34 minute read
Company Index
ACCM, Inc.
PO Box 7071 Duluth, MN 55807 Jim Carter, Owner Phone (218-576-2835) sales@advancedcarbonfiber.com www.accmglobal.com
Acterra Group, Inc.
PO Box 160 200 35th Street Marion, IA 52302 Tad Cooper, President Phone (800-289-7371) info@acterragroup.com www.acterragroup.com
Advanced Biodiesel Cluster
Av Normalistas 800 Colinas de la Normal Guadalajara, Jalisco 44270 Mexico Georgina Sandoval, Technical Manager Phone (52-33-33-455-200) biodiesel@gmx.us bdavanzado.org
Advanced Biofuels USA
507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701 Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395) info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd.
PO Box 419 160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070 Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597) Fax (305-852-2598) rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Advanced Fuel Solutions, Inc.
85 Flagship Drive, Unit K North Andover, MA 01845 Leo Verruso, General Manager Phone (978-258-8360) Fax (978-258-8354) leo@yourfuelsolution.com www.yourfuelsolution.com
Adwest Technologies, Ceco Environmental
680 Langsdorf Avenue, Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832 Brian Cannon, Vice President of Sales Phone (716-474-9462) bcannon@onececo.com www.cecoenviro.com
Aequor, Inc.
11575 Sorrento Valley Road #215 San Diego, CA 92121 Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854) Fax (858-255-7854) mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
AFRY Management Consulting
295 Madison Avenue, Suite 705 New York, NY 10017 Jose Gonzalez, Senior Principal Phone (404-434-3548) jose.gonzalez@afry.com www.afry.com
Ag Processing, Inc.
12700 West Dodge Road Omaha, NE 68103 Nathan Nolte, Sales Manager of Renewable Fuels Phone (402-431-5094) nnolte@agp.com www.agp.com
AGRI-associates, Inc.
6900 College Boulevard, Suite 275 Overland Park, KS 66211 Glenn Person, President Phone (913-696-9990) gjp@agriassociates.com www.agriassociates.com
Air Resource Specialists, Inc.
1901 Sharp Point Drive, Suite F Fort Collins, CO 80525 Katrina Winborn-Miller, Manager of Environmental Compliance Section Phone (970-484-7941) Fax (970-484-3423) kwinborn-miller@air-resource.com www.air-resource.com
Air Techniques, Inc.
2999 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta, GA 30062 Thomas Wassel, Sales Phone (704-681-3025) twassel@airtechniquesinc.com www.aticems.com
284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19335 Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) infocenter@airmatic.com www.airmatic.com
Airoflex Equipment
6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761 Katy Lee, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (563-264-8066) Fax (651-631-2539) sales@airoflex.com airoflex.com
AirPro Fan & Blower Company
PO Box 543 425 West Davenport Street Rhinelander, WI 54501 Chet White, Sales Manager Phone (715-365-3267) fans@airprofan.com airprofan.com
Alcohol Tax Consultants, Inc.
PO Box 1595 Madison Square Station New York, NY 10159 Matt Zuckerman, President Phone (917-771-9906) info@alcoholtax.com alcoholtax.com
Amalgamated, Inc.
PO Box 8977 6211 Discount Drive (46818) Fort Wayne, IN 46898 Gary Pipenger, CEO Phone (260-489-2549) Fax (260-489-9834) gpipenger2@frontier.com www.amalgamatedinc.com
American Heating, an Enerquip company
611 North Road Medford, WI 54451 Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com americanheatingco.com
Ameridia Innovative Solutions, Inc.
2656 Napa Valley Corporate Drive Napa, CA 94558 Daniel Bar, Vice President of Sales & Business Development Phone (707-690-1570) Fax (707-690-1571) dbar@ameridia.com www.ameridia.com
Andax Industries
613 West Palmer Saint Marys, KS 66536 Jim Bunn, Sales Manager Phone (785-437-0604) Fax (785-437-0616) sales@andax.com andax.com
Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc.
8855 North 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 Kevin Summ, Director of Marketing Phone (414-365-6400) kevin.summ@anguil.com www.anguil.com
APAC Biofuel Consultants
8 Chelmsford Avenue Mitcham, SA 5062 Australia Mike Cochran, Principal Phone (61-0419-116-696) biofuels@eccoaustralia.com eccoaustralia.com
Arcosa Tank, LLC
500 North Akard Street, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75201 Don Wallace, Sales Manager ASME Storage Tanks & Pressure Vessels Phone (888-558-8529) don.wallace@arcosa.com www.arcosatank.com
Arisdyne Systems, Inc.
17830 Englewood Drive, Suite 11 Cleveland, OH 44135 Darren Litle, Director of Sales Phone (216-389-0230) dlitle@arisdyne.com www.arisdyne.com
Arkema, Inc.
900 First Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 Megan Reimer, Marketing Specialist Phone (610-205-7557) megan.reimer@arkema.com www.arkema.com/global/en/products/ product-families/thiochemicals
Asahi/America, Inc.
655 Andover Street Lawrence, MA 01843 Kristin McLeod, Marketing Specialist Phone (781-321-5409) asahi@asahi-america.com www.asahi-america.com
Aslan Group, LLC-Leonard Associates
4739 Loyola Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Charles Leonard, Certified Industrial Hygienist Phone (225-335-7457) charlie@cleonard.net cleonard.net
Association Quality Management Biodiesel-AGQM Biodiesel e.V.
Am Weidendamm 1A Berlin 10117 Germany Richard Wicht, Manager Phone (49-30-726-259-80) Fax (49-30-726-259-85) info@agqm-biodiesel.de www.agqm-biodiesel.com
AT Agrar-Technik Int. GmbH
Lichtenberger Weg 8 Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg 72070 Germany Moritz Pflueger, Business Assistant Phone (49-7071-539-22-21) moritzpflueger@at-agrartechnik.de www.at-agrartechnik.de
14432 Southeast Eastgate Way, Suite 450 Bellevue, WA 98007 Marketing, Phone (425-637-2107) customerservice@atago-usa.com www.atago-usa.com
Auris BioEnergy, Inc.
245 First Street, Suite 1800 Cambridge, MA 02142 Irshad Ahmed, President & CEO Phone (617-955-0020) Fax (201-843-8010) iahmed@aurisbioenergy.com www.aurisbioenergy.com
Automation Products, Inc.-DYNATROL® Division
3030 Maxroy Street Houston, TX 77008 Steve Sawyer, Factory Sales Manager Phone (713-869-0361) Fax (713-869-7332) ssawyer@dynatrolusa.com www.dynatrolusa.com
Avalon Energy Group, LLC
4 Tyler Road Lexington, MA 02420 Irshad Ahmed, President & CEO Phone (201-843-8100) Fax (201-843-8010) avalonenergy@gmail.com www.avalonenergygroup.com
1025 East South River Street Appleton, WI 54915 Scott Kennedy, Business Development Manager Phone (920-734-5791) skennedy@azco-inc.com www.azco-inc.com
B100: New Bio-Lubricant for All Internal Combustion Engines
Cra 19 63C-58 Bogotá DC, Cundi 111221 Colombia Cesar Bautista Sterling, Engineer in Machine Design Phone (57-300-2412000) cesarbautistasterling@gmail.com patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/ detail.jsf?docId=WO2020194030&_ cid=P10-KVJN5E-56560-1
Barnum Mechanical, Inc.
3260 Penryn Road Loomis, CA 95650 Phone (800-922-7686) marketing.barnummech@gmail.com www.barnummech.com
BASF Corporation
1609 Biddle Wyandotte, MI 48192 Beth Primeau, New Business Development Phone (313-573-6585) beth.primeau@basf.com chemicals.basf.com
BBI Project Development
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com
BDI-BioEnergy International
Parkring 18 Raaba-Grambach, Styria 8074 Austria Hermann Stockinger, CSO Phone (43-3164-009-100) jeannine.putz@bdi-holding.com www.bdi-bioenergy.com/en/start
Biobor Fuel Additives
6951 West Little York Road Houston, TX 77040 Blake Rampy, Sales Manager Phone (800-548-9166) sales@biobor.com www.biobor.com
Biodiesel & Renewable Diesel Summit
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselsummit.com
Biodiesel Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselmagazine.com
Biofuels International
124 Middleton Road Morden, Surrey SM4 6RW United Kingdom Peter Patterson, Publisher Phone (44-208-648-7082) peter@woodcotemedia.com www.biofuels-news.com
BioFuran Materials, LLC
920 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 Chengy Gwengo, Principal Scientist Phone (412-376-7101) biofm@biofuranchem.com www.biofuranchem.com
Biomass Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com
Bioplant Technologies, LLC dba ClearEcos
PO Box 21126 Boulder, CO 80308 Kurt Lange, Partner/CEO Phone (303-444-8495) messages@clearecos.com www.clearecos.com
Bob Moore Biodiesel
3509 Brookford Drive Norman, OK 73072 Bob Moore, President Phone (580-695-0331) bobmoorebiodiesel@yahoo.com bobmooregreenergy.weebly.com
2925 Senna Drive Matthews, NC 28105 Clayton Tolley, President & CEO Phone (704-625-0106) info@brandsymbol.com brandsymbol.com
Bridgestone Associates, Ltd.
PO Box 1299 Chadds Ford, PA 19317 Martin Anderson, President & CEO Phone (610-388-6191) solutions@brdgstn.com www.brdgstn.com
Bryan Yeh Consulting
156 Arlene Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Bryan Yeh, Managing Director Phone (925-945-7540) bryan@bryanyeh.com www.bryanyeh.com
BSI Engineering
300 E-Business Way, Suite 300 Cincinnati, OH 45231 Monica Prather, Marketing Coordinator Phone (513-201-3100) info@bsiengr.com www.bsiengr.com
California Advanced Biofuels Alliance (CABA)
1415 L Street, Suite 460 Sacramento, CA 95814 Rebecca Baskins, Executive Director Phone (916-743-8935) rebecca@caadvancedbiofuelsalliance.org www.caadvancedbiofuelsalliance.org
9732 Pflumm Road Lenexa, KS 66215 Tracy Janssen, Vice President of Air Pollution Control Phone (913-831-0740) Fax (913-831-9271) tracyj@camcorpinc.com www.camcorpinc.com
Canary Biofuels, Inc.
#322 11th Avenue Southwest #408 Calgary, AB T2R 0C5 Canada Lorne Petersen, Vice President of Business Development Phone (403-415-9444) lpetersen@canarybiofuels.com www.canarybiofuels.com
Carbis Solutions
1430 West Darlington Street Florence, SC 29501 Brandi Caldwell, Marketing Manager Phone (479-883-2405) brandi.caldwell@carbissolutions.com carbissolutions.com
Carbon Capture & Storage Summit
308 2nd Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
Cast Aluminum Solutions
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510 Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com circulation-heater-summary
Catalytic Products International
980 Ensell Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Steve Klostermeyer, Vice President of Sales Phone (847-438-0334) sales@cpilink.com www.cpilink.com
CEM Machine
571 West End Avenue Carthage, NY 13619 Jason Flint, North American Sales & Service Manager Phone (315-493-4258) sales@cem-machine.com www.cem-machine.com
CF Technologies, Inc.
1 Westinghouse Plaza, Suite D101 Hyde Park, MA 02136 Jessica Sweeney, Vice President Phone (617-364-2500) jessica@cftechnologies.com cftechnologies.com
Christianson PLLP
302 Fifth Street Southwest Willmar, MN 56201 Jamey Cline, Business Development Director Phone (320-235-5937) Fax (320-235-5962) jcline@christiansoncpa.com www.christiansoncpa.com
Cielo Waste Solutions
Bridge View Place II 5114 58th Street, Suite 115 Red Deer, AB T4N 2L8 Canada Don Allen, President & CEO info@cielows.com www.cielows.com
Clariant Refinery Services
2750 Technology Forest Boulevard The Woodlands, TX 77381 Jeffrey Burns, Head of Refinery Phone (281-296-3216) Fax (281-465-9200) jeff.burns@clariant.com www.clariant.com/refinery
Clean Energy Consultants
134 Dogwood Drive Southeast Milledgeville, GA 31061 Ernie Pollitzer, Owner Phone (770-331-2858) ernie@cleanenergyconsultants.net cleanenergyconsultants.net
Clean Water Technology
19008 South Western Avenue Gardena, CA 90249 Linda Englander Mills, Vice President Phone (414-335-8735) lmills@cwt-global.com www.cwt-global.com
CMM Ingenieria
Parana 1883 Bella Vista, Buenos Aires B1661 Argentina Carlos Muñoz, Director Phone (54911-40251212) tec@savoiapower.com www.savoiapower.com/biodiesel.html
Commodity Talent LLC
27 East 28th Street New York, NY 10016 George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com
Community Fuels
809-C Snedeker Avenue Stockton, CA 95203 Bryan Yeh, President & CEO Phone (760-942-9306) bryany@communityfuels.com www.communityfuels.com
CompuWeigh Corp.
50 Middle Quarter Road Woodbury, CT 06798 Tim Ciucci, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (203-262-9400) Fax (203-262-9488) tim@compuweigh.com www.compuweigh.com
Consolidated Biofuels, Ltd.
7651 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1A6 Canada Dan Treleaven, President Phone (604-943-8653) Fax (604-946-9609) dtreleaven@consolidatedbiofuels.net www.consolidatedbiofuels.net
Conveyor Components Company
PO Box 167 130 Seltzer Road Croswell, MI 48422 Rich Washkevich, Sales Manager Phone (800-233-3233) Fax (810-679-4510) info@conveyorcomponents.com www.conveyorcomponents.com
Cooling Technology Institute (CTI)
PO Box 681807 3845 Cypress Creek Parkway, Suite 420 (77068) Houston, TX 77268 Jalene Fritz, Membership Committee Vice Chair Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (281-537-1721) jfritz@tpitx.com www.cti.org
Critical Path Management, LLC (CPM)
N4980 Bradley Street Gleason, WI 54435 Bob Shank, Owner Phone (715-218-3979) bob_shank@cpmcm.com www.cpmcm.com
Crown Global Headquarters & Innovation Center
9879 Naples Street Northeast Blaine, MN 55449 Bill Morphew, Global Commercial Director of Liquids Segment Phone (651-638-5407) sales@crowniron.com www.crowniron.com
PO Box 489 374 Route 22 Whitehouse, NJ 08888 Jeremiah Bear, Business Development Manager Phone (812-283-6675) sales@dallasgrp.com www.d-sol.com
D.Z.Y. Drafting & Design Services Limited
951 Wilson Avenue, Unit 13-L (Ground Floor) Toronto, ON M3K 2A7 Canada Deniz Yazici, President & Principal Engineer Phone (416-633-3700) Fax (416-631-8459) dzy@sympatico.ca www.dzy.ca
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
DALSORB® Oil Purifier
PO Box 489 Whitehouse, NJ 08888 Kevin Ryan, Director of Sales Phone (908-534-7800) sales@dallasgrp.com www.d-sol.com
Dürr Systems, Inc.
830 Prosper Street De Pere, WI 54115
CTS Sales
Phone (920-336-5715) durrmegtecinquiries@durrusa.com www.durr-megtec.com
DDI Heat Exchangers, Inc.
305 Baffin Street Dollard Des Ormeaux, QC H9A 3G4 Canada Erwin Schwartz, President Phone (514-696-7961) erwin@ddi.ca www.ddi-heatexchangers.com
Deep South Commodities
919 Orange Avenue, Suite 202 Winter Park, FL 32789 John Tapp, President Phone (407-204-1000) john@deepsouthcommodities.com www.deepsouthcommodities.com
Degart Global, LLC
4810 74th Street Urbandale, IA 50322 Gary DeLong, Vice President Phone (515-240-9586) garyd@degartglobal.com www.degartglobal.com
Delta Tech Service, Inc.
397 West Channel Road Benicia, CA 94510 Matthew Webb, Project Manager Phone (707-745-2080) mwebb@deltatechservice.com www.deltatechservice.com
Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc.
450 Franklin Road, Suite 170 Marietta, GA 30067 Blake Hendrix, President & CEO Phone (770-693-0061) Fax (770-693-0071) bh@desmetballestra.com www.desmetballestra.com
Diesel Technology Forum
5300 Westview Drive, Suite 308 Frederick, MD 21703 Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director Phone (301-668-7230) dtf@dieselforum.org www.dieselforum.org
Dilling Group, Inc.
PO Box 47 111 East Mildred Street Logansport, IN 46947 Mark Hildebrandt, Business Development Director Phone (574-355-6382) Fax (574-753-2685) mhildebrandt@dillinggroup.com www.dillinggroup.com
Direct Companies
2425 South Shirley Avenue, Suite 101 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Carson Merkwan, Business Development Manager Phone (866-583-3377) carson.merkwan@directcompanies.com www.directcompanies.com
Dolphin Centrifuge
24248 Gibson Drive Warren, MI 48089 Jim Kraft, Manager Phone (248-819-1732) sales@dolphincentrifuge.com dolphincentrifuge.com
Dover Resources, Inc.
PO Box 89 Dover, MA 02030 David Sorensen, President & CEO Phone (508-479-9910) dave@dovrr.com www.dovrr.com
1117 Route 212 Woodstock, NY 12498 Ron Leonard, Founder Phone (845-431-0655) econrgllc@aol.com www.econrg.com
300 East Locust Street, Suite 313 Des Moines, IA 50309 Roxby Hartley, Senior Regulatory Consultant Phone (515-985-1260) rhartley@ecoengineers.us www.ecoengineers.us
PO Box 1453 Eagle Pass, TX 78853 Christian Antalics, Sales Manager Phone (800-942-9249) sales@econochill.com www.econochill.com
Economy Controls Corporation
9801 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63123 Andrew Freeman, Project Manager Phone (314-544-3700) Fax (317-544-5373) sales@economycontrols.com www.economycontrols.com
Ecostrat, Inc.
60 St. Clair Avenue East #404 Toronto, ON M4T 1N5 Canada Alan Peranson, Director of Business Development Phone (416-456-0466) alan@ecostrat.com ecostrat.com
Energy Integration, Inc.
710 Sunshine Canyon Drive Boulder, CO 80302 Bill Schafer, CEO Phone (303-517-2130) bill@energyintegrationinc.com energyintegrationinc.com
Enerquip, LLC
611 North Road Medford, WI 54451 Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com enerquip.com
EP Engineered Clays Corporation, a U.S. Silica Company
600 East McDowell Road Jackson, MS 39204 Jorge Bello, Global Technical Service Manager Phone (512-221-5744) jorge.bello@ussilica.com www.epengineeredclays.com
EP Minerals, a U.S. Silica Company
9785 Gateway Drive, Suite 1000 Reno, NV 89521 Niels Mastrup, Technical Service Manager Phone (775-622-6384) niels.mastrup@ussilica.com www.epminerals.com
Epcon Industrial Systems, LP
17777 I-45 South Conroe, TX 77385
Tasha Jamaluddin
Phone (936-273-3300) epcon@epconlp.com epconlp.com
4255 43rd Avenue South Fargo, ND 58104 Kyle Althoff, President Phone (303-910-6052) kalthoff@equinox8.com www.equinox8.com
ERG Partners
PO Box 1205 Harrisburg, PA 17108 John Nikoloff, President & Partner Phone (717-233-8606) Fax (717-798-3159) john@pa-erg.com www.erg-partners.com
Ethanol Producer Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.ethanolproducer.com
Euclid Chemical
19215 Redwood Road Cleveland, OH 44110 Jennifer Crisman, Director of Marketing Services Phone (216-692-8359) jcrisman@euclidchemical.com www.euclidchemical.com
Evonik Corporation
299 Jefferson Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 Bud Murphy, Business Manager of Biodiesel Phone (732-651-0001) Fax (732-651-0010) bernard.murphy@evonik.com www.evonik/biodiesel
Excalibur Lipid Technology, Inc.
5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 1435 Memphis, TN 38104 C.W. Kimbrell, President & CEO Phone (901-767-3101) cwk@excaliburlipid.com www.excaliburlipid.com
ExcelVite Sdn. Bhd.
Lot 56442, 7.5 Mile Jalan Ipoh Chemor, Perak 31200 Malaysia HL Chin, Head of Sales Phone (6052014192) info@excelvite.com www.evbiodiesel.com
Fata Oil & Plantation Sdn. Bhd.
Loring Pasir No. 9 2.5 Mile Rock Road Kuching, Sarawak/South East Asia 93200 Malaysia Ralph Fassbender, Managing Director Phone (6011-134-68450) Fax (6082-4173) fataoil@gmail.com fataoilsarawak.com
Federal Appraisal, LLC
295 Hwy 22 East, Suite 204 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 Mark Pomykacz, Managing Member Phone (908-534-3590) mark@federalappraisal.com federalappraisal.com
Fiber Chem, Inc.
14857 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001 Dan Smith, Business Development Manager Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
FID Chemicals (Future International Diversified, Inc.)
926 Jacques Paschini Street Bois-des-Filion, QC J6Z 4W4 Canada Zack Monahoyios, President Phone (450-621-4230) Fax (450-621-0503) zack@futureinternational.com www.fidchemicals.com
Flottweg Separation Technology, Inc.
10700 Toebben Drive Indpendence, KY 41051 Lori Huber, Marketing Specialist Phone (859-448-2300) lhuber@flottweg.net www.flottweg.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502 Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
FPZ, Inc.
150 North Progress Drive Saukville, WI 53080 Jim Risselman, Sales Phone (262-268-0180) usa@fpz.com www.fpz.com
French Oil Mill Machinery Co.
PO Box 920 1035 West Greene Street Piqua, OH 45356 Robert Pavlik, Oilseed Sales Engineer Phone (937-451-5438) Fax (937-773-3424) rppavlik@frenchoil.com www.frenchoil.com
Fuel Delivered
64682 Cook Avenue, Suite 71 Bend, OR 97703 Jeffrey Rola, CEO Phone (541-408-7024) jprola51@aol.com www.gobioco.com
FutureFuel Chemical Company
PO Box 2357 2800 Gap Road Batesville, AR 72501 Jerry Allison, Sales Manager Phone (870-698-3000) info@ffcmail.com www.futurefuelcorporation.com
Gale Energy, LLC
1700 Market Street, Suite 1005 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Claudia Gale, President Phone (215-558-5272) Fax (215-933-3122) claudia@galeenergy.com www.galeenergy.com
GEA North America
100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647 Greg Waranica, Market Manager Phone (201-245-5652) gregory.waranica@gea.com gea.com
Global Seaport Services, Inc.
11152 Westheimer Road #654 Houston, TX 77042 Eric Koehne, President Phone (713-298-1328) eric.koehne@globalseaportservices.com www.globalseaportservices.com
Global Talent Solutions
PO Box 235 201 East Main Avenue, Suite 9 Frazee, MN 56544 Brian Bigger, President/Recruiter Phone (218-308-9200) brian@globaltalentsolutions.com www.globaltalentsolutions.com
GlobalTech Fluids
12000 Xenia Lane Orlando, FL 32827 Oscar Domingo, Manager Phone (407-412-5186) Fax (407-412-5186) odomingo@globaltechfluids.com www.globaltechfluids.com
Glycerin Traders, LLC
3522 South State Road 104 LaPorte, IN 46350 Dennis Zeedyk, CEO/President Phone (219-369-1066) glycerintraders@gmail.com www.glycerintraders.com
Gold Seal Industries
102 Magnolia Chase Drive Benton, LA 71006 Evan Kirkendall, President & CEO Phone (318-294-7396) ekirkendall@goldsealindustries.com www.energy-inc.com
Gorman-Rupp Company
600 South Airport Road Mansfield, OH 44903 John Hoffner, Product Manager Phone (419-755-1511) Fax (419-755-1251) john.hoffner@gormanrupp.com grpumps.com
Green Planet Bio-Fuels
101 Toro Road, Unit 28 Toronto, ON M3J 2Z1 Canada Steve Hyman, President Phone (416-752-6767) hyman@greenplanetbf.com www.greenplanetbf.com
Greenergy USA, Inc.
9 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1260 Houston, TX 77046 David Shiflett, Director Phone (832-831-8887) david.shiflett@greenergy.com www.greenergy.com
213 Seacrest Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Robin Spinks, Principal Phone (910-617-7544) robin@greenfield.bz www.greenfield.bz
Gregersen Structural Engineering, Inc.
1143 West Two Moons Circle Ivins, UT 84738 Max Gregersen, Principal Structural Engineer Phone (385-232-1747) max@gsestructural.com www.gsestructural.com
GRIP Global Resources for Industrial Projects
1686 57A Street Delta, BC V4L 1X8 Canada Doug Ballard, President Phone (604-889-1855) Fax (866-695-9655) griprojects@gmail.com conveycanada.ca
Grow Vertical Technologies
3200 Summit Boulevard #15951 Palm Beach County, FL 33416 Nic Sky, Manager Phone (786-273-6635) chatmehere2@gmail.com www.growverticaltechnologies.com
Gulf Coast Environmental Systems
1689 Hawthorne Drive Conroe, TX 77301 Corina Sheridan, Director of Business Development Phone (832-476-9024) sales@gcesystems.com www.gcesystems.com
Gulf Hydrocarbon
2415 South Dairy Ashford Houston, TX 77077 Jess Hewitt, President Phone (281-496-5100) Fax (281-496-5101) jess.hewitt@gulfhydrocarbon.com gulfhydrocarbon.com
Gulf Stream Tanker Chartering, LLC
1134 Waverly Street Houston, TX 77008 Knut A. Scharning, President Phone (713-291-0044) kas@gulfstreamtx.com www.gulfstreamtx.com
H.T. PROF Clean Tech
1470 Benbow Street Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Todd Porter, President/Recruiter Phone (770-420-7440) tsporter@htprof.com www.htprofgroup.com
Hawaiian Wiliki Limited Liability Company
PO Box 2979 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 William Pietrucha, Principal Phone (916-967-4134) wjphwl@att.net www.hawaiianwiliki.com
Hawk Measurement (HAWK)
5010 Gateway Drive Medina, OH 44256 Ellen Nichols, Marketing Manager Phone (888-429-5538) ellen.nichols@hawkmeasurement.com www.hawkmeasurement.com
Hedlin Ag Enterprises
PO Box 1235 Ankeny, IA 50021 Kevin Drury, Owner/President Phone (515-964-7997) kdrury@hedlinag.com www.hedlinag.com
HEMCO Corporation
711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056 Jerry Schwarz, Marketing Phone (816-796-2900) Fax (816-796-3333) info@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
Hemp Fuel Group, LLC
12952 Clemson Drive Corona, CA 92880 Eduardo Herrera, Co-Founder Phone (951-741-7713) hempfuelgroup@gmail.com www.hempfuelgroup.com
Hennepin Technical College
9000 Brooklyn Boulevard Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
Brent Newville
Phone (763-488-2530) brent.newville@hennepintech.edu www.hennepintech.edu
Hennigan Engineering/Hennigan Energy Services Group
55 Industrial Park Road Hingham, MA 02043 Tracy Hennigan Bonnyman, Market Development Manager Phone (800-472-8484) thb@henniganengineering.com henniganengineering.com
HTP Energy, LLC-formerly Hartland Renewable Fuels
1045 North 115th Street, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68154 Shawn Anderson, Biofuels Sales & Marketing Phone (402-614-0083) shawn.anderson@htpenergy.com www.htpenergy.com
Husch Blackwell
13330 California Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154 David Gardels, Partner Phone (402-964-5027) david.gardels@huschblackwell.com www.huschblackwell.com/industries_ services/biofuels-biomass-landfill-gas
Hydrasep, Inc.
400 Vaiden Drive Hernando, MS 38632 Naji Nassif, Vice President Phone (662-429-4088) Fax (662-429-5470) nnassif@hydrasep.com www.hydrasep.com
17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045 Don Cipowski, Sales Manager Phone (219-299-4174) don.cipowski@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
7508 Brockwood Court North Richland Hills, TX 76182 Jim Crandall, Lubrication & Fuel Consultant Phone (877-300-5823) Fax (877-811-5172) jcran650@gmail.com
ICC Group
108-9800 McDonald Park Road Suite 228 Sidney, BC V8L 5W5 Canada Bryan Imber, President Phone (778-351-0476) Fax (778-351-0444) bimber@iccgroup.ca www.iccgroup.ca
ICS, Inc.
2500 State Mill Road Grand Forks, ND 58203 David Dangerfield, Project Development Phone (701-775-8480) dave.dangerfield@icsgf.us www.icsgf.com
IKA Works, Inc.
2635 Northchase Parkway Southeast Wilmington, NC 28405 Lindsey Carter, Marketing Manager Phone (910-452-7059) lindsey.carter@ika.net www.ikausa.com
Illinois Oil Marketing Equipment
850 Brenkman Drive Pekin, IL 61554 Dan Ballenger, Bio Equipment Manager Phone (309-241-3983) danb@iome.com www.iome.com
Illinois Soybean Association
1605 Commerce Parkway Bloomington, IL 61704 Claire Weinzierl, Communications Manager Phone (309-585-6318) weinzierlc@ilsoy.org www.ilsoy.org
Indeck Power Equipment Company
1111 Willis Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090 Debra Sullo, Interim Marketing Specialist Phone (847-541-8300) Fax (847-541-9984) dsullo@indeck-power.com www.indeck.com
Industrial Info Resources
2818 Kenwood Isles Drive Minneapolis, MN 55408 Scott Kirkeby, Senior Account Manager Phone (612-915-9996) skirkeby@industrialinfo.com www.industrialinfo.com
Industrial Info Resources, Inc.
2277 Plaza Drive, Suite 300 Sugar Land, TX 77847 Scott Kirkeby, Senior Account Manager Phone (612-915-9996) skirkeby@industrialinfo.com www.industrialinfo.com
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021 Jim Vogel, President & Sales Manager Phone (612-805-7646) jim.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Inmetro & Optical Control Systems
Flat No. C501, Ahinsha Naturez Park Gurkul Road, Sector 41 Faridabad, Haryana India Amarjit Singh Sarpal, Head of Quality Control Lab Phone (91-9899443336) sarpal.as2@gmail.com www.ocsgmbh.com
Innovative Plant Solutions
3125 East 14th Avenue Hibbing, MN 55746 Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (844-799-6582) mschinderle@innovativeplantsolutions. com www.innovativeplantsolutions.com
INTEC Engineering GmbH
John-Deere-Str. 43 Bruchsal, Baden-Württemberg 76646 Germany Christian Daniel, Sales Director Phone (49-7251-93243-00) Fax (49-7251-93243-99) info@intec-energy.de www.intec-energy.com
Intec Thermal Energy
5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharetta, GA 30004 Todd Fahring, Sales Phone (770-910-4232) tfahring@thermalpd.com www.intecthermal.com
Interdevelopment, Inc.
1629 K Street Northwest, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Margareta Luddemann-Faris, Executive Phone (202-508-1459) Fax (202-331-3759) info@interdevelopment.com www.interdevelopment.com
International Biomass Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250 Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Iowa Central Fuel Testing Laboratory
Four Triton Circle Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Rhonda Jones, Manager Phone (515-574-1259) fuels@iowafuellab.com www.iowafuellab.com
IP Specialities
3536 Edwards Road Cincinnati, OH 45208 Matt Schneider, Commercial Manager Phone (513-257-0831) m.schneider@ipspecialities.com www.ipspecialities.com
Isomer Project Group
141 Traction Street Greenville, SC 29611 RL Simpson, Managing Partner Phone (864-565-9100) contact@isomer.group www.isomer.group
J.C. Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc.
408 South Veterans Street Flandreau, SD 57028 Kelley Ramsdell, President Phone (605-997-3706) mel@jcramsdell.net www.jcramsdell.com
JAL Engineering
100-7 Rancho Road, Unit 111 Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 James Latty, Chief Engineer Phone (805-551-9675) jalengineer@sbcglobal.net
James O. Taylor, CPA, CGMA
700 Oglethorpe Avenue, Suite A-4 Athens, GA 30606
James Taylor
Phone (706-201-8973) Fax (706-549-0561) jot@jamesotaylor.com www.jamesotaylor.com
Jatro Renewables, Inc.
4738 Gateway Circle, K (209) Hypernova Kettering, OH 45440 Raj Mosali, CEO Phone (937-663-3010) rmosali@jatrorenewables.com www.jatrorenewables.com
Jaxon Energy
455 Industrial Drive Jackson, MS 39209 Jason Hensley, Vice President of Business Development Phone (713-232-9711) jasonhensley@jaxon-energy.com www.jaxon-energy.com
Jensen Instrument Co.
643 South Duggan Avenue Azusa, CA 91702 Steve Molinari, President Phone (626-969-7991) stevem@jenseninstr.com www.jenseninstr.com
JMI Technologies, Ltd.
24 Peterkin Road Markham, ON L6E 1Y9 Canada John Patitsas, Project Manager Phone (905-201-9511) jpatitsas@sympatico.ca www.jmitech.ca
K·Coe Isom, LLP
8801 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219 Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5002) Fax (913-643-5001) funk@kcoe.com www.kcoe.com/industry/biofuels
Keit Spectrometers
16180 Lea Oak Court Chesterfield, MO 63017 Christopher Piper, Sales Manager of North America Phone (314-775-9099) chris.piper@keit.co.uk www.keit.co.uk
Kelly-Hill Company
PO Box 681464 4100 Northwest Van De Popouliere Riverside, MO 64150 Ed Conlon, President Phone (816-741-7727) Fax (816-587-4123) econlon@kellyhillco.com www.kellyhillco.com
Kelly-Hill Company
PO Box 681464 4100 Northwest Van De Popouliere Riverside, MO 64150 Hank Miesner, Project Manager Phone (816-741-7727) Fax (816-587-4123) hmiesner@kellyhillco.com www.kellyhillco.com
Kemin BioSolutions
1900 Scott Avenue Des Moines, IA 50317 Brandon Lewis, Technical Services Manager Phone (515-559-5100) brandon.lewis@kemin.com www.kemin.com
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
105 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601 Timothy Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor Phone (502-782-9265) timd.hughes@ky.gov www.kyagr.com/trade/internationaltrade.html
Kern Oil & Refining Co.
7724 East Panama Lane Bakersfield, CA 93312 Jayson Busch, Vice President of Supply, Marketing & Logistics Phone (661-845-0761) sales@kernoil.com www.kernoil.com
Keystone Materials Testing, Inc.
600 East 17th Street South Newton, IA 50208 Jerry Dawson, General Manager Phone (641-792-8505) Fax (641-792-7989) jdawson@kmtlabs.com www.kmtlabs.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP
607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice Phone (202-508-5823) Fax (202-318-4087) mriedy@kilpatricktownsend.com www.kilpatricktownsend.com
King of Freight
7100 South Volutsia Wichita, KS 67216 Shane Palmer, Director of Operations Phone (316-518-1372) Fax (888-924-0686) shane@kingoffreight.com www.kingoffreight.com
Knack Process Design
739 Kasota Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tim Maneely, President Phone (651-278-1206) sales@knackpd.com www.knackpd.com
KuKK K+F, Ltd.
Szigetvari u. 1 Budapest 1083 Hungary
Andras Kovacs
Phone (36-30-211-410-1) andras@kukk.hu www.kukk.hu
Kutak Rock, LLP
1650 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68102 David Bracht, Attorney Phone (402-346-6000) Fax (402-346-1148) david.bracht@kutakrock.com www.kutakrock.com
Kyte Centrifuge, LLC
30 Greenwells Glory Drive Biltmore Lake, NC 28715 David Kyte, President Phone (832-368-2667) dave@kytecentrifuge.com www.kytecentrifuge.com
LD Sullivan & Company, LLC
2314 Hummingbird Lane Summerville, SC 29483 Lawrence Sullivan, Principal Phone (651-269-7737) ldsul@ldsulco.com www.ldsulco.com
Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc.
9851 Brockington Road, Suite 4 Sherwood, AR 72120 Wayne Lee, CEO Phone (501-951-4774) Fax (501-833-8511) wayne@lec-exec.com www.lee-enterprises.com
LEEM Filtration
25 Arrow Road Ramsey, NJ 07446 Ryan Boyd, Sales Phone (813-704-4966) r.boyd@leemfiltration.com leemfiltration.com
LeftField Commodity Research
52 Swiss Bay Winnipeg, MB R2G 2P3 Canada Chuck Penner, President Phone (204-949-1726) info@leftfieldcr.com www.leftfieldcr.com
Levelese, Inc.
680 South Alton Way, Unit 4D Denver, CO 80247 Sallyanne Ofner, President Phone (303-586-1890) sales@levelese.com www.levelese.com
Lexair, Inc.
2025 Mercer Road Lexington, KY 40511 John Jennings, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (859-255-5001) jjennings@lexairinc.com www.lexairinc.com
Liberty Commodities Corporation
14702 Excelsior Boulevard #1301 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Scott Lewis, Vice President Phone (952-939-0933) scottl@libertycomcorp.com www.libertycomcorp.com
10 Riverview Drive Danbury, CT 06810 Walter Renz, Associate Phone (844-445-4633) Fax (800-772-9985) contactus@linde.com www.lindeus.com/chemicals
Lotus Mixers, Inc.
3449 Technology Drive #201 North Venice, FL 34275 Robert Naidel, Vice President of Technology Phone (941-966-1885) engineering@lotusmixers.com www.lotusmixers.com
Loyola University Chicago
6349 North Kenmore Avenue Chicago, IL 60660 Zach Waickman, Biodiesel Lab Manager Phone (773-508-8852) zwaickm@luc.edu www.luc.edu/biodiesel
LRE Petroleum Private Limited
Level 3, The Oberoi Centre DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 2 Haryana, Gurgoan India Ekas Barara, Director Phone (78-648-20786) Fax (78-648-20786) ekasb@lrenergy.in www.lrenergy.in
Maas Companies, Inc.
PO Box 7128 Rochester, MN 55903 Tyler Maas, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (507-285-1444) info@maascompanies.com www.maascompanies.com
Servizi Industriali Srl Via Marie Curie 19 Ozzano Dell'Emilia, BO 40064 Italy Filippo Ferrari, Sales Manager Phone (39-051795080) macfuge@macfuge.com www.macfuge.com
Mason Manufacturing
PO Box 3577 1645 North Railroad Avenue Decatur, IL 62524 Mike Arrington, Sales Manager Phone (317-847-5413) mike.arrington@masonmfg.com www.masonmfg.com
Met-Chem, Inc.
837 East 79th Street Cleveland, OH 44103 James Miller, Digital Marketing Manager Phone (216-881-7900) jmiller@metchem.com metchem.com
MidContinental Chemical Company, Inc.
1802 East 123rd Terrace Olathe, KS 66061 Everett Osgood, Fuel Additives Director Phone (913-390-5556) fueladditives@mcchemical.com www.mcchemical.com
Minnesota Biodiesel Council
151 Saint Andrews Court, Suite 710 Mankato, MN 56001 Mike Youngerberg, Executive Director Phone (507-388-1635) Fax (507-388-6751) mike@agmgmtsolutions.com www.mnbiodiesel.com
Minnesota Clean Cities Coalition
490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Lisa Thurstin, Director Phone (651-223-9568) lisa.thurstin@lung.org www.cleanairchoice.org
Modular Energy Solutions
PO Box 2759 Santa Clara, CA 95055 Charles Nolan, President Phone (408-483-5922) Fax (408-423-8916) chucknln@sbcglobal.net www.modular-e.com
MoistTech Corp.
6408 Parkland Drive, Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34243 Sarah Hammond, Marketing Phone (941-727-1800) shammond@moisttech.com www.moisttech.com
Monitor Technologies, LLC
44W320 Keslinger Road Elburn, IL 60119 Cris Breck, Director of Business Development Phone (630-365-9403) sales@monitortech.com www.monitortech.com
Montana-Boston Partners, LLC
107 Cotter Court Missoula, MT 59803 Derek Nelson, Managing Partner Phone (406-370-7100) mtinvgrp@aol.com
MTH Pumps
401 West Main Street Plano, IL 60545 Scott Carlson, Marketing Phone (630-552-4115) Fax (630-552-3688) publishing@mthpumps.com www.mthpumps.com
Munson Machinery Co., Inc.
210 Seward Avenue Utica, NY 13502 Steve Knauth, Marketing & Technical Manager Phone (315-797-0090) Fax (315-797-5582) info@munsonmachinery.com www.munsonmachinery.com
1455 Broad Street Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Alicia Colacci, Marketing Coordinator Phone (973-233-6791) acolacci@munzing.us www.munzing.com
N Hunt Moore & Associates
1242 Old Hillsboro Road Franklin, TN 37069 Rich Barton, President Phone (615-472-8431) rich@nhmoore.com www.nhmoore.com
Nalco Water an Ecolab Company
1601 West Diehl Road Napeville, IL 60563 Carol Hudson, Sr. Marketing Manager of Grains, Oilseed & Biofuel Phone (331-237-2114) cbhudson@ecolab.com www.ecolab.com/nalco-water
National Biodiesel Board
PO Box 104898 Jefferson City, MO 65110 Liz McCune, Director of Communications Phone (800-841-5849) info@biodiesel.org www.biodiesel.org
National Corn Growers Association
632 Cepi Drive Chesterfield, MO 63005 Melanie Gibson, Executive Assistant Phone (636-733-5513) gibson@ncga.com www.ncga.com
National Filter Media
691 North 400 West Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Holly Ogilvie, Marketing Specialist Phone (540-532-6973) hogilvie@nfm-filter.com www.nfm-filter.com
Natwick Appraisals
1205 Fourth Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 James Natwick, President Phone (701-793-2360) Fax (701-235-1573) natwick@integra.net natwick.com
Nayes Associates, LLC
30 South Ninth Street, Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Terrence Nayes, Owner & Engineer Phone (952-239-5377) tlnayes@hotmail.com www.nayesassociates.com
Nestec, Inc.
PO Box 125 222 East Main Street Pen Argyl, PA 18072 Rodney Pennington, Senior Sales Director Phone (407-492-1955) Fax (610-323-7670) rpennington@nestecinc.com www.nestecinc.com
New Composite Partners
317 North Main Street Edgerton, WI 53534 Ron Hagemann, CEO Phone (608-561-1204) info@newcompositepartners.net www.newcompositepartners.net
North Dakota Clean Cities Coalition
490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Carlie Koberstine, Coordinator Phone (651-337-5096) carlie.koberstine@lung.org www.cleanairchoice.org/clean-cities/ north-dakota-clean-cities
Novaspect, Inc.
1124 Tower Road Schaumburg, IL 60173 Tom Mladucky, Director of Automation Modernization Phone (920-757-7101) tmladucky@novaspect.com www.novaspect.com
77 Perrys Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525 Matt Thompson, Market ManagerNorth America Phone (919-434-3000) mhwt@novozymes.com www.novozymes.com
Ocean Park
655 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 340-D Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 Bruce Comer, Managing Director Phone (310-670-2093) bruce@oceanpk.com www.oceanpk.com
Oil Skimmers, Inc.
12800 York Road, Suite G Cleveland, OH 44133 Kelly Gregart, Marketing Director Phone (440-237-4600) kelly@oilskim.com www.oilskim.com
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
300 Pembridge Lane #C1 Schaumburg, IL 60193 Steven Powell, Asia-Pacific Sales Manager & Northeastern USA Regional Sales Manager Phone (317-361-5453) steven.powell@oildri.com www.oildri.com
Orthodox Union
11 Broadway New York, NY 10004 Abraham Juravel, Technical Services Phone (212-613-8396) Fax (212-613-8396) juravela@ou.org www.oukosher.org
Outotec Energy Products
3568 West Industrial Loop Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Jim Starkey, Director of Business Development Phone (208-765-1611) Fax (208-765-0503) jim.starkey@mogroup.com www.outotec/energy.com
Outotec Energy Products
3568 West Industrial Loop Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 Michael Grimm, Business Development Manager Phone (208-765-1611) Fax (208-765-0503) michael.grimm@mogroup.com www.outotec.com/energy
Oxidizers, Inc.
1731 Pomona Road Corona, CA 92880 Keith Lambert, President Phone (951-751-3990) keith@oxidizers.net oxidizers.net
PA Energy Resources Group
PO Box 1205 Harrisburg, PA 17108 John Nikoloff, Partner & President Phone (717-233-8606) Fax (717-798-3159) john@pa-erg.com www.erg-partners.com
Pacific Biodiesel
40 Hobron Avenue Kahului, HI 96732 Jenna Long, Director of Operations Phone (808-877-3144) jenna@biodiesel.com www.biodiesel.com
Paratherm-Heat Transfer Fluids
2009 Renaissance Boulevard King of Prussia, PA 19406 Dyron Liverman, Oil & Gas Chemical Sales Engineer Phone (713-213-7409) www.paratherm.com
PCE Instruments UK, Ltd.
South Point, Unit 11 Ensign Way, Hamble Southampton, Hampshire SO31 4RF United Kingdom John Mulligan, Sales Manager Phone (44-0-2380-987030) Fax (44-0-2380-987039) info@pce-instruments.co.uk www.pce-instruments.com/english
Peace Technology
104 Ladpraw 26 Lane Jatujak District, Bangkok Thailand
Chieanchuang Kalayanamitr
Phone (66891235750) cckalayanamitr@gmail.com www.eit.or.th
Pellet Mill Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Customer Service
Phone (866-746-8385) Fax (701-746-5367) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com/pelletmill-magazine
PerkinElmer, Inc.
549 Albany Street Boston, MA 02118 Lucy Jenner, Segment Marketing Manager Phone (800-446-0035) Fax (617-482-1380) lucy.jenner@perkinelmer.com www.perkinelmer.com
Permanente Corporation
1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Marc Seidner, President Phone (310-569-6500) Fax (310-203-5401) marc@permanentecorp.com www.permanente.com
PFT-Alexander, Inc.
3250 East Grant Street Signal Hill, CA 90755 Bernie Mock, Operations Phone (562-595-1741) Fax (562-884-0788) bmock@pft-alexander.com www.pft-alexander.com
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Stephanie Crass, Marketing Manager Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095
Sales Department
Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com/How-It-Works/ Advantages.htm
Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co.
PO Box 913 Henderson, KY 42419 Jordan Pyles, Maintenance Phone (270-826-9000) jpyles@pttg.com pttg.com
PlanET Biogas USA, Inc.
3212 Union Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Sarah Jamal, Executive Administrator Phone (905-935-1969) s.jamal@planet-biogas.com www.planet-biogas-usa.com
Plant Process Group, LLC
2525 South Shore Boulevard, Suite 410 League City, TX 77573 Ken Reynaud, Sr. Vice President Phone (281-333-7702) Fax (281-333-7703) kreynaud@plantprocess.com www.plantprocess.com
Plasma Blue
151 Saint Andrews Court, Suite 710 Mankato, MN 56001 Tom Slunecka, CEO Phone (507-225-2525) tslunecka@plasma-blue.com www.plasma-blue.com
Pollution Systems, Inc.
2170 Buckthorne Place, Suite 160 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Curt Jordan, Account Manager Phone (713-574-6661) sales@pollutionsystems.com www.pollutionsystems.com
Polynova Industry Co. Limited
No. 5777 Fangshan, Weifang China Xavier Zhang, Commercial Director Phone (86-18853621925) info@polynovabio.com www.polynovabio.com
PQ Corporation
PO Box 840 Valley Forge, PA 19482 John McNichol, Market Development Manager Phone (561-379-8274) john.mcnichol@pqcorp.com www.pqcorp.com
Premium Plant Services, Inc.
1336 East 31st Street Hibbing, MN 55746 Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (218-263-4444) Fax (218-262-4848) melisa@premiumplantservices.com www.premiumplantservices.com
PriMedia, Inc.
401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 310 Garden City, NY 11530 Richard Rutigliano, President Phone (516-222-2041) rrutigliano@primediany.com primediany.com
Proco Products, Inc.
PO Box 590 2431 North Wigwam Drive (95205) Stockton, CA 95201 Rob Coffee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (209-483-5107) robc@procoproducts.com www.procoproducts.com
Propel Fuels, Inc.
1815 19th Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Niall Gillen, Director of Operations Phone (916-664-2359) niall@propelfuels.com propelfuels.com
Pruszko Consulting
16148 Paradise Lane Dubuque, IA 52002 Rudy Pruszko, Owner Phone (563-582-4545) biorudy@gmail.com www.pruszkoconsulting.com
R W Heiden Associates LLC
1026 New Holland Avenue Burle Corporate Park Lancaster, PA 17601 Richard Heiden, Chief Science & Technology Officer Phone (717-299-6860) Fax (717-299-6868) rwheidenphd@aol.com www.supersleuthchemists.com
R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc.
1611 South Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 302 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Rocky Costello, President Phone (310-792-5870) rcca@rccostello.com www.rccostello.com
RDF Recycling Systems Group, LLC
905 Muirfield Road Keller, TX 76248 Richard Harris, CEO Phone (844-342-7302) rharris@recyclingsystemsgroup.com www.recyclingsystemsgroup.com
Reiter Scientific Consulting, LLC
599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507 Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reiterscientific.com www.reiterscientific.com
Reiter Software, LLC
599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507 Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reitersoftware.com www.reitersoftware.com
Reiter Trading, LLC
599 Colonial Drive Grand Junction, CO 81507 Kristof Reiter, Owner Phone (888-428-5617) kristof@reitertrading.com www.reitertrading.com
Render Magazine
PO Box 126041 Benbrook, TX 76126 Sharla Ishmael, Editor/Publisher Phone (888-927-3634) editors@rendermagazine.com www.rendermagazine.com
Renew, LLC
144 New Road Thompson, CT 06277 Robert Neundorf, Chairman Phone (860-923-1091) bob@2tds.com www.to-renew.com
Renewable Energy Institute
31190 Canadalle Cyuga Cathedral City, CA 92234 Monty Goodell, Executive Director Phone (512-772-3500) info@renewablenaturalgas.com www.renewablenaturalgas.com
Research Laboratories, Inc.
6209 Discount Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Matt Alt, Laboratory Manager Phone (260-489-2551) Fax (260-489-9834) malt@researchlaboratoriesinc.com www.researchlaboratoriesinc.com
Rexarc Int.
35 East Third Street West Alexandria, OH 45381 Greg Rush, Business Development Manager Phone (937-307-3598) grush@rexarc.com www.rexarc.com
Rock House Advisors
1703 Bald Hill Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 Joe Jobe, President & Founder Phone (573-680-1948) joe@rockhouse.us www.rockhouse.us
RTP Environmental Associates, Inc.
400 Post Avenue, Suite 405 Westbury, NY 11590 Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal Phone (516-333-4526) Fax (516-333-4571) bailey@rtpenv.com www.rtpenv.com
Sacre-Davey Engineering
315 Mountain Hwy Vancouver, BC V7J 2K7 Canada Alan Humber, Director of Business Development Phone (604-986-0663) Fax (604-986-0525) ahumber@sacre-davey.com www.sacre-davey.com
Saola Energy LLC
100 North Main Street, Suite 600 Wichita, KS 67202 Adam Belyamani, Chief Operating Officer Phone (316-413-3345) Fax (316-413-3346) info@saolaenergy.com www.saolaenergy.com
Savage Associates, Inc.
1691 Route 206 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Brian Savage, Project Manager Phone (908-234-1216) brians@savageassociatesinc.com savageassociatesinc.com
Savengy Technologies
3259 Progress Drive, Room 108 Orlando, FL 32826 Wei Wu, Manager Phone (407-494-5663) weiwu@savengy.com www.savengy.com
SCB Group
71 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1810 Chicago, IL 60606 Pauline Tainton, Marketing Officer Phone (787-291-0014) pauline@starcb.com starcb.com
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP
Fifth Avenue Place 120 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2700 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Megan Harmon, Partner Phone (412-577-5209) mharmon@schnader.com www.schnader.com
Scipio Biofuels
884 Bennett Street Simi Valley, CA 93065 Matt Snyder, President/Director Phone (949-633-2367) matt@scipiobiofuels.com www.scipiobiofuels.com
Seaboard Energy
9000 West 67th Street Shawnee Mission, KS 66202 Jessica Humphrey, Sales & Supply Chain Manager Phone (913-671-6618) jessica.humphrey@seaboardenergy.com www.seaboardenergy.com
SearchPath of Chicago, Inc.
521 Devonshire Lane, Suite D Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Chris Hillman, President Phone (815-261-4403) chillman@searchpath.com www.searchpathofchicago.com
Seepex UK, Ltd.
3 Armtech Row Houndstone Business Park Somerset, Yeovil United Kingdom Barbara Cendon, Marketing Manager Phone (44-1935-382512) sales.uk@seepex.com www.seepex.com
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046 Kevin McLaughlin, Advertising/Public Relations Supervisor Phone (410-381-1227) kgmclaughlin@shimadzu.com www.ssi.shimadzu.com
Smart Alternative Fuels, Inc.
1095 Hilltop Drive #172 Redding, CA 96002 Jayson Nalley, President Phone (855-873-3645) jayson@smartalternativefuels.com smartalternativefuels.com
Solutions 4 Manufacturing
1627 Baldwin Road Jacksonville, IL 62650 Tripp Fezler, CEO Phone (217-245-2919) Fax (775-361-0279) tripp@solutions4mfg.com www.solutions4mfg.com
Solvent Systems International
70 King Street Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Steve Rundell, President Phone (847-437-1100) Fax (847-437-1101) srundell@solvent-systems.com www.solvent-systems.com
Sonics & Materials, Inc.
53 Church Hill Road Newtown, CT 06470 Lois Baiad, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Phone (203-270-4600) Fax (203-270-4610) lbaiad@sonics.com www.sonics.com
SOS, Inc.
PO Box 7282 Duluth, MN 55807 Jim Carter, President Phone (218-626-3917) Fax (218-626-2027) jim@sosleakrepair.com www.sosleakrepair.com
Spartan Response, Inc.
11-41 Brockley Drive Hamilton, ON L8E 3C3 Canada Kevin Wallace, Engineer Phone (833-573-1010) info@spartanresponse.com www.spartanresponse.com
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments
91 McKee Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 Thomas Bloomer, Director of Marketing Phone (201-642-3000) info.spectro@ametek.com www.spectro.com
Sprague Operating Resources, LLC
185 International Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801 Steven Levy, Managing Director of New Business Development Phone (914-328-6770) rp@spragueenergy.com www.spragueenergy.com
Springboard Biodiesel, LLC
2323 Park Avenue Chico, CA 95928 Matthew Roberts, President Phone (530-894-1793) matt@springboardbiodiesel.com www.springboardbiodiesel.com
Stainless Fabrication, Inc.
4455 West Kearney Street Springfield, MO 65803 Dianne McCoy, Marketing Manager Phone (417-865-5696) info@stainlessfab.com www.stainlessfab.com
Sterling Deaerator Company
514 West Maple Street, Suite 205 Cumming, GA 30040 Robert Young, Quality Assurance Phone (770-205-1969) Fax (770-205-2882) robert.young@sterlingdeaerator.com www.sterlingdeaerator.com
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
180 Maiden Lane New York, NY 10038 Marvin Goldstein, Partner Phone (212-806-5629) Fax (212-806-6006) mgoldstein@stroock.com www.stroock.com
Sunho Biodiesel Corporation
10F-6, 380 Linsen North Road Taipei 104 Taiwan Felicia Boendadjaja, Technical Assistant Phone (886-225642720) info@sunhobiodiesel.com www.sunhobiodiesel.com
Sustainability Engineering & Compliance
PO Box 510986 Milwaukee, WI 53203 Terry Lambert, Professional Engineer, Consultant & Verifier Phone (414-326-4916) tlambertpe@yahoo.com www.linkedin.com/in/ terrencelambertpe
Sustainable Energy Group, LLC
955 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 240 Cambridge, MA 02139 Irshad Ahmed, CEO Phone (201-248-4849) Fax (201-843-8010) mitsloan15@gmail.com tradingoils.com
Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc.
4803 Marymead Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Jill Hamilton, President Phone (703-322-4484) jhamilton@sesi-online.com www.sesi-online.com
SW Firefighting Foam & Equipment, LLC
25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505 Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfirefightingfoam.com swfirefightingfoam.com
Swenson Technology, Inc.
26000 South Whiting Way Monee, IL 60449 Erick Neuman, International Business Manager Phone (708-587-2300) sales@swensontechnology.com www.swensontechnology.com
Swepco Tube, LLC
One Clifton Boulevard Clifton, NJ 07011 George Spina, Business Development & Marketing Manager Phone (973-778-3000) sales@swepcotube.com www.swepcotube.com
Tapco, Inc.
225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044 Krystal Moentmann, Administrative & Events Specialist Phone (314-739-9191) Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
Tara Industries, LLC
PO Box 219 Carrollton, MO 64633 Joseph Fischer, Managing Member Phone (660-620-6912) jfischer@taraindustriesus.com www.taraindustriesus.com
18105 Route Transcanadienne Kirkland, QC H9J 3Z4 Canada Dan Murray, Vice President Phone (514-695-8095) targrayinfo@targray.com www.targray.com
18105 Route Transcanadienne Kirkland, QC H9J 3Z4 Canada Alison Cabana-Wong, Biodiesel Trader Phone (514-695-8095) acabana@targray.com www.targray.com
TEGA Consultants, Inc.
15792 Willow Street Pierrefonds, QC H9H 2W5 Canada Cesar Augusto Colmenares, Consultant/Senior Process Engineer/Owner Phone (514-862-3127) info@tegaconsultants.ca tegaconsultants.ca
Teikoku USA, Inc.
959 Mearns Road Warminster, PA 18974 Kaytalin McCarry, Marketing Services Coordinator Phone (215-343-6000) info@teikokupumps.com teikokupumps.com
The BioCube Coporation, Ltd.
PO Box 567 Ashmore City, QLD 4214 Australia Laurence Baum, Managing Director Phone (61-400-681-283) info@biocubeco.com www.biocubeco.com
The ChemPro Group, LLC
103 William Street Boonton, NJ 07005 Charles Bambara, Vice President of Engineering & Technology Phone (973-299-1880) Fax (973-299-4450) cbambara@thechemprogroup.com www.thechemprogroup.com
The ProExporter Network
114 South Main Street, Suite 100 Chelsea, MI 48118 Ryan Ruikka, Biofuels Energy Analyst Phone (734-330-1961) Fax (734-475-0452) ryan@prxgeo.com www.proexporter.com
TheBuzz Energy Industry Calendar
401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 310 Garden City, NY 11530 Richard Rutigliano, President Phone (516-222-2041) Fax (516-222-2357) advertise@thebuzz.energy thebuzz.energy
Thermal Kinetics, a division of RCM Technologies
85 Northpointe Parkway, Suite 2 Amherst, NY 14228 Marcos Filgueiras, Vice President of Business Development & Marketing Phone (585-485-9779) mfilgueiras@thermalkinetics.net www.thermalkinetics.net
Thermal Process Development
5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharetta, GA 30004 Todd Fahring, Sales Phone (770-910-4232) tfahring@thermalpd.com www.thermalpd.com
Third Coast Commodities
107 Main Street Buchanan, MI 49107 Stephen Tuscher, Executive Assistant Phone (800-869-5124) stephen@thirdcoastcommodities.com www.thirdcoastcommodities.com
Thumb BioEnergy, LLC
155 Orval Street Sandusky, MI 48471 Alex Ritter, Vice President of Operations Phone (810-404-2466) aritter@thumbbioenergy.com www.thumbbioenergy.com
Tina Biofuels, LLC
17593 Blackberry Court Boonville, MO 65233 William Johnson, Executive Vice President Phone (573-999-9904) pointtechnology06@yahoo.com taraindustriesus.com
TKS Industrial Company
901 Tower Drive Troy, MI 48098 Jonathan Carender, Sales Manager Phone (248-786-5000) sales@tks-america.com www.tksindustrial.com
TMC Fluid Systems
13217 Jamboree Road, Suite 482 Tustin, CA 92782 Sam Mian, Director Phone (949-269-1472) Fax (949-423-0159) sales@tmcfluidsystems.com www.tmcfluidsystems.com
TN Soybean Promotion Council
100 Executive Drive Jackson, TN 38305 Parks Wells, CEO Phone (731-234-1697) pwells@tnsoybeans.org tnsoybeans.org
Todd & Sargent, Inc.
2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010 Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development Phone (515-956-4805) ssylvester@tsargent.com www.tasargent.com
c/Núñez de Balboa, 51, 1. Madrid 28001 Spain Julio Lopez, Marketing Leader of Industrial Products Phone (34-91-322-0100) mkt.industrial@tolsa.com www.tolsa.com
Tower Performance, Inc.
8031 Airport Boulevard, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 Jalene Fritz, Parts Sales Manager Phone (970-593-8637) Fax (970-472-1304) jfritz@towerperformance.com www.towerperformance.com
TRC Environmental Corporation
7521 Brush Hill Road Burr Ridge, IL 60527 Dan Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024) dgrabowski@trccompanies.com www.trccompanies.com
Trident Automation, Inc.
1001 West Kennedy Avenue Kimberly, WI 54136 Jason Hurst, CEO Phone (920-759-7477) info@tridentautomation.com www.tridentautomation.com
Trihydro Corporation
1252 Commerce Drive Laramie, WY 82070 John Schneider, Senior Consultant Phone (970-302-7061) Fax (307-745-7729) jschneider@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
14221 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254 Gregg Yates, Marketing Director Phone (214-589-8451) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com
Tristar FLC, Inc.
PO Box 424 (9600 Kaiser Way, Fontana, CA 92335) Vancouver, WA 98666 Barry Love, President Phone (909-823-3000) barry@tristarpnw.com www.tristarpnw.com
TruMarx Data Partners, Inc.
30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60606 Jon Olson, CEO Phone (312-286-1809) jon.olson@trumarx.com www.trumarx.com
United Color Manufacturing, Inc.
PO Box 480 Newtown, PA 18940
Sales Department
Phone (215-860-2165) Fax (215-860-8560) sales@unitedcolor.com www.unitedcolor.com
University of Nebraska-Industrial Agricultural Products Center
3605 Fair Street 208 Chase Hall Lincoln, NE 68583 Loren Isom, Assistant Director Phone (402-472-1634) agproducts@unl.edu agproducts.unl.edu
US Oil & Gas Technology Group
PO Box 204 Sugar Land, TX 77487 Dannis Jen, President Phone (713-261-5241) Fax (877-795-9098) djen99@hotmail.com naturalgastechnology.webs.com
Valtorc International
PO Box 1928 Kennesaw, GA 30156 AJ Bental, President Phone (770-423-7100) ajbental@valtorc.com www.valtorc.com
Valuation and Assets Services, LLC
2108 Canadarroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702 K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) projects@valuationandassets.com www.valuationandassets.com
Vance Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd.
PLO 668/669, Jalan Keluli 5 Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim 81700 Malaysia TC Long, Director Phone (60-7-257-1328) tclong@vancebioenergy.com www.vancebioenergy.com
VeggieScout Environmental Service, LLC
15535 Southeast 287th Avenue Boring, OR 97009 Matthew Harrison, Manager Phone (503-975-8615) office@veggiescout.org veggiescout.org
VERBIO Diesel Canada Corporation
1 St. Clair Drive Welland, ON L3B 6A7 Canada Rand Dueweke, Vice President Phone (866-306-4777) rand.dueweke@verbio.us www.verbio.us
Verder Scientific, Inc.
11 Penns Trail, Suite 300 Newtown, PA 18940 Georg Schick, President Phone (267-757-0351) Fax (267-757-0358) info-us@verder-scientific.com www.verder-scientific.com
Viking Equipment Finance
5900 South Lake Forest Drive, Suite 300 McKinney, TX 75070 Jim Buckingham, Director Phone (972-885-8899) info@vikingequipmentfinance.com www.vikingequipmentfinance.com/ energy
Viking Pump, Inc.
406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 John Hall, Manager of Business Development Phone (319-429-5575) jhall@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
Village Fuel Stop, Inc.
31858 Canadastaic Road #207 Castaic, CA 91384 Sarkis Khrimian, Director Phone (818-646-6666) Fax (661-295-7180) sarkis@vfsfuels.com
W. R. Grace & Co.
7500 Grace Drive Columbia, MD 21044 Chelsea Grimes, Marketing Manager of Materials Technologies Phone (667-300-8698) chelsea.grimes@grace.com grace.com/industries/biofuels/ biomass-based-diesel
Walsh Bio Fuels LLC
N3092 Hwy 12&16 Mauston, WI 53948 Dave Walsh, Manager Phone (608-847-6869) davewbf@mwwb.net walshbiofuel.com
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc.
39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618 Randy Baerg, President Phone (559-591-6790) Fax (559-591-5728) info@warrenbaerg.com www.warrenbaerg.com
24 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1800 Houston, TX 77046 Monty Bell, Manager Phone (832-320-3233) monty.bell@weaver.com weaver.com
Western States Controls
815 Arnold Drive #118 Martinez, CA 94553 Tim Rose, President Phone (925-370-1500) timr@iwestco.com www.iwestco.com
14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038 Jon Krueger, Field Service Sales & Operations Manager Phone (763-571-8110) info@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Wintek Corporation
7 Middlebury Boulevard, Suite 2 Randolph, NJ 07869 Michael Cicalese, President Phone (973-252-8200) michael@wintek-corp.com wintek-corp.com
Wishstone Energy
1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Peter Martin, Partner Phone (949-478-3488) peter.martin@jfm-llc.com www.wishstone-energy.com
Wolf Material Handling Systems
12680 Industrial Boulevard Elk River, MN 55330 Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (612-859-8207) Fax (763-576-9070) sales@wolfmhs.com wolfmhs.com
284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355 Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) info@workmaster.net www.workmaster.net
WWS Trading
4032 Shoreline Drive #2 Spring Park, MN 55384 Mark Napier, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) mark@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
Xylome Corporation
University Research Park 510 Charmany Drive, Labs 61-62 Madison, WI 53719 Tom Kelleher, CEO Phone (805-603-9736) tkelleher@xylome.com www.xylome.com