1.0 Introduction 1.1
What is the Local Plan?
This draft Local Plan sets out the Council’s development strategy, planning policies and proposals, including site allocations, to guide land use and planning decisions in the District up to 2037. This document is the written statement of the Local Plan and should be read alongside the draft Local Plan Policies Map which provides a visual representation of the Local Plan policies.
The draft Local Plan provides an important strategy for Bassetlaw District. It will play a leading role in delivering sustainable development in appropriate locations and in helping to protect the countryside, important green spaces and the built and natural environment from inappropriate development, thus enhancing the quality of life for people and our communities.
1.2 What does the Local Plan cover? 1.2.1
The Local Plan covers the whole of Bassetlaw District as shown in Figure 1. The Local Plan may be supplemented by more detailed policies and proposals in neighbourhood plans where these are prepared for parts of the District.
1.2.2 The Local Plan explains how many new homes and businesses are needed, where they should be located and how and when they will be delivered. It sets out how the town centres will be supported and improved and also identifies any additional infrastructure (such as new roads and schools) which is needed to support development and explains how this infrastructure will be delivered. 1.2.3
Once adopted, the Local Plan will replace the Bassetlaw Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD (2011)1. Appendix 1 provides a Policies Schedule which shows which Core Strategy policies have been replaced by those in this Plan. On adoption the Local Plan will, along with ‘made’ neighbourhood plans and adopted minerals and waste local plans form the overall development plan for the District.
The Local Plan is the starting point for considering whether planning applications (apart from for minerals and waste development) can be approved. Decisions on planning applications will be taken in accordance with its policies, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Local Plan covers a range of issues and it is likely that several policies will be relevant to any proposed development. It is important therefore that the plan is read as a whole rather than considering policies in isolation.
Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan, November 2020