May 2017 Published by Barns Green Community Publications
Would you like to show off your garden for a day this summer? Details of the new Barns Green Open Gardens scheme on page 17 The BIG Mag is delivered free to all households in Barns Green, Itchingfield and Christ’s Hospital. Email: . To advertise email:
BIG Mag Editorial column. BIG Mag front page headline: OPEN GARDENS IN THE VILLAGE Would you like to show off your garden this summer? The BIG Mag gardening editor Barry Hearnshaw would like to hear from you. Big gardens, small gardens, gardens of all types ; its hoped the new scheme will bring enjoyment to everyone and raise some money for charity.. Details from the Editor at
Roger Stamp, the ‘BIG Mag’ Editor, has announced that he will be stepping down after 4 years in the role. Roger says “It’s been a wonderful and interesting task but I now feel it is time to step aside and allow someone else to take on the role; someone to move the BIG Mag forward to its next stage”. The July / August edition will be Roger’s last as Editor. If you would like to take over as Editor contact Alan Lambkin 01403 731182 email: Help us pay the cost of publishing the ‘BIG Mag’ Over 900 copies of this magazine are printed every month and distributed to every house in the village. You are reading this magazine free of charge; there is no cover price. But the magazine costs money to produce; we have to pay printing and publication costs so this has to be raised from somewhere. We do this by charging for advertising space. Do you know a local business or tradesperson who would like to advertise in the ‘BIG Mag’ ? Email us to let us know. Guidelines for submitting articles to the BIG Mag. When writing articles for the BIG Mag please keep to a maximum of 400 words and send by email using Microsoft Word. Deadline for submitting your copy is the 15th day of each month. We welcome all contributions of local stories, events etc. sent to the BIG Mag but please be aware that material is included in the magazine entirely at the discretion of the Editor and it may be altered or shortened without consultation. Advertising deadline: Deadline for advertising copy and payment is the 10th day of each month. Roger Stamp. Editor. The BIG Mag. Email: ———————————————————————————————————
To advertise in this magazine call Alan Lambkin 01403 731182 email: Advertising rates: £10 per edition for a quarter page. £20 per edition for a half page. £40 per edition for a full page. 3
Monthly tea party invitation for Barns Green over 75’s. Charity says Sundays can be ‘long and difficult’ for older people who live alone. A scheme run by the charity Contact The Elderly organises monthly tea parties for groups of older people aged 75 and above who live alone and would like some company on a Sunday afternoon. Each guest is collected from their home by a volunteer driver and taken to a volunteer host’s home where they meet with a small group for tea, chat and friendship. The group is welcomed by a different host each month but the drivers remain the same so that over time, acquaintances become friends and loneliness is replaced by companionship. All drivers and hosts are police checked and it is all free of charge. The established group in Horsham says it has space for a number of new guests to join. Contact The Elderly’s Development Officer Julia Rivas said “these tea parties give people a chance to get together with others and make new friends over tea and cake. They are the highlight of the month for many of our older guests and for some it is the only time they get out of the house for a social occasion. We would encourage anyone interested in coming along, or those who know someone who might benefit from it, to get in touch.”
To find out more about joining the Horsham group please contact Julia Rivas, Development Officer on 01273 805451 or email Website:
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to
Sunnycroft Plant Sales Many of you know that I have been selling plants from my garden for the last six years and that I donate the profits to the Village Hall. I have raised over £3,500 in this way and would like to thank everyone who has bought plants or donated unwanted pots over this time.
Unfortunately owing to repeated thefts I have decided that I can no longer have my table by the path. Therefore if anyone would like to purchase plants please feel free to call at the house whenever the sign is displayed and I or my husband will be pleased to help you. Thank you once again to all my customers.
Nicolette Goddard
Billingshurst & District Lions Club invites your suggestions for a major centennial project to be selected from ideas put to us by any of the local communities or a local organisation. Club President Peter Coleman says that…. “The Club is looking for a project that will make a real difference to people, whether young or old. As a Club the Lions are prepared to donate funds, help fund raise or get their hands dirty – whatever is required. The project should have an urgent need and must benefit the community as a whole. The Lions are prepared to invest £5,000 in the project and, if a project is identified that is really needed, we may be prepared to go beyond that figure. We are asking all local organisations in Billingshurst, Slinfold, Barns Green, Shipley, Loxwood, Wisborough Green, Kirdford, Rudgwick, Plaistow and Ifold to publicise our offer within your community and support all who wish to make an approach to us. Initially we require an outline letter providing detail of the need identified. We will then prioritise responses and meet with the chosen organisations to understand what is required in greater detail.” First responses are required by the end of June. Those organisations making it to the shortlist will be asked to present their suggestion in detail to the Club by the end of September at which time a winner will be chosen and the scope of the project agreed. All ideas and suggestions will be kept on file for future consideration. All responses should be sent to Lion Mike Bobker, 38 Rowan Drive, Billingshurst RH14 9NF who can be contacted by email to ‘ Chris Davis. Publicity Officer, Billingshurst & District Lions Club. 5
Anti-Social Driving Barns Green and Itchingfield We are reviewing the results of the traffic surveys which took place at the end of March. We now have access to surveys which have taken place in other parts of West Sussex, and are researching these to see what can be learnt from them. Please continue to use Operation Crackdown to report Anti-Social Driving. It does provide important evidence which is needed when requesting additional support from Sussex Police or West Sussex County Council.
To give us your concerns, opinions or suggestions on Anti-Social Driving please continue to use our Email address Your comments are of great value to the community. Our next presentation will be at the Annual Village Meeting on Tuesday 6th June so please keep this date free. We will be making suggestions to residents on various options, some of which may take time to be approved and implemented to see which ones they wish to take forward. Barns Green and Itchingfield Traffic Group ——————————————————————————————————
WEST SUSSEX FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Billingshurst fire station We would like to start with a big Thank You for those who supported our car wash back in March. We raised £700 which is a fantastic effort for such a small community. You came out in your numbers and supported our 'Fire-Fighters Charity' very generously. We talk about the charity often due to it being so close to our hearts. It's a charity that supports injured fire fighters and also their families. Our next event will be our Open Day. This is a great opportunity for you to come and see what we really do! We hope to get a date for a Saturday during September. We still have a space or two in our team. Are you aged 18+ and live or work within 4 minutes of the fire station? Want to join a great team and learn a wide range of new skills? Protect your local community? Maybe you are the person to fill the boots, pop down during a Monday night anytime from 1830-2130 to find out more.
We have many ways for you to get in contact now, our Facebook and Twitter pages are regularly checked and we will do our best to reply as soon as possible. Dan Game. Billingshurst Fire Station
1ST BARNS GREEN AND ITCHINGFIELD RAINBOWS AND BROWNIES To register your daughter’s interest in any of the units, or to volunteer visit Rainbows has space for immediate start.
St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.
May 2017 Services All services are at St Nicolas Church unless otherwise stated. St Nicolas Church, Itchingfield.
7th May 11am Holy Communion 14th May 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 6pm ‘Thank You For the Music’. To celebrate 25 years since the installation of our organ. 21st May 11am Holy Communion 28th May 8am Holy Communion (BCP) 10am All Age Worship in Barns Green Village Hall followed by ‘Getting To Know You’ lunch with Slinfold.
Evening Prayer every Wednesday at 5pm in church
Contact details for the new Associate Priest, Revd Rosemary Cattell. Telephone: 01403 264396 Email:
St. Nicolas Church - Thoughts from the Vicar.
On Sunday the 28th May the churches of Itchingfield and Rev. Sandra Hall Slinfold are having a ‘Get to Know You’ bring and share lunch which everyone is invited to attend. It will take place in Barns Green Village Hall from 11am – 2pm, after the 10am All Age Worship. Prior to lunch there will be activities for all of the family and it will be an opportunity to meet new people over fun, food and fellowship. Do come along and bring a friend or neighbour. Also in May this year the church celebrates a special Holy Day, Ascension Day. We will have a joint benefice 10am service at St Peter’s, Slinfold. The Ascension celebrates the day that Jesus Christ, in the presence of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven. The Ascension occurred 40 days after Easter Sunday, so it falls on a Thursday, this year it will fall on the 25th May. According to the accounts in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus appeared to many of his disciples during the 40 days following his resurrection. On the 40th day, he came again to the Apostles and led them out to the Mount of Olives where he instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit. Then, as they were watching, he ascended into the clouds. Ascension Day is also traditionally the day for Beating the Bounds, or Boundaries, of the church's parish. The custom was once found in almost every English parish, but now is only carried out in a few places. Members of the parish walk round the parish boundaries, marking boundary stones (e.g. by writing on them in chalk) and hitting them with sticks. Knowledge of the parish boundaries was once important, since churches had certain duties such as the care of children born out of wedlock in the parish. Another reason for the custom of Beating the Bounds was to establish one's actual boundaries and to check the land in general, as maps were scarce and many parishioners could not read or write.
With love in Christ, Revd Sandra Hall. Telephone: 01403 790197 Email: 9
LOCAL SPORTS NEWS Contact our Sports Editor, Barry Hearnshaw by email: Rugby With the Bulgarian tour completed the end of April and one game left in the season, the Barns Green Rugby Club can reflect on what might have been a daunting season, in a higher new league, with some satisfaction but no complacency at all. The final game of the season will decide whether the Green finish in the top three of the league with it all to play for, as the same applies to Ditchling, our opponents away from home. The Green first team has performed with skill and significant commitment on the field. The playing numbers, always a risky area, have grown AND the club has managed to field one 'casuals' side this year, a group of older friends and players who just wanted to throw a ball about again-rumour has it there will be more of those next seasons. Our ladies touch rugby team has trained throughout the winter and is now on “The Green� every Wednesday from around 7pm. The club are looking forward to the yearly charity sevens event on The Green on Sunday May 21st from 11am. So far twelve teams have already registered with boys, girls, men and women all looking forward to playing non-contact tag rugby. Please come down, try for an auction item or buy a bacon roll-the proceeds all go to great causes. Thank you to all of the sponsors and supporters (estimates of 80/100 people watching our recent home game against East Grinstead up on Fulfords Hill). This Club would not exist without you and finally to the Social Club and the football club-both of whom have helped us make difficult changing facilities work once again this season. Report by Bill Bailey Darts March began for the Friday night side with a visit to the Green from Roffey club. The darts went with the Green who racked up a fine 8 - 1 win. A visit to the Coot followed, along with a very disappointing 5- 4 win. The Green continued this trend with another poor performance in losing 5 -4 to the lowly Dog & Bacon 'B' side. Well done The Dog. This was the Green's last winter league fixture and the defeat condemned them to third place in the league behind The Railway and Broadbridge Heath Victory Club, who are fighting for the title. The only light on the horizon is next month's eagerly anticipated Victory Cup semi-final against The Railway. The Monday night team completed this season's fixtures with a visit to Southwater Social club. The Green emerged 5 -3 winners, however this was again not quite 10
enough in terms of the title race. The Green finished second in the league by five points to The Rising Sun, and fifteen points clear of third. The following week The Green contested the Plate Cup Final against The Windmill held at Southwater. The Green raced to the line 4 -1 up which ensured the win, the match being played out to a 4 - 3 finish. This match also saw the team saying goodbye to one of its longest serving players Jason Courquin who is retiring from club play, pursuing a career in snooker. Good luck Jason, thanks for your efforts over the years. Cricket With the tour to India now a distant memory, BGCC have been ramping up preseason preparation in the last few weeks. Following weekly nets, Adam Rice has been running rather intense fitness and skills sessions at CH Sports Centre - not for the faint hearted! Outdoor training begins on the Green from Thursday 20 April (6pm onwards), with pre -season friendless vs CH School 1st Team (22 April) and neighbours Slinfold (29 April). Both of those warm up games should give players from all 3 league teams the chance to get their eye in and prepare for a tough league season ahead.
Off the field, work is also well and truly underway. The ground team have been working tirelessly to prepare the square and practice areas, led by Trevor Courquin and Graham Hill. The club is also running its very successful fantasy league competition for a third year - if you’d like to play, then please email for more information. Furthermore, Sunday May 28 will see the second annual Barns Green Premier League - a 6-a-side tournament with coloured kit, local sponsors and lots of fun - this year including a player auction! So, with 3 league teams for the first time ever, thoughts turn to our chances. Both the 1st and 2nd team aim to be competitive in their respective leagues, with the 3rd team aiming to win at least half of their matches and bring promising young players into adult cricket. Report by Chris Bailey Football What a difference a season makes. Last year Barns Green 1st team avoided regulation. This year they finished equal 2nd on 35 points with Capel and only 1 point behind the division winners Border Wanders on 36 points. Just 1 point short of “Promotion” to Division 1. An incredible performance with Ed Goacher, top scorer on 19 goals from 16 games. Report by Ben Paske.
Could this be the end of the Tennis Club? Barns Green Tennis Club is looking to replace its existing committee. We need people that will inspire new players to come along, join the club and actively play tennis. Since our letters in the BIG Mag over the last two months, we have only had two people come forward. We need more for the Club to continue! The tennis club was formed in 1982 and with the help of grants from Horsham District Council and the Sports Council and with the agreement of the Village Trust who own the land, the courts and car park were built five years later. The clubhouse was erected in 1989. The number of active tennis players in the club has been diminishing and the current committee, who have worked tirelessly over the past few years to maintain the courts, organise coaching and run social events, feel the time is right to stand aside for new volunteers to take over the reins. There are maintenance funds available to carry out future work on the courts and surroundings. We should not lose this sporting facility on the village green and feel a new committee would create and establish new ideas for the benefit of tennis and sport in the village. If you would like to be involved, please contact the following. Den Critchley 01403 731596 Monica Hargrave 01403 730024
Barns Green Players. JUNIOR PRODUCTION – FRI 7th and Sat 8th JULY 2017 Barns Green Players are pleased to announce that they will be staging another Junior Production this July. In the past we have done productions of the popular Shakespeare4Kidz series. Details of this year’s show will be announced very soon. These productions are predominantly for youngsters in school years 6-12. Neale Francis is leading the production team and it is a great chance for budding young actors to learn more about acting and get involved either on or off stage.
—————————————————————————————————————— A TRIBUTE TO ROY WALKER FROM HIS FRIENDS Roy Walker, former resident and founder and manager of Barns Green junior football team passed away on Thursday 9th of March. I first meet Roy when I started delivering the post to barns Green 17 years ago. And got to know him as a mate when his wife Carolyn stated working in the Barns Green post office. If was during this time that Roy found out I was a football man and asked me to help him coach the boys on Friday night's although Roy always said I volunteered but no one in their right mine would have volunteered to coach them. We would spend ages talking football and other silly topics when I used to go into his place every morning for a coffee sometimes I don't know how I completed my round because I was in his place for so long. We would also go into the village club after training on a Friday night for a pint and to select the line up for the next days game although by the time I got to the game after completing my post round on a Saturday morning the line up was completely different from the one we had selected the night before. After 3 and a half years I had to stand down from helping Roy because Royal Mail changed my start time so I was unable to attend games although I went round telling everyone that Roy had sacked me this became a running joke between the two of us. When they moved to West Chiltington we kept in touch by texting each other maybe twice a week and the odd phone call. In fact some evenings we would text each other so much my wife used to say I was talking to my love. When Roy found out I was going through a cancer scare in November last year he took the time to phone me up even though he was fitting cancer himself to tell me to stay positive and wish me luck. And then again when he found out I had got the all clear he called me to say how pleased he was that I had got the all clear. But that was Roy all over: a warm genuine and funny man who was totally dedicated to is family and would do anything for anyone. I will miss our silly little chats. Rest in peace mate you where a great mate. By Gary Speller, Barns Green postman. 13
Bowls is not just for the old. It’s not, as lots of people think, just for OLD people – it’s for competitively minded sports people who still want a social and active life and who are not daunted by the challenge of learning a new sport. Southwater Bowls Club is a very active club with their bowls green located behind Southwater Leisure Centre in Pevensey Road. FREE TRIAL SESSIONS are held during May on every Saturday morning from 10.30 or Wednesday evening from 6.30. Why don’t you come along and give it a try? All you need are flat soled shoes or trainers and we will provide the rest. Please check our website for details: or call our Membership Secretary, Jean on 01403 738522 —————————————————————————————————————— Itchingfield and Barns Green Emergency plan The Parish council is in the process of up-dating its Emergency Plan and hope that anyone living within the Parish might be willing to assist in case of an emergency of any kind. If you have kindly volunteered your services in the past, please kindly do contact us again so we can update our records with your details. The purpose of the plan is to provide a self-help guide to the resources available within the community, To support it in a crisis and the particular procedures to be followed for a specific crisis. This is especially important if the emergency services or relevant local authority support is delayed due to the scale and nature of the emergency. By becoming more resilient, the community can compliment the work of the local emergency services and reduce the impact of an emergency on the community. It is hoped that in doing this, the community will be better prepared to coordinate any community response with the emergency services. As a local resident you may have equipment available that could be utilised in the case of an emergency such as a 4x4 vehicle, chain saw, ladder, water pump, portable generator etc. The other way you can assist is if you have specific skills, i.e. doctor, nurse, first aider, tree surgeon, mechanic, electrician, plumber etc. If you are willing to assist in any way it would be very much appreciated if you could kindly let the Parish Council have the following information by email to: Name….., Address…, Landline Tel no …… Mobile no …., Skills…, List of equipment kept locally…… Kind regards, Itchingfield and Barns Green Parish Council 14
Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups Are you a parent or carer? Looking for something to entertain your baby or toddler? Why not pop along to Barns Green Baby & Toddler Groups? We are a very friendly, welcoming group and we'd love to see you (school term time) Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time - Mondays 9.00am 11.00am Pay-as-you-go: £2.50 per family (£1.50 first visit). Refreshments included. Just turn up or call Laura 01403 738804 or Anne-Marie on 01403 731192
Barns Green Playgroup A small village playgroup for 2-5yr olds. Fun activities for all children. Ofsted registered. Professional, DBS checked, trained staff. Warm welcoming staff. Safe environment.
Opening hours: Mon 9am-1pm. Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri 9am-3pm
For details please contact either: Tel: 01403 730093 (Village Hall) or Bev Liley 07881 728007 / 01403 732831
All groups are at Barns Green Village Hall, Muntham Drive, Barns Green RH13 0PT
BARNS GREEN VILLAGE HALL Film afternoon showing Zootropolis Certificate PG Saturday 3rd June 2017 Film starts at 5pm
Tickets £5 each at the door. Refreshments available
Merve Goddard 01403 734408 Mary Hallett ROLL OF HONOUR - Three names have been added during the past month to our Roll of Honour, which tells us of those who have given their lives for their country in the war; Pte George Ernest Bradford, 13th Batt. Royal Fusiliers, killed in action, April 24th ; Pte Sidney Moore, Royal Sussex Regiment, killed in action, June 3rd ; Pte Charles George Cummins, Eaton M.G. Battery, Canadians, accidentally killed May 31st. We offer our sincerest sympathies to Mrs Bradford, Mr and Mrs Moore, Mrs Cummins and their families. The Captain of the company to which Sidney Moore belonged, writing to his wife says : “He was one of the best and most stout-hearted soldiers in the company, always reliable and good at his particular job. It will, I hope, be some consolation to you to know that he was killed in the front line and died a soldier’s death. He was both liked and respected by all who knew him.” Mrs Moore, of Barns Green, Sidney’s mother wishes to thank many friends who knew her son for their kind inquiries and sympathy. Pte C.G. Cummins was seriously injured while on duty with motor cycle on May 24th. He had concussion of the brain and passed away without regaining consciousness. The lieutenant of his battery in a letter to Mrs Cummins of Barns Green says : “He was a good lad, and an excellent and conscientious worker. His loss is keenly felt by all ranks, as he was well liked in the battery and popular amongst his comrades.” ITCHINGFIELD PARISH MAGAZINE Although killed only days apart, Sydney Moore and Charles Cummins, both Barns Green boys had taken very different paths to war. Sydney worked on the family farm and in 1914 had married Emily. As a married man he was not expected to enlist and joined when he was called up in 1916, joining the Royal Sussex Regiment. He was killed in action in France. Charles Cummins was younger than Sydney and worked in the village as domestic house boy until April 1914 when, aged just 17, he sailed on the Empress of Britain outbound from Liverpool for Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada where he quickly found work as a mechanic. In December 1914 Charles lied about his age and joined the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force and was posted to the Canadian Machine Gun Corps, Eaton Motor Machine Gun Battery as a mechanic. He died of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. A Stone for Henry Having had the pleasure of reporting the installation of Henry Bennet’s CWGC Headstone at Holy Innocents, Southwater last Autumn, I am now delighted to report that dedication service for the stone will be held at Holy Innocents at 10.00 on Sunday 7th May. Both Private Henry Bennett and Lieutenant Vivian Grey Hughes, who also served in the Great War but was a casualty of WW2, are buried in Holy Innocents churchyard and both now have their stones. Both will be commemorated at the service. Bishop Mark of Horsham, the Deputy Lieutenant of West Sussex and representatives of the Royal Sussex Regiment will attend. You are invited to join them and bear witness to the dedication of a headstone for Pvt Bennett and a General List stone for Lt Hughes. 16
BARNS GREEN ‘GREEN FINGERS’ Our page for local gardening enthusiasts. Our gardening reporter is Barry Hearnshaw. ————————— Barns Green Open Gardens 2 local residents have registered interest in showing their gardens. Have you thought about opening your garden or allotment and letting other people get the same enjoyment from looking at your garden as you? Opening your garden can be a very rewarding and valuable experience, for you and your visitors. Gardens don’t need to be large or elaborate to be enjoyable and interesting for visitors. The gardens can be small back gardens that have been made special by hard work, skill and the love of gardening. Maybe you have an unusual collection of shrubs, trees, roses, succulents or a keen vegetable grower, a garden retreat, courtyard garden or children’s garden. Visitors like to see interesting planning and design, a good range of plants and gardens which have been tended with love and care. Visitors often like to talk about the garden with the owners, and they also enjoy a good cup of tea or similar refreshments. Opening your garden to the public may seem daunting at first, but most garden owners find it a very enjoyable experience. Are you interested in opening your garden to the public as part of Barns Green Inaugural Open Gardens Programme on the 28th June? You have until 10th May to register… contact the BIG Mag editor at Plant of the Month Prunus'Kiku Shidare Sakura' (Cheal's Weeping Cherry) A tree of weeping habit, as the name suggests. Therefore ideal for a small garden or space. Will make a nice specimen, growing to a height of 3 to 6 metres (10 to 12ft).
Seasonal interest at this time of year, by way of double pink flowers, produced in clusters, on deciduous branches. However, the timing of flowering may intercede with the first growth of foliage, which is coppery/bronze in appearance. This compliments the flowers. The foliage will turn to a mid-green on maturity and may offer some Autumn colour of reds and yellow. Report by Mark Pearce – Your Local Nurseryman. March Spring arrives! Spring usually arrives by mid-March and the frequent sunny days provide the opportunity for an increasing range of gardening tasks. It's time to get busy preparing seed beds, sowing seed, cutting back winter shrubs and generally tidying up around the garden. Top 10 jobs this month Protect new spring shoots from slugs Plant shallots, onion sets and early potatoes Plant summer-flowering bulbs Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials Top dress containers with fresh compost Mow the lawn on dry days (if needed) Cut back Cornus (dogwood) and Salix (willow) grown for colourful winter stems Hoe and mulch weeds to keep them under control early Start feeding fish and using the pond fountain; remove pond heaters Prune bush and climbing roses Francesca Riccini - Rudgwick Gardens - T. 01403 822154 Mobile Personal Training
Emily White 07341826668 ————————————————————
Emily White’s Nails Manicures, pedicures, UV gel nails and pamper parties too. Call Emily today to book 07341 826 668 Find me on Facebook @EmilysEssentialNails 18
BARNS GREEN SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB We have some exciting developments at the club. We are hoping to extend our changing rooms so we can accommodate more of our sports teams. We hope to extend the kitchen and some other parts of the club in line with this. We would love you all to come to a presentation of our th plans on 28 April at 7pm. Please try to come along because we want your input and suggestions too. The football club are holding their ‘End of Season’ party on Saturday 6th May with live entertainment from the Genesis and Phil Collins Tribute Band – No Jacket Required. Our BINGO night will be slightly later this month so it’s Eyes Down on the Thursday 18th May.
The Simon Viney Rugby Memorial day will be on Sunday 21st May, always a great day and a wonderful fundraiser for local charities. Then it’s live music with Rod Stewart, well almost – it’s Andy Locksley an excellent Rod Stewart tribute act and he will have the place rocking on Saturday 27th May 7pm, Friday 28th April - Changing Rooms Development Presentation 8pm, Sat 6th May – Football End of Season Party – with No Jacket Required 8pm Thursday 18th May – BINGO 10am, 21st May – Simon Viney Rugby Memorial Day 8pm, Sat 27th May –-Rod Stewart (Andy Locksley) Telephone: 01403 730473. E-mail: Web: ——————————————————————————————————————
Barns Green Car Scheme
The Car Scheme for transport to appointments for those who find local transport to difficult or who have no others means of getting to and fro has been going since 2008. We rely on local drivers who have some spare time and a car. At the moment we are rather low on drivers, so if any of you reading this could become a volunteer it would be wonderful. We ask the passenger to donate at least 45p per mile to the driver. At the moment our village people seem very well or have their own transport, so the drivers haven’t been called on very much lately. Our lovely phone contact, Daphne, is herself waiting for a hospital opp so will be unable to take calls for help. Please can you contact me, Carol 730001 if you require transport to an appointment. One of the wonderful outcomes of this help scheme is the generosity of you, the village people. The red box in Barns Green Shop regularly has your small change put into it, for which I thank you greatly. Over the years we have donated £790 to Shelter Box Appeal for the victims of 2010 earthquake in Haiti, £45 towards David Francis Roon,£100 towards the Defibrillator, £300 to BGYC, £300 to PCC repair funds for the toilet and latterly £300 to BG1/2 Marathon, a grand total of £1,835, all from that little Red Box. Please give yourselves a pat on the back. Something that took off all those years ago from an idea St Nicolas Pastoral team started has become a wonderful way of helping more than just those who need transport. May God bless you all. Carol, Tony and all the drivers. 21
Will matters
Christine Brown
Fully trained and insured Willwriters
Mature Local Painter and Decorator
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Full range of services with fixed prices Appointments in your own home Evening and weekend appointments available Please call: Claire Gordon on 01403 791337 or 07551 303002
01403 730078
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Apply now for a FREE Initial Consultation
Climbing Stump Grinding
SPECIAL OFFER: 15% off hourly rate for first 10 clients taken on (valid for 6 months), please quote BIG MAG.
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Jane Edlin (MIAB) 01403 731962 / 07940 501169
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At Audiologica we pride ourselves in a personalised service We offer high quality home audio systems as well as high end headphones and MP3 players. We specialise in computer based audio: rip your entire CD collection onto one of our systems to reduce clutter and hear your music as you’ve never heard it before! We are based in Barns Green so happy to pop round to do a demonstration or discuss your needs.
tel: 01403 336339 mob: 07901 833128 web: mail: 23
LAWN MOWING Regular fortnightly or
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11 years experience Fully insured Quality machines used Hayter, Honda, Stihl
For your FREE quotation Phone BEN on
01403 730347 or 07783 072314
Muntham House School’s Local Offer to the Community
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex. Is a specialist boarding and day school for boys aged 8-18 with emotional and social difficulties which affect their learning and behaviour. The School has an excellent reputation and has been judged by OFSTED as Outstanding or Good for the last 15 years. Muntham has also picked up international awards from the British Council.
Muntham House has a history of successful partnership working with local schools, Care services, other public services and Further Education colleges. Muntham House School has an excellent reputation with local and national employers, Further Education colleges and universities where our young people continue to thrive and become successful citizens and taxpayers. Muntham House is a non-maintained boarding and day specialist school set up by the Ministry of Education in 1953 and has a long tradition of partnership working with all of the local authorities in the South and South East of England. We welcome the New Children and Families Act and the attendant SEND Code of Practice and in particular the new development of a Local Offer to Parents and others for the support of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Please call us for free advice on any challenging behaviour you may be experiencing with your child.
Muntham House School, Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ Tel: 01403 730302 Email: Web:
N. P. Duley Tiling and Plastering Building Refurbishments High level of workmanship with a down to earth approach Bathrooms Kitchens Alterations Interiors Finishing Work Decoration Conversions Outside Work
Telephone: 01403 738103 Mobile: 07917 457286 Email: Website: Fully Insured - Southwater based
P.F. Brown Building contractor - New homes, Extensions, Renovations, Patio’s, Drives and Roofing. Local builder for over 30 years, NHBC registered
Phone - 01403 741479 Mobile - 07870 842 216 Email-
Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Baby Massage, Relaxation Massage and Thai Foot Massage. HOLISTIC FACIALS using Neal’s Yard Products and Anti Aging Facial Massage techniques. Neal’s Yard Products and Pamper Parties also available. Contact Gemma on 07500934286 /
. 28
For recycling and waste collection dates go to the Horsham District Council website
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators Name
Area of Responsibility
Tony West David Redston & Diana Hewlett Tish Scragg Dr Roger Smith Sharon Stahlberger Elleanor Wallis David Liley Rob & Nicola Fryatt Peter Carpenter Roger Corry
Sandhills Road, Muntham Drive. Trout Lane, Cross Lane & Two Mile Ash. Baystone Corner Bashurst Hill Emms Lane The Hordens Smugglers Way Chapel Road Area Co-ordinator Valewood Lane 29
Tel No. 730493 732293 730222 791370 790533 730478 732762 732831 732703 730627 730676
Waste and recycling information. Horsham (Hop Oast) Viridor Waste Management, Hop Oast, Worthing Road, Horsham, RH13 0AR Tel: (01403) 732497 Summer Opening times Days Time 1st April - 30th September Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 19:00 Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Winter Opening times Days Times 1st October - 31st March Monday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 17:00 Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Billingshurst Viridor Waste Management, Newbridge Road, Billingshurst, RH14 9HY Tel: 0845 1300 393 (Viridor main office) Summer Opening times Days Time 1st April - 30th September Monday, Thursday, Friday Satudary, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 19:00 Tuesday, Wednesday Closed Winter Opening times Days Times 1st October - 31st March Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10:00 - 17:00 Thursday, Friday Closed Please Note: The sites will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day These sites provide recycling facilities for a range of materials including: Batteries, Gas bottles, Mixed Paper and Card, Flourescent tubes, Fridges and Freezers, Tyres, Used lubricating oil, Household (non-lead acid) batteries and car (lead acid) batteries
For more information please call the West Sussex County Council waste management unit on (01243) 642106 or visit the West Sussex County Council Household Waste Recycling Sites pages.
Village Contacts.
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BARNS GREEN TRANSPORT HELP SCHEME Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 BARNS GREEN HALF MARATHON Sue Parillon 07833 784 961 BARNS GREEN & ITCHINTFIELD TRAFFIC GROUP BARNS GREEN PLAYERS Philippa Berry 01403 730742 BELLRINGERS Carol Clarke 01403 730047 BIG MAG Commercial Ads 01403 731182 Magazine distribution 01403 731722 BROWNIES Fiona Christer 01403 738806 GUIDES Karen Jordan 01403 252270 CHURCH - Lay Reader Carol Shepherd01403 730001 CHURCH WARDENS Tony West 01403 730493 Miriam Coghill 01403 730065 CHURCH CHOIR & TABLE TOP SHOP Mags Fisher 01403 790717 CRICKET CLUB Martin Hennock 01403 730462 CRICKET CLUB - COLTS Will Haynes 01403 730682 DISTRICT COUNCILLORS Stuart Ritchie 01403 270988 Tricia Youtan 01403 790669 FOOTBALL CLUB Pete Walker 07783 442 1033 BARNS GREEN PRIMARY SCHOOL Simon Simmons 01403 730614
LOCAL VOCALS Jenny Bailey 07792049721 MONDAY CLUB Eve Barrett 01403 730182 MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Bailey 01403 790866 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Peter Carpenter 01403 730627 PARENT & TODDLER GROUP Anne-Marie Hobbs 01403 731192 PARISH COUNCIL - CHAIRMAN Penny Simpson 01403 731019 PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Jan Critchley 01403 731596 : PLAYGROUP Bev Liley 01403 732831 RAINBOWS Fiona Christer 01403 738806 RUGBY CLUB Bill Bailey 01403 730068 SCOUTS Paul Cooper 01403 588632 SHORT MAT BOWLS Eve Barrett 01403 730182 SOCIAL CLUB Trevor Courquin 01403 731745 STOOLBALL (Ladies) Ann Tingley 01403 730236 TENNIS CLUB Monica Hargrave 01403 730024 VILLAGE HALL - BOOKINGS 01403 731003 VILLAGE TRUST & FIELD COMMITTEE Martin Hargrave 01403 730024 WI Daphne Lindfield 01403 791258 YOUTH CLUB Ian Lea 01403 732277 31
Useful Numbers AGE UK General enquiries 01403 260560 Visiting service 01403 260560 Pensions & benefits 01403 274495 CHILDLINE 0800 1111 CENTRAL & SOUTH SUSSEX CITIZENS ADVICE 0344 477 1171 COMPASS BUSES 01903 690025 ELECTRICITY (EMERGENCIES) 0845 770 8090 or dial 105 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 GAS (EMERGENCIES) - SMELL GAS? 0800 111 999 AGE CONCERN “HELP AT HOME” SERVICE 01403 751322 HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL 01403 215100 NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE 0808 2000247
NHS (NON EMERGENCY) 111 (calls are free) PENSIONS SERVICE 0845 606 0265 POLICE (NON EMERGENCY) 101 (calls cost 15p) SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 or 01403 276276 SOUTHERN WATER 0845 278 0845 TRADING STANDARDS 0345 404 0506 (National consumer helpline) TRAINS (National Rail Enquiries) 0845 748 4950 WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL 01243 777100 HIGHWAYS – 01243 642105 REPORT A PROBLEM (POTHOLES etc) WEST SUSSEX SOCIAL SERVICES 01243 777100
The BIG Mag. Magazine for Barns Green, Itchingfield & Christ’s Hospital. Copyright: Barns Green Community Publications
The BIG Mag is published in Barns Green by Barns Green Community Publications. Email: 32