BIG Mag. March 2016

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March 2016 Published by Barns Green Community Publications

A DAY AT THE RACES Popular village “Race Night” returns. 18th March. Details on page 7. Editorial on page 3.

The BIG Mag is delivered free to all households in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. Email: . To advertise email: Sports pages;

Christ’s Hospital School Performing Arts Events Fri 4th Mar – Ferio Saxophone Quartet The award winning Ferio Saxophone Quartet is emerging as one of the leading British saxophone quartets . With CH’s own Saxophone Quartet. Sun 6th Mar – Band Concert Light classics, solos, film music and more, for all the family. Sun 20th Mar – Angus Ross Memorial Concert The CH Chapel Choir & Choral Society perform Faure’s haunting & moving Requiem. The CH Symphony Orchestra will perform the exciting and rhythmic Huapango by Moncayo. Sat 16th Apr – Choral Society Concert Rutter – Requiem; Elgar – Give unto the Lord; J.S. Bach – Motet, Jesu Meine Freude; Faure – Cantique de Jean Racine.

Box Office 01403 247434 (Mon– (Mon–Fri 9.30am9.30am-12pm, Term Time Only) Website: Email:

Riding Lessons We offer riding instruction for children and adults on privately owned, confidence giving horses at our yard in Barns Green. We also offer fantastic hacking. Livery sometimes available.

Fully Council Licensed, Insured and ABRS approved. Please contact Chloe or Lynsey TOTAL EQUINE SOLUTIONS 01403 734236 Email: 2

BIG Mag Editorial column.

BIG Mag front page headline: Looking through each edition of the BIG Mag as I put it all together, I’m struck by the impressive range of events and activities taking place in the village; all run by so many dedicated, enthusiastic and talented people in our community. The village panto was a big success, as it always is. This year it received great reviews from the critics. You can read about it on page 15. Our sports pages are full of the latest local matches and this year we can look forward to an extra race, the 10km, at the well respected Barns Green Marathon (page 10). The church is busy preparing for Easter (pages 4 and 5) and the World War 1 project (page 6) is well researched; reminding us of what wartime life was like in the village a century ago. Then there’s the Editor’s favorite page by the Rainbows and Brownies on page 13. The page is written by the girls themselves and always a delight to read. They are the future of the village. March is time to get your tickets for the popular Race Night; involving horses, but not running around in the village hall! Friday 18th March, doors open 7.30pm. Call Anne-Marie on 731192 for details and tickets. See page 7 for details. VILLAGE CONTACTS All the useful village contact numbers and email addresses are at the back of the magazine. Guidelines for submitting articles to the BIG Mag. When writing articles for the BIG Mag please keep to a maximum of 400 words using Microsoft Word. Articles may be edited by the Editor to fit the space available in the magazine. Deadline for submitting your copy is the 17th day of each month; preferably before that date, if you can. Advertising deadline: Deadline for advertising copy and payment is the 15th day of each month. Roger Stamp. Editor. The BIG Mag.


Not able to view your old family films and VHS tapes? Transfer them to DVD or Blu-ray Cine Film, VHS, Hi 8, Mini DV, DVD, Blu-ray Please contact us for a quote, any job undertaken, based in Barns Green

01403 738238 3

St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield. March 2016 Sunday Services Services at St Nicolas unless otherwise stated 6th March 11am-Mothering Sunday-Holy Communion 13th March 8am Holy Communion 10am Morning Worship th 20th March 11am-Palm Sunday-Holy Communion Tues 22nd March 7.30pm-Way of the Cross-St Nicolas Wed 23rd March 7.30pm-Way of the Cross-St Peter’s Maundy Thursday 24th March 7.30pm Holy Communion at St Nicolas Good Friday-25th March-An Hour by the Cross 12 Noon at St Nicolas and Holy Hour - 2pm at St Peter’s Easter Eve Saturday 26th March 7pm-Easter Vigil at St Peter’s Easter Sunday 27th March-8am Holy Communion-St Nicolas and 11am - Family Communion-St Nicolas

Easter Lillies This is just a reminder to anyone who would like to remember family and friends with Lilies in the Church at Easter. If you would like to do this, donations towards the Lilies are most welcome. A list of those in whose memory lilies are given will be displayed in the Church. Please include names with donations. Cheques (made payable to St. Nicolas Church Flower Fund) and donations can be sent to me, Sandra Morfey, Fennel Cottage, Bashurst Hill, Itchingfield, Horsham. RH13 0PA 01403 790436

BARNS GREEN & ITCHINGFIELD W.I. In January we met at Sandra Morfey's house and heard readings of poetry and prose chosen by different members. Some were interesting, some nostalgic and several were very amusing. This was followed by tea. Our next meeting is on 17th March in the village hall at 2.30pm when there will be a talk and display of classic country craft. New members/visitors are welcome. Miriam Coghill 4

St Nicolas Church - Thoughts from your Vicar. Easter Easter is usually a joyful time, with the arrival of spring and hopefully better weather. But for Christians it is so much more than that – it is a time of rejoicing as we remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. The dawn of Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the high point of the Christian year. The last week of Lent is known as Holy Week, it is the week leading up to Easter during which we particularly remember the last week of Jesus' life which includes his arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection. Palm Sunday commemorates Christ's triumphant arrival in Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowd. Later that Rev. Sandra Hall week, many of the people in that cheering crowd would be among those shouting that Jesus should be executed. Small crosses made of palm leaf are received, to remember the palm leaves which the people of Jerusalem waved, and to remember the cross on which he died. The Stations of the Cross are stages in the events of Jesus’ Passion, from his condemnation, to the placing of his body in the tomb. We use these as the basis for a meditation on the last hours of Christ's life. Maundy Thursday is the beginning of the three day celebration of Easter. This period remembers the last supper, the crucifixion and the death of Jesus, and his Resurrection to new life. The word ‘Maundy’ comes from the command (mandate) given by Christ that we should love one another as he loved us. During the Last Supper Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony now known as the Eucharist or Holy Communion. Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas. After our service the altar is stripped and we hold a vigil to remember Christ's time in the Garden of Gethsemane. Good Friday is a day of mourning in church. During special services Christians meditate on Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. The name may be derived from 'God's Friday' in the same way that good-bye is derived from 'God be with ye'. We gather together on Easter Eve for a Vigil, a service of light. The Paschal candle is lit and carried into the church where it is used to light the candles of those gathered, during the service we renew our baptismal vows. The Easter Eucharist is a particularly joyful family service when we celebrate Jesus’ rising from the dead. You are warmly invited to join us for any of our special Easter services. Please do contact me if you would like a chat or a visit. Telephone: 01403 790197 or email: With love in Christ, Revd Sandra Hall


Merve Goddard 01403 734408 Mary Hallett

Military Tribunals By March 2016, men were being called up for compulsory military service. Within the conscription legislation was the provision for local tribunals to hear appeals from men (or their employers) to have their call up deferred or cancelled. The Horsham Rural Tribunal heard cases from outside the town, and the panel membership included an agricultural advisor, a military representative and an assorted panel of local men representative of the community. From the very first week of its existence (in March 1916) there were plenty of cases to be considered. In Barns Green, the Peskett family had already lost staff to the war, and when Albert Peskett received his call up papers they decided to appeal to the tribunal. Albert was the baker of the family, and baking was normally an exempted occupation. The Peskett’s shop had a bakery and every day, Albert baked bread to sell to the customers. This was no mean undertaking in 1916. The bakehouse attached to the shop was inspected by the County Council in 1916 and described as 10ft x 8ft with limewashed walls, cement floor, 2 windows, a door and water supplied from a well. The baking oven may have been coal fired by this time, but equally it could still have been a wood burner. The bakehouse contained “movable troughs” – these were large containers in which the bread dough was mixed, kneaded and proved prior to being shaped into loaves and baked. The whole process was entirely manual so it is no wonder that the family were keen to keep Albert at home. Horsham Rural Tribunal – A baker and grocer, at the only shop in the village, where the Post office work was done by the sister, applied on the ground of certified occupation. Help was given by a brother of 42 who was assistant-overseer. The application was refused. WEST SUSSEX COUNTY TIMES 18 March 1916

Albert and Percy Peskett outside the shop.

If Albert had been a baker based in town, his application may have succeeded, but the volume of work at Barns Green Stores was low in comparison to a town shop, and the tribunal almost certainly felt that the baking could be undertaken solely by the remaining brother who was just over the military age limit (Percy Peskett). Albert accepted the decision of the tribunal and began his Army service in May 1916. At home the Pesketts made the best of losing another member of staff, and the whole family rallied round to keep the little village shop and Post Office running and serving the local community. 6

RACE NIGHT BARNS GREEN VILLAGE HALL Friday 18th March 2016 Doors open 7.30pm Tickets £7.50 each Bring your own food & drink If you have not been to one of our Race Nights before you are in for a treat! It is a really fun evening and raises much needed funds for the playgroup. For those who have never been to a race night before, it goes something like this: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

Films of races are shown on a big screen (8 races with 8 horses in each) Tote style betting starting from 50p (full instructions given on the night) Horses for sale in advance of the event - £5 each, with a prize for the winning owner of each race. These are sold on a first come first serve basis so don’t miss out! Race 8 will be an ‘auction race’ where all 8 horses will be auctioned off to the highest bidders on the night

If you can’t attend on the evening, you can still join in and support us by buying horses and selling raffle tickets. You have been given a raffle ticket booklet worth £5 with this letter; it would be great if you could sell these tickets to friends and family. Some of this year’s prizes include: £100 car service, breakfast for 2 at Sumners Pond, Body Shop goodies, flowers and much more. Please do let us know on the slip below if you need any more! To buy race night tickets and/or horses, please complete the slip below and return with cash or cheque (made payable to Barns Green Playgroup) to the playgroup or call Anne-Marie on 01403 731192 by Friday 4th March. Thank you for your support. The fundraising committee. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————

Name______________________________ Tel No.______________________________ No. of tickets @ £7.50 each ______________Number of Horses @ £5.00 each_________ (please complete horse & owner details below) Number of raffle tickets @ £5.00 per booklet (£1 per ticket) ____________ Total Cash/Cheque Enclosed: £______________ HORSE


We reserve the right to refuse any name which may cause offence!!! Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary


LOCAL SPORTS NEWS Contact our Sports Editor, Barry Hearnshaw by email:

Darts on a Roll Starting with the Monday night team there are congratulations for Jason Cooper and Jason Courquin who made it to the final of the Second Division Doubles Final to be held in April. In the league the Monday night team enjoyed a 5 - 3 away win at the The Jolly Tanners keeping them top of the second division. In the Plate Cup they progressed to the semi-final due to a White Horse no show. In the semi-final they faced last year's First Division runners up The Stout House. In a tense battle Barns Green took the final leg to end up 4 -3 winners and a place in the final!

The Friday night side had a 9 - 0 home win against The Norfolk Arms including a Fran Pickett 180 for the Green. This was followed by a good 7 -2 away win at The Windmill. Most recently they posted an 8 -1 home win against the Dog and Bacon with 100 finishes by Andy Mason and John Coxon. The Friday team remain second in the First Division.

Rugby - Back out playing at last! Two good wins in the league, with over forty points scored against Littlehampton and then the following week over sixty points against Horsham Third Team. The Horsham game saw us reunited with David Sainsbury as referee, a popular retired local schoolmaster from The Weald and currently a regular Television Match Official in the Rugby Premiership. His style and confidence added to the game and it was great to see him meeting old friends and pupils from both cricket and rugby in the Social Club afterwards. A successful season so far sees the hard yards stretching in front of us in the next 8 weeks, we have three critical games, one against Brighton who beat us in the Cup who lie second. Games in hand will count for nought unless we can continue to play winning and what is also proving to be, enjoyable rugby. 8

Sussex 'Orangeboom' Rugby League Two West

Football – Bogged Down by Rain Soaked Pitches. The poor weather is slowly becoming a concern, not only for Barns Green but for many teams in the region. Matches need to be played soon or there will be a serious match back log. Jason Dumbrill, 1st team manager, feels a fixture congestion is not a concern at the moment but says it could become a problem if games continue to be postponed. “I think it’s marginal at present, but we could begin to become really concerned. “We are not as badly affected as other teams, but we don’t want to be getting too far behind with fixtures. “This has happened in previous seasons and we have got there in the end”. Neither the1st or the 2nd team has played a game since 2015. The 2nd team has been fortunate in progressing to the next round of the CUP by default, because on the one day the Barns Green pitch was playable the 2nd team’s opponents Petworth were unable to field a team. Barns Green Snooker The three teams have continued with the early season form, A Team mid table, B and C teams both 2nd from bottom. The club has a few high performers, with Trevor Courquin, Mick Brown and Steve Frost leading way in the A team, Ben Hill, Andy High and Brian Muncer in the B Team and Jon Bacon, Matt Spencer and Dave Liley in the C team. Team Statistics to the end January in all Competions A Team Division 1, 6 of 11

B Team Division 2, 10 of 11

C Team Division 3, 9 of 10

Trevor Courquin P16 68% wins Mick Brown P3 67% wins Steve Frost P15 47% wins

Ben Hill P8 63% wins Andy High P13 46% wins Brian Muncer P10 30% wins

Jon Bacon wins Matt Spencer wins Dave Liley wins



P11 45% P7


Nine of 15 games have gone Seven of 11 games have to the final frame of a 5 frame gone to the final frame of a 5 match frame match

BIG Mag : for all the best local sports news. 9

10km race added to Barns Green Half Marathon This year will see the 34th running of the Barns Green Half Marathon and as part of an effort to attract new runners to the event, the organisers have decided to introduce an additional separate 10km race. The Barns Green Half Marathon and 10km races will both take place on Sunday 25th September 2016. The Half Marathon will start at 10am and the 10km race at 10.20am. The new 10km race will start at the same place as the Half Marathon and the finish will be beside the Green in Sandhill Road. The 10km race which will be open to anyone over the age of 16 and like the Half Marathon will take place on closed roads and will follow part of the Half Marathon route. There will be an additional section of the 10km route that will take place in the grounds of Christ’s Hospital School. There will be the usual medals and prizes for the 10km race and the entrance fee will be £15 for affiliated runners and £17 for unaffiliated. Commenting on the new race, Barns Green Half Marathon Race Director, Vernon Jennings said, “This has been a very big decision for the Barns Green Half Marathon Committee and one that required a lot of research and discussion. There are now many more races taking place around the country each year and it is getting increasingly hard to attract new runners to our event. What our research showed was that there are a lot of runners looking to take part in well organised official races such as ours but who don’t want to take on the 13 mile challenge and test of a Half Marathon. For many runners 10km is a much more appealing and achievable distance. Overall our objective is to maintain the entry levels and traditional high standards of our Half Marathon while establishing a totally new race”. Since the Barns Green Half Marathon began in 1982, this unique village occasion has raised a huge amount of money for charity. Last year almost 1500 runners registered for the race which follows a route through the lanes of Barns Green, Itchingfield, Christ’s Hospital and close to Southwater through some of the most scenic countryside in West Sussex. Almost £10,000 was raised by the 2015 race and all this money has been distributed to various charities, groups, youth and sports clubs in and around the village who helped with the staging of the race. It is a wonderful achievement for a small village like Barns Green to have staged this event so successfully for so long. It requires a huge amount of time and effort from many people to make the event run smoothly. The additional 10km race will require even more organisation and work for the organisers but in the long term will make the event more attractive to more runners. For further details on how to take part in the race just visit the Barns Green Half Marathon website; 10


residents of Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital who contributed.

Village Hall News The Village Hall Management Committee is a largely autonomous sub-committee of the Village Trust. We are all volunteers and meet between 8 and 10 times a year to discuss issues involving the hall, its maintenance and its use. We are currently looking for one or two more people to help us with these things as well as with fund-raising and organising upcoming projects. If you have internet expertise perhaps you could help with the website; if you are in PR perhaps you could organise publicity; if you are handy with a drill maybe you could help with general maintenance, or if you are a demon with the kettle you could help with the teas! Anyone who could help would be most welcome. If you are interested please contact Jane West (Chairperson) on 01403 730493 or Nicolette Goddard (Secretary) on 01403 734408 Barns Green Transport Help Scheme .. is desperate for drivers to be able to keep the scheme running. Due to illness and change of circumstances we are very low on drivers. The help we offer is to take local residents of the Parish who are unable to drive or use public transport, to and from appointments or the occasional shopping trip. You are reimbursed 45p per mile. If you could spare the time and have your own car, please think about contacting either Carol 730001, Tony 730493 or Joyce Groves 730165 who arranges the lifts for the passengers. It may only be once a month you are required, but the more drivers we have the less they do. 12


To volunteer or register your daughter’s interest visit For more details please ring Fiona 738806. 13

Barns Green Playgroup A small village playgroup set on the green with spaces available for 2-5yr olds Ofsted registered. Professional, DBS checked, trained staff. Fun activities for all children. Warm welcoming staff. Safe environment. New opening hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am-1pm Wed, Fri 9am-3pm For details please contact either: Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green, Horsham, RH13 0PT Tel: 01403 730093 (Village Hall) or Bev Liley 07881 728007 / 01403 732831 Charities No : 1033658


Review of the Barns Green Panto: “(not quite) The Three Musketeers” I can honestly say that this was one of the very best Pantomimes that I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a few). Everything about the show was first class and from the very start the sell-out audience were captivated. It was traditional performance with all the usual pantomime elements but with a modern twist and some totally unexpected parts. There was some great straight and comedy acting on show. The two leads, Abi Hearn (D’Artagnan) and Lucy Walker (Princess Chantelle) both have superb singing voices and were naturals in their roles. Adam Tingley was a highly credible baddie (Baron Garlicbreath) and Warren Blanchard and Nigel Baker gave outstanding performances as his henchman. The Three Musketeers themselves brought the house down with their antics. Bridget Tidey (Aramis) and Lorraine Muncer (Athos) proved to be the perfect straight men for the brilliant Winks Parrish as Porthos. She had the audience in hysterics – great comic timing and some wonderfully funny lines. Graeme Muncer was superb as Queen Stacey and if there is a better Dame in amateur (or professional) Panto I have yet to see him. The young chorus were also full of enthusiasm and charm. It was so refreshing to see such professionalism in an amateur show. The costumes and set were outstanding and the sound, lighting and technical elements were all extremely good and provided so many surprising comic ingredients. There was even a free fun pack for all the kids to go with the excellent programme for the production. You could tell just how much effort had gone into the production and there were some lovely additional touches. Whether it was the hilarious Tracey Francis (Story Teller) desperate for a bigger part in the show and forcing her way onto the stage to sing, the singing meerkats hanging from the rafters or the two mothers suddenly appearing as backing singers traversing the stage – all had the audience in hysterics. This was a terrific piece of entertainment from a small but extremely talented group. They even wrote the excellent script themselves. I haven’t laughed so much for ages and at less than half the cost of some “professional” shows, this was excellent value as well. Very well done Barns Green Players. Review by Emily Watkinson

BIG Mag Small Ads Barns Green Primary School sports hall is now available for hiring out. If any sports clubs would like to hire the hall for fitness training, please contact the school office. or 01403 730614 to discuss hiring rates. Second hand—for sale: SINGLE DIVAN bed:3' x 6'4" x 2' (92cm x 190cm x 60cm) base with rollers plus quality Kozee matress. £25. 01403-731564. Local delivery possible. 15


Do you want to work for the largest UK provider of Rehabilitation? We are a 23 bed short term Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit Based on the edge of Slinfold. We are currently recruiting to the following posts:

Weekend Kitchen Assistant to work Saturday &/or Sunday 10.15hrs-18.15hrs. Hourly rate £ 8.36 including weekend enhancement

Rehabilitation Day & Night Support Workers (various shifts) Hourly rate £ 9.17 plus £ 1 per hour weekend enhancement

Head of Care Salary up to £ 31,908.00 per annum dependent on experience. Applicant must have current registration with Nursing and Midwifery Council and 5 years post registration experience.

For further information and application pack for any of the above positions please contact Wendy Berwick on 01403 799160 or at BIRT, Kerwin Court, Five Oaks Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, West Sussex RH13 0TP or by email on


Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups Are you a parent or carer? Looking for something to entertain your baby or toddler? Why not pop along to Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups? We are a very friendly, welcoming group and we'd love to see you (school term time) Baby & Toddler fun - Wednesdays 1.00pm - 3.00pm We have lots of fun activities: including: toys, weekly craft table, story time and rhyme time with instruments. And we also have: Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time - Mondays 9.00am - 11.00am Pay-as-you-go: £2.50 per family (£1.50 first visit). Refreshments included. Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green RH13 0PT

Just turn up or call Laura 01403 738804 or Anne-Marie on 01403 731192


BARNS GREEN AND ITCHINGFIELD CALENDAR PROJECT We are delighted to report that £2,255.80 of grants have been handed out to local clubs and societies who signed up to be part of this project, which is fantastic. This was a new venture, and it has proven a success. Lessons have been learnt and feedback has been sought on how it can be improved for next year. As some of current committee members are unable to run this project again next year, new volunteers are needed. Please contact Alan Lambkin on or on 01403 731182 for further details. If you would like to register your clubs interest in the project for the 2017 calendar, then please let Alan know. Everyone’s support in advertising, buying, selling and distributing these calendars is much appreciated by the current committee, and of course, the many clubs who benefitted.

Barns Green Youth Club Enthusiastic Youth Worker in Charge Needed This is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic and committed person to work as the Part Time Youth Worker in Charge of our successful and thriving Barns Green Youth Club. To start September 2016 for 3 hours per week (approx.), term time only. Pay dependent on qualifications and experience. A job profile can be found on Contact Ian Lea for more information at

News from Messy Church Messy Church was held in Barns Green School in February and much fun was had by all, two of the children gave told us what they liked and enjoyed about ‘Messy Church’ ….. Ethan, nearly seven: I liked the prayers to say ‘Thank you’ to God for forgiving you. Doing activities with lots of children. Loved icing cookies. Tea was scrummy! Luke, nearly seven: I liked doing the balloons and bursting them. The boxes were good to make and looked pretty. It was nice to sing a song with my friends. I enjoyed my tea, the ladies were very kind. Next Messy Church: 15th March, 3.20-5pm at Barns Green School. 19

News from your local Firestation at Billingshurst This month sees our first Charity Car Wash of 2016. On 26th March, we will be poised, pails at the ready, for all of you to bring your cars down to the fire station and have them hand-washed! All we ask in return is that everyone makes a donation for our charity, The Firefighters Charity. This charity relies on days like these to fund as much as possible to look after injured firefighters and their families. Dan Game 20


Acoustic Showcase The Queens Head, Barns Green

Wednesday 2nd March 7.30pm Featuring:

Chris Lee-Delisle, Jack Evans, After Icarus & Lauren V In addition to our monthly "Showcases" we look forward to our second

"Afternoon of Music" Saturday 28th May Live music on the first Wednesday of every month Supporting art and music in the community

Yoga Classes in Horsham Iyengar Yoga is a safe and accessible form of Yoga suitable for all levels, including beginners. Teacher with 20 years experience More information & booking:


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Second hand—for sale SINGLE DIVAN bed: 3' x 6'4" x 2' (92cm x 190cm x 60cm) base with rollers plus quality Kozee matress. £25. 01403-731564. Local delivery possible.


Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community

Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emo onal and social difficul es which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputa on and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up interna onal awards from the Bri sh Council.

Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Educa on colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputa on with local and na onal employers, Further Educa on colleges and universi es where our young people con nue to thrive and become successful ci zens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Educa on in 1953 and has a long tradi on of partnership working with all of the local authori es in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the a4endant SEND Code of Prac ce and in par cular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educa"onal Needs and Disabili"es. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child. Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:



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Useful Numbers AGE UK General enquiries 01403 260560 Visiting service 01403 260560 Pensions & benefits 01403 274495 CHILDLINE 0800 1111 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU 0844 477 1171 COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 ELECTRICITY (EMERGENCIES) 0845 770 8090 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 GAS (EMERGENCIES) - SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999 HANDYVAN SERVICE 01403 226005 HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL 01403 215100 NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE 0808 2000247 NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free)

PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 POLICE (NON EMERGENCY) 101 (calls cost 15p) SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 TRADING STANDARDS 08454 040506 Approved Businesses 01243 642124 or TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950 WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS – 01243 642105 WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100

For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council website

Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators Name Tony West David Redston & Diana Hewlett John Taylor Lin Dark Tish Scragg Dr Roger Smith Sharon Stahlberger Elleanor Wallis David Liley Rob & Nicola Fryatt Peter Carpenter Roger Corry

Area of Responsibility Sandhills Road, Muntham Drive. Trout Lane, Cross Lane & Two Mile Ash. Brooks Green Itchingfield Baystone Corner Bashurst Hill Emms Lane The Hordens Smugglers Way Chapel Road Area Co-ordinator Valewood Lane 30

Tel No. 730493 732293 730222 741249 791729 791370 790533 730478 732762 732831 732703 730627 730676

Village Contacts.

Cut out this page and keep it by your phone.

BARNS GREEN TRANSPORT HELP SCHEME Joyce Groves 01403 730165 BARNS GREEN HALF MARATHON Sue Thomas 01403 249470 BARNS GREEN PLAYERS Bridget Tidey 01403 730339 BELLRINGERS Carol Clarke 01403 730047 BIG MAG Commercial Ads 01403 731182 Magazine distribution 01403 731722 Sports Editor BROWNIES Fiona Christer 01403 738806 GUIDES Karen Jordan 01403 252270 CHURCH - Lay Reader Carol Shepherd 01403 730001 CHURCH WARDEN Wendy Dorkings 07761 983635 COUNTY COUNCILLOR Amanda Jupp 01403 741542 CRICKET CLUB Martin Hennock 01403 730462 CRICKET CLUB - COLTS Will Haynes 01403 730682 DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Stuart Ritchie 01403 270988 Tricia Youtan 01403 790669 FOOTBALL CLUB Pete Walker 07783 442 1033 BARNS GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Simon Simmons 01403 730614 LOCAL VOCALS Jenny Bailey 07792049721 MONDAY CLUB Eve Barrett 01403 730182

MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Bailey 01403 790866 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Peter Carpenter 01403 730627 PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Anne-Marie Hobbs 01403 731192 PARISH COUNCIL - CHAIRMAN Penny Simpson 01403 731019 PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Jan Critchley 01403 731596 : PLAYGROUP Bev Liley 01403 732831 RAINBOWS Fiona Christer 01403 738806 RUGBY CLUB Bill Bailey 01403 730068 SCOUTS Paul Cooper 01403 588632 SHORT MAT BOWLS Eve Barrett 01403 730182 SOCIAL CLUB Trevor Courquin 01403 731745 STOOLBALL (Ladies) Ann Tingley 01403 730236 TENNIS CLUB Monica Hargrave 01403 730024 VILLAGE HALL - BOOKINGS 01403 731003 VILLAGE TRUST & FIELD COMMITTEE Martin Hargrave 01403 730024 WI Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 YOUTH CLUB Ian Lea 01403 732277

Check your contact details please! If your local group is listed here please check that your details are correct and contact the editor with corrections. 31

Julian Francis Carpenter and Joiner For all that’s good in wood

Mareland Farm Two Mile Ash Road Bookcases, wardrobes, fitted furniture, Purpose made joinery Barns Green Horsham Tel. 01403 731791 Sussex, RH13 0PZ Email:

TREE SURGERY Felling Pruning Reductions

Climbing Stump Grinding


Emily White Personal Trainer Sports Massage Therapist 07341 826 668

Itchingfield NPTC City & Guilds Qualified & Insured


Copyright: Barns Green Community Publications

The BIG Mag is published in Barns Green by Barns Green Community Publications. Email:


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