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Laughter it Off


One of the most potent ways to stay healthy, and live longer is simple, just WALK. Walk for at least 30 minutes every day; it makes a lot of difference. Medical experts say that a daily dose of walking works magic on the health: it lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of chronic diseases and makes the brain more active.


1. It improves moods. Research shows that regular walking actually modifies the nervous system to reduce depression, anger, anxiety, and hostile vibes especially when you breathe in the early dawn fresh air or the early morning sunlight. 2. It helps to burn calories and lose weight. The art of regular walking improves the body's response to insulin, which helps to reduce belly fat and alter body composition. Walking increases metabolism by burning the extra calories the body does not need especially as the body progresses in age. 3. Reduces the risk of chronic disease. The American Diabetes Association says walking lowers blood sugar levels and the risk of diabetes. Researchers found that regular walking lowered blood pressure by as much as 11 points and may reduce the risk of stroke by 20 to 40%. 4. Delays the onset of varicose veins. The risk of developing unsightly varicose veins increases as the body ages. Walking strengthens and preserves the leg muscle, and this boost healthy blood flow in the secondary circulatory system. 5. Improves digestion. Maintaining a regular walk routine aids digestion. Walking utilizes abdominal muscles to greatly improve bowel movements. 6. Routine walk regime makes other goals achievable. Regularly walking allows you to establish a routine that will likely lead to healthy behaviours. This strengthens the mind to set goals and engage in tasks that achieve them. 7. Improves creativity. Research shows that going for a walk when searching for a solution to a tricky problem, can spark creativity and walkers think more creatively than those who do not. 8. Alleviates joint pain Walking increases blood flow to tense areas and strengthens muscles surrounding the joints, constantly stepping on the sidewalks can help improve range of motion and mobility. Research shows that walking for at least 10 minutes a day forestall arthritis pain in older adults. 9. Boosts the immunity. Walking can reduce the risk for disease and promote longevity. Research from Arthritis Research & Therapysuggests that highintensity interval walk can help improve immune function in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis (inflammatory disease of the joints). 10. Can improve longevity! A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Societyshowed that adults between the ages of 70 and 90 who were physically active lived longer than those who didn't. The secret to a longer and healthier life involves maintaining a walk routine outside the house. 11. Makes you sleep better at night. Regular walking helps you sleep better at night by reducing pain and stress, which may cause sleep disturbances. Active people sleep better at night than those with sedentary lifestyles.


•Never walk on a lonely road or when it is dark. Walk in the park, or in designated areas. •When walking, face the traffic on your side of the road. Never back the traffic. •Pep up your walks with a spouse, a friend or a dog; the interaction helps you feel connected and release happy emotions. •Let your walking burn more calories; use a route that includes hills, increase speed and pace. •Alternate between fast and brisk walking. •Do one hour-long walk at least twice a week.

Jatropha Tanjorensis (Hospital Too Far)

Jatropha Tanjorensis is also locally known as Hospital Too Far, and Chaya in English, or Iyana Ipaja (Yoruba), or Ugu Oyibo (Igbo) or Asipiti da nisa (Hausa). It is a dark green shrub that grows easily in the tropics including India, Bahamas and Africa. It is common in Nigeria, although many people are unaware of its existence or its high medicinal value. It grows in the wild but when planted in the garden, it needs little attention.

Health Advantages:

1.It is an ANTIOXIDANT - constant use prevents the onset of degenerative diseases; it knocks off free radicals, to reduce harm due to oxidative stress on essential body organs. Scientific studies show that increased dietary intake of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables may diminish the risk of most degenerative diseases. 2. It has HYPOGLYCEMIC properties makes it beneficial in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. 3.It is an Anti- MALARIA. 4.It controls HYPERTENSION. 5.It has BLOOD BUILDING properties that treat ANEMIA in the old and young. 6.It supports SPERMATOGENESIS (formation of sperm cells within the testicles).


Source leaves from gardens that are free from human waste and pesticide. Wash leaves to remove sand or other impurities before use.

As Tea

Blend or pound fresh leaves with water, then sieve sap. Drink fresh as Tea, or spice to taste. To maximize therapeutic properties, use immediately after blending and don’t store lor long periods. In Soups (Vegetable or Egusi) –Prepare as in other greens. Avoid excessive heat, should be the last item to put in soup pot, remove thereafter from fire.

In Salads

A good alternative to lettuce in salads. *CAUTION - Consult a Medical Doctor before taking any herbal or orthodox medication.

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