BBH Mag May 2018

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May 2018

Your community magazine for

Broadbridge Heath —————————————————————————————————————————————————


Details on page 10 —————————————————————-

BUT THE NEW ACADEMY PRIMARY SCHOOL IS DELAYED BY A YEAR. Now due to open September 2020: details on page 14 —————————————————————-——GET READY FOR THE VILLAGE SUMMER FETE: page 3.

BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath. Published in the village, by the village and for the village. © BBH Community Publications To advertise email: Editor email:


Upcoming Events from BBH Gala Association Roll up, Roll up! It's time to dig out the bunting, bake a cake, grow wonky veg, make jam and save those pennies for the beer tent! Saturday 23rd June will see the return of the highly anticipated BBH Village Fete on The Common (Ducky) .

If you're interested in sponsoring the event, selling your wares, running a stall, or volunteering please email

You can stay up to date with all events by liking our Facebook page: just search for BBH Gala Association or Email: ———————————————————————————————— Sussex Day – 16th of June Sussex Day on 16 June has become a popular way for residents to celebrate its rich heritage and everything that is good about the county. The date was chosen because it is St Richard's Day, which marks the life of St Richard, Bishop of Chichester from 1245 until his death in 1253. More information and ideas of ways to celebrate the day can be found on the WSCC website ————————————————————————————————————

Spring Concert Spring Concert at St John's on the 19th May 2018. Brought to you by the Space Arts Trust - Schubert with friends. The bar opens from 6.00pm and the concert begins at 6.30pm.


BBH Mag Editorial column. Published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by local volunteers for the benefit of Broadbridge Heath. Send us your news. Do you have some news about your club or society you would like to share with the rest of the village? Email us at BBH Mag is available online at search for “BBH Mag”. How to advertise in BBH Magazine. We deliver to every house in the village, currently 2,400 homes. The deadline for submitting copy and payment is the 8th day of each month. Email us for details Join our volunteer distributors. We have a large team of over 30 people who distribute the magazine every month. Would you like to help? Time commitment is about half an hour a month. We especially need distributors for Cook Way, Castle Road and Wickhurst Lane. Contact Paul Muggeridge by email: ——————————————‘BBH Mag’ is sponsored by


News from

BROADBRIDGE HEATH PARISH COUNCIL Contact: The Clerk of the Parish Council PO Box 1009, Cowfold, West Sussex, RH12 9RX e-mail: Telephone: 07716 130103

The Village Centre Development Project For over two years now, the Village Centre trustees and the Parish Council have been working together to develop plans for significant improvements to the Village Centre. This has involved visiting village halls to see what works for other villages, consulting with current users and the wider parishioners of Broadbridge Heath, and also working closely with Action in Rural Sussex for advice and guidance.

Initial consultation carried out highlighted that residents would like improvements made to the general state of decoration, the catering facilities and outdoor space, and this is what the Village Centre Trustees and Parish Council are striving to deliver.

Over £550k has been secured for the development project; this is from the money that developers at Wickhurst Green have paid to Horsham District Council to support community infrastructure. This will deliver significant improvements and modifications to the Village Centre and bring it up to current standards. However, there is an opportunity to do more. The Village Centre is already used by many parishioners (e.g. the Brownies, Skylarks Nursery, the Social Club, private parties, and fitness classes) and is ideally positioned in the heart of the expanded village. We want to ensure that the parishioners get the best facility we can offer and it remains fit for purpose for many to enjoy for years to come. The Parish Council is proposing to apply for a Public Works Loan of £150k to supplement the significant funds already secured. Public Works Loans offer a very competitive interest rate, currently 2.55% fixed over 25 years. The repayment of this loan would equate to an increase of £3.75 to the current precept per household per year; however, with the new homes at Solomon’s Seal starting to contribute to the precept, this amount could almost entirely be offset. The Parish Council has considered several options and believe the additional funding will enhance the improvements and offer the best facility for the village, without investing more than absolutely required. If you have any views you would like to share with the Parish Council on this please email Jo Ball, the Parish Council Clerk, before the 21st of May 5

Broadbridge Heath Bingo Club The club meets at 7.30pm usually on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at the BBH Village centre. Games start at 8pm. ALL CASH PRIZES The cost for the evening including a 50p entrance fee is £6.50 for eight games and an end game called a flyer with a jackpot of around £100 depending on attendance. A prize raffle and meat draw are also held with tickets costing £1 a strip, profits from the raffle are donated at the end of the year to various charities. Up coming dates are;

May 14th & 21st June 11th & 25th July 9th & 23rd August 13th & 20th

Everyone over the age of 16 is welcome. For further information telephone David White 07734215702


June is going to be a busy month for the WI. We’re all excited about the start of the new evening WI. You might have seen this poster dotted around the village. We'll keep you informed of progress, but the plan so far is for meetings to be held at St John's Church Hall on the last Tuesday of each month at 8pm. For more information, email: Then there’s the South of England show at Ardingly on 7th 8th and 9th June. If you've never been, I recommend it. There's masses going on but you should definitely find your way to the WI marquee where there will be an exhibition of items made by WIs from all over Sussex - everything from craft items, cakes, flower arrangements, stories, paintings.... It's a real showcase for all the WI ladies’ skills. While you’re there, don’t miss the WI refreshment tent where all the cakes, scones, tea breads, etc have been made by the WI - so you know they’ll be yummy. Broadbridge Heath may be a small WI but we have won many prizes at the Show for our jams, cakes, floral art, needlework and craft items, you name it - and we’ll have several entries this year, so look out for us. If you want to stay closer to home, we're thrilled about the return of the Broadbridge Heath Village Fete on 23rd June. The WI will be there (some of us dressed as Suffragettes!) and we’ll have lots of gorgeous homemade fare for sale. So come and say hello while you treat yourself to something delicious. With so much going on, I have no more space to tell you about how well our team did at the WI quiz or the amazing talk we had from Ben Cross of Crosslands Nursery, or how much we’re looking forward to our Ploughman’s Lunch this month and our ‘Chat, Cheat and Cake’ afternoon next month when we’ll have an afternoon of games, gossip and grub (more homemade cake)! Broadbridge Heath WI contact: Wendy Griffin, 01403 217152 or Gill Axby, 01403 266525 7

St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. WHATS ON AT THE CHURCH Sunday 6 May

Café@Church Open from 10.30 am. For all the family. Coffee served all morning, papers, chill, craft activities, games for children, worship and short talk

Tuesday 1, 8, 15 & 22 May

Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for ‘free’ Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast, biscuits, read the papers and have a chat. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179

Wednesday 2 May

Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00 am. Bring along any craft you have and enjoy the refreshments and fellowship. Cost: £2. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673

Wednesday 9 May

Tea & Fellowship 2.30 pm. Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath. Contact Heather 01403 210996

Wednesday 16 May

Village Lunch 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost £4. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673

Thursday 3, 10, 17 & 24 May

Kinderoo Baby & Toddler Group 10 - 11.30 am.

KINDEROO: Baby & Toddler Group at St John’s Church Hall.

Come and join us at the Kinderoo baby and toddler group, every Thursday morning during term time from 10 to 11.30 at St Johns Church, where your little ones can enjoy toys, crafts, snacks, music and much more! Keep an eye out for our new sensory room... coming soon! We have health visitors every first and third week, so bring your red book. Only £2 per family, a lovely place for your little ones to have fun and for you to catch up on a natter, have a cuppa and make new friends. Please take a look at our Facebook page : q=kinderoo%20baby%20%26%20toddler%20group 8

Parish Point Of View John Bailey, Lay Reader, St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath, Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. GETTING AWAY FROM IT ALL? Have you ever come back from holiday feeling that you need time to recover? Just recently I had a few days of inactivity forced on me by a mild illness. It was a strange experience, because unlike a typical bout of sickness or indeed a holiday (in either of which my brain tends to shut down), I had an extraordinary flurry of mental activity. In the space of a couple of nights I completed a radical overhaul of my sprawling computer files, resurrected a writing project that’s lain dormant for a couple of years, and spent more time in prayer than I have done for a long time. As I began to get back into the swing of normal life I felt a real sense of peace and satisfaction. There’s nothing very surprising about this. For centuries people have discovered peace and well-being in a quiet retreat from their normal routine. Nowadays, when the pressures of work and money allow, we generally take holidays. But it’s not the same thing. If you’re like my family, you take phones and computing devices along, and never fully escape the pressures of work and home life. Others fill their time away with the things they don’t have the time or resources for at home, whether it’s sightseeing or partying or playing games. It’s common to come home in need of a rest. Kate and I love our family holidays, but from time to time we each like to go off for a day or two of quiet. There are retreat centres all over the place—some of them religious communities, others simply small hotels, guest-houses, or even campsites that specialise in peace and seclusion. It’s a chance to recharge batteries and reflect on where we are in our lives. And in our case it’s an opportunity to spend longer in quiet prayer than we can usually manage at home. For Jesus, going off by himself to pray unlocked vast reserves of spiritual and creative energy. And for countless ordinary men and women down the ages - religious and non-religious alike - a quiet retreat has helped to promote renewal and inner peace. My brief spell of illness reminded me how overdue I am for one. And as we make plans for the summer ahead, may each of us find the space for a few hours of real peace. ————————Praying for Our Local Streets. During 2018 at St John’s Church, we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: For May the roads are: Singleton Road, Kingsmead Road, Palmer Avenue, Chantler Lane, The Boulevard. 9

BBH Mag Sport

News from local sports clubs.

If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: FOOTBALL Broadbridge Heath Football Club Only two more weeks of the season remaining and there's been many highs and lows since our opening day fixture back on the 5th August. The first team have excelled in cup competitions but without reaching any finals. We equaled our best ever run in the FA Cup, we went further than we've ever been before in the FA Vase winning three matches before losing to Thatcham Town who have gone all the way to the final which will be played at Wembley Stadium on the 20th April. We also went further than we've ever been in the Sussex Senior cup before losing to Saltdean United in the quarter-finals, that final will be played at the Amex Stadium home of Brighton & Hove Albion and we reached the semi-final of the Sussex RUR Cup before losing narrowly to Chichester City. The downside of playing so many cup games though has been that our league form has suffered, playing two games a week every week for the first few months of the season meant several of our players were playing with injuries when they probably should have been resting and to some that led to long -term injuries with at least five key players having missed several months of the season. The Reserve team season has been a bit of a disaster as a result of the weather, week after week of postponed matches due to waterlogged pitches but they are still in their league cup having reached the semi-final stage where thy will play Steyning Town with the winners due to play Pagham in the final. The Under 18s will finish their season in mid-table and it's good to see that several of their players have stepped up to play for both the Reserves and First team giving them good experience for the future. The weather has also had a major impact on the junior teams fixtures with both their pitches behind the Village Centre and the one at Warnham School too waterlogged to play many games on but they can look forward to playing in some summer tournaments starting from as early as May for some of them. Meanwhile work on our new pavilion is coming along nicely, the internal and external brickwork is complete, the roof trusses are in place and the roof should be fitted week-commencing 23rd April, completion is still scheduled for early August, that will allow us to complete some internal work ourselves and hopefully be ready to start using the new ground from September onward. The clubs aim is to make as much use of the pavilion during the day for the local community, so if any groups would like to use the facility during week-days then please give us a call. Alternatively if you're looking for a venue to host a special birthday, anniversary or any other occasion then please do get in touch. 10


Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club

Byfleets Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex RH12 3PB www. You’d think that after all my years I would not have been surprised by what the British weather throws at us but I have been this year. At the beginning of April when we could not even play football, I thought personally that there was no chance of cricket being played anywhere in Sussex this month. At the top common, we had not even thought about getting the machinery out after its winter servicing. If we had, it would have sunk without trace in the carpet of moss and swamp that was our outfield. Three weeks later and I’m writing this (20th April) just before getting ready to play a preseason friendly today at Findon and the league season looking as though it’s going to start on-time for our 2nd XI at home on Saturday 27th. I’m also being bombarded by other clubs for fixtures. The dramatic change in weather has caught us and most all clubs unaware so clearly, wickets, outfields, clubhouses, etc are not going to be in their best condition but game on. At least the players should be in good form with another indoor league season completed successfully, losing only one of our games since Christmas and beating strong clubs in Ifield, Crawley and Balcombe - all backed-up by some fabulous indoor nets at the Hove County Ground for club members. It’s also great to see that our team captains (Tom Endacott + Ian Stocker) have done some good work bringing-in new players and our entry on the Wickhurst Green Facebook site has been successful too. So, we have enough players that come the 5th May we should be able to put-out two good league teams. However, as ever with most local sport nowadays, player availability is key as sports clubs battle with 7-day-week working which inhibits consistency in team performance. Here’s our home League fixtures for the coming month: 28th April – 2nd XI v Holmbush Park 5th May – 1st XI v Horsham III 12th May – 2nd XI v Roffey IV 19th May – 2nd XI v Barns Green III 26th May – 1st XI v Slinfold II BOWLS Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club We would like to invite local residents to come and have go at bowling on our Tuesday Bowl 4 Fun evenings, from 19.00 to 21.30, from May 1st until September 11th There will be two free taster sessions with any subsequent visits costing £3 same rate as members. No advance booking necessary. Coaching available - more info at We are located at the bottom of Tesco's car park and have our own parking area.


Southwater Bowls Why not come along to the bowls green located behind Southwater Leisure Centre in Pevensey Road, Southwater, RH13 9XZ. Starting from Wednesday 2nd May there will be free ‘Come and Try’ sessions every Wednesday evening from 6.30 and every Saturday morning between 10.00 and 12.00. If you want to try this fun, challenging and social sport, please come along wearing trainers/flat soled shoes. All other equipment will be provided and help will be on hand. We hope to see you there. On your first visit you will be most welcome to a free tea or coffee. Check out our website - Or email - —————————————

The new football pavilion is taking shape! (Photo by BBHFC via Twitter shows inside view in mid-April)

The Emery Ensemble Ladies Vocal Group Invite you to our

Summer Serendipity Concert

An eclectic mix of musical melodies Show tunes, Standard, Jazz Favourites & Close Harmony Tuesday 22nd May 2018 7.45pm St John’s Church, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath RH12 3LD Tickets: £5 (children free) Available from Karen MacDonald 07970 179413

Musical Director: Helen Emery 12

2nd Broadbridge Heath Guides This summer term at Guides we are looking forward to spending time at our campsite. We are planning to cook on fires, a pioneering project and capture the flag wide game. The rest of our evenings will have a dragon theme and a summer hike. 1st Broadbridge Heath Rainbows This term the Rainbows will be completing activities around a bee theme to include cooking, team games, singing, planting and a bee treasure hunt. To join Girlguiding please visit We are always looking for new volunteers particularly the rainbow section if you would like more information regarding volunteering please visit or contact: Sharon Newman District Commissioner

ROCK PAINTING, GUILE’S REPTILES ARTS & CRAFTS, TEA & CAKE and more… ENTRANCE £1 PER CHILD OR £2 PER FAMILY WEDNESDAY 30 MAY 2018 1.30 to 4.30PM ST JOHN’S CHURCH HALL, BROADBRIDGE HEATH, HORSHAM. RH12 3LD Money raised will go to support local people who are insecurely housed or sleeping rough through the work of WORTHING HOMELESS PROJECTS In HORSHAM, LITTLEHAMPTON and WORTHING For details please email: 13

New school delayed. Now due to open September 2020. Plans to open a new academy school in the village have been delayed by red tape. It will be run by GLF Schools; a multi-academy trust, established in 2012. GLF already run several academy schools and they plan to open more; including here in Broadbridge Heath. In April last year GLF Schools were granted permission by the Department for Education to set up the new school in the village. It will be called “Wickhurst Green Primary School”. This is not to be confused with Shelley Primary School which is already long established in the village. The original plan was for Shelley to become a split site school, with the infants in one venue and the juniors in the other - so it was all to be part of one Shelley School, but with the lack of funds available to the DfE these plans had to be shelved. GLF had planned to open the new “Wickhurst Green Primary School” by September 2019 but have come across some legal red tape because the school was originally to be called Shelley School so they are unable to proceed with a planning application until it has been resolved. It's now likely that the school will open in September 2020.


Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community

Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.

Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:


Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Tues 8th May – Refugee Tales. We welcome the poets

Patience Agbabi and David Herd for an event to raise awareness and funds for the Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group, as part of the literary and cultural project that campaigns for an end to the indefinite detention of migrants.


Fri 11th May – Classic Concert – Organ Recital.


Peter Dutton (School Organist) and Alex Hodgkinson (Director of Music) entertain on the beautiful and rarely-heard instrument in the Dining Hall at CH.

Thurs 17th May – An Evening of Comedy. Peter


Dutton (School Organist) and Alex Hodgkinson (Director of Music) entertain on the beautiful and rarely-heard instrument in the Dining Hall at CH.


Tues 22nd May – Evening Pupils’ Recital: Junior Music Scholars. A showcase for some of our youngest and

St. John’s Community Hall, Broadbridge Heath. Tuesdays 6.30pm

most talented musicians. For tickets, pricing or information please visit our website or call the

Box Office 01403 247434

Village Hall by St Peters Church, Slinfold Thursdays 7.00pm

For more information contact: Holly Spence 07867 433211

LAWN MOWING & HEDGE CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.

Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 16

(Mon–Fri 9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: Email:


ADVERTISING RATES. This magazine is distributed every month to every home in Broadbridge Heath; that’s 2,400 homes.

Quarter page: £20 per edition.

Half page: £35 per edition. Full page: £55 per edition. We also offer a discount rate to advertisers who pay for a full year up-front. Email the Editor for details: 18

Village Contacts.

Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.

1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Paula Flack (GSL) 01403 791453 or 1st BBH Rainbows Sally Carver 2nd BBH Brownies Jo Pratt

2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman St Johns Church Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Mrs Viv Edwards 01403 240414 Clerk – Jo Ball 07716 130103 Broadbridge Heath District Councillor Matthew French 01403 730040 Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036

Kelly Brook Montessori Nursery School 01403 251221 Skylarks Pre-School

07825 603601

Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall Broadbridge Heath Village Social Club Phil Farrelly 01403 217177 The Shelley Arms

01403 253406

Broadbridge Heath W.I. Gill Axby 01403 266525 Wendy Griffin 01403 217152 Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464

Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website: Citizens Advice consumer helpline 03454 04 05 06 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CO-ORDINATOR – David Trangmar

BBC RADIO SUSSEX Phone-in : 0800 232 1045 Switchboard: 01273 320428 Email: Toasties Youth Club 07867 387466 or 01403 581962

Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340 19



The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath

Do You Know Enough About Dementia? 70% of people in care homes have dementia or severe memory problems*. This means they are unable to manage their own financial affairs. Because of this, we at Monetary Solutions are often called to advise the family of someone who is going into care. Many families have told us they find it difficult accessing information and knowing what to do. So we set up regular dementia awareness days in order to help. We are holding our third Dementia Awareness Day near our Purley office at Croydon’s Braithwaite Hall on Friday 18 May, to coincide with Dementia Action Week (initiated by the Alzheimer’s Society) which runs from Monday 21 May – Sunday 27 May 2018. What happens on the day? This year, we have a session run by Dementia Friends, a talk on Lasting Powers of Attorney, and another on funding care. Dementia Friends is an Alzheimer’s Society initiative which really helps to find out more about how dementia affects a person and how you can then do small everyday things that help them, such as being patient in a shop queue or spending time with them.

A Lasting Power of Attorney is so important to make while you have mental capacity. It allows you to nominate someone to make your health and wealth decisions, if the time comes when you can’t do this yourself. Long-term care can be one of the greatest expenses in our lives, and there is a maze of options to consider. We will explain and simplify these. Interested? Come to our Dementia Awareness Day at Braithwaite Hall, Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR9 1ET. 9:30am - 4pm Friday 18 May. Thanks to our sponsors, the event is free to attend.


BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications

To contact the Editor email: To advertise: ——————————————————————

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