December 2018
Your community magazine for
Broadbridge Heath —–——————-———————————————————
BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath.
Published in the village, by the village and for the village. © BBH Community Publications To advertise email: Editor email: Website:
BBH Mag Editorial column. Published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by local volunteers for the benefit of Broadbridge Heath. Send us your news. Do you have some news about your club or society you would like to share with the rest of the village? Email us at BBH Mag is available online at search for “BBH Mag”. How to advertise in BBH Magazine. We deliver to every house in the village, currently 2,400 homes. The deadline for submitting copy and payment is the 8th day of each month. Email us for details Join our volunteer distributors. We have a team of over 30 people who distribute the magazine every month. Would you like to help? Time commitment is about half an hour a month. We especially need distributors for Carter Drive and Cheesmer Drive. Contact Paul Muggeridge by email: ——————————————‘BBH Mag’ is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council 2
New Speedwatch team for village. Speeding in the village continues to be a concern for many residents so the Broadbridge Heath Speedwatch Group has been set up and we are looking for volunteers to join the group. Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where active members of local communities join with the support of the Police to monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. In cases where education is blatantly ignored and evidence of repeat or excessive offences is collated, enforcement and prosecution follow. The aims of the scheme are to: * Reduce death and injury on the roads. *Improve the quality of life for local communities. *Reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit. *Increase public awareness of inappropriate speed Volunteers receive appropriate training, and are supported by neighbourhood policing team (NPT) staff. Speedwatch activity is not about interfering with neighbours' behaviour; it is a proactive solution to improve the safety and quality of life for everyone in the community. For more information, or to join the group, please visit the website: —————————————————————————————————————-
BBH Mag Sport
News from local sports clubs.
If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: FOOTBALL Broadbridge Heath Football Club The Never Ending Story. Last month I said I hoped the developers would for once complete all the necessary work onsite to allow our new facilities to be handed over to the District Council by the agreed date of 31st October because we felt that with a new Chief Executive at Horsham District Council championing our cause that just for once the developers might actually do something on time. Unfortunately it came as no real surprise that the 31st October came and went and several weeks late, the skate-park is still not complete, the junior pitch to the south of the site has still not been levelled, dressed and seeded, track mats are still running east to west between the two bottom pitches, the hedgerow between the pitches and the houses to the west of the site has not been planted, etc. etc. and we're still very concerned that the football pitches are not fit for purpose, a concern we first raised with the developers in early spring. With so much work still to do we just cannot see us moving into the new facilities before January at the earliest and unless the developers start completing some of those jobs it will be even longer. Meanwhile our players have to use the changing rooms at the New Leisure Centre and walk behind the old building to the pitch, while supporters now have to enter the ground from the double gate next to Tesco's garage, a long old walk from the car park at the Bowls Club and far from ideal. On the football side our first team can now concentrate solely on the league having been knocked out of all cup competitions, they currently sit in 7th place in the Southern Combination Premier Division. The Reserves have struggled with player availability all season but hope to turn the corner soon with some of the Under 23s now joining the team to help strengthen it. The Juniors continue to grow and in recent weeks it was nice to receive several compliments from parents saying how much their child enjoyed playing for the club and how impressed they were with our coaches which is great to hear and to know that you're doing things the right way. A few facts about the club. We are an FA Charter Standard Club. This season we are running 5 senior teams, first, reserve, Under 23s, Under 18s and Veterans. The juniors run 11 teams from Under 7 to Under 15. We play matches and train at Warnham School, the Needles, BBH Cricket Club, the Village Green, Charrington Way, the Village Centre, the Leisure Centre, Tanbridge School and the Holbrook Club. We have 17 committee members involved in running the club and we have a further 63 people involved in the day to day management or coaching the players. We have approx 150 players in the senior club and a similar number in the juniors. 6
But we could still do with more volunteers, so if you would like to join our friendly club as a committee member, player or coach then please do get in contact. Our Christmas and New Year Holiday Fixtures: Sat 22nd December Home v Saltdean United, K.O. 3.00 Mon 26th December Away v Loxwood, K.O. 11.00 Sat 29th December, Home v Horsham YMCA, K.O. 3.00pm Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. For more information on Broadbridge Heath FC please visit our website at CRICKET Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club, Byfleets Lane, Broadbridge Heath I have just returned from a short tour of India where, in Delhi, many, many games of cricket could be found on every bit of grass or dirt. Back in Broadbridge Heath, there were days since the last edition of this magazine when we could also easily have played cricket, so dry and warm was the weather. That weather has changed in recent weeks and judging by my water butts a fair bit of rain has fallen whilst I was away. Hopefully, that will help the growth of the new grass seed that we sowed at the ground recently. The Club’s AGM is to be held at the end of November and whilst there should not be the drama of last year’s meeting, there will be much to discuss to ensure the Club continues its progress from the depths of 12 months ago. With the promotion of both adult sides, convincing attention will need to continue to be given to the current playing membership to ensure survival within the new and stronger Sussex Cricket League. Finally, the Winter Indoor League is now up and running at Crawley. In the first match, our new-look team came up against ex-Premier League Ifield and we were stuffed as some of our players were playing indoor for the first time. They had got the hang of it by the second match against Crawley (again a much stronger club) and we beat them by 12 runs with James Round and Doni James going well. Colin Case
ADVERTISING RATES. This magazine is distributed every month to every home in Broadbridge Heath; that’s 2,400 homes.
Quarter page: £20 per edition. Half page: £35 per edition. Full page: £55 per edition. Email the Editor for details: 7
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. St John’s Events – December 2018 Sunday 2 December & 6 January Café@Church Open from 10.30 am. For all the family. Coffee served all morning, papers, chill, craft activities, games for children, worship and a short talk Tuesday 4, 11 & 18 December Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast, biscuits, read the papers and have a chat. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179 Wednesday 5 December
Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00 am. Bring along any craft you have and enjoy the refreshments and fellowship. Cost: £2. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673
Wednesday 12 December
Tea & Fellowship 2.30 pm. Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath. Christmas Celebrations. Contact Heather 01403 210996
Thursday 6 & 13 December
Kinderoo Baby & Toddler Group 10-11.30 am. All pre-school children and their carers are welcome. Entrance fee is only £2 per family which includes refreshments.
Christmas services Carol Service 16 December 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the hall Nativity Service 23 December, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Christingle Service 24th December 4.00pm Christmas Celebration 25th December 10.00am—11.00am ———————————Praying for Our Local Streets. During 2018 at St John’s Church, we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: This month: Swann Way, Sleets Road, Tullett Way, Mill Lane 8
Parish Point of View
Brian New, Assistant Priest, St John’s Church. What if it’s true? So, we’re now properly into the season of Christmas. The shops have been full of Christmas decorations for what seems like weeks already; the lists of presents are being drawn up and soon you’ll be checking the Christmas lights to see if they still work. At school, preparations are underway for nativity plays and at church we’re planning nativity, carols and Christingle services. Advent candles with pictures of stars, stables, shepherds and kings are being opened and the sense of anticipation is growing. Most of us know that Christmas is a Christian celebration of the story of the birth of Jesus 2,000 years ago in a stable to peasant parents who couldn’t find a room in Bethlehem that night. But, I expect, for most it is simply that – a story. Admittedly a nice story, full of colour and characters, but still only a story with very little connection with daily life. But, just stop for a moment – what if it is true? What if God is real and did send His son to be born as a human child. What if it did happen as the Bible tells it and what if God really does love us and care about us this December in 2018. What if Jesus didn’t just live 2,000 years ago, but is still alive today? How would that change your view of Christmas this year and your approach to life in general? An all-powerful God exists and He loves you. It’s that simple and it’s what Christians around the world celebrate every day – not just on 25th December. It’s what we’ll be celebrating at St John’s church again throughout this month – so why not come and join us and find out more? If it’s true, then it is the most important news in the world! I do hope that you have a joyful Christmas and find God’s love for you this year.
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath, Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. 9
Contact: Jo Ball, The Clerk of the Parish Council PO Box 1009, Cowfold, West Sussex, RH12 9RX e-mail: Telephone: 07716 130103 Horsham Green Gym
Green Gym is an independent, volunteer nature conservation group, set up in 2005 and has continuing support from Horsham District Council. It meets for three hours every Tuesday and Thursday morning at various local sites. Recent tasks have included resurfacing paths, crocus and daffodil bulb planting, hedge and tree planting, clearing streams and digging ponds to encourage waterfowl or other wildlife. The group also has helped with controlling invasive plants such as Himalayan Balsam and cutting back vegetation encroaching on public footpaths. Members enjoy the exercise, fresh air and making new friends. Everyone is able to work at their own pace and attend as many sessions as they wish. There is no charge to belong. Our usual tools are spades, hedging shears, saws and loppers. We don’t use powered tools, except a drill when necessary. Clothing is chosen to suit the weather and the task. Over several months, a huge number of young silver birch trees were removed to return part of Owlbeech Wood to heathland. This has been remarkably successful as each year sees more heather and gorse growing where there used to be only trees. The work has provided habitats for insects and birds not often spotted in the area. Shallow ponds have also been dug nearby to provide drinking pools for animals and breeding sites for insects. If you want to be active and help improve the local environment, we will be pleased to see you. Look for more information on the website:
Cold weather alerts. coldAlert is a free service for Sussex residents, which alerts you to severe cold weather events before they happen. Alerts are sent directly to you 24 to 48 hours before a cold weather event is expected. You can choose how you receive coldAlerts either via mobile App, text, automated voice message (to your home phone) or by email - it’s easy and free! Receiving a coldAlert can help you prepare by prompting you to heating your home, to stock up on supplies of hot food and drinks and medication, it can also act as a reminder to wear extra layers of clothing when going outside in the forecast cold conditions. Who should register for coldAlerts? Carers of elderly relatives or friends, parents of young children and people with health conditions (e.g. arthritis, heart or lung conditions) that worsen in severe cold weather, could benefit from receiving coldAlerts. To receive coldAlerts simply download the airAlert App (from the App Store or Google Play and subscribe to the coldAlert service), register at or call 01273 484337. 10
News from Shelley Primary School Shelley School Primary School in Broadbridge Heath took time to commemorate Remembrance Day by visiting the village’s war memorial and laying hand painted stones.
Following the school’s remembrance service, parents, teachers and children walked to the memorial where the curate of St John’s Church, Kate Bailey offered a prayer and some words for the hope of future peace. Each pupil in Year 5 and 6 had spent time decorating a stone with an image of a poppy and some had written the names of men from the village who had died in world war. This has particular significance for the Broadbridge Heath area, since many of the roads in the new Wickhurst Green estate are named after casualties of the conflicts. Christmas dates: * Tuesday 4th December – Reception Nativity. * Friday 7th December 5:30pm to 7:30pm – FOSS Christmas Bazaar * Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th December – Year 1 & 2 Nativity * Tuesday 18th December – Junior Carols and Readings at St John’s Church
BROADBRIDGE BOMBSHELLS It’s been six months since our first meeting and what a 6 months it’s been! We’ve now had our first Annual General Meeting and set the path for 2019. There is so much going on and something for everyone. And we have a fantastic new logo!
We have some talented pumpkin carvers on board and Jo trumped the lot with her bombshells tribute. The aching fingers from all that carving were worth the effort for a bubbly bottle of Prosecco… hic!
2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides
This month we have started our innovate skills builder badge completing Baking is a Science and Binary Beads activities. Baking is a Science involved a basic cookie recipe which made dry and tough cookies. The Guides needed to decide which ingredients to change and by how much to make delicious cookies. The Binary Beads activity saw the Guides make bracelets using beads to create their initials in binary code. A few of the girls attended the annual Girlguiding County Reindeer Run, raising funds for The Chestnut Tree Hospice.
1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows The Rainbows have continued with the 1st Aid skills builder badge this month, learning what should be in a first aid kit, cleaning and applying a plaster to a small wound and what to do if they were biten. “The best thing was being covered in fake blood, it looked so realistic” The Rainbows also enjoyed trying to find 10 objects in the garden in the dark using their torches then trying to remember what they has found. Rainbows, Brownies and Guides all attended the Remembrance Service at St.John’s.
Our waiting list for Rainbows continues to grow at an alarming rate. If you can spare an hour a week or would like more information regarding volunteering please contact: Sharon Newman District Commissioner or visit ————————— BBH Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Our young people have had a busy start to the new school year with a varied programme in each of the groups. Our Beavers have been occupied with activities in the hut and are still looking for a regular leader to support the development of the group. Unfortunately, we've had to stop taking new Beavers until we have a new regular leader. Our superb team of volunteers have done a sterling job of holding the fort and we would like to thank Beaver leader, Sharon, for her ongoing efforts. Cubs have also been busy with leader, James running the group alongside working and studying. Continued on next page 14
Our Scouts did us proud at a recent outdoor cooking competition. We put up two teams and competed against another three from other Scout Units. Our Shepherd's Pie and spaghetti and meatballs went down a storm. The girls' team came first and were awarded a gold certificate and the boys' team came fourth overall and were awarded a silver certificate. All three units behaved beautifully at the Remembrance Service to mark 100 years since the end of WWI. There was a great turnout and everyone looked very smart in their full uniforms. The Cubs left a flock of birds of peace at the war memorial. The hall has had a few facelifts over the last few months. We've installed a new fence along the length of the garden and have a new path up to the main door of the hall makes access much easier and safer. As always, we'd like to appeal again for volunteers. The hall is available to hire. Email We also had a successful fundraising day at Marks and Spencer in Horsham. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts helped pack customer bags and raised £334, which we split with the Princes Trust. A charity doing vital work to support young people. If you would like to support the group, but aren't able to volunteer, please come along to our Christmas Bingo on 1 December. It's always a great evening. Doors open at 7pm.
If, however, you are able to volunteer, we need support within sections and the committee. We particularly need a secretary for our committee. Please contact Chairman, Paula Flack on if you are able to help.
——————————————————————————————News from the Broadbridge Heath Gala Association
On Monday 12th November, a group of pupils from Shelley Primary school, joined members of the Broadbridge Heath Gala Association on the village green, known locally as The Common, to plant two new trees.
News from Gala Association continued In 1989 the village came together to replace trees lost in the Great Storm of 1987. Village organisations donated trees, and dedication plaques were erected in front of each of them. Unfortunately, the two trees donated by the Gala Association and Shelley School didn’t survive, and for many years the spots where they were planted have remained empty. With funds raised at the reinstated Village Summer fete, and expert assistance and guidance from The Camelia Botnar Foundation, the Gala Association were able to replace both of the missing trees. The Gala Association hold a number of events throughout the year, with the sole intention of bringing together their ever growing village community. For more information on upcoming events, or to get involved, please email or visit their Facebook page BBHGALAASSOCIATION.
Villager will run Macmillan London Marathon Samantha Jane writes: “On Sunday April 29th I will join over 40,000 people on the start line of the London Marathon, as a part of the Macmillan Cancer Support charity team. Macmillan provide much needed support to sufferers, survivors and their families when they are going through hard times, and I really want to make sure I do them proud. Attempting to raise £2620 (linked to my journey of 26.2 miles) I am reaching out to local companies who maybe able to help me in my fundraising activities and as a local resident, based in Wickhurst Green. I have a Christmas raffle planned, which will be drawn on Christmas eve and has prizes kindly donated from local Horsham companies including Bills Restaurant, Rush Hair Saloon, Fragrance store to name a few, with commitments to be finalised from a number of others, this week. In addition I have in planning a race night at the Shelley Arms on 16th March 2019. Check out my website: Additionally, my Virgin Money Giving Page is here: ——————————————————————————————BBH SENIORS AND TOASTIES YOUTH CLUBS Unfortunately, recently we lost the BBH Seniors Youth Club due to lack of young people attending. Toasties Youth Club is still going strong with the average attendance numbers of 35 young people but to maintain this volume, we do need more volunteers. Do you enjoy talking to young people, playing board games, Arts & Crafts, group games and keen to provide the young people of BBH a safe, fun play to meet with friends as well as making new ones? You don’t need any experience or enjoy all of the above-mentioned activities but need to be available on Friday evenings between 6pm and 8.30pm, term time only which is usually 6 weeks in total. Toasties operate a rota basis, so you don’t need to be available every week. Usually our volunteers do 2/3 weeks out of the 6 weeks. To become a volunteer you need to email or text, myself then complete an application form and DBS check. Once these are completed, you will then attend a volunteers meeting with either Dan Fairchild, Community Youth Worker or myself. Please volunteer and join Toasties fantastic team of volunteers. Donna Puttick, Lead Youth Worker, Toasties Youth Club 17
Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.
Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:
Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Thurs 29th& Fri 30th Nov & Sat 1st Dec – West Side Story. The CH Seniors present this ambitious staging of Bernstein & Sondheim’s musical masterpiece. Thurs 13th Dec – Choral Society Christmas Concert. Get into the Christmas spirit with a seasonal programme of Christmas carols and readings. Refreshments afterwards.
Thurs 17th Jan – Rachel. An incredibly moving performance of the story of Mrs Rachel Levy, an Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen survivor. Trestle and Small Nose Theatre Companies weave together intricate full mask theatre in this story that should be told and never forgotten.
Thurs 24th Jan – Sing-A-Long-A-Grease. Come and sing along to the lyrics of the classic film Grease, starring John Travolta and Olivia NewtonJohn.
St. John’s Community Hall, Broadbridge Heath. Tuesdays 6.30pm Village Hall by St Peters Church, Slinfold Thursdays 7.00pm
Box Office 01403 247434
For more information contact: Holly Spence 07867 433211
LAWN MOWING & HEDGE CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.
Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 22
(Mon–Fri 9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: Email:
Village Contacts.
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Paula Flack (GSL) 01403 791453 or 1st BBH Rainbows Sharon Newman 2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver 2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman St Johns Church Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Mrs Viv Edwards 01403 240414 Clerk – Jo Ball 07716 130103 Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email: Broadbridge Heath District Councillor Matthew French 01403 730040 Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503
Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340 Kelly Brook Montessori Nursery School 01403 251221 Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall
Broadbridge Heath Village Social Club Phil Farrelly 01403 217177 Broadbridge Heath W.I. Gill Axby 01403 266525 Wendy Griffin 01403 217152 Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464 Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website: Citizens Advice consumer helpline 03454 04 05 06 Toasties Youth Club Donna Puttick 07867 387466 or 01403 581962 —————————————————NOTE: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you do not want us to continue publishing your contact details in this magazine please email us at
Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036 23
The Financial Fairy Godmother
of Broadbridge Heath
Over the years we have often seen, as financial advisers, how Christmas impacts some of our clients financially, For years I have been saying that it is too easy to get caught in the madness and spend much more than we originally intended. My advice has always been to set a budget in advance and write it down. But how did all this originate? Wikipedia suggests that around the year 336AD the date of December 25 appears to have become established as the day of Jesus's birth, and the tradition of gift-giving was reinterpreted and tied to two stories: the story of three Magi giving gifts to baby Jesus; and that of Santa Claus based on the historical figure of Saint Nicholas, a fourth-century Greek bishop and gift-giver. This then slowly became a part of Christmas celebrations. I do think that when Christmas is special it’s not because of the amount of money we spend and actually over the years I have found many times that it is the unusual gift not the expensive gift that is enjoyed the most. As for many it is my favourite time of year and I love spending the time catching up with family. So I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and I do hope Father Christmas brings you all you hoped for. Karen MacDonald is an Independent Financial Adviser with Monetary Solutions Limited. If your New Year’s Resolution is to get a handle on your finances, please call or email for a free initial consultation. Call: 01403 288078 Email: Website:
BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email: To advertise: ——————————————————————
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