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GEO GR A P H I C P O S I T I O N The region of Korça lies in the Southeast of Albania, on the eastern side of the Central Mountains.The region includes three cities: Korça (the capital of the region), Bilisht and Maliq, as well as 27 smaller communes.The City of Korça is one of the major cities of Albania.It lies in the southeast of the region at the foot of the Morava Mountains, with an elevation of 869 meters above sea level. The region is surrounded by rugged mountains and foothills—the city itself is bordered by the Morava Mountains to the east and the rugged mountains of Gora, Voskopoja and Vithkuq to the west.Towering to the north is Oak Mountain (Mali i Qarrit), and bordering to the south is Dry Mountain (Mali i Thate).Lower areas include the valley of Korça, one of the area’s largest, as well as the valley of Upper Devoll.The region of Korça is rich with underground water resources and lakes, the most important of which is the Devoll River, including the Dunavec and Osumi tributaries.This zone includes the headwaters of three Albanian rivers (Devoll, Shkumbin and the Osum).Major lakes in the area include Great Prespa and Little Prespa. Korça is bordered on the north by the city of Pogradec (41 kilometers away), on the south by Erseka (45 kilometers away) on the east by Bilisht (27 kilometers away), and on the west by Skapari.The City of Korça itself is 181 kilometers from the Tirana, Albania’s capital city.
WHEN TO V I S I T Each of the four seasons offersits own beauty for a trip to Korça.In the winter, Korça offers beautiful views of a city under a pristine blanket of snow.In the fall, you can enjoy the changing colors of leaves in the mountains as well as the famous apples that grow around charming villages in the rich agricultural plain. For all that prefer a mountain climate, Korça offers a fresh and cool escape from the hot summer, with clean air and beautiful nature.Throughout the entire year, Korça offers activities, cultural events, festivals and fairs that will make your stay in Korça even more pleasant.Best known among these fairs include the celebrations for Orthodox Easter, Christmas, Carnival, and the Beer Festival, which never fail to attract many visitors to the city.
CL I MA T E Korça is characterized by a climate that is part Mediterranean mountain, and part continental, with cold winters and hot and dry summers.The average yearly temperature is 10.6ºC.The coldest month is January, and the hottest month is August.The wettest month is November, with average rainfall totals of 104 millimeters, while the average yearly total for rain is 720 millimeters.The region is characterized by different local winds such as the Voskopoja wind, Southwest wind, and winds from Morava, Devollka, and other places.
POP U L A T IO N The population of the City of Korça is 130,531.Following the 1990s, the city experienced significant emigration of the population both to other places in the country and abroad.In addition to ethnic Albanians, the region around Korça includes Aromanians, Slavs and Roma.
R E L I GI OU S F A IT H Korça is predominately comprised of Orthodox Christian and Sunni Muslim adherents.In addition, there are other faiths in the region, including Bektashi Muslims and Evangelical Christians.Korça is considered by many to be a symbol of interfaith harmony and understanding.
T R A N SPO RT Korça is an important transportation hub linking Central Albania with roads to the regions of Devoll, Kolonje, Permet and Pogradec. In addition, Korça is connected by the national road with Greece including the nearby cities of Thessaloniki, Larisa and others.The main automobile routes include Korça-Elbasan-Tirana, Korça-Erseka, and Korça-Bilisht-Kapshtica.
TRA D I TI O N S A N D C U S T O M S The ethnographic provinces of the region are: Gora, Opari, Devolli, and Prespa.Local craft traditions include working with wool (felt, cloaks, shirts and carpets), thick leather goods with cotton, or woodworking.Voskopoja was traditionally known for its export of felt, Dardha for woodworking, Bradovica for its clay pottery, Progri for house building, and Opari for its woodworking and cobblestones. Working the clay is one of the oldest crafts and is the basic element used for the production of dishes and furniture. Clay working constitutes the art of pottery that takes the forms and dimensions of the author. It is the oldest craft dating 8,000 years ago. The craft that together with earth and clay, water and fire, creates the foundations of civilization of the world, also having influenced in the development of human existence. The art of ceramics embodied in the works of an artist, flows from antiquity, nowadays with its modern lines and shapes, is used to decorate the working and living environment. "Vasi Kolevica Art" an art gallery in the heart of Korรงa, carries on its premises warmth of ceramic art. This gallery brings fragrances of millennial clay artistically figured to work in the new millennium, without alienating them with the same flavor, through the talented hands of this artists inspired by nature, creativity and love.
T YPE S OF D W E L L IN G S Traditional dwellings in Korça are made in the Turkish style, with a semi-open upstairs veranda—a style which was popular in the villages as well.Iron railings and stone sculptures are a typical feature of Korça’s architecture.Additionally, the City of Korça is known for its beautiful courtyard gardens with flowers (roses, tulips, hydrangeas and other flowers), as well its city squares with historical public wells. Another characteristic of the city of Korça are the cobblestone streets that wind through traditional buildings in the older neighborhoods.
T R A D I T I O NA L C L O T H IN G Until the end of the 19th century, the most common men’s clothing was a traditional kilt.For women, the most common clothing was a long shirt with an apron.Also characteristic for Korça women are belts adorned with intricate metal decorations.Traditional men and women’s shoes with plumes were renowned for their beauty and comfort, leading to the spread of this style of shoe throughout Albania and in other countries including Greece.
CU I SI N E A ND D RIN K S Korça is known for its delicious traditional cooking., including byrek or lakror (savory pie) with two layers cooked in a wood fired oven, special preparations of the wild carp native to Lake Prespa,the famous dried and salted cironka (bleakfish), as well as the cooking of wild game and fowl.Traditional Korça dishes include savory pies baked over woodfires (petanik, lakror and përvëlak) and small spiced sausages. The village of Vithkuq is famous for its walnuts and tea, roasted meat and dairy, while the village ofDardha is most known for its take on the local savory lakror pie with two layers, baked in a wood fire oven.Particularly unique local flavors include the ligavece from Dardha, snails, local mushrooms and lakror pie with cornmeal. Of course, no visit to Korça would be complete without trying the famous Korça Beer, still brewed locally at the first brewery to ever open in Albania.
SERENADES The serenades of Korรงa are songs characteristic to the region, usually sung with guitar and mandolin accompaniment.This particular style of song, though unique to Korรงa, is famous throughout all of Albania. The songs usually reflect on the sweetness of sadness of true love, and represent an original and local way of musical expression.Famously, these songs would be sung by a love-struck man, standing under the balcony of the mischievous girl he desired, or beside the iron railing of a courtyard garden, or around the evening table filled with traditional food and drink.Serenades reached their peak popularity in the 1930s, but continue to be sung today with live music in bars and restaurants, and in the homes of Korรงa families.
S H O R T H I S T O R Y O F K O RÇ A Korça, founded in the 15th century, is the largest administrative center of southeaster Albania, and the largest city in the region. While the city itself was created in the late middle ages, the surrounded region has hosted residents for many centuries before.This long history helps make the region of Korça one of the most important cultural and economic centers in Albania: birthplace of music and the first Albanian language school, home to natural beauty and lakes, and mountain region with national parks. Studies have shown that the zone where the current exists has been home to residents since ancient times. During the epochs of antiquity, life flourished her, concentrated in the hills surrounding the present day city. After the coming of Iliaz Bej Panaritit in the village of Peshkepi located near the city, Korça underwent great changes.He built great mosque in the city in 1496 as well as the famous Bazaar of Korça (both which stand to this day).In the 17th to 19th century, the city expanded, particularly following the destruction and burning of neighboring Voskopoja.By the second half of the 19th century, Korça had become one of the most important economic, market and cultural centuries in the country, with a large busy market that earns itself a place among other monuments of Albania. During the National Renaissance many local heroes contributed to the creation of the Albanian identity and state, including by founding the first Albanian language school.On December 10, 1916, the short-lived Autonomous Republic of Korça was founded by the patriotic acts of Korça resident Themistokli Gerjmenti In the early years of the formation of the Albanian state, Korçadistinguished itself among other Albanian cities for being a leading example of economic, cultural and urban development.By the first decade of the 20th century, Korça , Korça had become one of the most flourishing cities for culture and education, including by the establishment of a French Lyceum in October, 1917, which prepared a generation of intellectuals to leave their marks on national culture and history.During the period of communism that followed (as was the case everywhere in Albania) the cultural richness of Korça was negatively impacted, with the regime fighting fiercely against intellectual and economic forces in the city. Today Korça continues its old tradition of culture and education, and is regarded by many to be the finest city in Albania.
M U S E U M OF M EDI EVAL A R T The National Museum of Medieval Art was opened in Korça in 1980. Exhibits in the museum include historical, cultural and artistic artifacts from the medieval period in Albania, primarily belonging to the Byzantine and post-Byzantine Christian tradition.These include many religious icons, stone objects, jewelry and precious metals, carved wood, textiles and papers, and are a priceless part of Albania’s cultural heritage. The museum has a permanent exhibition hall of 200 art objects.The museum also has a variety of modern preservation and restauration equipment, including conservation laboratories and a modest microclimate environment. The permanent exhibit presents some of the best works from the medieval period in the region. Among these works are distinguished icons 13-14th Centuries, as well as masterpieces by the famous icon masters Onagri and Nikola, the Zografi brothers and their sons, the teacher Constantine, Onufër Qiprioti, Simon of Adrenicës, and other works of artist that have worked in present day Albania and the surrounding region.The best known work is the “Mona Lisa of the Balkans”, a Byzantine icon of Archangel Michael.The mission of the museum is public exposure and promotion, protection, conservation and restauration, and academic work and international cooperation. Nowadays the whole collection of icons is exposed in a new buiding (constructed in 2016) that provides a state-of-the-art preservation facilities within a contemporary setting.
N AT I O N AL M U SEU M OF EDUCATION This museum is located inside the building where the first Albanian language school—known by locals as the “Mesonjetorja” was opened on March 7, 1887. The building was donated to the public by the Korça patriot Diamanti Terpo.On display in the museum is a photocopy of the first written alphabet for the Albanian language, written by the patriot Naum Veqilarxhi, as well as the second alphabet by Konstandin Kristoforidhi. Photos of national heroes that contributed to the opening of the school are also exhibited, including of Sotirri Pandeli, Petro Nini Luarasi, Nuci Naci and the Qiriazi sisters.
M U S E U M OF ARC HAEOLO GY Korça’s museum of archaeology was created in 1985 and expanded significantly after its reorganization in 1990.The museum itself is located within two dwellings typical of the 19th century Korça style, which themselves are designated as cultural monuments.The museum is unique for its focus on prehistory of the southeastern region of Albania, starting from the Neolithic period through the development of the iron age.The museum holds artifacts from several important prehistoric settlements such as Maliq, Podgorica, Dunaveci, and Trajan, as well as a small collection of later artifacts.The museum has roughly 1200 objects on display, mostly from the Neolithic, bronze, and iron ages.
T H E BR A T K O ASI AN ART MUSEUM The Bratko Asian Art Museum was opened in 2003, fulfilling the dreams of local Dhimiter Mborjes (1903-1990), artist, photographer and collection of Asian art and antiquities.Though Borja was born in Korça, he traveled extensively throughout his life, spending most of his years in the U.S. This museum has 432 objects on display, including a piano, Chinese altar, Japanese kimono, an embroidered Chinese belt, an Indonesian sword, European medals, Japanese paintings, and different photographs that Borja took while on a post-war mission with the UN.These photos in particular are unique, as they display the social and cultural history of the east immediately after WWII, as well as the important role that the American forces and General MacArthur played in the economic and institutional rebuilding of Japan.Museum Archivist Zobel has said regarding Mborja : “” He was a genius.He came to this place with nothing, and with only his hard work he became famous.This alone is enough to show the strength of his character.”
M U S E U M “ GJON M I LI ” Gjon Mili, the American photographer of Albanian origin, now has a museum inKorça, the city of his birth.15 original photos from the world-famous Mili are displayed in a special exhibition hall in the middle of the Vangjush Mio Cultural Center.Gjon Mili is known for his innovative methods using flash photography and movement.Born in Korça on November 24, 1904, he migrated to Romania with his family when he was five.At the age of 19, he moved to the US where he studied light engineering at M.I.T. It was during this period that he took up the art of photography, for which he would become known.
T U M U L U S OF K AM ENI C A The Illyrian Burial Mound of Kamenica, close to the city of Korรงa, is one of the most interesting burial sites in the Balkan Region.This archeological site is valued for the rare findings of a pregnant Illyrian woman and an old man, dating to 3,000 B.C.E. The tumulus, measuring 74 meters by 40 meters, was discovered at the foot of a hill about 3 km from Korรงa, and over the course of several years more than 210 graves have been discovered. The burial site has provided a wealth of information about the spiritual life, traditions, rituals and materials used by Illyrian residents of the region from 10th to the 6th century B.C.E.
» Zbulo Korçën | Guida Udhëzuese
K OR ÇA B A Z A A R The old Korça Bazaar has great early historical, cultural and artistic value for the city.The bazaar is characterized by one and two story buildings in classic Korça style, separated by narrow cobbled streets that open onto a central square—the Bazaar is sure to attract the attention of visitors. In past centuries, the bazaar has functioned as a market for trade not just within Albania, but also from Turkey, Greece, Trieste and Venice. It has been noted for the row of inns, including the Old Elbasan and Old Monastery Inn, which served to host travelers visiting the market from outside the city.The market reached its apex during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with more than 1,000 stores.With so many shops, the bazaar was like a city within a city. The two parts of the bazaar were separated by the old river, and linked by two wooden bridges, while the main road through the city crossed the river on a vaulted stone bridge which rose above the sops.Over the course of its history, the bazaar was burnt down three times, to be built again.The entire complex underwent a complete renovation in 2015, planting the seed for a historical, economic and touristic transformation not just for the city but for the region.The renovation has returned the bazaar to its original historical image, returning its historical and cultural value.
YO U TH P A RK The Youth Park, pearl of Korรงa, is the largest urban park in the city with an area of 9 hectares. The park is perfect for a stroll under the generous shade of rows of linden and chestnut trees, or enjoying the open stone sculpture garden.Recent reconstruction and remodeling has made this space one of the most popular places in the city for people of all ages, with new fountains, public squares and a promenade.The creation of an open amphitheater in the park has helped the rebirth of artistic life in the city, and has helped to attract around 50,000 tourists every year.
RE S U R R E C T IO N O F C HR I S T C AT H ED R AL The Cathedral was built in 1994 by the Orthodox church.Its grand scale makes it the most important Orthodox church in Korรงa, and the largest in all of Albania. The cathedral is characterized by its three-tiered concrete construction, enclosing 1800 square meters.The building symbolizes the return of religious practice in a place where all faith was forbidden from 1967 to 1991.
M O S Q U E OF I LI AZ BEJ MIRAH ORIT C L O C KT OWER GARDEN O F PARADISE This mosque, the oldest in Albania, is the oldest monument in the city.Dated to the year 1496, the mosque is named after Iliaz Bej Mirahorit (Ilia Panariti), who governed the city when it first began to function as an administrative hub under the Ottoman Empire.As the first domed mosque in Albania, it has significant cultural, historic, religious and architectural value.Inside the mosque are several murals of Mecca and Medina.The clock tower sitting just adjacent from the mosque was reconstructed in 2015 together with the square known as the “Garden of Paradise.”These renovations add value to Korça, while highlighting its architectural and cultural heritage.The reconstruction of the clock tower and the mosque square creates a harmonic counterpoint to the Old Bazaar and this corner of the city.
R O M A N I AN HOU SE The Romanian House, positioned along the pedestrian zone of Korรงa, offers one of the most unique and elegant architectural styles from old Korรงa.The building takes its name from a Romanian family that was its first inhabitants (though the architect was Albanian).
PAN O R AM A T OWER “ A N D O N Z AK O Ç AJU P I ” TH EATER S Q UAR E The Panorama Tower is a modern architectural work located in front of the “Andon Zako Çajupi” theater.With a viewing platform accessible to the public by elevator, the tower provides sweeping views of the entire city including the Old Bazaar, Cathedral, Mosque, and Martyr’s Cemetery.The square and “Andon Zako Çajupi” Theater underwent a complete reconstruction offering a modern theater and a functional public space for Korça residents and visitors.
P E D E S T R IAN ZONE The recent return of Saint George Boulevard to a pedestrian-only road, as well as the expansion and reconstruction of the square around the Cathedral, has transformed the city of Korça into a place with its own unique feel full of open space for its citizens and visitors.This project has also created the necessary infrastructure to transform the center of the city into a business and market center, where the majority of public institutions are also located (including the Great Stone Gallery, the Gjon Mili Museum, the Museum of Education, and the former house of Themistokli Germenji).Set amongst the paving stone of the pedestrian zones, a mosaic is located at the former site of the Cathedral of Saint George—representing a shadow of this previous building that was destroyed during anti-religious purges of 1968.
G R AS S L AND OF T EARS Grassland of Tears is a small city park steeped in the history of emigrants from Korça.Years ago, this park wasa small field located at the edge of the city, marking the beginning of the road leading to Greece—tough today the parkis dedicated to preserving the memory of emigration from Korça.It was here that women would wait, between candles and tears, to be reunited with their husbands returning from abroad, or at least with the hope to learn that they were somewhere alive and well. During the 19th century, this small grassy area was turned into a shrine for emigrants from Korça. Centuries ago, this field marked the beginning of the road to Manastir and Selanik, from which Albanians would depart to emigrate to Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and America.For generations, emigrants helped drive the economic strength of Korça, and would also impact the local culture and shaping the cultural heritage of Albania.The Field of Tears keeps its old name to this day:where once there were tears for family members far away, today there is a park for visitors and citizens of Korça.
T H E M I S TOK LI GERM ENJI PARK This lovely park near the center of town is home to a bronze monument to the local hero Themistokli Germenji, as well as the City Band and the Children’s Library, gifted to the city by the philanthropist Thoma Turtulli.Themistokli Germenji is a famous local patriot, part of the movement for the democratic liberation of Albania that supported Ismail Qemali.After emigrating from Albania, he returned to his home country to fight in the armed forces against the annex of Albania by foreign powers.Germenji was the leader of the short-lived Autonomous Republic of Korça in 1916, but was executed by a French military court in Thessaloniki following false accusations of treason.
B OU L E V ARD RE P U B L IKA This boulevard is considered as a cultural monument for its characteristic houses, trees and flowers of the season. This is also known as the "bulevardi i xhiros " because it is one of the main spots in the city for evening walks. Many important bars and restaurants are found in this boulevard.
O L D C H A RA C T E RIS T IC N E I G H B O R H O O D S Korça’s history is written on the cobbled stone streets on which it stands the beginning of civilization. There are found old houses constructed with a unique Italian architecture. The most distinguished zones of Korça city are the old characteristic neighborhoods (lagjia1, lagjia 2 and lagjia 3),well known for their cobbled streets and beautiful houses surrounded by railing. Korça’s old neighborhoods are located in the east part of the city , behind the church "Resurrection of Christ" at the entrance of "Republika" Boulevard and "Saint George" Boulevard. In general, old houses are well maintained and its worth visiting them. In the first decades of the twentieth century with the enrichment of the bourgeoisie, the contrast between the old city area, known as Manço and Penço neighborhoods (zones situated above the National Warrior Monument) became quite visible. At the old city area was evident a typical medieval Balkan urban planning of the center consisting of narrow winding alleys and small and un systemized houses. While in the new part of the city there were straight roads and regular building blocks.
TH E S Q U A RE O F M IT RO P O L I A The Square of Mitropolia is located at neighborhood 3. One of the most frequented areas of the city, a protected area by the Institute of Cultural Monuments as "architectural ensemble", not only because of the unique style of architecture that dates at the beggining of 19 th century, but also for the regularity of construction, tiled roofs, and houses no higher than three floors. Due to its expansion this square offers space for organizing traditional and cultural activities, considering the fact that there inhabit Korca families with traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation. Revitalization of the area will help to develop and protect the unique traditions of Korรงa.
Ç E ZMA E A M Z O S The square “Çezma e Amzos” together with the characteristic buildings around it, are situated at the heart of neighborhoods 11 and 12 of Korça bounded by "Republika" Boulevard and "Gjergj Kastriot" Boulevard. These are relatively new neighborhoods created in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century. They have regular quadratic network, paved with cobblestone streets and characteristic houses. Their architectural style had suffered an Ottoman influence.
BIRRA KOR Ç A B R E WE RY The Birra Korça Brewery was built in 1929—the results of a joint project between Italian investor Umberto Umberti and Selim Mborjen from the nearby village of Mborja.The Birra KorçaCorporation was created with an initial investment of 950,000 gold franks. The brewery closed in 1943, with the outbreak of war.After the war, the brewery was nationalized under the communist regime and reopened. From its inception, the brewery has made blond and dark lagers, “crystal” water, and ice.The process of brewing was developed initially by the German engineer Herbard Geralding, and continues to this day using the same principles and techniques.The remodeled brewery has maintained the unique architectural style of the original structure, with all-new technological lines imported from Czechia in 2005.
BE E R FE S T The many summer activities in Korça culminate in August, with “Beer Fest”, the largest party in the city.This festival, organized for the 10th year in a row, attracts thousands of visitors from inside and outside Albania.Visitors can party until the early hours of the morning, enjoying beers offered by 5 breweries, traditional Korça food, and a great musical lineup of some of the best performers in Albania and abroad.
K OR ร A C ARNIV A L Korรงa is known for its famous annual Carnival, bringing an ancient worldwide tradition to Korรงawhile also creating one of the most popular vents in the city.Organized every year at the beginning of June, the Carnival marks the start of the tourist season for Korรงa. Carnival troupes from Albania and abroad descend on the city to parade through the boulevards in front of thousands of locals and visitors, making this festival unforgettable.
SP R I N G F A IR For the opening of the spring season, the municipality organizes the “Spring Fair”, with a variety of artistic and cultural activities throughout the city. In the city’s pedestrian zone, you can’t miss the activities for children, expositions, musical and dancing groups, and various concerns.Among the activities are the Pottery Fair, where local artisans and vendors sell their crafts in stalls in front of the Cathedral.The Pottery Fair is also part of the celebration of Orthodox Easter in Korça, where believers buy ceramic and pottery crafts prior to Easter.
PI E FE S T The Pie Fest, featuring the famous savory lakror pie of the Korรงa region, is organized every year in July with the aim of enriching culinary opportunities for tourists as well as preserving local culinary tradition. During the fest, bakers demonstrate their lakror making skills in front of the eyes of curious onlookers eagerly awaiting their taste of this freshly baked local delicacy.Live bands playing the famous Korรงa serenades keep the atmosphere festive and lively.
A P P L E F EST /T RADI T I ONAL FOOD FAIR The Apple Fest and Traditional Food Fair aims to promote local products, including the famous apples from the region.Visitors to the area can go apple picking at one of the many farms known for their produce.A fair is also held on the pedestrian zone with the participation of apple growers, other local producers, and culinary artisans selling goods such as wines, jams and jellies, apple sweets, and other delicacies.
E N D OF Y E A R F A IR With the slogan “We Also Celebrate in Winter”, and under the beautiful decorations that adorn the city in December, Korça organizes the End of Year Fair, the only one in Albania. A festive atmosphere awaits visitors, including a festival village with wooden shops selling toys, sweets, traditional drinks (such as hot wine), baked apples and chestnuts, live music, exhibitions, and more. In the city center, the House of Santa welcomes all children to come and take a photo on his lap.On top of it all, the outdoor ice rink is another great way to celebrate the end of the year in Korça!
W I N T E R FEST I VAL At the beginning of every December, Korça holds a winter festival to celebrate the beginning of the winter season. An event organized by BID Korça, with the support of Korça Municipality and AADF. With thousands of lights, rich decorations, concerts and many activities organized in the pedestrian area and at the Old Bazaar, Korça welcomes many visitors to the city for the festive atmosphere of the year’s end.
I N T Eyear, R N AT I ONAL SC U sculptors LP TUR Efrom SY MPOS Every Korรงa welcomes aroundIUM the world to take part in the International Sculpture in the Park Symposium.As guests of the city, the sculptors work on site, sculpting new stone outdoors in to front of part curious Every year, Korรงa welcomes sculptors fromworks around the world take in visitors and localsSculpture alike.Thein completed works are donated gifts the the International the Park Symposium.As guests ofasthe city,tothe outdoor sculpture in the beautiful Park. This yearly is the sculptors work ongallery site, sculpting new stoneRinia works outdoors in frontevent of curious first of itsand kind in Albania, relatesworks to the tradition visitors locals alike.The and completed areancient donatedlocal as gifts to theof stonework in Korรง in the beautiful Rinia Park. This yearly event is the outdoor sculpture first of its kind in Albania, and relates to the ancient local tradition of stonework in Korรงa.
I N T E R N AT I ONAL P AI NT ER S COLON Y “ V A N G J U SH M I O DAYS” The Painters Colony is held every year in Korça during October and named in honor of the famous Korça painter Vangjush Mio.Painters from Albania and abroad visit the city during this time to create an artist community and paint the scenes of Korça, just as Mio did nearly 100 years ago. For painters, Korça is grand studio, with open space to explore and ample inspiration in its dramatic vistas.The activities aim not only to create a network in the artist community, but also to promote the values of the city.With painters from around the world participating, this event has taken an important place in the cultural calendar of the city.
K O KO F E ST The third edition of Koko Fest came as an artistic marathon in KorçÍ. The Festival of Comedy brought on stage numerous interpretations form Albania and Macedonian theatrical troops . The artists participating in this edition, besides their successful interpretation on stage have revitalized with their presence various parts of the city.
K O R ÇA CU LT U RE DAYS For centuries, Korça has remained as one of the most important cultural centers in Albania.There is no better way to understand this cultural impact than visiting the city’s many museums.Marking the occasion of the National Day of Cultural Heritage, the municipality of Korça organizes the “Korça Culture Days” throughout the month of September, with the goal of promoting the values and cultural heritage of Korça.The program includes a variety of artistic, cultural, and sporting activities for all ages, such as free entrance to all city museums, youth painting exhibitions, photography exhibits, poetry nights, children’s activities and sports games.
K A BA F E ST I VAL 2.0 Kaba Festival brings in Korça city a unique atmosphere through folk music adapted with contemporary genres. Taking place at the Old Bazaar music and cultural heritage are brought together in a special way making possible the performance of famous Albanian artists. During the first edition of the Kaba festival 2.0 participated for the first time in Albania the Italian songwriter, Vinicio Capossela, composer and pianist Robert Bisha etc. At the “Elbasan’s Inn” it was organized or round an hour a selected repertoire which pointed out the most precious elements of our music. The festival was followed by hundred Korça citizens and visitors. It showed great interest for all music lovers rising special emotions rarely experienced.
M O R A VA M OU NT AI N Morava mountain is located to the east of Korรงa with a towering height of 2042 meters (at Badarsho peak), with a length of 30 kilometers and a width of 10.Lying between the valley of Devoll to the east, Korรงa to the west, the Cangonji to the north and Kazan pass to the south (the latter which separates Morava from Gramozi).The average height of the range varies between 1000-1500 meters, with several higher peaks such as High Peak (1878 m), Goat Rock (1573 m) and others.The northern part has two primary ridges, while the southern part has the character of a hillside with glacial relief forms. Morava is the source of several tributary streams to the Devolla and Osum rivers.
NA T I O N AL P ARK : T HE F I R OF DR EN OVA Located just to the southeast of the city of Korรงa, the area of this park is 1,380 hectares.Close to the Greek border, the park is particularly important for encouraging the exchange of flora and fauna with Greece. It is an important preservation area and bio corridor in the Balkan region for bears, wolves and deer.It is also an important alpine and subalpine habitat for pines, beech, fir, and hazelnut, as well as a host of rare plant species.This stunning zone has a great potential for sustainable tourism and visitors interested in wilderness experiences in Albania.draws visitors to Korรงa for its wild and natural beauty, though the health of the park is in danger due to over foresting.
CITY HILLS At the foot of the Morava mountains are the rugged hills surrounding Korรงa, making its crown.Close to the city, these hills give the impression of a handsome balcony looking out over the city.During winter these hills are covered in snow, and present a unique potential for developing alpine tourism minutes from the city center.During the summer, they are a great attraction for visitors, providing an easily accessed way to stretch legs and gain a stunning view of the city, the Korรงa valley and surrounding mountains.
GOAT ROCK Goat Rock is a natural sandstone rock formation located inside Bozodovec Park in Drenovë commune close to Korça.It is known for its unique shape, which some say resembles a camel kneeling on the ground. Others claim it resembles a sacrificed goat—giving the monument its name. The rock is about 20-25 meters long, and as tall as it is wide-about 10 meters.It is made of sandstone, shaped over the ages by the forces of wind and erosion.It has great value as a scientific resource a teaching tool, and a beautiful tourist attraction.It can be included as part of the Korça – Drenovë - Bozdovec itinerary.
K O R ÇA B Y B IC Y C L E Cycling is one of the best alternative ways to get around the Korça region.Now is the time to discoverKorça’s magic up close, by pedaling through its 19 itineraries featuring 854 kilometers of routes through cities, pastoral landscapes, unspoiled lakeshores, and picturesque vistas where you can stop for a moment to take in the amazing views.
The level of difficulty is medium to hard, and the elevation varies from 832.1 m to 1253.5 m above sea level. The road is paved. Along the Korça-Voskop itinerary you will cycle through a leveled terrain which is defined by countless orchards. The incline starts once leaving Voskop towards Voskopoja. At the top of the incline, surrounded by mountains and hugged by soft hills covered in evergreens you will find Voskopoja. This famed middle age city is known for its academics, library and the press that date back to the 1700s. You will be able to visit the numerous churches and monasteries in this village as well as enjoy the relaxing nature and tourist services. Voskopoja is a living museum for writers, students and historians alike and continues to be the cradle of culture and sets the pace for tourism. A truly memorable stop. The return trip is slow with the backdrop of Mount Morava and right at its base the Plain and the city of Korça. You can cycle through this itinerary with any kind of bicycle.
» DIS TAN CE 15 KM The cycling of the afternoon is a medium difficulty itinerary with a distance of 15 km and the road is completely paved. It starts in the city of Korça and reaches a maximum elevation of 1305 m as you climb Mount Morava. You head towards Erseka and 3 kilometers in, you take a left toward Drenova. The road takes you through the charming Village of Drenova and then through the furthest neighborhoods of the Village of Mborje, to finally get you to the Ristoz Church, the oldest cultural monument in the Korça Region. The incline that leads to the Kennedy hills is not that easy. At this time you have two choicesmake a right towards the top of Morava at the Shën’Dëllinë e Mborjes or get back down to Korça. The first option offers the best views of the city and Korça Valley but it requires strong knees to get you there. The second option offers you a quiet sunset with a calm pulse and the chance to get home in five minutes.
» DISTAN CE 22 KM The cycling of the apples is 22 km long and has an elevation ranging from 832 m to 903 m above sea level. It is characterized by a flat relief, rich in agricultural lands and orchards especially apples thus the name of trail. It starts in Korça and follows the national axis towards Erseka. It veers to the right and goes through cultivated lands west of the city. The trail goes through the villages of Qatrom, Polenë, Voskop, Goskovë, Turan, and Ravonik. This is a low difficulty trail since the relief is flat and the road is paved. The trail becomes more picturesque as you approach Polena. This itinerary is ideal for different age groups and does not require any specific training. Perfect, for the whole family. In the springtime you can enjoy the flowering apple and cherry trees, in the summer the cool under the trees and in autumn the foliage and harvest. You can choose to take a break in Polena or in one of the many coffee bars in Voskop to relax and strike a conversation with the locals before going back to Korça.
Visit the Pedestrian Zone and Panoramic Tower Visit the City Museums Enjoy the cultural heritage of the Old Bazaar Relax and cycle in the “Rinia” Park Visit the old neighborhoods and characteristic houses Enjoy a traditional meal at the city's restaurants Entertain yourself during weekend evening with serenades Do not miss night life in the bars of the city Do a panoramic tour at the city hills Stop and see a film at Cinema Imperial Majestic Visit “Morava” Honey Farm
the sounds of
GE O G R AP HI C P OSI T I ON Voskopoja is a village 20 kilometers from Korça, located between GorÍs and Oparit.The village is surrounded by high hills fern-filled forests.The climate in Voskopoja is cool in the winter and cold and snowy in the winter, making it a perfect setting for natural ski pistes.Known for the curative properties of its clean air, this village is regarded by many as a pearl of the Albanian landscape. The history of Voskopoja began in the 14th century, though it was not until the 17th century that it gained fame throughout the region for its progress in culture and education. At its peak, Voskopoja boasted 24 churches rich with frescoes, of which 7 are still left intact.
HI S T O R Y Voskopoja has been known for centuries as a prosperous center of Albania and the Balkan region for economic, cultural and artistic development.Existing as a crossroad of trade between the east and the west, Voskopoja flourished as a crossroads. The city center of Voskopoja was believed to be founded in 1330 by a community comprised primarily of ethnic Vlachswith a minority of Albanians.The Church of Saint Friday, built up on a hill (which was eventually rebuilt after falling into ruin), was the first building to be constructed, surrounded by the first houses. The richness of the city was built by the hands of the countless church architects, iconostasis masters, and masters of icons and frescos including David Selenica, the Zografi brothers from Korça, and Konstandin Lermonaku. The masterworks of these artists have resisted time, war, and damage at human hands to remain as a testament to the splendor of old Voskopoja. Voskopoja is also an important cite for the development of language, culture and byzantine art.Much of this owes to the fact that it was granted special status under the Ottoman Empire to build and develop a city.With this status, the construction of 24 Byzantine style churches and a monastery was made possible, as well as their painted frescoes, arches and domes that still amaze visitors.A further critical landmark for the city was the development of the “New Academyâ€? school which educated and housed thousands of students.Just as important was the construction of the first printing press in the region, which brought to light the knowledge of philosophers and European scholars held in library, developing the language and further fostering development in the city to eventually include countless fine stone houses, an orphanage, bridges, and cobbled streets. As an important cultural center in the region, many languages were spoken in Voskopoja, including Aromanian, Albanian and Greek (the last being the dominate language of culture at the time).
CU S T O M S AND T RADI T I ON S Over the years, Voskopoja has created many local traditions and customs that continue to preserved.The foundation for this preservation has long been the 24 churches in the city, which elevated Voskopoja as an important liturgical education center, as well as an important city for the preservation and spread of the Albanian language, as well as the preservation of cultural and historical heritage and customs. Voskopoja is known for its tradition of handicrafts created out of natural materials and based on the work by generations of artisans from the city.In particular, woodwork, handspun woolen clothing, and other crafts are prized in the region. With the historical presence of the library, Academy, cobblestone streets, famous painters including David Selenica, Kavalioti, Grigori and others, the rich traditions of its people and its countless craftsmen, Voskopoja became and remains a critical cultural center for Albania and the region.
T RAD I T I O NAL HOLI DAYS The Voskopoja tourist season opens every year on 24 June with a fair organized at the Monastery of St. John.Additional festivals include the Summer’s Day celebration, Christmas, and others.
T RAD I T I O NAL C U I SI NE The summer season in Voskopoja always attracts many tourists, who are drawn to the prospect of walks in the morning or evening, clean air to breathe, fresh water from the natural springs, and to camp or go on other excursions. Away from the noise, heat, dust and work stress of the city, Voskopoja is also a rich escape for culinary delights of the region.You can’t visit without trying the wood fired lakror, spit-roasted lamb, plum raki, creamy and pungent cheese crepes, local traditional pastas, sausages and other dishes.
CH U R C H ES OF VOSK OP O J A From the 22 former churches, five churches and one monastery, not very far from the current village, have survived in Voskopoja. The churches, all of them the basilica type, suffered damaged through plundering and vandalism, and from the two World Wars, when they were turned into ammunition depots. A powerful earthquake, which struck the area in 1960, added further damage. In recent years, the churches and the monastery at Voskopoja were renovated. Your journey here may start from the centre of the village, where you will see its first churches. To enter the church, you will have to look for their guardian, who is living somewhere near the centre of the village, or, better, for the village priest. Overall, the local inhabitants are hospitable and cheerful, happy to assist with anything. In Voskopoja you could drive around in a car. However, you will probably like it more if you walk up to the churches. You will have a chance to listen to old ecclesiastical stories, and admire real life and nature at Voskopoja. The surviving churches in Voskopoja include:
S T . N I C H O LAS C HU RC H St. Nicholas Church is located in the center of the village, and is the most important church displaying all of the architectural elements of the post-Byzantine Basilica style.This church has every important element: nave, narthex, arcade and chambers. It was constructed between 1721 and 1722. Frescoes showing around 1000 biblical figures are preserved in the church. Inside walls of the church were painted by one of the most well-known artists of that time, David Selenica. In 1750, the porch to the church was painted by two outstanding painters, who lived in the same century. They were Constantine and Athanas Zografi, two brothers from Korça. These artists contributed to painting the most important churches of the time, including Mount Athos, the holy place of Orthodoxy. They have also left their imprints on other churches in the neighbouring villages.The works here by the Zografi brothers picture the Apocalypse cycle—in some ways a mirror of their work in the church of Thanas, but with its own unique elements. In the earthquake of 1960, the arcade was seriously damaged and separated 28 cm from the nave.Much of this damage was repaired during a successful restauration attempt in 1962.The iconostasis was created by the master Konstantin Leromaku between 1722 and 1726, one of the most famous masters of the 18th century.Today, a portion of the original iconography is housed in Korça’s Museum of Medieval Art. 65
S T . M AR Y C HU RC H This is the largest church in town, and has served as its cathedral.Built in 1699, today it includes a number of “basilica” features including arches, domes, and a bell tower (the current tower, now standing over the entrance, which was built in 1887 with contributions from the local community.The World Wars, and in particular, the 1960 earthquake, brought damage to the church. However, it has been subject to important renovation work. Inside, the church boasts paintings from 1712 created by the hands of Agrafa, Theodor, Anagnost and Steriani.Part of St. Mary Church incorporates the older church of St. Marine, much of what is now destroyed (the central nave and chambers remain, incorporated into the current church).The church iconography, incorporating the Akathist Hymn, includes 24 scenes dedicated to St. Mary.
S T . T H A N A S C HU RC H The Church of St. Thanas is built on top of a hill with the same name, and has also served for many years as Voskopoja’s cemetery.The church is the fourth of the same type—a basilica with domed roof—built in Voskopoja.Built in the years 1721-1724, with the nave completed in 1722 and the arcade finished in 1721.The paintings in the nave and arcade were finished in June of 1745, by Konstantin and Athanas, brothers from Korça.The icons in the nave stand out for their unique subject matter, a deep examination of martyrs and saints including depictions of their prophecies and visions, and macabre torture.The icons in the arcade display the cycle of the Apocalypse, a common theme for the time. The narthex of this church was destroyed in the earthquake of 1960.
C H U R C H OF P ROP HET I L IAS It is a small church located south-east of the town. It was constructed in 1751.
T R I N I T Y CHU RC H To reach the church, from the centre of the village take the road leading to the Monastery, northeast. For your convenience, do ask the locals one more time before you starting the journey. Only 500 metres down the road, you will reach the pleasant church. This is the Trinity Church, which was constructed after the town developed into a flourishing place. A very beautiful two-storeyed bell tower is found in front of it. The church is under renovation.
C H U R C H OF T HE ARC HA N GELS GAB R IEL AN D MICH AEL This church, known in short form as St. Michael’s, is a basilica style church with a domed roof and frescoes that draw continued interest.Completed around the year 1696, its frescoes were painted in 1722 by an unknown artist and are valued for their technical achievement. The church is built on the ruins of two previous churches, which were unable to resist the forces of time over the centuries.While the vestibule was mostly destroyed during the earthquake of 1960, visitors can still see the nave and narthex of one of the most important churches in the city.
S T . J O H N T HE BAP T I ST MON ASTERY The Monastery of St. John the Baptist was founded in the 14th century.During the blossoming of Voskopoja in the 17th and 18th centuries, it became one of the important economic supporters of the Archiepiscopate of Ohrid. The church of the monastery was built in 1632 according to the Athon style with a cross-shaped plan covered by ahigh dome.The interior of the church was painted with icons in 1659, while the narthex was completed and painted in the end of the 17th century, or the beginning of the 18th century. The church and grounds of the monastery were damaged during a heavy bombardment of Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
W H A T T O DO I N VOSK OPOJ A ? Visit the churches and basilicas of post-byzantine style in Voskopoja Explore natural trails Walk in the characteristic stone streets of Voskopoja Do not miss a horse ride Do not go away without tasting the traditional and bio food, and drinking the traditional drinks Camping
GE O G R AP HY Vithkuq is located 26 km to the southwest of the city of Korรงa. The mountain climate, cold in the winter and cool in the summer, is known for its curative properties.The population is nearly 1000, with 230 families.The area of the zone is approximately 195 square kilometers, with an elevation of 1230 meters.The highest point in the region is Rrungaja peak, at 1750 meters.The terrain is rugged and varied, and the village is surrounded completely by dense forest and shrubs.Here lies the source of the river Osum, which pervades the entire landscape and forms a basin that includes all the waters of the numerous resources in the country. Near the village is the artificial lake Gjancit, which has many different types of fish. Vithkuq boasts forests of beech, oak and pine, which are full of wild animals, such as: bears, wolves, foxes, deer, rabbits, the wild Balkan lynx and wild birds. This special place is also home to many medicinal plants such as juniper, wild rose, mountain tea, linden flowers, hollyhock, zhumblica, Basan flowers, elder flowers and others. There is also a public high school which bears the name of a famous Vithkuqar named Saint Veqilharxhi.
HI S T O R Y Vithkuq is an ancient Illyrian township. Although it is relatively unexplored, it dates back as an inhabited center from the Iron Period until the second century B.C. Proof of this is the towers which were erected to safeguard the region, such as that of Boshanjit, Bellovodes and Leshnjes, as well as the tombs in the old quarters of Vithkuq: Qyran and Qyrshas. In documents, Vithkuq is mentioned as a township in the Principality of Muzakajve from the 15th Century, but archaeological evidence from the first church built in Vithkuq in 1162, that of Saint Athanasius, suggests that Vithkuq has been a township from as far back as the 12th Century. Under Ottoman rule, Vithkuq was registered as the property of Mirahor Iljaz Beut from 1484-1504. The first census registration contains data showing that Vithkuq used to be much more densely populated, with 343 Christian families registered on the 1568-1570 Census. In the 17th- 18th Centuries, it was known as a developed city and at its peak it had 24 neighborhoods with a population that ranged from 12,000-15,000 inhabitants. Aside from the first church (The Church of St. Athanasius) there were 17 other churches, 3 monasteries and a central Metropole. According to the data, there was a school equal to that of Voskopoje. In the years 1781-1819-1923, the city of Vithkuq suffered 3 major Diasporas, which reduced it to a small city with only 13 families. Around 1856, Vithkuq bounced back and appeared to have more than 150 houses and the 3 neighborhoods which remain to this day. The population of Vithkuq migrated throughout the country and abroad, forming villages filled with Vithkuqar (Mandrica in Bulgaria, Lehova in Greece, etc.)
C U S T O M S AND T RADI T I O N S Vithkuqar are a loving and gentle people with an ancient inherited culture, but also imported from Europe, particularly from America. Vithkuqar families live very well, because the family environment is warm, clean, beautifully ordered and the cooking is very good. The characteristic dress of men and women is very nice. Vithkuq women do very good work with fine wool which they use to make carpet and other woven materials. The hospitality, generosity and warmth of the Vithkuqar create a lovely atmosphere for guests.
T R AD I T I ONAL F EST I VALS In Vithkuq very beautiful family-friendly festivals are organized as well as traditional festivals with a more religious character, for example: Fair of Saint Peter (29 June) and Saint Nicodemus, which is the festival of solidarity “Brothers of Vithkuq” on 10 July.
C H AR A C TERI ST I C C OOK IN G It is a pleasure to have a table filled with roasted meat and dairy, which have a special taste of Vithkuq and are well-paired with the local liqueur: plum brandy (or raki).While eating, it is nice to hear traditional folk songs from which have resisted foreign influences, or see boys and girls dancing the circle dance of Dados which can only be found in Vithkuq. All of us has tasted or heard the call in the market: “Nuts from Vithkuq” which are renowned throughout the Korça region.
CU L T U R A L AND HI ST ORI CAL MON UMEN TS OF VITH KUQ The main landmarks of the village are churches. The first church was built in Vithkuq in 1162. It is said that this is the church of Saint Athanasius. After this church, they built many others (18 in total). Each of these has its value, but the most sublime are: the Monastery of Saint Peter, The Monastery of Saint Nicholas, and Saint Minait and the Metrople of Saint Mill. Of these churches 8 have been maintained or renovated since the foundation: Saint Peter, Kozma Damianov or Qimitiri, Saint Constantine, Vangjelizmoi, Saint Mill, Saint George, Saint Dell, and Saint Maria or Madonna. A recently set up church is that of Saint Nicodemus. The church of Saint Peter is an important landmark of historical and religious value which was built in the 18th Century around 1764-1773. It is filled with magnificent frescoes and around 2,000 pictures, all of made with contributions from the Vithkuqar themselves and created by Vithkuqar masters who had worked in Venice, such as: Dhima Dukasi, Hari Venetiku, Dine Krekasi, Vaso Sumbulla, Kule Deti, etj. The design of the church was that of Vithkuqar Than Lena along with his son Gjike Lena. It should be mentioned that in this monastery was a famous library in which books were preserved in Printed Voskopoje, among them the “Logical Kavaljoti Treaty�. Next to Saint Peter is a church of a special nature, that of Kozma Damiano, in which the bones of the dead were laid. Also noteworthy is the church of Saint Mill of Vithkuq which, aside from its rare beauty, preserves treasured frescoes inside, painted by the Painters and Artists who painted the most churches. The most important monuments in Vithkuq are the bridges which were the majority of the roads in Vithkuq, but the most special are: The Lias Bridge (in the Lias neighborhood) and, at the entrance of Vithkuq, Zotos Bridge.In Vithkuq there are many fountains, a few of which were built with rare artistry; for example that of Nasto Kroi, Micucit, Kurtiqi, and Dry Walnuts. Vithkuq is also notable for its natural monuments: the Linden of Saint Peter and the Poplar of Saint Mill.
Visit Vithkuq churches Explore natural trails Tour the countryside Do not go away without enjoying the traditional local food and drink the raki of the zone Climbing the mountain
G EOGR A P H IC P O S IT IO N Dardha is a beautiful mountain village located 20 km to the southeast of Korça, tucked between the hills of St. Peter, Autumn Rock, and other hills.This tourist village offers an ideal climate, with rich mountain air providing a refreshing retreat during the whole year.The large snowfall in the winter and ski piste (including one with a lift) are perfect for winter sports, especially skiing.Another attraction is the natural sulfur springs, known for its power to cure stomach and kidney ailments.
H I S TOR Y Dardha (meaning Pear in Albanian) takes its name from the Albanian language expression “The pear fruit falls under the pear tree” , and was founded around 1600.In the year 1768, the first school was open, and the city reached its peak in 1913-1936, with around 500 houses.From the year 1800, Dardha has been known in the region for its woordwork, beautiful traditional clothing, and felt crafts. The village is also known for a special style of axe constructed there, known as the “Dardha Axe”.At one point, Dardha had three churches, of St. Thanas, St. George, and St. Peter. Today, the economy of Dardha relies heavily on tourism.
CU S TOMS A N D T RA D IT I O N S Dardha is known in particular for its traditional folk clothing and wood work.
T R A D I TI O NA L H O L ID A Y S The most important holiday in Dardha have traditional been the feasts of St. Mary and St. Peter, which have attracted visitors from all around the world.The Feast of St. Mary is celebrated on August 16.The Feast of St. Peter is organized every year in a beautiful forest at the church of St. Peter, built on a living stone.During these ceremonies, locals form Dardha dance the traditional circle dances from the region, wearing their black and red folk costumes adorned with silver jewelry.
T RAD I T I ONAL C U I SI NE. Dardha is known for its pickling and conserves of local fruits, vegetables, and meats. It is also known for its lakror (savory pie) baked in a specially designed woodfire oven, as well as its uniquely flavored twice-distilled wild plum raki.In Dardha, almost all food is fresh, organic, and produced locally by the residents of the city.
A T T R AC T IONS Dardha was built with traditional houses of stone walls packed with earth.In the outskirts of the village are newer buildings and a contemporary luxury hotel. Another characteristic of the city are its rustic cobblestone roads.A small museum shows the history and heritage of the village.Another great attraction for tourists are the opportunities for outdoor and nature activities.Ski slopes (including one piste with a lift) present opportunities for winter sports, especially skiing. The natural spring waters of Dardha are known throughout the region for the curative properties, especially the sulfur spring.The Sulfur Spring and other natural spring waters are used by locals to treat anemia, stomach problems, kidney problems, and other illnesses.
Visit Dardha churches Explore natural trails Tour the countryside Do not forget to visit "Uji I qelbur’� (dirty water) Do not go away without enjoying the traditional local food and drink the famous plum raki Ski in winter Climbing the mountains
G E O G R AP HI C P OSI T I ON Boboshtica is an important tourist destination at the mountain foothills.It stands out for its beautiful surrounding nature, clean air and natural springs, diverse vegetation and centuries-old hardwood trees, oak and coniferous forests, and medicinal plants.The rich surrounding terrain provides the possibility for recreational and outdoor sports such as walking, jogging, cycling, hiking, skiing, and even parachute jumping.
HISTORY Small stone houses with unique architecture, bridges, public wells, cobblestones streets and public squares offer tourists the ability to see firsthand the unique culture and history of the city.
C U S T O M AND T RADI T I ON Boboshtica is famous for two things:the ancient dialect of Albanian still spoken by residents, and the ancient mulberry trees that are still used to make the famous yellow-green mulberry raki.Many residents of Boboshtica still live in the old-style house, producing the handwoven carpets traditional to the region.
T R A D I T I ONAL HOLI DAYS The biggest holidays in Boboshtica are the Feast of Saint Mary on August 15 and the “Rosica�, a traditional holiday where the women of Boboshtica celebrate in folk costume.
T R A D I T I ONAL C U I SI NE Boboshtica is renowned for its wealth of excellent restaurants and taverns that serve traditional food such as lakror, cheese crepes, and different meats.Rosicat Restaurant offers a rich menu with traditional foods and an inviting atmosphere, sure to leave an impression.
A T T R AC TI ONS Visitors can see cultural monuments such as the museum, the 1000 year-old Monastery of St. Mary, and other old features. On a hill to the east of the village, one finds the Monastery of St. Nicholas, while to the northwest is the Church of St. John, originally built in the 12th century and rebuilt in the 15th. Finally, close to groves of mulberry trees, one finds the St. Dmitry Church, built in the 17th century.
M O R A VA HONEY F ARM Morava Honey Farm is another attraction, drawing visitors year round, and is particularly popular with visitors from elsewhere in Europe in the summer. Visitors can enjoy the peaceful farm environment, see the apiary park, and learn about the history production and extraction of honey.Visitors can also enjoy honey tasting accompanied occasionally with honey raki. For 15 years, the Morava farm has been part of an apiculture educational program in connection with Korça’s Fan Noli University.Students in the program visit the farm several times a year to gain hands on knowledge about apiculture and honey production. Address:National Road fromKorça- Kapshticë, Km 6, Plasë Tel: +355 692099013 Web:
Bashkia Korçë
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Bashkia Korçë