composition verso
24" x 19 7/8" actual
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection San Diego, California
Edmund Franklin Ward (Am. 1892-1991) Figures On Monhegan Coast Oil on canvas board, framed Estate stamp verso
18" x 23 7/8" actual, 22 1/4" x 27 7/8" framed
$500 - $700
Provenance: Private Collection San Diego, California
Andrew Winter (Am. 1893-1958)
Blackhead Monhegan, 1943 Oil on canvas, framed
$10,000 - $15,000
Provenance: Gleason Fine Arts to Private Collection Ohio
l.r., Spanierman Gallery exhibition label verso 22" x 28" actual, 30 3/16" x 36 1/8" framedLeo Brooks (Am. 1909-1993)
Coastal Livestock
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r., Gallery by the Sea label verso
13 1/8" x 20 7/8" sight, 21 1/2" x 29" framed
$800 - $1,000
Provenance: Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Leo Brooks (Am. 1909-1993)
Cathedral Woods, Monhegan
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r.
14 3/8" x 21 3/8" sight, 20 3/4" x 27 1/4" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Barridoff Auctions October 2016, lot 285 to Private Collection San Diego, California
Karl Schmidt (Am. 1890-1962)
Seascape, Monhegan
Oil on masonite, framed
Karl Schmidt Collection label verso
20" x 30" actual, 24 1/2" x 34 5/8" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection San Diego, California
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.l.
8" x 11" sight, 17 1/4" x 19 15/16" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Collection of Jean Deighan South Portland, Maine
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r.
9 1/2" x 19 1/4" sight, 20 3/16" x 30 1/8" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Falmouth, Maine
Alfred Thompson Bricher (Am. 1837-1908) Jack Lorimer Gray (Can. 1927-1981) DraggerMontague J. Dawson (Br. 1890-1973)
"Gliding Along, the Deb" Oil on canvas, framed
Signed l.l., titled and inscribed "The new 5.5 metre yacht, y Nicholsons." and "Copyright reserved by Artist" frame verso, The Cooling Galleries and Bond Street Association Member labels verso 23 5/8" x 35 1/2" sight, 30 3/8" x 42 1/2" framed
$25,000 - $35,000
Provenance: Private Collection Portland, Maine
Montague J. Dawson (Br. 1890-1973)
"Wind Aft" The Repulse
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.l., Harlow McDonald & Co. label verso
16 5/8" x 26 5/8" sight, 18 5/8" x 28 3/4" framed
$6,000 - $8,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cushing, Maine
Milton Avery (Am. 1885-1965) My Wife Sally Etching on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r., signed in plate u.l.
7 1/4" x 9 5/8" sight, 13 1/8" x 15 3/8" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Milton Avery (Am. 1885-1965)
Umbrella by the Sea, 1948
Dry point etching, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r., signed in plate l.l.
5 1/2" x 8" sight, 12 1/4" x 14 5/8" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Milton Avery (Am. 1885-1965)
Fish, 1952
Woodblock print on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated in pencil l.r., editioned "13/100" in pencil l.l., Makler Gallery tag and Fischbach Gallery label verso 3 1/2" x 9 3/4" sight, 12 1/4" x 18 5/16" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Etching on paper, framed under glass Signed l.r., titled verso
7 11/16" x 15 1/2" sight, 23 3/16" x 29 5/16" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Frank Weston Benson (Am. 1862-1951)
Broadbills, 1919
Drypoint etching on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.l., editioned "137" in pencil l.r.
10 1/2" x 8 1/2" sight, 20 9/16" x 17 3/8" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
"Flight of Birds" 1946 Oil on panel, framed Signed and dated l.r., signed, titled, dated and Passedoit Gallery label verso 30 1/16" x 42 1/16" actual, 35 1/2" x 47 5/8" framed
$40,000 - $60,000
William Zorach (Am. 1887-1966) Landscape
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Inscribed "To: Naomi with love from Bill & Marguerite" l.l. 15" x 22" sight, 22" x 29" framed
$3,000 - $4,000
William Zorach (Am. 1887-1966)
"Stonington, ME" 1918
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed, titled and dated l.r., Christie's labels verso 14 5/8" x 12" sight, 19 7/8" x 16 15/16" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection New York
William Zorach (Am. 1887-1966)
Seated Figure
Pencil on paper, framed under glass Signed l.l. 10" x 7 3/4" sight, 16 9/16" x 13 3/4" framed
$600 - $800
Provenance: Private Collection New York, New York
William Zorach (Am. 1887-1966)
Mother and Child Maquette Bronze
Signature incised on reverse 7" x 3 1/16" x 3" actual including base
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection New York
William Zorach (Am. 1887-1966)
Marguerite Seated, 1950
Pencil on paper, framed under glass Signed and dated l.c. 5 3/4" x 8 5/8" sight, 11 5/8" x 14 5/16" framed
$600 - $800
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Nathaniel Kaz (Am. 1917-2010)
Cyrano de Bergerac, 1950 Bronze
Signature and date incised along base 34 1/4" x 15" x 9" actual
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Private Collection New York
Carl Sprinchorn (Am. 1887-1971)
Pastel and watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Initialed l.r.
17 9/16" x 14 1/4" sight, 20 3/8" x 25 5/8" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection Falmouth, Maine
Carl Sprinchorn (Am. 1887-1971)
Stone Wall by Farmhouse
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass Signed l.l., additional composition verso
14 1/2" x 21 3/4" sight, 23 5/8" x 31 3/8" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Estate of Donald Brenwasser, New Jersey
Carl Sprinchorn (Am. 1887-1971)
Three Works: Various Portraits
1-3] Ink and watercolor on paper, unframed
1] Signed l.r.
2] Signed l.l.
3] Initialed l.l.
1] 5 5/8" x 3 5/8" actual
2] 8 3/8" x 6" actual
3] 6 1/4" x 4 1/8" actual
$500 -$700
Provenance: Estate of Donald Brenwasser, New Jersey
Carl Sprinchorn (Am. 1887-1971)
Three Works:
1] Woman in Purple, c. 1915
2] The Fan, 1914
3] Two Women, 1908
1-3] Ink and watercolor on paper, unframed
1] Initialed l.l., signed and dated verso
2] Initialed l.r., signed and "Paris - 1914 - at the opera" inscribed verso
3] Initialed and dated l.l.
1] 7 3/4" x 5" actual
2] 5" x 5" actual
3] 7 3/4" x 5" actual
$700 - $900
Provenance: Estate of Donald Brenwasser, New Jersey
Paul Strand (Am.
- $7,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Notes: Printed by Richard Benson (The Paul Strand Foundation)
Dahlov Ipcar (Am. 1917-2017)
"Home Scene" 1948
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Artist's label verso
14 3/4" x 24 1/4" sight, 24 1/4" x 32 3/4" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Property of a Charitable Organization, Maine
Dahlov Ipcar (Am. 1917-2017)
"Beef Farm" 1958
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Artist's label verso
11 7/16" x 29 1/2" sight, 21 3/4" x 39 3/8" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Property of a Charitable Organization, Maine
1/4" actual, 20 3/4" x 34 7/8"
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Studio of the Artist to Private Collection Boston, Massachusetts
Robert Riggs (Am. 1896-1970)
"Tumblers" 1934
Lithograph on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r., titled and editioned "45" in pencil l.l., signed in plate l.l., Casco Bay Auctions label verso 15 1/4" x 19 3/4" sight, 24 5/16" x 28 3/16" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Eugene Camille Fitsch (Am./Fr. 1892-1972) Morningside Heights, New York City Oil on panel, framed Signed l.r. 18" x 32 framedArthur Tress (Am. b. 1940)
Two Photographs:
1] Shadow Series, #26
2] Shadow Series, #53
1-2] Gelatin silver print, matted
1-2] Signed l.r., titled l.l.
1-2] 7 1/4" x 7 3/8" actual, 20" x 16" matted
$3,000 - $4,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Elizabeth O'Neill Verner (Am. 1883-1979)
Saturday Morning Market, Charleston, 1930
Etching on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r.
7" x 7" image, 13 5/8" x 13 1/4" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Kerr Eby (Am./Can. 1889-1946)
Brooklyn Bridge, c. 1930
Etching on paper, framed under glass
Signed in pencil l.r. 14 15/16" x 11" sight, 26 11/16" x 23" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
John Sloan (Am. 1871-1951)
"Hold up on 14th St" 1949
Etching on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r., titled l.c., inscribed "100 proof" l.l., artist biographical printout attached to verso
8" x 6 3/4" sight, 18 7/16" x 15 3/8" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Spring 2023
Berenice Abbott (Am. 1898-1991)
Hardware Store, 316-318 Bowery, Manhattan, 1938
Gelatin silver print, framed under glass
Signed and editioned "44/60" mount recto, titled mount verso, Peter Fetterman label and verso 10 5/16" x 13 1/4" sight, 19 11/16" x 22 11/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Todd Webb (Am. 1905-2000) "6th Ave. New York" 1946
Gelatin silver print, framed under glass
Signed, titled, dated and "For Fortune Magazine Traffic Story" inscribed verso 10" x 8" actual, 18 11/16" x 16 1/2" framed
$1,500 - $2,000
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Tom Baril (Am. b. 1952) World Trade Center, Twin Towers (Manhattan Portfolio), 1999 Photogravure, framed under glass Signed l.r. 14 3/4" x 11 1/8" sight, 25 5/8" x 21 5/8" framed $800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Cumberland Foreside, Maine
Robert Solotaire (Am. 1930-2008) Lower Manhattan, 1995 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.c. 40 1/16" x 80" actual, 41 13/16" x 81 7/8" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: From the Estate of Robert Solotaire
Robert Solotaire (Am. 1930-2008) Parachute Drop, 2006 Oil on linen, framed
Signed and dated u.c., signed and dated on stretcher verso 29" x 33" actual, 30 1/4" x 34 1/4" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: From the Estate of Robert Solotaire Brooklyn, New York
Robert Solotaire (Am. 1930-2008) Bath Bridge, 1970 Oil on panel, framed Signed and dated l.r. 17 11/16" x 19 5/16" actual, 25 1/8" x 26 3/4" framed
$700 - $900
Provenance: From the Estate of Robert Solotaire Brooklyn, New York
Robert Solotaire (Am. 1930-2008) Road to Albequerque, 1984 Oil on canvas, framed
Signed and dated l.r., Barridoff Galleries exhibition label and Frost Gully Gallery exhibition label verso 20 1/8" x 27" actual, 20 5/8" x 27 3/4" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: From the Estate of Robert Solotaire Brooklyn, NH
Colored lithograph on paper, framed under glass Signed and dated in pencil l.r., titled and editioned "12/12" l.l. 12 3/4" x 18 1/4" sight, 18" x 23 3/8" framed
$500 - $700
Provenance: Private Collection Kansas
Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.l., titled and signed on stretcher verso 14 1/8" x 23 1/8" actual, 24 1/2" x 33 1/2" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Charles Dana Gibson was born into a prominent and wealthy New England family in Roxbury - a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts - in 1867. As a child he was initially drawn to art through observation of his father's artwork, often silhouettes of family members. By the age of eight, he began producing similar silhouettes and eventually selling them by the time he was twelve. Through family connections, Gibson became an apprentice at the age of fourteen to Augustus Saint-Gaudens, a prominent sculptor and founder of the Cornish Colony. After nearly a year in Saint-Gaudens' studio, Gibson realized his primary artistic interest lay in pen and ink drawing rather than sculpture. Recognizing his early artistic talent, his parents enrolled him in the Art Students League.
Due to unforeseen financial difficulties, Gibson was forced to leave school in 1885 and embarked on his career as an artist. After failing to find a job he landed a trial position at Life, a new magazine competing with well-established competitors such as Puck and Judge. Initially hired to draw editorial cartoons featuring political figures, Gibson's interests quickly shifted towards portraying high society figures and their idiosyncrasies, which had garnered popularity in some circles. His monthly salary at Life began at $33, but quickly increased to $185 by his third month due to his important contributions to the magazine. Gibson also consulted with Tid-Bits - later renamed Time Magazine - and illustrated articles for Scribner's Magazine, Century and Harper's Magazine.
Gibson's most recognizable contribution to American art is the creation of the "Gibson Girl," which he first drew in 1890. He featured the Gibson Girl in his first independent portfolio of drawings of beautiful women, wherein the same woman's face was repeated in different poses and garments. Gibson's wife, Irene Langhorne Gibson, and her sisters were undoubtedly modeled for many of the artist’s Gibson Girl works. But despite the often told myth to contrary, Gibson’s wife was likely not the original inspiration for the iconic figure as he did not meet Irene until 1892, two years after the first drawing. The popularity of the Gibson Girl grew so large that Robert Collier and his partner Condé Nast tried to sign Gibson to their magazine team at Collier's Weekly in 1904. Despite Gibson’s loyalty to Life, Collier and Nast persisted, and a complicated sharing relationship was agreed upon with Life for his services, worth a staggering $100,000 for 100 illustrations over a four-year period.
While the height of Gibson’s popularity was between 1900 and 1910, his productivity continued well into the 1920s with the Gibson Girl as his best known subject. The Gibson Girl became a symbol of youthful American femininity that embodied modernism, athleticism, intelligence, style, and desirability. She even had influence on American fashion, with new
lines being created in response to her various clothing styles. The Gibson Girl represented an idealized version of American femininity, which captivated the imagination of the country and provided a unique American identity.
During World War I, Gibson played a pivotal role in the Division of Pictorial Publicity, which aimed to create propaganda posters to support the war effort. After the war, however, the public's interest shifted away from the Gibson Girl and towards other cultural phenomena, like jazz music, flappers and booze, among others.
Charles Dana Gibson (Am. 1867-1944)
To a Big American Girl
Ink on paper, framed under glass Signed l.c., 8 3/8" x 13 5/8" framed $600 - $800
Provenance: Private Collection Maine
Literature: "Pictures of People" by Charles Dana Gibson, printed by Robert Howard Russell 1896
In 1920, a group of illustrators, writers and staff members led by Gibson purchased Life magazine at auction. Despite owning the largest number of shares, Gibson could not save the publication from the tough competition brought by new rivals such as the New Yorker, Fortune and Time. As a result Life fell into near demise, and Gibson had to sell the magazine in 1932. From here, at the age of sixty-five, he retired and devoted his time to creating artworks in oil, which were not as polished as his previous pen and ink drawings. However, his oil paintings were exhibited by The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and a New York Times critic praised his talent, proclaiming that "Charles Dana Gibson is a painter." In Gibson’s later years he and his wife spent more and more time at 700 Acre Island, Gibson’s summer home on the island of Islesboro, Maine.
Charles Dana Gibson passed away quietly at his New York residence in 1944. At the time of his death he was considered the most celebrated pen-and-ink artist of his time as well as a painter applauded by the critics of his later work. Despite his artistic pursuits, Gibson's name and legacy are still mostly associated with the iconic Gibson Girl, whose idealized beauty has endured in popular culture even after a century. Although the public may have forgotten his oil paintings, the Gibson Girl has remained a strong symbol of beauty and elegance.
Charles Dana Gibson (Am. 1867-1944)
"The Jury"
Ink on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r.
14 5/8" x 23 5/8" actual, 19 13/16" x 29 5/16" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection New Hampshire
Literature: Illustrated in Drawings, Charles Dana Gibson, published by R.H. Russell & Son, 1896
*Barridoff Auctions would like to Thank Nicholas Steward of Steward Archives for his assistance cataloging this lot.
Charles Dana Gibson (Am. 1867-1944)
“Over There is the Coast of Africa”
Graphite and charcoal on board, framed under glass
Signed l.c.
21 7/8" x 16 5/8" actual, 34" x 29" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection New Hampshire
Literature: Soldiers of Fortune, Richard Harding Davis, published by Scribners 1916; Sketches and Cartoons, Charles Dana Gibson, published by New York R.H. Russell, 1900
*Barridoff Auctions would like to thank Nicholas Steward of Steward Archives for his assistance cataloging this lot.
Spring 2023
18th/19th Century American School
Portrait of a Woman Oil on panel, framed 19 7/8" x 15 9/16" actual, 27" x 23" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection New Hampshire, 2017 to Private Collection South Berwick, Maine
Tomkins Harrison Matteson (Am. 1813-1884) Playing with Grandfather, 1869 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.l. 29 5/16" x 24 3/16" actual, 35" x 30" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Sotheby's New York, May 24, 2001, lot 150 to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
17th Century Dutch School
Lady in a Pink Dress
Oil on panel, framed
Labeled "Attributed to Abraham van den Tempel" verso
45 3/4" x 33 7/8" actual, 54 9/16" x 42 1/2" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection South Portland, Maine
School of Jean-Marc Nattier (Fr. 18th Century) Lady in a Blue Dress
Oil pastel on paper, framed under glass
Indistinct inscription verso
21 5/8" x 18 1/8" actual, 28" x 24 1/2" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Maine
Boris Tchoubanoff (Rus./Fr. b. 1946)
"Promenade sur lac" 2008
Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r., signed, titled and dated verso 24" x 19 5/8" actual, 33 1/8" x 28 15/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: From the Artist to Saddle River Gallery, New Jersey later to Private Collection
Other Notes: This lot is accompanied by a certificate from the Artist
Attr. to Arthur Beecher Carles Jr. (Am. 1882-1952)
Swinging Nude Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.l., signed verso 25" x 24" actual, 31 1/8" x 29 15/16" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Marc Quinta Gallery Minneapolis, Minnesota to Sandra McElwee Fine Arts Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Private collection, acquired by the present owner from the above 1996, to Christie's New York, 2012, lot 2628 to Private Collection Vermont
Exhibited: American Modernism: Paintings from the Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Kauffman Collection, Boca Raton, Florida, Boca Raton Museum of Art, and elsewhere, November 19, 2003-January 18, 2004
Literature: Boca Raton Museum of Art, American Modernism: Paintings from the Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Kauffman Collection, exhibition catalogue, Boca Raton, Florida, 2003, pp. 16, 68, no. 13, illus.
Karl Knaths (Am. 1891-1971)
"Woodland" 1962
Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.l., titled and dated on Paul Rosenberg & Co. label verso 36" x 42 1/16" actual, 37 3/16" x 43 1/4" framed
$6,000 - $8,000
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Provenance: Private Collection East Hampton, New York to Private Collection Massachusetts
Low Tide
Oil on canvas, framed
Signed l.r.
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Wolf Kahn (Am. 1927-2020)
Maine Seacoast (Cindy's Cove), 2000
Oil pastel on paper, framed under glass
Signed and dated l.l.
10 3/4" x 13 7/16" sight, 17 7/16" x 20 1/2" framed
$6,000 - $8,000
Provenance: Private Collection New York City, New York
Cadwallader Lincoln Washburn (Am. 1866-1965) 16" x 20" actual, 21 1/2" x 29" framedProvenance: James D. Julia Inc. Fairfield, Maine, May 8, 2000 lot 161 to Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Robert Laurent (Am. 1890-1970) Reclining Woman
Carved alabaster
Signed l.r. verso
Approx. 10 1/2" x 5 1/4" x 2 1/2" actual
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: From the Collection of George and Dadee Burk
Abraham Walkowitz (Rus. 1878-1965)
Bathing Figures
Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
Signed l.r.
5 1/4" x 8 3/4" sight, 11 3/4" x 16 3/4" framed
$700 - $900
Provenance: James R. Bakker Antiques Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, February 12, 1988 lot 96 to Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Walt Kuhn (Am. 1877-1949)
Four Works:
1] Sitting Performer, 1936 2] Showgirls, 1948
3] "Reclining Showgirl With Grapes" 4] "Reclining Female Nude" 1929
1-3] Ink on paper, framed under glass
4] Watercolor on paper, framed under glass
1] Signed and dated l.r. 2] Signed and dated l.r.
3] Walt Kuhn Gallery label verso
4] Signed and dated l.r., titled verso
$1,500 - $2,000
Provenance:1] Mystic Fine Arts Mystic, Connecticut, October 27, 1988 to Estate of the Artist White Plains, New York
2] Estate of the Artist White Plains, New York
3] James R. Bakker Antiques Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 22, 1988 lot 181 to Estate of the Artist White Plains, New York
4] Ingeborg Gallery Northfield, Massachusetts, March 14, 1986 to Estate of the Artist White Plains, New York
Illustrated: 3] "Selected Paintings and Drawings, Walt Kuhn (1877-1949)"
Charles Woodbury (Am. 1864-1940)
Four Works:
Ansel Adams (Am. 1902-1984)
Lodgepole Pines, Lyell Fork of the Merced River, Yosemite National Park, 1921 Gelatin silver print, unframed Titled, dated and artist's stamp verso
6 5/8" x 8" actual
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Estate of Maine Photographer Nicholas Dean to Private Collection Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
*Sold to Benefit The Cohos Trail Association
Eugene Edward Speicher (Am. 1883-1962)
"November Landscape"
Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r., signed and titled verso 27 1/4" x 34 1/8" actual, 42" x 35 1/4" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Falmouth, Maine
Norton Bush (Am. 1834-1894) Mountain Valley, 1880 Oil on canvas, framed
Signed and dated l.r., framer stamp verso
30" x 50" actual, 43 11/16" x 63 5/8" framed
$10,000 - $15,000
Provenance: Private Collection Portland, Maine
Bena Virginia Frank Mayer (Am. 1900-1994) Road Near a Town Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.c.
25 1/8" x 30 1/8" actual, 33 3/8" x 38 1/4" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Young Fine Arts Auctions Inc. North Berwick, Maine, September 20, 1997 to Private Collection Rye Beach, New Hampshire
Attr. to Arthur Wesley Dow (Am. 1857-1922)
The Dragon, Essex, MA Oil on canvas, framed 20" x 38" actual, 29 3/4" x 45 13/16" framed
$700 - $900
Provenance: Private Collection Rosindale, Massachusetts
Caleb Arnold Slade (Am. 1882-1961)
Winter Wharf Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r.
18 3/8" x 21 3/4" actual, 24 1/4" x 27 7/8" framed
$4,000 - $6,000
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Carl Ivar Gilbert (Am. 1882-1959)
"Moose on the Hill" Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r., signed and titled verso 16" x 24 1/4" actual, 23" x 31" framed
$300 - $500
Provenance: Private Collection Massachusetts
Carroll Thayer Berry (Am. 1886-1978) "Penobscot Bay" Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.l., inscribed "Carroll Thayer Berry 60 Russell Ave Rockport Maine" on frame and artist's label on stretcher verso 26" x 30" actual, 33 1/4" x 37 3/8" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Moultonboro, New Hampshire
John Wood (Am. 1845-1919) Cape Elizabeth, 1905 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.r. 14" x 20" actual, 19 5/8" x 25 1/2" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection Wiscasset, Maine
John White Allen Scott (Am. 1815-1907)
Ashland New Hampshire, 1871 Oil on canvas, framed
Signed and dated l.r., Goodspeed's Book Shop, Inc. exhibition label verso
22 1/8" x 36" actual, 29 1/8" x 43 3/16" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Doyle New York, April 21, 2020, lot 32 to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
Benjamin Champney (Am. 1817-1907) Rowing Past the Old Oak, 1875 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.l. 21" x 18 1/8" actual, 26 7/8" x 23 7/8" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Skinner Inc. November 3, 2018, lot 205 to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
Samuel Lancaster Gerry (Am.
Venturesome Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.l. 20 1/4" x 14 1/8" actual, 27 1/4" x 21 5/16" framed
$800 - $1,200
Provenance: Grogan & Company, June 21, 2015, lot 27 to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
1813-1891)Edward Hill (Am. 1843-1923) Kinsman Falls Lincoln, NH, 1883 Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated l.r. 22" x 15" actual, 25 1/2" x 18 1/2" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Thomaston Place Auction Galleries, August 28, 2021, lot 2053 to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
Frank Henry Shapleigh (Am. 1842-1906) Birches at Jackson, N.H. Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r., signed and titled verso 16" x 10" actual, 20 1/2" x 14 5/8" framed
$700 - $900
Provenance: The Cobbs Auctioneers, October 26, 2019, lot 71G to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
Alexander Helwig Wyant (Am. 1836-1892) Autumn on the Hudson Oil on canvas, framed Shannon's and Bernard Danenberg Galleries label verso 16" x 24 3/16" actual, 22 1/8" x 30 1/8" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Shannon's Fine Art Auctioneers, May 2, 2019, lot 160 to the Estate of a New Hampshire Collector
Alan Magee (Am. b. 1947) "An Exact Anatomy II" 2006 Acrylic on panel, framed Artist's label, Forum Gallery exhibition labels and inscribed "To: Ryan Spay" verso 11 1/4" x 14 1/4" actual, 22 1/4" x 19 1/4" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Hopkinton, Massachusetts
Other Notes: This lot is accompanied by a sales receipt from Skinner Auctions
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Kansas
Roussillon, France, 1977
Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r. 28 1/2" x 49" actual, 29" x 49 1/2" framed
$1,500 - $2,000
Provenance: Private Collection Kansas
Dennis Sheehan (Am. b. 1950) "Mirror Pond" Oil on canvas, unframed Signed l.l., titled verso 12" x 12" actual
$400 - $600
Provenance: Private Collection Manchester, New Hampshire
Dennis Sheehan (Am. b. 1950) "By the Sea" 2022 Oil on canvas, unframed Signed l.l., signed, titled and dated verso 12" x 12" actual
$500 - $700
Dennis Sheehan (Am. b. 1950) "Twilight" Oil on canvas, unframed Signed l.l., titled verso 10" x 14" actual
$500 - $700
Provenance: Private Collection Manchester, New Hampshire
Robert Lahotan (Am. 1927-2002)
Still Life with Oxalis
Oil on canvas, framed
Signed l.r., Kraushaar Galleries exhibition label verso
19 7/8" x 22" actual, 25 3/4" x 27 9/16" framed
$700 - $900
Provenance: Private Collection Michigan
John Heliker (Am. 1909-2000)
Still Life: Blue Bottle, 1955
Oil on canvas, framed
Signed l.l., exhibition label verso
26" x 24" actual, 28 1/2" x 26 5/8" framed
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Acquired from the Artist, 1973 to Collection of John Wallace Skinner Cleveland, Ohio to Private Collection Shaker Heights, Ohio to Collection of Matthew Deconnigh Cleveland, Ohio to Art Avenue Gallery Sarasota to Private Collection Vermont
Exhibited: Americana Gallery Cleveland, Ohio 1973-1975; Wolff Galleries
Cleveland, Ohio 1986; Corcoran Gallery Shaker Heights, Ohio 1996; Art Avenue Galleries Sarasota, Florida 2022
Arthur Richard DiMambro (Am. 1928-2016) "Down River Durham" 2013 Oil on masonite, unframed Signed and dated l.r., signed, titled and dated verso 12" x 23 3/8" actual - $800 Private Collection Moultonboro, New Hampshire Arthur Richard DiMambro (Am. 1928-2016) Still Life with Fruit Bowl Oil on masonite, unframed Signed l.r. 48 1/8" x 36 1/8" actual - $1,500Ira Hamilton (Am. 19th/20th Century)
Portland Breakwater Lighthouse, 1912 Oil on board, framed Signed and dated l.l. 5 5/8" x 11 9/16" sight, 9 15/16" x 15 13/16" framed
$600 - $800
Provenance: Private Collection Woodstock, Vermont
Alan Bray (Am. b. 1946) A Clearing, 1990 Casein on panel, framed Signed l.r., Frick Gallery exhibition label verso 17" x 21" actual, 18 3/4" x 22 7/8" framed
$3,000 - $5,000
Provenance: Frick Gallery 1991 to Private Collection Spruce Head, Maine
Peter Poskas (Am. b. 1939) "Orchard Light No. II" Oil on canvas, framed Signed l.r., FAR Gallery label stretcher verso 35 3/8" x 43 7/8" actual, 36 13/16" x 45 9/16" framed
$2,500 - $3,500
Provenance: Private Collection Falmouth, Maine
Janice Anthony (Am. b. 1946) "Abandoned Pool, Gulf Hagas" 1995 Acrylic on linen, framed Signed l.r., signed, titled, dated, DeCordova Museum and Sherry French Gallery labels verso 24" x 24" actual, 25 3/4" x 25 3/4" framed
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Falmouth, Maine
William Irvine (Am./Scottish b. 1931) Irish Headland, 2011 Oil on paper, matted Signed l.l. 22 1/2" x 29 1/8" actual, 26" x 32" matted
$1,000 - $1,500
Provenance: Private Collection Tavares, Florida
William Irvine (Am./Scottish b. 1931) "Table with Flounder" Oil on canvas, framed Signed and titled verso 24" x 30" actual, 25 1/8" x 31 1/8" framed
$3,000 - $4,000
Provenance: Gleason Fine Art to Private Collection Massachusetts
William Irvine (Am./Scottish b. 1931) Low Tide Port Isaacs, 2011 Oil on paper, matted Signed l.r. 22 1/4" x 30" actual, 26" x 32" matted
$1,500 - $2,500
Provenance: Private Collection Tavares, Florida
Connie Hayes (Am. 20th/21st Century)
"Wiffle Ball" 1980
Oil on canvas, framed Signed, titled and dated verso, signed on stretcher verso 23 7/8" x 28 3/8" actual, 24 1/2" x 29" framed
$2,000 - $3,000
Provenance: Private Collection Maine
Connie Hayes (Am. 20th/21st Century) Painting of Pies, 1981
Oil on canvas, framed Signed and dated verso 15 3/4" x 11 3/4" actual, 16 1/2" x 12 1/2" framed
$1,200 - $1,800
Provenance: Private Collection Maine