BBH Mag September 2018

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September 2018

Your community magazine for

Broadbridge Heath —————————————————————————————————————————————————


29th & 30th September Details on page 5 BBH Mag is free to all households in Broadbridge Heath.

Published in the village, by the village and for the village. © BBH Community Publications To advertise email: Editor email:

BBH Mag Editorial column. Published by “BBH Community Publications” a non-profit making society run by local volunteers for the benefit of Broadbridge Heath. Send us your news. Do you have some news about your club or society you would like to share with the rest of the village? Email us at BBH Mag is available online at search for “BBH Mag”. How to advertise in BBH Magazine. We deliver to every house in the village, currently 2,400 homes. The deadline for submitting copy and payment is the 8th day of each month. Email us for details Join our volunteer distributors. We have a large team of over 30 people who distribute the magazine every month. Would you like to help? Time commitment is about half an hour a month. We especially need distributors for the new Bellway “Solomon’s Seal” development. Contact Paul Muggeridge by email: ——————————————‘BBH Mag’ is sponsored by



VILLAGE YOUTH CLUBS As the young people go back to school they can also join a local youth club. There are two Youth Clubs in the village; both at St John's Community Hall, Church Road. Toasties Youth Club is for school Years 6 to 8 (10yrs to 13yrs old), held on Friday evenings, term time only. Open from 6.30pm to 8pm, first visit is free then ÂŁ1.50 per session plus there's a tuck shop. Seniors Youth Club is for those in school Years 9 to 11 (13yrs to 16yrs), held on Thursday evenings, term time only. Open from 7pm to 8.30pm, ÂŁ1.50 per session plus there's a tuck shop. Come along and join the fun. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Both Youth Clubs need adult volunteers to help run the clubs. If you are interested: For Toasties Youth Club, contact Donna Puttick, Lead Youth Worker on 07867 387 466 or

For Seniors Youth Club, contact Maria Colenso on Donna Puttick (Toasties) and Maria Colenson (Seniors). Lead Youth Workers 4


St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath Children, families and people of all ages are welcome. Saturday 29 September and Sunday 30 September @ 7.30 pm Drama: ‘Women of the Bible’ Amazing stories of inspirational women from the pages of the Bible, from Rahab to Ruth hear what these women have to say to us today. Performed by members of St Johns Church. Tickets are free. Collection for Women for Women International, a charity working with women in conflict zones around the world. Sunday 2 September & 6 October Café@Church Open from 10.30 am. For all the family. Coffee served all morning, papers, chill, craft activities, games for children, worship and short talk Tuesday 11, 18 & 25 September. Early Bird Café 8.45 – 10.00 am. Come along for Fair Trade coffee/tea, toast, biscuits, read the papers and have a chat. No charge but donations welcome. All ages welcome. Toys for toddlers. Contact Val 01403 260179

Wednesday 5 September

Craft Social 9.30 – 12.00 am. Bring along any craft you have and enjoy the refreshments and fellowship. Cost: £2. Contact Charlotte 01403 267673

Wednesday 12 September

Tea & Fellowship 2.30 pm. Open to all elderly folk in Broadbridge Heath. Contact Heather 01403 210996

Wednesday 19 September

Village Lunch 12 for 12.30 pm. Menu: Cottage Pie followed by Pavolva. Cost £4. To book please contact Charlotte on 01403 267673

Thursday 6, 13, 20 & 27 September Kinderoo Baby & Toddler Group 10-11.30 am. All pre-school children and their carers are welcome. Entrance fee is only £2 per family which includes refreshments. Saturday 8 September

An Evening of Sweet, Sweet Music 6.30 pm

Tuesday 25 & Saturday 29 September MacMillan Coffee Mornings. 9 – 12 at St John’s Community Hall. Please come along to support and bring your friends. All proceeds to MacMillan Cancer Support. Praying for Our Local Streets. During 2018 at St John’s Church, we are praying every month for a set of roads in the village. If you would like something prayed for, email us: This month: Castle Road, Thelton Avenue, Edwards Close, Farley Close


St John’s Church, Broadbridge Heath, Church Road, RH12 3LD 01403 274114 Children, families and people of all ages are welcome.


BBH Mag Sport

News from local sports clubs.

If you would like to publish your sports news in this magazine please contact the Editor by email: FOOTBALL The new football pavilion is now complete and we have to praise the developers Sunninghill for doing an excellent job keeping to the agreed schedule of works and involving the club throughout the process even though we were not their direct customer. It just shows what can be achieved when a developer is committed to deliver something above and beyond what they were contracted to do. The new football pitches were due to be complete before the pavilion and before the 749th dwelling on the Wickhurst Green development was occupied. Already several years late the developers promised they would return in the spring to apply a topdressing to level the surface and grass seed to the pitches but despite regular verbal assurances that the work was imminent it didn't actually take place until the end of June which means the pitches won't now be ready until October at the earliest. Work on the main ground, pitch perimeter fencing, installation of two small stands, floodlighting, etc has also been delayed, although we were told the work could be performed at the same time as the pavilion the license to allow a contractor onsite to do the work wasn't signed off until the 10th August after the pavilion was complete. It's anticipated that it will take approx 6 weeks to do this work so hopefully it will also be complete by October. Meanwhile the District Council have said they will not accept the football facilities until the developers have completed all work on the site. A schedule to complete this by October has been agreed between the council and the developers and it includes building a skate-park, attenuation basin, levelling the area around the pitches, applying grass seed and completion of the landscaping & planting buffer between the pitches and the houses in Cook Way. So if all goes to plan we could be in our new facilities early in November, if not then it could have major consequences for the club because the council are committed to knocking down the old Leisure Centre in October and when they start that the Leisure Centre ground will no longer meet the FA Ground Grading requirements of the league we play and we could suddenly find ourselves homeless with nowhere to play. Meanwhile on the playing side, the seniors will be running 5 teams this season, four of them will start playing matches at the Leisure Centre and hopefully move across later in the season. We are running one additional team this season, an Under 23 midweek team which will allow players to progress from the Under 18s. We had planned to run an additional Under 17 team this year as well but had to withdraw them from the league when we knew the pitches wouldn't be ready and by doing so we know we disappointed a 8

lot of youth players and their parents but with nowhere to play in Broadbridge Heath and with no facilities to help fund the team we had no choice. The first team have already started their season with two away league games, drawing 1-1 at Hassocks and losing narrowly 3-2 at Saltdean, we also played our annual FA Cup match when we lost 0-2 at home to fellow Premier Division team Shoreham, it tends to be a one off annual match because we've never yet one a game in the competition, maybe next year? Next Fixtures Saturday 25th August Home v Chichester City, Peter Bentley Cup. Kick Off 3.00 Tuesday 28th August, Home v Crawley Down Gatwick, SCFL Premier Division. Kick Off 7.45 Saturday 1st September, Away v Lewisham Borough, FA Vase, Kick Off 3.00 Saturday 8th September, Away v Lancing, SCFL Premier Division. Kick Off 3.00 Tuesday 11th September, Home v Pagham. SCFL Premier Division. Kick Off 7.45 CRICKET

Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club

Byfleets Lane Broadbridge Heath West Sussex RH12 3PB www. I wrote the article for the July/August edition almost two months ago and I’m pleased to report that both our teams have continued their winning ways and enter the last few weeks of the season with promotion in both their sights. Indeed, by the time you read this I suspect that all will be decided one way or the other. With 3 games to go in Division 7, the 1st XI are top of the table and if they beat the 3rd place team on the 18th August then promotion is confirmed. There have been some quite stunning individual performances over recent weeks including 142* by captain Tom Endacott, Jordan Ruff 136* (again passing through the village), 127 by Doni James, 118 by Mike Stocker along with a glutton of 50+ scores by many including Jack Dean. Wickets have been shared around but Alex Round and Mike Stocker have got 5fers. Overall, Captain Tom Endacott continues with his fabulous season and he is currently 11th in the individual bowling stats across the whole county; that’s 3629 players. Whilst readers might think we are in the wrong division, it has to be remembered that 6 months ago we were really struggling after a double relegation and to show we have not always had things our own way, we did lose to Clymping recently. Our success it as a result of the hard recruiting work of the captains and players and the subsequent ability of those players. The 2nd XI are going equally well and by my reckoning, need 6 points from the 60 available from their last 2 games to be promoted from Div 11. Stars in recent weeks have been young Ben Tyson 90, a returning David Baker 92* (first game of the season), Abhishek Chaudhary 85*, Suraj Rajan 63* (in an incredible tied match), Shaji Philip 53* and 47 off 13 balls by Dany Kochikkat – yes, you read that right. Add all that to our midweek team winning the SW Region Plate Final of the Surrey Slam (well, we are close to the border) and our amazing season continues in this heat wave of a summer. 9

Cricket (continued) Here’s our remaining home fixtures: 18th August – 1st XI v Himani (league) 25th August – 2nd XI v Horsham Trinity IV (League) 1st September – 1st XI v Broadwater II (League) 9th September – Club League XI v SW Region Plate Winners (friendlyish)

JUNIOR STOOLBALL The BBH Junior Stoolball Academy held sessions during the Summer. We had a great turn out on both days, we had to increase the duration on our last session to an 1 ½ as the children as had much fun on the 1st one we ran out of time. The age range was from 3 ½ to 11 all joined in and had a great time, as with most of these events, without the help of volunteers they just do not happen, so big thanks go out to Ruth Arthur, Emma Turner, Isla Head & Ellie Polson. Also thanks to Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club for the use of the facilities. We intend to do the same next year but for an extra week. We will create an open Facebook page to keep the local communities up to date for all the events during the 2019 stoolball season.

ADVERTISING RATES. This magazine is distributed every month to every home in Broadbridge Heath; that’s 2,400 homes.

Quarter page: £20 per edition. Half page: £35 per edition. Full page: £55 per edition. We also offer a discount rate to advertisers who pay for a full year. Email the Editor for details: Deadline for payment & copy is the 8th day of each month




Contact details

BROADBRIDGE HEATH PARISH COUNCIL Contact: The Clerk of the Parish Council PO Box 1009, Cowfold, West Sussex, RH12 9RX e-mail: Telephone: 07716 130103

———————————————————————————————————— Future Events from the BBH GALA ASSOCIATION Sunday 9th September - Pub Quiz at The Shelley Arms from 7pm Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th September. BBH Scarecrow Weekend Saturday 6th October - Family Silent Disco at BBHVC. Sunday 16th December - Santa Sleigh Procession

For more info visit our Facebook page BBHGALASSOCIATION ——————————————————————————————————————

Letters to the Editor Your views on all matters concerning the village. Email PETS As an animal lover in the village, it's becoming more difficult to know if a pet/animal has an owner and just roaming or if they're lost or a stray around our village so a BBH Pets Facebook page has been created. Members post pictures of their pets, along with a status of 'Not lost' or 'Lost' but for the safety of ourselves and our pets, no names are given, just a contact number. If you spot a pet / animal, you can go onto BBH Pets Facebook and see if it's there, if so what the status is. Alternatively, if you have found a pet/animal you can put this on BBH Pets Facebook and hopefully reunite them with their owners quickly. Please remember that not all pets/animals will be on this Facebook as there are many people who don't use Facebook, so it's still important to take found pets/animals to the local vets for the usual checks for microchips. Hope you find BBH Pets Facebook helpful. Donna Puttick 13

Every morning at 6am (sometimes earlier) I am rudely awoken by the calls of my 2year-old wanting to get up! Calm is restored when the digital babysitter comes to life (aka CBeebies) and I can sip a coffee while my brain kicks in. Around 7am my sleepy 5-year-old appears and the chaos of the kitchen starts. A mad hour and a half passes and the arguments to get out the house and to school start! I return home to a kitchen that I can only describe as looking as though a preschooltoddler group has gone crazy on E-numbers and ransacked my cupboards! This joy is followed by housework, laundry, meal planning, shopping list, grocery store visits, school run, cooking dinner, baths and bedtime routines …then… finally, and a little frazzled, I can sit down with a glass of wine in hand! – purely medicinal Sound familiar??? So I was hugely excited to be given the opportunity to be part of something for all busy women, whether you are a mum, granny, housewife, busy building an empire or somewhere in-between… whoever you may be… One evening a month to escape and have some ‘Me time’. Meet other women from our village, have a glass of wine or tea and coffee …there’s always cake, that last indulgence before the diet which will always start tomorrow! We are the Broadbridge Bombshells WI! A brand-new Women's Institute group located in Broadbridge Heath. A modern group that still loves and respects the traditions of the past 100 years of WI. We have only been running for 3 months but in that time, we have…Been spooked with talks on Paranormal activity & investigations. Educated on Oak Apple Day or also known as Royal Apple Day (a public holiday, sadly abolished in 1859), which gave license for behaviors such as a pinch on the bottom or a whipping with nettles… It’s all about having fun and making new friends. And you won’t want to miss our Christmas Wreath making and, of course, the chance to show off those sequins at our Christmas Party! These Lovely friendly faces are Debs, the Bombshells Treasurer and me, Rowena, the Bombshells President.

If you are interested or even slightly intrigued by our goings on please come and see us. We meet every last Tuesday of the month, 8pm at St John's Church Hall, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD. Alternatively email us at 14

What a wonderful summer we’ve been having. The weather was perfect for the Broadbridge Heath village fete, which was a huge success. We upheld the WI tradition of selling delicious cakes, bread, jams, chutneys, sweets and all sorts of other homemade and home grown fare, whilst celebrating 100 years of women having the vote by dressing as suffragettes.

Next came our annual Garden Party and once again the weather was lovely as we relaxed and chatted over a cream tea. I told you last time about our successes at the South of England show, with rosettes for two first prizes and a Commended but we then heard that one of our members had also been awarded the coveted Visitors Choice Award. This is a prize for the entry that all the visitors to the show voted as their favourite and it was won by Maureen Brown, who has been a WI member for 5 years. Maureen always enjoyed painting but with more time when she retired, she decided to attend some local art classes and has painted in all mediums. This stunning watercolour was entered in the class entitled ‘Vision of Summer’ and, as you can see, her award was well deserved. We’ve now started planning our programme for next year – although there’s still lots to look forward to, including ‘Tales from a Scotland Yard Detective’ and a talk on magnetic therapy, so get in touch if you’d like to come along. Our contact details are on the back cover. 15

ROADWORKS PLANNED FOR OLD GUILDFORD ROAD. This notice was circulated earlier this month. However the dates may have been changed because, at the time of going to press, the WSCC website said…. C192 OLD GUILDFORD ROAD - BROADBRIDGE HEATH START DATE 03 Sep 2018 END DATE 11 Sep 2018 Developer planing and carriageway resurfacing. Road Closure 24 hour between Billingshurst Road and Farthings Hill Roundabout. The alternative route for traffic will be signed via Billingshurst Road, Newbridge Roundabout, A281, Farthings Hill Roundabout and vice versa. Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Contact: Edburton Contractors 01903 813665


Please mention the BBH Mag village magazine when responding to adverts in this magazine.




Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community

Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.

Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:


Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Tues 25th Sept – Lunchtime Concert. Enjoy a two course meal, using fresh local produce and a concert featuring some of our most talented young musicians, part of Horsham Food & Drink Festival. Fri 5th Oct – Evening Pupils’ Recital. A free concert showcasing our Senior Music Scholars. Mon 8th Oct – An Enemy of the People.


Flintlock Theatre return with a reimagined classic, employing high-energy storytelling, music and live digital interaction bringing Ibsen’s masterpiece into the 21st Century. Thurs 11th Oct – MoSound Sisters. A stunning female fronted tribute show performing the music and moves of the Motown Sound, backed by an incredible 4 piece live band.

BOOTCAMP CLASSES AT: St. John’s Community Hall, Broadbridge Heath. Tuesdays 6.30pm

Box Office 01403 247434

Village Hall by St Peters Church, Slinfold Thursdays 7.00pm

(Mon–Fri 9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: Email:

For more information contact: Holly Spence 07867 433211

LAWN MOWING & HEDGE CUTTING Please call for a free quotation. Only the best equipment used. Weekly or fortnightly service available. Fully insured.

Ben Allen Garden Services Ltd. 07783 072314 or 01403 730347 21


Village Contacts.

Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.

1st Broadbridge Heath Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Paula Flack (GSL) 01403 791453 or 1st BBH Rainbows Sharon Newman 2nd BBH Brownies Sharon Carver 2nd BBH Guides and Rangers Sharon Newman St Johns Church Broadbridge Heath Parish Council Chairman – Mrs Viv Edwards 01403 240414 Clerk – Jo Ball 07716 130103 Broadbridge Heath Gala Association Email: Broadbridge Heath District Councillor Matthew French 01403 730040 Broadbridge Heath Cricket Club 07740 101983 Broadbridge Heath Football Club 01403 252273 Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club Ann Lines 01403 790503 Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club 01403 268346 Broadbridge Heath Stoolball Club (Ladies) Sally Booker 01403 260036

Shelley Primary School Administration Office 01403 271340 Kelly Brook Montessori Nursery School 01403 251221 Kinderoo Parent & Toddler Group Meets on Thursday mornings at St Johns Church Hall

Broadbridge Heath Village Social Club Phil Farrelly 01403 217177 Broadbridge Heath W.I. Gill Axby 01403 266525 Wendy Griffin 01403 217152 Horsham & District Cats Protection: Report lost or found cat 01403 854464 Horsham Arun Badminton Club Ian Wood 01403 250337 Website: Citizens Advice consumer helpline 03454 04 05 06 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CO-ORDINATOR – David Trangmar Toasties Youth Club Donna Puttick 07867 387466 or 01403 581962 —————————————————NOTE: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you do not want us to continue publishing your contact details on this page please email us at




The Financial Fairy Godmother of Broadbridge Heath

Coming up to retirement? Did you enjoy your summer holiday? Have a think about the longest holiday of your life – retirement. If you are coming up to retirement, here are some questions to ask yourself: How much income would I like to have when I leave work? Will my pension pay this? How is my pension currently invested? How is it performing? If the market were to suddenly drop, do you know how this would affect your Pension and investments? How much risk are you happy with? Do your current investments match your risk profile? Planning for retirement is essential. It’s not just about making sure you have built up enough funds, it is also about making sure that what you have accumulated is taking the right amount of risk. One last question. Over the last few years, the options for taking your Pension benefits have changed considerably. Do you know how you intend to take yours? Your answer will affect the risk profile your Pension should be invested in. If you are coming up to retirement, give me a call on 01403 288078 and I’ll help you find the right answers. Karen MacDonald Monetary Solutions Ltd A Pension is a long-term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down, which would have an impact on the level of Pension benefits available. Pension income can also be affected by interest rates at the time you take your benefits. The tax implications of Pension withdrawals will be based on your individual circumstances, tax legislation and regulation, which are subject to change in the future.


BBH Mag is your village magazine for Broadbridge Heath. Copyright: BBH Community Publications

To contact the Editor email: To advertise: ——————————————————————

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