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Boiler System | Catwalks | Centrifuges | Coalescers
FPZ, Inc.
150 North Progress Drive Saukville, WI 53080 Jim Risselman, Sales Phone (262-268-0180) usa@fpz.com www.fpz.com
TMC Fluid Systems
13217 Jamboree Road, Suite 482 Tusti n, CA 92782 Sam Mian, Director Phone (949-269-1472) Fax (949-423-0159) sales@tmcfl uidsystems.com www.tmcfl uidsystems.com
Boiler System
Indeck Power Equipment Company
1111 Willis Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090 Debra Sullo, Interim Marketi ng Specialist Phone (847-541-8300) Fax (847-541-9984) dsullo@indeck-power.com www.indeck.com
Outotec Energy Products
3568 West Industrial Loop Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Jim Starkey, Director of Business Development Phone (208-765-1611) Fax (208-765-0503) jim.starkey@mogroup.com www.outotec/energy.com
Outotec Energy Products
3568 West Industrial Loop Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Michael Grimm, Business Development Manager Phone (208-765-1611) Fax (208-765-0503) michael.grimm@mogroup.com www.outotec.com/energy
Savage Associates, Inc.
1691 Route 206 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Brian Savage, Project Manager Phone (908-234-1216) brians@savageassociatesinc.com savageassociatesinc.com
Dolphin Centrifuge
24248 Gibson Drive Warren, MI 48089 Jim Kraft , Manager Phone (248-819-1732) sales@dolphincentrifuge.com dolphincentrifuge.com
Flott weg Separati on Technology, Inc.
10700 Toebben Drive Indpendence, KY 41051 Lori Huber, Marketi ng Specialist Phone (859-448-2300) lhuber@fl ott weg.net www.fl ott weg.com
GEA North America
100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647 Greg Waranica, Market Manager Phone (201-245-5652) gregory.waranica@gea.com gea.com
Kyte Centrifuge, LLC
30 Greenwells Glory Drive Biltmore Lake, NC 28715 David Kyte, President Phone (832-368-2667) dave@kytecentrifuge.com www.kytecentrifuge.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtrati on
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502 Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Offi cer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fl uideng.com www.fl uideng.com
Computer Soft ware
Reiter Soft ware, LLC
599 Colonial Drive Grand Juncti on, CO 81507 Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reitersoft ware.com www.reitersoft ware.com
Control Systems
Western States Controls
815 Arnold Drive #118 Marti nez, CA 94553 Tim Rose, President Phone (925-370-1500) ti mr@iwestco.com www.iwestco.com
Economy Controls Corporati on
9801 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63123 Andrew Freeman, Project Manager Phone (314-544-3700) Fax (317-544-5373) sales@economycontrols.com www.economycontrols.com
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250 Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Novaspect, Inc.
1124 Tower Road Schaumburg, IL 60173 Tom Mladucky, Director of Automati on Modernizati on Phone (920-757-7101) tmladucky@novaspect.com www.novaspect.com
Cooling Tower
Tower Performance, Inc.
8031 Airport Boulevard, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 Jalene Fritz, Parts Sales Manager Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (970-472-1304) jfritz@towerperformance.com www.towerperformance.com
Custody Transfer Systems
PFT-Alexander, Inc.
3250 East Grant Street Signal Hill, CA 90755 Bernie Mock, Operati ons Phone (562-595-1741) Fax (562-884-0788) bmock@pft -alexander.com www.pft -alexander.com
Disti llati on Equipment
Savengy Technologies
3259 Progress Drive, Room 108 Orlando, FL 32826 Wei Wu, Manager Phone (407-494-5663) weiwu@savengy.com www.savengy.com
Thermal Kineti cs, a division of RCM Technologies
85 Northpointe Parkway, Suite 2 Amherst, NY 14228 Marcos Filgueiras, Vice President of Business Development & Marketi ng Phone (585-485-9779) mfi lgueiras@thermalkineti cs.net www.thermalkineti cs.net
Dust Control Systems
9732 Pfl umm Road Lenexa, KS 66215 Tracy Janssen, Vice President of Air Polluti on Control Phone (913-831-0740) Fax (913-831-9271) tracyj@camcorpinc.com www.camcorpinc.com
Emission Monitoring Systems
Air Techniques, Inc.
2999 Johnson Ferry Road Mariett a, GA 30062 Thomas Wassel, Sales Phone (704-681-3025) twassel@airtechniquesinc.com www.ati cems.com
Industrial Sales Soluti ons, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Jim Vogel, President & Sales Manager Phone (612-805-7646) jim.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Cast Aluminum Soluti ons
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510 Jeff rey Awe, Global Marketi ng Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsoluti ons.com www.castaluminumsoluti ons.com/ circulati on-heater-summary