September 2015
Your community magazine for Broadbridge Heath & Wickhurst Green
SCARECROW WEEKEND: 26th & 27th SEPTEMBER Join in the fun and enter your own scarecrow. Entries close 13th Sept. Details and full story on page 4.
The BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath and Wickhurst Green. Published in the village, by the village and for the village. To advertise or to contact the Editor email:
BBH Mag Editorial column.
Welcome to the BBH Mag. Your community magazine for Broadbridge Heath and Wickhurst Green. A new non-profit making society “BBH Community Publications� has been formed to publish the BBH Mag. We publish every month in the village, for the village and by they village. There are four members of the committee: BBH Community Publications committee; Roger Stamp. Chairman & Editor. Email: Karen MacDonald. Treasurer. Paul Muggeridge. Distribution Co-ordinator. Linda Alexander. Minutes secretary. We have a vacancy for fifth member of the team so do let us know if you would like to join us. Contact details: You can contact BBH Mag by email at or write to us at 3, Pinewood Close, Broadbridge Heath. RH12 3TP To advertise in the BBH Mag; our advertising rates are very reasonable. Contact us for details. Email: or write to BBH Mag, 3, Pinewood Close, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3TP If you have a local news story or an event you would like to tell everyone about we will give you free publicity. Contact us at
Roger Stamp. Editor. The BBH Mag.
WANTED: Distributors for the BBH Mag. JOIN OUR FRIENDLY TEAM OF VOLUNTEER MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTORS Time commitment is no more than a couple of hours a month and you can get some exercise by walking around part of the village. Contact Paul Muggeridge by email or write to: BBH Mag, 3, Pinewood Close, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3TP 3
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath You are invited to a special event:
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114
A half day workshop with Mark Greene of the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity.
12th September
Worship services are held every Sunday.
St John’s Church Light breakfast: 8.00am for 8.30am Workshops: 9.30am until 1.00pm Working lunch with leaders: 1.30pm Admission at the door: £8.00 per head.
Children, families and people of all ages are welcome.
Broadbridge Heath Scarecrow Weekend 2015 26th & 27th September
Watch out for scarecrows around the village! The Broadbridge Heath Gala Association have organised the very first "Scarecrow Weekend". Community organisations, groups, local businesses and residents have been invited to think of a Film/TV character, make it into a scarecrow and display it around the village on the weekend of 26th/27th September between 10am and 4pm each day. Entries can be submitted to the organisers before 13th Sept Organisers say the idea is to create a scarecrow trail in the village that everyone can walk around and enjoy. Its free to enter and judging will take place from 12 noon on Saturday 26th September. Contact the Gala Association. Email: 4
Shelley Primary School Working Together To Become Even Better Headteacher: David Bird. Website: Shelley Primary is a ‘good’ school (Ofsted, 2013) and we are seeking to achieve fully our vision of 'working together to become even better’. Our work is underpinned by our core school values of aspiration, respect and togetherness - our ART of learning - which, in turn, link with the fundamental values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and respect for those with different faiths, beliefs and lifestyles. We have an excellent, committed staff team, all of whom care deeply about making a positive difference to the children’s lives both academically and socially. The children enjoy being at Shelley and we believe strongly that the way for them to achieve all of which they are capable is through strong partnerships between home and school. We expect to be moving to new premises on Wickhurst Green within the next few years to accommodate the increasing numbers of children joining our village.. Don’t forget, Thursday 3 September is designated for staff training, so we look forward to seeing the children return to school on Friday 4 September.
Charity Concert for YOUNG MINDS On Saturday 12th September at 7.30pm in Holy Trinity Church, Rudgwick the HANSELLIS ENSEMBLE is giving a concert of some of their favourite music to raise funds for the children and young people’s mental health charity YoungMinds. Members of the Hansell and Ellis families will be playing music for strings, voices and harpsichord by Purcell, Schütz and Monteverdi, three of the great composers from the 17th century. Professional musicians David Hansell (harpsichord), Jenny Hansell (soprano) and Rachel Ellis (violin) will be joined by Katy Ellis (violin), Charlotte Ellis (cello) and Harriet Hansell (soprano and violin). Jenny Hansell says: “YoungMinds is a very important charity. We would like to help those who are silently suffering by raising awareness of the problems that are affecting increasingly more children and young people. We all know of young people who have been affected in some way or other and there are many more whose problems go unnoticed and don’t receive the help they need. We are fortunate that we can help the charity by doing something we all love: making music!’’ The concert is free but donations to YoungMinds would be really appreciated: please go to YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and empowering their parents and carers; 5
The Royal Voluntary Service runs a Good Neighbour service for those across the country who may be, for whatever reasons, socially isolated and lonely. It requires volunteers of 18+ years to donate a minimum of one hour a week toOwell, chat. To natter, and drink tea, and share the incredible experiences and memories of those who have lived for so long and seen so much. To swap confessions of guilty crushes on the delectable Cary Grant (although that could be just me). To listen, to laugh, to break that relentless silence, to restore that confidence, to ring that doorbell, to give cause to bring out that second cup and saucer. To be a part of something that benefits both parties so much; to try and battle that major social ill of modern society – loneliness. If you can see yourself spending just one hour a week listening, learning, laughing (and drinking tea!), perhaps you too would like to take that first step of volunteering. Please contact the Royal Voluntary Service Good Neighbours team on 01293 228060 or email Tea drinking is entirely optional ! Rodena, BBH resident and occasionally manic mum-of-ten.
Broadbridge Heath Women’s Institute
FROM JAM AND JERUSALEM TO I.T. AND BEYOND, the Women's Institute really embraces the 21st century and this year we celebrate our centenary. At Broadbridge Heath branch, two of our members met Adam Henson (Country file) at our County Meeting in Worthing and our quiz teams have twice won the West Sussex quiz competition; this year one of our members will be attending a Buckingham Palace Garden Party with the Queen who is Patron of the WI and a member herself. We have regular speakers covering such topics as forensic science, pearls, and how to make a will. Our outings have included nature walks, visits to Canine Partners (dogs for the disabled), Air Ambulance, afternoon tea at garden centres - the list is endless. We also have 'in house' meetings where we exchange craft skills, make Christmas decorations, a ploughman's lunch, a garden party, have a cup of tea and a good old natter. So if you fancy any or all of the above, please come and join us where you will get a very warm welcome. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at St John's Community Hall - meetings start at 2.30 p.m. and end at approximately 4 p.m. We look forward to seeing you and will have the kettle on! For further information you can also contact either Pauline on Horsham 211704 or Gill on 266525 6
New box of equipment is on the wall of the church hall.
Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.
If you suspect that someone in the village is having a heart attack or some other medical emergency this defibrillator is now available.
Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347
The life saving equipment has been installed on the wall of the St John’s church hall (to the right of the entrance door). It’s available for everyone to use in a emergency; follow the instructions carefully.
COMMUNITY ADVERTISMENTS Advertise your second hand stuff for free if the sale price is below £25. Send your advert to SMALL ADVERTS If you’re a local person (not a business) you can place a small advert in the BBH magazine for £5 per edition. 15 words maximum, text only. Send your advert to: or write to: BBH Mag, 3, Pinewood Close, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3TP
Coms Maintenance Telephone - PC - Broadband - Engineer Ex BT engineer with 27 years experience PC & Broadband Problems - Extensions - Relocating - Network Cabling Fault Finding
Contact Paul Tel: 01403 788984
Wi-Fi - Systems -
Mobile: 07989 836857 7
The Financial Fairy Godmother. How to save a bigger house deposit. When you want to buy your own home, the first job is usually to save up a deposit – not always easy, especially if you’re renting. Good news for first time buyers – the Government wants to pay some of your deposit! From 1st December 2015, you’ll be able to open a Help To Buy ISA with a starting balance of up to £1,000 then save up to £200 per month. When your savings are used to buy your first home the Government will top up your savings by 25% with a maximum bonus of £3,000 applying if you’ve saved £12,000. However you can't pay into a cash ISA in the same tax year as a Help To Buy ISA. The extra good news is that you can have one per person (over the age of 16) so couples could get up to £6,000 towards a deposit for their first home. The bonus is only available on home purchases of up to £250,000 outside London and up to £450,000 in London. This could be a good way of building your own deposit, or you might use it to help get your children onto the housing ladder by paying into their Help To Buy ISA. The typical first time buyer needed a deposit of 18.6% in May 1 with the average starter home costing £211,000 2, suggesting it would be necessary to build a deposit of £39,250, plus legal and other fees. These accounts will be available to open for the next four years, but once you’ve started you can save for as long as you want. 1
Council of Mortgage Lenders.
Office of National Statistics
Karen MacDonald is an Independent Financial Adviser with Monetary Solutions Limited. For a free initial consultation, call 01403 288078 or email Website:
BBH Mag is your new village magazine for Broadbridge Heath & Wickhurst Green For advertising or editorial contact: Printed by FinePrint 01293 851169 8