the TODAY project
wednesday 24 feb 2016
text and photos by roylu.
rio achumani, la florida, la paz, bolivia
mini mud flash flood
vol 1 no 6
thanks to the municipal workers, anonymous all, who let me take their photos, sometimes getting in their way, while they worked.
germainluprojX INITIATIVE
theTODAYproject 1
some people just couldn't wait. a uniformed house help tries a hose against a horde of mud.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 2
pedestrians breaching the yellow tape.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 3
the tsunami of mud approaches.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 4 1 today. tonight. 6pm. 18h00. i went out to witness, to document a mini mud flash flood. i didn't go very far. 100m 208deg west-northwest in a straight line from our house is the rio achumani. 2 it is one of the many rivers that snake through the lower parts of the city.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
3 these parts, for the most part, are canaled. to keep the rivers from misbehaving. 3 but, in heavy rain, like tonight, like these days, like almost always during summer, the rainy season, here, the typical behavior of these rivers then is misbehavior.
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 5
a pedestrial crosses the bridge oblivious to the approaching mud wall.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 6
this mud cascade almost breaches this bridge.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 7 5 that, of course, is not from the point of view of the river. the river does not have a point of view. 6 but, if you insist that it does, then that point of view is not solely that of the river. rather, it is the totality of the nature of the river, which includes a particular geography, geology, hydrography, and, last but certaily not least, human culture.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
7 underneath, la paz city is mostly made up of clay. it makes up for a very characteristic landscape. left to itself. shaped mostly by the interaction of clay with water. an interaction mostly characterised by erosion. by water. and, to a lesser degree, wind. 8 the result is a lunar landscape. though much taller and more spikey than that of our moon. and perhaps other planet's moons as well.
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 8
the cavalry arrives.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 9
municipal workers, in this instance mostly women, clear the intersection of mud and debris.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 10 9 the eroded clay as it is carried away by water is a milk chocolate soup.
11 yummy.
10 and as it rushes down the canaled rivers, as it crashes down the geo-engineered steps of the canal, it boils into a dark black chocolate brew.
13 the motorists wish. the pedestrians wish. the whole city wishes.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
12 you wish.
14 in vain. 15 it is a sticky goo. strong smelling goo. spills out into the streets. not from the river. though occasionally, when the rain comes in torrents, there are points, at the bridges, when the river erupts into the streets.
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 11
another group of municipal workers carry cones that clearly are multi-purpose.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 12
the cones are put in place.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 13
any battle can always use a good general.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 14 16 that's why there are teams at the ready to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic crossing the bridges. to scoop up mud. to clear up debris. 17, no matter. they deal with it. the city, for that is what a city is, does, and, should do, deals with it admirably well.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
19 men/women, material, effort, vigilance all harnessed. coordinated. implemented. men/women with color coded uniforms with appropriate light equipment, helmets, hand-held radios, headlamps, shovels, etc. and heavy equipment. earthmovers, dump trucks, etc. 20 thrown into a batttle where no one necessarily loses or wins. where all sides necessarily just keep at it.
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 15
a municipal worker, with yet another unit, patiently mans his post.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia
theTODAYproject 16
another municipal worker from the bridge guard unit takes time out to help an elderly man cross the street.
wednesday 24 feb 2016
rio achumani, la orida, la paz, bolivia