February 2022
Your community magazine for
Broadbridge Heath —–—————————————————————————
ANOTHER 300 NEW HOUSES IN THE VILLAGE? Plans announced for new housing development. Details at www.lowerbroadbridgefarm.co.uk
“Enough is enough!” say villagers. Tell the ‘BBH Mag’ your views: take part in our independent survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8T79NHD or email us at bbh.mag@gmail.com Full story on page 4. Comment from District Councillors on page 5.
BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. © BBH Community Publications.
Email: bbh.mag@gmail.com
BBH Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council.
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ADVERTISING RATES This magazine is distributed every month to every home in Broadbridge Heath; that’s 2,500 homes. Quarter page: £25 per edition. Half page: £45 per edition. Full page: £65 per edition.
Email the Editor for details:
bbh.mag@gmail.com 3
ANOTHER 300 NEW HOUSES IN THE VILLAGE? Gleeson Land has announced its proposal to build 300 homes on land at Lower Broadbridge Farm, west of the A281, Broadbridge Heath. On their website: https://www.lowerbroadbridgefarm.co.uk/ the proposers asked the community for feedback on the draft proposals; the deadline for this feedback was 31st January 2022. The website says “The site has been identified by Gleeson Land as a potential opportunity to bring forward a mix of housing and public open space”.
It also says “The development of the site provides a number of potential benefits to the village and local residents: Providing a mix of housing types and tenures including affordable housing which can help meet the identified need for local people with a focus on smaller houses and young families. New areas of public open space (circa 60% of the total site area)
Ecological enhancements to the site including Biodiversity Net Gain Draft illustrative master plan
Financial contributions to support and improve local services and facilities”.
“ENOUGH IS ENOUGH” Villagers gathered at a special meeting on Wednesday 19th January to discuss the proposal . The meeting was organised by BBH resident Alex Ross who wrote to the ‘BBH Mag’ to sum up the feelings expressed by those who attended. "This Gleeson proposal to concrete over more green space has raised huge concerns. BBH Residents feel enough is enough and we need to protect our countryside against further unsustainable development. We need to get organised and get active when plans are submitted to the council and I'd encourage anyone who cares about the environment around the village to join the campaign to protect it." Alex can be contacted on email alexross71@yahoo.co.uk WHAT DO YOU THINK? Tell the “BBH Mag” your views.
The ‘BBH Mag’ is your village magazine; your independent voice, so we want to hear if you are in favour or opposed to the building of more new houses in the village. Take part in our independent survey at https:// www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8T79NHD or email us at bbh.mag@gmail.com 4
Your District Councillors for Broadbridge Heath
Cllr Louise Potter – louise.potter@horsham.gov.uk Cllr Matthew Allen – matthew.allen@horsham.gov.uk
You may have heard about Gleeson Land's proposal to build 300 homes on land near Broadbridge Heath. As Councillors who sit on a Planning Committee, we are not allowed to give an opinion on whether we support it or not until the debate at committee. But we did want to give some context on the situation the district council finds itself in regarding housing. All Councils responsible for planning are required to produce a local plan. This sets out the policies against which planning applications are determined, and strategic development sites. Local plans have to be reviewed periodically to ensure planning policies are kept up to date and so that the Council can select sites in order for it to keep meeting government imposed building targets. The Council is currently in the process of reviewing its local plan, but this process has been paused twice at a crucial stage before it goes to the planning inspector. The first due to the government changing the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the second due to Natural England ruling that water extraction in the Arun Valley is currently putting endangered species at risk. As a result, until this issue can be resolved all planning applications, including the Gleeson Land proposal, must show that they are water neutral. The council’s housing position is measured by its 5 year land supply. The planning inspector has recently ruled that the council does not have a 5 year land supply. Where there is no 5 year land supply a presumption in favour of sustainable development will take place. It is these circumstances, of which the council has little control, that the developer is seeking to exploit. At this stage no application to the council has been made. In addition, any application would only be an 'outline' application, meaning a further 'reserved matters' application would be required. This will mainly cover the principal of development, and changes to the road network. Once a planning application has been submitted, you will be invited to comment on the application and share your views with the planning department. In the meantime, you are welcome to send your initial views to us. Like many residents we have significant concerns about this proposal and look forward to discussing it further with residents, our planning team and the applicant over the coming weeks. 5
We always like to kick off the New Year with a celebratory lunch and this year was no exception - thank goodness! Like everyone else, we have been worried about making too many plans because of the continuing uncertainty, so we were delighted that we were all able to get together at the Bowls Club for our delicious lunch, provided by Christopher Cunningham. WIs try to plan their programmes about year in advance but the last few years have made it very difficult. Thanks to technology, we’ve been able to meet via Zoom for some activities, others have been held outdoors, when allowed. We have certainly tried to be flexible about keeping in touch and, although it’s been harder for some of us, we remain optimistic and have now put together our programme for this year. Of course it’s a very special year for the Queen and there will be an extra bank holiday to mark her Platinum Jubilee. The Spring bank holiday will now be on Thursday, 2 June, with an additional holiday on Friday 3 June. The Queen’s official birthday is on 11 June so, as our meeting is on the 14th, we are planning something special. Watch this space for more information….. In the meantime, next month sees the start of spring (snowdrops and crocuses are already popping up in my garden) but if you have any thorny little issues in your garden and would like some advice, our March meeting may be just what you’re looking for. We’ll have an expert on hand for our very own Gardener’s Question Time. Remember, you don’t have to join our WI to find out whether it’s for you. We’ll make you welcome at any of our meetings, while you decide. Get in touch, if you want to know more. Broadbridge Heath WI Email: BBHWI@uwclub.net or phone Maureen: 01403 268963 6
How are the New Year’s Resolutions going? Here at Broadbridge Bombshells WI we are determined to keep ours, which of course is to make this coming year as much fun as possible. Join me in looking back over 2021 and forward to 2022 and hopefully you will decide to make a late New Year’s resolution to join us and become a Bombshell yourself. Although half of the year was blighted by Covid restrictions we had 6 great meetings via Zoom with some great speakers from around the country to teach and entertain us: A great rejuvenating session of Face Yoga; a dead easy Valentine Craft; and fascinating talks including Sex at The Royal Courts, Historic Broadbridge Heath and an Introduction to Tarot. July we met up face to face for the first time with Ice Breaker Bingo, in August Tai Chi, then Burlesque, Pumpkin Carving, Glass Painting and Christmas Cocktails. If all this has piqued your interest, just take a look at what’s in the pipeline for 2022… The long awaited Colour Me Beautiful talk; an Introduction to Chinese Medicine; Cocktail Night with The Rum Co; Yummy Chocolate Meeting; Eurovision Bring-ADish; Gingerbread; Summer Rounders and Picnic; Quiz Night; Menopause Help; Wine Tasting; and more fascinating Local History. We’ll also be continuing the ever popular Cocktail Club, Book Club and Coffee Mornings. We meet every last Tuesday of the month at St John’s Church Hall BBH at 8pm. We are a very friendly and welcoming bunch so please do come and see us - your first meeting is free! For more info check our website and Facebook page or email our President Rowena. Email: bbhwi1951@gmail.com Website: https://www.broadbridgebombshellswi.co.uk/ ================================================================= SPORT: CRICKET is still not played outdoors in the winter months, due to rain and it
seems it is set this way for a while longer. The club has been furbishing the playing surfaces over autumn and winter and the work continues into this year. It will also benefit the general public as it provides drainage at the Warnham end of the ground, where areas may be fenced off in the lead up to spring. We have arranged for indoor nets to take place at Forest School beginning on the 10th of February every week until the end of March. If you wish to join our friendly yet competitive team, call 07740 101983. Previous articles for this magazine were written by long serving committee member Colin Case. Some of you might know Colin from his time in the village, or have seen him driving around on our outfield mower on a sunny summer’s day. Colin has decided to take a step back from the committee, although he will remain as an active member of the club, and we would like to thank him for his contributions to the club and community. 7
Vicar: Mark Lavender You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk.org.uk www.stjohnsbbh.org.uk St John’s Events – February 2022 Wednesday 2 February & 2 March – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673. Wednesday 2, 9, 16, 23 February – Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179 Wednesday 16 February - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Chicken Pie followed by Fruit Crumble. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday. _______________________________ Praying for our local streets At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk This month we are praying for everyone in: Billingshurst Road, Pinewood Close, Charrington Way, Newbridge Close, Shelley Drive, Singleton Road, Findon Way, Kingsmead Place, Kingsmead Road Sunday Services at St John’s 08.30 am Communion Service 10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups) 10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age 10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday)
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath 8
Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender, Vicar, St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath.
Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender
Brew Mondays: connect with others and brighten up your winter weeks. I worry that the term ‘social distancing’ has become so common to our every day lives now that we have forgotten that we are innately social beings – created to be together and only really flourish when we are with others. The media will usually tell us that this time of year is typically the most difficult but as The Samaritans say on their website: "this is a myth". Referring to the 3rd Monday of January, which typifies this thinking, they say this: "At Samaritans we know there's no such thing as 'Blue Monday' – we all have our good days and our bad days, and those aren't for the calendar to decide. So, we say it's time to stop this myth about Monday being 'blue' and instead start a conversation over a brew! Reach out and connect with family, friends, colleagues and loved ones." And thus ‘Brew Monday’ was invented. This is a great sentiment and a wonderful opportunity to connect with others. So, if you needed an excuse to get the kettle on and invite someone round for a chat - there you go. Hopefully we have seen the end of harsh lockdowns and restrictions on meeting those outside of our households and I strongly encourage you to reach out to others over the next month, particularly those who you know may not have family or nearby friends to call on. Let’s emerge from this strange period of time with a renewed passion for community and celebrate the opportunity to share life together. And, of course, you are always welcome to join us at St John’s: there are opportunities to connect on Wednesdays at the Early Bird Cafe and Village lunch and Sundays between services at 9:30am. 9
Shelley Primary School was busy in the build up to Christmas! Infants performed two nativities, professionally recorded for parents and carers. In juniors, children in years 3 and 4 performed their traditional Carols and Readings service and in years 5 and 6, children recorded Christmas songs previously performed outdoors. We are a big supporter of Horsham Matters, a local charity that aims to demonstrate love of our neighbour by relieving hardship through the provision of essential services (food, fuel and shelter) to make a positive, long-lasting impact on people’s lives. Our Christmas Jumper Day raised enough funds to feed
An infant nativity 30 people over Christmas. A Horsham Matters Food Bank Donation Station can be found in our entrance area – please feel free to come in and donate. Enjoying the festivities Following expansion to become a 2-form entry primary school, including construction of four new classrooms, breakout spaces and larger play and outdoor learning areas, we have renovated our infant library and installed a brandnew junior library. This includes well-stocked bookcases of fiction and non-fiction texts, an interactive board, teaching space and iPad and Chromebook charging trolleys. Both areas have been decorated with wall art depicting our Shelley owls, which represent our school values of aspiration, respect and togetherness.
Children from years 1 - 6 have taken on the role of librarian.
The new infant area Find out more about learning at Shelley Primary on the school’s website at shelleyschool.org.uk or by following us on Twitter - @ShelleyPrimary 10
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Website: www.broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk Email: clerk@broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk Facebook: Please Like our page, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Dear Residents, We wrote in January’s article that the legal transfer of the Parish Office was complete and work has continued to set it up as an office. This work will continue throughout February, and we hope to update residents further next month On moving some paperwork, it was lovely to find a Declaration of Acceptance of Office book. These declarations are now recorded differently and on individual forms. It was great to see Councillor Clark’s declaration from 1988. He has shared some words on his long-standing role in the Parish Council on the following pages.
Land at Lower Broadbridge Farm We wanted to inform residents that the Parish Council have been made aware of this proposal and are currently considering how to take this forward.
Hayley, our Age UK representative in the village has commenced “Cuppa & Chat” monthly meetings at the Shelley Arms Pub. The next one is planned for Tuesday 8th February from 1.30pm, and everyone is welcome. I popped along myself to the last one and I thoroughly enjoyed listening and talking with the residents there.
We are pleased to share that the Gala Association will be promoting a Village Picnic at the Village Centre Recreation Ground on Sunday 5th June to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Further details will be shared by the Gala Association with the Parish Council support over the future months with any other commemorative plans. The landscaping works at the Triangle Area are continuing after a slight hiatus over the festive period. Work continues with the legal transfer to the PC of the Allotment Sites. The PC are aware some work will be required on both sites after completion prior to allocation of plots. Any further detailed communications will be shared to those residents on the Allotment Waiting List in the coming months. The GB Spring Clean with Keep Britain Tidy is planned for 25th March to 10th April this year and we hope to support this initiative in the village again!
Please continue to look at our Website and Facebook page for news and updates in the Parish. All Meeting dates, agendas and minutes can be found on our website.
MEET YOUR COUNCILLORS Each month during 2022 we will be introducing one of our Parish Councillors. This month we hear from Councillor Geoff Clark. My name is Geoff Clark and I have lived in the village for 36 years along with my wife Polly and our four children, who have now mostly flown the nest. I have been a Parish Councillor since 1988 and have the honour of currently being the longest serving member of the Council! In addition to my role as a Parish Councillor, I have also been a school governor at Shelley primary school, where I served for 28 years as the Local Education Authority nominee on the governing body. The effects of Covid-19 on the airline industry brought about an unplanned early end to my business career and I am now effectively retired, although the days and weeks pass just as rapidly! In my time on the PC I have served as both Chair and Vice Chair at various times and am currently the Chair of the Planning Committee. I also represent the PC at the Horsham Association of Local Councils, a body formed from representatives from Parish Councils in the Horsham District. Having lived in the village for this time, I have been witness to the many changes that have taken place in and around the parish, not least of which has been the effective doubling in size of the village since the late 1980’s. The PC’s Planning Committee review all planning applications that are submitted from within the parish of Broadbridge Heath and respond to Horsham District Council (the Local Planning Authority) with our comments, whether they be in support of, or in some cases to object to an application.
Most planning applications are for changes to existing domestic dwellings, but over the years we have had to respond to the major housing development plans that have now taken place in the village.
The PC are always provided the opportunity and do comment on all planning applications, and we do have the ear of the Local Planning Authority. We are however only one of a number of stakeholders or consultees in this process and any comments we submit are considered along with those of all other respondees. We therefore have no direct influence over whether a planning application is approved, or not by Horsham District Council, but we certainly can and do put our views across where necessary and appropriate. It is also worth mentioning that the planning process is somewhat different when it comes to Highways matters. Responsibility here rests with West Sussex County Council, but again the Parish Council are able to comment on, but not decide on changes to roads and footpaths. Importantly though, we have been successful in engaging with HDC and / or WSCC on many occasions to put across the local, or community view in response to planning applications and this will continue to be the case. Regards, Geoff ————————————————————————————————-
Cuppa and Chat at The Shelley Arms Pop in and support this local social group. You’re welcome to say hello, stay for a cuppa or lunch, or just have a chat. Where: The Shelly Arms 16-18 Old Guildford Road, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham RH12 3JU. When: Tuesday 8th February 13:30- 15:30 CALL: 01403 260560 EMAIL: Info-horsham@ageukwsbh.org.uk
News from police in the village. In the winter months, when you get home from work or from a nice walk with the dog, it’s comforting to get inside and make yourself nice and warm. Shut the windows, lock the doors, put your comfy slippers on and relax on the sofa. I don’t want to alarm you, but you’re not as safe as PCSO Michael Gamble you think you are. Although you can protect yourself from the evils or the outside, wrong doers can still get to you while you’re in your house and they don’t even have to set foot on your property. They’re called scammers, fraudsters, conmen and they can steal your hard earned money remotely. You are 3 times more likely to be scammed than burgled and 19 times more likely to be scammed than robbed. And when your landline or mobile phone rings, just remember that 40% of unwanted calls are scam calls. Older people receive 50% more scam calls than younger people and over 55’s lose twice as much money as under 55s when scammed. Single older people are particularly vulnerable, being 3 times more likely to be scammed than an older person with a partner. A third of all scam victims fall for another scam within 12 months because their details, such as phone numbers and emails addresses, are put onto a ‘suckers list’ and sold to other scammers. Prevention is key, you need to protect yourself from the scammers and there are many ways to do this. You can buy a call blocker for your phone that scans calls and only let’s legitimate callers through. Never give any of your personal details out online. Do not send money to people you do not know. If you have doubts about people you are speaking to on the phone or someone you’re having a conversation with online, stop the conversation and tell someone else about it. Someone else may be able to tell if the people are legitimate or not. If you think you’re a victim of fraud call the police and your bank immediately. We need to look out for the older generation and the vulnerable people in our community. Criminals are targeting people at risk and we need to stop this. Talk to your relatives, friends and neighbours to make sure they’re doing OK and not struggling in life. 16
1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows This term 4 of our girls moved up to brownies and we welcome 5 more into our unit. Congratulations to Sofia and Annie on completing their Rainbow Gold Award. Congratulations also to Lucy one of our unit helpers on completing her Commonwealth Award which was presented by our County Commissioner Lisa Barden.
2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides The guides started the spring term pretending to be forensic scientists crating their own kits, taking their fingerprints and looking for others around the hall. We also held a competition to see which team could build the tallest sky scraper using trusses to support their build.
For more information contact: Sarah Little Clemsfold District Commissioner ggclemsfold@gmail.com or visit girlguiding.org.uk 1st Broadbridge Heath Scout Group The Scouts rounded off a full term with a “Chip Shop Hike” around Horsham, rating the chips from each shop as they went. The Cubs and Scouts had a more traditional end to the term, with a Christmas party that included games, food and mini-skits from the Cubs. All three sections are now back and full of plans for the up-coming term with the Scouts having already managed a visit from a reptile-expert. The Cubs and Beavers are busy planning a sleepover at Easter - thankfully we have the option of a hall at the Scout Centre rather than having them all under canvas. All three sections are also making plans for ‘safer internet day’ and the usual range of hikes, backwoods cooking and skills sessions. 17
Christ’s Hospital School PerOur forthcoming forming Arts Events
events include:-
Sunday 6th March at 3pm: Band Concert Sun 27th March at 7pm: Angus Ross Gala Concert For tickets, pricing, or further information, including how to become a member of Christ’s Hospital Performing Arts please visit our website or call the Box Office: 01403 247434 Mon–Fri 9.30am-12pm Term Time Only Website: www.christs-hospital.org.uk Email: boxoffice@christs-hospital.org.uk
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The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath It’s all about Tax and Allowances! This is a key time of year for tax planning and this is becoming increasingly significant. Whether it's trying to keep income below £50,000 to avoid losing child benefit, or utilising your personal allowances, this can make a big difference to your overall financial position for the year. Over the years, I have been amazed how many people move their utilities around to save a few pounds, and yet knowing how to use your tax allowances can sometimes save hundreds of pounds. For example, someone who fails to qualify for full Child Benefit because their earnings are above £50,000 could make a pension contribution, bring their earnings below £50,000 and reclaim full Child Benefit. I’ve also seen people with a personal pension who are not due their state pension for a few years, and rather than drawing their Personal Pension they are living off savings. Where they were not utilising all their personal allowance, it could make sense to draw some income early tax-free, so they can enjoy more than the first 25% tax free. But it's not just about paying less tax, you may also be entitled to tax back. Anyone, even non-earners, can make a pension contribution, and enjoying tax relief at your highest rate on this contribution up to age 75. Tax and allowances are complex, so you have to tread carefully as you may save in one way, but become subject to another tax. For example, you may need to consider whether there is the possibility of a Lifetime Allowance tax charge. So why not pick up the phone today and utilise our free, without-obligation consultation. This is based on current UK taxation law and practice, all of which may be subject to change.
Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions (www.monsols.co.uk). Call 01403 288078 or email karen@monsols.co.uk for a free no-obligation consultation.
BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email: bbh.mag@gmail.com To advertise email: bbh.mag@gmail.com ——————————————————————
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