1 minute read

46. Poetry Corner & Condolence


Rainclouds gathered, whirlwinds about, And homewards were we laden with logs. Day been won was earth’s blessings sought, Farther back of the rocky hills approached. But the whirlwinds threatened the boughs, The bushes, a man & son, & their headloads To feed the hearth to appease demanding gods. The man knew well his duty by his boy, and so, Kept close, eyes steady and watchful behind, The lad stepping up the pass across the hills.

But the whirlwinds kept the merry-go-round, then Kicked the lad’s chest, causing thus an unbalance As he went tripping backwards, to be held though In time by a strong ex-military hand behind. “I’ve got you”, cried he, “I’ve got you”, he assured. After the climb across, issued thus from lad’s lips: “Thank you, Sir, thank you. I am yours truly, Sir”. To which was: “You are, son! And that’s the sum of us”.

*Andrew Bula Center for Foundation & Interdisciplinary Studies


Give time, to time!

Time heals almost everything. No matter the situation: good or bad; it changes with time. Congruity with time, tests efficiency.

Give time, to time!

Time tests Love and proves it. Time tests business and sustains it. Time tests spirituality and reveals it. Time tests friendship and shows it.

Give time, to time!

Time Authenticates. Time Determines. Time Reveals. Time Tests. Give time, to time and you will see everything around you in their true state.

Afterall, Life too, is a matter of Time. THE RULE OF NATURE

Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water. Trees do not eat their own fruits. Sun does not shine for itself. Moon never goes on honeymoon. Flowers don’t give fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a Rule of Nature. No matter the situation you find yourself; still do good to others. Life is better when you are happy, but life is best when others are happy because you created their joy. Make an effort to touch people’s lives, it makes a whole difference.


It is with heavy hearts and in evergreen memory, that we announce the passage of:




Kassim Bello Mahmud (Male) Business Management



May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

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