the TODAY project
saturday 05 mar 2016
text and photos by roylu.
espacio cultural origines, sucre, bolivia
vol 1 no 7
thanks to the the dancers of the origines espacio cultural
germainluprojX INITIATIVE
2 0 1 6 R OY LU .
theTODAYproject 1
dance from tarabuco with spurred men's sandals that would would put any american cowboy's boots to shame.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 2
1 today, at sucre. the latest of the names of this city. the three previous being; charcas, la plata and chuquisaca.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 3
dance from ururu. diablada. the devil dance. the red devil with the golden saint michael the archangel.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 4
2 a much storied city, as you would imagine of something with three names.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 5
dance from tarija. wine country.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 6
3 but today, tonight there are more stories than just three and not just of the city but of the whole country nay a whole empire two empires entwined traversing the breadth of the andean imagination and the castillan imperium.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 7
dance from the carnaval of la paz. the clown ďŹ gures are called pepino. the carnaval begins and ends with the pepino's rebirth and death.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 8
4 the stories not in words, more than words sounds music movement colors swirling twirling swaying dance dance dance
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 9
dance from potosi. the great silver mines of the spanish empire.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 10
5 in the face of which, in the presence of whom we are mute struck dumb
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 11
dance from potosi. the exuberance of the dance contrasts with the exhaustion of the miners.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 12
6 but enlivened striving to capture the fleeting moment the dazzling light the impenetrable dark the coy shadows
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 13
baile de los caporales. also from the department of la paz. a dance known internationally and very popular, especially among the young, internally.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 14
7 knowing that technology is the handmaiden of memory knowing that the byte is not the bite we take the moment we swallow to fullness to emptiness returning to the original void.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 15
african in inspiration, the 'caporal' is a spanish military guard, overseer of african slaves. he wore boots and brandished a whip.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 16
the moment, a sequence, the caporales in ight.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 17
the caporal is not only popular in bolivia, but also in argentina, chile and peru.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 18
the women can also be caporales. but their movements are not nearly as ighty as that of the men.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 19
this dance involves a lot of jumping and throwing up one's boots to shoulder level.
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 20
8 of the night but tonight of dream of dance of dream of dance
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia
theTODAYproject 21
9 ....
saturday 5 mar 2016
origenes espacio cultural, sucre, bolivia