Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath.
BBH Community Publications.

Mag is sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council.

The Bridge Leisure Centre, at Broadbridge Heath could have solar panels installed to provide its energy under a new pilot scheme beginning in the village.

Horsham District Council is working with newly formed resident-led group Community Energy Horsham to install energy efficient photovoltaic (PV) panels on council- owned buildings.
The Bridge Leisure Centre, at Broadbridge Heath, has been identified as an eligible property for the installation of solar panels under this scheme and it is proposed that it is used as a pilot for the partnership. If The Bridge project is successful, other suitable council owned properties will be identified in the future.
The decision was taken to partner with Community Energy Horsham at the Council’s Cabinet meeting on 29 September.
Community Energy Horsham comprises a group of Horsham District residents who have linked up with Energise South and Energy4All which have the technical and financial expertise to deliver locally generated, renewable energy solutions such as solar roof panels on commercial and community properties.
Under the Community Energy Horsham business model, finance is raised from local investors to pay for the purchase installation and maintenance costs of the solar panels (and other types of renewable technology). Investors typically get a 4% return on their investment. No capital investment from the Council is required.

BBH Mag Sport
News from local sports clubs.
If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email:

FOOTBALL Broadbridge Heath Football Club

A good start to the season for our First Team, who after 11 matches find themselves top of the Southern Combination League Premier Division, 1 point clear and with game in hand.
The team has also had a good run in the FA Vase having won through two qualifying rounds against Lewisham Borough and then Erith & Belvedere, we now travel to Whitchurch United in the first round proper hoping that the run will continue.
Our Under 23 team has changed a lot since last season's championship winning side, last season's managers have moved on and been replaced by Chris Ellis and Sean Holt both of whom have been involved with the club before. After a below par start the team have started to put together some good performances and results to move up the table and are now well poised to challenge the top teams.
Our Under 18s who play in the Southern Combination U18 North Division, also have a new management team with Adam Mayle taking over the reigns from Chris Ellis, ably assisted by Josh Howell and Nick Grogan. This season is very much a learning curve for the players, many of whom also play for our Under 16 team on a Saturday.
Steve Clark has stepped up from Under 16 to take over and run the Under 17 team, they play in the South Surrey U18 Youth League on Saturday mornings and are holding their own in a higher division than the team played in last season.
The Junior Section grows from strength to strength, running teams from Under 7 to Under 16, our biggest problem there is the lack of facilities and coaches, all too often we have to turn players away, something the club really dislikes doing but we just don't have the space.
The Club is run by dedicated volunteers, whether that's coaching/managing players, litter picking, mowing, cleaning dressing rooms, decorating, bar work or various other D.I.Y. jobs around the site, so if you can spare some time to help us do get in touch.
Our Club Room, "The Venue", at Broadbridge Heath Football Club is an ideal location to hold local events within the village and we have appointed Helen Kowalkowski as our Community & Events Coordinator. If you have a party or function enquiry, then please give Helen a call or send her an email to discuss your plans in more detail Tel. 01403 283165 or email To see what events on at the Venue please visit our website at on
Upcoming First Team Matches:
Sat Nov 5th Home v Lingfield, K.O. 3.00
Sat Nov 12th Home v AFC Vardenians, K.O. 3.00 Website at

Village Contacts.
1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts
James Seden Smith (GSL)
1st BBH Rainbows
Sharon Newman
2nd BBH Brownies
Sharon Carver
2nd BBH Guides and Rangers
Sharon Newman
St Johns Church
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman Terry Oliver 07940 886615 Clerk Lucinda Edwards 07716 130103
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone
Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340
Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall
Broadbridge Heath W.I. Maureen McConnell 01403 268963
Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464
Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website:
Broadbridge Heath Youth Club Charlotte Heath 07916778547
Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email:
Broadbridge Heath District Councillors Louise Potter and Matt Allen
Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983
Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273
Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 07759 286434
Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346
Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies)
Sally Booker 01403 260036
To list your village club, society or organisation on this page please contact the BBH Magazine editor by email at

Clemsfold District
1st BBH Rainbows, 2nd BBH Brownies and 2nd BBH Guides
We were lucky to have had beautiful weather for this year’s District Day. A day where we bring all the rainbows, brownies and guides in our district for a day of fun and activities. Our theme for the day was ‘all creatures great and small’ The girls made bird cakes to feed the birds, a cardboard parrot that uses a penny to balance on your finger and fortune teller animals. After the lunch the girls enjoyed a few games including duck, duck goose before gathering around the campfire for animal themed songs and hot chocolate.
For more information regarding volunteering please contact: Sarah Little Clemsfold District Commissioner or visit

For girls to join please visit Facebook page for the district: Girlguiding Clemsfold District.

Reflecting on October the village welcomed Shaylers Funfair to the Common, and with the support of Green Gym volunteers, spring bulbs have been planted at the Shell Garage entrance to the village.

also held a community litter pick and another drop

in session with
Bell took place at the
Work continues reviewing the wildflower corridors considering maintenance, and the sowing of more seeds.
The Parish Office set up has continued to establish itself within the community and warmly welcomed local organisations at the community forum.

Unfortunately, a newly installed Duck bin at the Ducky playpark was severely damaged and a rocker broken. This was reported to the Police. A reminder for residents to report anti social behaviour online or to 101.
Meeting dates, Agendas and Minutes can be found on our website. These documents provide full details of Parish Council work, decisions, and projects.
As November approaches, we may think of Remembrance and Remembrance Sunday. The street poppies will be put up again this year in the village – if anyone was able to support with this please do get in touch.

Green Gym will also be supporting volunteers at Top Common Nature Area for a Winter maintenance day.
BBHPC currently has Councillor Vacancies for Co-option
Councillors are elected to represent an individual geographical unit on the council, known as a ward or parish in Broadbridge Heath it is the entire parish.
They are generally elected by the public every four years, but there are currently 4 vacancies on the Parish Council open for Co option.
If you would like any more information or have any questions please contact Lucinda, Clerk for more information.
Our office is open for residents to drop-in without appointment on the following days:

Tuesday 10am-12pm Thursday 12pm-2pm
Appointments at alternative times may be made by emailing
Or by phone on 01403 900665
Each month during 2022 we will be introducing one of our Parish Councillors.

This month we hear from Councillor Sam Hazell

Hello everyone, so I’ve sat on the parish council since July 2021. This wasn’t ever something I saw myself getting involved with, however the couple of years previously I spent working with my neighbours to try and get the developer who built our homes to meet their obligations in relation to the open space and highways probably something most of us who live in Broadbridge Heath have encountered. I worked with the Parish and District Councillors and became intrigued to the mechanics so applied to fill a co-opt vacancy.
There are a number of vacancies for Parish Councillors now so I would encourage anyone interested to come to a meeting and see how it works, we really would like you to join us.
One of the biggest battles that the parish council have faced is trying to get the allotment sites at Weston Avenue and Churchill Way handed over so these can be utilised by the community.
I know many of you are keen to get going and we really are pushing this forward and we are all passionate about getting these into use. I am hopeful that by the time you are reading this we might have taken control of at least one site.
If it wasn’t already clear from the above my passions are gardening and the wider environment.
Recycling and reducing waste is something I’m keen to see more of in the parish, hopefully you’ll see more schemes around soon like the recycling bin outside the parish office.
Councillor Sam HazellDates for the Diary
Tues 1st November 1.30-3.30pm, Shelley Arms Pub: Cuppa & Chat

Tues 15th November 4.30 – 6.30pm, Parish Office: PCSO Drop-in Session
Weds 23rd November (evening, time tbc), Parish Office: Defibrillator Training
**Please look out on Facebook & Website for more details**
Warm Welcome at the Parish Office
The Parish Council are organising a date in November to trial use of the office as a Warm Welcoming Space for residents.
Please look out on our Facebook page, Website and noticeboards for more information (date and time tbc)
**Working with Horsham Matters supporting our community**

Vicar: Mark Lavender
You can find us on Church Road, Broadbridge Heath: look for the triangular shaped building. To contact the church office: The Church Office, St John’s Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD email:

St John’s Events – November 2022
Wednesday 2 November & 7 December Craft Social 9.30 12.00. Come along and join in at any time just bring along something crafty, enjoy some fellowship, swap ideas, share resources … and be creative! Cost £2 to cover hall hire and refreshments. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673.
Wednesday Every Wednesday - Early Bird Café 8.45 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast and biscuits. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179
Wednesday - 16 November - Village Lunch - All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship at St John’s Community Hall BBH 12 for 12.30 pm. Cost is £4 per head on the day. Menu is Sausage Casserole followed by Ice Cream Wednesday. To book please call Charlotte on 01403 267673 by the previous Sunday.
Monday 28 Nov Age UK Tea & Friendship group 2 pm Tea & Cake £1 Farming talk
Praying for our local streets
At St John’s Church we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us:
In October we are praying for everyone in: Churchill Way, Tullet Way, Wakeford Lane, Cheesmer Way, Old Wickhurst Lane, Cook Way, White Close, Adams Close
Sunday Services at St John’s

08.30 am Communion Service
10.30 am Morning Worship (with children’s groups)
10.30 am First Sunday - All-Age
10.15 am Midweek Communion (Every Wednesday)
Did you know that "Halloween" started out as a Christian celebration? Hallow, in Old English, means ‘holy’ or ‘sacred’. (Think of the Lord’s prayer when we pray ‘Hallowed be your name’. Therefore, ‘Hallows' Eve’, or ‘Halloween’ simply means ‘the evening of holy persons.’ And Hallows Eve is the evening before All Hallows' Day or All Saints Day, also known as Hallowmas. (So, you can greet one another on 1st November by saying Happy Hallowmus!) In the past, people prepared to celebrate Hallowmus the night before with a night of prayer or a vigil on Hallows' Eve. It wasn’t until much later that it got muddled up with the Celtic Samhain (‘SAH-win’) festival which was to welcome in the harvest and ‘the dark half of the year’, when it became much more sinister.

At one point in history All Hallows Day was a day set aside to remember all of the people who have been martyred for their Christian faith. In 609 A.D., Pope Boniface IV rededicated the Pantheon in Rome (a pagan temple with statues of roman gods) and turned it into a Christian church dedicating it in honour of all of the Christian martyrs and started the festival of All Martyrs Day. Pope Gregory III later expanded the festival to include all saints as well as all martyrs, and moved it to November 1. So really, that day is a celebration of all the saints from Christian history. And we call it All Saints Day when we give thanks to God for the lives of all the saints. And if you’re wondering what makes someone a saint? - if you are a follower of Jesus, God calls you a ‘saint’. Listen to this from Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 1:
“To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints...” So, to those that don’t like the sinister undertones of the modern-day festival of Halloween, do not be dismayed – there is a history of using that evening in a positive way and many churches do so by celebrating with ‘light parties’ on 31st October and declaring ‘on this dark night, we give you light!’ Also, if you happen to be passing St John’s that evening, why not drop in for a free hot chocolate.
Looking forward to the rest of the month, we will be marking Remembrance Sunday in the usual way with a short act of remembrance at the village memorial on 13th November at 11am. This will be preceded by a service in the church beginning at 10:30am and continuing after the minute silence at the memorial. A small part of Church Road (between Billingshurst Road and Church Lane) will be closed for the duration to facilitate this. We hope to be joined by the uniformed groups of the village who will be invited to lay wreaths along with the Parish Council.
I wonder how many of you really know what the WI is all about? Have you ever thought you’d like to join, but think it is all a bit old fashioned and boring. Well every WI is different and is shaped by its members… launched in 1915 the WI set out to give women a voice and to be a force for good in the community. Today we are the largest women’s organisation in the UK and we pride ourselves on being a trusted place for all women of all generations to share experiences and learn from each other. We also campaign nationally on a wide range of issues and provide life-long learning and self-development opportunities for women.
Our WI is not just a meeting once a month, we actively encourage our members to socialise outside of the WI by holding drop in coffee mornings, cocktail evenings, book club, theatre trips and other events of interest. And our Member’s WhatsApp Group helps us to stay in touch and arrange impromptu meet ups with each other. There is also a Facebook Page, Member’s Facebook Group and Instagram page. The Broadbridge Bombshells website has lots of information and news about our WI, and a look at our blog will show you just what you have been missing!
The Broadbridge Bombshells WI focusses on fun and friendship at our meetings, but we also try to make them educational, interesting and relevant to women today. Our most recent meeting was definitely one of these. Specifically devised for our wonderful ladies, by menopause advisor Rowena. ‘All About the Menopause’ was a fascinating and extremely well attended talk. Rowena spoke for at least 2 hours about the myriad symptoms of the menopause and how it can adversely affect women. It is not just hot flushes and brain fog, although these are right up there with the most annoying symptoms, but there was a whole A4 page of nasties including sagging soles of the feet and a thickening waistline that can be attributed to the menopause. As well as helping to identify symptoms, Rowena was a fountain of knowledge and positivity for finding ways through, from HRT to foods to include in your diet and natural remedies. We all went away enlightened that there was in fact a pathway through this challenging time of life.

forthcoming events include:-

Monday 14 November at 8.00pm
Senior Pupils’ Recital
Thursday 17 November at 7.45pm An Evening of Comedy Sunday 27 November at 3.00pm School Concert
Thursday 1, Friday 2, Saturday 3 December at 7.30pm Senior Production Coram Boy Thursday 8 December at 8.00pm Big Band
For tickets, pricing, or further information, please visit our website or call the Box Office: Email: Website: Tel: 01403 247434
for a free quotation.

best equipment used.
or fortnightly service

The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath

A typical scenario
New clients are often embarrassed about how little they know about their current investments, but this is so understandable.
Retirement planning is a key area for us and many clients bring us a clutch of policies, with very little knowledge about them or how they can take the benefits, often wanting to consolidate personal pensions.
However, we need to take care when consolidating personal pensions, as some pensions have guaranteed growth or annuity rates which are worth keeping. We also assess the underlying investment funds, and the tax implications when deciding how to take the benefits. With both income tax and lifetime allowance charges to think about, the simplest route is not always the most tax efficient.
We start retirement planning by looking at how much income you need throughout retirement and checking that this level is sustainable with the current investments. We don’t automatically rule out annuities as an option, as these may still have a place providing a guaranteed income to cover basic living costs in retirement. This can also give a person some peace of mind, especially when markets are volatile like now. It is crucial to consider your entire range of holdings in your plan of how to fund your income needs. Then once your plan is made it’s important to review and tweak it on an ongoing basis. For example, if you have a large amount on deposit and are taking income from a drawdown pension in the current climate of market instability, it may be more prudent to temporarily meet your income needs from savings instead.
If you are approaching your retirement and would like to have some help, Karen MacDonald is an independent financial adviser with Monetary Solutions Limited ( For a free no obligation initial consultation why not pick up the phone today and call 01403 288078 or email

BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath.

Copyright: BBH Community Publications
To contact the Editor email:
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