July / August 2016
www.barnsgreen.com Published by Barns Green Community Publications
‘The Ashmiles’ residents celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. Story and Editorial on page 3. The BIG Mag is delivered free to all households in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com . To advertise email: advertising@barnsgreen.com Sports pages; sports@barnsgreen.com
Riding Lessons We offer riding instruction for children and adults on privately owned, confidence giving horses at our yard in Barns Green. We also offer fantastic hacking. Livery sometimes available.
Fully Council Licensed, Insured and ABRS approved. Please contact Chloe or Lynsey TOTAL EQUINE SOLUTIONS 01403 734236 Email: tesashplace@gmail.com
BIG Mag Editorial column. This edition of the BIG Mag covers two months; July and August, so that our volunteers can all take a break for the summer. We publish monthly throughout the rest of the year.
BIG Mag front page headline: SUMMERTIME FUN As the song by George Gershwin says “Summertime; and the living is easy”. What ever you do this Summer, the BIG Mag team wish you a very happy and fun filled Summer. We’re back for our next edition in September. In the meantime, if you would like to join the BIG Mag team, perhaps as a distributor, advertising co-ordinator or feature writer we would be delighted to welcome you. Email us: bigmag@barnsgreen.com ‘Queen 90th’ party at The Ashmiles. The BIG Mag front page picture shows the summer party held on the Ashmiles. Megs Bruce writes “The Ashmiles in Barns Green were so very lucky to have lovely weather for their celebratory street party for the Queen's 90th Birthday on Saturday 11th June. This was also an occasion for all the new residents to meet and get to know their neighbours. There was a 'fancy crown' competition, won by Robert Bruce, a 'royal cake' competition, won by Maureen Burns, and a raffle which was generously supported by local trades and residents alike.
Ashmiles folks.
We were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of everyone who gave to the raffle, which raised £910.00 for St Catherine's Hospice in Crawley. The party was enjoyed by over a hundred residents, some of whom partied well into the evening”. Guidelines for submitting articles to the BIG Mag. When writing articles for the BIG Mag please keep to a maximum of 400 words using Microsoft Word. Articles may be edited by the Editor to fit the space available in the magazine. Deadline for submitting your copy for the September edition will be the 20th August (your Editor needs a long holiday!) Advertising deadline: Deadline for advertising copy and payment is the 20th day of each month. Roger Stamp. Editor. The BIG Mag.
Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com 3
The Local Vocals and Yocals are pleased to present their…..
Summer Concert th 7:30 pm Saturday 16 July Barns Green Village Hall Charity raffle. Refreshments An evening of music
Tickets: £7 To book: Call Jane on 01403 730493 or Email:jenniferalicebailey@gmail.com
Wordy Sturdy’s 24 Hour Scrabblathon 10am Saturday 2nd July to 10am Sunday 3rd July Barns Green resident, Chris Sturdy invites you to challenge him to play over 100 games of Scrabble in 24 hours and raise £1000+ for Alzheimer’s Society
Venue: Horsham District Scout HQ, Bishopric, Horsham, RH12 1QN (down the alley to the right of Collingwood-Batchellor)
Book your game now! Suggested donation £5 per game For more information and to book your game(s) or for raffle tickets contact Chris: chris@wordysturdy.net / 07939 053226 To donate please visit: www.justgiving.com/wordysturdy or text WORD74 £5 to 70070 http://www.wordysturdy.net/charity-links/ for list of raffle prizes & Scrabblathon details
St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield. Services at St Nicolas unless otherwise stated
St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.
July 2016 Sunday Services 3rd July 11am Holy Communion 10th July 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 6pm Celtic Communion with discussion 17th July 11am Holy Communion 3pm Pet Service in BG School (pets invited) 24th July 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am All Age Worship in Barns Green Village Hall 31st July 10am Joint Benefice Service Holy Communion August 2016 Sunday Services Please note some service times are different this month
7th August 10am Holy Communion 14th August 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 6pm A Contemplative Evening Service 21st August 10am Holy Communion 28th August 8am Holy Communion (BCP) Evening Prayer every Wednesday at 5pm in Church 5
St Nicolas Church - Thoughts from your Vicar. Time for Recreation July and August are the months of High Summer when the year tips over into its second half. Usually it is a time for holidays, relaxation and hopefully a little much needed personal space. So summer can be an opportunity to uncover our constant need for recreation: using the word in its best meaning of renewal. The longing to be made new runs deep within and is a primary motive for both worship and prayer. But, if we face the truth, worship and prayer often become frayed at the edges because too often they are crowded into a weekly timetable Rev. Sandra Hall which is top heavy with other concerns and priorities. Perhaps summertime can provide time, space and renewed energy to do some thoughtful sorting out. During the long days of summer, it might be worth sitting quietly for a while to ask ourselves which happens more frequently to us, especially in prayer - monologue or dialogue? Certainly for worship and prayer to be fulfilling and satisfying we have to train ourselves to move away from monologue and into a deeper and deeper appreciation of dialogue. It can be a hard discipline since a daily hazard is to settle for talking to ourselves and others instead of waiting on God. God's way of revealing himself is much more likely to be through silence and stillness and in moments of watching and waiting. That always sounds odd in a world where activity and achievement are so over-valued. However, remember how summer leads to harvest and similarly how true worship and prayer lead to disclosure and recognition. We hear in the psalms – ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10). Words to hold onto and treasure for all who need new strength. We are again holding a Pet Service this July to give thanks for and bless our pets, it will be at Barns Green School on Sunday 17th at 3pm, all varieties of pets and people are welcome! And on the second Sunday of each month we now have a 6pm service which in July is a gentle and informal Celtic style Holy Communion with a discussion instead of a sermon and in August is a contemplative style service, with space to be silent and still to enable listening. I pray that we will all make time for recreation this summer. With love in Christ, Revd Sandra Hall Telephone: 01403 790197 or email: sandra.richard@tiscali.co.uk 6
LOCAL SPORTS NEWS Contact our Sports Editor, Barry Hearnshaw by email: sports@barnsgreen.com
CRICKET BARNS GREEN CRICKET CLUB DREAM START Forget the national team, the team to follow is Barns Green Cricket Club both the 1st X1 and 2nd X1 have been playing excellent cricket continuing their good form. Since the 14th May the First X1 have beaten Storrington, Three Bridges and Belgrave Adelaide and drew with Horsham in a very tight game. This leaves the first team in League 3 in third place with all to play for. The 2nd X1 are undefeated since and have beaten Steyning, Rustington, Warnham, Brighton and Ifield which puts them top of league 7 in a comfortable position. Well done to all. Follow the club results and fixtures, log on to their website or like them on facebook. Web: http://barnsgreencc.play-cricket.com/ Facebook: Barns Green Cricket Club U9 TEAM CLAIM FIRST VICTORY BGCC have formed a new under 9 team this season and they have been very enthusiastic and working hard. The team have learnt a great deal in a short space of time and huge thanks goes to Tom Haynes for coaching them. The Club are delighted to report that they won their first league game of the season beating Horsham Trinity… a massive boost for confidence and great achievement… Well done to the players and parents for all of your support... Keep it up… Mini Green Army!! BGCC GIRLS A ROARING SUCCESS BGCC have a new girls team in Under 15 age group and have been working very hard under the guidance of Rachel Austin, Kate Smith and Fiona Kingsbury. It is fantastic that a community like Barns Green can get a girl’s team formed in only a short space of time. They have played a few friendlies this season and are now being helped by Lorraine who is a Sussex girls coach… well done to all of you. BARNS GREEN PREMIER LEAGUE TOURNAMENT SENSATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT th On Sunday 29 May Barns Green Cricket Club held its first 6 a side Indian Premier League Tournament. The day was a huge success which saw 6 teams sponsored by the local businesses take to the field in coloured IPL shirts. Chris Filby provided the PA and all players had to walk on music to add to the atmosphere. I would like to thank the following local organisations for their sponsorship and support. LMM – Local Mobile Mechanic – Justin Burdfield – Sponsored LMM Indians Sumners Ponds – Sponsored Sumners Super Kings Barns Green Stores – David and Pippa - Sponsored BG Stores Royal Challengers Coco’s Hair Salon – Sponsored Coco’s Daredevils PRA Electrical – Rob Smith – Sponsored PRA Electrical Chargers 7
Batchellor Monkhouse – Sponsored BM Knight Riders The final was played between BG Stores Royal Challengers and PRA Electrical Chargers and went to the final ball seeing BG stores claim the victory. Well done to everyone who made the day a huge success, next year will be even better. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Colts – Junior Awards Evening Friday 22nd July from 6pm at Barns Green Club Presidents Jack Dendy Day – Saturday 20th August – Live Band in the evening Report: M. Barratt
GOLF BGCC Golf Day The annual BGCC Presidents Golf Day was again held at Gatton Manor this year on Friday 3rd June. 44 participants played in the event which I can only describe as similar to ‘Kitten Herding’. A Great day was had by all and a lovely evening meal, raffle and prize giving was enjoyed by everyone in the evening. This year’s winner of the Bob Fisher Trophy was Louie Paske who got 42 points and place to tie up his horse, with the other Bandits!! Below are the results. 1st – Louie Paske – 42 points – Handicap 8 2nd – Noel Ruddy – 38 points – H’cap 18 3rd – Mark Brown – 36 points – H’cap 18 4th – Graeme Allison – 36 points – H’cap 17 5th – John Wadey – 34 points – H’cap 22 Nearest the Pins – 2nd – Mark Brown; 4th Conor Anderson; 7th Danny Conway; 10th Jon Gregory; 14th Louie Paske; Longest Drive 17th Hole was won by Nick Lewis Last Place for the wooden spoon was James Peers with 9 points! Over £300 was raised towards the cricket club, thanks for your support. Report: M. Barratt
DARTS IMPRESSIVE START IN THE SUMMER LEAGUE Barns Green are fielding a summer league team for the first time this year on Thursday nights. The team comprises Fran Pickett, Gareth Syverson and John Coxon, along with a couple of new members to the club in Chris Fry and Larry Kavanagh. Larry played for Sussex for 17 years and once made a year's salary from competition winnings in only four months back in the day.
The league started at the Kings Arms and produced a 5 - 4 loss but a good night was had by all. We then visited a jammed packed Southwater club and enjoyed out first victory of the season 7 - 2. This result thrust us to the top of the league along with the Coot who happened to be our next opponents at home. Despite a top class game by Gareth beating Justin Parker, it was 3 - 3 after the singles. The Green finally won 6 - 3, lead home by Tim Leaney for a great win in front of a fanatical crowd. Take a bow Sarah and Nick Cooper for some great food, many thanks! Gareth missed the Southwater match as he was competing in the Swiss Open in Zurich. Unfortunately, there were no BDO ranking points or prize money as he lost 4 2 in the first round to a Swiss national team player with a recent tournament victory under his belt. Report: John Coxon.
RUGBY ANNUAL SIMON VINEY COMMEMORATIVE TAG SEVENS Barns Green Rugby Club and the Viney family organised the annual Simon Viney Commemorative Tag Sevens on the Village Green in May. A Tag rugby tournament has the advantage of no physical contact being allowed which enables all ages and genders to play with and against each other. 12 teams, 3 of them brand new to the tournament, more youngsters than ever and some excellent examples of sportsman and ladyship were witnessed on the day seeing the local Honey Badgers Seven retain the trophy-all bathed in brilliant sunshine! The Wooden Spoon and St Catherine's Hospice are the 2016 chosen charities of the fund raising which was greatly assisted by our generous sponsors and some excellent donations for the auction. Thank you to all who helped to generate what we felt was a real community spirit around this event. How much was raised? Well with Jason Leonard being the President of The Wooden Spoon charity we are going to announce the final and significant total at our dinner on 23rd July when Jason will be our guest speaker. Thank you again to everybody who helped make this event. A HUGE success!!! Report: Bill Bailey
BIG Mag : for all the best local sports news. 9
Barns Green Playgroup A small village playgroup set on the green with spaces available for 2-5yr olds Ofsted registered. Professional, DBS checked, trained staff. Fun activities for all children. Warm welcoming staff. Safe environment. New opening hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am-1pm Wed, Fri 9am-3pm For details please contact either: Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green, Horsham, RH13 0PT Tel: 01403 730093 (Village Hall) or Bev Liley 07881 728007 / 01403 732831 Charities No : 1033658
Barns Green Tennis Club
Get fit for Summer! Join Barns Green Tennis Club !! No need to book, play when you want! MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Jane Marsh 01403 780372 10
Barns Green Stoolball Club NEW PLAYERS NEEDED - PLEASE CONTACT ANN TINGLEY (01403 730236) OR CAPTAIN ABBIE GARNER (07713041101) We run a very sociable yet competitive Stoolball Team which plays league matches every Monday evening through from May to August. The Club is looking for new players to build on the growing league successes of the previous seasons. If you are interested contact Ann or Abbie NOW and you can be included in up and coming Stoolball social events too. Proposed date for next Stoolball Fun Day 3rd July 2016. VILLAGE HALL NEWS “A PLEA FOR HELP” Over the past year the Barns Green Village Hall Committee have been working towards extending the Hall by the addition of a further room with disabled access/ kitchen & toilets. Planning Permission and Building Regulations have been granted and quotes for the work have been obtained. Now the serious work begins on the challenge of raising the funding needed to proceed. The cost of the extension will be in the region of £210k. Towards this amount we have been granted £95k from the Village Development Fund for which we are extremely grateful. We are constantly fund raising but we will need a further £100k. If we can secure funding, it is hoped that the building could start in February 2017 now that the Village Car Park is completed. PLEASE Do you have any time to spare to join the Village Hall Committee to help with fund raising? Do you have any experience of fund raising particularly in applying for large grants with any contacts or tips? Do you have any access to any funds that could be donated to the Village Hall Extension Fund? If you would like to help in any way please contact me, Jane West, Chairperson of the Village Hall Committee, Please call on 01403 730493 or e mail tony@apwest.plus.com Thank you in anticipation for your support of this exciting project. INVITATION FROM CAROL SHEPHERD Coffee Morning at 16 Smugglers Way July 12th 10-12am. I would like to invite any one who is free on Tuesday 12th to join me and my friends to celebrate a special milestone in my life and a chance to meet new friends and catch up with some others. Weather permitting we will be in the garden. I require nothing for myself, but It could be an opportunity to make a donation to a worthy cause, Motor Neurone Disease. (MND) 11
Advertise in this magazine for as little as £10 per edition * The BIG Mag is distributed to over 900 homes. For details call Alan Lambkin 01403 731182 email: advertising@barnsgreen.com * £10 per edition for a quarter page. £20 per edition for a half page. £40 per edition for a full page. Discount for advertisers who buy a whole year and pay for it up front. 12
BARNS GREEN & ITCHINGFIELD W.I. Our meeting in May was our Resolutions meeting. Every year members (nationally) have the chance to put forward issues that they want the NFWI to campaign on or raise awareness about. Since the W.I. was formed in 1915, members have taken action on a host of topics that matter to women and their communities, from equal pay to the shortage of midwives and the decline of the honey bee numbers. This year 51 suggested resolutions have been narrowed down to two, which are: Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia, and Avoid food waste, address food poverty. After much discussion a vote was taken on each subject. The majority voted in favour of both, but in the second topic there were several abstentions. The results of these votes will be taken to the W.I. Conference in Brighton. The meeting concluded with a raffle and tea. Our next meeting is on July 21st at 2.30pm in the village hall and our speaker will be Jackie Fry on 'Recycle - Renew'. On August 18th we have our programme planning meeting at 12 o'clock in the village hall when we each take along a small plate of food to share. Visitors will be made very welcome. Miriam Coghill ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————FUND RAISING for ST NICOLAS CHURCH Shipley Arts Festival. Artistic Director Andrew Bernardi and his friends provided us with a magical musical evening in church on Sunday 22nd May. The string quintet charmed us with Vaughan Williams ‘The Lark Ascending’, Handel’s organ concerto ‘The Cuckoo and Nightingale’ with Andrew Cleary on organ, John Ireland’s ‘Minuet’ from ‘The Downland Suite’ and many more wonderful performances on a floral theme. All this was enjoyed by an audience of over 100 in a relaxed atmosphere enhanced by cushions, candles & wild flowers; with drinks & canopes to finish. Many thanks to Andrew and to everyone involved at St Nicolas … it was a special soiree. Floral Fringe Fair. Under the organisation of Jean and Steve Jackman, this incredible, vintage, quirky and fascinating fair was held at Knepp Castle from June 4th-5th. We were fortunate to have a stall again this year. No rain Saturday, hot on Sunday; we had a marvellous 2 days of chatting, selling and wrapping - together with buying some wonderful food and drink from the stallholders and of course a few gifts and artefacts for ourselves. Thanks to our generous and enthusiastic parishioners there were hundreds of lovely items for sale. We specialized in offering the older and more unusual pieces to our punters in this antique environment. Sales were exceedingly brisk and thankfully we came home with a huge pile of empty boxes & a profit of .1463.00 for our Fabric Fund projects. Months of preparation by our hard working fund raising committee; but a great deal of job satisfaction by bed time. Many thanks to everyone who helped along the way. Mags Fisher … St Nicolas Fund Raising Committee 13
BARNS GREEN ‘GREEN FINGERS’ Our page for local gardening enthusiasts. This month our ‘head gardener’ is Barry Hearnshaw. ————————— The first RHS Flower Show to be held in Chelsea was in 1913. Previously the Great Spring Show was in Kensington. Visitor numbers have been capped since 1988 (at 157,000) it is necessary to book early - see the RHS website for details. Chelsea is the showcase for garden design, as Paris is for haute couture, Milan for furniture and Hollywood for movies. It is an event that must be on any gardeners must do list at some time their life. Chelsea gardens, understandably, concentrate on the artistic, visual and appealing nature of the gardens. The phrase 'inspired by' often appears in designers' accounts. Though it is better for a garden to be 'inspired' than 'uninspired'. This year the Telegraph Garden 'inspired by geological events'. won best in show. Designed by the gardener designer Andy Sturgeon. Many notable gardeners felt was it was lucky to win a Best in Show Award. It was 'inspired by “things I have seen in his travels around the world"'. The M&G Garden, by Cleve West, was 'inspired by the designer's memory of ancient oak woodland'. But as an aesthetic exercise. Many felt this garden deserved the supreme title, preferring the contrast between clean shapes of paving and water with the wildness of the trees, rocks and plants. Did you see the BBC presentation in May or visit the show? What are your thoughts, did Andy Sturgeon deserve the accolade of best garden in show. Plant of the Month: July Leucanthemum x superbum (Shasta Daisy) A very retro plant, strong growing especially in flower borders. Flowering from July onwards. Ideal in a herbaceous border for contrast and texture and ideal for cut flowers. Mainly white in various forms; singles and doubles. As it is a clump forming perennial, at some point, to increase you stock divide it during the autumn/winter time.
Leucanthemum x superbum (Shasta Daisy) 14
Hemerocallis (Day Lilly)
Plant of the Month: August Hemerocallis (Day Lilly) A clump forming perennial grown in mixed borders. If you have a dwarf form, then ideal for small garden or container. To maintain growth and vigour, divide clumps every 2 to 3 years. Various flower forms in a range of colours, coming in white, yellow and orange. Mark Pierce Your Friendly Local Nurseryman Jobs for the month of July This is often one of the hottest months of the year and a great time to sit out and enjoy your garden. Keep plants looking good by regularly dead-heading, and you'll enjoy a longer display of blooms. Make sure you keep new plants well-watered. 1 Check clematis for signs of clematis wilt 2 Care for houseplant while on holiday 3 Water tubs and new plants if dry, but be water-wise 4 Deadhead bedding plants ensure continuous flowering 5 Pick courgettes before they become marrows 6 Treat apple scab 7 Clear algae, blanket weeds and debris from ponds, and keep them topped up 8 Order catalogues for next year’s spring-flowering bulbs 9 Give the lawn a quick-acting summer feed. 10 Harvest apricots, peaches and nectarines Jobs for the month of August August is traditionally holiday-time, so you might need to enlist the help of friends and family to look after the garden while you are away. When you are at home, take the time to prune summer-flowering shrubs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Prune Wisteria Don’t delay summer pruning fruits trained as restricted forms Deadhead flowering plants regularly Watering! - particularly containers, and new plants. Collect seed from garden plants Harvest sweetcorn and other vegetables as they become ready Continue cutting out old fruited canes on raspberries Lift and pot up rooted strawberry runners Keep ponds and water features topped up Feed the soil with green manures
Advice sourced from RHS
Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups Are you a parent or carer? Looking for something to entertain your baby or toddler? Why not pop along to Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups? We are a very friendly, welcoming group and we'd love to see you (school term time) Baby & Toddler fun - Wednesdays 1.00pm - 3.00pm We have lots of fun activities: including: toys, weekly craft table, story time and rhyme time with instruments. And we also have: Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time - Mondays 9.00am - 11.00am Pay-as-you-go: £2.50 per family (£1.50 first visit). Refreshments included. Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green RH13 0PT
Just turn up or call Laura 01403 738804 or Anne-Marie on 01403 731192
To volunteer or register your daughter’s interest visit the website: www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus 17
Merve Goddard 01403 734408 merve.goddard@btinternet.com Mary Hallett ww1@barnsgreen.com The Battle of the Somme As we now know, on July 1st, a lovely summer’s day, thousands of British soldiers climbed out of their trenches in France and walked into no-man’s land. The enormous loss of life on that one day (60,000 British soldiers killed or wounded) only slowly revealed itself to the population at home. Although the press reported that the losses were great, they also lauded the Army for their continued tenacity and bravery in fighting a resilient and determined enemy. As with almost every other major battle in the War, the result in Barns Green was families receiving news that members of their family had been killed or injured. In July 1916, two households received the news that every family now came to fear. At Warrenhurst, Mrs Lucas learned that her journalist son Percival had died of wounds received in action, and just two weeks later the Dennett’s at Little Slatters received word that their second youngest son William, aged just 19, was listed as missing. This was terrible news. A man missing in action left the family in a complete limbo, not knowing if their relative was lying wounded in a hospital, a prisoner of war, or actually dead. It was not unknown for those able to afford it to go and look for the man themselves - touring hospitals and scrutinising every available casualty list. The Dennetts had no such luxury and faced a very long wait for news of their son. When news finally came, in June 1917, it was utterly devastating. The Barns Green Friendly society minutes record that:A letter from the (War) Records Office to the parents of William Dennett was read stating that he was killed in action on or about 19th July 1916. Mr T Moore proposed and Mr J Parker seconded that the death allowance £5 allowance be paid to his parent, also 10/- being the amount of contributions paid since his death. Carried unanimously. BARNS GREEN FRIENDLY SOCIETY MINUTES For William’s family the long wait for news was over, but they now faced the fact that their son was lost, he had no known burial place and his death was presumed to have taken place “on or about” 19th July somewhere in France – they had absolutely no idea as to what had actually happened to him. With a missing man there was also no comfort in knowing that he had at least been buried with love and care by somebody. By 1925 when William’s father died, the family still had no firm news of what had happened to William, and they included a simple inscription on Frederick Dennetts gravestone in Itchingfield churchyard commemorating their youngest son. If William’s body was ever found, it was never identified. He may be one of the thousands of soldiers who lie in graves marked simply “A Soldier of the Great War, Known unto God” or his remains may still be somewhere in the French countryside. William was included among the 20,000 men commemorated on the Loos Memorial to the Missing in northern France which was completed in 1930. 18
PARISH NEWS VILLAGE CAR PARK As many of you will have noticed the new Village Car Park beside the Village Hall has now been completed. This is the first project which came through the Development Fund money which Itchingfield Parish Council secured as part of the agreement with Berkeley Homes and WSCC in relation to the new Ashmiles Development. We are extremely pleased with it and judging from the feedback we have had so are most people. Hopefully it will meet the needs of the local community for many years to come. As part of the work the original car park at the front of the Village Hall was also redone and we now have a total of about 50 marked car parking spaces plus disabled spaces available. The usage of the Village Hall, Social Club and the Green has increased dramatically in recent years and on busy days parking was becoming a major problem. Now that we have this new facility, we would encourage everyone to use it and in particular would ask all sports clubs to encourage team members and visiting teams to park in it rather than on the grass verges along the lower part of Muntham Drive. Drainage was a major part of the new works and all the drains and pipework from the new car park down Muntham Drive have been renewed or cleaned out. During periods of extremely heavy rain there is still a lot of water that is coming off the fields and land adjoining Muntham Drive and again the Parish Council has taken steps to minimise this. We would like to thank Simon Gale who gave up so much of his time to project manage the building of the new car park and we were also very pleased that we were able to use the services of local companies to do the bulk of the work. Plans are being developed for the next projects on our list and we will update you on those in due course. In the meantime, enjoy the new car park. Development Fund Committee Itchingfield Parish Council
BIG Mag SMALL ADS Advertise your second-hand stuff here for free (maximum value £25 per item). Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com FREE: LARGE DOLLS HOUSE. Suitable for adult collector. 6 rooms plus attic rooms. Wired for electric lights. 01403 732687 FOR SALE: A quantity of York stone from dismantled fireplace. Various sizes of stone, all in good clean condition. £20.00. Also a pair of 15 panel glazed doors 6 x 6 x 27 £15 Telephone: 01403 730761 19
Thank You from Barns Green Youth Club Anne Hodgson, our current Youth Worker in charge and Alison Walmisley-Davies, our assistant youth worker, are both retiring from their roles at the end of term. A huge thank you for their ideas, planning, commitment and enthusiasm that has made the club what it is today. Both will be missed, although they will continue help out now and then. In September, we will welcome Alexia Rowley as the new Youth Worker in Charge and Laura Cherriman as her assistant, to the team. There are also changes to the Management Team. One of the founding members of BGYC and former Chairperson Simon Gale, his wife Terry Gale and Anne Hodgson are retiring from the committee at the end of the Summer Term. The club was just an idea until Simon worked tirelessly to make it happen. It wasn’t straight forward to set up but that was no obstacle to Simon, resulting in the club opening in The Village Hall on 7 September 2006. It’s our 10th anniversary! Almost everyone in the village knows Simon and his work around the village, Simon’s contribution to the club has been huge! Terry has also been very active with the club from the beginning and as well as her committee work she has taken good care of the club finances. Anne’s youth worker experiences have always added greatly to management meetings and this insight and conviction to do the best for our young people will be missed. So the Management Committee wish Anne, Alison, Simon, Terry and all our other volunteers and Management Committee members a big ‘Thank You’ for all your contributions. Without you we wouldn’t run. Thank you! THE BARNS GREEN MUSIC FESTIVAL
Acoustic Showcase
The Queens Head, Barns Green Wednesday 6th July, 7.30pm Featuring:
Kieran Blackmore Trevor Clawson Snakes & Ladders Wednesday 3rd August, 7:30pm Featuring:
Leah Haworth, Christelle & the return of Double Time 20
Barns Green Transport Help Scheme From Barns Green Car Scheme and clients, a big thank you to Joyce Groves for being contact person from the very beginning of out transport help scheme since 2008. Due to her failing eyesight, Joyce has had to give up. One of our clients, Daphne Lingfield has kindly offered to take Joyce's place. In future can anyone who needs transport to and from an appointment ring her on 791258. To all volunteer and ex drivers and clients- I thought it would good for all who can make it to meet Daphne, and say thank you to Joyce on July 9th at 16 Smugglers Way. Tea / coffee available. Please let me know if you can come. Either phone 730001 or email carol_shepherd46@hotmail’co.uk. If there are any more of you who could become a volunteer driver, please feel free to come along as well.
Emily White Personal Trainer Sports Massage Therapist 07341 826 668
Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Thurs 8th Sept – Poetry Aloud: Daljit Nagra BBC Radio 4’s Poet in Residence Daljit Nagra will be performing a selection of his award winning poetry. Thurs 29th Sept – Abba Love Abba Love have been touring across Europe and the UK now for nearly a decade and are without doubt one of the best shows you will ever see. Sat 5th Nov – Christ’s Hospital Choral Society The Choral Society will be performing a bonfire night special at St Mary’s Church, Horsham including Handels music for the Royal Fireworks and Coronation Anthem No. 3. along with Vivaldi’s Gloria! For tickets, pricing or information please visit our website or call the Box Office
01403 247434 (Mon– (Mon–Fri 9.30am9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: www.christs-hospital.org.uk Email: boxoffice@christsboxoffice@christs-hospital.org.uk 22
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At Audiologica we pride ourselves in a personalised service We offer high quality home audio systems as well as high end headphones and MP3 players. We specialise in computer based audio: rip your entire CD collection onto one of our systems to reduce clutter and hear your music as you’ve never heard it before! We are based in Barns Green so happy to pop round to do a demonstration or discuss your needs.
tel: 01403 336339 mob: 07901 833128 web: www.audiologica.co.uk mail: richard@audiologica.co.uk 23
LAWN MOWING Regular fortnightly or
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Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emo onal and social difficul es which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputa on and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up interna onal awards from the Bri sh Council.
Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Educa on colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputa on with local and na onal employers, Further Educa on colleges and universi es where our young people con nue to thrive and become successful ci zens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Educa on in 1953 and has a long tradi on of partnership working with all of the local authori es in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the a4endant SEND Code of Prac ce and in par cular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educa"onal Needs and Disabili"es. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: office@muntham.org.uk Web: www.muntham.org.uk
N. P. Duley Tiling and Plastering Building Refurbishments High level of workmanship with a down to earth approach Bathrooms Kitchens Alterations Interiors Finishing Work Decoration Conversions Outside Work
Telephone: 01403 738103 Mobile: 07917 457286 Email: npdrefurbishments@outlook.com Website: npdrefurbishments.com Fully Insured - Southwater based
Richard Lamb DipPFS Independent Financial Consultant. Based in Christ’s Hospital. Are your pensions and investments performing as you’d like? Have they been reviewed in full within the last 12 months? If the answer is NO we need to talk!
I will cover the cost of a full pension and/or investment review for all Big Mag Readers. FOR A FREE INDEPENDENT REVIEW CONTACT ME ON 07766395559
rlamb@coreifa.co.uk Core Financial Services are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
P.F. Brown Building contractor - New homes, Extensions, Renovations, Patio’s, Drives and Roofing. Local builder for over 30 years, NHBC registered
Phone - 01403 741479 Mobile - 07870 842 216 Email- pbrown116@sky.com
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. 29
For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council website www.horsham.gov.uk/bins/bin_calendars
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators Name Tony West David Redston & Diana Hewlett John Taylor Lin Dark Tish Scragg Dr Roger Smith Sharon Stahlberger Elleanor Wallis David Liley Rob & Nicola Fryatt Peter Carpenter Roger Corry
Area of Responsibility Sandhills Road, Muntham Drive. Trout Lane, Cross Lane & Two Mile Ash. Brooks Green Itchingfield Baystone Corner Bashurst Hill Emms Lane The Hordens Smugglers Way Chapel Road Area Co-ordinator Valewood Lane 30
Tel No. 730493 732293 730222 741249 791729 791370 790533 730478 732762 732831 732703 730627 730676
Village Contacts.
Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.
BARNS GREEN TRANSPORT HELP SCHEME Carol Shepherd 01403 730001 BARNS GREEN HALF MARATHON Sue Thomas 01403 249470 racesecbghm@btinternet.com BARNS GREEN PLAYERS Bridget Tidey 01403 730339 bridget.tidey@gmail.com BELLRINGERS Carol Clarke 01403 730047 tim@barnsgreen.plus.com BIG MAG bigmag@barnsgreen.com Commercial Ads 01403 731182 advertising@barnsgreen.com Magazine distribution 01403 731722 distribution@barnsgreen.com Sports Editor sports@barnsgreen.com BROWNIES Fiona Christer 01403 738806 markchrister@btinternet.com GUIDES Karen Jordan 01403 252270 karenasthana@live.co.uk CHURCH - Lay Reader Carol Shepherd 01403 730001 carol@shepherdbg.plus.com CHURCH WARDEN Tony West 01403 730493 enquiries@stnicolas.uk.net COUNTY COUNCILLOR Amanda Jupp 01403 741542 amanda.jupp@westsussex.gov.uk CRICKET CLUB Martin Hennock 01403 730462 martin@hennock1.plus.com CRICKET CLUB - COLTS Will Haynes 01403 730682 WHaynes68@aol.com DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Stuart Ritchie 01403 270988 Stuart.Ritchie@horsham.gov.uk Tricia Youtan 01403 790669 Tricia.Youtan@horsham.gov.uk FOOTBALL CLUB Pete Walker 07783 442 1033 piwibond007@yahoo.co.uk BARNS GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Simon Simmons 01403 730614 office@barnsgreen.org.uk LOCAL VOCALS Jenny Bailey 07792049721 jenniferalicebailey@gmail.com MONDAY CLUB Eve Barrett 01403 730182 evebarrett@talktalk.net
MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Bailey 01403 790866 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Peter Carpenter 01403 730627 pcarpenter@nhs.net PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Anne-Marie Hobbs 01403 731192 anne_marie_hobbs@hotmail.com PARISH COUNCIL - CHAIRMAN Penny Simpson 01403 731019 AppleTuppy@aol.com PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Jan Critchley 01403 731596 : jancritchley@itchpc.freeserve.co.uk PLAYGROUP Bev Liley 01403 732831 playgroup@barnsgreen.com RAINBOWS Fiona Christer 01403 738806 markchrister@btinternet.com RUGBY CLUB Bill Bailey 01403 730068 fiveelmtrees@btopenworld.com SCOUTS Paul Cooper 01403 588632 shipleyscouts@gmail.com SHORT MAT BOWLS Eve Barrett 01403 730182 evebarrett@talktalk.net SOCIAL CLUB Trevor Courquin 01403 731745 barnsgreenclub@hotmail.com STOOLBALL (Ladies) Ann Tingley 01403 730236 TENNIS CLUB Monica Hargrave 01403 730024 monica.hargrave@btinternet.com VILLAGE HALL - BOOKINGS www.barnsgreenvillagehall.co.uk bookings@bgvillagehall.plus.com 01403 731003 VILLAGE TRUST & FIELD COMMITTEE Martin Hargrave 01403 730024 martin.hargrave3@btinternet.com WI Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 YOUTH CLUB Ian Lea 01403 732277 ianlea@bgyc.co.uk TRANSPORT SCHEME Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258
Useful Numbers AGE UK General enquiries 01403 260560 Visiting service 01403 260560 Pensions & benefits 01403 274495 www.ageuk.org.uk/horshamdistrict CHILDLINE 0800 1111 CENTRAL & SOUTH SUSSEX CITIZENS ADVICE 0344 477 1171 www.cassca.org.uk COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 www.compass-travel.co.uk ELECTRICITY (EMERGENCIES) 0845 770 8090 www.southern-electric.co.uk ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 www.environment-agency.co.uk GAS (EMERGENCIES) - SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999 AGE CONCERN “HELP AT HOME” SERVICE 01403 751322 helpathomenorth@ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL 01403 215100 www.horsham.gov.uk NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE 0808 2000247
NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free) www.nhs.uk/111 PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 www.thepensionservice.gov.uk POLICE (NON EMERGENCY) 101 (calls cost 15p) www.sussex.police.uk www.operationcrackdown.org SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 www.samaritans.org SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 www.southernwater.co.uk TRADING STANDARDS 0345 404 0506 (National consumer helpline) TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950 www.nationalrail.co.uk WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS – 01243 642105 www.westsussex.gov.uk WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100 If any of these details are incorrect please inform the editor of the BIG Mag.
The BIG Mag. Magazine for Barns Green, Itchingfield & Christ’s Hospital. Copyright: Barns Green Community Publications
The BIG Mag is published in Barns Green by Barns Green Community Publications. Email: bigmag@barnsgreen.com 32