January 2019
Your community magazine for
Broadbridge Heath —–——————-———————————————————
MORE DELAYS FOR NEW FOOTBALL GROUND. Details on page 3 BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath.
Published in the village, by the village and for the village. © BBH Community Publications To advertise email: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com Editor email: bbh.mag@gmail.com Website: www.bbhmag.co.uk
BBH Mag Editorial column. Published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by local volunteers for the benefit of Broadbridge Heath. Send us your news. Do you have some news about your club or society you would like to share with the rest of the village? Email us at bbh.mag@gmail.com BBH Mag is available online at www.issuu.com: search for “BBH Mag”. How to advertise in BBH Magazine. We deliver to every house in the village, currently 2,400 homes. The deadline for submitting copy and payment is the 8th day of each month. Email us for details advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com Join our volunteer distributors. We have a team of over 30 people who distribute the magazine every month. Would you like to help? Time commitment is about half an hour a month. Contact Paul Muggeridge by email: distribution.bbh.mag@gmail.com ——————————————-
‘BBH Mag’ is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council 2
BBH Mag Sport
News from local sports clubs.
If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: bbh.mag@gmail.com FOOTBALL Broadbridge Heath Football Club Unfortunately Father Christmas was not able to bring the present our members have long wished for (keys to our new facilities) so we go into our centenary year still hoping the developers, Countryside Properties, will finally get the on-site work completed sufficiently to allow the District Council to take ownership, they in turn will give the Football Club a 30 year lease to manage and run the facilities. They say "the longer you wait for something the more you appreciate it when you get it" so lets end the year on a positive note looking forward to taking ownership of our new facilities and celebrating 100 years of Broadbridge Heath Football Club. On the field not too much is going on with the Christmas and New Year holiday fixture break although the first team aren't quite so lucky, at senior level you don't get a break and the first team will be playing away to Loxwood on Boxing Day morning at 11.00 am and then a few days later on the 29th December we're away to Horsham YMCA, two local derby's in 3-days. Other first team fixtures include: 5th Jan Away to Pagham K.O. 3.00 8th Jan Away to Eastbourne United K.O. 7.45 19th Jan Home to Little Common K.O. 3.00 26th Jan Home to Chichester City K.O. 3.00 For more information on Broadbridge Heath FC please visit our website at www.bbh-fc.com
ADVERTISING RATES. This magazine is distributed every month to every home in Broadbridge Heath; that’s 2,400 homes.
Quarter page: £20 per edition. Half page: £35 per edition. Full page: £55 per edition. Email the Editor for details:
bbh.mag@gmail.com 3
Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club Byfleets Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex RH12 3PB http://broadbridgeheath.play-cricket.com/home/home.asp
Since the last edition, the Club has had its AGM and I’m pleased to say that both Tom Endacott and Ian Stocker have agreed to continue as the respective 1st and 2nd XI captains for the coming season. Although the Committee have not spent the countless years together as many on the football club committee, the existing members have been together for some time and are continuing for the coming year, strongly led by Chair Tim Wells. However, like other community organisations in the area, our committee needs help and support from playing members, etc and we will be encouraging that support during 2019. The Winter Indoor League is now up and running at Crawley and our new-look team is still coming to terms with the format. So far, we have played 4, won 2 lost 2 with one game left before the Christmas break. Although our two loses were to Sussex Premier League Clubs, as ever we continue to punch above our weight in this shorter form of the game and new indoor players (James Round, Doni James, Shyam Surendran Nair and Shaji Philip) have stood up really well. So far, our bowling has been the stronger discipline but there has been some stand-out batting too with evergreen Chair Tim Wells scoring 47 recently. For me over Christmas, I’ll be tuned-in to the Big Bash in Australia, quite the best of the T20 competitions around the world, especially with the usually fabulous weather. Best wishes to everyone for the festive season. Colin Case ————————————————————–—————-———————————
Wowey! What a lovely, lovely Procession! Success for the village Santa event. Thank you to everyone that braved the rain! We love putting on these wonderful events for the village. Special thanks to the house on Chantler Lane for supplying the mulled wine and biccys, the Shelley Arms for your hospitality and Elfy BeanZ for your entertainment. And we can't forget the fire brigade at the end. We'll see you next year for more village fun! Thank you again! The Gala Association hold a number of events throughout the year, with the sole intention of bringing together their ever growing village community. For more information on upcoming events, or to get involved, please email bbhgalateam@gmail.com or visit their Facebook page BBHGALAASSOCIATION. 4
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Children, families and people of all ages are welcome.
Sunday 6 January & 3 February Café@Church Open from 10.00 am. For all the family. Coffee served all morning, papers, chill, craft activities, games for children, worship and short talk Tuesday 8, 15, 22 & 29 January Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast, biscuits, read the papers and have a chat. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179 Wednesday 2 January Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00 am. Bring along any craft you have and enjoy the refreshments and fellowship. Cost: £2. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673 Wednesday 9 January Tea & Fellowship 2.30 pm. Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath. Contact Heather 01403 210996 Wednesday 16 January Village Lunch 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost £4. To book please contact Charlotte on 01403 267673 Thursday 10, 17, 24 & 31 January Kinderoo Baby & Toddler Group 10-11.30 am. All pre-school children and their carers are welcome. Entrance fee is only £2 per family which includes refreshments.
Parish Point of View John Bailey, Lay Reader at St John’s Church Our Christmas tree is standing in the living room as I write, stripped of its nylon netting but still unadorned as we wait for the branches to settle. Meanwhile, my reverend wife is darting back and forth between the kitchen and her office as she plans services, sermons and school assemblies in between batches of mince pies and spicy biscuits. At the moment, then, we’re all anticipation: eager for the good bits of Christmas (putting up decorations, exchanging gifts, the odd nice bottle of wine, and so on), but daunted by everything that still has to be done if we're to meet various people’s expectations including our own. But if I may go from anticipation to anti-climax in one fell swoop, by the time you read this it will all be over for another year. The decorations will be coming down, the tree leaving a trail of needles across the carpet as it’s dragged kicking and screaming to the door, while children and many adults will already be back at work dreaming of spring. But it’s not all over. There’s a whole new year to look forward to, with all the ups and downs that life tends to throw at us. And for many people in every culture, this is a good moment to think afresh about how we want to approach the coming year. It’s a time to look back over our recent pasts, to take stock of what we’ve done well and not so well, and to commit ourselves to doing things a little differently in future. So-called New Year’s Resolutions are a start, even if they’re no more than the token ‘lose weight, smoke less, do more around the house’ thing that I grew up with. But suppose we took the time before the new year gets fully under way to think more deeply about our lives—about what would make us happier, nicer, more fulfilled, more at peace with ourselves and those around us? It’s my prayer as I write these closing words that as the year unfolds, we may each find the space to reflect on these things. Personally, I’m convinced that wherever we’re coming from, whatever we may have done with our lives good or bad, there’s no better way to find peace and fulfilment than to develop an awareness of God’s presence within us and around us. But wherever you find meaning, may it be a blessed year.
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath, Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 info@stjohnsbbh.org.uk www.stjohnsbbh.org.uk Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. 6
Contact: Jo Ball, The Clerk of the Parish Council PO Box 1009, Cowfold, West Sussex, RH12 9RX e-mail: clerk@broadbridgeheath-pc.gov.uk Telephone: 07716 130103 Horsham Green Gym
Green Gym is an independent, volunteer nature conservation group, set up in 2005 and has continuing support from Horsham District Council. It meets for three hours every Tuesday and Thursday morning at various local sites. Recent tasks have included resurfacing paths, crocus and daffodil bulb planting, hedge and tree planting, clearing streams and digging ponds to encourage waterfowl or other wildlife. The group also has helped with controlling invasive plants such as Himalayan Balsam and cutting back vegetation encroaching on public footpaths. Members enjoy the exercise, fresh air and making new friends. Everyone is able to work at their own pace and attend as many sessions as they wish. There is no charge to belong. Our usual tools are spades, hedging shears, saws and loppers. We don’t use powered tools, except a drill when necessary. Clothing is chosen to suit the weather and the task. Over several months, a huge number of young silver birch trees were removed to return part of Owlbeech Wood to heathland. This has been remarkably successful as each year sees more heather and gorse growing where there used to be only trees. The work has provided habitats for insects and birds not often spotted in the area. Shallow ponds have also been dug nearby to provide drinking pools for animals and breeding sites for insects. If you want to be active and help improve the local environment, we will be pleased to see you. Look for more information on the website: www.horshamgreengym.org.uk
Cold weather alerts. coldAlert is a free service for Sussex residents, which alerts you to severe cold weather events before they happen. Alerts are sent directly to you 24 to 48 hours before a cold weather event is expected. You can choose how you receive coldAlerts either via mobile App, text, automated voice message (to your home phone) or by email - it’s easy and free! Receiving a coldAlert can help you prepare by prompting you to heating your home, to stock up on supplies of hot food and drinks and medication, it can also act as a reminder to wear extra layers of clothing when going outside in the forecast cold conditions. Who should register for coldAlerts? Carers of elderly relatives or friends, parents of young children and people with health conditions (e.g. arthritis, heart or lung conditions) that worsen in severe cold weather, could benefit from receiving coldAlerts. To receive coldAlerts simply download the airAlert App (from the App Store or Google Play and subscribe to the coldAlert service), register at www.coldAlert.info or call 01273 484337. 7
Christmas Bazaar raises over £3,300 for Shelley School. The Friends of Shelley School are delighted to announce a brilliant start to the 2018/2019 academic year, culminating in the recent Christmas Bazaar which broke last year’s fundraising record; chalking up over £3,300 for the school! Thanks to all who attended to hear the school choir, experience Father Christmas’ magical storytime sessions, sample the range of stalls and games on offer or just to have a drink and a bite to eat. FOSS particularly appreciates the support of the local businesses who ran stalls or contributed generous raffle prizes.
The funds raised will go towards much needed IT hardware for the school, including new iPads for use as learning aids in the classrooms. Other highpoints of the school’s social calendar this term organised by FOSS have included a film night for the students, showing The Incredibles 2, and the ever popular school discos. The committee of volunteers that makes up FOSS is run by parents from across the school. It is chaired by Elaine Levitton who succeeded Rodena Howes-Yarlett at the AGM in October last year. The new committee would like to extend a huge thank you to the outgoing team for all their hard work and the amazing contribution that they have made to the school. Attention now turns to the Summer fair on June 28th. If you are a local business that would like to donate a raffle prize or run a stall, please do get in touch via fosspta17@gmail.com Friends of Shelley School - Registered Charity No. 1136192 —————————————————————————————————————
Villager will run Macmillan London Marathon Samantha Jane writes: “On Sunday April 29th I will join over 40,000 people on the start line of the London Marathon, as a part of the Macmillan Cancer Support charity team. Macmillan provide much needed support to sufferers, survivors and their families when they are going through hard times, and I really want to make sure I do them proud. Attempting to raise £2620 (linked to my journey of 26.2 miles) I am reaching out to local companies who maybe able to help me in my fundraising activities and as a local resident, based in Wickhurst Green.
In addition I have in planning a race night at the Shelley Arms on 16th March 2019. Check out my website: https://runsjrun2019.wixsite.com/myjourney Additionally, my Virgin Money Giving Page is here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/runsjrun2019 8
Now that the festivities are over and the decorations have been packed away for another year, we can look INSPIRING WOMEN back on some wonderful successes in 2018. First of all we helped to set up a new WI in the village that meets in the evenings. The Broadbridge Bombshells are now a thriving new WI and going from strength to strength. In June the Village Fete, resurrected after an 18 year absence, was a huge success thanks to all those involved in the organisation - and especially to all of you who came and spent your money at our stall. Let's hope there'll be another fete next year and we'll make sure we're there with all the things you've told us you like. Another success (and a first for us) was our Christmas Fayre. Again you came along and bought our cakes, puddings, table decorations and all the other things we’d made. We really enjoyed meeting you and we’ll be doing it again next year. Now we're looking forward, and we have a great programme for 2019. Here are some of our plans: Feb 12 - wear your heart on your sleeve and join us for a Valentine’s themed afternoon film show. Mar 12 - Ever wondered about meals delivered to your door? We’ve invited Wiltshire Farm Foods to come and tell us all about it. Apr 9 - Maureen Brown, who won the South of England Show first prize and the visitor’s choice prize for her beautiful painting, will be holding an Art Master Class with her equally talented sister, Yvonne, so if you’ve ever fancied trying your hand, come and have some fun with us. May 14 - We’ll be scoffing a ploughman's lunch while discussing the WI campaign issues for this year. Have your say - we have proved that the WI’s strength in numbers is capable of really making a difference. Other events to look forward to include a talk on the Great Wall of China, our annual Garden Party, quizzes, a cake decorating demonstration....... as you can see, there’ll be plenty going on and something for everyone so if you’re free on Tuesday afternoons and you’d like to come along to any of our events, we’d love to meet you and you’ll be made very welcome. Contact us: Wendy Griffin, 01403 217152 Email: BBHWI@uwclub.net 9
T’was a month before Christmas and all through the house… The Bombshell’s were busy crafting their Christmas door wreaths! November 27th saw us getting into the festive season …with several finger pricks from the odd holly leaf, accompanied by a glass of wine to dull the pain, we created some beautiful colourful decorations.
The festivities continued and in December we had our Christmas party… the photo’s speak for themselves! It was a fantastic night with festive live music from the amazing Lucy, far too much mulled wine, fizz and delicious food, resulting in late night Elf antics and sore heads the next day. It was a huge success. At the heart of the Broadbridge Bombshells WI is friendship, fun, sharing, learning and seeking new experiences for women of all ages. BUT we also do a lot for things that really matter. 100 years of campaigning! Every year the Women’s Institute campaign tirelessly for issues close to our hearts. Our winning resolution for 2018 was our fantastically successful campaign for changes regarding ‘Plastic Soup’. “Microplastic fibers are shed from synthetic clothing with every wash and are the main contributors to microplastic contamination of the oceans. The NFWI (National Federation Women’s Institute) calls on Government and industry to research and develop innovative solutions to this problem in order to stop the accumulation of microplastic fibers in our oceans” (Ashley Green WI, Buckinghamshire Federation – passed at the NFWI’s 2017 Annual Meeting) 2018 we voted for action to be taken to improve the way Mental Health is viewed. 2019 will see us raising awareness with our campaign ‘Making Time for Mental Health’. Come and join us! We meet on the last Tuesday of the month at St Johns Church Hall, 8pm Website: www.broadbridgebombshellswi.co.uk Email: bbhwi1951@gamil.com Facebook: Broadbridge Bombshells WI Twitter: Broadbridge Bombshells! 1@bombshellswi Instagram: Broadbridge Bombshells WI 10
Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Thurs 17th Jan – Rachel. An incredibly moving performance of the story of Mrs Rachel Levy, an Auschwitz and BergenBelsen survivor.
Tues 22nd Jan – Dominions Recital: Senior Woodwind Players. Three of our talented senior musicians give a joint recital.
Thurs 24th Jan – Sing-A-Long-A-Grease A fun evening singing along to the screening of this classic film.
Sat 26th Jan – Music Workshop: Singing the Songs of Henry Burstow – At Holy Innocents Church, Southwater A workshop to celebrate the wonderful folk music of Henry Burstow, the first of two linked events.
Fri 1st Feb – Dominions Recital: GE & UF Music Scholars. A varied programme showcasing the talent of the next generation.
Fri 8th Feb – Jazz & Blues Night. This year includes the renowned national Youth Jazz Orchestra playing alongside our own CH ensembles.
St. John’s Community Hall, Broadbridge Heath. Tuesdays 6.30pm
Box Office 01403 247434
Village Hall by St Peters Church, Slinfold Thursdays 7.00pm
For more information contact: Holly Spence 07867 433211
LAWN MOWING & HEDGE CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.
Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 14
(Mon–Fri 9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: www.christs-hospital.org.uk Email: boxoffice@christs-hospital.org.uk
Village Contacts.
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Paula Flack (GSL) 01403 791453 or paulaflack63@gmail.com 1st BBH Rainbows Sharon Newman ggclemsfold@gmail.com 2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver sharon.carver@outlook.com 2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman bbhguides@gmail.com St Johns Church office@stjohnsbbh.org.uk vicar@stjohnsbbh.org.uk Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Mrs Viv Edwards 01403 240414 Clerk – Jo Ball 07716 130103 Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email: bbhgalateam@gmail.com Broadbridge Heath District Councillor Matthew French 01403 730040 Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503
Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340 Kelly Brook Montessori Nursery School 01403 251221 Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall
Broadbridge Heath Village Social Club Phil Farrelly 01403 217177 Broadbridge Heath W.I. Gill Axby 01403 266525 Wendy Griffin 01403 217152 BBHWI@uwclub.net Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464 Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website: www.habc-badminton.com Citizens Advice consumer helpline 03454 04 05 06 Toasties Youth Club Donna Puttick puttickdm@outlook.com 07867 387466 or 01403 581962 —————————————————NOTE: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you do not want us to continue publishing your contact details in this magazine please email us at bbh.mag@gmail.com
Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036 15
The Financial Fairy Godmother
of Broadbridge Heath
Take the emotion out of investing As I write, the Commons Brexit vote has just been deferred. There is a sense of ‘fear of the unknown’: what Brexit deal will be drawn and what our future will be. At times like this in particular I see my role as being a sounding board and holding clients’ hands through difficult times. This uncertainty has been reflected in stockmarkets in recent days, but what do we advise for investments? We all need to keep a clear head as no-one knows what lies ahead, but many investors admit they struggle to avoid making emotional decisions when market shocks occur. So what should we do now? Well, the FTSE 100 closed today at 6721.54*, down from a record high of 7859.17 on 21st May 2018. Emotion aside, when would you think would be the better time to buy, now or back in May? Of course, logically now would be correct. But how many of us would use logic over emotion? This is where your financial adviser comes in. We help to keep perspective on a situation and guide you through objectively. None of us knows what will happen in the future but if you are currently worried, give me a call on 01403 288078 and we can work on a financial plan together for 2019 that is prepared for all eventualities. Karen MacDonald is an Independent Financial Adviser with Monetary Solutions Limited. Your first consultation is free and no-obligation. Call: 01403 288078 or 07970 179413 Email: karen@monetarysolutions.co.uk Website: www.monetarysolutions.co.uk *London Stock Exchange figures: Opening 22 May 2018 7877.45; Closing 10 Dec 2018 6721.54 The information in this article is for information only and must not be construed as financial advice. Always seek independent financial advice before making any financial decisions. The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you put in.
BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email: bbh.mag@gmail.com To advertise: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com ——————————————————————
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