June 2016
Your community magazine for
Broadbridge Heath
BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. Published in the village, by the village and for the village. © BBH Community Publications To advertise email: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com Editor email: bbh.mag@gmail.com
Your local farm shop on a family-run farm just around the corner. www.facebook.com/westonsfarmshop
Westons Hill, Itchingfield, RH13 0BD
01403 791228
BBH Mag Editorial column.
Front page story:
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB FOR CHILDREN With so many of our young teenagers in the village working hard on exams and younger children still at school, the Summer holidays may seem a long way off. But, when the Summer comes, what can parents do to keep their children occupied during July and August? Last year, Ann Beresford of St John’s church started the first Summer Holiday Club for children in the village. It was a success so she plans to run it again this Summer. It’s likely to be popular so it’s a good idea to get in touch with Ann now if you want to book a place for a child in the village. Full details on page 5 . THIS IS YOUR VILLAGE MAGAZINE. The BBH Mag is the community magazine for Broadbridge Heath published by local volunteers and distributed free to the whole village. That's nearly 2000 houses; and the village is growing fast with the new housing development, Wickhurst Green. If you're a local resident, or a member of a village club or voluntary group; send us your news and your events. We’ll be delighted to include it in the magazine, free of charge. Email: bbh.mag@gmail.com
It pays to advertise in BBH Magazine. Our advertisers are pleased with the service we offer them. We deliver to every house in the village and we’re keen to encourage local businesses. Our advertising rates are very reasonable. Contact us for details…... Email: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com Post: BBH Mag, 3, Pinewood Close, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3TP
Join our friendly team of volunteer distributors. We have a large team of people who distribute the magazine every month. Would you like to help? Time commitment is about an hour a month and we looking for two people to distribute to Ellis Road and Shelley Drive. Contact Paul Muggeridge on 01403 262600 email p.muggeridge@sky.com BBH Mag is published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by volunteers for the benefit of the community of Broadbridge Heath.
Roger Stamp. Editor. The BBH Mag. Email: bbh.mag@gmail.com 3
“BBH Mag”.
For details of the Broadbridge Heath Summer Holiday Club for Children: Contact Ann Beresford at St John’s Church, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD Phone: 01403 274114
Email: info@stjohnsbbh.org.uk 5
Broadbridge Heath Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. Sharon Newman Guide and Ranger leader and District
1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows I had great fun doing the Queen's birthday badge. We made flowers and decorated a hat. I liked doing my promise as we had a party after. I love playing games and singing funny songs. by Nina Supalova aged 6
2ND Broadbridge Heath Guides and Rangers Polar Bears here! Guides has been jam packed since our last article. Firstly we had a mystery cooking evening, where we blindly picked cans and then we have to make a meal. Chaotic but fun! Next we went to Nowhurst campsite to clean up one of the sites, but the best part was that afterwards we made smores. The next week was our BP award international evening. Four of the older guides made activities for us to do. By Polar Bear patrol
To join Girlguiding please visit girlguiding.org.uk
2nd Broadbridge Heath Brownies I joined Brownies in 2014 having been at the Rainbows in Broadbridge Heath. I loved being at Rainbows but Brownies is even better! Recently I became the Sixer of the Pixie Six which I'm really proud of. Being a Sixer means I lead my group in activities and the Pixie song. At Brownies we do brilliant stuff like making cakes and biscuits, going out on visits to really interesting places and having sleepovers which are really fun. I think working towards earning badges is really great as you sometimes have to learn something new. I love being a Brownie because I get to meet new girls as well as be with friends. I also love the games we play after our welcome song. I will be really sad to leave Brownies when I'm 10. By Amelia Tottman aged 9 ———————————————————————————————————-
2016 Horsham Performers Platform Festival Performances by local young musicians. Saturday 18th - Saturday 25th June
Contact: info@horsham-performers-platform.co.uk St. John's Church, Church Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham. RH12 3LD
THE TREFOIL GUILD Are you between the ages of 18 and 100+? Have you been, or are you still, an active member of Girlguiding? Do you wish to keep alive the spirit of the Guide and Scout Promise and Laws? To carry that spirit into the community and give practical, moral and financial support to Girlguiding? You do not need to have made your Guide Promise as you can make this at any age if you support the aims and beliefs of Girlguiding. The Trefoil Guild is a non-uniformed branch of Girlguiding, formed in 1943 by the amalgamation of various groups of former Guides. It was first registered in 1947 and in 1971 the minimum age for membership was lowered to 18 and it was agreed that men could also join . Our meetings include various activities, including crafts, outings and interesting speakers, there are also opportunities to join in County and Regional activities. Our meetings are held monthly on the second Thursday of the month at the Guide HQ in Denne Road, Horsham from 7.30pm to approx 9.30pm. Sheila Garman (Chairman Horsham Trefoil Guild). ——————————————————————————————————————————
NEWS FROM SHELLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Wickhurst Lane, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LU T: 01403 265343 E: office@shelley.w-sussex.sch.uk Headteacher: Mr D Bird MA NPQH We would like to say a big well done to all our pupils who have been completing tests this month, and particularly to our Year 2 and Year 6 children who have recently completed their SATs tests. Looking forwards to a (hopefully!) warm, summer term, we would like to remind you that the FOSS Summer Fete will take place on Friday 24th June. Please do pop along and support our wonderful school. The money raised by our volunteers on the evening will all go towards providing resources for our children. In this warmer weather and with lighter evenings, please do be aware that there will be more children and families walking to and from school in the mornings and evenings. We do encourage children to walk, ride or scoot where possible and we would like to ensure that particularly the area around our school is safe for them to do so. We thank you for your attention in respecting speed limits and being aware of small children. Finally, in a last plea for support, if you shop in Sainsburys and are offered the ‘Active Kids’ vouchers, please do collect them and drop them in to our school reception. 9
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Events at St John's Church and Hall. Sunday 5 June
Café@Church. Open from 10.00 am. For all the family. Coffee served all morning, papers, chill, craft activities, games for children.
Wednesdays 1 & 8 June Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00 am. Bring along any craft you have and enjoy the refreshments and fellowship.
Tuesdays 7, 14, 21 & 28 June Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for ‘free’ Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast, biscuits, read the papers and have a chat.
Wednesday 8 June
Tea & Fellowship 2.30 pm. Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath. Contact Heather 01403 210996
Wednesday 15 June
Village Lunch 12 for 12.30 pm. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by 12 June.
Friday 17 June
Family Film Night 3.30 – 6.00 pm with refreshments. Film showing ‘The Boxtrolls’. Contact Donna 01403 581962
Sunday 19 June
ENCOUNTER Evening Service @ 7.00 pm. Worship with the Band
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 info@stjohnsbbh.org.uk
Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. 10
Paddy’s Page Revd. Paddy Beresford Vicar of St. John’s Church Broadbridge Heath Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 Sport and religion share some interesting and important similarities, they both draw out impulses that every human understands, like the need for us to relate well to those around us. Both respond to the challenge to surmount difficulties and challenges so that the best in life doesn’t escape us. I expect the recent Invictus Games will have inspired many of you. The word “Invictus” means “unconquered”, “unbeaten” and it is proven that such sporting activity helps recovery. The competitors are men and women who have faced the realities and horrors of war head-on. They have received debilitating injuries, physically or mentally, whilst serving their countries. They’ve been tested and challenged, but not beaten, and have learnt to persevere and conquer unimagined heights. I was interested to read about Timothy Payne, a US Army staff sergeant who competed in a few events including swimming and the discus. During a posting in Afghanistan, Payne stepped on an improvised explosive device and lost both his legs, some fingers and a part of his left arm. As he was recovering from his injury, another tragedy hit - his brother-in-law died. He said that it was during this dark time that he decided to read the Bible and to ask Jesus to take away his anger and he found that amazingly Jesus did and gave him a new outlook on life and a confidence to deal with these tragedies. Sport is also familiar with faith, hope and love - three Christian virtues. During the last Premier League season, as Newcastle United fought relegation, their manager, John Carver, repeatedly told reporters that his team needed to believe. “We have to keep believing. Have faith in us!” And if you support a team, that’s exactly what is needed. Belief. Hope. Fans cry when their team loses and feel betrayed when a star player is transferred. Why? Because they love their club. The Bible uses sports as a picture of life, it teaches us that life is like a race, or a wrestling match and that in all the struggles and obstacles we face, we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and will help us ensure we come out the other side unbeaten, unconquered, invictus.
BBH Mag Sport News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: bbh.mag@gmail.com FOOTBALL
Broadbridge Heath Football Club The season has now drawn to an end and the players can put their feet up, sit back and watch England's road to glory in the UEFA EURO 2016. Alternatively you could pop down to Byfleets Lane and give the BBH cricket team some support. One of the club teams that never stops are the Veterans (Over 35), they continue to show their skills every fortnight on the synthetic pitch at Tanbridge House School, at their age if they stopped playing they would never get going again. For the Junior and Senior Football Club committee though the season never stops, already we're having to complete the affiliation forms for next season, several of our members are booked on coaching courses, new kit and equipment need to be ordered, League AGMs to attend, new rules and procedures to adopt, new and existing sponsors to approach and pitches to prepare, before you know it the players will be back in training and off we go again. Next season the club will be running 16 teams, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, 2x U12, U13, 2 x U15, U16, U18, Reserves, First and 2 x Veterans. That's the most number of teams we've ever had at BBH with approx. 250 -300 players, another 50+ involved as managers, assistants, coaches and assistant referees and another dozen or so people on the various committees. As the club grows you can understand why the committee have been working so hard to find a new home away from the Leisure Centre where we can bring as many teams as possible together on one site with one headquarters but progress on the clubs new facilities south of the existing Leisure Centre is slow and although we had hoped to give you some news by now, nothing as yet has been finalised, hopefully we can give you some news in future editions.
For more information please visit our website www.pitchero.com/clubs/broadbridgeheathfc 12
Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club Byfleets Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex RH12 3PB What a difference a day makes – well, a few days anyway. From cold north winds and single figure temperatures to warm (and sometimes wet) weather that has brought the new leaves out everywhere – and cricketers too. Those promised adult nets are up and running on a Thursday at 6ish and we have already played adult and junior league matches. No star performances yet and it’s a bit early yet to make any assessments but let’s just say that skipper Jordan Ruff will be hoping that his 1st XI gets up to full strength quickly. If you missed last month’s edition, this is a reminder that our groundsman David Bridges has advised us that this will be his last season as Groundsman so if there is anyone out there who would like to look after our square, supported by a number of groundstaff, then please let our Chairman Tim Wells know on 07740101983. Don’t forget that we play at the Top Common, going out of the village on the Warnham Road where you will also find the Tennis and Stoolball Clubs. If you are passing and see players about why not stop awhile and watch. All three clubs would be happy to provide a taster for anyone interested. Don’t forget to keep in touch at the Club’s website and on Facebook. Colin Case http://broadbridgeheath.play-cricket.com/home/home.asp ——————————————————————————————————————
Summer burglary prevention tips from Sussex Police: If you are out in the back garden, ensure that your front door is secure. Put your garden tools and games away into a secure garage or tools shed after using them, they could be used to break into your home, or your neighbours'. When you leave a room unattended, close the windows and doors - especially on the ground floor. If you want to leave windows open while you sleep, fit window restrictors so they cannot be fully opened, or make sure they are not large enough to allow access to a burglar. Keep all wallets, purses, credit cards, car keys and other valuables out of sight. Consider fitting outside security lighting or a visible alarm to help deter burglars. Even using pea shingle or gravel on a driveway and spiky plants in garden beds can help. If you park your car out in the countryside, take your bag or wallet with you and don't leave other belongings on view in your car. Even an old coat left in sight could tempt someone to break in. Damian Cecil, PCSO for Broadbridge Heath Mob: 07912 893029 Email: Damian.Cecil@sussex.pnn.police.uk 13
BROADBRIDGE HEATH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE President: Pauline Scott 53 Corsletts Avenue Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LQ
Secretary: Gill Axby 13 Church Road Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD Phone: 01403 266525 Email: gillian.axby@sky.com
Phone: 01403 211704 Email: pauline_scott@hotmail.co.uk
New members always welcome; contact Pauline or Gill on the above numbers.
24hr Fire and flood restoration company with 18 Years of experience. A family run business based in Broadbridge Heath. Our services include:
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Please mention the ‘BBH Mag’ when talking to our advertisers in this magazine; thank you.
TREE SURGERY Felling Pruning Reductions
Climbing Stump Grinding
JONATHAN CARTER Itchingfield NPTC City & Guilds Qualified & Insured
Barnetts Barbers Visit us for your haircut. Opening times: Monday 9.00 - 5.15 Tuesday 9.00 - 6.00 Wednesday 9.00 - 5.15 Thursday 9.00 - 6.00 Friday 9.00 - 5.15 Saturday 9.00 - 4.00 Walk in service 13c Old Guildford Road Broadbridge Heath RH12 3JT
Yoga Classes in Horsham Iyengar Yoga is a safe and accessible form of Yoga suitable for all levels, including beginners. Teacher with 20 years experience More information & booking: www.annamacedoyoga.com hoveyoga@yahoo.co.uk
At Audiologica we pride ourselves in a personalised service We offer high quality home audio systems as well as high end headphones and MP3 players. We specialise in computer based audio: rip your entire CD collection onto one of our systems to reduce clutter and hear your music as you’ve never heard it before! We are based in Barns Green so happy to pop round to do a demonstration or discuss your needs.
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01403 734236 Email: tesashplace@gmail.com
Richard Lamb DipPFS Independent Financial Consultant. Based in Christ’s Hospital. Are your pensions and investments performing as you’d like? Have they been reviewed in full within the last 12 months? If the answer is NO we need to talk!
I will cover the cost of a full pension and/or investment review for all BBH Mag readers. FOR A FREE INDEPENDENT REVIEW CONTACT ME ON 07766395559
rlamb@coreifa.co.uk Core Financial Services are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 19
Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.
Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: office@muntham.org.uk Web: www.muntham.org.uk
LAWN MOWING & HEDGE CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.
Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 21
Useful numbers. AGE UK General enquiries Visiting Services Pensions & benefits
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
01403 260560 01403 260560 01403 274495
SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845
www.ageuk.org.uk/horshamdistrict TRADING STANDARDS CHILDLINE 08454 040506 0800 1111 Approved Businesses 01243 642124 or CENTRAL & SOUTH SUSSEX CITIZENS www.westsussex.gov.uk/tradingstandards ADVICE 0344 477 1171 TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) www.cassca.org.uk 0845 748 4950 National consumer helpline (on behalf of Trading Standards): 0345 404 0506 www.nationalrail.co.uk COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 ELECTRICITY EMERGENCIES 0845 770 8090 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 GAS EMERGENCIES – SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999
WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS 01243 642105 www.westsussex.gov.uk WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CO-ORDINATOR – David Trangmar bbhnhw@gmail.com
For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council websitewww.horsham.gov.uk/ bins/bin_calendars
0808 2000247 NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free) PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 POLICE NON EMERGENCIES 101 (calls cost 15p)
Check your contact details! If your local group is listed here please check that your details are correct and contact the editor with corrections by email bbh.mag@gmail.com If you would like your club or society listed here please send your details to us by email to bbh.mag@gmail.com 22
Village Contacts.
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Paula Flack (GSL) 01403 791453 or paulaflack63@gmail.com 1st BBH Rainbows Sally Carver geordiecarver@aol.com 2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver 01403 733702 2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman bbhguides@gmail.com St Johns Church sarah.tombling46@gmail.com Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Mrs Viv Edwards 01403 240414 Clerk – Mrs Mary Burroughs 01403 785864 Broadbridge Heath District Councillor Matthew French Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273
Kelly Brook Montessori Nursery School 01403 251221 Skylarks Pre-School 07825 603601 Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall Broadbridge Heath Village Social Club Phil Farrelly 01403 217177 The Shelley Arms 01403 253406 Broadbridge Heath W.I. Gill Axby 01403 266525 Pauline Scott 01403 211704 Newbridge Nurseries Garden Centre 01403 272686 Police PCSO officer for the village Damian Cecil, Mob: 07912 893029 Damian.Cecil@sussex.pnn.police.uk BBH Mag is the village magazine published by BBH Community Publications bbh.mag@gmail.com
Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346
Check your contact details! If your local group is listed here please check that your details are correct and contact the editor with corrections by email bbh.mag@gmail.com
Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036
Add your contact details to this list.
Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340
If you would like your club or society listed here please send your details to us by email to bbh.mag@gmail.com 23
The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath Care planning: Not just for elderly people When you think about people needing care, you might automatically think of the elderly. But many younger people receive care due to long-term illness or serious personal injury. It may be a condition they have lived with since birth, or following an accident or negligence. When this first happens, seeking financial advice is probably not considered a priority. However, it’s very important. A financial settlement may be received through the courts or as an inheritance – it’s crucial this money is handled appropriately, as it may have to support the recipient for many years. Families should also consider their own financial arrangements. We have seen cases where parents die, leaving their estate to their child receiving care. However, this can result in the precious legacy being swallowed up in fees. Taking professional advice in advance can protect that money. A Personal Injury Trust can protect the proceeds of a court settlement from certain means-tested benefits or other claims. However, they can only be set up under certain circumstances within a limited time after a settlement is made, so it is important to take proper legal advice, promptly. Unfortunately, if the personal injury lawyer doesn’t mention it, the opportunity may be lost. As financial advisers, we cannot provide legal advice. However, we do work closely with solicitors who understand this area and can make sure your arrangements are set up legitimately. We then provide independent financial advice to make sure that money intended to provide for care lasts as long as it should, whether from a court settlement, a gift, or your own hard-earned savings.
Karen MacDonald is an Independent Financial Adviser with Monetary Solutions. For a free initial consultation call 01403 288078 email: karen@monetarysolutions.co.uk Website: www.planningcare.co.uk
BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email: bbh.mag@gmail.com To advertise: advertising.bbh.mag@gmail.com —————————————————————— Printed by FinePrint 01293 851169 fineprint@southonmail.plus.com 24