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Facts You Need to Know About Nigeria. FOCUS QED: Intelligence vs Wisdom

1. Frederick Rotimi Alade (FRA) Williams was one of the first two Nigerians to be made Queen’s Counsel in the United Kingdom and the first to become a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. 2.Nigeria is the world’s largest producer of Yams and Cassava. 3.Onitsha Market is the largest in West Africa, based on geographical size and volume of goods. 4.Lagos is the city with the highest population in Africa. 5.Hausa is the most widely spoken local Language in Nigeria. 6.There are two hanging lakes in the world, one of them is in Ado Awaye, Oyo State, Nigeria. 7.Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove in the outskirts of the city of Osogbo was inscribed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005. Osun Osogbo Annual Festival celebrates the Yoruba Goddess of fertility. 8. Hercules Baboon Spider (Hysterocrates Hercules) one of the largest spiders in the world, and formerly considered extinct has now been discovered only in Nigeria. 9. Chappal Waddi Mountain in the Mambillla Plateau is the highest point in Nigeria at 2419 meters. 10. Church Missionary Society (CMS) Grammar School in Bariga Lagos, founded in 1859 is the oldest Secondary School in Nigeria. 11. There are more than 80 Ethnic groups in Taraba State and they speak more languages than at least 30 countries of the world. 12. The indigo bird which is unique to Jos is found nowhere else in the world. 13. The walls of Benin are the longest ancient works in the world, enclosing 500 communities at a distance of 6500 sq. kilometers. 14. Nigeria was the first African country to eradicate Ebola in 2015. 15. Cocoa House Ibadan built in 1965 from the proceeds of the sales of Cocoa Beans was also the tallest building in Africa, at that time. 16. Only Nigeria has a larger black population than Brazil in the world. 17. In the United States of America, Nigerians are the most educated immigrant community. 18. Amina was a Warrior Queen who ruled Zaria Emirate in Kaduna State, over 400 years ago in 1610 19. Jelani Aliyu is a talented Nigerian that designed the famous Chevrolet Volt, for General Motors, USA.


QED is an abbreviation of the Latin words Quod Erat Demonstradum, most often used as a notation to prove completion using a Mathematical Formula. When used in narratives; it implies that an Author’s overall argument has just been proven. We provide our esteemed Readers with topical issues on the QED Platform. Baze Focus QED Topic in this edition is INTELLIGENCE AND WISDOM. Enjoy!

Topic - Intelligence and Wisdom

Intelligence is highly cognitive; it refers to gaining and implementing factual knowledge about something. Wisdom not only knows, but it understands. Smart people process information in a logical way, but wise persons apply emotional, and spiritual sensibilities to logic. There is a distinction between knowing and understanding. Experience creates wisdom and it is not about age or years on earth. Smartness is a result of learning while wisdom is a product of experience. It is easier for a wise person to gain knowledge than for a smart person to gain judgement. Intelligence without wisdom brings destruction. 1. Intelligence is power of will. Wisdom is power over will. 2. Intelligence leads to arguments. Wisdom leads to settlements. 3. Intelligence is heat, it burns; Wisdom is warmth, it comforts. 4. Intelligence is the pursuit of knowledge; it tires the seeker. Wisdom is the pursuit of truth; it inspires the seeker. 5. Intelligence is holding on. Wisdom is letting go. 6. Intelligence leads you. Wisdom guides you. 7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows that there is still something to learn. 8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point. A wise man knows there really is no point. 9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice. A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered. 10. An intelligent man understands what is being said. A wise man understands what is left unsaid. 11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something. A wise man speaks when he has something to say. 12. An intelligent man sees everything as relative. A wise man sees everything as related. 13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow. A wise man navigates the mass flow. 14. An intelligent man preaches. A wise man reaches. Do you remember King Solomon of the days of yore? A royal personality with vast empire. When given a rare opportunity by the Creator to make a request, he did not ask for more wealth or long life. He asked God for WISDOM. Why? Intelligence is good, but when it is mixed with a good measure of wisdom, you get better results!




2020 will go down in history as the period CORONAVIRUS (Covid-19) pandemic sent shock waves around the world, leading to a public health emergency that has killed hundreds of thousands and plunged the global economy into a sharp downturn. Covid-19 Pandemic has affected all spheres of life and Sports is no exception. Social and physical distancing measures introduced to limit the spread of coronavirus has had a remarkably negative effect on all sporting activities.

Covid-19 suspended the sporting calendar, with professional leagues everywhere put on hold to limit the spread of the virus. Even the summer Olympic Games, typically the most watched sporting broadcasts in the world was been pushed forward by a year. The global value of sports industry estimated to be $471 Billion in 2018 (an increase of 45% since 2011) before corona virus nosedived. Every aspect of sports has been affected: athletes, facilities, procurement of sports equipment, hospitality industry, media; etc. The list is endless.

Covid-19 pandemic necessitated the closure of gyms, stadium, pools, dance and fitness studio, physiotherapy centers, parks and playgrounds. Many individuals are therefore not able to actively participate in their regular individual or group sporting or physical activities outside of their homes. Under such conditions, many tend to be less physically active, have longer screen time, irregular sleep patterns as well as worse diets, resulting in weight gain and loss of physical fitness. Low income families are especially vulnerable to negative effect of stay at home rules as they tend to have sub-standard accommodation and more confined spaces making it difficult to engage in physical activities.

In Nigeria, the closure of educational institutions meant the absence of school sports. Team sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball handball, baseball, etc. are worse affected as people are not allowed to converge in any single arena. The Playground of many schools especially those located in the rural areas became overgrown with weeds. The usual sight of children arranging goalposts with stones on the street to play football has become a thing of the past. People are no longer gathering at the viewing centers to watch and discus football.

The inherent benefits of sports in keeping the body fit, making muscles stronger and keeping the bones, heart and lungs in good condition has been highly undermined during the pandemic period. How do we now get rid of adipose muscles (fatty molecules) that predispose our bodies to blood clotting and heart attack? This and many more questions are begging for answers at this precarious and unprecedented period of Covid-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity per week. The benefits of such periodic exercise have proven immensely helpful especially in times of anxiety, crisis and fear.

Since lack of exercise may result in challenges to the immune system, thus aggravating existing diseases that have their roots in a sedentary lifestyle, the following measures are suggested: • Indoor exercise should be encouraged. For many, exercising at home without any equipment and limited space can still be possible. The example of stretching, doing housework, climbing stairs or dancing to music can suffice.

•Individuals and families that have resources to access Virtual Sport should maximize the opportunity, however, participation in radio and television sports exercises or engaging in other physical activities are crucial in bridging the divide for households living in precarious conditions. •the general reactivation of sports. The Sports Family (producers, broadcasters, fans, business owners, players, etc) need to come up with new and innovative solutions to mitigate the negative effect of Covid-19 on the world of sports. •Government should encourage healthcare service providers, educational institutions, civil societies, and cultural organization to organize physical and sporting activities at home. The use of online facilities to facilitate sports activities wherever available should be a key goal to maintaining social distancing. •Government and civil societies organizations should reach out to communities with limited access to the internet and social media by cascading the sport education pyramid from the national to the local government level.

*Ibechi MATHEW is the Senior Coach of Baze University

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