April 2017
www.barnsgreen.com Published by Barns Green Community Publications
Village Safe Driving Initiative:
VILLAGE ROADS Team of twelve volunteers will be trained to use a speed gun to monitor car speeds. Full report on page 5. Editorial on page 3. The BIG Mag is delivered free to all households in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com . To advertise email: advertising@barnsgreen.com
BIG Mag Editorial column. BIG Mag front page headline: SPEED GUN TO BE USED IN CAMPAIGN FOR SAFER VILLAGE ROADS The safety of roads around the village has been a major concern in recent months. Now drivers who ignore the speed limits or drive dangerously will risk being reported to the police. A recent meeting organised by the Parish Council was well attended by about 100 people. They heard details of a plan of action which will include the use of a speed gun to monitor village roads. A full report is on page 5. The Neighbourhood Development Plan was also discussed at the same meeting. Thank you for your “Letters to the Editor”. Several people have written to the BIG Mag this month on topics ranging from dog poo, sheep, parking on pavements and aircraft noise. See pages 8 and 9 . Help us pay the cost of publishing the ‘BIG Mag’ Over 900 copies of this magazine are printed every month and distributed to every house in the village. You are reading this magazine free of charge; there is no cover price. But the magazine costs money to produce; we have to pay printing and publication costs so this has to be raised from somewhere. We do this by charging for advertising space. Do you know a local business or tradesperson who would like to advertise in the ‘BIG Mag’ ? Email us to let us know. Guidelines for submitting articles to the BIG Mag. When writing articles for the BIG Mag please keep to a maximum of 400 words and send by email using Microsoft Word. Deadline for submitting your copy is the 15th day of each month. We welcome all contributions of local stories, events etc. sent to the BIG Mag but please be aware that material is included in the magazine entirely at the discretion of the Editor and it may be altered or shortened without consultation. Advertising deadline: Deadline for advertising copy and payment is the 10th day of each month. Roger Stamp. Editor. The BIG Mag. Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com ———————————————————————————————————
To advertise in this magazine call Alan Lambkin 01403 731182 email: advertising@barnsgreen.com Advertising rates: £10 per edition for a quarter page. £20 per edition for a half page. £40 per edition for a full page. 3
ANTI-SOCIAL DRIVING AND SPEEDING IN THE PARISH The Parish Council has recently set up a sub-committee called: THE BARNS GREEN & ITCHINGFIELD TRAFFIC GROUP The committee plans to measure and monitor traffic flows in our area (volunteers will be needed) and then suggest traffic calming measures. Your concerns, opinions and suggestions on speeding, anti-social driving and infrastructure would be useful, so please send them to: info@BGTraffic.co.uk *** ANTI-SOCIAL DRIVING If you see anti-social driving, please don’t tolerate it, but report it to: OPERATION CRACKDOWN This web site is run by the police, and logged incidents will add weight to our suggestions for improvements. www.operationcrackdown.org Tel. 01243 642222 *** POTHOLES, DAMAGE TO GRASS VERGES, OVERGROWN VEGETATION, DAMAGED SIGNAGE Report these to: WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL www.westsussex.gov.uk (Roads and Travel - Report a problem) PLEASE CUT THIS OUT AND SAVE FOR REFERENCE
Neighbourhood Development Plan and the Village Safe Driving Initiative Village meeting held on Friday 17th February was well attended Report by Jo Pratt What is the Neighbourhood Development Plan All About? The Chair of the Steering Group, Ian Walker, explained that they have developed a Vision and Objectives of what the Plan will ultimately look like and that the next step will be to draft policies once the “Call for Sites” has been submitted. He explained that the plan will be considering the type of houses required, whether we need affordable housing or bungalows for the older generation or other identified groups; the needs of local Business’ etc. Ian stated that he will be ensuring that sites of 1, 2, 3 or more buildings will be accepted by HDC as part of their housing plan, and not only count developments of 10+ dwellings. The “Call for Sites” was a request from the Committee for people to put in a submission if they are considering in the future to build on land they own for commercial or residential purposes. The deadline, has now past, and the next step will be to review these submissions in conjunction with the Consultants and guidelines from HDC. Not all submissions will be accepted, and it was stressed that those which are chosen will still be required to go through the planning stage. An exhibition is planned in three months to show the village what options have been put forward. Questions were allowed from the floor, one notable question was “If you have not submitted an interest at this stage, can a person put in for planning after the Plan has been finalised?” Answer: It is likely that the application would be rejected if it has not been accounted for in the plan. Village Safe Driving Initiative: Presentation by Paul Allen Much of the discussion at this stage was around the issues and numbers of incidents of speeding traffic, antisocial driving and parking in and around the parish, and around how we as a community should or could look to reduce them. This is currently at a very early stage of investigation and was driven in part by comments placed on the Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital Facebook page where several residents mentioned how some vehicles are being driven at excessive speeds through the village and neighbouring areas, apparently with no regard for children or other road users. Paul Allen has come forward to lead a steering group of currently five people, to establish what the issues are regarding anti-social driving. Initially evidence needs to be collated on which further action can be justified. Unfortunately Paul reported that so far only a few complaints have been officially submitted over the past few years, so if anyone sees speeding issues, fly tipping, misbehaviour by suspicious people then they should report this to the email: info@BGTraffic.co.uk or directly to the police at www.operationcrackdown.org Paul mentioned he was looking for further volunteers to join his committee they would welcome a more diverse group to include some ladies and younger people. He also needs 12 people to be part of a team to be trained in using a speed gun which will be used over a two month period to help collate data. Anyone interested in joining the committee or being part of the speed gun team please email Paul Allen at the above address. Full details of the meeting can be found on the Parish Council website. 5
Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups Are you a parent or carer? Looking for something to entertain your baby or toddler? Why not pop along to Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups? We are a very friendly, welcoming group and we'd love to see you (school term time) Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time - Mondays 9.00am 11.00am Pay-as-you-go: £2.50 per family (£1.50 first visit). Refreshments included. Just turn up or call Laura 01403 738804 or Anne-Marie on 01403 731192
Barns Green Playgroup A small village playgroup for 2-5yr olds. Fun activities for all children. Ofsted registered. Professional, DBS checked, trained staff. Warm welcoming staff. Safe environment.
Opening hours: Mon 9am-1pm. Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri 9am-3pm
For details please contact either: Tel: 01403 730093 (Village Hall) or Bev Liley 07881 728007 / 01403 732831
All groups are at Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green RH13 0PT
BARNS GREEN VILLAGE HALL Film afternoon showing Zootropolis Certificate PG Saturday 3rd June 2017 Film starts at 5pm
Tickets £5 each at the door. Refreshments available
1ST BARNS GREEN AND ITCHINGFIELD RAINBOWS AND BROWNIES To register your daughter’s interest in any of the units, or to volunteer visit www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus. Rainbows has space for immediate start. Cool Chocolate Cake! – By Isobella Aged 8 At Brownies we do lots of fun things, like, art, cinema trips and skipping contests. My favourite was baking night. We got into our sixes (our groups for Brownies). We made chocolate marble cake. Following a recipe on our own we weighed out the ingredients poured them into the bowl and mixed it with a spoon. Then we poured the mix into the cupcake cases. We did the same again, but added cocoa powder. With the cocoa cake mix we poured it on top of the vanilla mix and twirled to make the marble effect. The best bit was weighing out the mixture in our sixes and helping each other. The cakes turned out great and I really wanted to eat them straight away! It was funny when I remembered that I couldn’t eat them because I gave up chocolate for lent! Mummy had a good idea that I could nibble round the edges, where there wasn’t any chocolate! Toy Making Night – by Holly Aged 7 To celebrate Brown Owl’s birthday we had a toy making night. First the Brownie helpers showed us the teddies that we could make. We had a choice of bears, cats, dogs, bunnies and penguins. Then we went off and decorated tops for our teddy using special pens. I drew a smiley face, a star and a heart. We also filled out a birth certificate – I called mine Kelly. Then we selected which teddy we would like – I chose a grey and white dog. We stuffed our teddies, made a special wish and placed a star inside. Each colour star had a different message – my star said ‘First Love’. We then zipped up the back of our teddy, ironed their t-shirt and made accessories out of coloured fabric. Some of us made bracelets, ties, capes and skirts. I really enjoyed our toy making night. Brownies Build a Bear – by Izzy Aged 7 On my first day of Brownies, I was excited to sit down with my friends and build a bear. First of all, we decorated and coloured mini shirts for our bears, I made mine multi-coloured. After that we chose what type of bear we wanted, I chose a kitten. To make my kitten we had to start with stuffing it, and then once my kitten was stuffed I sewed it up. Next we created some beautiful accessories for our bears to have, I made a blue collar, navy blue lead, a multi coloured skirt and a bow decorated with flowers. To finish it off we made birth certificates for our bears, I named mine Daisy. I enjoyed this activity because my friends and I found it fun to dress up as animals. I love Brownies!! 7
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to bigmag@barnsgreen.com
Parking on pavements Dave Butler writes: Dear BIG Mag Editor, In response to the latest article about parking on pavements in the March edition, I would like to add my concerns about the condition of the verges along the Hordens and Finians fields. Many residents including myself have placed obstacles on the verges but this hasn't been done everywhere so now those areas are starting to look very messy. Also the bin lorries and buses need to pass through tight areas, especially the middle part of the Hordens, so can residents and visitors keep the roads as wide as possible just by parking a few more metres down the road if need be. There are also many times that cars have parked almost opposite each other making it tight to drive through. What about if we could also have signs put up.... Please keep off the verges? Thank you. Dogs worry sheep. Unwelcome dog poo bags. Carmen Hornung writes: Dear BIG Mag Editor, The winter grazing sheep have gone back from our fields to East Sussex until next Autumn. I would like to thank the people who walked their dogs on leads while the sheep were here (in Barns Green). I especially want to thank the two people who kindly rang me up to advise me that one sheep in the field was in trouble. There was a loose dog, which belonged to people who do not live locally, which worried the sheep and this one died the next day. May I also take this opportunity to ask those who leave plastic bags with dog’s poo hanging on bushes next to the foot paths to please take these bags back with them. Aircraft noise. Eleanor Wallis writes: Dear BIG Mag Editor, I thought there may be others in the village that noticed the increase in noise from aircraft. Last summer the noise from low flying aircraft over Barns Green from Gatwick became more noticeable than usual, especially when sitting in the garden. I wrote to Gatwick in October 2016 to ask what had changed in order to cause the increased noise. Their recent explanation (sent to me in reply, gives the impression that) the disturbance from the aircraft is likely to continue throughout this coming summer!
Letters to the Editor (continued)
A reminder to all dog owners. If you walk your dog around the Village and it leaves a calling card please clean up after it. Bins for dog waste are provided on the corner of the Village Green and in Two Mile Ash by the school entrance. Do not leave the bag and contents on our footpaths, hanging on trees and gates or tossed into the undergrowth. Alternatively take it home and dispose of it in your household waste bin. Your cooperation would be appreciated by everyone. Thank you. PARISH LITTER WARDEN. (Submitted by Pat Cochran) Secretary needed for Village Hall The Village Hall Management Committee is in need of a Committee Secretary. Duties are mainly recording the minutes from committee meetings, maintaining the on-line document database and dealing with correspondence to and from the committee. Shorthand is most definitely not needed, but if you have it you might find it useful. The retiring Secretary will be pleased to help the new Secretary in whichever way they need. The Committee is a largely autonomous sub-committee of the Village Trust. We are all volunteers and meet between 8 and 10 times a year to discuss issues involving the hall, its maintenance and its use. If you are interested please contact Jane West (Chairperson) on 01403 730493 or Nicolette Goddard (Retiring Secretary) on 01403 734408 (email: nicolette.goddard@btinternet.com). Nicolette Goddard. Village Hall Secretary
WEST SUSSEX FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Billingshurst fire station
DON’T USE A MOBILE PHONE WHILE DRIVING At the beginning of March, the new law for using a mobile phone whilst driving was introduced. If you are caught using your phone behind the wheel, a big 6 points and £200 fine will be coming your way. Some people think this is a harsh penalty but it's a strong message from the Police to show the importance of not using a phone whilst driving. So many lives are lost, and so many people are injured because of the person at fault using their mobile phone. The campaign #itcanwait will be seen more and more throughout the year. For those new drivers, 6 points in your first 2 years of driving could mean disqualification so think twice, and think is the call really that important and I'm sure 'it can wait'. Please, please don't use a mobile phone whilst driving. Dan Game. Billingshurst Fire Station 9
St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.
April 2017 Services All services are at St Nicolas Church unless otherwise stated.
2nd April 11am Holy Communion 9th April
St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.
8am Palm Sunday Holy Communion (BCP) 6pm Palm Sunday Service (sung)
11th April 7.30pm Stations of the Cross 13th April 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion 14th April 12pm Good Friday Meditation 15th April 7pm Easter Eve Service of Light 16th April 10am Easter Day Family Communion 23rd April 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am All Age Worship followed by APCM in Barns Green Village Hall 30th April 8am Holy Communion (BCP)
Evening Prayer every Wednesday except on 12th at 5pm in church —————————————————————————————————
Contact details for the new Associate Priest, Revd Rosemary Cattell. Telephone: 01403 264396 Email: r.a.cattell@btinternet.com New website for church THE CHURCH HAS A NEW WEBSITE FULL OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PHOTOS AND DETAILS OF ALL FORTHCOMING SERVICES AND EVENTS. PLEASE VISIT www.stnicolasitchingfield.org.uk TO TAKE A LOOK! 10
St. Nicolas Church - Thoughts from the Vicar. We celebrate Easter this year on Sunday 16 April with special services that day and in Holy Week leading up to it. We remember Jesus’ arrest, trial and beating by the Roman soldiers. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross to the place of crucifixion, he was so weak after the beating, that a man named Simon was pulled from the crowd and forced to carry Jesus' cross the rest of the way. Jesus is stripped and nailed to the Cross; after some hours the soldiers check that Jesus is dead by stabbing him in the side, blood and water gush out. Then Jesus' body is taken down Rev. Sandra Hall and placed in a nearby tomb by some of his followers. On Easter day we rejoice as we remember and celebrate his resurrection. With its message of new life, this is the high point of the Christian year. We believe that Jesus stood in our place. His death paid the penalty, not for his own wrong doings, but for ours. In a way, Jesus’ resurrection reminds me of caterpillars and butterflies. When caterpillars stop crawling and eating, they attach their tails firmly to a stick and lay still, sheathed with a shiny leather-like case. For weeks they seemed to be dead, unmoving in their tiny grey wrappings. Then one by one, the grey cases begin to twist and turn violently, and suddenly split open. Beautiful butterflies emerge. For hours they gently move their wings, pumping fluids into them to extend them fully. Then the butterflies soar gracefully away, leaving nothing behind but a broken chrysalis to indicate their former bondage.
The chrysalis and butterfly suggest the empty graveclothes of our risen Lord. When Peter and John heard the news that the Lord's body was gone from the tomb, they ran there and when Peter entered the tomb "he saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head." The graveclothes once wrapped continuously around the body now lay collapsed, testimony that the corpse they had once shrouded had now emerged in life. The bondage of death was broken. We can face tomorrow with the assurance that Jesus is in fact alive to help us, to guide us, to give us hope for the future. The broken chrysalis of his graveclothes, proclaims that Christ is Victor, even over death. You are warmly invited to join us for any of our special Easter services. With love in Christ, Revd Sandra Hall. Telephone: 01403 790197 Email: sandra.richard@tiscali.co.uk 11
LOCAL SPORTS NEWS Contact our Sports Editor, Barry Hearnshaw by email: sports@barnsgreen.com RUNNING Horsham MP to start Green Half Marathon races Horsham MP, Jeremy Quin will be on a podium with a claxon to act as the official starter for the Barns Green Half Marathon on September 24th. Then he will get into his running gear and will actually take part in the 10km event which starts a few minutes later at 10.20am.
This year’s official charity for the event is St Catherine’s Hospice. Last year almost 1800 runners registered for the Half Marathon and 10k races which follow routes on closed roads through the lanes of Barns Green, Itchingfield, Christ’s Hospital and close to Southwater through some of the most scenic countryside in West Sussex. This year, the magnificent Christ’s Hospital School marching band will once again be playing while all the runners go through the grounds of the school during the race. Details on how to take part in the race are on the Barns Green Half Marathon website; barnsgreen-half.org.uk CRICKET Barns Green tour to India: Kerala in February. Kerala – described as ‘God’s own country’ – is a far cry from a cold and rainy February in West Sussex. And that was exactly what a lucky touring party from Barns Green Cricket Club were able to find out last month. Tour planning initially focused on the chance to play cricket in India, but soon evolved to become a much more important experience for all involved. 56 people – friends, families and supporters of BGCC – set off for Trivandrum on February 16 aiming to fully immerse themselves in Keralan culture.
The back waters of Kerala
Unsurprisingly, the first major challenge for us was the climate. An equatorial sun was a more than worthy adversary, as the club started its first cricket matches. Luckily, the 12
Keralan Cricket Association had arranged games at the stunning St Xavier’s College ground, which provided a comforting ocean breeze when chasing leather. Nevertheless, we received a proper cricketing lesson. Games against state-level opposition were eye-opening, especially given the dedication that Keralan players have to their technique (plus a real willingness to win). Barns Green found it hard going on low pitches, where patience was a virtue and mistakes were harshly punished. Despite losing the series over eight games, the most pleasing aspect was how everyone embraced the universal language of cricket. Young players from Barns Green quickly found common ground with their Keralan counterparts, and even managed to benefit from a session with the State Academy coach. Kerala, like most places in India, is cricket mad and the KCA ensured we were made to feel incredibly welcome. Local players wanted to know everything about cricket in West Sussex, and even talked about bringing a touring side to the area one day. Young guns Matt Cooper, Conor Blanchard and Nick Cooper led the way in integrating the Indian approach, and made friends for life following a match against a Keralan under-19 side. Away from the cricket, the group explored many different facets of life in Kerala. Trips to a tea plantation, famous Keralan backwaters, a local university and the beautiful Kovalam beach ensured we came away with an authentic Indian experience. Everywhere we went people wanted to hear about life in the UK, and the tour exceeded expectations in terms of cultural exchange between Barns Green and Kerala. There was no better example of enjoying that culture than the food. Seafood, fish, exotic fruit and vegetables were the staple. We were very well looked after at the Hycinth Hotel in Trivandrum – our base for 10 days – who made sure we tried everything Kerala had to offer. Report by Chris Bailey SNOOKER As the current season draws to a close it has to be noted the upturn in fortunes for the Barns Green C snooker team. After finishing second from bottom the previous season, captain Matt Spencer has been confident of improvement and instilled in the team a sense of purpose. The team find themselves third from bottom this year having won more games this season. Largely due to the form of the captain and a run of 6 wins in 8 games from Andy Dawkins, the whole team has improved its win percentages, with Jon Bacon, Ray Wallis and, despite a mid-season blip, the everreliable Dave "snooker loopy" Liley all having good results. Mention should also go to the other members of the squad Jay Dumbrill, Clive Williams, Rich Barratt and Jon Lawrence who all chipped in with good performances. The future is looking bright for the club's lowest ranked team and next season they will be looking to continue to improve once again. Report by Andy Dawkins 13
DARTS Starting February's round up our first fixture was a Plate Cup semi-final at Southwater social club against leading second division outfit The Plough. The Green ran away rampant winners with a 6 -1 win. Ron Clarke again stole the show with a 13dart leg (could have been 11 darts) at a 115-leg average, stunning darts from the evergreen master, although the captain had to pull him up on his finishing. The euphoria of the cup over and a visit to the Windmill, Littleworth. This produced a tremendous 7 -1 win with Ron taking down Windmill ace Dave Lennon. Tensions rose as a possible First Division Title became a reality. The bubble was burst the following week though, as a strong Kings Arms side visited. Although the Green won 5 -3, rivals Ring Sun had a 7 -1 win and are now favourites for the title. Ron Clarke again starred with a 14-dart leg. The Friday night dart team have found a rich vein of form of late. A 7 - 2 win over struggling visitors The Rising Sun started the month which was followed by an awesome 7 - 2 win over potential Div 1 champions The Railway Arms, Billingshurst. A very difficult away fixture in the cup finished the month, as The Green travelled to Broadbridge Heath VC. The Green produced a fine display to take down the league leaders 6 – 3. Report by John Coxon.
A successful end of February and into March see BGRFC in the top four of our league with one game in hand on two of the three in front of us. victories against Pulborough Two's remains the stand out game although beating Rye with only fourteen men (after two injuries) is right up there up with 'best performances of the season’! There are pivotal games to come in the run up to closing the season Newick and Ditchling away and East Grinstead, the league leaders at home on April 8th, KO 15.00hrs will define the season. Top three is within reach, top two in our own hands-it really is all to play for in this, our first season of Division Two Sussex rugby. The Club also travels to Sofia in Bulgaria on tour in April. We play in an exiles competition on Saturday 22nd April but will travel out on Thursday 20th to make sure that we have fully recovered from the flight and time zone differences. Thank you to all our sponsors and spectators who continue to support our Club, if you keep meaning to come and watch us play-then make it Saturday April 8th against the league leaders up on Fulfords Hill, you will be most welcome! Report by Bill Bailey
THEATRE Barns Green Players. JUNIOR PRODUCTION – FRI 7th and Sat 8th JULY 2017 Barns Green Players are pleased to announce that they will be staging another Junior Production this July. In the past we have done productions of the popular Shakespeare4Kidz series. Details of this year’s show will be announced very soon. These productions are predominantly for youngsters in school years 6-12. Neale Francis is leading the production team and it is a great chance for budding young actors to learn more about acting and get involved either on or off stage. Auditions will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 25th April in the Village Hall. 14
Barns Green Sports & Social Club Events this month: 6th April. Easter bingo and free Easter raffle. Sat 15th April. Chairman's birthday Star DJ Maff coming out of retirement to spin the decks. Sat 29th April. Boxing night - Klitscho vs Joshua. ————————————————–——— Second hand items for sale. Advertise for free if the sale price is less than £25 Limit: 20 words maximum. Puch “PIC-NIC” folding bike. Will adjust to fit from 10 year old to 6ft +. £20.00 ONO. Tel. Brian 01403 733559.
Mobile Personal Training
Emily White 07341826668 FFfitness@hotmail.co.uk www.funfriendlyfitness.co.uk ————————————————————
Emily White’s Nails Manicures, pedicures, UV gel nails and pamper parties too. Call Emily today to book 07341 826 668 Find me on Facebook @EmilysEssentialNails 16
Merve Goddard 01403 734408 merve.goddard@btinternet.com Mary Hallett ww1@barnsgreen.com The grim toll on the men of Barns Green was relentless in 1917. In April two more casualties were notified. ROLL OF HONOUR - we offer our sincerest sympathy with the family of William Findlay who has died of wounds at the Front. Also with Mrs Bradford who has heard that her husband is missing. ITCHINGFIELD PARISH MAGAZINE William Findlay was the only son of the family farming Barns Green Farm (where Farm Close now stands) and he did not join up until late 1916. This was probably because William was not tall enough to pass the military medical. By 1916 the need for more men for the front line was desperate so the military formed Bantam Battalions formed of men who did not meet the regular requirement for being at least 5’3” tall. William was able to join the 11th Royal Lancasters, a who took men from 5’ to 5’2” and recruited specifically on these criteria.
In April 1917 the Battalion was in action in a captured German trench at Beaucamp near Cambrai and it was here that Pte 32983 William Findlay of D Company was wounded. Four days later he died of his wounds in a military hospital near Rouen and is buried in St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen George Bradford enlisted in Horsham, probably shortly after conscription was introduced in the spring of 1916 After training he was , and may have served for a short period with the Middlesex Regiment for his training. It is clear from his medal records however that his active service was seen with 13th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers (City of London) Regiment.
George shipped to France in March 1917 in the 13th Battalion Royal Fusiliers. After about three weeks in a holding camp on the French coast was posted to the front on the 21st April. He survived just four days. In heavy artillery over a number of days he was killed. It may have been some time before his body was identified hence the notification of him being missing. He is buried in Chilli Trench Cemetery, Gavrelle and left a widow and a young daughter.
BARNS GREEN ‘GREEN FINGERS’ Our page for local gardening enthusiasts. Our gardening reporter is Barry Hearnshaw. ————————— Plant Of The Month for April Narcissus (Daffodil) A well-known flowering bulb,for this time of year. Comes in various forms and colours. These range from yellows; creamy yellows; oranges. There are a range of dwarf forms, ideal for pot growing, rather than in mixed beds.
The classic colour we all know so well is the primrose yellow, with star like petals and frilly trumpet. Can be grown in a variety of ways outdoors. Naturalized in lawns, planted in drifts ,mixed borders and pots. Ideal for cut decoration for the household. Once the daffodils have flowered, allow the foliage to die down naturally. This will allow the nutrients to go back into the bulb, for the following season, to produce more floriferous displays. Report by Mark Pearce (Local Nursery Man) April Gardening Sunshine and showers Spring is finally in evidence as daffodils and flowering trees start to bloom. Expect the inevitable April showers this month but with sunny days too, when you can turn your attention to the lawn. It's an exciting month, with indoor-sown seeds well into growth, and its also time to start sowing outdoors. Just watch out for frosts... Top 10 jobs this month Keep weeds under control Protect fruit blossom from late frosts Tie in climbing and rambling roses Sow hardy annuals, herbs and wild flower seed outdoors Start to feed citrus plants Increase the water given to houseplants Feed hungry shrubs and roses Sow new lawns or repair bare patches Prune fig trees Divide bamboos and waterlilies 18
RHS Garden Wisley is one of the great gardens of the world, it is home to some of the largest plant collections anywhere in the globe. Looked after by 90 staff, the garden aims to inspire and educate.
It's a centre of education for gardeners of all ages, and offers the chance to view alpine plants at close quarters in the Alpine Display Houses, and glean planting, design and cultivation ideas for smaller gardens from the demonstration and model gardens. Planting varies enormously, from the mingling of herbaceous perennials and shrubs in the famous Mixed Borders to the lower-maintenance, prairie-style planting in the Glasshouse Borders. Wisley is the perfect place for a day out this Easter. It is magical at Easter. The garden is bursting into bloom and there's a fun family activity every day: make a daffodil hat, sow seeds to take home, or watch fabulous bird of prey demonstrations. And don't miss the return of the delicious Lindt Gold Bunny hunt! ———————————————————-
YOUR OWN GARDEN IN THE BIG Mag? Would you like us to write about your own garden in this magazine? Contact Barry Hearnshaw by email at gardening@barnsgreen.com
BARNS GREEN TENNIS CLUB Barns Green Tennis Club is looking to replace its existing committee. We need people that will inspire new players to come along, join the club and actively play tennis.
If you would like to be involved, please contact: Den Critchley 01403 731596 Monica Hargrave 01403 730024
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Climbing Stump Grinding
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At Audiologica we pride ourselves in a personalised service We offer high quality home audio systems as well as high end headphones and MP3 players. We specialise in computer based audio: rip your entire CD collection onto one of our systems to reduce clutter and hear your music as you’ve never heard it before! We are based in Barns Green so happy to pop round to do a demonstration or discuss your needs.
tel: 01403 336339 mob: 07901 833128 web: www.audiologica.co.uk mail: richard@audiologica.co.uk 23
LAWN MOWING Regular fortnightly or
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Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.
Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child.
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: office@muntham.org.uk Web: www.muntham.org.uk
N. P. Duley Tiling and Plastering Building Refurbishments High level of workmanship with a down to earth approach Bathrooms Kitchens Alterations Interiors Finishing Work Decoration Conversions Outside Work
Telephone: 01403 738103 Mobile: 07917 457286 Email: npdrefurbishments@outlook.com Website: npdrefurbishments.com Fully Insured - Southwater based
P.F. Brown Building contractor - New homes, Extensions, Renovations, Patio’s, Drives and Roofing. Local builder for over 30 years, NHBC registered
Phone - 01403 741479 Mobile - 07870 842 216 Email- pbrown116@sky.com
Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Baby Massage, Relaxation Massage and Thai Foot Massage. HOLISTIC FACIALS using Neal’s Yard Products and Anti Aging Facial Massage techniques. Neal’s Yard Products and Pamper Parties also available. Contact Gemma on 07500934286 / www.ontargetmassage.co.uk
. 28
For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council website www.horsham.gov.uk/bins/bin_calendars
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators Name
Area of Responsibility
Tony West David Redston & Diana Hewlett Tish Scragg Dr Roger Smith Sharon Stahlberger Elleanor Wallis David Liley Rob & Nicola Fryatt Peter Carpenter Roger Corry
Sandhills Road, Muntham Drive. Trout Lane, Cross Lane & Two Mile Ash. Baystone Corner Bashurst Hill Emms Lane The Hordens Smugglers Way Chapel Road Area Co-ordinator Valewood Lane 29
Tel No. 730493 732293 730222 791370 790533 730478 732762 732831 732703 730627 730676
Waste and recycling information. Horsham (Hop Oast) Viridor Waste Management, Hop Oast, Worthing Road, Horsham, RH13 0AR Tel: (01403) 732497 Summer Opening times Days Time 1st April - 30th September Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 19:00 Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Winter Opening times Days Times 1st October - 31st March Monday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 17:00 Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Billingshurst Viridor Waste Management, Newbridge Road, Billingshurst, RH14 9HY Tel: 0845 1300 393 (Viridor main office) Summer Opening times Days Time 1st April - 30th September Monday, Thursday, Friday Satudary, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 19:00 Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Winter Opening times Days Times 1st October - 31st March Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 17:00 Thursday, Friday Closed Please Note: The sites will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day These sites provide recycling facilities for a range of materials including: Batteries, Gas bottles, Mixed Paper and Card, Flourescent tubes, Fridges and Freezers, Tyres, Used lubricating oil, Household (non-lead acid) batteries and car (lead acid) batteries
For more information please call the West Sussex County Council waste management unit on (01243) 642106 or visit the West Sussex County Council Household Waste Recycling Sites pages.
Village Contacts.
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BARNS GREEN TRANSPORT HELP SCHEME Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 BARNS GREEN HALF MARATHON Sue Parillon 07833 784 961 racesecbghm@btinternet.com BARNS GREEN & ITCHINTFIELD TRAFFIC GROUP info@BGTraffic.co.uk BARNS GREEN PLAYERS Philippa Berry 01403 730742 pjberry9@btinternet.com BELLRINGERS Carol Clarke 01403 730047 tim@barnsgreen.plus.com BIG MAG bigmag@barnsgreen.com Commercial Ads 01403 731182 advertising@barnsgreen.com Magazine distribution 01403 731722 distribution@barnsgreen.com BROWNIES Fiona Christer 01403 738806 markchrister@btinternet.com GUIDES Karen Jordan 01403 252270 karenasthana@live.co.uk CHURCH - Lay Reader Carol Shepherd01403 730001 carol@shepherdbg.plus.com CHURCH WARDENS Tony West 01403 730493 Miriam Coghill 01403 730065 enquiries@stnicolas.uk.net CHURCH CHOIR & TABLE TOP SHOP Mags Fisher 01403 790717 magsfisher@btinternet.com CRICKET CLUB Martin Hennock 01403 730462 martin@hennock1.plus.com CRICKET CLUB - COLTS Will Haynes 01403 730682 WHaynes68@aol.com DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Stuart Ritchie 01403 270988 Stuart.Ritchie@horsham.gov.uk Tricia Youtan 01403 790669 Tricia.Youtan@horsham.gov.uk FOOTBALL CLUB Pete Walker 07783 442 1033 piwibond007@yahoo.co.uk BARNS GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Simon Simmons 01403 730614 office@barnsgreen.org.uk
LOCAL VOCALS Jenny Bailey 07792049721 jenniferalicebailey@gmail.com MONDAY CLUB Eve Barrett 01403 730182 evebarrett@talktalk.net MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Bailey 01403 790866 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Peter Carpenter 01403 730627 pcarpenter@nhs.net PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Anne-Marie Hobbs 01403 731192 anne_marie_hobbs@hotmail.com PARISH COUNCIL - CHAIRMAN Penny Simpson 01403 731019 AppleTuppy@aol.com PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Jan Critchley 01403 731596 : jancritchley@itchpc.freeserve.co.uk PLAYGROUP Bev Liley 01403 732831 playgroup@barnsgreen.com RAINBOWS Fiona Christer 01403 738806 markchrister@btinternet.com RUGBY CLUB Bill Bailey 01403 730068 fiveelmtrees@btopenworld.com SCOUTS Paul Cooper 01403 588632 shipleyscouts@gmail.com SHORT MAT BOWLS Eve Barrett 01403 730182 evebarrett@talktalk.net SOCIAL CLUB Trevor Courquin 01403 731745 barnsgreenclub@hotmail.com STOOLBALL (Ladies) Ann Tingley 01403 730236 TENNIS CLUB Monica Hargrave 01403 730024 monica.hargrave@btinternet.com VILLAGE HALL - BOOKINGS www.barnsgreenvillagehall.co.uk bookings@bgvillagehall.plus.com 01403 731003 VILLAGE TRUST & FIELD COMMITTEE Martin Hargrave 01403 730024 martin.hargrave3@btinternet.com WI Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 YOUTH CLUB Ian Lea 01403 732277 ianlea@bgyc.co.uk 31
Useful Numbers AGE UK General enquiries 01403 260560 Visiting service 01403 260560 Pensions & benefits 01403 274495 www.ageuk.org.uk/horshamdistrict CHILDLINE 0800 1111 CENTRAL & SOUTH SUSSEX CITIZENS ADVICE 0344 477 1171 www.cassca.org.uk COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 www.compass-travel.co.uk ELECTRICITY (EMERGENCIES) 0845 770 8090 or dial 105 www.southern-electric.co.uk ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 www.environment-agency.co.uk GAS (EMERGENCIES) - SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999 AGE CONCERN “HELP AT HOME” SERVICE 01403 751322 helpathomenorth@ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL 01403 215100 www.horsham.gov.uk NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE 0808 2000247
NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free) www.nhs.uk/111 PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 www.thepensionservice.gov.uk POLICE (NON EMERGENCY) 101 (calls cost 15p) www.sussex.police.uk www.operationcrackdown.org SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 www.samaritans.org SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 www.southernwater.co.uk TRADING STANDARDS 0345 404 0506 (National consumer helpline) TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950 www.nationalrail.co.uk WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS – 01243 642105 www.westsussex.gov.uk REPORT A PROBLEM (POTHOLES etc) info@BGTraffic.co.uk WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100
The BIG Mag. Magazine for Barns Green, Itchingfield & Christ’s Hospital. Copyright: Barns Green Community Publications
The BIG Mag is published in Barns Green by Barns Green Community Publications. Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com 32