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Expansion Joints | Expellers | Field Instruments | Filters
Swenson Technology, Inc.
26000 South Whiti ng Way Monee, IL 60449 Erick Neuman, Internati onal Business Manager Phone (708-587-2300) sales@swensontechnology.com www.swensontechnology.com
Expansion Joints
Proco Products, Inc.
PO Box 590 2431 North Wigwam Drive (95205) Stockton, CA 95201 Rob Coff ee, Vice President of Sales & Marketi ng Phone (209-483-5107) robc@procoproducts.com www.procoproducts.com
French Oil Mill Machinery Co.
PO Box 920 1035 West Greene Street Piqua, OH 45356 Robert Pavlik, Oilseed Sales Engineer Phone (937-451-5438) Fax (937-773-3424) rppavlik@frenchoil.com www.frenchoil.com
Field Instruments
Levelese, Inc.
680 South Alton Way, Unit 4D Denver, CO 80247 Sallyanne Ofner, President Phone (303-586-1890) sales@levelese.com www.levelese.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtrati on
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502 Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Offi cer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fl uideng.com www.fl uideng.com
Filtrati on Equipment
Advanced Fuel Soluti ons, Inc.
85 Flagship Drive, Unit K North Andover, MA 01845 Leo Verruso, General Manager Phone (978-258-8360) Fax (978-258-8354) leo@yourfuelsoluti on.com www.yourfuelsoluti on.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtrati on
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502 Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Offi cer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fl uideng.com www.fl uideng.com
LEEM Filtrati on
25 Arrow Road Ramsey, NJ 07446 Ryan Boyd, Sales Phone (813-704-4966) r.boyd@leemfi ltrati on.com leemfi ltrati on.com
Ameridia Innovati ve Soluti ons, Inc.
2656 Napa Valley Corporate Drive Napa, CA 94558 Daniel Bar, Vice President of Sales & Business Development Phone (707-690-1570) Fax (707-690-1571) dbar@ameridia.com www.ameridia.com
Industrial Sales Soluti ons, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Jim Vogel, President & Sales Manager Phone (612-805-7646) jim.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Fire—Preventi on
SW Firefi ghti ng Foam & Equipment, LLC
25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505 Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfi refi ghti ngfoam.com swfi refi ghti ngfoam.com
SW Firefi ghti ng Foam & Equipment, LLC
25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505 Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfi refi ghti ngfoam.com swfi refi ghti ngfoam.com
Gas Detectors
Industrial Sales Soluti ons, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Jim Vogel, President & Sales Manager Phone (612-805-7646) jim.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Gasifi cati on
Cast Aluminum Soluti ons
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510 Jeff rey Awe, Global Marketi ng Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsoluti ons.com www.castaluminumsoluti ons.com/ circulati on-heater-summary
Heat Exchangers
Cast Aluminum Soluti ons
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510 Jeff rey Awe, Global Marketi ng Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsoluti ons.com www.castaluminumsoluti ons.com/ circulati on-heater-summary
DDI Heat Exchangers, Inc.
305 Baffi n Street Dollard Des Ormeaux, QC H9A 3G4 Canada Erwin Schwartz, President Phone (514-696-7961) erwin@ddi.ca www.ddi-heatexchangers.com
Enerquip, LLC
611 North Road Medford, WI 54451 Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
Industrial Sales Soluti ons, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Jim Vogel, President & Sales Manager Phone (612-805-7646) jim.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Mason Manufacturing
PO Box 3577 1645 North Railroad Avenue Decatur, IL 62524 Mike Arrington, Sales Manager Phone (317-847-5413) mike.arrington@masonmfg.com www.masonmfg.com
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095
Sales Department
Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
Heat Transfer Fluid
Paratherm-Heat Transfer Fluids
2009 Renaissance Boulevard King of Prussia, PA 19406 Dyron Liverman, Oil & Gas Chemical Sales Engineer Phone (713-213-7409) www.paratherm.com
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Stephanie Crass, Marketi ng Manager Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm