Celebrating 30 Years Locally Owned. Woman Owned. Advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, a Registered Investment Adviser. 231.941.6669 | HorizonFinancialTC.com | kelly@cfnmail.com 4020 Copper View, Suite 230 | Traverse City, MI 49684 HORIZON FINANCIAL Creating Solutions. Empowering people. Enhancing lives. Let us help your family grow and protect your wealth. 30 Years of Helping Clients Overcome Challenges March 200 0 Tech Bubble 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis Global Covid Pandemic Meet the Team Left: Holly Gallagher, CFP®, BFATM President & Founder Middle: Claudia Rodriguez, MBA, AAMS®, CRPS® Associate Wealth Advisor Right: Kelly Town, FPQPTM Director of Client Services & Operations

FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 1 2 0 2 2 presents the to benefit the Zonta Club of Traverse City! November 10th — November 13th, 2022 Calling all women-led businesses... Join us in creating a joyful, community-focused experience to kick o the holiday season of giving! Learn more and apply to be a Tall Tree Gallery host at goldenfowler.com/fot.

“I work out daily, but during my 40s my shape changed and I ended up with fat around the midsection – just like our patients complain about! Taking care of it was the best decision. My clothes fit better and I got my youthful shape –Rback!”ené, CSLC RN
10% OFF ANYSERVICENEW EXP 11/30/22 your physique Tweak

Slim, shrink, and smooth
Petoskey | Traverse City | Naples | cslcbeauty.com Call or text 231.347.7395 for your complimentary consultation. BioidenticalLaserCoolsculptingLiposuctionMorpheusBodySkinnyShotHormones beforebeforebeforebeforebefore afterafterafterafterafter

She’s talking about Smartlipo (laser-assisted liposuction), by far the most dramatic treatment we offer. I know she’s thrilled not just because of the fat reduction, but because of the simultaneous skin tightening. This in-office treatment is performed in 3 steps (numbing, laser, suction) in one of our 3 medical suites. In just 2-3 hours, you’ll see permanent results with little downtime. In a few weeks, fat is reduced by about 70% on just about any area you can dream of – tummy, love handles, thighs, arms… you name it. You can visit our website, cslcbeauty.com to see more photos.

With age, everyone has body changes, big or small, and our goal is to offer solutions for everyone. In our body treatment suites, we also offer Coolsculpting (the no-downtime fat-freezing treatment), Venus (skin smoother), the Skinny Shot (natural weight loss), bioidentical hormones (to feel like yourself again), and Morpheus8 (skin firming and collagen boosting). When you’re ready for a tweak or transformation, our consultations are complimentary, and many of our team have had Smartlipo and the other treatments, so we have lots of personal stories and experience to guide you.

Advances in body shaping treatments offer inoffice solutions to transform or tweak your body, from permanently eliminating fat to tightening loose skin for people at all ages. At Cosmetic Skin & Laser Center, we’ve offered Coolsculpting, laser liposuction, and skin smoothing treatments for almost 15 years. We’ve tweaked or transformed nearly 10,000 bodies in Petoskey and Traverse City. One of my favorite success stories was a Harbor Springs woman in her late 70s who recently had Smartlipo by our Medical Director, Dr. Gustav Lo, on her love handles. Whenever we see her she reiterates, “Do people know how great this treatment is? My clothes fit again and I never thought they would. Women my age need to know about this!”

mesmerized by the charm of our hometown. Aaaah, summer… It never disappoints. But it sure did fly by.
just said goodbye to graduating seniors leaving our safe haven, spreading their wings as they venture off to college campuses near and far. For the younger ones, first bus rides, first days at kindergarten (where the backpacks are bigger than the kids), then elementary, middle, and high school years. Our kids grow up so fast. These are moments we remember, which leads us into giving you a sneak peek at the feature inside.
1st day of school waiting for the bus with grandad 2014 Teags and Teri

As our epic northern Michigan summer of 2022 slowly comes to an end, I hope yours was filled with magical moments, lingering laughter, and endless cherished time spent with those you love…and lots of ice cream cone trips. One of the highlights of out-of-town company is showing off our beautiful slice of heaven to friends and family. Which gives us the opportunity to take a time out to be a tourist in our own backyard. We did just that with my dad, Mike Fox, and his wife, Val, who came to stay with us from England from June to September. Full disclosure, no one was up for the Dune Climb, but we made sure to be captivated by the breathtaking views at the end of Pierce Stocking Drive. On Grand Traverse West Bay, my husband Tom fulfilled his dream to establish himself as a charter Captain on our sailboat with my dad as his first mate. We love acquainting visitors to the marvelous panorama of Traverse City while sailing along the dazzling blue water. With every sail they were
to life and is saying goodbye to the end of an era. But not before going out with a bittersweet bang. We take you behind the scenes of her big, bold new chapter. It is an exciting venture into unchartered territories and collaborating with her family. Over the past 2 years, they have quite literally “built” it together.
The fast pace of fall jolts us all back into reality and Manyroutine.ofyou

NOTE FROM THE publisher

We are introducing you to Judy Harrison. It’s fun with a blast from the past with moments to remember that will make you smile. Her story is a legacy of one person’s passion to give back to their community in a tremendous way. Fifteen years ago, she brought SwingShift and the Stars

2022 Teags and Teri

Captain Tom with charter guests aboard BAYLIFE on West Bay

Teri Gorsline, Publisher
So, with the lazy days of summer in the rearview mirror, keep looking forward. It’s a crazy world out there these days, so be kind and don’t forget to smile—it’s a powerful thing. Busy times are ahead, but so is the glorious kaleidoscope of the fall foliage. Nature’s last hurrah and moments to remember. Magazine
“We do not remember days, we remember moments.” – Cesare Pavese
FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 5 www.toms-foodmarkets.com 5 Convenient Locations Right In Your Neighborhood West Bay • East Bay • 14th Street • Interlochen • Northport Local Fall Apples Getting ready for back to school atThe Peninsula Community Library -William, Katja, Lily and Isabella

6 FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE departments 10 ON THE TOWN 16 MOVER & SHAKER Christal Frost-Anderson 18 LOCAL SCOOP 20 LOCAL DISH 22 BEHIND THE DISH Modern Bird 24 WICKED GOOD EATS Blackstar Farms Hearth & Vine 26 HOME GROWN & LOCAL Folgarelli’s Market & Wine Shop 28 TRENDING NOW 30 STYLE IN THE CITY 44 A VIEW FROM ABOVE by Michigan Sky Media 46 HOME STYLE 48 PROJECT HOME 62 THEN & NOW 64 NORTHERN ENCOUNTERS by Todd and Brad Reed Photography features 32 LIGHTS – CAMERA – ACTION Judy Harrisons local charity event, Swingshift and the Stars is celebrating 15 years with its final season. We celebrate the memories, plus introduce you to her next big thing. 50 A TRADITION AMONG THE TREES Welcome inside the Morrison family castle on Green Lake PHOTOGRAPH BY MITCHELL HARRISON - TWINLIGHT PRODUCTIONS LIVING THE DREAM IN TRAVERSE CITY FALL 2022 contents PHOTOGRAPH BY ANDREW ZECCHINI Z&Z VISUAL

FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 7 226 E. Mitchell St, Petoskey, MI 49770 New location! 236 E Front St, Traverse City, MI 49684 Visit our website to view our complete photo gallery. glennwoodcustombuilders.com | 231.439.9103 Custom Builders

DESIGN + CONSTRUCTION work best when Bay Area Contracting and BAC Design Group collaborate and forge their ideas together. Our showroom is open to the public Monday - Thursday 10am to 3pm. Call us at 231.941.0014 to schedule a consultation. bac-tc.com | bacdesigntc.com

BAYLIFE Magazine Number 63 is a bi-monthly publication of BAY BREEZE Media, LLC. Advertising Rates available at baylifenorth. com. or calling 231-715-6088. BAYLIFE Magazine is a controlled subscription, direct mailed to 8000 affluent homes located on Old Mission Peninsula, Wayne Hill, Slabtown, Traverse City, Incochee and distributed to locations throughout the Grand Traverse Bay and Northern Michigan. BAYLIFE Magazine is owned exclusively by BAY BREEZE Media, LLC. 2022. All content of this publication is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part for any reason without prior approval of the publisher. BAYLIFE Magazine is family owned and is a registered trademark of BAY BREEZE MEDIA, LLC.
Dan Jonkhoff Funeral Director Emeritus Retired, Peg Jonkhoff Administrative Director, and daughters Christy Jonkhoff-Hater and Lindsey (Jonkhoff) Rogers) Funeral Directors, CFSP, 6th generation co-owners

Hannah Ryder
Teri teri@baylifenorth.comGorsline Betsie by Tyler Leipprandt, Michigan Sky Media
BayLife Magazine is a family owned, Traverse City based publication with over 37 years’ experience in the industry. We are proud to be 100% made in Traverse City, Michigan.
Teri and Tom Gorsline
Tom editor@baylifenorth.comGorsline
Tom Gorsline, Todd and Brad Reed Photography, Mike Drilling – Windborne, John Russell – Great Lakes Images Photography Michigan Sky Media, Mitchell Harrison – Twinlight Productions
Bethany www.bethanydesigntc.comGulde

BAY BREEZE MEDIA LLC 10966 S West Bay Shore Drive Traverse City, MI 231-715-608849684 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR AND INQUIRIES editor@baylifenorth.com@BayLifeMagazine@BayLifeMagazine 808 South Garfield Avenue Suite B, Traverse City MI 49686 | 231.947.7040 | www.homecabinetryandinteriors.com Re ady ... Set ... Bake! Our mission is to help you “feel @ home”!MATTE + GLOSS

Rachelle Robinson, Todd and Brad Reed Hannah Ryder, Christal Frost Anderson Darric Newman, Andy Elliott
Today Tomorrow.and


Bob Streit, Joyce and Bill Sawczuk, Lynn Streit

The SymphonyTraverseOrchestra
Sharon Edson, Virg Mouch, Carrie Murphy
Lynne and Rick Church, Jane Rhodes, Dominic Fortuna

Don and Pam Kegley
Nancy and Ray Ludwa, Dorothy Clore, Gladys Maguire
Betsy Childs, Kendrick Merwin
Sumit Sengupta, Cassie Brooks, Suzanne and Kent Mueller

Joe Beyer, Beth Mulligan

Suzanne Albrecht, Christine Peterson,Sherri and Graydon DeCamp

Harry and Tracy Faulkner
Al and Susan Cogswell
Carol LaPorte, Charles Murphy

Al Jordan, Jessica Noe, Ward Lamphere
Ross and Brenda Biederman
70th Anniversary Starlight Spectacular Hagerty Center 1, ON THE TOWN
Bernie and Donna Rubin
FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 11 GOLF . SWIM . GATHER . DINE { Dining, sporting, social activities at your leisure. } Contact our Membership Director Susan McElduff for information. susanl@tcgcc.comTCGCC.COM231.947.0985 All of the fun, none of the planning. Yes, please! Stuffinessnotincluded! Enjoy everything the CLUB has to offer in a beautiful, private escape. Golf and Social Memberships Looking for a great way to connect with other families and professionals? We offer individual and family memberships. Ask about our amenities and additional benefits. TRAVERSECopperAesthetics.com231.929.7700CITY | PETOSKEY Christopher C. Jeffries, MD, FACS Trevor K. O’Brien, MD Ryan S. Burke, MD Plastic and Reconstructive HIGHLIGHTSurgery THE IN YOU SEPTEMBERMOXISPECIALS 20% off a single treatment RESTYLANE FILLER Buy 2 vials, get 1 free Specials are valid in Petoskey and Traverse City through September 30, 2022. May not be combined with other offers.

Lauren Brandstatter and Ginger KadlecSeth and Beth JohnsonAmandaReginaRencowictzJaeger
Annual Garden Party
Olivia and Marty Lagina, Haley Bennet
Cal Carr and Jayne Mohr Jordan and Christal Frost Anderson

Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center

The Lagina Family Building July 20, 2022
Teri Gorsline, Ginger Kadlec, Tracy Faulkner Patrick Witham, Jayne Mohr, Pat Warner, Lisa Migazzi, Lisa Witham
Bill Brott, Sakura Takano, Kate Glancy, Steve Wade, Tifini McClyde-Blythe, Kathy Huschke, Seth Johnson
Jason Allen, Suzanne Miller Allen, Christal Frost Anderson

Charlie and Karen Browne

Annelle Kapor, Pat Lewallen, Rhonda Estes

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Zonta Club of Traverse City Hats Off To Women Luncheon Traverse City Golf & Country Club May 25, 2022

Melissa Sole, Susan Noakes, Susan Maasberg, Vickie Maurer
Susan Sheldon, Mary Jo Zazueta, Kat Hanson
Marina and Warren Call with daughterSofia
Mary Bales, Dayna Ryan, Colleen Fowler, Denine Dingeman, Rhonda Estes, Maryann Rivers
Arlene Nelson
Sarah Kuschell Masak, Teri Gorsline, Peg Jonkhoff
Outstanding Woman Leader Awardee Debbie Dacey with Susan Maasberg
Cathie Martin, Rhonda Estes, Joan Boyd
Ann Maples Scholorship Recipient Annabelle Fortine - Young Women in Public Affairs Recipient Sofia Call
Heather Burson
Custom Order FurnitureProfessional Design218ServicesEastFront Street, Traverse City | www.NestOfGrandTraverse.com231.946.0232

Jennifer Ringl, Allied ASID

Lately I’ve been drawn to Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote about the violence of silence. “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people.”
You recently made a big career change from talk radio host at WTCM for 10 years to your new position at TBCAC. What inspired the move?
Who’s your biggest role model?
What would your husband, Jordan, tell us about you?
At the TBCAC, we help children and their families speak their truth and heal. But, we’ve also engaged in a public will campaign that is working to influence society and meet people where they are to help them discover the truth about child sexual abuse and how each of us can help end it for good.
Are there any words of wisdom you live by?
Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I’ve stopped thinking too much about the future. Here in my middle years, I’m trying hard to stay focused on the present!
Tell us something that would surprise us about you?
Honestly, it might sound trite, but I think the person who has inspired me most is the little girl I used to be. She had to endure. She had to stay silent for so many years. She is my hero. Everything I do today is for her and the countless others who bravely and, all too often, silently suffered.
Photographed on location at Willow Winery

What is your biggest strength?
I hope he will tell you that he loves me and my quirky sense of humor, and that I’m creative and loving– but he might just tell you that I make good meatloaf.
What do people need to know about this organization?
Is it an oxymoron to say my greatest strength is humility? Just kidding, I think my greatest strength is my ability to make dumb jokes.
I never thought I would leave WTCM. I loved my time there and I am eternally grateful to Ross Biederman and Chris Warren for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and my life over the airwaves for ten years. The TBCAC has been an extremely important part of my life since they opened in 2010. I am a survivor of child sexual abuse, and I understand how incredibly life altering it can be to speak your truth and face your accuser. It is OUR COLLECTIVE problem. When a child in our community is hurt, we are all hurt. So, When TBCAC CEO Ginger Kadlec reached out to me about this position, I felt an almost fateful feeling of mission–that I was meant to make this move and further help people understand that every one of us plays a role in protecting children now and in the future.
I consider the cast of the TV show “Community” to be my real friends.
FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 17 KITCHENSDesignedtobenoticed.|BATHROOMS|BARS|FIREPLACES|OFFICES | PANTRIES | CLOSETS | LAUNDRY | MUDROOMS 11744 US HWY 31 South Williamsburg, MI | 213.264.8603 | nowakcabinets.com of Elk Rapids Ikebana International Traverse City Chapter #165 50th Year Celebration 50 Years of ‘Friendship in Flowers’ October 5, 2022 at 11am Traverse City Country Club 1725 S. Union Street • Presentation of “The Seven Grasses Of Autumn” • Ikebana LuncheonInspired • Japanese YasuCeremonyTeabyIkuma • IkenoboArrangementDemonstration by Lynn Brow • Exhibit Of membersArrangementsIkebanabyour • Japanese Cultural Display The Public Is Welcome. $36.00 Per Person. Send Reservations by Sept. 26 to: Ikebana International Chapt. #165 2826 Crescent Shores Drive, Traverse City, MI 49685 Check of $36 Payable to: Ikebana International Chapter #165

4033 Eastern Sky, Traverse City kuhnrogers.com
Trusted local law firm Kuhn Rogers has moved from Old Town to Up Town overlooking Traverse City, high on the hill of Copper Ridge. “It was a move born out of necessity,” laughs Partner Joe Quandt. “We built the old building 22 years ago and over the last five years we have doubled in size from 9 lawyers to 17. We had cannibalized the conference room and converted every closet possible.” The timing was perfect too—when fellow partners Marc McKellar and Dave Glenn suggested the property, that very day the price had significantly dropped. “It’s exciting to transition into the new place.” With room for everyone to spread their wings they can continue their exceptional level of diversified service. “We pride ourselves on delivering value.”

Moving on Up
Dr. Rebecca Hoffman of Cherry Bend Family Care has been helping people feel better for 16 years! But with her brand-new business, Cherry Bend Health & Wellness, she’s added the cherry on top—launching weight loss and aesthetics services right next door. “People ask me about their weight all the time and about all manners of skin stuff.” As she explored the idea, she realized a lot of nurses were burnt out. “I suggested, let’s do stuff that makes people actually feel really good about themselves, but with medical grade products and medically trained staff.” All the magic happens adjacent to her family practice. She purchased the building over the pandemic, overhauling it with a chic makeover. Hiring a staff of 5, she oversees operations as the Medical Director. Pretty smart: with her existing practice, she has a loyal built-in clientele wanting to look good and feel good. The new clinic also offers injectables, peels and facials, micro-needling, and body sculpting. “We’re the only place in Leelanau County that is doing this.”

Cherry on Top
10223 E. Cherry Bend Rd., Traverse City cherrybendhealthandwellness.com
18 FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE
FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 19 Experience the Schulz Ortho Difference 231-929-3200 | SCHULZORTHO.COM Invisalign and custom esthetic braces treatment Call for free consultation Fall in Love with PerfecttheSmile Here Hfor ere for you! you! ^Non deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services L P (“CFS ) a registered broker dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union and may involve investment risk, including possible loss of principal Investment Representatives are registered through CFS TBA Credit Union has contracted with CFS to make non deposit investment products and services available to credit union members Financial Planning Investment Management Retirement Income Strategies Portfolio Reviews Visit tbacu.com to schedule a no obligation consultation today! Andrew Maniaci, CFS Financial Advisor 231-932-8378 507 Bay Street, Traverse City, MI 49684 Book on line at www.TheNewLookOfOrganic.comACompleteHolisticHairCareandColorSystem The Results You Deserve.ReneHills.com 511 E. Front St., Traverse City 231-429-2936 For results today, call Rene! Rene Hills Associate rene@renehills.comBroker

Friday, Oct 7, 2022
Backpacks – Books – Bikes
Shaken Not Stirred
Speakeasy 2021 Theme - Off to the Races

Fundraiser Season
Location: Governors Hall, Grand Traverse Resort & Spa Black Tie Event For tickets: Hom.org

To Benefit Mt. Holiday Location: Mt. Holiday Mt-holiday.com -
Gladhander 2022Celebrate the Music
Thursday, Oct 13, 2022
Location: St. Francis High School Gym Gtacs.org
Location: Traverse City Golf & Country Club Tcsunriserotary.org
Which means dressing up, eating and drinking for great causes. Mark your calendars, book your babysitters and reserve your tickets. Raise those paddles high.
To Benefit Hospice of Michigan
LOCAL DISH 2021 Theme - An Evening with Hemingway 2021 Theme
Dinner in the Hills - Oktoberfest
Saturday, Oct 15, 2022
Hosted by: Traverse Bay Sunrise Rotary Club

Saturday, Oct 29, 2022

Unquely prepared with elegant simplicity. in prepared with simplicity.
The Village of The Grand Traverse Commons. 231.252.4648 R e dSpireBrunchHouse.com Breakfast,Classic.Simple.Brunch&LunchClassics Unquely
We've got a home equity loan for that. Our Legendary Steaks, Seafood and Prime Rib Have Made Us a Northern Michigan Landmark Hours: Monday - Thursday 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM Friday - Saturday 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM

R U N N I N G O U T O F R O O M ?
FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 21 Breakfast,Classic.Simple.Brunch&LunchClassics

Closed Tuesdays February –April Weekdays 8am - 3pm Satu r day - Sun day 9am -3pm Located in the Mercato in The Village of The Grand Traverse Commons. 231.252.4648 R e dSpireBrunchHouse.com Closed Tuesdays

Closed Tuesdays February –April Weekdays 8am - 3pm Satu r day - Sun day 9am -3pm Located in the Mercato

3 oz Walnuts, toasted and
Traverse City modernbirdtc.com
Toss the beets with a pinch of salt and a bit of the beet vinaigrette. Place the whipped horseradish crème fraiche on the plate in a long line. Place dressed beets on top of horseradish crème fraiche. Pull long, thin pieces of the speck from the slices and drape over the beets. Sprinkle the walnuts over everything. Take an egg, halve it, salt the yolk, and place on the perimeter of the beets. Toss the fava leaves in a very small amount of the beet vinaigrette and place over the beets. Take a bit of the beet vinaigrette and drizzle over everything. Enjoy!
1 sprig Rosemary
2 oz Prepared Horseradish
3 lb Red Beets, washed
1. Place beets in a deep casserole dish with the red wine vinegar and rosemary. Add 4 oz water and salt to taste. Cover the casserole dish with foil and roast at 400 degrees for 1.5 – 2 hours, or until easily pierced with a paring knife. After beets have roasted and cooled remove the skin and cut into rough ¾” pieces. Reserve juice. Set beets aside.
Makes 4 beet salads
1 oz Fava Shoots, stems
2. In a stand mixer fitted with the whip attachment whip together the crème fraiche and prepared horseradish until stiff peaks have formed. Set 3.aside.Bring
removed Modern Bird
4 oz Red Wine Vinegar
You will need a 7-9” plate for each salad
Beet Salad secret recipe:

1 Tbs Dijon Mustard
4 ea eggs
a large pot of salted water up to a boil. Gently place eggs in the boiling water for 6 minutes and immediately transfer to an ice bath. Once cooled, peel and set aside.
4. Place approximately two tablespoons of the beet liquid and one tablespoon of dijon into a large bowl. While whisking vigorously, slowly add olive oil until an emulsified vinaigrette forms. Season with salt.
Chef/Owner Emily Stewart, Chef/Owner Andy Elliott
541 W. Front St,

For the longest time in the history of wine, there have been companies that create wines from grapes they don’t grow themselves. There are also wine brands that don’t even go through the crush process of making wine; rather, they buy juice and finish it off to their style, so welcome the Negociant Winemaker. This style of winemaking is rather popular in Europe, especially France, but is a bit less popular in United States but growing. Treasure Hunter certainly is leading the Negociant program in the states.
has been fortunate over the years to have access to some of these great wines, and we now have the Treasure Hunter Triple Crown Proprietary Red. A red blend from Horse Heaven Hills, Washington, comprised from Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Petit Verdot. This wine has massive aromas of ripe plums, nutmeg, dried thyme, and violets with flavors of deep black fruits, sweet herbs, and chocolate. It’s polished, spirited elegant and rippling with muscle. Get it while it lasts.

Started in 2007, this program creates some of the finest wines at value pricing. Purchasing juice from prominent growers and finishing the wines at their facility in Geyserville, CA, they create some of the most delicious wines, but get them while they last! These wines are a one-shot wonder. You get a limited time to purchase these wines and once they’re gone, they’re
The New York Restaurant offers eclectic cuisine in a comfortable setting, overlooking Little Traverse Bay’s waterfront featuring fine gourmet dining, a professional and attentive wait staff and talented bartenders. Corner of Bay & State Streets in HarborDowntownSprings 231-526-1904 • www.TheNewYork.com Opening daily at 5:00 p.m. CHEERS with Darric Folgarelli’sfrom



Darric MarketFolgarelli’s&Wine Shop

Black Star Farms
Executive Chef Nick Buchannon and Manager Jennifer McKinney

Be whisked away for a Tuscany food & wine experience just 15 minutes north on M22. Follow the coast along the sparkling blue waters of West Grand Traverse Bay. There, in the rolling hills of the Leelanau peninsula, is a true slice of heaven: Black Star Farms. The award-winning winery grounds ooze a Tuscany-esq European aesthetic. Nestled deep inside surrounded by vineyards sits their hidden gem— Hearth & Vine Café . With its big outdoor patio, it’s perfect for everyone. Families are even encouraged to visit with kid friendly menus and say hello to the horses and goats. This once sleepy café is reborn showcasing fresh talent, passion, and delectable cuisine. At the helm is new manager and longtime food industry leader Jennifer McKinney. “I’ve been coming here my whole life. My babies are now all grown up and I sold my house in Chicago; it was time.” Making up the other half of the dynamic duo is Executive Chef Nick Buchannon. “We were thoughtful to have something for everyone.” Their mouthwatering menu has diverse options. “We call it elevated Farm Fare. Come for a hearty lunch, like our amazing Black Bean Burger, on the lighter side a HEARTH & VINE CAFÉ

wicked GOOD EATS
10844 E. Revold Rd. Suttons Bay. Blackstarfarms.com
unique salad or sip wine and nibble from our Grazing Board.” It boasts homemade everything including the salad dressings, jam, and a BBQ sauce with Black Star Farms red wine—even fruits and veggies from the onsite organic garden. “I’m very proud of our menu, most plates are always empty,” laughs Jennifer. With the celestial setting she also laughs, “I had to make the food match the grounds.” Just like in Tuscany, wood-fired pizzas are promised to debut on Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays.

FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 25 SHOP ALL OF YOUR 18 76 EST. bahles.net hours MON–SATSUNDAY10AM-530PM11AM-5PM Downtown Suttons BayLOCATED IN BEAUTIFUL CLASSIC FINE CLOTHING Born out of a love for fashion, quality garments, a twist for the unusual and a stellar bargain! Women’s Clothing - Shoes Accessories - Home Decor Women’s Clothing - Shoes Accessories - Home Decor The Village at Grand Traverse Commons 800 Cottageview Dr | Suite 20 Traverse City havenclothingtc.com Why choose Bonek? For over 85 years, Bonek Insurance has provided personal and commercial insurance protection. We form strong relationships with our clients – keeping their best interests in mind. Let us customize your coverage. Call us today! Integrity • Relationships • Since 1934 (231) 271-3623 www.bonek.com

The Folgarelli Family - Left to Right Greg, Cameron, Darric, Ginny, Dawn Donna, and Benjamin, with Abbey The English Setter

GROWNHOME Folgarelli’s
Tell us the family history of Folgarelli’s. “Folgarelli’s Market & Wine Shop was established in Traverse City in the fall of 1978 by Fox and Marge Folgarelli. Fox had an extensive career in Detroit running Lombardi Food Service with his brother Tony. After retirement they moved to Northern Michigan to be close to their daughter Donna and grandchildren Darric and DonnaDeanna.took the reins of the market in 1990 when Fox and Marge retired. From there, the market continued to grow in reputation along with the growth of Traverse City. Darric returned to full time work after graduating from Northwood in 1992. Today, the market has its fourth generation of family on board with Darric and Ginny’s two boys Cameron and Benjamin. Along with the direct family operating the business is their cousin Dawn as the store’s manager. This is truly a family affair that has continued for 44 Theyears.reputation of the market transcends to more than Northern Michigan. Over more than four decades, Folgarelli’s has served people from all over the world, with many of them making Folgarelli’s a destination and a “must stop” when traveling in the area.”
Out of the 45 mouthwatering sandwiches which is the bestseller?

“Our most popular sandwich is The Godfather, #3 on our board.”
“I am certainly most proud of our crew at Folgarelli’s. They are very hard working, intelligent, and caring. We are truly the Folgarelli Family and that attitude and dedication is what makes me smile every day.”
What are you most proud of?
HOME GROWN & Local with Folgarelli’s Market & Wine Shop
“We are truly one of the last of a dying breed of stores. We strive to not be everything to everyone, but to stay truly “Old World,” keeping our family roots intact. From our world-famous sandwiches made with only the finest ingredients to the isles full of specialty grocery items, the selection is truly special. Along with the fine grocery items, Folgarelli’s boasts one of the best delis in the state. With over 70 artisan cheeses, 5 different prosciuttos, and dozens of other charcuterie items to choose from, there is something for nearly any taste and occasion. Speaking of occasion, Folgrelli’s Catering is growing rapidly, bringing our “Family First” experience to you. If you’re into wine, our nearly 2000 hand selected labels is nothing short of exceptional with wines from all over the world.”

424 West Front Street, Traverse City, Michigan folgarellis.net
What makes Folgarelli’s so unique?
Also known as Inspiration Point, the Arcadia Overlook is located just north of the village of Arcadia and a short drive from Crystal Mountain. Hike up the 120 steps (80 vertical feet) for a breathtaking view of Lake Michigan's blues nestled against the shoreline show of fall colors.

2. Crystal Mountain
4. The Art Park
Not just for skiing! Ride the chairlift for the best scenic view in Northern Michigan. Experience endless mountains of fall foliage. Once at the top you can enjoy for as long as you desire. Reservations are required. Crystalmountain.com

We all know Crystal Mountain’s Winter Wonderland. But have you ever ventured there in Fall? It’s a hidden gem full of unique experiences that your family will be captivated by. Jump in the car and head to Benzie County. Here are a few Must Dos.

3. Arcadia Overlook
Visit the Michigan Legacy Art Park. Right next to Crystal Mountain discover 30 wooded acres where nature and art merge. Two miles of walking trails meander through the trees making way for the open-air art gallery of 50 plus sculptures and poetry stones. The park is open from dawn to dusk every day. Admission is $5 for adults and free for children. Michiganlegacyartpark.org
1. Frankfort
Head to the charming town of Frankfort, that ends on the Lake Michigan shore. Enjoy lunch at the famous Stormcloud Brewing Company Don’t forget to visit Pointe Betsie Lighthouse Stop by for the 9th Annual Frankfort Beer Week (Saturday, October 2nd through Sunday, October 8th). Frankfortbeerweek.com
Finding Fall TRENDING NOW Finding Fall


“Clothes aren’t going to change the world, the women who wear them will.” - Anne Klein
CLASSY Leather Saphan Chloe Backpack $465 Haven, Traverse City

Keva Style Leather Cuff $58 Relish, Traverse Relishtc.comCity

Patagonia Vest $129 Bahles, Suttons Bay Bahles.net

SASSY Hi Line Sorel $190 Coastal Clothing, Glen Crystalriveroutfitters.comArbor

Shinola Runwell $700 Miner’s North Jewellers, Traverse Minersnorth.comCity

The Julian Fedora $99 Coastal Clothing, Glen Crystalriveroutfitters.comArbor

FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 31 FAST Freaky Freaky 1217 E FRONT ST 231-929-2999 1294 W SOUTH AIRPORT RD 231-935-9355 Put our knowledge, experience, and reputation to work for you. Call today for a consultation or email info@kuhnrogers.com Results‐oriented legal services. Responsive and responsible since 1891. Estate Environmental Probate Banking Estate Planning and Administration Business Transactions Insurance Corporate Formation and Mergers Mediation Services Trademark All areas of Civil Practice Kuhn Rogers has moved to Copper Ridge! 4033 Eastern Sky Drive Traverse City, MI 49684 (231) 947‐7900 Litigation | Real Estate | Environmental | Probate Banking | Estate Planning and Administration Business Transactions | Insurance Corporate Formation and Mergers Mediation Services | Trademark All areas of Civil Practice Kuhn Rogers has moved to Copper Ridge! 4033 EASTERN SKY DRIVE TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49684 Results-oriented legal services. Responsive and responsible since 1891. Put our knowledge, experience, and reputation to work for you. Call (231) 947-7900 for a consultation or email info@kuhnrogers.com


JUDY HARRISON — her dazzling smile lights a room, she is an inspirational powerhouse of energy, and an epic force for good. Just a few talents on her repertoire include singer, dancer, entertainer, motivator, visionary, instigator, leader, and a few zillion more. To date, her “brainchild idea” Swingshift and the Stars launched back in 2008 inspired by the hit TV show Dancing with the Stars, combining “community stars” learning to dance paired with local non-profits has raised over 4 million dollars for over 122 local non-profits. (Let’s pause for dramatic effect here). That is a gigantic influence on a community for one single person who stands about 5 feet 3 inches. “Amazing people just kept saying yes,” she laughs. Judy was an influencer before it was a thing!


— Colleen Wares
— Brenda Biederman
— Bill Marsh Jr.
“Judy has helped so many deserving non-profits! Her heart (and her actions) have always been in exactly the right place! Cheers to her future!”
"I was there to see Judy build SwingShift from a passion project to a 4.2 million dollar fundraising event. And I have had the privilege to be a part of it as an emcee, performer and marketer over the past 15 years. Judy’s energy and dedication is a rare find, and this community is so lucky to have her. Can’t wait to see what she does next!"

"Judy asked me if I would participate in this takeoff of “Dancing With The Stars” when no one had ever heard of “SwingShift”. It was the first season of this phenomenal success story, and when she said it was a dancing contest I told her there was no way I could do it, because I was a terrible dancer! Of course, she convinced me it would be fun, so I took it on. I have never in my life been so scared as I was each and every time I had to “perform” (and I use the term loosely)! It was literally the hardest thing I have ever tackled, but it turned out to be a gift, in that I am no longer even slightly frightened at the thought of “dancing” in front of people! Now if I can just lose my fear of mice and rats!”

“As the very first “Star” to perform at the inaugural Swing Shift event way back in 2008, I never dreamed that it would have such a long run, raise so much money for local charities, and impact so many lives. It is a testament to Judy Harrison’s leadership, creativity, persistence and character. She is truly a special person.”

— Jennifer Lake

122 Non Profits - Over 4.2 Million Dollars Raised

Ironically, after all those seasons to find the perfect venue. Judy and her family are putting the final touches on a contemporary event space named The Lynas Event Center, launching an entirely different business venture. Hanging up the dancing shoes, SwingShift and the Stars will say its fond farewells within these walls, raising much needed funds for more worthy non-profits when all is said and done.
“When an organization tells us they were able to keep their doors open because of their involvement, they receive phone calls, gain new volunteers and board members or can expand their facility or services, that is the most rewarding part of the whole process. Not forgetting the wonderful people I meet and also working alongside my amazing team.” Her team is an orchestra of talented artists at High Impact Productions, where teamwork makes the dream work. Going into their fifteenth year, this will be the last season. “We are going out with a bang,” she laughs.
2017 - Erin Lord and Kellen Blackburn

2018 Derek Woodruff & Grace Hudson

2016 - Wendy Nienhouse and Philip Leete
2010 - Denise Busley and Rodney Woodring

2016 - Bill Marsh Jr., Mel Kiogima, Troy Broad and Abigail McKiernan

2014 - Jeff Haas and Meghan Martin - Daigh

A special thank you to photographers Mike Drilling of Windborne Studios and John Russell of Great Lakes Images

2013 - Lars Kelto and Lauren Harris
2018 - Marilyn Taylor & Mel Kiogima

2018 - Maurie Allen and Lauren Harris
2011 - Max Dingeman and Jennifer Thompson

2013 - Julliette Schultz and Cliff Shanoski

2017 - Mel Jones and Ed Blackburn
2015 Pete Correia and Tamara DePonio

2008Miriam Pico andBrownJody
people“Amazingjust kept saying yes!”



The Lynas Event Space is its mini-meccaown
Today, almost 2 years to the day, the building is ready to rock Traverse City. It boasts four office spaces, retail frontage, outdoor deck spaces, and a stunning conference room for lease. The Lynas Event Space is its own mini mecca; it premieres a breathtaking kitchen area for catering, sprawling dancefloor, brand spanking new tables and chairs, luxury restrooms, and garage doors that open on a sunny day expanding your space outside. Here is a fun fact: when “Stars” that sing and dance on stage design a space, you can guarantee phenomenal state-of-the-art lighting, camera, media room and sound system. Did we mention parking? Right out front. “It’s all just coming to fruition. We want this to be a force for good,” says Judy proudly. When you think of all the venues that hosted that Swingshift and the Stars, it’s come full circle. This space will be filled with happy memories, smiling faces, and endless
This growing corridor has 28,000 sets of eyes every day! We took it down to the studs, which was challenging to say the least during COVID shortages,” laughs Judy.
The Harris’s family’s next chapter “just evolved,” says Judy. “My sons Mitchell (a photographer) and Cory (a videographer) had been working in New York and were moving home. They are super talented and ready to invest in their own space.” Judy and her husband Brad, who works as a missionary in Africa, were looking at a building out on 31 South near Chums Corner. “It had sat empty; back in 1978 it was a country bar but had most recently been a tractor parts store.
it's also a true family affair with Twinlight Productions, Judy’s twin sons’ company. An impressive cutting-edge photography and videography studio. Gleaming with lights and white space, at the ready to film commercials, produce print campaigns for products, or create your newest professional headshot. “They don’t do weddings,” laughs Judy.
“When everyone was buying COVID cats and dogs Judy bought a COVID building,” laughs Sherry Galbraith, chiming in from her office on the day I visited.

The EVOLUTION The HarrisonFamily

2020 - The ‘Before’ Building

Judy’s dad, Bob Lynas
Flat Cap Ventures 476 US 31 South, Interlochen, MI 49685

The entire building is named Flat Cap Ventures, after Judy’s dad Bob Lynas, who was never without his flat cap. “My dad was the ultimate professional. I think he’d be very proud,” says Judy, pushing back tears.


We agree wholeheartedly. You are a true gift to our community, Judy. We can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings.
You’ll also find the new offices of High Impact Productions, Brad’s office, and Judy’s office. “This was supposed to be a conference room,” she laughs. “But Brad said, ‘Why don’t you take it?’” It’s not just her office, it’s a room of precious memories, an eclectic blue leather table and 4 chairs. “That was my parents from the house I grew up in,” says Judy. “The desk was my father’s, and so was the couch. We were going to buy all new matching, but that’s not us. It just felt right to have it in here.” It’s also home to two little office dogs. The Lynas Event Center is lovingly named from Judy’s maiden name Lynas as a nod to her parents. “We’ve lost all our parents now. My family and Brad’s have been there every step of the way and I could’ve never given as much as I have.”

by Tyler Leipprandt of Michigan Sky Media
Empire Bluff Aurora

After walking the mile-long Empire Bluff Trail in the dark, I got to my spot and began setting up. At 11 pm, the Sleeping Bear Dunes woke up and put on the most incredible show for almost an hour. At around 11:30pm, the top of the sky was welcomed with what scientist call STEVE, known as a Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement, which is different than just the Northern Lights, and a lot rarer. A STEVE will appear as a picket fence and be tall columns of green light high in the sky, as opposed to an Aurora which is shimmering ribbons of lights. Many people chase the Aurora over their lifetime, and will rarely get to see STEVE.
Michigan Sky Media michiganskymedia.com @michiganskymedia

Ryan M. Black, CFP®, Vice President Officer

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Renae A. Brown, Assistant Vice President Senior Rachelle Flees, Officer, Senior
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“Creativity takes courage” Henri Matisse

Sunset Buffet $3,420.00 Nest of Grand Traverse, Traverse City Nestofgrandtraverse.com
Palacek Leather Chair $5469 Betsie Bay Furniture, Betsiebayfurniture.comFrankfort
ELEGANT Chandelier by Uttermost $1199 Golden Fowler Home Furnishings, Traverse Goldenfowler.comCity

AUDACIOUS Chair by Uttermost $999 Golden Fowler Home Furnishings, Traverse Goldenfowler.comCity

French Wine Barrel Front $650 Antiquities Warehouse of Grand Antiquitieswarehousetc.comTraverse

Maya Angelou

FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 47 LOOK GOOD, you FEEL GOOD you when BAY VIEW FLOORING & DESIGN CENTERBayviewFlooring.com231.944.120067NUS31STraverseCity LUXURYHARDWOODLAMINATEVINYLCARPET 12,000 SQ. SHOWROOM!FT. Northern Michigan’s Largest Floor Covering Retailer AREA RUGS TILE & INSTALLATIONSTONE south division street d owntown traverse city orchestratingyourvision New IncludingConstructionRemodelRestorationContractManagement www. Kitchen Choreography .netYou can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

Who needs a vase? Thanksgiving centerpiece. PUMPKIN MUMS “MUMKINS” Carve out, add a potted mum plant.

Oh, my gourd, and just like that it was fall. What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash. What do you get when you rethink your pumpkins? A whole lot of fun. Let’s spice things up this Fall. Here is a little inspiration to guide you along. Give ‘em pumpkin to talk about!

Hello, Gord-Geous.
Carve it out, add a tea light.
Stack them in size and color.
Create height and dimension to your buffet. PROJECT HOME


Pumpkin soup in a pumpkin.

FALL 2022 | BAYLIFE MAGAZINE 49 Two Locations to Serve You 1430 Trade Centre Dr, Traverse City 231.929.7207 400 Main St, Frankfort www.tilecrafttc.com231.352.8130 Tile, Stone, Wood COREtec, Carpet, Quartz Countertops SALES | SERVICE | INSTALLATION INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE DESIGNER SHOWROOM COMPLETEMANAGEMENTPROJECT B E T S I E B A Y F U R N I T U R E C O M INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE Over 48 years assisting clients to create timeless spaces that leave lasting impressions. COMPLETE PROJECT MANAGEMENT 311231.352.4202MAINSTREETFRANKFORT Over 48 years assisting clients to create timeless spaces that leave impressions.lasting 311231.352.4202MAINSTREETFRANKFORT,MI

Photography by Andrew Zecchini Z&Z Visual
Written by Hannah Ryder

— Interlochen means “between two lakes.” Green Lake and Duck Lake are well-known and cherished by visitors and locals alike. Summer ramps up with the beginning of Interlochen Arts Camp, live music, and an influx of campers at the state park, but the tranquility remains. For Clare and Andy Morrison, that tranquility lies on the west side of Green Lake.
In the summer of 2009, while renting a place on the lake, Andy and Clare came upon a small home on the water and all but bought it on the spot. Though charming, the home soon made it difficult to host their friends and family comfortably. Thanks to a word-of-mouth referral by a friend, the Morrisons were directed to Roger Widing of Widing Custom Homes and began crafting their perfect lakeside getaway.
The most eye-catching part of the home is its grand turret, lined with a handcrafted wraparound staircase. It is a standout piece that provides knockout views of Green Lake as far as the eye can see. “We didn’t necessarily ask for a turret in our conversations, but the architect listened to our needs and came up with it,” Clare explains.

Clare first came to Green Lake as a young adult with a friend who had deep familial ties to the town of Interlochen. She saw the region’s charm and quickly fell in love. “I went up several times in high school with my friend—we’ve remained friends all this time—I introduced my family to the area in the late nineties.” Ever since, the Morrisons leave their year-round home in Indianapolis and head north to enjoy all northern Michigan has to offer.
“It was a terrific experience. He wants his customer to be happy. We developed a friendship with him,” Andy says. Widing, alongside Shoreline Architecture and Design of Petoskey, worked with the Morrisons to create a blend of the family’s must-haves with some added Theflair.exterior of their lake house is reminiscent of a grand castle, blending stately blue, striking white, hints of rich wood, and calming neutral stone. The backyard features a modest garden and a spacious yard on which the Morrisons and their guests enjoy bocce and badminton tournaments. Near the walkout French doors is a grotto shower, perfect for rinsing off after a day spent waterskiing or swimming. “A must have—particularly for the dogs!” Clare says.

ON THE INSIDE, the home is open, simplistic, and bright thanks to its many windows. “We wanted to come through the front door and see the lake,” Andy says. When the sun sets, the west facing walls appear to sparkle thanks to the subtle quartz inlays. The stone fireplace and polished cherry wood beams and trim are sourced from the Great Lakes region, a highlight for the homeowners. “We wanted to build something that was of that place,” Andy adds.

THE KITCHEN is equipped to cook for as many guests as the Morrisons can invite. Along with dual ovens and a spacious granite island, it features an eight-burner stove and a professional-grade vent hood, something cooking enthusiast Clare was excited for. Upon installation, Widing had the idea to relocate the vent’s large exhaust motors on the roof. “That way it doesn’t sound like an aircraft carrier is in your kitchen!” Clare laughs.
Practicality dictated much of the home’s design, which is why the main floors are tile instead of hardwood. “We are not worried about wood floors being wet from dogs or kids coming in from the lake. This house might ‘call’ for hardwood floors, but we have tile everywhere,” Clare says. “It is a beautifully crafted house, but it is not fussy.”

The unique streak of blue running through the earth-toned granite is set off by the room’s blue-gray paint and cherry wood trim. “The entire room was designed around the table. The table can seat up to fourteen guests. We had a custom base made for it, and all the other selections in that room were based on that.”
ANOTHER REQUEST was a dining room large enough to fit all their family and friends. “We had engaged the architect and the builder, but we hadn’t necessarily finalized plans yet. I don’t know why they took me to look at granite, but they did. The very first thing I bought for the house was a slab of quartzite, and that’s the whole dining room table.”


THOUGH IT MAY NOT BE A FUSSY HOUSE, there are small touches in the home that surprise and delight, like the inclusion of an infrared sauna to promote recovery for the health-conscious family—Clare is an accomplished equestrian and one of their sons is a D1

Also behind a seemingly inconspicuous wooden panel is the mechanical room—out of sight but easily accessible. Those aren’t the only things that are hidden in plain sight; all of the outlet covers are hand painted to blend in seamlessly with their surroundings. Most notable are the outlet covers in the guest bathroom, painted to match the vanity made of various pieces of stone. “I can’t tell you how many people come out of the bathroom and say ‘Clare, I can’t find the outlet,’” Clare explains.
wine? It’s hidden in a secret room underneath the lower-level stairs, a request from Andy. “I had this little idea in my head where we could have a bunkroom for grandkids that you get to through a secret door. As the house took shape, it wasn’t viable, but I still wanted a secret room someplace!”
THE MORRISONS had a few more requests for Widing during the nearly two-year-long build. Number one on their list was having enough space, including en suite bathrooms for each bedroom. Andy and Clare entertain often and enjoy having guests over; much of the reason for building the home was to have ample room for everyone.

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- Clare
“All the interior and exterior stone is quarried from the Great Lakes.”

The Morrisons’ home is currently for sale, but this doesn’t mean they plan on leaving the area anytime soon. They’re looking to buy another home, preferably facing west as this one does now, and are hoping to collaborate again with Roger Widing to customize another lake getaway that suits their current needs. “We’re very committed to the location,” Clare confirms. “We’re not abandoning Green Lake!” Andy chimes in.
The family will continue to enjoy the quiet beauty and limitless options of Interlochen for many years to come. It’s a tradition, after all. - Berkshire Hathaway

MLS#: Angela1902949Dilorenzo
THE CHARM OF GREEN LAKE and Interlochen is one that the Morrisons absolutely love. “It’s not one of the big glamour lakes, like Torch Lake, but it works well for us. We know people there, it’s quiet and clean, and there’s hardly any traffic on the lake. It’s our second home up there,” Andy says. “We’re so happy to just stay on our deck!” Clare laughs.
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THEN The Diamond Alkali unloading a shipment of coal at the Greilickville Coal Dock. circa 1950 PHOTO COURTESY OF TRAVERSE AREA DISTRICT LIBRARY Discovery Pier


Maple Majesty by Rachel Gaudette
Trees give me peace. I am often drawn to them no matter what other magical views may be in front of me. These maples were absolutely glorious.

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