BIG Mag June 2016

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June 2016 Published by Barns Green Community Publications

The BIG Mag is delivered free to all households in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. Email: . To advertise email: Sports pages;

Riding Lessons We offer riding instruction for children and adults on privately owned, confidence giving horses at our yard in Barns Green. We also offer fantastic hacking. Livery sometimes available.

Fully Council Licensed, Insured and ABRS approved. Please contact Chloe or Lynsey TOTAL EQUINE SOLUTIONS 01403 734236 Email:


BIG Mag Editorial column.

BIG Mag front page headline: How should the Barns Green and Itchingfield neighbourhood develop? There will soon be an opportunity for everyone to have their say about the future of the village. Details on the front page. You can also find out more at the Annual Village Meeting: 7.30pm, Tues 7th June in the Village Hall. See page 5 for details.

New feature in the BIG Mag: Barns Green ‘Green Fingers’ This month we introduce a new feature to the BIG Mag. The Barns Green ‘Green Fingers’ page has gardening tips from our guest gardener on page 15, Barry Hearnshaw. We hope that this will become a regular feature; if you are a keen gardener and you would like to write a page of gardening advice please contact the Editor, Roger Stamp by email at Many thanks to Barry. New co-ordinator needed for the Car Transport Scheme. After many years of service to the Car Transport Scheme, Joyce Groves is giving up her post as organiser. This means the scheme is now looking for someone else to take on the role. If you are interested please contact Carol Shepherd on 01403 730001 . Many thanks to Joyce for all her help with the scheme. If you need to use the service you should call Carol Shepherd until someone is found to replace Joyce. Local volunteers needed to help out at Youth Club sessions: for one Thursday evening per term from 6.30pm to 9pm For details of how you can help Barns Green Youth Club see page 20. Guidelines for submitting articles to the BIG Mag. When writing articles for the BIG Mag please keep to a maximum of 400 words using Microsoft Word. Articles may be edited by the Editor to fit the space available in the magazine. Deadline for submitting your copy is the 17th day of each month; preferably before that date, if you can. Advertising deadline: Deadline for advertising copy and payment is the 15th day of each month. Roger Stamp. Editor. The BIG Mag. 3


Barns Green Village Hall Invites you to join us for

Afternoon Tea From 3pm - 5pm


To Celebrate the 90 Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Sunday June 12th Please bring a plate of food to share (e.g. sandwiches, cakes, scones, quiche etc.) Teas & Coffees will be available



7.30pm, Tues 7th June in the Village Hall

Please try and come along. We will be discussing a number of things which affect village life including; * The Local Neighbourhood Plan. There will be an update on progress and details about a village questionnaire / survey which will be going to all households in July. *

Development Fund - The new car park and other planned projects *

Flooding - and what is being done to prevent future problems


Various other matters relating to Barns Green and Itchingfield


St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.

St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.

June 2016 Sunday Services Services at St Nicolas unless otherwise stated

5th June 11am Holy Communion 12th June 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 6pm Songs of Praise, Celebrating the Queen’s Birthday. 19th June 11am Holy Communion 26th June 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am All Age Worship in BG Village Hall Evening Prayer every Wednesday at 5pm in church, except 15th June when the church is already in use.


St Nicolas Church - Thoughts from your Vicar. Queen Elizabeth II has been the Supreme Governor of the Church of England for 64 years. "Defender of the Faith" has also been part of the English (and since the Union of Scotland and England, British) monarch's title since Henry VIII was granted it by Pope Leo X in 1521 in recognition of Henry's role in opposing the Protestant Reformation. The pope withdrew the title, but it was later reconferred by Parliament in the reign of Edward VI. The Queen’s personal faith in God has been shown in numerous ways over the years; she is a regular church attendee and said in her 2002 Christmas Day speech: “I know just how much I rely on my own faith to guide me through the Rev. Sandra Hall good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning, I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God. Like others of you who draw inspiration from your own faith, I draw strength from the message of hope in the Christian gospel.” She has also said that: “ a Christian, one of the most important...teachings is contained in the parable of the Good Samaritan, when Jesus answers the question, ‘Who is my neighbour?’ It is a timeless story of a victim of a mugging who was ignored by his own countrymen but helped by a foreigner, and a despised foreigner at that. The implication drawn by Jesus is clear. Everyone is our neighbour, no matter what race, creed or colour. The need to look after a fellow human being is far more important than any cultural or religious differences.” There has been a book published to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday entitled ‘The Servant Queen and the King she Serves’, in it Her Majesty said, “I have been – and remain – very grateful to you for your prayers and to God for his steadfast love. I have indeed seen his faithfulness.” Churches throughout the Commonwealth will be holding services to celebrate the Queen’s birthday and we at Itchingfield and Slinfold are no exception. Do join us at St Nicolas church on Sunday 12th June at 6.00 pm when we shall have a Songs of Praise service in thanksgiving for her life thus far and her reign as our monarch. It promises to be a very special celebration. With love in Christ, Revd Sandra Hall Telephone: 01403 790197 or email: 7

LOCAL SPORTS NEWS Contact our Sports Editor, Barry Hearnshaw by email: RUGBY

Champions ! After all the 'will they, won't they' of the past few reports - well it is official -THEY HAVE !

Barns Green Rugby Football Club Champions of Sussex League Two West BGRFC are now looking forward to competing in Sussex Intermediate League, season 16/17. All of local sports players, short mat bowls, stool ball, cricketers, footballers, young and old know how difficult it is to actualy WIN any league you are competing in. So many banana skins when you come across the lower sides in big clubs, potential lack of availability, injuries, the weather! It just goes on and on so this achievement is one to be savoured. Just until pre-season training starts! It is interesting that in becoming one of the most attacking sides in our league that base came from a most resolute defence, conceding only 78 points all season against:a massive 700+ scored. A defence that’s successful, requires discipline, cohesion and a sense of real togetherness, a willingness to work for each other. For what has become a very happy band of spectators to then witness the continuity and ambition of ball handling and support; the whole game really has been on show this year.

Barns Green winning loose scrum.

Photographer - Ian McBean

This season is over now, a very well done to the management team, players, a special thank you to all our spectators, VP's and very generous sponsors. 8

BGRFC are looking forward to the challenge of competing at a higher level in their 25th anniversary year. Some Big Mag readers may have heard that we have the mighty Jason Leonard OBE, England player and member of 5 Grand Slam winning teams in 1991, 1992, 1995 and 2003 and the 2003 Rugby World Cup winners .as our guest speaker at our dinner on July 23rd, for more details contact Andrew Stanbridge 07860 666614


Barns Green team secure division two title After the Easter break the Monday night darts team travelled to the Cock Inn for their penultimate match of the season resulting in a 6 -2 win for The Green. The following week saw the last league fixture against visitors the Kings Arms 'B'. The Green tripped over the line with a 5 -3 win and in so doing became the Division Two Champions for 2015-16. At Finals Night “The Green� picked up the Division 2 Trophy plus the Mickey Edwards Plate. As a finish to the evening, Jason Cooper and Jason Courquin also won the Division 2 pairs Trophy. Three trophies in a season is a great effort by the team so well done to the players Jason and Stephen Courquin, Jason Cooper, Kevin Bance, Frank Pickett, John Coxon, and Tim Leaney and Chris Snelling who also played a part. Many thanks also to Karen and Jason Cooper for providing the great food this season including some lively chillies! The Kings Arms were visitors on the first Friday of April. The visitors were weakened without their captain Brian 'Shaky' Stevens. The result was an 9 - 0 home win against the fourth placed First Division side. Highlights were a 180 by Gaz Syverson . Roffey Cricket club was the next venue and this ended with a 6-3 win despite being 3 -1 down. Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre were the next visitors, with The Green securing an 8 - 1 win. The Green secured second place in Division one with a 9 - 0 win at home over The Rising Sun. Our thanks to Sarah of Barns Green Sports and Social Club for the excellent food this year. Report by John Coxon CRICKET

Cricket season well under way: Barns Green Cricket Club. Last month the village green was in a poor state and we may struggle to get it ready in time for our season, however three stalwarts Trevor Courquin, Graham Hill and Matt Barrett worked very hard in preparing it and it was ready (just) for the start of the season. The first weekend of Adult league matches saw our first X1 lose away at Scaynes Hill and but the 2nd X1 achieved great win at home to Holmbush Park. So far the season looks very promising and availability has been competitive. 9

First X1 – Played 3 - Lost 1- Drawn 1- Won 1 – 3rd in their division Second X1 Payed 3 - Lost 1 – Won 2 – Top of their division The club has a friendly Sunday side that are doing well and so far they have played two matches, losing one and winning the other. For all up to date results and fixtures log on to our website and like us on facebook. Web: Facebook: Barns Green Cricket Club CRICKET DATES FOR YOUR DIARY

BGCC Intra Club Premier League 6-a- Side – Sunday 29th May BGCC Golf Day – Friday 3rd June at Gatton Manor BGCC – Presidents Jack Dendy Day – Saturday 20th August – Live Band in the evening The Barns Green Sports and Social Club bar is always open when cricket is on and Sarah has plenty of cold drinks always on tap – Membership is only £10 per year to join the club pop along and come and support us, we would love to see you. Report by Maff Barrett

POOL Barns Green Pool team in at the deep end It’s been a long time in the planning but now the playing starts on the 1st June. The squad consists of Captain Dave Butler, Vice-Captain Elliott Turner, Richard Gross, Allister Scriven, Alex Hyland, Matt Barrett, Dino Karaiokeim, Danny Moore and Richard Barrett Captain Dave Butler seems to be pushing his luck with a serious injury to his left forefinger which could cause him to withdraw from the team. The team are willing the injury won’t cause the team to start without their STAR PLAYER. At least rain won’t stop play in this sport. Division X Fixtures for June Week 1 01st June Partridge. vs Barns Green Club. Week 2 08th June Barns Green Club. vs Cat & Canary B. Week 3 15th June Horsham Sports. vs Barns Green Club Week 4 22nd June Coot C vs Barns Green Club. Week 5 - 29th June Barns Green Club. vs Bedford B.

Good Luck with this new venture


BIG Mag : for all the best local sports news. 10

FOOTBALL Barns Green 1st team avoid relegation After weeks of cancelled matches, the final matches were completed over a three-week span, playing two matches a week and the last match being played in May. It is surprising that Barns Green 1st team were in the relegation zone they had a fine group of players who started the season well. The reason they found themselves in the relegation zone is a mystery. Relegation was avoided with victory in the last match. Unfortunately, the 2nd Team suffered the same fate as Aston Villa and were relegated from Division 4 North of the West Sussex Football League. Now the work starts to rebuild the teams and achieve the glories they have enjoyed over the years.

Barns Green Stoolball Club NEW PLAYERS NEEDED - PLEASE CONTACT ANN TINGLEY (01403 730236) OR CAPTAIN ABBIE GARNER (07713041101) We run a very sociable yet competitive Stoolball Team which plays league matches every Monday evening through from May to August. The Club is looking for new players to build on the growing league successes of the previous seasons. Training will start April next year but if you are interested contact Ann or Abbie NOW and you can be included in up and coming Stoolball social events too. Proposed date for next Stoolball Fun Day 3rd July 2016.

BARNS GREEN CRICKET CLUB THE PRESIDENTS GOLF DAY 2016 GATTON MANOR Friday 3rd June 2016 £45 ALL DAY or £15 3 Course Evening Meal Only Evening meal presentation / Raffle 6.30pm for 7pm

18 Hole Stableford format - First tee off 11.56am To enter please contact - Matthew Barrett, 37 Smugglers Way, Barns Green, West Sussex RH13 0PP Tel: 01403 730387 – Mob: 07725 515127 - E-mail: 11

Barns Green Playgroup A small village playgroup set on the green with spaces available for 2-5yr olds Ofsted registered. Professional, DBS checked, trained staff. Fun activities for all children. Warm welcoming staff. Safe environment. New opening hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am-1pm Wed, Fri 9am-3pm For details please contact either: Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green, Horsham, RH13 0PT Tel: 01403 730093 (Village Hall) or Bev Liley 07881 728007 / 01403 732831 Charities No : 1033658

Barns Green Tennis Club

Get fit for Summer! Join Barns Green Tennis Club !! No need to book, play when you want! MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Jane Marsh 01403 780372 12

BARNS GREEN & ITCHINGFIELD W.I. In April our speaker Pam Goodall spoke about 'The Tesco Effect'. This was the story of how as a young mother in search of a source 'pocket money' she joined forces with a friend and bought a freezer shop in Billingshurst in the 1970s previously owned by Bejams. In those days Billingshurst had a small supermarket and twenty other shops which could satisfy all the needs of the local population. Tesco in Horsham in those days had very little frozen goods and so 'Igloo', as her shop was called stocked many items of frozen food not seen elsewhere, from salmon (difficult to find and expensive then) to the whole range of Sara Lee cakes. Customers came from miles and when Pam was asked for a particular item she would source it for them. In 1976 during the heatwave they sold ice cream and lollies long after Tesco had run out! In 1980 they survived a flood when the shop was under three feet of water and they successfully stopped commuters using the car park intended for shoppers. They sold a very successful business after a few years and she then bought the local 'Drug Store'. However all the items she sold could be found elsewhere, much cheaper in Tesco. The only time customers sought her out was when the 1987 hurricane occurred and her shelves were cleared as people were unable to shop further afield. When Tesco moved to Broadbridge Heath and also drove their Tesco buses to the outlying villages to collect shoppers it was the death knell for her and other small businesses. She told us many amusing anecdotes and of how much she had loved being a shopkeeper. Our next meeting is on June 16th when we will hold a garden party. Details from Barbara 243706 or Daphne 791258. Miriam Coghill

Advertise in this magazine for as little as £10 per edition * The BIG Mag is distributed to nearly 900 homes in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. For details of how to advertise call Alan Lambkin on 01403 731182 email: * £10 per edition for a quarter page. £20 per edition for a half page. £40 per edition for a full page. We also offer a discount to advertisers who buy a whole year and pay for it up front. 13

Protect yourself from online fraud Criminals are increasingly targeting people who don’t protect their private information online to commit fraud and other offences. You can help protect yourself and your computer by taking 3 simple steps: Use strong passwords This means using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. For example: !AmPr0tectingMyPr1vates Get security software For as little as £20 a year you can get an anti-virus program installed on your computer, tablet or smartphone to deter criminals. Update your software Manufacturers are continually improving software to make their programs more secure and harder for criminals to break into. The most commonly reported issues in Sussex are:

• The Con - a victim is called by someone

pretending to be from a reputable company and then convinced to allow the fraudster remote access to their computer.

• Ransomware attacks - pop up windows

that look like they are from reputable companies ask for bank details or attempt to blackmail victims into handing over money.


Phishing - emails or pop-up windows may entice you to click a link to find out more about a prize or discount which actually allows malicious software to be downloaded on to your computer.

BARNS GREEN ‘GREEN FINGERS’ Our new page for local gardening enthusiasts. This month our ‘head gardener’ is Barry Hearnshaw. ————————— Barns Green has an active community of gardeners who gather to share ideas, particularly on the two allotments by the Rail Crossing and on Two Mile Ash under the railway bridge about the plants they love. This new column is for everyone. Like what you hear? Learn more about gardening or contribute and join in and share your ideas. Then email the head gardener. There will be regular articles “Plant of the Month” and “Jobs for the Month” but the column is in its infancy and the ‘head gardener’ wants to know what you want. Contact Barry Hearnshaw or the BIG Mag Editor Roger Stamp by email at Plant of the Month Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) A Hardy annual of a bushy habit, with daisy like leaves, with colours usually of Yellow and Orange. There are double varieties that are more showey, and ideal for tubs and borders. Ideal situation a well-drained medium soil. To extend the flowering period, dead head plants. If you are a vegetable grower, it’s a very good for companion planting, as the flowers will attract insects that will prey on pests on your vegetable plot. Mark Pierce. Your Friendly Local Nurseryman June is a busy Month for the Gardener June 21 is the longest day of the year, and the extra light and warmth encourages plant growth to both your flowers and vegetables and unfortunately weeds and pests. Keep on top of your plot by hoeing regularly in dry conditions. Jobs for the month of June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hoe borders regularly to keep down weeds Advice sourced Be water-wise, especially in drought-affected areas from the RHS Pinch out side-shoots on tomatoes Harvest lettuce, radish, other salads and early potatoes Position summer hanging baskets and containers outside Mow lawns at least once a week Plant out summer bedding Stake tall or floppy plants Prune many spring-flowering shrubs Shade greenhouses to keep them cool and prevent scorch 15

Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups Are you a parent or carer? Looking for something to entertain your baby or toddler? Why not pop along to Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups? We are a very friendly, welcoming group and we'd love to see you (school term time) Baby & Toddler fun - Wednesdays 1.00pm - 3.00pm We have lots of fun activities: including: toys, weekly craft table, story time and rhyme time with instruments. And we also have: Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time - Mondays 9.00am - 11.00am Pay-as-you-go: £2.50 per family (£1.50 first visit). Refreshments included. Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green RH13 0PT

Just turn up or call Laura 01403 738804 or Anne-Marie on 01403 731192


1ST BARNS GREEN AND ITCHINGFIELD RAINBOWS AND BROWNIES Rainbows and Brownies seem to be having the time of their lives enjoying the Messy Challenge. We have chosen to do this over three weeks giving all the girls plenty of time to get messy. They are getting messy with paint, shaving foam, jelly, water, exploding cola, making and baking dough, After Eight challenge, stacking biscuits, face paints…. the girls are smiling and giggling all the way through it. This photo shows one of our Rainbows making bread. The girls loved the egg challenge. In teams, they were able to choose some materials, which they thought would be the best to stop an egg from cracking when dropped from a height. We ended with quite a bit of yolk at the end…luckily we had plenty of newspaper down in advance! On a more serious note, the Brownies had a week looking at part of their promise, being kind and helpful The night started with team building, seeing which group could build the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower. It still had to be standing at the end to win! Following this, they all made a message in a bottle. Some messages were about what they could do to make the world a better place, and others were messages about what makes them special. The final activity looked at the impacts of name calling, and whether the children thought that this was bullying or not. Messy Challenge We had lots of fun at Brownies doing our messy challenge. First of all we made footprints with paint. Next we painted each other’s face and we made splodges on paper! Then we made handprints on green or white paper. We could use any colour we liked and I chose red and green. I liked painting my friends face and I made her a mask of pink and yellow, it was really cool. I had a butterfly painted with face paint it was pink and took lots of washing off but was really good fun. I got really messy and my clothes were covered in paint and I would love to do it all again! BY SARAH, AGE 7

To volunteer or register your daughter’s interest visit the website: 17

Merve Goddard 01403 734408 Mary Hallett

A surprising number of local labourers served in the Royal Navy during the war and two local men served in the, relatively new, submarine fleet. One of these was Arthur Phillips, He had left Itchingfield School in 1895 to go to work on local farms and by 1901 he was working as a carter on a farm in Horsham. In 1906 in response to a recruitment drive, he joined the Royal Navy. His enlistment papers tell us that he was 5ft 3ins tall, with light brown hair and blue eyes. In the Royal Navy, Arthur was regarded as a “dependable crewman” and he moved to the submarine service in April 1910. By May 1915 he had been promoted to Leading Stoker and was serving on submarine E18. In early 1916 E18 was deployed to the Baltic to become part of a small flotilla tasked with disrupting German shipments from Sweden. On 26th May 1916, E18 reported successfully torpedoing a German war ship. It was the last contact with E18. The records show that E18 was lost at sea sometime on or after 26th May 1916. With no further contact from the vessel, the crew were officially listed as dead on 11th June 1916 and Arthur’s mother in Tower Hill would have received notification of this soon after. Another Itchingfield man was lost. Arthur’s story has a footnote. A great-grandson of another crew member spent many years researching E18 and in 2009, close to the Estonian island of Hilumaa assisted by a Swedish marine survey company, Darren Brown, found the wreck of the submarine which had struck a mine all those years ago. The wreck is now protected as a monument by the Estonian Government and, as well as being listed on the Itchingfield War Memorial, Arthur Phillips is remember on a newly erected memorial in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Tallin, Estonia. There is a very interesting website about E18 at

Photo: Arthur Phillips pictured in 1915.


Three Feathered Friends.

I expect many of you have seen 3 ducks waddling about the village, on grass verges and in some gardens. Well they have really taken over our back garden as their nesting place. At the back of our small pond behind a shrub, the female has eventually laid about 8 eggs. Apparently she doesn’t lay them at one time, but every other day until she feels that is enough. Only then will she sit on them for 28 days, when they will all hatch about the same time. The two drakes visit several times every day. I’m not sure who the father is, or whether they both are, but one of them is certainly subservient to the other two. He never eats until they have had their fill. They are a real joy to watch, and quite use to being around people, although they don’t mind where they leave their droppings. Hopefully it will improve the grass! Sadly, since I first wrote this article, something has stolen the eggs. I think it may have been a rat. We are very disappointed. If anyone has useful knowledge about ducks, maybe you could let us know what we should do. Blessings from two surrogate ‘grandparents’ to some beautiful ducks. Carol and Dave Shepherd - 730001,

Garage Sale

Saturday 18th June 1 Pathfield Cottage, Cross Lane 10am – 3pm Modern Oak furniture, Dining Table, Chairs, Dresser, large Coffee Table. Electric Fire Suite. Sleigh Bed Also Double Pine Bed. Numerous Household Items. Numerous Garden Items, Garden Tools and DIY Tools

BIG Mag SMALL ADS Free, 1 pair of gutter fixing roof racks, suit experienced car or van, probably pre 1999. £5.00. A 12” Suffolk cylinder Lawn Mower, all complete, but does not run. Make like a James May! Contact Brian on 01403 733559. 19

Volunteers needed for Barns Green Youth Club Local volunteers needed to help out at Youth Club sessions (for one Thursday evening per term from 6.30pm to 9pm) Barns Green Youth Club relies on volunteers to help support the youth club leader. You don’t need to have any particular skills to do this except a willingness to spend time with young people in school years 7-11. Our current volunteers cover a range of people in the village and we need some more to ensure we can cover all sessions. It would be great to have some additional support from parents of current young people attending or planning to attend from September. Without volunteers the youth club can’t function. If you can’t help out once a term, we are always looking for new things to try so if you have a skill or hobby you are passionate about and would like to share it with young people eager to try something new, do let us know. Our current programme of sessions includes table tennis, pool, various sports, cooking, circus skills, karaoke and arts and crafts. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Ian Lea for more information at


Emily White Personal Trainer Sports Massage Therapist 07341 826 668


Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Fri 10th June – Court Room Classic – Schubert Trout Quintet & Beethoven String Trio Two masterworks of early 19th Century Chamber music performed by members of the CH music staff and guests. Fri 17th June – Music for a Summers Evening Christ’s Hospital Choral Society present a programme of light music for a Summer’s Evening. If weather permits, please feel free to join us for a picnic in the quad prior to the concert. Sun 26th June – Symphonic Concert The Grecian musicians will perform Concerto movements with the CH Sinfonia including the Svendsen Violin Romance and Prokofiev’s 1st Violin Concerto.

Please note that the concert will start at 5.30pm and NOT 7pm as previously advertised. Fri 29th June – Schola Cantorum Schola Cantorum will present a programme of Choral Music interspersed with solos performed by members of the Choir. For tickets, pricing or information please visit our website or call the Box Office

01403 247434 (Mon– (Mon–Fri 9.30am9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: Email:


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Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community

Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emo onal and social difficul es which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputa on and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up interna onal awards from the Bri sh Council.

Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Educa on colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputa on with local and na onal employers, Further Educa on colleges and universi es where our young people con nue to thrive and become successful ci zens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Educa on in 1953 and has a long tradi on of partnership working with all of the local authori es in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the a4endant SEND Code of Prac ce and in par cular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educa"onal Needs and Disabili"es. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:



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Richard Lamb DipPFS Independent Financial Consultant. Based in Christ’s Hospital. Are your pensions and investments performing as you’d like? Have they been reviewed in full within the last 12 months? If the answer is NO we need to talk!

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. 29

For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council website

Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators Name Tony West David Redston & Diana Hewlett John Taylor Lin Dark Tish Scragg Dr Roger Smith Sharon Stahlberger Elleanor Wallis David Liley Rob & Nicola Fryatt Peter Carpenter Roger Corry

Area of Responsibility Sandhills Road, Muntham Drive. Trout Lane, Cross Lane & Two Mile Ash. Brooks Green Itchingfield Baystone Corner Bashurst Hill Emms Lane The Hordens Smugglers Way Chapel Road Area Co-ordinator Valewood Lane 30

Tel No. 730493 732293 730222 741249 791729 791370 790533 730478 732762 732831 732703 730627 730676

Village Contacts.

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BARNS GREEN TRANSPORT HELP SCHEME Carol Shepherd 01403 730001 BARNS GREEN HALF MARATHON Sue Thomas 01403 249470 BARNS GREEN PLAYERS Bridget Tidey 01403 730339 BELLRINGERS Carol Clarke 01403 730047 BIG MAG Commercial Ads 01403 731182 Magazine distribution 01403 731722 Sports Editor BROWNIES Fiona Christer 01403 738806 GUIDES Karen Jordan 01403 252270 CHURCH - Lay Reader Carol Shepherd 01403 730001 CHURCH WARDEN Tony West 01403 730493 COUNTY COUNCILLOR Amanda Jupp 01403 741542 CRICKET CLUB Martin Hennock 01403 730462 CRICKET CLUB - COLTS Will Haynes 01403 730682 DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Stuart Ritchie 01403 270988 Tricia Youtan 01403 790669 FOOTBALL CLUB Pete Walker 07783 442 1033 BARNS GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Simon Simmons 01403 730614 LOCAL VOCALS Jenny Bailey 07792049721 MONDAY CLUB Eve Barrett 01403 730182

MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Bailey 01403 790866 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Peter Carpenter 01403 730627 PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Anne-Marie Hobbs 01403 731192 PARISH COUNCIL - CHAIRMAN Penny Simpson 01403 731019 PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Jan Critchley 01403 731596 : PLAYGROUP Bev Liley 01403 732831 RAINBOWS Fiona Christer 01403 738806 RUGBY CLUB Bill Bailey 01403 730068 SCOUTS Paul Cooper 01403 588632 SHORT MAT BOWLS Eve Barrett 01403 730182 SOCIAL CLUB Trevor Courquin 01403 731745 STOOLBALL (Ladies) Ann Tingley 01403 730236 TENNIS CLUB Monica Hargrave 01403 730024 VILLAGE HALL - BOOKINGS 01403 731003 VILLAGE TRUST & FIELD COMMITTEE Martin Hargrave 01403 730024 WI Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 YOUTH CLUB Ian Lea 01403 732277

Check your contact details please! If your local group is listed here please check that your details are correct and contact the editor with corrections. 31

Useful Numbers AGE UK General enquiries 01403 260560 Visiting service 01403 260560 Pensions & benefits 01403 274495 CHILDLINE 0800 1111 CENTRAL & SOUTH SUSSEX CITIZENS ADVICE 0344 477 1171 COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 ELECTRICITY (EMERGENCIES) 0845 770 8090 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 GAS (EMERGENCIES) - SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999 HANDYVAN SERVICE 01403 226005 HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL 01403 215100 NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE 0808 2000247

NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free) PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 POLICE (NON EMERGENCY) 101 (calls cost 15p) SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 TRADING STANDARDS 0345 404 0506 (National consumer helpline) TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950 WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS – 01243 642105 WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100 If any of these details are incorrect please inform the editor of the BIG Mag.

The BIG Mag. Magazine for Barns Green, Itchingfield & Christ’s Hospital. Copyright: Barns Green Community Publications

The BIG Mag is published in Barns Green by Barns Green Community Publications. Email: 32

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