February 2021
Your community magazine for
Broadbridge Heath —–——————-———————————————————
BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. © BBH Community Publications.
Email: bbh.mag@gmail.com
BBH Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council.
BBH Mag Editorial column. Published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by local volunteers for the benefit of Broadbridge Heath. Send us your news. Do you have some news about your club or society you would like to share with the rest of the village? Email us at bbh.mag@gmail.com BBH Mag is available online at www.issuu.com: search for “BBH Mag”. Website: bbhmag.co.uk How to advertise in BBH Magazine. We deliver to every house in the village, currently 2,500 homes. The deadline for submitting copy and payment is the 8th day of each month. Email us for details: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com Join our team of distributors. Distributors needed. If you can help please email us at bbh.mag@gmail.com ——————————————
——————————————‘BBH Mag’ is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
We are giving away a large Posh dining table and 7 chairs. Photo attached. You will have to collect from Southwater; you will need a van. Table legs need attaching to top but otherwise in good condition. Contact Roger (BBH Mag Editor) by email ONLY bbh.mag@gmail.com Dimensions: Oval shaped.. widest / longest dimensions are 1.12cm x 1.85cm.
As we’re back to meeting electronically, we’ve come up with some more ideas for online events. There’ll be another play reading in March. We had so much fun at the last one, we’re looking forward to doing it again. We’ll also keep quizzing and holding electronic coffee mornings (with cake, of course!) but here are some of the other ideas: Group Limerics. Each person writes one line before sending it to the next person to write a line and pass it on. Here’s hoping for some fun limericks - that are suitable for sharing! Online Bingo We’ll email bingo cards to everyone before meeting to play online or by phone – there may even be prizes….!
Charades Not the kind we play at Christmas but an online version. Everyone chooses a film, book, play, song, etc., and then has to describe it without words. It could be a drawing; something downloaded from the web. You could even dress up or just assemble things from around the house and take a photo. Be as creative as you like! The world is your lobster, as Derek Trotter would say. And talking of lobsters, have you seen some of the wonderful art recreations inspired by the Getty Museum’s challenge? Art lovers all over the world are posting photos of their recreations of favourite masterpieces. What do you think of my interpretation of the Lobster Phone by Salvador Dali?
No? Well, we can’t all be art lovers…… Broadbridge Heath WI email: BBHWI@uwclub.net phone Maureen: 01403 268963 or Wendy: 01403 217152 4
Broadbridge Bombshells WI Look Forward to 2021 Christmas seems a long time ago to all of us now, but as I write this it is the morning after our Christmas celebration, online of course but lovely just the same. Not our usual ‘go large’ festive party of past years but there were positives… it was great not having to worry about transport and whether to wear high heels and the little sparkly number, instead we got togged up in our Christmas jumpers, santa hats and tinsel tiaras, sat at our kitchen tables and sipped our Christmas tipples in the comfort of our bedroom slippers! Whilst we thoroughly enjoyed catching up with each other (there have been a couple of lockdown grandchildren born) there was also entertainment in the form of a Christmas themed quiz. Our very own president, Rowena bagged herself first place, and her prize I hear you ask, well to be president of our fab WI again in 2021 of course! Here we are toasting the fact that we all survived 2020! Although we aren’t sure what restrictions will be in place in 2021, if we are lucky enough to be able to meet in person we have numerous exciting activities planned. If it’s not possible to run these meetings face to face contingency plans are always in place. Here are some of the exciting things we are looking forward to in 2021: Saucy Burlesque; Up Cycling; Easter and Christmas Crafts; Tai Chi; Rounders; Quiz and Film Night. We are also looking forward to resuming our regular coffee mornings and running our wine club again. Book Club will be reading Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier and getting together on Zoom to discuss it. If all of this sounds like your kind of thing we are always excited to welcome new Bombshells to the fold. Your first meeting is always free so that you can ‘try before you buy’… why not give it a go? Check out our website and Facebook page for more information or email us for more details, we’d love to see you. email: bbhwi1951@gmail.com web: www.broadbridgebombshellswi.co.uk Facebook: search Broadbridge Bombshells WI 5
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council
Last year work commenced between the Parish Council and Community Groups to discuss ideas and issues for the benefit of our village community. As you read this month’s article the first of our informal sessions of the year will have taken place, and whilst these forums are intended to continue well beyond the pandemic, we hope by partnering together with a shared and co-ordinated approach it will ensure our community is supported during these challenging times. Horsham Matters is just one local organisation we joined discussions with. Please see their statement below: Horsham District Foodbank is very grateful to have been awarded £700 by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council, which represent the costs for providing children and adults in the area with food for the whole month of February 2021. During 8 months of the pandemic last year, 149 households in BBH received emergency food packages by doorstep delivery, feeding 249 adults and 252 children. At Christmas, 14 households were delivered boxes of food and presents by BBH PC volunteers and below is a quote from one recipient family: “I just wanted to say an enormous thank you for the food and present boxes delivered to me today. A wonderful lady dropped them to me at my home in Broadbridge Heath and she was so lovely. The boxes contained so much more food than I had imagined and will most certainly help my family over Xmas. I am incredibly grateful to everybody who donated to your charity in order to help us in this way”.
Foodbank support can be obtained by calling 0300 124 0204 Mon-Fri, 9.30am-4pm. If you require further signposting advice, please get in touch with us on our dedicated Community Support Hub number (01403 858875) where you can leave a message and your message will be answered. Our website has some useful links to other support organisations: www.broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk If your organisation would like to join the Community Forum discussions, please email Lucinda clerk@broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk We will continue to share updates on our Facebook page, so please Like & Follow: Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Take care, Lucinda – Clerk & Olivia – Assistant Clerk 6
Harvest Veterinary Clinic
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Would you like to explore the Christian faith?
Join our Alpha course.
An informal opportunity to explore the Christian faith. We meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm and watch the Alpha Course video material before breaking into small discussion groups. If you would like to find out more or to join us contact our Vicar, Mark Lavender: mark.lavender@stjohnsbbh.org.uk or our Administrator Sarah: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk 8
Parish Point of View …..
Mark Lavender. Vicar. St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath.
Every year, the third Monday of January is dubbed “Blue Monday”. The theory goes that this is the time of year when we're all cold, broke and riddled with guilt that our new year's resolutions to get fit, drink less alcohol, and be a better human being have fallen by the wayside. This year, it has also fallen during a third national lockdown where we have less opportunity for human contact and encouragement from others. And so, all the more reason this year for you to be kind to yourself. Don’t give yourself a hard time if it takes longer than usual to carry out tasks, or you completely fail to achieve something or you find yourself wondering what you’ve even done with yourself all day. Now is not the time to be selfcritical. Why not carve out some time for yourself today? Remember what you love to do and do it (as long as it’s allowed!) Even if it’s only for a few minutes. It might be playing an instrument, reading, cooking a great meal or enjoying that rubbish box set! Give yourself recognition even for the small things you have achieved today and don’t be too quick to move onto the next ‘task’. Learn to forgive yourself and stop trying to be perfect. And at some point, maybe when we have a little more freedom, let’s apply these things to one another too. Let’s learn to treat others, to recognise their achievements and to maybe stop expecting others to be perfect too. As we emerge from this (hopefully) final lockdown let’s emerge equipped to appreciate ourselves and one another and imagine a community which truly celebrates individuals just for who they are and not what they achieve. And most of all, know that your Father in heaven loves you and is proud of who you are and loves to hear your prayers. God bless you.
BBH Mag Sport
News from local sports clubs.
If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: bbh.mag@gmail.com FOOTBALL: Broadbridge Heath Football Club
Following Government COVID-19 rules the club is currently closed and nearly all football activity has come to an end until such times as it's considered safe to continue. The senior section has held some video conference sessions to keep in touch with the players and to get them to join in with some fitness training from their front rooms. When we are allowed to resume will it mean an end to the season with all results becoming null and void as they were last season, will the season be decided by a "points per game" average or will the FA try to complete the season during the summer? Whatever the final decision there will be objections from clubs and the league officials will be slated for doing what they consider is best for everyone. Last season we voted for the season to be decided by "points per game" so that clubs at the top of the divisions could win promotion to a higher level but we lost that vote. This season, having already set a precedent last year, the FA should do exactly the same as they did before. Many people on social media are suggesting we should continue the season through May, June and July that sounds alright but when would clubs renovate their pitches? We can expect a decision within the next few weeks but the likelihood is that we won't see any more games played at The Countryside Stadium until August. It is quite a difficult period for the club without any income from the bar or gate receipts because we still have to pay the bills, rent, insurance, gas, electricity, water, BT, routine maintenance and service charges but on a positive note both SKY and BT Sport have cancelled their monthly payments until such time as the club reopens, so that was a nice gesture from them. We have had a problem over the Christmas and New Year period with the fire alarms going off, which is annoying for us having to come out each time to reset it but also annoying for our neighbours, we do apologise for this but we have had the service engineer out twice. The first time a spider was blamed for making their home in a sensor but a few days later it went off again, this time a faulty sensor was to blame, hopefully that should be resolved now, fingers crossed. For more information about Broadbridge Heath Football Club please visit our website at https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/broadbridgeheathfc or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
CRICKET . Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club Just like our football colleagues over the other side of the village, the lockdown prevents any kind of sport activity at the moment. Whilst news is awaited about when we can return, at least to Tier 2, all we can do is prepare for when local sport returns. Such plans so far for cricket are that there will be no Winter Indoor League but the outdoor league season aims to start on-time for us on the 1st May. The Sussex Cricket League (biggest in the UK) has also reported that the league continues to grow and will be welcoming a number of new teams this season including Rudgwick and Petworth Park. Meanwhile, the English Cricket Board (ECB), Sport England and other national funding organisations continue to support recreational cricket and the grants available are helping clubs like ours survive. It’s our AGM on the 21st January at which we’ll be able to put together our own plans for getting the ground ready. That will include the appointment of a new 1st XI captain as James Round has stepped down after leading the team well last season. Colin Case
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News from your Horsham District Councillors in Broadbridge Heath It’s been a busy beginning of the year for us, picking up where we left off last year. We are very aware of the huge disruption that HGV’s continue to be to residents, especially those living closest to the C622, and we have been holding frequent meetings and discussions with senior officers from both HDC and WSCC to try and reach a workable solution as soon as possible. As a result, the plan is for a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to be put in place that will prohibit HGVs using the roads across the entire village of Broadbridge Heath, not only Wickhurst Green, except for access and the A264. Once funding is approved, and consultation carried out, this should be implemented in the spring. Increased signage will go up in the interim. A persistent issue that residents contact us on in the older part of the village, is the volume and speed of traffic using Billingshurst Road and Old Guildford Road. As you may know, Highways are a matter for WSCC, however, we are determined to do what we can to improve the situation and going into 2021 traffic in the village is a key focus for us.
In particular we want to see the whole village under a speed limit of 20mph (to include the top end of Old Guildford Road and the Wickhurst Green roads, which are currently still at 30mph). We also want to see improved traffic calming measures to bring speeds down and to deter vehicles from using the village as a rat run. The TRO mentioned above will be a very important first step in cutting usage by larger vehicles. A longer and more thorough update can be found on our facebook page: facebook.com/bbhlibdems. If you are not on facebook and would like to read the update, please get in touch with us and we’d be happy to send you a copy. Very best wishes, Louise and Matt Cllr Louise Potter – louise.potter@horsham.gov.uk Cllr Matthew Allen – matthew.allen@horsham.gov.uk 13
1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows
In the middle of December 2020 there was a small window in which we were allowed to hold face to face meetings we used this time to have a final meeting with the girls that will be moving up to Brownies after Christmas. The girls were all presented with their Pot of Gold and Robyn and Aaliyah achieved their Rainbow Gold Award which is the highest award the girls can earn in Rainbows. Well done Robyn and Aaliyah Back to zoom meetings for the beginning of 2021! The Rainbows started the communicate skills builder level 1 by looking at how we communicate using our faces. This involved all the girls taking turns to make funny faces (sad, bored, excited etc.) whilst everyone else had to try to guess the emotion and then drawing these faces to create a bingo card. We held a true or false quiz on Icelandic facts as part of our Islandic Elf theme. Continuing with communication skills builder the girls learnt a campfire song using Makaton. 2nd BBH Brownies We continued to run our meetings on our Facebook group page and have enjoyed doing all of the activities virtually. We enrolled some of our new girls via a Zoom meeting which gave us all the opportunity to see each other! We were then very excited to be given the go ahead to run 2 face to face meetings with the girls just before Christmas, and in line with the current guidelines we split the group into their school age bubbles and had 2 wonderful evenings making Christmas tree decorations and Christmas cards. Now into the New Year and another lock down we have gone back to Zoom meetings and have given the girls the choice on what activities we shall be doing.
2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides In between lockdowns 2 and 3 there was an opportunity to present to two of the Guides their Gold Awards (the highest award a Guide can earn) before they moved up to Rangers in January during an outside meeting. Congratulations to Dionne and Saffron Back on zoom from the New Year! The Guides have started their communicate skills builder level 4 by looking at products in the homes for signs and symbols and what they mean. The girls have made a mechanical hand using paper, straws and string.
1st Broadbridge Heath Scout Group The Group remains active despite the latest lockdown and all three sections have a range of fun activities to do at home on Zoom planned for this month. Our Scout Troop are heavily involved in the planning for their sessions meaning they have a voice in shaping the programme that they want – based on the ideas so far it seems that they will all be excellent cooks by the end of this term! They are also looking at creative activities such as clay modelling and a Harry Potter themed quiz night. The Cubs and Beavers will also have a range of activities on offer and we will continue with a combination of work towards their badges and fun, sociable activities. All three sections will be keeping their spirits up with a range of wellbeing and mindfulness activities – which seem even more important in the current environment. We are all looking forward to being able to meet in person again and are hoping that with better weather in the spring will come the opportunity for all our Groups to meet outside even if there are still restrictions on indoor activities. We are always on the look out for volunteers to join our friendly team on Committee or as Group Leaders – if you would be interested, even in a very small role, please contact our Group Scout Leader James gsl1bbh@horshamscouts.com . We are particularly looking for a Beaver Leader or Assistant – on-going support will be provided and we have a willing rota of parent helpers. 15
Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events
To contact the Christ’s Hospital theatre: Box Office 01403 247434 Website:
www.christs-hospital.org.uk Email: boxoffice@christs-hospital.org.uk
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Village Contacts.
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340
1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts James Seden Smith (GSL) gsl1bbh@horshamscouts.com
Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall
1st BBH Rainbows Sharon Newman bbhrainbows@gmail.com
Broadbridge Heath W.I. Maureen McConnell 01403 268963 Wendy Griffin 01403 217152 BBHWI@uwclub.net
2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver sharon.carver@outlook.com
Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464
2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman bbhguides@gmail.com
Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website: www.habc-badminton.com
St Johns Church office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk
Broadbridge Heath Youth Club Charlotte Heath 07916778547 charlotte.heath@4theyouth.org.uk
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Terry Oliver 07940 886615 Clerk – Lucinda Edwards 07716 130103
Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email: bbhgalateam@gmail.com Broadbridge Heath District Councillors Louise Potter and Matt Allen louise.potter@horsham.gov.uk Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983
To list your village club, society or organisation on this page please contact the BBH Magazine editor by email at bbh.mag@gmail.com
Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036 19
The Financial Fairy Godmother
of Broadbridge Heath
Time to review your pot?
Happy New Year! - although it's not quite the start we had all hoped for. If you are one of those with time on their hands at weekends but nowhere to go, it could be a good time to organise finances and having a project is so important for our mental health.
Often an individual’s second biggest asset after property is a company pension. This could either be a 'Defined Benefit' scheme ('Final Salary') which provides a guaranteed income for life from a set retirement age; or a 'Defined Contribution' scheme, into which you and your employer pay a portion of your wages to build up a pot of money for your retirement. The question is, how much do you understand yours and when did you last review it? Your paperwork should tell you which you have and if in doubt ask your employer. 'Defined Contribution' schemes do not have guarantees, so they do need more monitoring, and your choice of Pension funds can make a big difference to the final amount. We often see individuals who have accumulated Pensions they have not reviewed, usually invested in a 'Default Fund' which was designed to try to meet the needs of both younger and older employees. But is this the most suitable for you? Many people underestimate how much fund performance can differ. Most Pension schemes offer a range of other funds and you should check yours against the list of available funds (ask your employer). However as well as performance, it's also important to consider that whilst a fund might have a better performance it may not match your risk profile, and may not be diversified enough. So during this difficult time it could be an ideal time to look at your Pension. If you need help we do offer a free without obligation consultation so why not pick up the phone and give us a call on the number below? Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions ( www.monetarysolutions.co.uk ). 01403 288078 or email karen@monetarysolutions.co.uk
BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email: bbh.mag@gmail.com To advertise: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com ——————————————————————
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