March 2016
Your community magazine for
Broadbridge Heath
HAVE YOUR SAY ON THE FUTURE OF THE VILLAGE CENTRE Questionnaire will be sent to all residents Full story on page 5 BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. Published in the village, by the village and for the village. Š BBH Community Publications To advertise email: Editor email:
Your local farm shop on a family-run farm just around the corner.
Westons Hill, Itchingfield, RH13 0BD
01403 791228
BBH Mag Editorial column. The BBH Mag is the community magazine for Broadbridge Heath published by local volunteers and distributed free to the whole village. That's nearly 2000 houses; and the village is growing fast with the new housing development, Wickhurst Green. If you're a local resident, or a member of a village club or voluntary group; send us your news and your events. We’ll be delighted to include it in the magazine. Email: It pays to advertise in BBH Magazine. Our advertisers are pleased with the service we offer them. We deliver to every house in the village and we’re keen to encourage local businesses. Our advertising rates are very reasonable. Contact us for details…... Email: Post: BBH Mag, 3, Pinewood Close, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3TP BBH Mag is published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by volunteers for the benefit of the community of Broadbridge Heath.
Roger Stamp. Editor. The BBH Mag. Email:
Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.
Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:
The Village Centre building on Wickhurst Lane is to undergo major improvements to serve the growing population of Broadbridge Heath. Members from the Parish Council and Village Centre Management Committee are joining forces with the support of Action in Rural Sussex to provide these improvements. What upgrades can and should be provided and how they will be sustained have all to be decided and this needs information from everyone who might use it. The group is currently gathering information on future needs. As a first step, a meeting has taken place with present and some possible future users to find out what facilities and amenities the future building should offer. The next step will be to send out questionnaires to all residents of the village so that everyone has a chance to make suggestions. We will then need to consider all the information and decide what can be provided. There will be a public display of the findings hopefully in May so that everyone has a further chance to comment. It is hoped that the Village Centre building can be upgraded using developers contributions of £450,000 to be paid to Horsham District Council for “improvements to community facilities” as part of the agreement around the largest recent development. Action in Rural Sussex will help us look for further funding if more money is required to deliver the identified needs and to form a business plan to make sure that the enhanced building will generate enough income to be sustainable. Once Horsham District Council has agreed with the plans and the monies are received, it will release the funds and architects and builders will be employed to upgrade the building. HOW YOU CAN HELP? - Do look out for the questionnaire that will soon be sent out and do send in your comments – this is your chance to influence a major change to a key part of the village.
Would you like to help distribute the BBH Mag to local homes in the village? Join our friendly team of volunteer distributors. The time commitment is about 30 minutes a month and you can get some exercise while walking a few roads in the village. Contact Paul Muggeridge, BBH Mag Distribution Coordinator. Email: 5
Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Fri 4th Mar – Ferio Saxophone Quartet The award winning Ferio Saxophone Quartet is emerging as one of the leading British saxophone quartets . With CH’s own Saxophone Quartet.
Counsellor - Sarah de Carvalho
Sun 6th Mar – Band Concert Light classics, solos, film music and more, for all the family.
Counselling primarily teenagers, women and couples (depression, self-harm, fears, eating disorders, couples difficulties, loneliness, anxiety, physical abuse, sexual abuse, trauma, stress, low self-esteem).
Sun 20th Mar – Angus Ross Memorial Concert The CH Chapel Choir & Choral Society perform Faure’s haunting & moving Requiem. The CH Symphony Orchestra will perform the exciting and rhythmic Huapango by Moncayo.
One hourly session per week. Registered with ACC (Association of Christian Counsellors). Broadbridge Heath, Horsham
Sat 16th Apr – Choral Society Concert Rutter – Requiem; Elgar – Give unto the Lord; J.S. Bach – Motet, Jesu Meine Freude; Faure – Cantique de Jean Racine.
Box Office 01403 247434
(Mon– (Mon–Fri 9.30am9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: Email:
or Tel: 07970101071
Yoga Classes in Horsham Iyengar Yoga is a safe and accessible form of Yoga suitable for all levels, including beginners. Teacher with 20 years experience More information & booking:
Paddy’s Page Revd. Paddy Beresford Vicar of St. John’s Church Broadbridge Heath Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 The nation recently lost one of it’s treasures: Terry Wogan. His death followed hard on the heels of musicians Lemmy and David Bowie. Music is one of those things that creates lasting memories – even lines of music we don’t like can annoyingly remain in our minds! The death of such ‘heroes’ causes us to reminisce – travelling back through our past and recognizing that their ‘art’ has had a part in who we are today. Some point out that focusing too much on the past can make us look at it with rose-coloured spectacles, believing the past to have been ‘the good ol’ days’ when all was free from worry; and that could stymie creativity for today’s challenges. There is some truth in that and yet there’s something intrinsically creative about dreaming of a different world. When Jesus came he taught us to learn from the past, to be thankful for the good things, but not to romanticize about it. The Good News He came to share with us points us to the future, not thirsting after a time gone by, but living each moment with hope and confidence because Jesus is ‘the same yesterday and today and for ever’ (The Bible - Hebrews 13:8). When we dream about a different world, we should also look creatively at how we can be part of that – what can we do today that would make life better for our neighbours, the lonely, the suffering and the downhearted. That’s the real thrust of Lent. It’s not simply giving up things – but stopping things that please us, to focusing on the community around us. That too, creates lasting memories for the recipient.
‘Toasties’ - Broadbridge Health Youth Club – Friday’s 6:30pm-8pm My Name is Dan Fairchild & I am a Community Youth Worker in Slinfold, Warnham & Broadbridge Heath. I work for Horsham Matters on behalf of the Parish Councils and local community. I am looking for volunteers to be part of a team of youth workers helping run Toasties (the Broadbridge Heath Youth Club) for 10 – 13 years in Broadbridge Heath Scout Hut on Friday’s in term-time. We are looking for people who enjoy spending time with young people, who have a good sense of humour and are happy to get involved in fun & games. Previous experience of working with young people is good but not essential as all training is provided. This volunteering is subject to references and DBS checks. Contact: or 0300 124 0204 7
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Events at St John's Church and Hall. Tuesdays 1, 8, 15 & 22 March Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for ‘free’ Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast, biscuits, read the papers and have a chat. Wednesdays 2 & 9 March Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00 am. Bring along any craft you have and enjoy the refreshments and fellowship.
St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114
Friday 4 March
Family Film Night 3.30 – 6.00 pm with refreshments. Film showing Children, families and ‘Night in the Museum 3: Secret of the Tomb’. Contact Donna 01403 people of all ages are welcome. 581962
Saturday 5 March
Jumble Sale 2pm Proceeds to Church Renovation Fund. Admission 20p . Jumble wanted. Call 243795 / 240845 or bring to Church Hall on the morning
Sunday 6 March
Café@Church. Open from 10.00 am. For all the family. Coffee served all morning, papers, chill, craft activities, games for children
Wednesday 9 March Tea & Fellowship 2.30 pm. Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath Wednesday 16 March Village Lunch 12 for 12.30 pm Menu: Sausage Casserole and Pineapple Upside Down Pudding. Cost £4 per head. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday Sunday 20 March
ENCOUNTER Evening Service at 7.00 pm. Worship with the Band
Friday 25 March
Good Friday Service at 9.00 am
Sunday 27 March
Easter Sunday Celebration Service at 10.00 am
BBH Gala Association Annual General Meeting 22nd March: 7.30pm. Village Centre. All are welcome to join this friendly committee who desperately seek new members. We only meet approximately four times per year and would particularly welcome residents from the 'newer build' parts of Broadbridge Heath as well as all other residents. The Gala committee is keen to continue with our successful scarecrow event and we are looking to either resurrect the bonfire and fireworks display and perhaps a village fete. We look forward to seeing new faces! 9
Broadbridge Heath Village Centre March Entertainment; Saturday 12th March 8.00 p.m. : Fundraising Race Night, to help raise funds for new equipment for Callum Neal. Callum is currently Sussex Under 17 Record Holder at Pole Vault and also ranked number 2 in the U.K and has also represented English Schools. This season he will be competing at Under 20 level and will need new equipment. Saturday 19th March: Live music with Quo-Caine; return visit of local Status Quo tribute band Good Friday 9.15 p.m. : Adult Comedy night and David Bowie tribute Act More details of entertainment & Club activities can be found at New members always welcome.
BROADBRIDGE HEATH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE President: Pauline Scott 53 Corsletts Avenue Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LQ RH12 3LD Phone: 01403 211704 Email:
Secretary: Gill Axby 13 Church Road Broadbridge Heath, Phone: 01403 266525 Email:
Meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 2,30 p.m. in St. John's Church Hall, Broadbridge Heath We have a varied and interesting programme for this year, including our annual garden party in July and county quiz in August. For instance, What's in a basket? If you would like to find out, we would be pleased to see you, so come along to our next meeting on 8th March. New members always welcome; contact Pauline or Gill on the above numbers.
Cats Protection League, Horsham. Events. Sunday 13th March Cats Homing Show: Broadbridge Heath Village Centre, Wickhurst Lane from 11am - 2pm. Why not come along and meet the cats looking for new homes. Saturday 19th March Catstravaganza at the Warnham Village Hall, Hollands Way, Warnham, 1.30 - 3.30pm. On sale will be home-made cakes, CP gifts & goodies, crafts, jewellery, books, LPs, CDs & DVD. Pick up free leaflets on cat care. For more info please see our website: 10
Broadbridge Heath Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. Sharon Newman Guide and Ranger leader and District Commissioner: email: The Fun I Have at Brownies Monday night is the best night ever, because it’s Brownies, we meet at 5.30pm at the village centre, as soon as we get to Brownies we play a really cool game like tag or maybe grannies footsteps, then we all get into a circle and hold hands in our sixes, our sixes are Imps, Sprites, Pixies, Leprechauns. After that we do a fun activity, like tasting all different types of chocolate, that’s not the best part though, we get a badge for every completed challenge we do. Sometimes we have sleepovers which are awesome, we stay away from home for two nights and have loads of fun playing games and going on outings. I think every young girl like me should come to Brownies to have as much fun and laughter as I do. Written by Grace Williams, aged 8, of 2nd Broadbridge Heath Brownies Cooking at Guides The 2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides and Rangers have been cooking a lot recently. Last week we made sweet and sour chicken for Chinese New Year and this week we have cooked pancakes, as it was Pancake Day on Tuesday! In the Puffins patrol, the sweet and sour chicken was delicious but the other patrols said that theirs was good too. The Puffins patrol are making gluten free pancakes as someone in our patrol is allergic to gluten and we want to make sure she is involved but they still tasted great! We have thoroughly enjoyed cooking at Guides and we hope that we will continue. Puffin Patrol, 2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides and Rangers To join Girlguiding please visit
Broadbridge Heath Neighbourhood Watch To join an existing Neighbourhood Watch scheme: check the ourwatch website or email Contacts Police:- Horsham District Commander is Chief Inspector Howard Hodges. Local PCSO - Damian Cecil N.Watch:- Chairman of the Horsham District NW Association is Andrew Moffatt. Broadbridge Heath Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator John Newton email - 11
Can you help make an up to date map of Broadbridge Heath? Last month in the BBH Mag we appealed for local residents to help start a project to create a more up to date map of the village. Several people expressed an interest; would you like to join them? The village of Broadbridge Heath has doubled in size since work to build the new housing development began a couple of years ago. Our BBH Mag volunteers distribute the magazine to 2000 homes in the village and, every month, they notice many more houses have been completed. Of course, this means that maps of the village go out of date very quickly; new roads have also been added and it can be difficult for visitors to find their way around. On the opposite page we publish a map which you can view on the OpenStreetMap website. Our thanks to them for making the map publicly available. Do you know how up to date map this? If you live in the village, and especially if you live in the new houses at Wickhurst Green, you could join the map making team by contacting Dan Gregory, Dan has kindly offered to be a first contact for the project. Thank you, Dan. When a new map has been created by the local team we will publish it in the BBH Mag.
Map of Wickhurst Green, Broadbridge Heath
Š OpenStreetMap contributors. 13
BBH Mag Sport News from local sports clubs. If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email:
Broadbridge Heath Football Club The continual downpours have again caused major problems to Heath's fixtures with the senior club having only played one home game since the 12th December, the District Council and the Leisure Centre have tried their best to get the pitch at the Leisure Centre playable but then down comes the rain, the water level rises and the pitch becomes waterlogged and unplayable. Let's hope for a change of weather soon to allow the club to fulfil it's season's fixtures. Heath did play their Sussex RUR Cup semi-final match at Lancing on the 3G pitch but despite taking an early lead through Stuart Chester, their opponents Newhaven fought back to win by 2-1. So just one cup competition left now, the Peter Bentley Challenge Cup, where Heath will play at home to Little Common on Tuesday 1st March. Off the field the club had its FA Charter Standard renewed for the year, a difficult task with so many teams from under 7s through to adult teams and veterans a total of 15 teams playing under the name of Broadbridge Heath FC so congratulations to all involved in making that happen. Do you have any free time to help as a volunteer? Then we would like to hear from you, we are a very friendly and sociable bunch and the more helpers the easier it is for us all. If you can spare some time please do get in touch. First Team Fixtures: Sat 27th February Tues 1st March Cup) Sat 5th March Tues 8th March Sat 12th March Sat 19th March Tues 22nd March Sat 26th March Tues 29th March
Home v East Preston, K.O. 3.00 Home v Little Common, K.O. 7.45 (League Home v Hassocks, K.O. 3.00 Home v Horsham, K.O. 7.45 Away v Newhaven, K.O. 3.00 Home v Eastbourne United, K.O. 3.00 Away v Chichester City, K.O. 7.30 Away v Hailsham Town, K.O. 3.00 Home v Loxwood, K.O. 7.45
For more information on Broadbridge Heath FC please visit our website at
BBH Mag SPORT Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club Byfleets Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex RH12 3PB Although the very wet winter has had a big impact on local outdoor sports, cricket continues indoors as it prepares for what we hope is a fine summer. Our indoor practice nets at Forest Boys School are now up and running on Sundays from 10.00 till 12.00 for adults and 1.00pm to 3.00pm for juniors, all at a small cost each week. Don’t forget, if you would like to come along and dust off some old skills or have a taster for a game you have not tried before, then contact Chairman Tim Wells at for adults and Fred Bridges at for juniors. Meanwhile, the committee are now considering the next stage of the ground’s refurbishment. In the last couple of years we have retiled the roof, built new changing rooms, laid a new patio and purchased new ground maintenance equipment and storage. There’s still much to do to upgrade and maintain our pleasant country setting but I do hope that those who travel our way find the cricket and tennis environment attractive. Don’t forget to have a look at the Club’s website and on Facebook. Do you want to work for the largest UK provider of Rehabilitation? We are a 23 bed short term Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit Based on the edge of Slinfold. We are currently recruiting to the following posts:
Weekend Kitchen Assistant to work Saturday &/or Sunday 10.15hrs18.15hrs. Hourly rate £ 8.36 including weekend enhancement
Rehabilitation Day & Night Support Workers (various shifts) Hourly rate £ 9.17 plus £ 1 per hour weekend enhancement
Head of Care Salary up to £ 31,908.00 per annum dependent on experience. Applicant must have current registration with Nursing and Midwifery Council and 5 years post registration experience.
For further information and application pack for any of the above positions please contact Wendy Berwick on 01403 799160 or at BIRT, Kerwin Court, Five Oaks Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, West Sussex RH13 0TP or by email on 15
Women throughout Mid Sussex can now do business over lunch! The Athena Network launched a new group in Handcross to help women make business connections, and grow their business in a supportive atmosphere. These meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month, from 12-2pm at Highly Manor, West Sussex, RH17 6LA. The next meeting will be held on 9th March. “Our groups give business women throughout Mid Sussex a chance to build authentic business relationships and we inspire, support and help each other to find new business opportunities”, says Gina Quayle, the Regional Director for The Athena Network Mid Sussex. “Within The Athena Network, our aims are to create opportunities for members to make strategic connections, accelerate business growth, and inspire success by developing members’ business and networking skills.” The Athena network has grown to over 100 monthly groups throughout the UK since its launch in 2005, and all members have access to an international network, training and resources. “The meetings are structured, interactive and professional whilst being fun and relaxed, providing the perfect combination for strong business partnerships as well as friendship,” explains Jacqueline Rogers, co-founder of The Athena Network, “We aim to create a vibrant, thriving and dynamic community of women entrepreneurs and executives who collaborate and connect with like-minded women and learn and grow in the process.” We also run meetings in Haywards Heath and East Grinstead. Telephone 07793 732 103 to book your space, or for more information visit Gina Quayle: 07793 732 103, 16
DRY LOGS DELIVERED Locally grown Hardwood, Seasoned, Dry Stored
07732 668518
TREE SURGERY Felling Pruning Reductions
Climbing Stump Grinding
JONATHAN CARTER Itchingfield NPTC City & Guilds Qualified & Insured
07732 668518 DRY LOGS DELIVERED 17
At Audiologica we pride ourselves in a personalised service We offer high quality home audio systems as well as high end headphones and MP3 players. We specialise in computer based audio: rip your entire CD collection onto one of our systems to reduce clutter and hear your music as you’ve never heard it before! We are based in Barns Green so happy to pop round to do a demonstration or discuss your needs.
tel: 01403 336339 mob: 07901 833128 web: mail:
Riding Lessons
Will matters Fully trained and insured Willwriters
We offer riding instruction for children and adults on privately owned, confidence giving horses at our yard in Barns Green.
Regulated by the Institute of Professional` Willwriters
We also offer fantastic hacking. Livery sometimes available.
Full range of services with fixed prices
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Appointments in your own home Evening and weekend appointments available
Please contact Chloe or Lynsey TOTAL EQUINE SOLUTIONS
Please call: Claire Gordon on 01403 791337 or 07551 303002
01403 734236 Email:
Richard Lamb DipPFS Independent Financial Consultant. Based in Christ’s Hospital. Are your pensions and investments performing as you’d like? Have they been reviewed in full within the last 12 months? If the answer is NO we need to talk!
I will cover the cost of a full pension and/or investment review for all BBH Mag readers. FOR A FREE INDEPENDENT REVIEW CONTACT ME ON 07766395559 Core Financial Services are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 19
LAWN MOWING & HEDGE CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.
Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 21
Useful numbers. AGE UK General enquiries Visiting Services Pensions & benefits
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
01403 260560 01403 260560 01403 274495 CHILDLINE
SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 TRADING STANDARDS 08454 040506 Approved Businesses 01243 642124 or
0800 1111 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU 0844 477 1171
TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950
01903 690025
For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council website bin_calendars Check your contact details! If your local group is listed here please check that your details are correct and contact the editor with corrections by email
POLICE NON EMERGENCIES 101 (calls cost 15p)
Add your contact details to this list.
If you would like your club or society listed SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 here please send your details to us by email to 22
Village Contacts.
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Mark Guy Volunteering Contact or 01403 256179 1st Broadbridge Heath Brownies Penny Hayles 01403 254360 2nd Broadbridge Heath Brownies Sharon Carver 01403 733702 2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides 01403 267450 St Johns Church Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Mrs Viv Edwards 01403 240414 Clerk – Mrs Mary Burroughs 01403 785864
Kelly Brook Montessori Nursery School 01403 251221 Skylarks Pre-School 07825 603601 Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall Broadbridge Heath Village Social Club Phil Farrelly 01403 217177 The Shelley Arms 01403 253406 Broadbridge Heath W.I. Gill Axby 01403 266525 Pauline Scott 01403 211704 Newbridge Nurseries Garden Centre 01403 272686
Broadbridge Heath District Councillor Matthew French Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 211311
BBH Mag is the village magazine published by BBH Community Publications
Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036 Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340
Check your contact details! If your local group is listed here please check that your details are correct and contact the editor with corrections by email
Add your contact details to this list. If you would like your club or society listed here please send your details to us by email to 23
The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath Tax Relief on Pension Contributions Over the last few years, there have been major changes to pensions, with the 2014 budget widening the choice on how pension benefits can be taken. In 2006, limits were introduced on how much could be held in pensions, and restricting how much could be paid in. Whilst these did increase over the following years, both limits have since been decreased to below their original levels, which many people think is unfair. Pension tax relief After a consultation in July 2015 asking for views on how the system could be reformed, pension tax relief is now in the Government’s sights. Currently, tax relief is available on pension contributions at 20%, 40% and 45%. One of the suggestions is that it could be replaced by a new flat rate of 25-33%. This would be good news for basic rate tax payers but would hit relief for those who pay higher rate tax. The question is not only IF any reforms were to take place, but also WHEN they would be introduced. What this means for you If you are considering making a pension contribution, what should you do? No-one is expecting pension tax relief to be extended in the budget, so it’s unlikely that higher rate tax payers will lose out by making a contribution before then. However, there is always a possibility that it could happen, and there will be no certainty until Budget Day itself. * Levels, bases of and reliefs from taxation may be subject to change, and their value is dependent on the individual circumstances of the client.
Karen MacDonald is an Independent Financial Adviser with Monetary Solutions. For a free initial consultation call 01403 288078 email: Website:
BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email: To advertise: —————————————————————— Printed by FinePrint 01293 851169 24