BBH Mag June 2022

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June 2022

Your community magazine for

Broadbridge Heath —–———————————————————————

BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. © BBH Community Publications.



BBH Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council.

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Volunteer vacancy with the BBH Village Magazine:

All aspects of electrical work undertaken for domestic customers, private landlords and the commercial sector

'Distribution Coordinator' to distribute the magazine "BBH Mag" every month.

The magazine will have to close in July if no suitable candidate is found.

Fully qualified and insured

Two people can share the role.

07872 318201

We also have other vacancies on the magazine committee, including a new role of Assistant Editor.

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Shelley Primary School News Highlights from last term...

Pupils in Year 5 created our very first school magazine – ‘The Three Owls’ and sold it at 10p per copy, raising money for school funds.

Our Arts Council ran a Spring art competition – the winners had created a beautiful living art sculpture and an oil painting. The school is continuing its journey towards gaining the ArtsMark and will take part in this year’s Horsham Children’s Parade.

Infant children were visited by West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, supporting their learning about people who help us and keeping safe.

Pupils in our winning School House – Nichols, were treated to a silent disco as a reward for them having consistently modelled our school values of aspiration, respect and togetherness, and our behaviours for learning – resilience, independence, collaboration, focus and curiosity (RIC FC).


Some of our Year 6 pupils worked with Yes Futures as part of its Finding Futures programme focusing on developing confidence, resilience, communication and self-awareness. featured them in an article after they volunteered for a day at Farnham Community Farm.

Some of our junior pupils attended a Maths Challenge Day at Christ’s Hospital. Pupils from Tanbridge House School joined us to perform with our school orchestra and choir. Pupils took part in inter-school sports tournaments and galas organised by Horsham Sports Services. The children represented the school in swimming, football and netball.

Through the whole school fundraising events they organised, our School Council raised £540 for Comic Relief and just over £200 for Place2Be, a mental health charity.

Are you interested in your child attending Shelley Primary School? For in-year transfers (if your child already attends school), please contact West Sussex Admissions Department at For admissions into Reception in September 2023, we will be hosting several tours. Please see to book your space. You can find out more about what goes on in school by following us @ShelleyPrimary on Twitter and by viewing our school website at


Now that summer is here a few of us had a wonderful day out at the Arundel Tulip Festival followed, of course, by a cream tea. At our last meeting we tucked into a Ploughman’s lunch while discussing the issues faced by women and girls with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For a number of reasons, these conditions are misdiagnosed or unidentified in women and girls so they don’t get the support they need and deserve. We voted for the issue to be a resolution adopted at the National WI AGM next month. If successful, WI members everywhere will be helping to raise awareness and lobbying for funding for research and action to improve the diagnosis process. Afterwards, some of us popped off to the Capitol for some light relief at the excellent new Downton Abbey film. Our next meeting, on 14 June, will be a special one celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Sarah Slater is a Hampton Court Palace tour guide with a particular interest in the human stories of those who lived and worked there. Dressed in one of her beautiful costumes, she will share ‘Secrets, Scandal and Gossip of the Royal Court between 1660 and 1830’ - these are tales from history that won’t have learnt at school! We meet at St John’s Hall on the second Tuesday in the month. So do come and join us, or get in touch if you’d like some more information: Broadbridge Heath WI Email: or phone Jacqui on 01403 754718 or Maureen on 01403 268963 …….And don’t forget to look out for us at the BBH Summer Fete on 2 July! 6

The Broadbridge Bombshells WI Our last meeting was a dream for any certified chocoholic, we had an amazing array of homemade and shop bought goodies to sample! From brownies to biscuits, cupcakes to rocky road and a couple of wonderfully crafted cakes, we all went home feeling very full and in awe of our fellow Bombshells’ creativity and generosity. To keep us occupied while we savoured the sweet brown stuff we exercised our minds with a tricky chocolate quiz, with questions testing our memories of chocolate advertising slogans and an ‘Identify the Chocolate Bar’ picture quiz. At the end of the meeting, just in case we hadn’t already had enough chocolate, we drew the raffle which saw everyone win a chocolaty prize to take home.

We are always pleased to welcome new members to our friendly group, so if all this sounds like your idea of fun, then please check out our website and Facebook page or email our President Rowena for further information email: website: 7


Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Email: Facebook: Like our page, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council

We have reached the month of June, halfway through the year! The month of the longest day and of course the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. We hope all residents can enjoy the extra bank holiday and have a fun and safe time celebrating, in whatever way they choose. We hope many residents will join the Picnic organised by BBH Gala Association on Sunday 5th June at the Village Centre recreation area and may see some of you there! We are pleased to share that Claire, has joined the Parish Office team as Community & Facilities Officer. Claire has already started engaging with local community groups and I’m sure you will see her out & about in the village and community soon. We are excited for the return of the Village Fete also organised by BBH Gala Association. The Parish Council will be pleased to attend with a stall allowing further engagement with residents. Fingers crossed for some fair weather at these events! May was a busy month for the Council with the Annual Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting. A reminder that much information, meetings, agendas, and minutes can be found on the PC Website. We endeavor to reach all members of the community via our Facebook page, this monthly article, our bi-annual newsletter and by sharing information on our notice board. The new Parish Office has two open sessions a week, for resident drop-ins. These sessions are currently Tuesdays 10-12, and Thursday 12-2pm. As many residents are aware the Parish Council last year sowed Wildflower Seeds on Broadbridge Way working with WSCC and recent seeding has been done by the developer in Solomon’s Seal. For residents that are interested in wildflowers meadows, David Bridges has kindly shared this following article with lots of information and useful tips.

Creating a wildflower mini-meadow in your garden Wildflower meadows could once be found throughout the UK. Today only 3% of the meadows that existed in the 1930’s remains. Nearly 7.5 million acres of wildflower meadow have been lost and they are still being destroyed. Here in Broadbridge Heath, we do not have any old wildflower meadows left at all. 9

Wildflower meadows are a species-rich grassland habitat that support a huge range of wildlife including plants, bees, flies, beetles, spiders, moths, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, bats and birds. Species-rich grassland also provides other environmental benefits including carbon storage, water retention to prevent flooding and habitat for crop pollinators. It is fairly easy to create your own wildflower mini-meadow. If you decide to have a go in your garden, here’s how to prepare the ground prior to sowing. The best time to sow a mini-meadow is in the autumn so it is sensible to start planning your project in late summer (Photo: Bumblebee on Common Fleabane by N Curtis) The first thing you need to do is to select a sunny spot for your mini-meadow. This will be popular with the countless bees, butterflies and other sun-loving insects that will be attracted to your meadow. Don’t worry if you have poor soil – in fact, the worse it is, the better the meadow will be! Mark out an area you want to sow, it can be as small as just one square metre. If you prefer to have a circular meadow, or even an irregular shape, that is fine. Next, strip off any turf or other vegetation (stack the turf in a shady spot to create another area of habitat!). If there are any nasty perennial weeds, such as brambles and thistles in your meadow area try to dig these out. If your soil is quite rich, and assuming you have enough energy, consider turning it over to bring the poorer sub-soil to the surface, burying the fertile topsoil. Then rake to break up lumps and create a tilth in readiness for seed-sowing. Do not apply fertiliser or soil conditioners! If all this sounds too much like hard work, you can just use a wire grass rake to scratch out some of the grass and other vegetation to expose (ideally) up to 50% bare soil. Either way the ground for your mini-meadow is now ready for you to sow some wild flower seed!

(Photo: Common Blue Butterfly by N Curtis) 10

Sow, the next steps...!

I like to sow a mix comprising 80% perennial species and 20% cornfield annuals. The annuals provide an attractive ‘pop’ of colour in the first growing season whilst the perennial species get established. Also, you should always use UK-sourced wildflower seed from a reputable supplier. I usually recommend Emorsgate Seeds ( who can supply small quantities of seed that does well on the heavy clay soils we have in Broadbridge Heath. Preferably sow in the autumn, and certainly before the end of March or early April if you decide to sow in the spring. When you are ready, choose a dry day with no wind. Also, it is best not to sow if your soil is very wet. It is important to sow the seed very thinly – 4g per square metre! It can be helpful to mix the seed with a little dry sand to get even coverage. Do not cover the seed as it needs sunlight to germinate. Firm it in gently to get good contact with the soil. If no rain is forecast, water gently, but take care not to wash the seed away. Do not let the soil dry out and water from time to time as necessary. If you are sowing into an existing lawn, it is a good idea to make sure your seed mix includes some Yellow Rattle as this parasitic plant will weaken any grasses growing in your patch. However, in order to germinate Yellow Rattle must be sown in the autumn before any cold weather arrives. Now, all you need to do is to wait for your seed to germinate and for the bees to arrive! I have prepared a factsheet with some more information about how to manage your mini-meadow once it is growing, but don’t worry as there will not be much to do. To receive a factsheet by email please contact the Assistant Clerk at By David Bridges

(Photo: Orchids can turn up in a garden wildflower meadow by N Curtis)


MEET YOUR COUNCILLORS Each month during 2022 we will be introducing one of our Parish Councillors. This month we hear from Chairman, Terry Oliver Being a councillor is a very varied role and no two days are ever the same. I have been involved in local government since leaving the Leatherhead Lions, as a Founder Member, in the Eighties. Over the following three decades I have had many roles in local government: an elected member, self-employed local government consultant and employed senior officer in a Unitary Authority. My wife Jenny, and I, moved to Broadbridge Heath in 2005 at which time I was still in employment. Retirement from local government occurred in 2010 at which time Jenny suggested that I might consider becoming a Broadbridge Heath Parish councillor, so in 2011 I was co-opted onto the Council. During the last 11 years I have not only been a parish councillor but was also given the opportunity to be the chair of Horsham Association of Local Councils, West Sussex Association of Local Council, Sussex & Surrey Association of Local Councils and the West Sussex ALC nominated national assembly member for the National Association of Local Councils. Although these district, county and national roles involved sometimes working on subjects not directly related to Broadbridge Heath it has, I believe, helped me in my current role as chairman of the Parish Council. Many of our current parish issues can’t be resolved solely by the parish council but require the need to network across a range of statutory organisations, district and county councils, as well as engaging with a broad range of voluntary sector organisations, who also bring many benefits to local communities. Broadbridge Heath Parish Council’s strengths and effectiveness is, in my belief, enhanced by both the staff and councillors working together to achieve the aims and objectives of the council. Since being a member of the council, I have really appreciated the friendship of Councillors both past and present. However, the fundamental reason for me being a councillor on Broadbridge Heath Parish Council is to be able contribute, in some small way, to the betterment of daily life for the residents of this Parish. Being a part of an organisation that’s empowered to help improve, in some small way, the community’s wellbeing and improving the environment, can be challenging. But for me, it’s all about trying to find resolutions to the real local issues which cause concern to residents. This gives me, as a parish councillor, real personal satisfaction.

Terry 12

Andrew Storer Local Solicitor Wills, Probates and Powers of Attorney

Telephone 07825 255349 Appointments by telephone; meetings by arrangement. Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority 818231 13

Vicar: Mark Lavender You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email: St John’s Events – June 2022 Wednesday 1 June & 6 July – Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00. Come along and join in at any time – just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673. Wednesday – 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 June - Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179 Wednesday 15 June - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Summer Chicken followed by Banoffee Pie. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday. _______________________________ Praying for our local streets At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: This month we are praying for everyone in: Edwards Close, Heydon Way, Palmer Avenue, Langridge Lane, Farley Close, Ellis Road, Low Weald Lane & Slingsby Close Sunday Services at St John’s 08.30 am Communion Service 10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups) 10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath

10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday) 14

Platinum Jubilee On Sunday 5th June, we will as a village be celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Rev. Dr. Mark Lavender

However we feel about the monarchy and its privileges we cannot deny the stoicism and commitment that our monarch has dedicated to her position over her 65 year reign, and much of this she attributes to her faith in God. In recent years, the Queen’s Christmas message has become a declaration of her Christian faith where she has explained her own personal faith – “the anchor in my life”, as she described it in 2014. Last year she said: “Billions of people now follow Christ’s teaching and find in him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them because Christ’s example helps me see the value of doing small things with great love, whoever does them and whatever they themselves believe.” Her broadcast in 2000 was devoted to an account of Christ’s life and teaching which, she said, “provides a framework in which I try to lead my life”. And trust in God was at the centre of her coronation service during which she dedicated her life to service, and ended by saying, “God help me to make good my vow.” It is encouraging that even with the privilege of wealth and power, our monarch has still sought to humbly seek to follow the one who has ultimate power and wealth and we would do well to follow her example. Money is not everything, and neither is authority over others. The key to knowing the worth of life is to know the one who gives us life, sustains all life and who promises eternal life. May you know Jesus as the anchor and the light of your life just as he has been for the Queen. 15

Village Contacts.

Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.

Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340

1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts James Seden Smith (GSL)

Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall

1st BBH Rainbows Sharon Newman

Broadbridge Heath W.I. Maureen McConnell 01403 268963

2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver

Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464

2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman

Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website:

St Johns Church

Broadbridge Heath Youth Club Charlotte Heath 07916778547

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Terry Oliver 07940 886615 Clerk – Lucinda Edwards 07716 130103

Renshinkan Karate (Horsham Dojo) Paul Jacob 07788 718446

Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email:


Broadbridge Heath District Councillors Louise Potter and Matt Allen Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 07759 286434 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036 16

To list your village club, society or organisation on this page please contact the BBH Magazine editor by email at


Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Sunday 12th June at 3.00pm Christ’s Hospital Organ Safari Tuesday 21st June at 8.00pm Grecians’ Valedictory Concert Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th, Saturday 25th June at 7.30pm Summer Production - The 39 Steps Sunday 26th June at 4.30pm A Concert of Chamber Music Wednesday 29th June at 7.30pm Big Band Concert Box Office: 01403 247434 (Mon–Fri 9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Email: Website:

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The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath Keep an eye on the future Most of us suspected that life after lockdown was not going to be easy, even before the war in the Ukraine. Now the cost of energy is on the rise, together with an increase to the Bank of England base rate to 1%, the highest level for 13 years.* With the price of many of our essentials on the increase, how would I suggest we approach this period of time? As always, I say budget. We can’t know how long this period of increased prices will continue and it's important to avoid getting into debt. If you led a simpler life in lockdown, can you continue this at all? It is very easy at times like this to contemplate stopping pension and life insurance premiums. However Covid was a reminder of the importance of insurance, not knowing what is round the corner. It can often be hard to see the benefit of putting aside money into a pension for a period of time in the far future, whilst at the same time we are struggling to put food on the table and pay for heating. Even so, think very carefully about this. Time goes by very quickly and we can always find reasons for not reserving funds for our future. However, it is important to remember in retirement we will generally have little or no income, and we will be totally reliant on the assets and savings we have accumulated. If you haven’t already, look at how much you’ll need to live on in retirement and whether you’re on target to have this amount by your chosen retirement age. Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions ( If you do need help with budgeting, book a free, no‑obligation consultation on 07970 179413 or *BBC news 05.05.2022

Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions ( If this or any other area is concerning you, book a free, no obligation consultation on 07970 179413 or

BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications

To contact the Editor email: To advertise email: ——————————————————————

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