Sale catalogue for Lyon & Turnbull's Books, Maps and Manuscripts

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EDINBURGH Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Photographs

Wednesday 8th September 2010 33 Broughton Place Edinburgh

Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Photographs including

Books from the Library of Plane Castle, Stirlingshire Wednesday 8th September 2010 at 11am Sale Number LT295

Viewing Sunday 5th September 2pm - 5pm Monday 6th September 10am - 5pm Tuesday 7th September 10am - 5pm Morning of Sale from 9am Specialists Simon Vickers Alex Dove

Catalogue: £10 BUYERS’ PREMIUM 25% up to £25,000 20% thereafter. *17.5% VAT chargeable on the lot itself †5% import VAT on the lot §Droit de Suite (artists’ resale rights) applies (see our Terms and Conditions of Sale and Information for Buyers).

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LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

ART & ARCHITECTURE 1 Art Reference A collection of approx. 40 volumes of art reference; to include Benesch, Otto Rembrandt, selected drawings. Oxford & London, 1947. 4to, original red cloth, lacking wrapper; Diehl, Gaston La peinture moderne dans le monde. Paris (no date]. 4to, original cloth, upper board stained; Gooding, Mel Bruce Mclean. London, 1990. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Parker, K.T. The drawings of Hans Holbein. Oxford & London, 1945. Second edition, 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper, wrapper torn; Sketchley, R.D. English book-illustration of to-day. London, 1903. 8vo, original cloth, boards stained at lower edge; and a quantity of others (qty) £150-250 2 Bewick, Thomas Original wood-block engraved by Bewick, showing image from Bewick’s bookplates of bee-hive with all-seeing eye above, approx 5 by 4.5cm £150-200 3 Chippendale, Thomas A collection of ornamental designs, applicable to furniture, frames & the decoration of rooms, in the style of Louis XIVth, on 24 plates. [c.1880]. Oblong 4to, etched title and 23 plates, original cloth, title and 13 plates with library stamp in margin Provenance: Edinburgh Architectural Association (gifted by Rowand Anderson] £150-200 4 Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls The smith and founder’s director containing a series of designs and patterns for ornamental iron and brass work. [London, 1823]. 4to, pictorial title and 83 (of 84) plates, lacking plate 59, contemporary half calf, foot of spine worn, extremities rubbed, library stamp on title versos £150-250 5 Furniture — Symonds, R.W. English furniture from Charles II to George II. London, 1929. Folio , number 420 of 1000 copies, colour frontispiece, orignal cloth gilt, some cloth fading; Bemrose, W. Fret cutting and perforated carving. London (no date]. 14th edition, original cloth gilt, ex-library copy with stamps and bookplate; Grimwood, H. An introduction to decorative woodwork. London, 1952. Third edition, 8vo, original cloth, ex-library copy; Macquoid, Percy A history of English furniture. London, 19061908. Folio, 4 volumes in 19 [of 20] parts, lacking part X, original wrappers; Edwards, Ralph Hepplewhite furniture designs. London, 1947. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, torn at edges; Symonds, R.W. Chippendale furniture designs. London, 1948 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, torn at edges; Wallace Collection Furniture. London, 1956. 8vo, frontispiece, original paper covers; and 6 others (31) £250-350

6 Gill, Eric The engravings. London, 1993. 4to, edited by Christopher Skelton, original cloth, dustwrapper, dampstaining to cloth; [Idem] Autobiography. London, 1940. First edition, 8vo, original cloth gilt, dustwrapper, dampstaining to cloth, previous ink inscription on front endpaper; Speaight, Robert The life of Eric Gill. London, 1966. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, cloth dampstained; Simpson, Thomas Modern etchings and their collectors. London, 1919. 4to, one of 450 copies, frontispiece, original cloth gilt, cloth dampstained; Beardsley, Aubrey The collected drawings of… New York, 1967. 4to, original cloth backed boards, dampstaining; Spalding, Francis Gwen Raverat. London, 2001. Second edition, 8vo, original cloth dustwrapper, dampstaining to cloth; Campbell, Colin William Nicholson. London, 1992. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper, dampstained; Hardie, Martin English coloured books. London, 1906. 8vo, frontispiece, contemporary half morocco gilt, bookplate, dampstained; and 4 others. Sold not subject to return. (12) £150-250 7 Ireland, Samuel A picturesque tour through Holland, Brabant and part of France. London, 1796. Second edition, 8vo, 2 volumes in one, engraved vignette titles, 48 plates, later morocco gilt; Bodkin, Thomas Hugh Lane and his pictures. Pegasus Press for the Government of the Irish Free State, 1932, 4to, one of 400 copies, green half morocco, t.e.g., backstrip faded, bookplate; Hind, Arthur M. The etchings of D.Y. Cameron. London, 1924. 4to, plates, original black cloth gilt, a fine copy; Fulleylove, John The Holy Land. London, 1902. 4to, number 425 of 500 copies, signed by the publisher, colour plates, original decorative cloth gilt, some fading to backstrip; Baird, William John Thomson of Duddingston. Edinburgh, 1895. 4to, number 13 of 110 copies, signed by the author, plates, original cloth gilt; Cuvier, Baron The animal kingdom. London, 1893. New edition, 8vo, colour plates, decorative cloth; Longfellow, Henry The poetical works. Edinburgh (no date]. 8vo, decorative cloth gilt (7) £350-450 8 Jones, Owen One thousand and one initial letters. London: Day & Son, 1864. Folio, chromolithographed title and 26 chromolithographed plates, original cloth, contents loose, some light spotting, extremities and edges worn Provenance: Edinburgh Architectural Association, bookplate £250-350 9 Mackenzie, Frederick The architectural antiquities of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster. London: J. Weale, 1844. Large folio, lithographed frontispiece and 18 engraved plates, contemporary half calf, neatly rebacked and recornerd, some spotting £100-150


10 Macquoid, Percy A history of English furniture. London: The Medici Society, 1925. Folio, 4 volumes, frontispieces, original red cloth gilt (4) £120-180 11 Ponce, Nicolas Description des bains de Titus. Paris: l’auteur & Barbou, 1786. Large folio, 40 plates on 34 (of 50) leaves only, nineteenth century quarter calf, a few plates lightly spotted, rubbed £300-400 12 Rossi, Domenico de Raccolta di statue antiche e moderne. Rome: Stampera alla Pace, 1704. Folio, engraved frontispiece, title and 161 (of 163) plates , engraved head- and tail-pieces, and initials, contemporary calf, some slight spotting, a few upper corners at beginning and end slightly dampstained, binding worn and slightly scraped £1,200-1,800


13 Silver — Ashbee, C.R. Modern English silverwork. London: Essex House Press, 1909. 4to, number 144 of 200 copies, signed by the author, 100 lithograph plates, some hand coloured, original cloth, paper label [sections of label lacking], cloth rubbed at edges, inner hinges weak, previous silversmith’s pencil notes to some plates; Ffoulkes, Charles Decorative ironwork from the XIth to the XVIIIth century. London: Methuen & Co., 1913. 4to, frontispiece, 31 plates, original cloth gilt, upper board stained, edges rubbed (2) £300-400 14 The Poster An illustrated monthly chronicle. London, 1898. 8vo, volume I, parts II-VI only, bound in cloth gilt, original covers bound in; Housman, Laurence & Somerset Maugham, W. The venture, an annual of art and literature. London, 1903-1905. 4to, 2 volumes, plates, the first in cloth backed boards, the second in decorative cloth; Shannon, C. Hazelwood The pageant. London, 1896-1897. 4to, 2 volumes, plates, original cloth gilt; Pomegranate Press The gypsy. London, 1915. 4to, illustrated in the main by Allan Odle, original decorative boards, lacking backstrip; Beardsley, Aubrey The Savoy. London, 1896. 4to, 2 volumes, parts 1-5, blue cloth gilt, rubbing; [Idem] The yellow book. London, 1894-1895. 8vo, 6 [of 13] volumes, volumes I-VI, original decorative yellow cloth, backstrips discoloured, rubbing (14) Proven-ance: From the estate of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie, by family descent. £500-600


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

15 Vogue — Howell, Georgina In Vogue — six decades of fashion. London, 1975. First edition, 4to, presentation copy from the author, original cloth, dustwrapper, torn at edges, backstrip sunned; Tims, Barbara Food in Vogue. London, 1976. First edition, 4to, presentation copy from the author, original cloth, dustwrapper; Rasche, Adelheid & Thomson, Christina Christian Dior and Germany 1947 to 1957. Berlin, 2007. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Metropolitan Museum of Art Chanel. New Haven and London, 2005. 4to, original decorative cloth, protective wrapper; Derrick, Robin & Muir, Robin Vogue covers. London, 2007. 4to, original printed boards, dustwrapper; Muir, Robin Norman Parkinson, portraits in fashion. London, 2004. 4to, original boards, dustwrapper; Dwight, Eleanor Diana Vreeland. New York, 2002. First edition, 4to, original red boards, dustwrapper, some fading; Martin, Richard & Koda, Harold Diana Vreeland: immoderate style. New York, 1993. 4to, exhibition and loose cards in slipcase, creased at backstrip, fading; Wilcox, Claire The golden age of couture. London, 2007. 4to, original soft covers; Ross, Josephine Beaton in Vogue. London, 1986. First edition, 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Parkinson, Norman Lifework. London, 1983. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Vogue 5 issues of Vogue including the June 1953 Coronation edition and 1976 Diamond Jubilee edition (22) £150-200 16 Waring, J.B. Examples of decorative art in furniture. London: Day & Son (1857], 4to, additional title and 15 chromolithographed plates, original cloth, contents detached, one plate slightly frayed, head and tail of spine worn £200-300

ATLASES & MAPS 17 Blaeu, Johannes Lorna, Knapdalla, Cantire, Iura, Ila, Glota et Buthe Insulae. Engraved map, hand-coloured in outline, 52 by 60.5cm, framed & glazed; [Taylor, G. and A. Skinner] The road from Edinburgh to Inverary [& Campbelton]. [London], 1776. 2 engraved road maps, hand-coloured in outline, 52 by 20cm, clip frames, Kitchin, T. & J. Barber Argyllshire. 1779. 26.5 by 20.5cm, framed & glazed (4) Provenance: The Estate of the Late Jean Gordon Welsh £120-180 18 Blaeu, Johannes Sterlin-shyr. [Amsterdam, 1654]. Approx. 56 by 65cm, hand coloured, previous fold, framed and glazed; Saxton, Christopher Eboracensis. [London], 1577. Approx. 52 by 72cm, hand coloured, pasted down, framed and glazed (2) £150-200

19 Collins, Grenville The water between England and Holland. [London, c.1764]. Approx 50 by 61cm, hand coloured, unframed; Rapkin, J. Islands in the Indian Ocean. [London, c.1850]. Approx 26 by 34cm, framed and glazed; [Idem] Islands in the Atlantic. [London, c.1850]. Approx 34 by 26cm, framed and glazed (3) £150-250 20 France — Bodenehr, Gabriel Die gegend von Toulon bis Marsilien und S. Tropez. [Augsburg, c.1710]. 27 by 31.5cm, hand coloured in outline, framed and glazed; Faden, W. 16th chart of the coast of France from the Isles d’Hyeres to the River Var with part of the coast of Italy. London, 1793. 21 by 29cm, hand coloured, some offsetting in the right section, framed and glazed; and 2 other maps of Southern France (4) £100-150 21 Glasgow — Slezer, John The prospect of the Town of Glasgow from ye South; The prospect of ye Town of Glasgow from ye North East. 2 hand-coloured etchings, 31.5 by 52cm, framed and glazed £150-250 22 Hollar, Wenceslaus — Martin, R. Long view of London from Bankside of 1647. London, 1832. Approx 48 by 234cm, pasted down, three large tears to left section, staining edges, framed and glazed £200-300 23 Jersey, Guernsey, Man, Scilly — Thomson Remote British Islands. Engraved map, hand-coloured in outline. London: Thomson, 53 by 67cm, Faden, W. A map of the Seven United Provinces. London: W. Faden, 1794. Engraved map, hand-coloured, 79 by 59cm.; Faden, W. A map of the Austrian possessions in the Netherlands. London: W. Faden, 1789. Engraved map, hand-coloured, 59.5 by 75cm. (3) £100-150 24 Johnston, W. & A.K. Map of the counties of Perth and Clackmannan with the railways. Edinburgh, 1847. Approx. 102 by 133cm, hand coloured in outline, linen backed, laid down, framed and unglazed £150-250 25 Klinger, C. Abel The Earth. Nuremberg: C. Abel Klinger. c. 1852. 7.5cm diameter globe, lacking original case, two small sections lacking [part of New Holland [Australia] and a section of the Pacific] £200-300


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

26 Maps A large quantity, mostly 19th century, varying condition £100-200 27 [Munster, Sebastian] Der cosmographen von den Britannischen Insuln. [Basle, c.1628]. Approx 30 by 19cm, uncoloured, framed and double glazed £150-200 28 Orkney & Shetland — Collins, Capt. Grenville The chiefe harbours in the islands of Orkney. [c.1700]. Approx 46 by 57cm, uncoloured, framed and glazed; Blaeu, Johannes Orcadum et Schetlandiiae. [Amsterdam, 1654]. Approx 49 by 60cm, hand coloured, framed and double glazed, browned; [Idem] Western isles...... [Amsterdam, 1654]. Approx 46 by 58cm, hand coloured, framed and double glazed; Porcacchi, Tomaso Descrittione dell’isole Hebridi et Orcadi. [Venice], 1576. Approx 29 by 20cm, hand coloured, framed and double glazed (4) £300-400 29 Scotland — Shetland Islands — Orkneys Carte des îles Shetland, d’après le plan du Anglais Preston, rectifié par M. de Lowenorn en 1787., short marginal tear; Carte particuliere de la Cote Occidentale d’Ecosse, depuis le Cap Wrath jusqu’à la Pointe d’Ardnamurchan & des îles Western adjacentes; Carte particuliere de la Cote Occidentale d’Ecosse, depuis la Pointe d’Ardnamurchan, jusqu’au Mull de Galloway; Carte des îles Orcades, all Paris, Depot Général de la Marine, l’an XII, all 67 by 98cm., slight offsetting to Shetland and Orkney map £400-600 30 Speed, John Stafford countie and town. London: Thomas Bassett and Ric. Chiswell (1676]. 42.2 by 52cm, hand-coloured engraved map, inset view of Stafford and Lichfield, left and right margins slightly trimmed, slight dampstain in lower left corner, framed and glazed; [Idem] The countie of Nottingham. London: John Sudbury and George Humble, 1611. 42.2 by 53.5cm, hand-coloured engraved map, inset view of Nottingham, framed and glazed Provenance: From the library of Springkell House. £200-300 31 Speed, John Wilshire. London: Thomas Bassett and Richard Chiswell (1676, or later]. 40.6 by 53.1cm, engraved map, inset view of Salisbury, double glazed, strengthened at centre fold on verso, some discolouration along centre fold £400-600 32 Speed, John Holy Island, Garnsey, Iarsey, Farne. London, 1610. Approx. 43 by 55cm, hand coloured, framed and double glazed £200-300 8

33 Thomson, John Atlas of Scotland. Edinburgh: J. Thomson & Co., 1832. Large folio, original parts, 56 [of 58] hand-coloured engraved maps, Index map, Rivers and Comparative view of the Heights plates, Proof Impressions and Large Paper, original printed wrappers, uncut, together with Memoir and Consulting Index, loose in very worn portfolio with paper label on upper cover, occasional light spotting, lacking part 20 [Forfar or Angus] Note: Rare in the original wrappers. £1,000-1,500 34 Tilemans, Seger Constantinopolis, urbis effegies ad vivum expressa. [Dutch, c.1700s], double-page engraved panorama, approx. 40 by 51cm, key description in Latin, Dutch and French below, slight creasing at fold, framed and glazed £200-300

CONTINENTIAL 35 France, Anatole [Oeuvres] Paris: Calmann-Levy (c.1900]. 32 volumes, 8vo, late editions, quarter calf, some browning; Les contemporaines communes. Leipzig & Paris, 1783-85. Most Second editions, 41 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf, most volumes waterstained, some spotting, some spines chipped with loss, some hinges splitting; sold not subject to return £100-200 36 Gothofredus, Dionysius, et al. Corpus juris civilis, pandectis ad Florentium archetypum expressis, institutionibus, codice et novellis. Amsterdam: J. Blaeu & D. Elzevir, 1663. Folio, additional engraved title by C. van Dalen, contemporary panelled vellum, joints split at base, *4 detached and slightly frayed £100-150 37 Greece — Guys, P.A. Voyage littéraire de la Grèce. Paris: Duchesne, 1776. Second (enlarged) edition, 2 vol., 8vo, half-titles, 7 engraved plates, contemporary mottled calf gilt, occasional slight spotting, joints splitting, spines rubbed; [Chaussard, P.J.B.] Fêtes et courtisanes de la Grèce. Paris: Barba, 1803. Second edition, 4 volumes, 8vo, halftitles, 4 engraved frontispieces, 6 plates (5 folding), 4 engraved plates of music, folding table, nineteenth-century blue morocco-backed boards; Breton, A. Athènes. Paris: Gide, 1862. First edition, large 8vo, half-title, 8 plates, plan, numerous illustrations, contemporary blue morocco-backed boards, text spotted; Puaux, R. Grèce, terre aimée des dieux. Paris, 1932. First edition, limited to 426 copies, 4to, plates, a few coloured, original wrappers (8) £200-300

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

38 Lonitzer, Adam Kreuterbch. Frankfurt: Sigismund Larotmus, 1616. Folio, handcoloured woodcuts, some marginal tears, lacking leaves t4-5, Aa1, CC1, and Ff3-4, lacking corner of F4, FF1 and Gg1, tears to B5-6, E14, E6, I2, I6, L1, L6. a2, r4, Dd3, Gg3, some spotting, staining and soiling, sometimes heavy, numerous repairs and tears from BB2 onwards to end, holes to index, colophon defective, title with some loss of text and woodcut, laid down and portions supplied in facsimile, eighteenth century half calf, rubbed and soiled, one corner missing, leaves at end loose and frayed; sold not subject to return £200-300 39 Maffei, Giovanni Pietro Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. Caen: J. Mangeant, 1614. Small 8vo (166 by 101mm.), title with woodcut device, contemporary mottled calf gilt with coat-of-arms of a French bishop to sides, flat spine richly gilt, gilt edges (cf. Sabin 43774], a few headlines and page numbers slightly shaved, some preliminary leaves with dampstain, some light spotting, edges and extremities of binding somewhat worn £800-1,200 40 Marolois, Samuel Opera mathematica ou oeuvres mathematiques. Traictans de geometrie, perspective, architecture, et fortification. The Hague: Henricus Hondius, 1614-20. Oblong folio, comprising: Geometrie: engraved title and plates 1-30, 32-39, 41-42 (plates 32-35 misbound); plates 1-5; Perspective: engraved title and plates 1-51, 54-80, lacking 3 text leaves [?C-E], some text leaves browned and repaired with loss of text; Perspective, 5ème partie: engraved title and plates 1-3, 3*, 412, 12*, 13-42, 44-49; Perspective, 6ème partie: engraved title and plates 1-18; Les cinq rangs de l’architecture. Amsterdam: J. Jeansson, 1620. plate D and 20-22, 24, F-H, K-M, O-Q, S-Z, AA, AA-EE (apparently complete); Fortification: plates 1-17, 17*, 18-38, lacking title and text leaves A-B (in total 4 engraved titles and 245 plates only], contemporary calf, a few plates repaired on verso, head and tail of spine and edges worn; sold not subject to return £500-700 41 Montesquieu, C. de S. Le temple de Gnide. Paris: Didot l’Aîné, 1796. 4to, 7 engraved plates only, late nineteenth century quarter morocco, rather spotted; La Fontaine, Jean de Les amours de Psyché et de Cupidon. Paris: P. Didot l’aîné, 1797. 4to, engraved medallion portrait and 5 engraved plates, quarter green morocco; Baudelaire, Charles Les paradis artificiels. Paris: Poulet-Malassis et De Broise, 1860. First edition, 8vo, red quarter morocco, bound without original wrappers, joints splitting, covers slightly inkstained (3) £150-250


42 Pythagoras, Phocylidas, Theognidis & others Carmina Aurea. Phocylidae poema admonitorium. Theognidas Megarensis po. Siculi gnomologia. Coluthi Lycopolitae Thebaei Helenae raptus... omnia graecolatina, conversa simul & exposita à Michaele Neandro Soraviense. Basle: Joannes Oporinus, 1559. 4to, 5 parts in one volume, contemporary vellum (Adams, P2310], a few marginal annotations at beginning, head and tail of spine worn £400-600 43 Scarron, Paul Le roman comique. Paris: Janet & Hubert, l’an quatrieme [1796]. 3 volumes, 8vo, 225 by 144mm, engraved portrait and 15 plates after Le Barbier, each in two states, nineteenth century red half morocco, t.e.g., some spotting £300-500 44 [Tchaikovsky, Piotr.]—Tchaikovsky, Modest. Zhizn Petra Il’icha Chakkovskago [Life of Piotr Illyich Tchaikovsky], Moscow & Leipzig, P. Jurgenson, 1903. Signed and inscribed by the author to Lev Bertansky, Tchaikovsky’s doctor, 3 volumes, 8vo (22.5 by 15cms), publisher’s cloth, gilt-lettered covers, ownership stamp of L.V. Bertenson to volumes 2 and 3, no portrait, binding damp-flecked and worn, later collector’s annotation and stamp to title Note: Lev Bertenson, Tchaikovsky’s doctor, attended Tchaikovsky at his death and diagnosed cholera as the cause (6 November 1893). It is now usually accepted that Tchaikovsky committed suicide and that cholera was merely a cover. However, this is still controversial: for Bertenson’s letter to Modest (6 November 1893), see H. Weinstock, Tchaikovsky (1946), p.350n. £250-350


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

HISTORY & MILITARY 45 18th Century Army List A list of all the officers of the army... [London], 1780. 8vo, contemporary ink inscription of Fotheringham on title, contemporary red morocco gilt, heavily rubbed, torn at upper edge; Macdonald, Captain Reginald James The history of the dress of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. London, 1899. First edition, number 3 of 1,500 copies, 4to, 24 colour plates, original cloth backed boards, rubbed at edges, discoloured, some foxing (2) £150-250 46 Allezard, Guiseppe — Fambrini, Ferd. A series of eight French naval engravings, hand coloured, each approx. 35 by 47cm., browned and foxed, creasing, framed and glazed (8) £120-180 47 Callot, Jacques De droeue ellendigheden van den oorloogh.... [Amsterdam, 1730]. Oblong 8vo, 17 plates, tipped onto later pages, half red morocco gilt, worn. Sold not subject to return. £100-150 48 Churchill, Sir Winston Their finest hour. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1949. First American edition, 8vo, signed by the author on the title page, original red cloth gilt, dustwrapper, protective sleeve, some creasing to edge of wrapper Note: Woods A123a £1,000-1,500 49 Crawfurd, George A general description of the shire of Renfrew. Paisley: printed by J. Neilson, 1818. Large paper edition, 4to, frontispiece, 2 folding maps [hand coloured in outline], 2 plates, original boards, rebacked with cloth, some foxing; Oliver, J. Rutherford Upper Teviotdale and the Scotts of Buccleuch. Hawick, 1887. Large paper edition, 4to, number 27 of 50 large paper copies, signed, frontispiece, original morocco backed cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, previous ink inscription to front blank (2) £150-250

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50 Ireland — Mervyn, Sir Audley A speech made before the Lords in the Upper House of Parliament in Ireland... at the impeachment of Sir Richard Bolton Knight, L. Chancellor, John L., Bishop of Derry, Sir Gerrard Lowther Knight, Lo. Chiefe Justice... and Sir George Ratcliffe Knight, of High-Treason. [London], 1641. 4to [ii], 27, modern wrappers (Wing M1888A; ESTC R000701], remains of small label with small hole in fore-margin of title, lacks blank D4 at end; A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament; concerning the rise and progresse of the grand rebellion in Ireland. London: Edward Husbands, 1643. 4to [pp.1-32 and 41-63], modern boards (Wing E2557], lacking pp. 33-40; [Montgomery, James, Sir] The petition of the committees for Ireland to His Majestie: with His Majesties answere thereunto. “Oxford” [but London]: Leonard Lichfield, 1642. 4to (7pp.], modern boards (Wing P1789; ESTC R004373] (3) £100-200 51 Lawson, John Parker Scotland picturesque, historical, descriptive.... London (n.d.]. Folio, 72 chromolithograph views, original blue cloth gilt, some rubbing at edges, some light spotting; Grant, James The tartans of the clans of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1886. Folio, frontispiece, colour plates, original decorative cloth, rubbed, inner hinges weak (2) £200-300

52 Macleay, Kenneth Highlanders of Scotland. Portraits illustrative of the principal clans and followings, and the retainers of the royal household at Balmoral. London & Edinburgh, 1870. Folio, 2 volumes, 31 colour plates [mounted on card leaves], original red cloth gilt, some foxing to occasional plates, water staining to boards, worn at corners; and 26 duplicate loose plates, majority foxed £1,000-1,500 53 Military — Grenadier Guards Clayton, B. Costumes of the First or Grenadier Regiment of Guards from 1660. London, Ackermann & Co., 1854. First edition, large oblong folio, 12 hand-coloured lithographed plates after B. Clayton, original cloth, binding worn and slightly soiled Note: Very rare: no copy in the British library, and no copy traced in any British institutional library. £800-1,200 54 Napoleon Watercolour captioned on verso “View of Napoleon’s funeral procession after it had passed *** *** from a drawing in Adml. Lambert’s possession by Miss Joliffe”, 27.7 by 42.5cm, 6cm tear, with an albumen print of Napoleon’s tomb 1871, 7 by 6cm. £100-150


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55 Nelson, Admiral Horatio — Trafalgar Broadside BRITANNIA TRIUMPHANT. The Most Decisive and Glorious Naval Victory that ever was obtained since the creation of the world!! The Victorious British Fleet was commanded by the most renowned, most gallant, and ever-to-be-lamented Hero, Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson; and the Vanquished Fleets of France and Spain by the Admirals Villeneuve and Gravina... London: Printed by R. Edwards, Crane-Court, Fleet-Street. Sold by E. Kent and Son, 116, HighHolborn. Price Two-Pence. [1805]. Royal paper, 44 by 55cm, woodcut at head depicting Britannia placing a laurel wreath on a funerary urn, the base bearing Nelson’s name, sailing ship on the high seas in view; at the tail is a list of the “English” fleet, with numbers of guns and men and the names of their commanders in two columns, and the French/Spanish fleets in a further two columns, with numbers of guns and men and their fate, the whole within a border of typeornaments, couple of neat marginal repairs, slight creasing and faint foxing Note: A very rare surviving poster announcing: “the most decisive and glorious naval victory that ever was obtained since the creation of the world” This broadsheet details the names of all the ships together with the numbers of guns and men of both sides. The English fleet consisted of 27 ships against the combined fleets of France and Spain which totalled 33 ships. The Spanish and French fleets were superior in numbers to the English by 474 guns and 8,124 men. At Sotheby’s Trafalgar sale (5th October 2005) another broadside of the same period, printed in red ink by J. Smeeton, without woodcut or ornamental border but with closely similar wording, made £38,400. We are unable to trace any bibliographic record of this broadside in the British Library, the National Maritime Museum, or the English Short-Title Catalogue. £10,000-15,000


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56 Paul, Sir James Balfour The history of the Royal Company of Archers. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1875. 8vo, frontispiece, 12 plates, original green cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, some waterstaining from outside edge £150-200 57 Prison & penal policy — Griffiths, Arthur Memorial of Millbank, and chapters in prison history. London: H.S. King, 1875. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, etched frontispieces, illustrations; [Idem] Secrets of the prison houses or gaol studies and sketches. London: Chapman and Hall, 1894. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, frontispieces, illustrations; [Idem] Mysteries of police and crime. London: Cassell, 1892. 2 volumes, 8vo; [Idem] The chronicles of Newgate. London: Chapman and Hall, 1884. First edition, 2 volumes, 8vo, plates and illustrations; all in uniform maroon half moroco by Sangorski and Sutcliffe, t.e.g., spines gilt (8) £400-500

58 Scottish Law — Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia The laws of Scotland. Edinburgh: Law Society of Scotland, 1987-90. 26 volumes, 8vo, original blue cloth, a clean set £200-300 59 Spain. Peninsula war — Wyld, James Maps & plans, showing the principal movements, battles & sieges, in which the British army was engaged during the war from 1808 to 1814 in the Spanish peninsula. London: J. Wyld, 1841. Folio, 35 (of 36) maps and plates, some double page, original morocco-backed cloth lettered in gilt, all but 8 with rodent damage, one completely defective; sold not subject to return £100-200

BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF PLANE CASTLE Plane Castle, the baronial house of the Sommervilles, Lords of Plane from 1428 to 1643, is located 6 miles south of Stirling, on the edge of the Bannockburn battlefield. Both Plane Tower 1430, and the Manor House 1528, have recently been sympathetically restored. The books on offer here were collected by the present owners, Nancy and John Patrick Wright. A superb research collection containing a great number of works on Scottish architectural history and topography. 60 Aberdeenshire — Giles, James Drawings of Aberdeenshire castles. Aberdeen: Third Spalding Club, 1936. 8vo, frontispiece, plates, original green cloth gilt, a fine copy; Fleming, J.S. Ancient castles and mansions of Stirling nobility. Paisley, 1902. 8vo, presentation copy from the author, frontispiece, plates, original green cloth gilt, bookplate from Duchally; Taylor, William Castles of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen, 1887. 8vo, number 86 of a limited edition, plates, original red cloth gilt, inner hinges weak, some foxing, staining to boards; Hay, Sir Archibald Leith The castellated architecture of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen (no date]. 4to, plates, original red cloth, rebacked, foxing (4) £150-250


61 Arnot, Hugo The history of Edinburgh from the earliest accounts to the present time. Edinburgh: W. Creech, 1788. 4to, frontispiece, 18 engraved plates, folding plan trimmed and linen backed, modern half calf gilt, later endpapers, repaired throughout, one plate torn, contemporary ink inscription to title; Wilson, Sir Daniel Memorials of Edinburgh in the olden time. Edinburgh & London: Adam & Charles Black, 1891. Second edition, 4to, 2 volumes, number 48 of 150 large paper copies, signed by the author and the publisher, 41 plates, folding plan, modern red morocco backed cloth, previous ink inscriptions to half title; [Anon.] A new history of the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1800. Fourth edition, 8vo, folding map, frontispiece, 12 plates, contemporary calf, rebacked, inner hinges strengthened, bookplate; Grant, James Old and new Edinburgh. London (no date]. 4to, 3 volumes, illustrated, contemporary half calf gilt, some foxing; Home, Bruce J. Old houses in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1905. Folio, First & Second series, 53 tipped in plates, contemporary cloth gilt, lacking wrapper; and 3 others (11) £300-400

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62 Ayrshire — Bryden, Robert Ayrshire monuments. Ayr, 1915. Folio, number 47 of 50 copies, signed by the author, 24 etchings [including title and plate list], calf backed cloth gilt, some rubbing to hinges, interior very clean; [Idem] Castles of Carrick. [No place], 1905. Folio, number 20 of 50 copies, signed by the author, 23 etchings [including title and portrait frontispiece], calf backed cloth gilt, backstrip foxed, interior very clean; [Idem] Ayrshire castles. [No place], 1908. Second series, folio, one of 50 copies, presentation copy from the author, 21 [of 22] etchings, cloth backed folio, rubbed at edges, some foxing to plates (2) £250-350 63 Beattie, William Scotland, illustrated in a series of views taken expressly for this work by Messrs. T. Allom, W.H. Bartlett and H. McCulloch. London: George Virtue, 1842. 8vo, 2 volumes, folding map, 112 [of 118 plates], contemporary half morocco gilt, rubbed, some foxing and offsetting; Cordiner. Rev, Charles Antiquities & scenery of the North of Scotland in a series of letters to Thomas Pennant. London, 1780. 8vo, engraved vignette title, 21 plates, contemporary calf gilt, repaired and rebacked, some tape repairs to pages 65-68, pencil marks £100-150 64 Billings, Robert William The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1848-52. First edition, 4to, 4 volumes, 240 plates, contemporary diced calf gilt, neatly rebacked with later red and black labels, interiors clean £150-250 65 Billings, Robert William The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. London: Wiliam Blackwood, 1848-52. 4to, 4 volumes, large paper edition, 240 plates on india paper, modern half red morocco gilt, later endpapers, interior very clean £200-300 66 Bolton, Arthur T. The architecture of Robert & James Adam. London, 1922. Folio, 2 volumes, colour frontispieces, original green cloth gilt; Weaver, Sir Lawrence Houses & gardens by Sir Edward Lutyens. London, 1925. Folio, frontispiece, original red cloth, dustwrapper, wrapper torn with losses, stained, cloth stained (3) £250-350 67 Browne, James Picturesque views of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Daniel Lizars, 1825. 4to, engraved title, 51 engraved plates, later cloth, faded, some foxing to early plates Provenance: Fasque House, bookplate £150-250


68 Castles and Palaces — Fleming, J.S. Ancient castles and mansions of Stirling nobility. Paisley and London, 1902. 8vo, frontispiece, original cloth gilt, previous ink inscription to front endpaper; Millar, A.H. The historical castles and mansions of Scotland. Paisley, 1890. 8vo, frontispiece, original cloth gilt; Stirling Maxwell, Sir John Shrines and homes of Scotland. London, 1957. 8vo, frontispiece, plates, original cloth gilt; Historic Houses of the United Kingdom. London, 1892. 4to, frontispiece, plates, original cloth gilt; Hill, Oliver Scottish castles of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. London, 1953. 4to, frontispiece, plates, original cloth, dustwrapper, previous ink inscription on front endpaper, and another copy in browned wrapper; Grose, Daniel The antiquities of Ireland. Dublin, 1991. Square 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Cock, Matthew Dunderave Castle and the MacNachtans of Argyll. California, 1998. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Davis, Michael The castles and mansions of Ayrshire. Argyll, 1991. 4to, number 95 of 500 copies, signed by the author, original cloth, dustwrapper; Laing, Gerald Kinkell. London, 1974. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper; Howard, Deborah The architectural history of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1995. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper; Macdonald, E.J. & Finn, H.J. Castles of England and Wales. New York (no date]. 8vo, original cloth, some foxing; Hugill, R. Castles of Cumberland and Westmorland. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper; and 58 others, mainly modern (71) £400-600


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69 Cordiner, Rev. Charles Remarkable ruins and romantic prospects of North Britain. London: Peter Mazell, 1788-95. 4to, 2 volumes in one, engraved titles, frontispiece, 116 engraved plates, contemporary red morocco gilt, some rubbing to edges, patch of wear to backstrip, interior clean Provenance: W.S. Adams, bookplate. £250-350 70 Douglas, Sir Robert The baronage of Scotland, containing an historical and genealogical account.... Edinburgh, 1798. Folio, volume I [all published], half title, contemporary half calf gilt, rebacked using original backstrip, bookplate; [Idem] The peerage of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1764. Folio, 10 engraved plates of armorial crests, modern calf backed cloth, later endpapers (2) £300-400


71 Forsyth, Robert The beauties of Scotland. Edinburgh: Vernor & Hood, 1805-08. 8vo, 5 volumes, engraved titles, 108 engraved plates, contemporary tree calf gilt, red labels, some slight foxing, bookplates; Chambers, Robert The picture of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1828. Second edition, 8vo, 2 volumes, 7 engraved plates, contemporary half blue calf gilt, red labels, some rubbing, offsetting and some foxing, bookplates (7) Provenance: W.S. Adams, bookplates. £250-350 72 Fraser, Rev. Robert W. The kirk and manse... views in tinted lithography of the most interesting and romantic parish kirks and manses in Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton, 1857. 4to, lithographed title, frontispiece, 55 lithograph plates, contemporary half calf gilt, rubbed at edges, foxing £150-200

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73 Grose, Francis The antiquities of England and Wales. London: printed for S. Hooper, 1773-76. 4to, 4 [of 6] volumes, lacking 2 volume supplement, engraved titles, frontispieces, 6 full page plates, 335 half page views, contemporary tree calf gilt, later labels, hinges cracking, rubbing at edges (4) Provenance: R. W. Wake, bookplates. £300-500 74 Grose, Francis Military antiquities respecting a history of the English Army from the conquest to the present time. London: printed for S. Hooper, 1786. 4to, 2 volumes, engraved titles, 77 plates, later half morocco gilt, marble endpapers, bookplates; [Idem] A treatise on ancient armour and weapons. London: printed for S. Hooper, 1786. 4to, engraved title, 58 plates, later half morocco gilt [uniform with previous], bookplate (3) £300-500

75 Grose, Francis The antiquities of Scotland. London: printed for Hooper, 1797. Folio, 2 volumes, engraved titles, folding hand-coloured map of Scotland, 183 engraved plates, 19th century calf gilt, rebacked, worn at corners, bookplates Provenance: Royal Artillery Regimental Library, Woolwich, bookplate and stamp. £200-300 76 Grose, Francis The antiquities of Scotland. London: printed for Hooper, 1797. Folio, 2 volumes, engraved titles, folding hand-coloured map of Scotland, 188 engraved plates, modern cloth backed boards, later endpapers, titles and plates foxed £150-200 77 Grose, Francis The antiquities of Scotland. London: printed for Hooper, 1797. 4to, 2 volumes, engraved titles, folding hand coloured map, 188 engraved plates, contemporary calf gilt, repaired, rubbed, interior clean (2) Provenance: George Pochin of Barkby Hall, Leicestershire, bookplates. £200-300 78 Heraldry — Taylor, James The great historic families of Scotland. London: J.S. Virtue, 1887. 4to, 2 volumes, number 218 of 250 copies, plates, original brown cloth gilt, rubbed and discoloured paper labels, foxing; Robson, Thomas The history of heraldry. Sunderland, 1830. 4to, frontispiece, boards, stained, frontispiece stained; Balfour Paul, John An ordinary of arms. Edinburgh, 1893. 8vo, original cloth, rebacked, previous ink inscription to title and upper board; [Idem] Heraldry in relation to Scottish history and art. Edinburgh, 1900. 8vo, original cloth gilt, bookplate; and 5 others (10) £150-200 79 Hooker, Sir W.J. Perth-shire illustrated. London, 1843. Folio, 62 engraved plates, contemporary half morocco gilt, rubbed, ex-library copy with bookplates and stamps, foxing £150-250 80 Johnson, Samuel A journey to the western isles of Scotland. London: W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1775. First edition, later issue, with 12 line errata leaf, U4 correctly numbered 296 on verso, modern calf backed boards, contemporary ink inscription on title £150-200

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81 Kay, John A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1877. New edition, 4to, 2 volumes, half titles, 362 etchings, contemporary green morocco gilt, some rubbing to edges (2) £250-350 82 Lawson, John Parker Scotland, picturesque, historical and descriptive. London: John G. Murdoch (no date]. 4to, 4 volumes, 72 chromo-lithograph plates, original green cloth gilt, some rubbing to edges; Scott, Sir Walter Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland. London: John and Arthur Arch, 1826. 4to, 2 volumes, 52 plates, original brown cloth gilt, some rubbing to edges, inner hinges strengthened, bookplates (6) £250-350 83 Leighton, John — Swan, Joseph Select views of Glasgow and its environs. Glasgow, 1828. 4to, frontispiece, 32 engraved plates, contemporary full morocco gilt, a.e.g., some foxing, some plates browned; History of the county of Fife. Glasgow: Joseph Swan, 1840. 4to, 3 volumes, engraved vignette titles, 46 [of 47] plates, contemporary half calf gilt, rubbed at corners, heavy foxing throughout; [Idem] Swan’s views of the lakes of Scotland. Glasgow, 1837. 8vo, 2 volumes in 1, 7 engraved titles, 46 plates, later half morocco gilt, some slight rubbing, some pencil marks to interior (5) £250-350 84 Lorimer, Sir Robert — Hussey, Christopher The work of Sir Robert Lorimer. London: Country Life, 1931. First edition, folio, frontispiece, plates, original cloth, dustwrapper, wrapper torn at edges, some discolouration to edges of cloth, interior clean; Gillespie, James Details of Scottish domestic architecture. Edinburgh, 1922. Folio, plates, original cloth gilt, previous inscriptions to front endpapers (2) £200-300 85 Lorimer, Sir Robert — Hussey, Christopher The work of Sir Robert Lorimer. London, 1931. First edtion, folio, grained cloth, later labels, remains of torn dustwrapper inserted, exlibrary copy; Gillespie, James Details of Scottish domestic architecture. Edinburgh, 1922. Folio, plates, original cloth gilt, previous inscriptions to front endpapers, foxing to cloth; Galletly, Alexander Ancient towers and doorways. London, 1896. Folio, frontispiece, plates, original green cloth gilt, boards dampstained at upper edge (3) £150-250

86 Lorimer, Sir Robert — Hussey, Christopher The work of Sir Robert Lorimer. London, 1931. First edition, folio, frontispiece, plates, grained cloth, blue labels, interior clean; Savage, Peter Lorimer and the Edinburgh craft designers. Edinburgh, 1980. Square 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, previous ink inscription to endpaper; and 4 volumes from the National Art Survey 1921-1933 [one lacking folio] (6) £150-250 87 Lyndsay, Sir David Facsimile of an ancient heraldic manuscript emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Armes 1542. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1878. Folio, coloured lithographed title and 133 plates, all but one chromolithographed, modern blue half morocco, t.e.g., fading to backstrip, later endpapers £200-300 88 Macgibbon, David & Ross, Thomas The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1887-92. 8vo, 5 volumes, original cloth gilt, small ink inscription to half titles; Billings Rev. William The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1908. 4to, 4 volumes, plates, original blue cloth gilt, some foxing; and a prospectus for Billings (10) £300-400 89 Mylne, Rev. Robert Scott The master masons to the Crown of Scotland and their works. Edinburgh, 1893. Folio, number 48 of limited edition, coloured frontispiece, folding table, original cloth gilt, bookplate; Small, John W. Scottish architectural details. Stirling, 1901. Folio, one of 400 copies, plates, original yellow cloth, foxed, interior clean; Gillespie, James Details of Scottish domestic architecture. Edinburgh, 1922. Folio, plates, original cloth gilt (3) Provenance: Mylne item from the library of J. Balfour Paul, Lord Lyon King of Arms, bookplate. £200-300 90 Pennant, Thomas A tour in Scotland and voyage to the Hebrides. London: printed for Benj. White, 1776-99. Second edition of volumes I & II, fourth edition of volume III, 4to, 3 volumes, engraved vignette titles, 133 engraved plates, volume 2 lacking plate xviii, library blind-stamps to several plates, modern calf backed boards, very occasional spotting (3) £200-300


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91 Pennant, Thomas A tour in Scotland. London: Benj. White, 1790-74-76. Mixed edition, 4to, 3 volumes, folding map, 134 engraved plates, later half morocco gilt, interiors clean; Cordiner, Rev. Charles Antiquities and scenery of the North of Scotland in a series of letters to Thomas Pennant. London, 1780. 4to, engraved vignette title, 21 engraved plates, modern calf backed boards, later endpapers, some spotting to title (4) £250-350 92 Pernot, Francois Alexandre — Pichot, A. Vues pittoresques de l’Ecosse. Brussels, 1827. 4to, vignette title, 56 plates, contemporary half calf, worn, rebacked, later endpapers, foxing; Carr, John Caledonian sketches or a tour through Scotland in 1807. London, 1809. 4to, folding frontispiece, 11 engraved plates, modern morocco backed cloth, foxing and staining throughout; Nattes, John Claude & Fittler, James Scotia depicta, or, the antiquities, castles, etc. of Scotland. London: W. Miller, 1804. Oblong 4to, frontispiece, 47 [of 48] engraved plates, contemporary half calf gilt, rebacked, later endpapers, heavy foxing to some plates; Slezer, John Theatrum Scotiae. Towie Barclay: Heritage Press, 1979. Folio, number 454 of 500 copies, signed by the publishers, original calf backed boards, slipcase (4) £300-500 93 Royal Commission of Ancient Monuments of Scotland A collection of RCAMS volumes. Edinburgh, 1911-1992. 8vo & 4to, 29 volumes, including Caithness [1911, original wrappers in later cloth], Sutherland [1911, original wrappers in later cloth], Galloway [1912, 2 volumes, original wrappers in later cloth], Berwick [1915, later cloth, ex-library], Dumfries [1920, original blue cloth], East Lothian [1924, original blue cloth], Midlothian and Westlothian [1929, original blue cloth], Fife & Kinross [1933, original blue cloth], Orkney & Shetland [1946, 3 volumes, original blue cloth, ex-library], Edinburgh [1951, original blue cloth], Roxburgh [1956, 2 volumes, original blue cloth], Selkirk [1957, dustwrapper], Stirlingshire [1963, 2 volumes, original blue cloth], Peebleshire [1967, 2 volumes, dustwrapper], Argyll [197192, 7 volumes, vols 1-2, 5-7 in dustwrappers], Lanarkshire [1978, original blue cloth]; and 5 printed aerial photography lists (34) £500-700 94 Scotland The topographical, statistical and historical gazetteer of Scotland. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton, 1847. 8vo, 2 volumes, folding map, 15 engraved plates, modern half morocco gilt, foxing to plates, repairs to a few leaves; Groome, Francis H. Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. London (no date]. New edition, 8vo, 6 volumes, plates, original blue cloth gilt, rubbed, interiors clean; Anderson, William The Scottish nation. Edinburgh, 1863. 8vo, 3 volumes, frontispieces, plates, contemporary half calf gilt, rubbed at edges (11) £150-200


95 Scott, Sir Walter The border antiquities of England and Scotland. London: printed for Longman, 1814. 4to, 2 volumes, engraved titles, 94 engraved plates, contemporary grained calf gilt extra, some rubbing at edges, some foxing to early leaves; [Idem] Provinical antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland. Edinburgh: John Menzies, 1843. 4to, 2 volumes, engraved title, 50 plates, volume I lacking printed title, modern morocco backed boards, some staining at edges (4) £250-350 96 Shepherd, Thomas Modern Athens, displayed in a series of views or Edinburgh in the nineteenth century. London: Jones & Co., 1829. 4to, engraved title (bound with] Bound with: Neale, John Preston. Views of the seats of noblemen and gentlemen. London (c.1831]. 4to, 88 plates, modern quarter blue morocco gilt; Crombie, Benjamin Modern Athenians. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1882. 4to, one of 1040 copies, signed by the publisher, 48 coloured plates, original burgandy morocco glit, some slight spotting, bookplate (2) £200-300 97 Sinclair, Sir John The statistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1792-93. 8vo, 2 volumes, volumes II and VII, modern cloth gilt, volume II with inscription of Sir William Maxwell on title; [Idem] The new statistical account of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1845. 8vo, volume VIII only, modern morocco gilt, later endpapers, facsimile title; [Idem] The statistical account of Scotland 1791-1799. Wakefield, 1983. 8vo, 19 [of 20] volumes, lacking volume 7, original cloth, dustwrappers [except volume XVIII] (22) £150-250 98 Small, John William The castles and mansions of the Lothians. Edinburgh, 1883. Folio, 2 volumes, 103 photographic plates, original cloth gilt, some slight rubbing at edges; Blacklock, Tom Sketches in East Lothian. Edinburgh, 1892. Folio, 34 plates [including vignette title], original blue cloth gilt, rubbing, some bubbling to boards; Bell, J. Munro The castles of the Lothians. Edinburgh, 1893. 4to, frontispiece, 9 plates, original decorative cloth gilt, some discolouration to backstrip, and another copy rebacked with calf (5) £300-400 99 Small, John William Old Stirling. Stirling, 1897. Folio, number 203 of 400 copies, plates, original brown cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, previous ink inscription to front fixed endpaper; [Idem] Scottish market crosses. Stirling, 1900. Folio, number 218 of 500 copies, plates, rubbed at edges, some short tears to head and tail; [Idem] Scottish woodwork of the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. Stirling (1898]. Second edition, folio, number 56 of 500 copies, plates, original yellow cloth, dustmarked (3) £200-300

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100 Stirling A collection of heads etched and engraved after the carved work which formerly decorated the roof of the king’s room in Stirling Castle. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1817. Folio, 39 plates, contemporary calf gilt, some rubbing to edges, some slight foxing; Small, John William Old Stirling. Stirling, 1897. Folio, number 89 of 400 copies, plates, original brown cloth gilt, some slight rubbing to edges; Reid, John Bits of Old Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1900. Folio, 23 colour plates [including frontispiece], original green cloth gilt, rubbed, worn at head, tail and corners, some foxing (3) £200-300 101 Stirling A collection of heads... which formerly decorated the roof of the King’s room in Stirling Castle. Edinburgh, 1817. 4to, frontispiece, 39 plates, contemporary burgandy morocco gilt, some rubbing at edges; Jamieson, John Select views of the Royal Palaces of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1830. 4to, 24 engraved plates, contemporary morocco gilt, rubbed, marginalia throughout; Collie, John Linlithgow Palace illustrated. London (no date]. 4to, 8 plates, original cloth gilt, rebacked, foxing (3) £200-300 102 Stirlingshire — Nimmo, Rev. William History of Stirlingshire. Stirling, 1817. Second edition, 8vo, folding map frontispiece, two folding tables, map, modern half calf gilt, red label peeling at edges, some foxing; [Idem] A general history of Stirlingshire. Edinburgh, 1777. 8vo, lacking map, uncut, later half morocco gilt, library bookplate; [Idem] The history of Stirlingshire. London, 1880. Third edition, 8vo, 2 volumes, folding map frontispiece, later morocco backed cloth, ex-library copies with markings and bookplates; Fleming, J.S. The old lodgings of Stirling. Stirling, 1897. 8vo, illustrated, original black cloth gilt, interior very clean; [Idem] Ancient castles and mansions of Stirling nobility. Paisley, 1902. 8vo, plates, original green cloth gilt, some foxing, bookplates; Dickson, John The ruined castles of Mid-Lothian. Edinburgh, 1894. 8vo, 4 plates, modern calf-backed cloth; Shearer, J. Views of Stirling Castle. Stirling, 1893. 4to, letter pasted onto front endpaper, original red cloth; and 17 others on Stirlingshire (25) £300-400 103 Thomson, John Maitland The register of the great seal of Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Records Society, 1984. New edition, 4to, 11 volumes, original blue cloth gilt (11) £150-200

104 White, John Rural architecture: illustrated in a new series of designs for ornamental cottages and villas. Glasgow, 1845. First edition, folio, 90 plates, contemporary half calf gilt, rubbed, some staining and spotting [mainly to early leaves]; Small, John William Scottish woodwork of the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. Edinburgh: David Douglas (1878]. First edition, folio, one of 250 copies, plates, original cloth backed boards, backstrip faded (Idem] Old Stirling. Stirling, 1897. Folio, number 231 of 500 copies, plates, original brown cloth gilt, rubbed, hinges cracking; [Idem] Leaves from my sketch-books. Edinburgh, 1880. 4to, number 14 of 300 copies, plates, original boards, rebacked in cloth, previous ink inscription to front endpaper (4) £200-300

LITERATURE 105 Aldine poets The Aldine edition of the British poets. London: G. Bell, c.1876. 52 [of ?54] volumes, 12mo, maroon half morocco, spines gilt, spines slightly faded £200-300 106 Aldine poets London: W. Pickering, 1831. 28 (of 53) volumes, 12mo, engraved plates, contemporary half calf, spines gilt, some spotting and offsetting, slightly rubbed; Parry, W.E. Journal of the first, second and third voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage. London: J. Murray, 1828. 5 volumes, 12mo, plates [not as called for in Directions for placing the plates], contemporary half calf gilt, some spotting (33) £200-300 107 [Arnold, Matthew] The strayed reveller. London: B. Fellowes, 1849. First edition, 8vo, half title, original green cloth gilt, interior clean; [Idem] Empedocles on Etna. London: B. Fellowes, 1852. First edition, 8vo, half title, original green cloth gilt, contemporary ink inscription to front free endpaper (2) Note: These two volumes were the first two works of poetry published anonymously by Matthew Arnold. Only 500 were printed of each volume were published but, unfortunately, less than 50 of each were sold so the author withdrew the remainder. £400-600 108 Arnold, Matthew New poems. London: Macmillan and Co., 1867. First edition, 8vo, half title, 2pp. notes at rear, original green cloth gilt, some bubbling at hinges, contemporary ink inscription on front endpaper £200-300


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109 Bindings — Inchbald, Mrs. The British theatre. London, 1808. 24 (of 25) volumes, 12mo, lacking volume 2; Idem The modern theatre. 1811. volumes 2-10. 12mo, contemporary half calf, spines gilt; Cooke, C. Cooke’s edition of Select Novels. 40 volumes only, 12mo, contemprary calf, some lacking labels; Percy, S. & R.The Percy anecdotes. London, 1820. 19 of 20 volumes, 12mo, lacking volume 1, contemporary calf, spines gilt (83) £200-300 110 Bronte, Charlotte, Emily & Anne Poems by Currer, Ellis & Acton Bell. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1846. First edition, second issue, 8vo, errata slip, 1pp. of adverts at rear [undated], contemporary green cloth gilt, some fading to backstrip, inner hinge weak, 19th century ink inscription on front endpaper £1,000-1,500 111 [Burney, Frances] Camilla or a picture of youth. London: printed for T. Payne, 1796. 8vo, 5 volumes, contemporary half calf, rebacked, replacement endpapers, foxing throughout; Proust, Marcel Swann’s way. London, 1922. 8vo, 2 volumes, translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff, original blue cloth gilt, foxing (7) £250-350 112 Burns, Robert Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Edinburgh: for the author, 1787. Second [First Edinburgh] edition, 8vo, half-title, first issue with “skinking” on p. 263 and “Boxburgh” for “Roxburgh” in list of subscribers, engraved frontispiece, list of subscribers, nineteenth century half calf, lower margins dampstained, binding worn £250-300


113 Byron, Lord — Rogers, Samuel — Southey, Robert Lara, a tale. Jacqueline, a tale. London: John Murray, 1814. First edition, 12mo, presentation inscription to Southey from Rogers on half title “Robert Southey Esq from the author of Jacqueline”, additional portrait of Byron bound in before title, 4 pages of publisher’s adverts to rear, bound in decorative cloth by Mrs. Caroline Southey, bookplate, some fading to back, some faint tape marks to front endpapers Provenance: From the library of Robert Southey’s “Cottonian Library” at Greta Hall; Edward Kelly, bookplate £1,000-1,500

113 22

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117 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Poems on various subjects. London: printed for G.G. and J. Robinsons, and J. Cottle, Bookseller, Bristol, 1796. First edition, 8vo, lacking half title but with the errata and advertisement leaf, contemporary blue morocco gilt, marble endpapers, a.e.g., hinges cracking, bookplates Provenance: From the library of Robert Southey, bookplate designed by Thomas Bewick; Percy L. Babington, bookplate. Note: First edition of Coleridge’s first collection of poems. £1,000-1,500 118 Cornhill Magazine The Cornhill magazine. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1860-65. 8vo, 12 volumes, illustrated, contemporary half red morocco gilt, rubbed at edges; Ainsworth, W. Harrison Windsor Castle. London, 1843. New edition, 8vo, illustrated by George Cruikshank, contemporary half morocco gilt, rubbed at edges, foxing; [Thackeray, William Makepeace] The Newcomes. London, 1854. 8vo, 2 volumes, illustrated by Richard Doyle, contemporary half morocco gilt, rubbed at edges; and 5 others (20) £200-300


114 Byron, Lord George Gordon Hours of idleness, a series of poems, original and translated. Newark: S. & J. Ridge, 1807. First edition, 8vo, half title, paper watermarked 1806, including cancel leaf D3, contemporary half calf gilt, red label, rubbed, bookplate Provenance: From the library of Gordon Castle, bookplate. £1,000-1,500 115 Churchill, Sir Winston My African journey. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1908. First edition, 8vo, half title, frontispiece, 3 maps, 41 [of 46] plates, 16 pp. of adverts at rear, original decorative red cloth gilt, some short tears to head and tail of backstrip, tear to p. ix repaired £100-150 116 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Christabel; Kubla Khan, a vision; The pains of sleep. London, John Murray, 1816. First edition, 8vo, lacking adverts, late 19th century half morocco gilt, interior clean £1,000-1,500 116 23

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119 DeKock, Charles Paul The works of... Boston: Frederick J. Quinby Company, 1904. Medal edition, 8vo, 25 volumes, number 948 of 1000 copies, frontispieces, contemporary half morocco gilt with floral inlays on backstrips (25) £500-700 120 Dickens, Sir Charles Works. London: Chapman & Hall (c.1880’s]. Illustrated library edition, 8vo, 30 volumes, illustrated by Phiz [H.K. Browne], contemporary half red morocco gilt, some slight rubbing to boards (30) £1,000-1,500 121 Dickens, Sir Charles Works. London: Chapman & Hall, 1858-59. 8vo, 22 volumes, engraved vignette titles, contemporary half green morocco gilt, rubbed at edges, volumes 1, 7 & 11 with patches of wear at heads, foxing to engraved titles, remaining interiors clean (22) £300-500


122 Dolmen Press — Millar, Liam Dolmen XXV. An illustrated bibliography of the Dolmen press 19511976. Dolmen Editions, 1976. 4to, limited to 650 copies, plates, original cloth, dust-jacket; Augustine, St. The confessions. London: Kegan Paul, 1900. 8vo, limited to 400 copies, wood-engravings by Clemence Housman after Paul Woodroffe, original vellum, t.e.g., uncut, binding slightly spotted; Forbes-Leith, W. The life of St. Cuthbert. Edinburgh: for Private Circulation, 1888. 4to, coloured plates, original parchment-backed cloth, t.e.g., short split at head of joints; Wormald, F., editor The book of Psalms. Haymarket Press, 1930. Folio, limited to 875 copies, coloured plates, original boards, uncut, slightly spotted, binding slightly marked (4) £100-150

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A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF IAN FLEMING’S JAMES BOND NOVELS 1953-1966. The following complete collection of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels will be offered initially as a group [lot 123]. If this lot is not sold then the volumes will be offered as inidividual items [lots 124-134]. 123 Fleming, Ian A complete set of the James Bond novels in first edition, comprising; Casino Royale. London, 1953. First edition, first issue [without Sunday Times review], 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, original cloth with red heart to upper board, small tape repair to lower cover, some slight chipping to head and tail, some spotting to fold over flaps, spotting to endpapers; Live and let die. London, 1954. First edition, 8vo, second impression dustwrapper, not price clipped, wrapper creased, chipped at edges, original cloth with gold medallion on upper board, previous ink inscription to front endpaper; Moonraker. London, 1955. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, price clipped, wrapper dustmarked, some rubbing at edges, backstrip discoloured, original cloth with title in silver on upper board, some browning to endpapers; Diamonds are forever. London, 1956. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, chipped and rubbed at edges, tears to hinges [tape repaired], patch of wear to backstrip, original cloth silver diamond and blind-stamped pattern to boards; From Russia, with love. London, 1957. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some chipping to edges, backstrip discoloured, small stain to lower cover, original cloth with rose and gun motif on upper board; Dr. No. London, 1958. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some slight fading to backstrip, original cloth with brown dancing girl on upper board; Goldfinger. London, 1959. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some fading to backstrip, short closed tear to lower edge of wrapper, original black cloth with skull in gilt and blind on upper board; For your eyes only. London, 1960. First edition, 8vo, lacking dustwrapper, original black cloth with white eye on upper board; Thunderball. London, 1961. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some slight fading to backstrip, small amount of corner torn from front endpaper, original black cloth with blindstamped hand on upper board; The spy who loved me. London, 1962. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, chipped at edges, short tears at head and tail, dustmarked at rear, original black cloth with silver dagger to upper board; On Her Majesty’s secret service. London, 1963. First edition, 8vo, some chipping at head and tail, rubbed at edges, some dustmarking to rear, original black cloth with white ski tracks to upper board; You only live twice. London, 1964. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, chipped at head and tail, rubbed at edges, original black cloth with gilt lettering to upper board; The man with the golden gun. London, 1965. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some creasing at head and tail, original black cloth gilt, previous owner’s ink stamp to front fixed endpaper; Octopussy and the living daylights. London, 1966. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, original black cloth (14) £18,000-22,000 See colour illustration on page 33 25

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First edition, first issue [without Sunday Times review], 8vo, dustwrapper, not

Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

124 Fleming, Ian Casino Royale. First edition, first issue [without Sunday Times review], 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, original cloth with red heart to upper board, small tape repair to lower cover, some slight chipping to head and tail, some spotting to fold over flaps, spotting to endpapers £10,000-15,000

126 Fleming, Ian Moonraker. London, 1955. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, price clipped, wrapper dustmarked, some rubbing at edges, backstrip discoloured, original cloth with title in silver on upper board, some browning to endpapers £1,500-2,000

125 Fleming, Ian Live and let die. London, 1954. First edition, 8vo, second impression dustwrapper, not price clipped, wrapper creased, chipped at edges, original cloth with gold medallion on upper board, previous ink inscription to front endpaper £2,000-3,000

127 Fleming, Ian Diamonds are forever. London, 1956. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, chipped and rubbed at edges, tears to hinges [tape repaired], patch of wear to backstrip, original cloth silver diamond and blind-stamped pattern to boards £1,000-1,500


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128 Fleming, Ian From Russia, with love. London, 1957. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some chipping to edges, backstrip discoloured, small stain to lower cover, original cloth with rose and gun motif on upper board £800-1,200

130 Fleming, Ian Goldfinger. London, 1959. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some fading to backstrip, short closed tear to lower edge of wrapper, original black cloth with skull in gilt and blind on upper board; For your eyes only. London, 1960. First edition, 8vo, lacking dustwrapper, original black cloth with white eye on upper board (2) £800-1,200

129 Fleming, Ian Dr. No. London, 1958. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some slight fading to backstrip, original cloth with brown dancing girl on upper board £800-1,200

131 Fleming, Ian Thunderball. London, 1961. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some slight fading to backstrip, small amount of corner torn from front endpaper, original black cloth with blindstamped hand on upper board £300-500 27

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132 Fleming, Ian The spy who loved me. London, 1962. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, chipped at edges, short tears at head and tail, dustmarked at rear, original black cloth with silver dagger to upper board £300-500

133 Fleming, Ian On Her Majesty’s secret service. London, 1963. First edition, 8vo, some chipping at head and tail, rubbed at edges, some dustmarking to rear, original black cloth with white ski tracks to upper board £200-300


134 Fleming, Ian You only live twice. London, 1964. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, chipped at head and tail, rubbed at edges, original black cloth with gilt lettering to upper board; The man with the golden gun. London, 1965. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, some creasing at head and tail, original black cloth gilt, previous owner’s ink stamp to front fixed endpaper; Octopussy and the living daylights. London, 1966. First edition, 8vo, dustwrapper, not price clipped, original black cloth (3) £300-500

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135 Fore-Edge Paintings — Rogers, Samuel Poems. London: printed by T. Bensley, 1812. 8vo, half title, woodcuts by T. Stothert, fore-edge painting of St. James’s Square, 19th century grained calf gilt, rubbed at edges, bookplates Provenance: Hon. John Walpole; Leslie Mead; I.P. Heseltine, bookplates. £300-500

136 Forster, E.M. Three works, the second and third presentation copies inscribed to William (“Woods”) Gray: Howard’s End. 1910, fourth impression; A passage to India. 1924; Abinger Harvest. 1924; the last two first editions, original cloth, some foxing and some wear to cloth; together with 5 autograph letters signed by him, to William Gray, discussing arrangements to meet in London or Cambridge, King’s College, 8vo, 1959-63, with 4 autograph envelopes. £1,500-2,500


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137 Fraser, George MacDonald Flashman. 1969, dust-jacket slightly discoloured & price clipped; Flash for Freedom!. 1971, slightly spotted; Flashman’s lady. 1977; Mr American. 1980, 2 copies, one dust-jacket with small stain; Flashman and the redskins. 1982, dust-jacket slightly discoloured; The pyrates. 1983; dust-jacket price-clipped; Flashman and the dragon. 1985, 2 copies, one with blindstamp to half-title; Flashman and the mountain of light. 1990; The Candlemass road. 1993. 2 copies, Flashman & the angel of the lord. 1994; Black Ajax. 1977; Flashman and the tiger. 1999; Flashman on the march. 2005; first editions, original cloth, all with dustwrappers (15) £250-350 138 Gaskell, Elizabeth Works... London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1872-1874. New edition, 8vo, 12 volumes bound as 6, contemporary half calf gilt, red and black labels (6) £300-500


139 Gray, Thomas An elegy wrote in a country church yard. London: for R. Dodsley, 1751. Second edition, 4to, title between woodcut rules with emblems of death, upper rule repeated at head of poem, full mottled calf gilt, marble endpapers, upper board loose £700-900 140 Hardy, Thomas The dynasts, a drama of the Napoleonic war. London: Macmillan, 1927. 3 volumes, 4to, limited to 525 copies on large paper signed by the author, signed etched frontispiece portrait by Francis Dodd, original vellum-backed boards, uncut, dust-jackets slightly rubbed £300-400 141 Hill, Joe Heart-shaped box. London: Gollancz, 2007. Limited signed edition, original cloth, slipcase, in original mylar wrapping; Khoury, Raymond The last templar. London: Orion Books, 2005. Signed limited edition, one of 1000 copies signed, original cloth, dust-jacket, slipcase, in original mylar wrapping (2) £150-250

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142 Isherwood, Christopher Collection of 12 volumes, all presentation copies inscribed to William (“Woods”) Gray: Goodbye to Berlin. 1954, fourth impression, dust-jacket; Mr Norris changes trains. 1956, sixth impression, dust-jacket; Lions and Shadows. Norfolk: New Directions, 1947, dust-jacket; Prater Violet. New York, 1946, second edition, dust-jacket; another copy. 1945, fourth printing; The memorial. 1960, new edition, dust-jacket; All the conspirators. 1966, reprint, dust-jacket; Down there on a visit. New York. 1946, second edition, dust-jacket; Exhumations. New York, 1966, dust-jacket; A single man. New York. 1964, dust-jacket; A meeting by the river. 1967, dust-jacket; Kathleen and Frank. New York, 1971, original cloth bindings, 8vo (12) Together with Five autograph postcards signed (“Christopher Isherwood” and “Chris”) to Bill Gray, expressing his enjoyment from their recent meeting, recommending Pain, Sex and Time by Gerald Heard, referring to the death of Gerald Hamilton and noting the terms under which he speaks to literary societies (“I either do that sort of thing for free (when a cause I’m interested in is involved) or for an enormous sum of money”). The writer also notes that, in interviews, his “‘honesty’ and ‘sincerity’ is only too often concealed aggression”. The final card relates to the death of Chester Kallman; five Airmail postcards, 145 Adelaide Drive, Santa Monica, California, 2 August 1967 — 26 January 1975 £1,000-1,500


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144 Joyce, James Finnegans wake. London: Faber & Faber, 1939. First trade edition, 8vo, red and yellow dustwrapper, not price clipped, wrapper torn and chipped at edges, section lacking from backstrip, original red cloth gilt, interior clean £600-800 145 Lawrence, D.H. The rainbow. London: Methuen & Co., 1915. First edition, 8vo, half title, 4pp. adverts, original blue-green cloth gilt, some slight fading to backstrip, some light foxing to half title Note: Roberts A7.Provenance: From the library of C.W. Chamberlain, chairman of Methuen & Co. £200-300

143 Johnson, Samuel A dictionary of the English language. London: J.F. & C. Rivington (&c.], 1785. Sixth edition, 2 volumes, 4to, engraved frontispiece portrait, half-title in volume 1, contemporary reversed calf, worn, joints splitting; Hume, David Essays and treatises on several subjects. London: T. Cadell, Edinburgh: A. Donaldson & W. Creech, 1777. 2 volumes, 8vo, contemporary calf, some spotting, rubbed, one cover detached; Brookes, R. The general gazetteer. London: 1797. 8vo, 8 folding engraved maps, contemporary calf, spine gilt; Clarke, E.D. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Part the Second: Greece Eygpt and the Holy Land. Section the First. London: T. Cadell, 1812. 4to, 33 engraved maps and plates, engraved illustrations, original boards, uncut, offsetting onto text, crudely rebacked, worn (6) £200-300


146 Lawrence, D.H. Letters from D.H. Lawrence to Martin Secker. 1911-1930. London, 1970. 8vo, number 5 of 500 copies, presentation copy from Secker to Compton Mackenzie [with als inserted], original cloth, dustwrapper; Seymour, William Kean Collected poems. London, 1946. 8vo, presentation copy from the author to Mackenzie, original cloth backed decorative boards, dustwrapper; Mare, Walter de la The veil and other poems. London, 1921. 8vo, number 173 of 200 copies, signed by the author, original cloth backed boards; Douglas, Norman D. H. Lawrence and Maurice Magnus. [No place], 1924. 8vo, original wrappers; Fitzgibbon, Constantine Norman Douglas, a pictorial record. London, 1953. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper; and 5 other poetry volumes (10) Provenance: From the estate of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie, by family descent. £150-200

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176 34


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251 35

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258, 259 and 260 36

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147 147 Lewis, C.S. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. 1950. Dust-jacket chipped, closed split at inner edge of upper wrapper repaired on verso, chips to upper and lower edge of wrappers, cloth slightly soiled; Prince Caspian. 1951. The voyage of the dawn treader. 1952; The silver chair. 1953. Owner’s name on, and some spotting of, front endpaper, dustjacket with slight loss to head and foot of spine and at lower edge of upper wrapper; The horse and his boy. 1954. Spine of dust-jacket slightly faded; The magician’s nephew. 1955. Owner’s name and address on front endpaper, postcard of the Pauline Baynes’s front cover of the first Puffin Book’s edition, signed by Pauline Baynes, loosely inserted, price-clipped; The last battle. 1956. Dust-jacket price-clipped, slight stain to spine and lower wrapper; all first editions, all with dust-jackets, slight marking or soiling to dustjackets £4,000-6,000 See colour illustration on page 33 148 Maugham, W. Somerset 17 books by him, some presentation copies to Woods Gray (“For Woods, with affection & admiration, Willy.... “ etc.), comprising: Of Human bondage. 1915, specially bound by Sotheran’s; Cakes and ale. 1930; The world over. 1951, reprint; The partial view. 1954; Points of view. 1958, these five all inscribed by the author; Liza of Lambeth. 1897; The Moon and sixpence. 1919; another copy; The gentleman in the parlour. New York, 1930; A writer’s notebook. 1949, one of 1000 copies signed by the author, slipcase; The razor’s edge. 1944; Mrs Craddock. 1902; Cosmopolitans. 1936; The trembling of a leaf. 1921; Ashenden. 1928; and two others, some volumes in very pooor condition, with cloth torn (17) £800-1,200

148 37

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149 Nicholson, William The book of blokes. London (1929]. 8vo, original red boards; Linklater, Eric Position at noon. London, 1958. 8vo, number 21 of 250 copies, signed by the author and the illustrator, original cloth gilt; [Idem] The revolution. London, 1934. 8vo, one of 130 copies, signed by the author, original cloth; Sassoon, Siegfried An octave. London, 1966. 8vo, number 38 of 350 copies, signed by the author, original boards, slipcase; Hampson, John The sight of blood. London, 1931. 8vo, number 111 of 145 copies, signed by the author, original cloth backed boards, slipcase, backstrip faded; Nye, Robert Darker ends. New York, 1969. 8vo, presentation copy from the author to Compton Mackenzie [with letter inserted], original cloth, dustwrapper, faded at edges; [Idem] Juvenilia 2. Suffolk, 1963. 8vo, presentation copy from the author, original cloth, dustwrapper; Peck, Dennis Poems and translations. London, 1962. 8vo, signed on the title, presentation copy from the author, original cloth, dustwrapper; and 4 others, poetry volumes (12) Provenance: From the estate of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie, by family descent. ÂŁ150-250 150 Pullman, Philip His dark materials. Northern lights. 1995; price clipped; The subtle knife. 1997; The amber spyglass. 2000; 8vo, First editions, dustjackets; and The Alethiometer, folding card, all 4 items signed by Philip Pullman, all in protective plastic wrappers, fine copies ÂŁ1,800-2,200



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151 151 Pullman, Philip His dark materials: The golden compass. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1996; The subtle knife. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1997; The amber sypglass. New York: A.A. Knopf, 2000. American first editions, dust-jackets, all three signed by Philip Pullman on the title page, in protective plastic wrappers, fine copies £300-500 152 Pullman, Philip His dark materials: Northern Lights; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass. Signed and Numbered Collector’s edition, number 731, 597 & 739 of 1000 copies, original cloth, dust-jackets, slipcases, all three volumes signed by Philip Pullman, fine copies £150-200 153 Pullman, Philip Count Karlstein. London: Chatto & Windus, 1982. First edition, 8vo, original cloth, dust-jacket, signed by Philip Pullman on the title-page, in protective plastic wrapper, a fine copy £500-700 154 Pullman, Philip Clockwork or all wound up. London: Doubleday, 1996. First edition, 8vo, illustrations, cover and endpapers by Peter Bailey, signed by Philip Pullman on the title page, a fine copy £150-200



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155 Pullman, Philip The ruby in the smoke. Oxford. O.U.P., 1985; The shadow in the plate. Oxford: O.U.P., 1986; The tiger in the well. London: Viking, 1991; The tin princess. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1994. First editions, dust-jackets, all signed by Philip Pullman on the title page, in protective plastic wrappers, fine copies £400-500 156 Pullman, Philip Galatea. London: Victor Gollancz, 1978. First edition, 8vo, dust-jacket spine slightly sunned, signed by Philip Pullman on the title page, a very good copy £150-200


157 Pullman, Philip I was a rat! or the scarlet slippers. London: Doubleday, 1999. First edition, 8vo, illustrations and original boards by Peter Bailey, signed by Philip Pullman on the title page; The scarecrow and his servant. London: Doubleday, 2004. First edition, signed by Philip Pullman on the title page; Lyra’s Oxford. Oxford: David Fielding, 2003. First edition, folding map, original red cloth with pictorial paper label on upper cover, signed by Philip Pullman on the title page, fine copies; The literary festival map of Oxford. Limited to 100 copies signed by the illustrator, Korky Paul, and Philip Pullman, large coloured poster, 60 by 90cm. in original cardboard tube; Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award. Philip Pullman. Award winner 2005. Brochure signed on the cover by Philip Pullman Note: The map locates the homes of Oxford’s most famous authors, including Pullman’s. £300-400

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158 Pullman, Philip The white mercedes. London: Pan Macmillan, 1992. First edition, dust-jacket, signed by Philip Pullman on the title page, in protective plastic wrapper, a fine copy £200-300 159 Queen Victoria Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands. London, 1868. First published edition, 8vo, 2 plates, original green cloth gilt, rubbed, rear board stained, frontispiece stained; [Idem] More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands. London, 1884. Second edition, 8vo, 13 plates, original green cloth gilt, some rubbing (2) £150-200 160 Rankin, Ian The flood. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1986. First edition, signed by the author, dustwrapper, not price clipped, original red cloth, a fine copy £300-500 161 Rolfe, Frederick William One hundred letters from Frederick William Rolfe to John Lane. London, 1963. 8vo, one of 600 copies on handmade paper, original boards, a fine copy; Sassoon, Siegfried An octave. London, 1966. 8vo, number 230 of 350 copies, original boards, slipcase; Thomson, David Cleghorn I would be acolyte. Edinburgh, 1960. 8vo, presentation copy from the author to Compton Mackenzie, original cloth backed boards; Colony, Horatio The magic child. Boston, 1966. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper; [Idem] The early land. Boston, 1962. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper; [Idem] Three loves the same. Boston, 1961. 8vo, presentation copy from the author, original cloth, dustwrapper; Harris, Michael Poems. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1965. 8vo, presentation copy from the author to Compton Mackenzie, one of 500 copies, original wraps; Hill, Brian Last poems. London, 1969. 8vo, presentation copy from author to Compton Mackenzie, original decorative boards; and 4 other poetry volumes (12)


Provenance: From the estate of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie, by family descent. £150-250 162 Rossetti, William Michael — Shelley, Percy Bysshe Poetical works. London: Charles Daly (c.1839]. 16mo, 2 volumes in one, inscribed and dated 1844 by William Michael Rossetti on front endpaper “this was the first Shelley wh. Gabriel & I got to read...”, frontispiece, engraved title, original publisher’s cloth gilt, hinges cracked, rubbed at edges, fold over box Provenance: From the library of William Michael Rossetti, inscription. This volume was purchased by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, much against his mother’s wishes — who considered Shelley’s poetry to be quite indecent. In spite of the troubles Gabriel bought the volume and, according to his brother, “surged through its pages like a flame.” (Doughty) £700-900

162 41

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163 Sassoon, Siegfried Memoirs of a fox-hunting man. London: Faber & Faber, 1929. 8vo, illustrated by William Nicholson, number 124 of 300 copies, signed by the author and illustrator, original vellum, t.e.g., lacking dustwrapper, some light dustmarking to boards, interior very clean and bright £500-700 See colour illustration on page 35 164 Sassoon, Siegfried Memoirs of an infantry officer. London: Faber & Faber, 1930. 8vo, number 108 of 750 copies, signed by the author, original blue cloth gilt, t.e.g, lacking wrapper, backstrip faded £150-200 165 Sassoon, Siegfried The heart’s journey. New York & London, 1927. 8vo, one of 599 copies, signed by the author on the title, original cloth backed boards, lacking wrapper, interior very clean; [Idem] To my mother. London: Faber & Gwyer, 1928. 8vo, illustrated by Stephen Tennant, number 313 of 500 copies, signed by the author, original boards, some slight fading to backstrip; Owen, Wilfred Poems. London, 1921. 8vo, portrait frontispiece, original red cloth, some fading to backstrip (3) £200-300 163



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166 Sassoon, Siegfried The path to peace. Worcester: Stanbrook Abbey Press, 1960. 8vo, number 114 of 500 copies, loosely inserted extra poem entitled Awaitment, original vellum backed boards, a fine copy £150-250 167 Sassoon, Siegfried Memoirs of a fox-hunting man. London: Faber & Gwyer, 1928. First edition, 8vo, original blue cloth, dustwrapper, torn at head and tail, some spotting to wrappers; [Idem] The road to ruin. London, 1933. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, some fading to backstrip; [Idem] Vigils. London, 1935. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, chipped along upper edge; [Idem] The old huntsman. London, 1917. 8vo, original boards, lacking wrapper; [Idem] Siegfried’s journey 1916-1920. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, torn [section lacking at base of backstrip; and 3 others by Sassoon (8) £250-350 168 Scott, Sir Walter The Lord of the isles, a poem. Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1815. First edition, 4to, large paper copy (? one of 25 royal copies], inscribed in a secretarial hand “from the author” on front endpaper, original boards, uncut, somewhat spotted, old boards detached, lacking paper covers, spine detached and defective £150-200 169 Shakespeare, William Works. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1881. 8vo, 15 volumes, number 533 of 1000 deluxe copies, illustrated by Sir John Gilbert, frontispiece in volume I, original cloth, paper labels, some slight rubbing to edges, some browning to early leaves (15) £300-400 170 Signed copies — Rowling, J.K. The first four Harry Potter volumes, signed by the author, all paperbacks; Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. 57th impression; Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. 33rd impression; Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. 12th impression; Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. 2nd impression, slipcase; Audiobook Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. Read by Stephen Fry, signed by Rowling on cover (5) £300-400


171 Signed copy — Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. London: Bloomsbury, 1997. First paperback edition, 8vo, inscribed by the author on dedication leaf “To Rowan/ I hear you are a very good judge of literature, so I want to know what you think of it!/ Lots of love Jo/ (J.K. Rowling!)”, original soft covers, some slight rubbing to lower edge, crease from lower edge, small pen mark to top edge [above large letter A], some slight fading to backstrip Provenance: This, and the following three lots were received directly by the vendor from the author, who was a family friend. £1,500-2,000 See colour illustration on page 34


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172 Signed Copy — Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. London: Bloomsbury, 1998. First edition, 8vo, inscribed by the author “To Rowan,/ who is definitely not a Muggle, with lots of love/ from Jo/ (or J.K Rowling/ as I’m sometimes/ known), original boards, dustwrapper, slight fading to backstrip of wrapper £1,000-1,500 See colour illustration on page 34 175 173 Signed Copy — Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. London: Bloomsbury, 1999. First paperback edition, 8vo, inscribed by the author on the dedication leaf “To Rowan/ again!/ J.K. Rowling”, original soft covers, a fine copy £300-500

175 Southey, Robert A tale of Paraguay. London: Longman, et al, 1825. First edition, 8vo, frontispiece, uncut, bound in decorative cloth by Mrs. Caroline Southey, bookplate, loosely inserted engraving of the view from the author’s study, some foxing to frontispiece Provenance: From the author’s own “Cottonian Library” at Greta Hall with his bookplate [designed by Thomas Bewick]. £700-900 176 Tennyson, Lord Alfred Poems, chiefly lyrical. London: Effingham Wilson, 1830. First edition, 8vo, large paper copy, errata leaf after title and leaf of advertisments at end, full green morocco extra by Riviere, t.e.g., fleece-lined fold over box, some foxing [mainly to endpapers] £1,500-2,000 See colour illustration on page 34

174 Signed Copy — Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. London: Bloomsbury, 2000. First edition, 8vo, inscribed by the author on the dedication leaf “To Rowan — / lots of love/ J.K. Rowling/ x”, original boards, dustwrapper, a fine copy £300-500 44

177 Tennyson, Lord Alfred Maud, and other poems. London: Edward Moxon, 1855. First edition, 8vo, 8pp. of adverts at front dated August 1855, 1 pp. of adverts at rear, original green cloth gilt, some fading to backstrip, one inner hinge split, some pencil marks in margins £200-300

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178 Tranter, Nigel Robert the Bruce. 1969-71, First editions, first impressions, 3 volumes, volume 1 price clipped and very slight wear at head of spine; Montrose: the Captain-General. 1973. First edition, title slightly spotted, dust-jacket chipped with slight loss at head of upper wrapper; The Young Montrose. 1972. First edtion, dust-jacket; Rio d’Oro. 1955. First edition, dust-jacket slightly chipped and split at spine fold; Drug on the market. 1962. First edition, dust-jacket; Margaret the Queen, 1979. First edition, dust-jacket price clipped; Kenneth. 1990. First edition, dust-jacket; The Wallace. 1975. 2 copies. First editions, dust-jackets, one dust-jacket spine faded (11) £200-300 179 Waugh, Evelyn Put out more flags. London: Chapman & Hall, 1942. First edition, 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, chipped at edges, bookplate; Lee, Laurie Cider with Rosie. London: Hogarth Press, 1959. First edition, 8vo, illustrated by John Ward, original cloth, dustwrapper, a fine copy; Wodehouse, P.G. Quick service. London: Herbert Jenkins, 1940. First edition, 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, previous ink inscription to front endpaper (3) £300-500

180 Whyte-Melville, G.J The works. London: Thacker, 1898. 24 volumes, 8vo, edited by Sir H. Maxwell, original buckram, t.e.g., spines slightly faded; and a quantity of 19th century literature, mostly rebound in green cloth (quantity) £200-300 181 Wilde, Oscar — Mackenzie, Sir Compton A plaster mould thought to be of the hand of Oscar Wilde, inscribed in ink on rear “Oscar Wilde, 1893”, thumb detached Provenance: From the estate of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie, by family descent. £100-150 182 Wilkinson, Tate Memoirs of his own life. York: for the author, 1790. First edition, 4 volumes, 12mo, nineteenth century calf, lacking half-titles, slight spotting, paper flaw/repair to p. 148 volume 3, small strip torn from fore-margin of p. 167 volume 4 £300-400


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183 Wordsworth, William Yarrow revisited and other poems. London: Longman, et al, 1835. First edition, 8vo, presentation copy inscribed by the publishers as “From the author” on the half title, contemporary green calf gilt, rubbed at edges, bookplate Provenance: Conon Williams, bookplate. £1,000-1,500

MANUSCRIPTS 184 Autograph Album An album containing a number of autographs and signed photographs, some taped in others on pages, including Phil Silvers, Gene Pitney, Helen Shapiro, Tom Jones, The Troggs, Roger Moore, Patrick Moore, James Last [with musical notes] and many others, decorative red covers, rubbed £200-300 185 [Byron, G.G.N., Lord] Transcript of a letter from Byron to Henry Beyle (“Stendhal”), thanking him for a “very flattering mention” in print and remembering their mutual acquaintances in Milan, with a response to Stendhal’s disparagement of the character of Sir Walter Scott (“I have known Walter Scott, long and well... and can assure you that his character is worthy of admiration, that of all men he is the most open, the most honourable — the most amiable”, 2 pages, folio, Genoa, 29 May 1823, repairs at edges affecting a few letters, and to internal tear, some dust-staining £150-250 186 Campbell, Thomas Autograph letter signed, 1 page, 8vo, Marlborough Street, Friday 28th October, addressed “My dear sir”, regarding a dinner invitation for the following day, previous folds, water stains, previously tipped onto card; [Idem] Manuscript section of Campbell’s poem Hallowed ground, London, Jan. 30th 1898, transcribed for Miss Day, small tears, previous tape repairs; and a photograph of the portrait of Thomas Campbell by Sir Thomas Lawrence from the National Gallery Collection (3) £100-200



187 Dickens, Sir Charles Autograph letter signed, to Henry Morley “Here is another letter on the last subject. It seems to be a Devil of a Society at correspondence, and I hope it may be equally energetic in all its other provinces...” Tavistock House, 24th April 1854, one page Note: The Letters of Charles Dickens, edited by G.F. Storey, 1993, volume 7, page 323. Henry Forster Morley (15 September 1822 – 1894), contributor to Household Words and All the year round, was the author of many articles on social deprivation including The quiet poor which described the apalling living conditions of St. Philip’s Shoreditch, a slum parish in Bethnal Green. £500-700

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188 Edinburgh Academy, The — Sir Walter Scott Reports & Minutes of meetings of the directors, 1824-37, Memorandums of meetings, papers and reports relating to the rector’s speech at the 1859 exhibition, list of applications for situations, 1824, receipts for fees and payments, 1824-1860; Account of Edinburgh Academy with the Union Bank, 1853-54, 1857; Procedure at opening of the Academy, 1 Feb. 1824; letters accepting and declining invitations to the Exhibition dinner, ms. rating for Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway, 1850; Engraved receipt from Treasurer of George Heriot’s Hospital (a quantity) Note: The Edinburgh Academy was founded in 1824, in a new building constructed in Henderson Row designed by William Burn. The school was the brainchild of two men, Henry, Lord Cockburn , the distinguished Judge who in 1832 was to draft the great Reform Bill for Scotland, and Leonard Horner, the social reformer who was one of the original Factory Inspectors. They introduced the idea to their friends, amongst whom were Sir Walter Scott , the eminent novelist, and James Skene. The first Rector of The Academy was the Reverend John Williams, who was recommended for the post by Scott. Typical subjects covered in the memoranda are reports on the subject of boys who have left the school, the distribution of prizes, the quarterly report by the rector, gymnastic exercises, class libraries, corporal punishment, & the commissioning of Mr Bain to cut the dies for the medals to be given as prizes at the examination. Most interesting of all perhaps is the account “Procedure at the opening of the Academy, 1 October, 1824... then, Sir Walter Scott (who in the absence of Mr Dundas of Arniston....) acted as Proceses of the Directors... Sir Walter Scott in a humorous speech detailed the origin & progress of this institution & expatiated on the advantages which might be expected to accrue to the country at large by the introduction of an improved system of education in classical literature — and concluded with a fervent and animated address to the boys, calling on them to avail themselves at their present period of life of the advantages which they enjoyed in the acquisition of that knowledge which would promote their success in every pursuit of their future lives...” £400-700 189 Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité, Comtesse de. Contemporary manuscript volume of six plays, to include Agar dans le désert, Isaac, Joseph reconnu par ses frères, Le retour du jeune Tobie, La colombe and La veuve de Sarepta, each play comprising one or two acts, for children, written in two early nineteenth-century hands, in brown ink, with a few alterations, 8vo, 205pp., including titles, contemporary calf gilt, binding rubbed at edges £300-400

190 Geology — Murchison, Sir Roderick J. Autograph letter signed, to Carl Ferdinand von Roemer [1818-1891 “The father of the geology of Texas”], “there is no geologist in Germany to whose opinions I attach greater value than yourself”, thanking him his work: “you have not only verified my observations in Scandinavia but have also extended them largely”, thanking him for his proposal to dedicate to him his forthcoming work which will be a “real honour”, discussing his contribution to the Journal of Geological Society on “the Great Reform which I have attempted to make in the history of classification of the old rocks of the Highlands of Scotland”, and his map “it was for this that my Scottish friends awarded to me last year the first Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh — i.e. the first ever given”, referring to Kierulf’s account, with a geological sketch and notes, 3 pages, Geological Survey Office headed paper, 9 March, 1860 £300-400 191 Mackenzie, Sir Compton An archive of manuscript and typescript material relating to the work of Sir Compton Mackenzie, including various typescript drafts of the author’s works and articles; personal letters to Mackenzie from a wide range of people from Edward Heath to Sir Fitzroy Maclean; typescript articles for news columns; a range of BBC scripts for radio; unpublished manuscript for Gestetner’s; four volumes of corrected typescript for Octave 7 [autobiography]; original manuscript for Paper lives 1966; original manuscript for a film version of Monarch of the glen; BBC script and adaptation notes for a radio version of Whisky galore 1957; and a quantity of other material Provenance: From the estate of the late Sir Compton Mackenzie, by family descent. £800-1,200 192 Ogilvy, Patrick, 3rd Earl of Findlater Autograph letter to Sir Alexander Abercrombie of Birkenbog, “Honble. and loveing Cousing”, referring to a bargain with the Earl of Glencairne and discussing his present ill health, one leaf, 301 by 200mm, Edinburgh, 19 November 1652, a little light soiling £150-200


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193 Sassoon, Siegfried Autograph letter signed, dated July 2nd 1929, addressed to [Alexander Scott], in response to letter sent to him in June 1929, “Your letter is a very pleasant one, and modesty forbids me to comment on your tribute to my war poems... my friend E. Blunden has written a most valuable record of war experience — full of beautifully exact observation; his integrity as a recorder is in every line... Since last autumn I have been working at a continuation of Sherston’s memoirs... my object is demonstrate, in a delicate way, the value of peace rather than the horror of war... In the long run, restrained writing always wins. But I find great difficulty in recovering the authentic detail of my war experience & psychologically it is a most unpleasant task.”, 8vo, one sheet, previous folds; with original autograph letter from Alexander Scott and envelope (3) £200-300


194 World War I Albums Two albums of sketches, verses and autographs, c. 1912-1918, relating to Scottish families in Doune and members of various regiments including the Glasgow Highlanders and the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, various illustrations in the style of Mabel Lucie Attwell, Louis Wain, et al., leaves loose, tape repairs to one binding (2) £150-200

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195 World War II — A wartime log for British prisoners Wartime log of Charles D. Paterson (Flt/Sgt. R.A.F.), P.O.W. No. 153438, comprising 48pp account of training, service in the Arctic and Mediterranean, 29 photographs including photograph of burial of Sgt. Pilot H. Purslow (aged 22) at Stalag XVIIA, camp ephemera including Christmas Day menus, specimens of camp money &c. £300-400

MISCELLANEOUS 196 Agriculture — The Complete Farmer or a general dictionary of husbandry. London: J.F. & C. Rivington [&c.], 1777. Third edition, 4to, engraved frontispiece and 27 folding plates, contemporary calf, extremities rubbed, upper cover detached £100-150

197 Bibliography — Foxon, D.F. English verse 1701-1750. Cambridge, 1975. 4to, 2 volumes, original cloth, dustwrappers, slipcase; Grolier Club Catalogue of original and early editions of some of the poetical and prose works of English writers. New York: Cooper Square, 1963. 8vo, 4 volumes, original cloth gilt; Aldis, H.G. A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700. Edinburgh, 1970. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Grasse, Jean G. T. Tresor de livres rares et precieux ou nouveau dictionnaire bibliographique. Berlin: J. Altmann, 1922. 4to, 7 volumes, half vellum gilt; Christie’s The Evelyn library. London, 1977. 8vo, 4 volumes, original boards, backstrip lacking from volume II, others loose; and 23 others (40) £250-350


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198 Bibliography — Croft, P.J. Autograph poetry in the English language. London, 1973. 4to, 2 volumes, number 459 of 1500 copies, original cloth backed boards, dustwrapper, slipcase; Vervliet, Hendrik French Renaissance printing types. Delaware, 2010. 4to, original cloth gilt; Duff, Gordon Printing in England in the fifteenth century. London, 2009. 4to, original cloth gilt; Librairie Sourget Catalogue. Luisant, 2008. 4to, original cloth, dustwrapper; Barberi, Di Francesco Il frontespizio nel libro Italiano. Milan, 1969. 4to, 2 volumes, number 1534 of an edition, original wrappers, slipcase, a fine copy; and 5 others (12) £150-250 199 Bindings — British Poets, The Chiswick: for J. Carpenter &c., 1822. 100 volumes bound in 50, 12mo, contemporary calf, spines gilt, slightly rubbed £500-700 200 Bindings — Cabinet Cyclopaedia edited by D. Lardner. London: Longman &c., 1830-39. 129 (of 132) volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf, spines gilt, morocco labels, slightly rubbed £400-500 201 Bindings — Elegant Extracts London: J. Sharpe (c.1810]. 18 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf gilt; [British Theatre]. London: G. Cawthorn, 1797. Numerous volumes bound in 34 (of 35 ?) volumes, 12mo., contemporary calf, worn; Johnson, Samuel The works of the English poets. London: for C. Bathurst &c., 1789. 56 volumes only, 12mo, contemporary calf, worn (108) £200-300


202 Bindings — Family Library London: John Murray, c. 1830-34. 78 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf, lacking some labels; Family Classical library. 36 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf, lacking some labels, 2 spines missing; Library of Entertaining knowledge. 42 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf, lacking some labels; sold not subject to return (156) £300-500 203 Bindings — Hume, D. and T. Smollett The history of England. London: T. Tegg, 1828. 20 volumes, 12mo, contemporary calf, spines gilt; Byron, G.G.N., Lord The works. London: J. Murray, 1828. 6 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf; and 13 volumes only of The National Library (39) £200-300 204 Bindings — Mavor, William A general collection of voyages and travels. London: R. Phillips, 1810. 28 volumes, 12mo, folding maps, engraved plates, contemporary calf, spines gilt; [Idem] Universal history. London: Sherwood, Neely, 1812. 25 volumes, 12mo, contemporary calf, spines gilt; [Idem] The British tourist’s or traveller’s companion. London: R. Phillips, 1809. 6 volumes, 12mo, contemporary calf, spines gilt (59) £500-700 205 Bindings — Montgomery, J. The poetical works. 1826. 4 volumes, 12mo, contemporary half calf; Lardner, Dr. Cabinet library. 1831. 8 volumes only, maroon half morocco; and a large quantity of leather bindings, including numerous Tauchnitz editions in red leather bindings, some rubbed or worn £150-250

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206 Burke’s Peerage A genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage and baronetage. 1930. 88th edition. Large 8vo, original red cloth gilt, lower joint repaired; Debrett’s Debrett’s peerage, baronetage, knightage & companionage. 1930. 8vo, red morocco gilt, tear to spine; Debrett’s Debrett’s peerage, baronetage, knightage & companionage. 1957. 8vo, red cloth gilt; Burke, J. Burke’s genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry. 1965. Volume 1 only, red cloth; Kelly. Kelly’s handbook to the titled, landed and official classes. 1934. 8vo, red cloth gilt; Black, A.& C. Who’s who 2001.4to, red cloth, dust-jacket (6) £150-250 207 Fuller, Thomas The historie of the holy warre. Cambridge: R. Daniel & J. Williams, 1647. 4to, engraved frontispiece, folding map repaired with slight loss, leaf before title laid down; [Idem] The holy state. Cambridge: J. Williams, 1648. 4to, engraved additional title, later morocco-backed cloth, some dampstaining, very worn; Purcell, H. Orpheus Britannicus. London: I. Walsh (n.d.]. Folio, engraved throughout, 120pp., modern half calf; Paroissien Romain. Paris, 1866. 12mo, vellum binding, split, clasp detached; and 14 others, miscellaneous; sold not subject to return (17) £100-200 208 Garibaldi, Giuseppe Photographic carte-de-visite, inscribed “To Dr. Fergusson [Queen Victoria’s Scottish physician], G. Garibaldi” with a piece of hair attached; Richardson-Gardner, R A trip to St. Petersburg. London, Privately Printed. 1872. 8vo. Presentation copy inscribed from the author, original blue cloth gilt; Tillotson, J. The new Waverley album. [c.1850]. 4to, 25 engraved plates, original cloth; La sainte bible. Amsterdam: P. Mortier & P. Brunel, 1712. 4to, title slightly frayed and laid down, 2 other preliminary leaves and final leaf I2 repaired or holed affecting a few letters, lacks spine, covers detached; Jerome, J.K. Three men in a boat. Bristol, 1889. 8vo, original cloth soiled; Tillotson, J. Lives of eminent men. [c.1850], 8vo, original cloth, slightly soiled; Birkby, C. Airman lost in Africa. 1938; Macalister, R.A.S. A century of excavation in Palestine. 1930; The life and times of Queen Victoria. [c.1890]. 4 vol., 4to, original cloth; Hedin, S. Through Asia. 1898. 8vo, volume 2 only, original cloth gilt; and 6 others (19) £100-150

209 Geology and architecture — Le Corbusier. The city of tomorrow. 1929. 4to; Hill, O. Fair horizon. Buildings of today. 1950. Dust-jacket; Geological Survey of Great Britain Geology of the country north of Derby. 1979; [Idem] Geology of the country around Bellingham.1980; [Idem] Geology of Bideford and Lundy Island. 1979; [Idem] Geology and hematite deposits of South Cumbria. 1977; [Idem] Geology of the country around Bude and Bradworthy. 1979; [Idem] Geology of the country around Barnard Castle. 1976; [Idem] Geology of Western Shetland.1976; [Idem] Geology of East Fife. 1977; [Idem] Geology of the country around East Retford. 1973; [Idem] Geology of the Malmesbury district. 1977; [Idem] Geology of the Tynemouth district. 1974; this series 4to or 8vo, all with dust-jackets McDonald, J.R.H. Modern housing. Glasgow, 1931. 4to; Hanbury, A. Advanced studies of flower painting. 1885. 4to, 12 chromolithographed plates, original cloth; Buchanan, C.D. Mixed blessing. The motor in Britain. 1958. Dust-jacket; Monteath, R. The forester’s guide and profitable planter. 1836. 8vo, 16 engraved plates, folding table, original cloth, upper hinge broken; Terra Cotta Association Terra cotta of the Italian Renaissance. 1928. 4to; Forbes, Rev. A.G. and Thomas Annan Photographs of Glasgow. Glsagow (c.1850] 4to, 12 mounted albumen prints, original green cloth gilt, slightly rubbed; and 9 others (28) £200-300 210 Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth The British theatre, with biographical remarks by Mrs Inchbald. London: Longman, Hurst [&c.], 1808. 25 volumes, 12mo, engraved plates, contemporary green half morocco, somewhat spotted, small ownership stamp at head of titles, slightly rubbed, head of one spine worn; Crabb, George Universal technological dictionary. London: Baldwin &c., 1823. 2 volumes, 4to, 60 engraved plates, contemporary half calf, rubbed, hinges a little loose; Humphreys, Henry Noel The coinage of the British Empire. [London, 1855]. 8vo, 24 plates, papier maché binding with royal coat of arms in relief, original leather spine, very slight wear to three corners, lacking title; Wilkinson, J. Gardner A second series of the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. London: J. Murray, 1841. 3 volumes including plate volume, 78 plates in plate volume (as called for), some coloured; [Idem] Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. London: J. Murray, 1837. Volumes 1 and 3 only, plates; Lane, E.W. An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. London: C. Knight, 1842. 2 volumes, illustrations, original pictorial cloth, bindings spotted, wear to some spines (35) Provenance: From the library of Springkell House. £250-350


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211 Robinson, William, editor Flora and sylva. London: 1903-05. 3 volumes, 4to, 66 chromolithographed plates, illustrations, tissue guards, original blue cloth, slightly spotted; Meredith, George. The works. London: Constable, 1909. 27 volumes, 8vo, Memorial edition, plates, original green cloth, uncut, spines lightly marked and faded; Dickens, C.. The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club. London: Chapman & Hall, 1910. 2 volumes, 4to, number 41 of 250 copies signed by Cecil Aldin, 24 coloured plates by Cecil Aldin, original parchment gilt, t.e.g., others uncut, bindings slightly soiled and stained, short tear to head of spines (32) £200-300 212 Stein, M.A. Report of archaeological survey work in the north-west frontier province and Baluchistan. Peshawar, 1905. Folio, 13 plates, 5 plans, original boards, soiled & worn; several unrelated letters loosely inserted; Victory stamp album, 1945 (incomplete); 2 typed letters (1936) & telegram in German to Max Reinhardt, calling card & several other items; Letter from Frederick Delias to Miss Cory thanking her for her kind letter, 13.10.1929, ; & to Catherine Goodson; several miscellaneous French & German letters, 4 place cards, M. Wigglesworth letters, 1 item relating to B. von Arnim; German recipe book, c.1850, &c. (quantity); sold not subject to return £200-400 213 Surtees, R.S. Handley Cross. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1854. 8vo, 17 handcoloured etched plates by John Leech, contemporary calf, some spotting, short split to upper joint; [Idem] Mr Sponge’s sporting tour. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1860. 8vo, 13 hand-coloured etched plates by John Leech, contemporary calf, spine gilt (2) £100-150

NATURAL HISTORY 214 Bannerman, David A. & Lodge, George E. The birds of the British Isles. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1953-1963. 8vo, 12 volumes, colour plates by George Lodge, original green cloth gilt, dustwrappers, some small tears to wrapper of volume VIII and head of volume IX (12) £200-300


215 Bewick, Thomas The fables of Aesop and others. Newcastle, 1818. 8vo, subscriber’s edition, signed by Bewick, frontispiece, full grained morocco gilt, heavily damp stained on early leaves, frontispiece loose; [Idem] A general history of quadrupeds. Newcastle, 1791. Second edition, full morocco gilt, some dampstaining; [Idem] History of British birds. Newcastle, 1797-1804. First edition, 2 volumes, rude engraving on page 285 [inked over], later full morocco gilt, patch of wear to upper hinge of volume 2, dampstaining; Robinson, Robert Thomas Bewick his life and times. Newcastle, 1887. 4to, frontispiece, original green cloth, boards and early leaves heavily dampstained; and a selection of leaflets relating to Bewick. Sold not subject to return. (9) £150-250 216 Botantical watercolour, English School “Passion flower/ Pappaya blossoms/ Lotus”, three watercolour studies on one sheet, early 19th century, 54 by 37cm., captioned in ink, framed and glazed £500-700 217 Bouchard, Maddalena Five plates from [Recueil de cent-trente-trois Oiseaux des plus belles espèces. Rome: Bouchard & Gravier, 1775]. Comprising Faucon couleur de marron avec un grand bec aquilin [Chestnut-coloured Falcon with long beak] [Pl. 28]; Faucon Tartare, ou de Barbarie [Barbary Falcon] [Pl. 22]; Vultur leporarius [Vulture] [Pl. 13]; Vultur aquilinus cincereus [Eagle Vulture] [Pl. 17]; Vultur barbatus [Bearded Vulture] [PL. 16]; all hand coloured, approx 48.5cm by 34cm, framed and glazed, previous fold to each, water staining in lower half of each, contemporary ink captions in lower margins (5) £400-600 218 Ceylon — Legge, W. Vincent A history of the birds of Ceylon. London: published by the author, 1880. First edition, 4to, hand-coloured engraved map of Ceylon, uncoloured lithographed plate and 34 finely hand-coloured lithographed plates by J.G. Keulemans, list of subscribers, modern half calf, rather foxed at beginning and end, last 2 leaves with tears repaired without loss, small split to head of upper joint £2,000-3,000

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219 Delacour, Jean & Scott, Peter The waterfowl of the world. London: Country Life, 1954-1964. 8vo, 4 volumes, plates, original cloth gilt, dustwrappers, tears to edges; Delacour, Jean The pheasants of the world. London: Country Life, 1951. 4to, illustrated by J.C. Harrison, original cloth, dustwrapper, torn at head, tape repair, and a copy of the second edition; Gould, John Three volumes, to include Birds of Australia, 1967; Birds of Asia, 1969; Birds of Europe, 1966; all 8vo, original cloth, dustwrappers (9) £250-350 220 Eliott, Daniel Giraud White Headed Woodpecker, Allied Wren, Black-Breasted Woodpecker; Flammulated Owl, hand-coloured lithographs, from The new and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America, printed by Bowen & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-1869, 520 by 380mm, Allied Wren slightly spotted, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (4) £800-1,200 221 Elliott, Daniel Giraud Baird’s Cormorant; Sooty Petrel and Pacific Slooty Petrel, handcoloured lithographs from The new and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America, printed by Boween & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-69, the former with slight foxing, 430 by 560mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £600-800 222 Grove, Arthur [and Arthur Cotton] & Turrill, W.B. A supplement to Elwes’ Monograph of the genus lilium. London: [First volume] Taylor and Francis; [Second volume] Royal Horticultural Society, 1933-1940, 1960-1962. First edition, folio, 2 volumes bound in one, dedication leaf, 40 plates, comprising 30 hand-coloured lithographs and 10 collotypes, contemporary green morocco gilt, interior and binding very clean Note: Great Flower Books, p.56; Nissen BBI 594 £500-700 223 Houghton, Rev. William British fresh-water fishes. London: George Bell and Sons, 1884. 4to, 41 chromolithograph plates, original green cloth gilt, some slight rubbing to edges, a little shaken leaving first few leaves loose, some foxing £200-300 224 Jardine, Sir William British salmonidae. London: Decimus, 1979. Folio, number 61 of 500 copies, colour plates, original morocco backed cloth, morocco label, slipcase £350-450


225 Jepson, Willis Linn The silva of California. Berkeley, 1910. Folio, 3 folding maps, folding plates and frontispiece, original cloth gilt, some patches of damage to upper hinge, light foxing; Cole, Rex Vicat British trees. London, 1907. Subscriber’s edition, 4to, 2 volumes, one of 150 copies, frontispiece, plates, contemporary half morocco gilt, rubbed at edges, some fading to backstrip, bookplates (3) £150-250 226 Macgillivray, William A history of British birds... London, 1837-1840. 8vo, 3 [of 5] volumes, plates, original cloth gilt, some fading to backstrips, occasional spotting; Mudie, Robert The feathered tribes of the British Islands. London, 1841. Third edition, 8vo, 2 volumes, vignette titles, 19 colour plates, some early leaves loose, later green cloth (5) £150-200 227 Scrope, William The art of deer-stalking. London, 1839. New edition, 8vo, engraved title, frontispiece, engraved plates, original cloth gilt, some rubbing, inner hinges split, offsetting, and a later edition in boards; St John, Charles Natural history & sport in Moray. Edinburgh, 1882. 8vo, half title, frontispiece, vignette title, plates, contemporary cloth gilt, fading to backstrip; Thornton, Colonel T. A sporting tour. London, 1896. 8vo, plates, original boards, hinges split; Harvie-Brown. J. A. A fauna of the Tay basin & Strathmore. Edinburgh, 1906. 8vo, original green cloth gilt (5) £250-350


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230 Wolf, Josef Incomparable Bird of Paradise; Great Sickle Bird of Paradise. Handcoloured lithographs, by J. Smit, from Elliot’s A Monograph of the Paradisieidae, or Birds of Paradise, published 1873, D. G. Elliot, New York, 565 by 440mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £800-1,200 231 Wolf, Josef Great bird of paradise; Lesser bird of paradise, hand coloured lithographs, by J. Smit, from Elliot’s A Monograph of the Paradisiedae, or Birds of Paradise, published 1873, D.G. Elliot, New York, the former with a small wormhole (?) in lower left corner of image, the latter the manuscript title slightly rubbed, 55 by 44cm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £1,000-1,500 See colour illustration on page 35


228 Sowerby, John E. & Johnson, Charles The ferns of Great Britain. London, 1855. 8vo, 49 hand coloured plates [including frontispiece]; [bound with] The fern-allies. London, 1856. 8vo, 31 hand coloured plates, original green cloth gilt. some fading to backstrip, interior clean Provenance: W.G. Fotheringham, inscription on title. £150-200 229 Thorburn, Archibald British birds. London, 1925-1926. New edition, 8vo, 4 volumes, 192 coloured plates, original red cloth gilt, dustwrappers [torn with tape repairs]; Johns, Rev. C.A. British birds in their haunts. London, 1893. 8vo, half title, illustrations in the text, original decorative cloth gilt, rubbing, pencil inscriptions on half title; Whistler, Hugh Popular handbook of Indian birds. Edinburgh, 1963. Fourth edition, reprint, colour plates, original cloth, dustwrapper; Falloden, Viscount Grey of The charm of birds. London, 1927. 8vo, woodcuts by Robert Gibbings, original cloth gilt, lacking wrapper, previous ink inscription on front blank; and 24 others (32) £250-350


232 Wolf, Josef Great Bower Bird; Dull-coloured Bower Bird; Large Bill Cat Bird; Kerauden’s Manucude; Spotted Bower Bird; Least Cat Bird, handcoloured lithographs, by J. Smit, from Elliot’s A Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or Birds of Paradise, published 1873 by D.G Elliot, New York, 575 by 450mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (6) £1,500-2,000 233 Wolf, Josef Wattled bird of paradise; Queen Victoria’s Rifle bird, hand-coloured lithographs, by J. Smit, from Elliot’s A Monograph of the Paradisieidae, or Birds of Paradise, published 1873. D. G. Elliot, New York, c. 48 by 39cm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £700-1,000 234 Wolf, Josef Greenland Falcon; Band-Tail Hawk, hand-coloured lithographs, from The new and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America, printed by Bowen & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-1869, 500 by 410mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £500-700 235 Wolf, Josef and Elliot, Daniel Giraud Gray Sea Eagle; Northern Sea Eagle, hand-coloured lithographs from The new and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America, printed by Bowen & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-69, 570 by 450mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £600-900

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LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

236 Wolf, Josef and Elliot, Daniel Giraud Tufted Cormorant; Burrough’s Vulture, hand-coloured lithographs from The new and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America, printed by Bowen & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-1869, the former with very slight foxing, the latter with slight vertical discolouration at left edge, 420 by 360mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (2) £400-600 237 Wolf, Josef and Elliot, Daniel Giraud Western Gull and Californian Gull; Parrot-billed Auk; Latham’s Guillemot; Skua Gull, hand-coloured lithographs, from The new and heretofore unfigured species of the Birds of North America, printed by Bowen & Co., Philadelphia, 1866-69, 420 by 360mm, or 360 by 420mm, neatly inscribed with common names, laid down, framed and glazed (4) £800-1,200

PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION 238 Bagehot, Walter The collected works, edited by Norman St John-Stevas. London: The Economist, 1965-86. 15 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, dust-jackets £120-180 239 Bible in Latin Biblia sacrosancta testamenti... Zurich: Christ. Fros[ckoverus], 1544. 8vo, *-**8, ***6, a-z8, A-Z8, Aa-Dd8, Ee7 [lacking blank?] [bound with] Ecclesiastici libri... Zurich: Christoph. Froschoverus, 1553. 8vo, aa-ll8, mm4, nn8 (bound with] Novvm testamentum... Zurich: Christoph. Froschoverus, 1553. 8vo, aaa-ooo8, ppp4, qqq7 [lacking rear blank?], contemporary blind-stamped vellum, worn, lacking several brass corner pieces and clasps, title and last leaf laid down, some text loss to imprint, section of second leaf cut [without text loss], marginalia throughout, some waterstaining and slight worming to last few leaves, pp.122 repaired at corner £300-500 240 Erasmus, Desiderius The praise of folly. London: R. Dodsley [&c.], 1740. Sixth edition, 12mo, 2 engraved portraits and 46 engraved plates after Hans Holbein, some folding, contemporary calf, slightly spotted, neatly rebacked retaining original spine, corners repaired £200-300



241 Jewel, John Certaine sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. London: R.H. and J.N. for Richard Whitaker, 1640. Folio, 2 parts in one volume, title within woodcut border, lacking leaves N2, N5 and Nn8, contemporary calf (STC 13662], rebacked, rubbed, title slightly spotted; Leslie, Charles. “”Philalethes” A view of the times, their principles and practices in the second [-fourth] volume of the rehearsals. London: the booksellers, 1708-09. Folio, contemporary panelled calf, a few pages browned, worn. Sold not subject to return (2) £100-150

PHOTOGRAPHY 242 Ayrshire, Dumfires & Galloway Two albums of photographs of various locations around Scotland, 1892-95, captioned in ink, views include Cloncaird Castle in Ayrshire, Dalskairth House in Dumfries, Blairquhan Castle in Ayrshire, Finnart House in Ayrshire, Lockerbie House, average size 14.5 by 20cm, pasted to both sides of board leaves, both bound in green morocco gilt, rubbed at edges (2) £150-200

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243 Japan — Photographs 100 hand-tinted albumen prints, Geisha girls, traders, musicians, tea ceremonies, massage, craftsmen, acrobats, silk worm teasing, actors, sumo wrestlers, itinerant tradesmen, temple at Kioto, temple at Nagazaki, Nikko, Osaka, Kintua Kugee temple, Kioto, Buddha at Kamakura, Tokyo, theatre at Yoko, Nikho Kaidi, Yamoto, Club hotel, Tea garden, Kioto temple, river scenes, rickshaws, original lacquered pictorial album with bone onlays, g.e.; Japan Photograph Albums 70 hand-tinted albumen prints: Entrance “Forii” Jeyasu, Gateway Jeyasu, Elephants, Jeyasu, The three monkeys and sleeping cat, Jeyasu, Entrance gate and inside view of outer gate, Jeyasu, water tank Jeyasu, stone steps at Nikko, Pagoda, Karamon gate, Shinto temple, Nikko, Chinese gate Jeyasu, Chinese gate from inside, Jeyasu, Red bridge, Cruptomeria bridge at Nikko, Daibuthu at Kamakura, paddy fields, Shibas at Tokyo, Moat at Tokyo, Creek side Yokohama, Yokohama, Mississippi Bay Yokohama, Tea ceremonies, Shinto priest, Domestic scenes, Geishas, Itinerant tradesmen, Street scenes, Chrysantheum blossoms, Sayonara; Kyoto, Kin Kakiyi, Maruyama Hill, Shimoganot Sainto Temple Kyoto, Kongwanji Temple, Chion-in Temple, Sanjiyo at Kyoto, Chionin temple at Kyoto, Hozu Rapids and river, Arishijama, Arishinjama bridge, tea plantation, Karasaki in Aumi, Qozu Kyoto canal, Myanoshita, Mijagino, Dogashima, Hakone Temple and bridge, Kiga Hakone, Kiga MiyanoshitaFujiyama from tea garden Shizuoka, Myanoshita Road, Hakone Lake, Dogashima waterfall, Dogashima, Buddha on road to Hakon, Fuji from Sudzukawa, Fuji from Tagonoura, view of Miyanoshita, Nikko Temple; and 3 photographs of Canada, 7 of Burma, 7 of Penang, 7 of Saigon, 2 of Hong Kong, and 3 uncolured prints of Nagasaki, original cloth albums (3 albums) £1,000-1,500 See colour illustration on page 36


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244 Japan — Photographs 60 hand-tinted albumen prints, most with caption in the negative, also captioned in ink below, of cherry, chrysanthemum & blossoms, wysteria, actors, shiba at Tokyo, birds-eye view Tokyo, Daibutsu Tokyo, Ikegami near Omori, flower show, maple trees, Imaichi road, bridge, bell tower, wood carvings, Nio, gardens, temple & carvings at Nikko, waterfalls, Lake Chuzenji, street, boy’s festival, stone steps, Main St., gardens & temple at Yokohama, Fuji, tea house, Honmoku, bronze bell, Hakone contemporary half calf, 3 plates with adhesions, binding rubbed and waterstained £400-600 245 New Zealand, Australia & Sri Lanka 270 photographs, comprising 64 taken on the voyage out on the S.S. Austral, 36 of Australia [Freemantle, Melbourne, Hobart, Wellington Mount, Sydney] , 120 of New Zealand [Port Chalmers, Invercargill, The Buff, Dunedin, Lyttleton, Christ Church, Maori Park Port Levy, Banks peninsula, agricultural workers, mixed race inhabitants, Cocksfoot grass seed cutting and threshing, Wellington, Wangarui River, Jerusalem, Pipiriki, crack road from Pipiriki, Mount Ruapahu, Traqiriro, Taupo, native huts &c.] and 51 of Sri Lanka [Colombo, botanical garden Paradinya, tea estates, golf, military scenes], maroon morocco, images 12 by 10cm — 9 by 6cm., oblong folio (42 by 31cm.), dated 1903 £800-1,200 246 MacMillan, Iain John Lennon and Yoko Ono, number 5 of 500 copies produced for the Rock Exposed exhibition 2002, signed and captioned in ink by the photographer, “The Kodak Rock Photography Collection” blindstamp, 36 by 29cm Provenance: From the estate of the Iain Macmillan. Note: Iain McMillan (1938-2006) was born in Dundee, moving to London in 1958 to study photography. In 1959 he returned to Dundee to photograph street scenes, a project that earned him commissions with the Sunday Times and the Illustrated London News. In 1966 he photographed The Book of London where Yoko Ono appears on page 181 presenting a demonstration of Handkercheif Piece. The photo shows Yoko and three others wearing handkerchiefs tied over their mouths. She commissioned him to photograph her exhibit at the Indica Gallery in St. James’s, London. Yoko would eventually introduced Macmillan to John Lennon and in 1969 he was invited by the Beatle to photograph the cover of their forthcoming album, Abbey Road. The photograph on offer here was taken at Apple headquarters in Savile Row, London in 1969. £500-700


PRIVATE PRESS, ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS & BINDINGS 247 Cruikshank, George [Three handsome matching albums of caricatures and book illustrations, with manuscript titles:] An essay on the genius of Geo. Cruikshank from the Westminster Review &c. illustrated with upwards of four hundred etchings and wood engravings from his most popular works, chap books &c. [Compiled before 1865]. Folios, 3 volumes, full crimson morocco gilt by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, with specially commissioned tools (facsimile signature, the fairy from Jack and the Beanstalk and 3 grotesques after Cruikshank as cornerpieces, fairy repeated on spine), t.e.g., silken endpapers, cracking to hinges, quite extensive expert repairs (3) Note: A splendid collection of Cruikshank illustrations, compiled by his friend Joseph Gibbs: among the preliminary essays in volume i is a laid-in leaf in Cruikshank’s hand To Master Joseph Gibbs with the regards of [flourish] Geo Cruikshank Augt. 22nd 1853. Gibbs (17981864) worked as a supervising hydraulic and civil engineer in the Dutch East Indies before returning to more domestic duties (he built the railway line from London to Croydon). He was a quintessential Victorian who, as his obituary in the Institution of Civil Engineers’ 1865 Proceedings, turned his hand to an impressive variety of inventions and “had a high appreciation of the beauties of Nature, and was so good an artist, that had not his predilections been for engineering...would probably have practiced the art of painting as a profession.” He was a correspondent and friend of Cruikshank’s, and asked the artist to be Godfather to his child. The separately-issued and larger (c.280x375mm.) caricatures etc. are as follows: i. The Mulberry-Tree, Mar.1, 1808, Laurie and Whittle (Cohn 1770, a songhead, with seven stanzas of verse beneath. Gibbs caption reads “G.Ck. done the three figures his Father done the rest.”) ii. Bonaparte. Written by Mr. Lawler, introduced by Mr. Elliston and sung by the Surrey Theatre, March 25th 1811. (Cohn 939, a songhead, with 40 lines of verse.) iii. A Day of Fashion. Sung with the Greatest Applause by Mr C. Taylor at Vauxhall Gardens, etc.... 24th August 1813. James Whittle and Richard Holmes Laurie.... (Cohn 1045, a songhead, with the interior of the auction room at Christie’s depicted.) iv. Irish Hospitality. Sung with great Applause by Mr. Incledon in....”The Minstrel.” Published, the 25th October, 1815, by J. Whittle and R.H. Laurie.... (Cohn 1245, a songhead, depicting four men drinking in a sitting-room, the right-hand figure being a portrait of Whittle, by G.Ck. after Isaac Cruikshank.) v. London Dandies or Monstrosities of 1816. (Cohn 1747, second or third state; slight silverfish damage to edges.) vi. A Scene at the London Museum, Piccadilly, or a Peep at the Spils of Ambition, taken at the Battle of Waterloo. (Cohn 1959, second state, published by McLean, 1835. A fine caricature of the crowds swarming over Napoleon’s captured carriage.) vii. A Curious Junto of Slandering Elves, or List’ners Seldom hear Good of Themselves. F.H.L. del., G. Cruikshank sculp. (Cohn 1032, calling for Humphrey’s imprint dated Jan. 1817; this has no imprint, but Gibbs has captioned “Pubd. Sept. 12 1816.”) viii. Very Unpleasant Weather;

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or, the old Saying verified; “Raining Cats, Dogs and Pitchforks.” (Cohn 2074, here without Humphrey’s imprint dated April 1820 but with Gibbs caption dating it 1817. This fine caricature is after “A.E.”) ix. Dandies of 1817 & Monstrosities of 1816. (Cohn 1749 second state.) x. Game of Chess. (Cohn 1147, according to whom it was published March 6th, 1814; here it is captioned “1818” and may be the second state as issued by McLean in 1835. Designed by “an Amateur,” i.e. Captain Marryat.) xi. Humming Birds — or, a Dandy Trio. (Cohn 1216 or variant. J.S. Esq. del., G. Cruik. etchd.) xii. The Piccadilly Nuisance. Dedicated to the Worthy Acting Magistrates of the District. (Cohn 1841 or variant.) xiii. The Comforts of a Cabriolet! or, the Advantages of Driving Hoodwink’d. (Cohn 1003. After M. E[gerton].) xiv. A Visit to Cockney Farm. Viewing the Grounds &c.... (Cohn 2085. Designed by Marryat, it is a caricature of his parents at their country farm. Minor silverfish damage to extreme margins.) xv. [Monstrosities of 1819.] (Cohn 1750 or variant; silverfish damage to edges.) xvi. The Blue Devils — !! (Cohn 934, a brilliant caricature of depression.) xvii. Jealousy. (Cohn 1251, after “Crowquill.” Minor silverfish damage to margins.) xviii. Indigestion. (Cohn 1233, also after “Crowquill.”) xix. Mixing a Recipe for Corns. (Cohn 1740, after Marryat.) xx-xxxv. A further 16 large caricatures, several coloured and one a duplicate:

details on request, but they are, respectively, Cohn 1186, 1913, 1839, 1229, 1828, 1752, 1206, 953, 899, 930, 1755, 1952, one not known to Cohn, namely the songhead to Russian Nuptials; or, the Lock’d Jaw and Frost-Bitten Nose (Laurie & Whittle, 1808), 1206 bis, 899 and 930. There are also 15 smaller separately-issued caricatures, including two lottery tickets and “Billy Dip the Dyer” (not in Cohn), which according to Gibbs was “Done about the Year 1810”; a “Pen & Ink Sketch of a Rare Chap Book about 1810, A Treat for the Funny or Dr Kilgrief’s New Budget of Wit” (cf. Cohn 805), a photographic portrait of Cruikshank in his 70th year, a fine large coloured etching The “Bloomers” in Hyde Park, three large temperance cards from 1850-54 etc. The remaining 350 or so etchings are from published books, notably Hop o’ my Thumb & the Seven League Boots (complete series of six), Jack & the Beanstalk, Peter Schlemihl, Tales of Irish Life, The Vicar of Wakefield, a substantial series from Fisher’s edition of the Waverley Novels, two from The Ton (1817), and a selection from Life in Paris, The Humourist, Ireland’s Life of Napoleon, Don Quixote, Life of a Midshipman, Life in London, Remarkable Characters, Guy Fawkes, Whom to Marry, The Book with the Iron Clasps, Windsor Castle, The Great Exhibition, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and so on; many in colour. £2,000-3,000 See colour illustration on page 36


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

248 Dante Alighieri [Divine Comedy]. London: Talfourd Press, 1983. Folio, 3 volumes, number 84 of 100 copies, signed by the artist, illustrated by Tom Phillips, full morocco gilt, decorative inlay to upper covers, slipcase (3) £3,000-5,000 249 Disney, Walt Walt Disney’s version of Pinocchio. London: Collins, 1939. 4to, number 80 of 100 copies, including 29 pages of photographic illustrations of storyboard sequences, animation cell shots, character models, etc., facsimile typescript of animators’ sequence, original plastic ring-bound boards with title label on upper cover, minor spotting and browning, minor wear to binding, some loss to plastic spine; Pinocchio Souvenir programme. [No place]: [Walt Disney Productions, c.1940?]. 4to, colour illustrations, original wrappers, some soiling, remnants of cinema seat adhesive paper clasp; Taylor, Deems Walt Disney’s Fantasia. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1940. First edition, 4to, numerous plates and other illustrations, original cloth, pictorial endpapers, dustwrapper, some browning, wrapper worn at extremities (3) £400-600 248

250 Douglas, Norman & Austen, John South wind. Chicago: Peacock Press, 1929. 8vo, 2 volumes, number 12 of 40 copies, signed by the artist and the author, original illustration by Austen of The Bishop, contemporary half morocco gilt, section of spine on volume I loose, dampstaining to morocco and early leaves in both volumes; Lawrence, D.H. The man who died. London, 1935. 4to, illustrated by John Farleigh, original cloth backed boards, dampstaining; Poe, Edgar Allan Tales of mystery and imagination. New York, 1933. 8vo, illustrated by Harry Clarke, tipped in frontispiece [loose], plates, contemporary half morocco gilt, dampstained boards and leaves; Cresset Press & O’Hara John Sermons and soda-water. London, 1961. 8vo, 3 volumes, number 290 of 500 copies, signed, original vellum backed boards, some damp marking; and 13 others. Sold not subject to return. (20) £400-500

250 60

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251 Fitzgerald, Edward The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. London: Siegle, Hill & Co. (1911]. 4to, number 64 of 550, signed by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, hand coloured initials, 12 plates, reproduced from a calligraphic manuscript written & illuminated by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, original decorative vellum gilt, t.e.g., a couple of small marks to upper board, some rubbing to lower board, interior very clean £600-800 See colour illustrations on page 35 252 Hare, David — Max Ernst VVV. Poetry, anthropology, sociology, psychology. New York, 1942-43. First edition, volume 1 and 2-3 in one (of a total of 4], illustrations by Max Ernst, Marc Chagall, Joan Miró & others, wrapper of part 2-3 by Marcel Duchamp (lower cover lacking wire screen and with tear), dampstain to page 2-3 of part 1 with some loss of text of page 1, pages 4-9 with some damage to paper of extreme upper corner not affecting text or illustrations, wrappers a bit discoloured and stained £300-500 253 Jackson, Holbrook The anatomy of bibliomania. London: The Soncino Press, 1930. 8vo, 2 volumes, number 19 of 1000 copies, signed by the author, contemporary full morocco gilt, morocco and early leaves dampstained. Sold not subject to return. £150-200

254 Rackham, Arthur — Oliver Goldsmith The vicar of Wakefield. London: G.G. Harrap, 1929. 4to, limited to 775 copies, number 366 of 575 copies for England, 12 coloured mounted plates by Arthur Rackham, original vellum gilt, t.e.g., pictorial bookplate of Malinda F. Murphy designed by Marc Chagall, upper board spotted; Shakespeare, W. A midsummer-night’s dream. London: W. Heinemann, 1925. 4to, 40 coloured mounted plates, original blue cloth gilt, plate mounts somewhat browned, two corners detached, joints broken (2) £200-300 255 Scott, Peter & Gallico, Paul The snow goose. London, 1946. 4to, number 215 of 750 copies, signed by the author and the artist, tipped in colour plates, original yellow cloth giilt, lacking wrapper; Dulac, Edmund Stories from the Arabian nights. London, 1907. Second edition, 4to, 50 tipped in plates, original cloth, rubbed, upper section of backstrip lacking; V.C.V. The google book. London, 1931. 4to, colour illustrations, original cloth backed boards, rubbed, inner hinges weak; Reynolds, Frank — Dickens, Charles The old curiosity shop. London (no date]. 4to, colour plates, original red cloth gilt; Thomson, Hugh — J.M. Barrie Quality street. London (no date]. 4to, colour plates, original cloth gilt, various ink inscriptions on frontispiece and title relating to John Cyril Maude and J.M. Barrie; Robinson, W. Heath — Kipling, Rudyard A song of the English. London (no date]. 4to, original cloth gilt, stained, foxing to title; and 8 others (15) £120-180


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs


256 Seuss, Dr. [Theodore Geisel] The seven Lady Godivas. New York: Random House. First edition (“first printing” on imprint), presentation copy inscribed by the author (“For Hope Godiva, with love from Peeping Seuss”), on half-title, numerous illustrations by Dr. Seuss, original salmon cloth, illustrated endpapers, some soiling throughout, lacking publisher’s bookmark £300-400 257 Upton, Florence K. The Golliwogg’s desert island. London, 1906. Oblong 4to, original decorative boards, waterstained at upper edge, coloured pencil marks to title and front endpapers; [Idem] The Golliwog in war! London, 1899. Oblong 4to, original decorative boards, all leaves loose, chipped at edges, worn; [Idem] The adventures of two Dutch Dolls. London, 1923. New edition, oblong 4to, original decorative boards, number of pages torn, pencil marks. Sold not subject to return (3) £150-200


258 Watkins, Dudley D. Oor Wullie Annual. London, Manchester & Dundee: D.C. Thomson & Co. (1940]. First annual produced, 4to, 96 pages, original printed wrappers showing Wullie sat on his trademark bucket, lower hinge torn at head, upper section of backstrip becoming loose, some creasing and short tear to outer edges, a few spots to page edges Note: A very rare copy of the first Oor Wullie annual produced by Dundee publishers D.C. Thomson & Co in October 1940 [priced 1/6]. The annual has 96 pages, which became the standard number, consisting of a title page illustration, a poem/song and 94 cartoon strips reprinted from Sunday Post Fun Sections. The creator of ‘Oor Wullie’, Dudley Dexter Watkins was born in Manchester on 27 February 1907. In 1925, he moved to Dundee to work for D.C. Thomson & Co Ltd. the company founded by wealthy Tayside shipping boss William Thomson in 1905. In 1935 R.D. (Robert Duncan) Low, the Managing Editor and Head of Boys Story Papers at the time, asked Watkins to help him produced a new comic book for D.C. Thomson. Low was keen to keep a degree of realism to the new characters and he encouraged Watkins to use real people as the basis for his cartoon characters. Many of the characters were based on Low’s own family , Oor Wullie being modelled on his son Ron. £3,000-4,000 See colour illustration on page 36

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

259 Watkins, Dudley D. Oor Wullie Annual. London, Manchester & Dundee: D.C. Thomson & Co. (1942]. Second annual produced, 4to, 96 pages, original printed wrappers showing Wullie by his bucket, most of backstrip lacking, upper cover loose, creasing and tearing at edges, some browning to page edges, a little foxing to title £1,000-1,500 See colour illustration on page 36 260 Watkins, Dudley D. Oor Wullie Annual. London, Manchester & Dundee: D.C. Thomson & Co. (1948]. Third annual produced, 4to, original printed wrappers showing Wullie’s many expressions, some rubbing to hinges, light spotting to title £400-600 See colour illustration on page 36 261 Watkins, Dudley D. The Broons. Glasgow, Dundee & London (1949]. Fourth annual to be produced, 4to, original yellow wrappers showing the full Broons family, some slight rubbing to backstrip and hinges, interior clean £400-600


SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS 262 Arnaud de Ronsil, George Memoires de l’Academie Royale de Chirurgie. Paris: Charles Osmont, 1743-1774. 4to, 5 volumes, 5 engraved additional title-pages, 88 engraved plates (77 folding), engraved device on title-pages, engraved and woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces, contemporary calf gilt (vol. 4 only) and uniform nineteenth-century quarter-calf (other 4 volumes), bindings worn, spines of volumes 1 and 5 becoming detached, lacking plate 9 in volume 5, offsetting from some plates (5) Provenance: Professor J. Rosenberger, bookplate in each volume Note: An important and varied collection of medical texts and memoirs, illustrated with detailed, occasionally gruesome, plates. £250-350 263 Cary, Robert Palaeologia chronica, a chronological account of ancient time. London: printed by J. Darby for Richard Chiswell, 1677. Folio, title printed in red and black, folding chart, contemporary calf, rebacked, ex-library copy with stamps to title, chart and various other leaves £150-200


264 Moxon, Joseph [Mechanick exercises, or the doctrine of handy-works, applied to the art of printing]. [London, no date]. 4to, lacking title, part 1 on smithing only, one plate as frontispiece, modern calf by Etherington Thorpe. Sold not subject to return. £150-200 63

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SPORT 265 Angling — Brookes, R. The art of angling. London: printed for T. Lowndes, 1766. 8vo, frontispiece, engravings in the text, contemporary calf gilt, rubbing to backstrip, some cracking to hinges; [North, Roger] A discourse of fish and fish-ponds. London, 1715. Second edition, 12mo, vi 94 ii, later half morocco gilt (2) Note: Westwood & Satchell p. 42 & p.157 £300-400 266 Badminton Library London: Longmans, c.1897. 27 volumes, 8vo, plates, contemporary light brown half morocco, emblematically tooled on spines, t.e.g., a few volumes rubbed £300-400 267 Cricket — Fry, Charles Burgess The book of cricket. London: George Newnes (1899]. Folio, parts 1-16 [all published], original wrappers (16) £120-180 268 Fishing — Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace Fishing at home and abroad. London, 1913. Folio, number 236 of 750 copies, frontispiece, plates, original burgandy morocco gilt, backstrip faded, some foxing [especially to early leaves]; Scrope, William Days and nights of salmon fishing. London, 1885. 8vo, plates, lacking frontispiece, original green cloth gilt; Taverner, Eric Trout fishing from all angles. London, 1933. 8vo, volume II of the Lonsdale Library, plates, original cloth gilt; [Idem] Salmon fishing. London, 1931. 8vo, volume by from the Lonsdale Library, plates, original cloth gilt; and 19 others (23) £250-350


269 Scrope, William The art of deer-stalking. London, 1897. New edition, 8vo, plates, frontispiece, contemporary vellum, rubbed, foxing, bookplates, Hawker, Lt. Col. Instructions to young sportsmen in all that relates to guns and shooting. London, 1844. Ninth edition, 8vo, frontispiece, contemporary cloth gilt, contemporary ink inscription on title; Parker, Eric The Lonsdale anthology of sporting prose and verse. London, 1932. 8vo, plates, original cloth gilt; [Idem] Shooting by moor, field and shore. London (no date]. 8vo, plates, original cloth gilt; Chalmers, Patrick Mine eyes to the hills. London, 1931. 8vo, illustrated by V.R. Balfour-Browne, frontispiece, original cloth gilt; Maxwell, Captain Aymer Partridges and partridge manners. London, 1911. 8vo, frontispiece, illustrated by George Rankin, original cloth gilt; Leslie, A.S. The grouse in health and disease. London, 1912. Popular edition, 8vo, frontispiece, plates, original cloth gilt; and 18 others (25) £200-300 270 Sport — Franck, Richard Northern memoirs. Edinburgh, 1821. New edition, 8vo (one of 250 copies], half title, later half calf gilt, rubbed, hinges cracking; Millais, John Guille The life and letters… London, 1905. 8vo, frontispiece, plates, contemporary half calf gilt, backstrip discoloured; Parker, Eric Fine angling for coarse fish. London, 1930. 8vo, volume IV of the Lonsdale Library, original cloth, dustwrapper, cloth dampstained; Taverner, Eric Angler’s fishes & their natural history. London (no date]. 8vo, volume XXXIV of the Lonsdale Library, original cloth, dustwrapper; Waddington, Richard Salmon fishing, philosophy and practice. London, 1959. 8vo, original cloth, dustwrapper, previous ink inscription on endpaper, cloth dampstained; and 23 others. Sold not subject to return. (29) £200-300

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

TRAVEL & TOPOGRAPHY 271 Camden, William Britannia: or a chorographicall description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. London: T. Payne, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1789. First Gough edition, 3 volumes, folio, engraved portrait, 56 maps and 94 engraved plates, 1 folding pedigree, contemporary calf, neatly rebacked, spines gilt, occasional spotting and offsetting £800-1,000 272 Ceylon — Cave, Henry W. Particulars of picturesque Ceylon. London, 1893-1895. 4to, 3 volumes in one, plates, contemporary vellum gilt, dampstained vellum and leaves, gutter weak and cracking; Wright, Arnold Twentieth century impressions of Ceylon. London, 1907. 4to, original morocco gilt, worn, hinges split. Sold not subject to return. (2) £120-180 273 Coxe, William Travels in Switzerland and in the country of the Grisons. London: printed for T. Cadell, 1794. Third edition, 2 volumes, 4to, xii, 509; [6], 500 (15], large hand coloured folding map, 26 engraved maps and plates, early 19th century diced calf gilt, Northern Lighthouse Board stamp to upper boards, backstrips rubbed, hinges cracking, section of head of backstrip to volume II lacking, plates in varying condition, several heavily oxidised [?], offsetting (2) Provenance: To be sold on behalf of the Northern Lighthouse Heritage Trust. £100-150 274 Glasgow — Morris, Talwin The book of Glasgow Cathedral. Glasgow, 1898. 4to, one of 1000 copies, frontispiece, original decorative cloth designed by Talwin Morris, some rubbing to edges; Leighton, John & Swan, Joseph Select views of Glasgow and its environs. Glasgow, 1828. 4to, frontispiece, later folding plan, 32 engraved plates, contemporary calf gilt, rubbed at edges, interior heavily water-stained, bookplate; Lord Provost Biographical sketches of the Hon. the Lord Provosts of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1883. 8vo, frontispiece, original green cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, a couple of leaves loose; and 16 others (19) £150-250

275 Hurgronje, C. S. Bilder-atlas zu Mekka. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1888. 4to, atlas volume only, 17 plates only [of 40], (comprising 5 lithographs, 12 photos) no text, somewhat spotted, original boards soiled and stained, library bookplate on front endpaper, upper board with loss where tie torn away £500-800 276 Lear, Edward Journals of a landscape painter in Albania, etc. London: Richard Bentley, 1851. 8vo, map frontispiece, 20 lithograph plates, original blue blindstamped cloth gilt, torn at head of backstrip, foxing to plates, bookplates, newspaper cutting taped to front free endpaper; [Idem] Journals of a landscape painter in Southern Calabria. London: Richard Bentley, 1852. 8vo, frontispiece map [loose], 1 map, 20 lithograph plates, original blue blindstamped cloth gilt, boards faded and foxed, pages loose throughout the volume, inner hinges weak, bookplate; and 5 others on Lear (7) £400-600 277 Lear, Edward Journal of a landscape painter in Corsica. London: Robert John Bush, 1870. First edition, 8vo, map, 40 plates [inc. frontispiece], original red cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, corners bumped, foxing to early leaves, bookplate £200-300 278 Lear, Edward Journal of a landscape painter in Corsica. London: Robert John Bush, 1870. First edition, 8vo, map, 40 plates [inc. frontispiece], original red cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, corners bumped, circular stain to upper board, foxing to early leaves £200-300


LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs


279 Lisiansky, Urey Fyodorovich A voyage round the world, in the years 1803, 4, 5, & 6... in the ship Neva. London: John Booth, Longman, Hurst, Rees &c., 1814. First English edition, 4to, xxi (ii], 384, engraved portrait frontispiece, 8 hand-coloured charts, 3 folding and laid down on linen, 2 handcoloured aquatint views, 3 engraved plates, nineteenth century calf, spine gilt, lacks final two leaves: pp. 385-388, some spotting and offsetting, slight discolouration to charts and text, waterstain to frontispiece, some dust-soiling to title and a few other leaves Provenance: To be sold on behalf of the Northern Lighthouse Heritage Trust. Note: “A highly important work on Sitka, Kodiak and other parts of the northwest coast” (Graff). Hill p.361; Sabin 41416 £2,000-3,000 280 London — Colour plates — Ackermann, Rudolph The history of the abbey church of St. Peter’s Westminster, its antiquities and monuments. London: R. Ackermann, 1812. First edition, 2 volumes, 4to, list of subscribers, engraved plan, portrait and 81 hand-coloured aquatint plates by J. Bluck, J. Hamble, T. Sutherland & others after A. Pugin, F. Mackenzie, H. Villiers &c., attractive period style half calf, spines gilt, red and black morocco lettering pieces £600-800


281 Norton, E.F. The fight for Everest: 1924. London: E. Arnold, 1925. First edition, 8vo, folding map, panorama and 32 plates, original green cloth, slight spotting to title £100-150 282 Paris — Nash, F. and Scott, J. Picturesque views of the city of Paris and its environs. London: Longman, Hurst, &c., 1820. 4to. First edition, large paper copy, 2 volumes in one, 57 mounted proof plates on india paper, comprising 67 steel-engraving views after drawings by Frederick Nash, nineteenth-century green half morocco, spine gilt, a.e.g., slight spotting, chiefly to plate margins; and 2 volumes of The Art Journal in red half morocco gilt (3) £300-400 283 Peebles — Buchan, James Walter A history of Peeblesshire. Glasgow, 1925-27. 8vo, number 96 of 100 copies, portrait frontispiece to each volume, plates, original vellum backed cloth, outer edges of cloth stained, interiors clean; Gunn, Dr. Books of the church. Peebles, 1907-31. 4to, 17 volumes, plates, original cloth, some staining and discolouration to backstrips; Johnston, Thomas General view of the agriculture of the county of Tweedale. London,1794. 8vo, half title, modern morocco backed clothl; and 9 others on Peebles (30) £250-350

LY O N & T U R N B U L L Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Photographs

284 Railway Poster — Lincoln — Zinkeisen, A.K. Visit Lincoln by LNER, it’s quicker by rail. Norwich & London: LNER, c.1930’s. Approx.108 by 126cm, previous folds, a couple of small holds at point of folds, some browning to centre fold £300-500 285 Royal Commission on the Ancient Monuments of Scotland The county of Roxburgh. Edinburgh, 1956, 2 volumes, 4to, dustjackets; [Idem] Lanarkshire. 1978. 4to, dust-jacket; [Idem] Selkirkshire. 1957. 4to, dust-jacket, card slipcase; [Idem] Eastern Dumfriesshire, an archaeological landscape. 1997. 4to; [Idem] County of Berwick. 1915. 8vo, original wrappers, head and tail of spine rubbed; Small, A. St. Ninian’s Isle. O.U.P., 1973. 4to, 2 volumes, dustjackets, all but the fifth original cloth, plates (7) £100-120 286 Scotland — Forsyth, Robert The beauties of Scotland. Edinburgh: Bonar and Brown, 1805-8. 8vo, 5 volumes, engraved titles, engraved plates, lacking map, contemporary half calf gilt, worn, sections of backstrips loose, foxing; Wilson, Professor Scotland illustrated. London, 1850. 4to, engraved plates, later cloth gilt, inner hinges split; Johnston, T.B. Historical geography of the clans of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1899. Third edition, 4to, folding map frontispiece, original red cloth gilt, and another copy; White, Captain T. Archaeological sketches in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1875. Folio, 49 plates, original brown cloth gilt, rubbed at edges, inner hinges strengthened; Billings, Robert William The baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1901. 4to, 4 volumes, plates, original blue cloth gilt, corners bumped; Anderson, John Tourist’s guide through Scotland. Edinburgh, 1838. Second edition, 8vo, folding map, original cloth, map and first few leaves loose, ink stain to upper boards; and 17 others on Scotland (31) £150-200 287 Scotland — Tudor, John R The Orkneys and Shetland. London, 1883. 8vo, 2 folding maps, frontispiece and plates, later half calf gilt, worn, some staining; Sinclair, Catherine Shetland and the Shetlanders. Edinburgh, 1840. 8vo, folding map, contemporary calf, very worn; Craven, The Rev. J.B. History of the episcopal church in Orkney 1688-1882. Kirkwall, 1883. 8vo, original cloth gilt, dampstained; Kay, John A series of original portraits and caricature etchings. Edinburgh, 1837. 4to, 3 volumes, engraved plates, contemporary green morocco gilt, very worn, boards loose, dampstaining throughout; and 4 others. Sold not subject to return. (10) £150-200


288 Scottish history and archaeology — Thornton, T. A sporting tour through the northern parts of England, and great part of the Highlands of Scotland. London: Vernor & Hood, 1804. First edition, 4to, 16 engraved plates, morocco-backed cloth, some dampstaining, boards slightly marked; Crawfurd, G. & W. Semple The history of the shire of Renfrew. Paisley: A. Weir, 1782. 4to, errata slip, contemporary calf, some dampstaining, hinges weak, rubbed; Scott, G. The memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-Hill. London: R. Boulter, 1683. 4to, modern calf-backed cloth, spine gilt, title spotted; Pont, T. Cuninghame... continued by the late James Dobie of Crummock. Glasgow, 1876. 4to, plates, folding map, contemporary blue half morocco, rubbed; Cunninghame Graham, R.B. The district of Menteith. Stirling, 1930. Folio, edition de luxe, number 96 of 225 copies signed by the author and D.Y. Cameron, original signed etching by D.Y. Cameron, original calf-backed cloth, dust-jacket, in original (broken) box; Balfour, J.A. The book of Arran. Glasgow, 1910. 4to, map in pocket repaired, original buckram; Anderson, D.B. The vale of Anworth. 1899. 8vo, original cloth, rubbed; Macleod, W. Royal letters and other historical documents selected from the family papers of Dundas of Dundas. Edinburgh, 1897. 4to, number 125 of 135 copies, plates, original cloth, a few ink annotations, very worn; and 17 others on Scottish history and topography (25) £300-400 289 Turkey — Dalvimart, Octavien 11 hand-coloured costume plates from Dalvimart’s The Costume of Turkey 320 by 240mm, London: W. Miller, 1802, framed and glazed, plates somewhat spotted (11)29cm by 20cm (11.5in by 8in) each (11) £200-300 END OF SALE




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