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Heaters-Thermal Fluid
American Heati ng, an Enerquip company
611 North Road Medford, WI 54451 Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com americanheati ngco.com
Cast Aluminum Soluti ons
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510 Jeff rey Awe, Global Marketi ng Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsoluti ons.com www.castaluminumsoluti ons.com/ circulati on-heater-summary
INTEC Engineering GmbH
John-Deere-Str. 43 Bruchsal, Baden-Württ emberg 76646 Germany Christi an Daniel, Sales Director Phone (49-7251-93243-00) Fax (49-7251-93243-99) info@intec-energy.de www.intec-energy.com
Intec Thermal Energy
5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharett a, GA 30004 Todd Fahring, Sales Phone (770-910-4232) tf ahring@thermalpd.com www.intecthermal.com
Thermal Process Development
5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharett a, GA 30004 Todd Fahring, Sales Phone (770-910-4232) tf ahring@thermalpd.com www.thermalpd.com
Instrumentati on
Automati on Products, Inc.DYNATROL® Division
3030 Maxroy Street Houston, TX 77008 Steve Sawyer, Factory Sales Manager Phone (713-869-0361) Fax (713-869-7332) ssawyer@dynatrolusa.com www.dynatrolusa.com
Conveyor Components Company
PO Box 167 130 Seltzer Road Croswell, MI 48422 Rich Washkevich, Sales Manager Phone (800-233-3233) Fax (810-679-4510) info@conveyorcomponents.com www.conveyorcomponents.com
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250 Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Jensen Instrument Co.
643 South Duggan Avenue Azusa, CA 91702 Steve Molinari, President Phone (626-969-7991) stevem@jenseninstr.com www.jenseninstr.com
Laboratory Outsourcing
R W Heiden Associates LLC
1026 New Holland Avenue Burle Corporate Park Lancaster, PA 17601 Richard Heiden, Chief Science & Technology Offi cer Phone (717-299-6860) Fax (717-299-6868) rwheidenphd@aol.com www.supersleuthchemists.com
14432 Southeast Eastgate Way Suite 450 Bellevue, WA 98007
Marketi ng
Phone (425-637-2107) customerservice@atago-usa.com www.atago-usa.com
HEMCO Corporati on
711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056 Jerry Schwarz, Marketi ng Phone (816-796-2900) Fax (816-796-3333) info@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
PerkinElmer, Inc.
549 Albany Street Boston, MA 02118 Lucy Jenner, Segment Marketi ng Manager Phone (800-446-0035) Fax (617-482-1380) lucy.jenner@perkinelmer.com www.perkinelmer.com
Sonics & Materials, Inc.
53 Church Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470 Lois Baiad, Sales & Marketi ng Coordinator Phone (203-270-4600) Fax (203-270-4610) lbaiad@sonics.com www.sonics.com
SPECTRO Analyti cal Instruments
91 McKee Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 Thomas Bloomer, Director of Marketi ng Phone (201-642-3000) info.spectro@ametek.com www.spectro.com
Verder Scienti fi c, Inc.
11 Penns Trail, Suite 300 Newtown, PA 18940 Georg Schick, President Phone (267-757-0351) Fax (267-757-0358) info-us@verder-scienti fi c.com www.verder-scienti fi c.com
ACCM, Inc.
PO Box 7071 Duluth, MN 55807 Jim Carter, Owner Phone (218-576-2835) sales@advancedcarbonfi ber.com www.accmglobal.com
J.C. Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc.
408 South Veterans Street Flandreau, SD 57028 Kelley Ramsdell, President Phone (605-997-3706) mel@jcramsdell.net www.jcramsdell.com
Loading Equipment
Carbis Soluti ons
1430 West Darlington Street Florence, SC 29501 Brandi Caldwell, Marketi ng Manager Phone (479-883-2405) brandi.caldwell@carbissoluti ons.com carbissoluti ons.com www.grpumps.com
Loading Equipment— Liquid
Savage Associates, Inc.
1691 Route 206 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Brian Savage, Project Manager Phone (908-234-1216) brians@savageassociatesinc.com savageassociatesinc.com
14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038 Jon Krueger, Field Service Sales & Operati ons Manager Phone (763-571-8110) info@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Lubricati on Systems
7508 Brockwood Court North Richland Hills, TX 76182 Jim Crandall, Lubricati on & Fuel Consultant Phone (877-300-5823) Fax (877-811-5172) jcran650@gmail.com
Material Handling
Wolf Material Handling Systems
12680 Industrial Boulevard Elk River, MN 55330 Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketi ng Manager Phone (612-859-8207) Fax (763-576-9070) sales@wolfmhs.com wolfmhs.com
Tapco, Inc.
225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044 Krystal Moentmann, Administrati ve & Events Specialist Phone (314-739-9191) Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com