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Combining the strength of our Technology Center, Operations Services & Support, and Technical Services teams, CTE Complete creates optimized solutions for your plant’s specific needs, ensuring your success.

U.S. Ethanol Plants 1 MMgy minimum
Please contact Tom Bryan at tbryan@bbiinternational.com with questions or comments regarding the 2023 Summer Fuel Ethanol Plant Map. PLANT MAP DATA AS OF APRIL 2023
Color Key: Operational | Idle | Under Construction
✓* in the CCS column marks POET biorefineries pursuing CCS after the initial phase of the Navigator CO2 Heartland Greenway pipeline is developed.
U.S. Ethanol Plants (continued)
Please contact Tom Bryan at tbryan@bbiinternational.com with questions or comments regarding the
Canadian Ethanol Plants
1 MMgy minimum
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Ag Products & Services
Good Land Industrial LLC
16800 West Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005
Jim Tassone, President Phone (414-349-6664) Fax (262-782-7997) jimt@goodlandind.com www.goodlandind.com
ACA Bio Coperativa, Ltda. Lavanda 174
Km 555 Autopista Cordoba Rosario Villa Maria X5900 Argentina Marcos Bossi, Operations Manager Phone (0-353-155-6663-41) mbossi@acacoop.com.ar www.acacoop.com.ar
Benchmark Renewable Energy
2155 North McMullen Booth Road Clearwater, FL 33759
Juan Briceno, Business Development Director
Phone (305-302-8555) aoca@aol.com brenewable.com
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229) christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Cast Aluminum Solutions, LLC 1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325)
jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
Crown Industrial Ceramics 2929 Allen Parkway, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77019 Russell Epstein, President Phone (713-256-5220)
repstein@crownindustrialceramics.com www.crownindustrialceramics.com
Dira Mining LLC 3705 Arctic Boulevard #2771 Anchorage, AK 99503 Frank Zijlstra, Owner Phone (907-223-3222) diraminingllc@hushmail.com
GRIP Global Resources for Industrial Projects 1686 57A Street Delta, BC V4L 1X8 Canada
Doug Ballard, Equipment Solutions Provider Phone (604-889-1855) info@grip4equipment.ca grip4equipment.ca
Johnson Screens
1950 Old US Hwy 8 Northwest New Brighton, MN 55112
Michael Fitzstephens, Business Development Manager of Food & Beverage Phone (269-270-2975)
michael.fitzstephens@johnsonscreens.com johnsonscreens.com/applications/foodbeverage
The Dairy School
Auchincruive House
Ayr, Scotland KA6 5HU United Kingdom
Rachel Lobo, Marketing Coordinator Phone (800-234-5333) infomz@neogen.com www.megazyme.com
Prairie States Industrial Supply 12406 West 163rd Terrrace Overland Park, KS 66221
Douglas Sublett, Bulk Material & Processing Equipment Phone (864-542-7455) doug@prairiestatesind.com www.prairiestatesind.com
Sukup Manufacturing Co. 1555 255th Street
Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager
Phone (641-892-4222) Fax (641-892-4629) bhansen@sukup.com www.sukup.com
Associations & Organizations
Clean Cities
Sistemas Ecologicos Aplicados S.L. Polígono de Asipo Calle A, Parcela 21.
Gasolinera Asipo Servicios
Coruno (Llanera), Asturias 33428 Spain
Fernando Luis Villa Garcia, Founder Phone (34-666-448401) asipo.carburantes@gmail.com e85etanolblog.wordpress.com
American Coalition for Ethanol 5000 South Broadband Lane, Suite 224 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Katie Muckenhirn, Vice President of Public Affairs Phone (605-306-6107) kmuckenhirn@ethanol.org ethanol.org
Capital Marketing Associates Inc. PO Box 130760 Carlsbad, CA 92013
William Krusheski, International Reseller Phone (760-310-1471) bill@capmara.com capmara.com
Cooling Technology Institute PO Box 681807 Houston, TX 77268
Jalene Fritz, Membership Committee Phone (970-593-8637) vmanser@cti.org www.cti.org
Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association, Inc. 3033 Excelsior Boulevard, Suite 208 Minneapolis, MN 55416
Brian Werner, Executive Director Phone (612-888-9138)
bwerner@mnbiofuels.org www.mnbiofuels.org
Tecenex LLC PO Box 1223
Stuart, FL 34995
J K Larssen, Director Phone (844-757-7070)
tnexco@outlook.com tecenex.com
Zeno Farm Machinery Co., Ltd. Longhu Town, Xinzheng Zhengzhou, Henan 450000 China
Catherine Li Phone (136-5382-0230)
zenoshellermachine@gmail.com www.shellermachine.com
Grain Origination Services
VAA 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441
Cassie Rayman, Marketing Specialist Phone (763-559-9100) vaamarketing@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Hybrid Corn
GIC Trade, Inc. PO Box 151590 Chevy Chase, MD 20825
Richard Gilmore, President & CEO Phone (202-441-5651) rickgilmore@gicgroup.com gicgroup.com
Texas Precision Drones 2106 Dornoch Drive League City, TX 77573
Clyde Veltmann, Manager Phone (575-937-6940) clyde@azielcorporation.com
Net Zero Energy 12190 North Mopac Expressway #305 Austin, TX 78758 Monte Goodell Phone (832-758-0027) info@netzeroenergy.com www.netzeroenergy.com
Pivot Clean Energy Co. 3209 Redstone Road Boulder, CO 80305
Alicia ElMamouni, Executive Director Phone (605-368-0091) hello@pivotcleanenergy.org www.pivotcleanenergy.org
Renewable Energy Institute 6705 Bancroft Woods Austin, TX 78729 Monty Goodell Phone (832-758-0027) info@e100ethanol.com www.e100ethanol.com
Renewable Fuels Nebraska 1327 H Street, Suite 103 Lincoln, NE 68508 Dawn Caldwell, Executive Director Phone (402-325-0045)
dawnc@renewablefuelsne.org www.renewablefuelsne.org
STI/SPFA (Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association) 944 Donata Court Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Tim O’Toole, Executive Vice President Phone (847-438-8265) info@steeltank.com stispfa.org
Wisconsin BioFuels Association 16 North Carroll Street, Suite 600 Madison, WI 53703
Robert Welch, Executive Director Phone (608-819-0150) info@wibiofuels.org wibiofuels.org

Chemicals & Additives
Anti-Microbial Archangel, Inc.
1745 Shea Center Drive, Suite 400 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Allen Ziegler, Antimicrobials
Phone (877-453-0940)
aziegler@archangelbio.com www.archangelbio.com

1000 41st Avenue Drive Southwest Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Missy Abbott, Global Communications Leader
Phone (319-363-9601)
V. M. Biotech
“Varadan”, Vishakha Society South No. 9/16B+17+18, Karvenagar
Nr. Vedant Mangalam Karyalaya
Pune Maharashtra 411052 India
VM Kulkarni Phone (91-94-22010900)
vm@vmbiotech.com www.vmbiotech.com
Biochemical Concept Development
Semmelweisstr. 1 Planegg 82152 Germany
Mist Chemical & Supply Company
5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President Phone (847-912-8384)
412 South Hanley Road, Suite 2N St. Louis, MO 63105
Eric Sumner, President Phone (302-593-9568)
eric.sumner@arrowupglobal.com www.arrowupglobal.com

Mist Chemical & Supply Company

5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President
Phone (847-912-8384)
Tad Hepner Phone (98-0505-5313) tad.hepner@clariant.com www.sunliquid.com
Xylome Corporation

University Research Park 510 Charmany Drive, Labs 61-62 Madison, WI 53719
Thomas Kelleher Phone (608-441-8188)
Camco Chemical Company, Inc.
3635 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 3
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Brian Moffatt, President Phone (414-858-2300)
Fax (414-858-2310)
bmoffatt@camcochemical.com www.camcochemical.com
NABP (Nucleus Ag & Bio Products)

7646 215th Street West Lakeville, MN 55044
Todd Seaton, President
Phone (612-991-5080)
tkelleher@xylome.com www.xylome.com
Camco Chemical Company, Inc.

3635 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 3
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Phibro Ethanol 1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114

Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839)
Ferm Solutions
4095 Lebanon Road Danville, KY 40422
Richard Jones, Sales Manager Phone (202-978-3376)
rjones@ferm-solutions.com www.ferm-solutions.com

Phibro Ethanol
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations
Phone (402-297-5839)
BetaTec Hop Products, Inc.
5185 MacArthur Boulevard Northwest #103 Washington, DC 20016
Jason Lanham, Director of Sales & Global Marketing
Phone (937-239-0685)
17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
info@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
725 Fifth Avenue, Floor 23 New York, NY 10022
John Maye, Technical Director Phone (703-980-7094)
jmaye@hopsteiner.com www.hopsteiner.com
Brian Moffatt, President Phone (414-858-2300)
Fax (414-858-2310)
bmoffatt@camcochemical.com www.camcochemical.com
Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions 3600 Horizon Boulevard, Suite 100 Trevose, PA 19053

Greg Hoffpauir, Biofuels Marketing & Business Development Lead Phone (309-574-0035)

www.watertechnologies.com/industries/ food-beverage/biofuels-ethanol

Corn Oil Separation Aid
Ecolab 1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102
Nelson Belardi, Assistant Vice President of Sales Phone (612-812-0758) nelson.belardi@ecolab.com www.ecolab.com/biofuels-and-ethanol
Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045

Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
Applied Material Solutions, Inc.
1001 East Centralia Street
Elkhorn, WI 53121
Kevin Mundell, Sales Manager Phone (262-723-6595)
Fax (262-723-3830)
Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway
Brookfield, WI 53045
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
info@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Chemicals & Additives
Corrosion Inhibitors
Arcadia Corporation 2111 Albany Drive Franklin, TN 37067
Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway

Brookfield, WI 53045
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
info@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Alex Grayes, President Phone (865-719-2930)
sales@arcadiachemical.com www.arcadiachemical.com
Synasia Inc.
240 Amboy Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840
Kevin Greene Phone (631-374-5144) Fax (732-205-9880)
kgreene@synasia.com www.synasia.com
Innospec Fuel Specialties

8310 South Valley Hwy Englewood, CO 80112
Daniel Harris, Sales Manager
Phone (312-459-7145)
daniel.harris@innospecinc.com innospec.com/fuel-additives/renewablefuel-specialties
Cortec Corporation
4119 White Bear Parkway St. Paul, MN 55110
Eric Uutala, Technical Service & Product Manager
Phone (651-429-1100)
euutala@cortecvci.com www.cortecvci.com
MidContinental Chemical Co., Inc.
1802 East 123rd Terrace Olathe, KS 66061
Everett Osgood, Director of Fuel Additives
Phone (913-390-5556)
Fax (913-254-1434)
everetto@mcchemical.com www.mcchemical.com
Interra Global 164 South Prospect Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068

Jay Skiersch, Vice President Phone (847-292-8600) sales@interraglobal.com interraglobal.com
Hengye Inc.
11999 Katy Freeway, Suite 588 Houston, TX 77079
Mark Binns, Technical Business Director
Phone (502-232-5356)
Fax (832-288-4230)
mbinns@hengyeinc.com hengyeinc.com
Enzymes IFF
1000 41st Avenue Drive Southwest Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Missy Abbott, Global Communications Leader Phone (319-363-9601)
BASF Enzymes, LLC
3550 John Hopkins Court San Diego, CA 92121
Jeff Carver, Sales Manager
Phone (218-269-0836)
www.basf.com/global/en/products/ segments/nutrition_and_care/nutrition_ and_health/enzymes/basf-enzyme

CTE Global, Inc.
630 Dundee Road, Suite 440 Northbrook, IL 60062
Alex Shifman, CEO & President Phone (847-564-5770)
Fax (847-272-6003)

77 Perry Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525
Tom Kortuem, Commercial Director Phone (919-494-3000) tko@novozymes.com
www.novozymes.com/en/solutions/ bioenergy Phibro Ethanol

1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839)

Kemin Bio Solutions
1900 Scott Avenue
Building A-HQ
Des Moines, IA 50317
Joe Malandra, Key Account Manager Phone (319-853-8367)
Mega Pacific Technology Inc. 2005 Vista Avenue
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Anne Wang, Country Manager Phone (626-689-3281)
Chemicals & Additives
Enzymes Cont.
Peli Biochem Technology Shanghai Co.
818 Long Hua East Road
Greenland CBD Room 1208
Shanghai 1208 China
Charlie Yee, Vice President of Business Development
Phone (626-502-7559)
Shandong Longda Bio Products Co., Ltd.
West Wencheng Road, North Second Ring Yishui County, Shandong 276400 China
Niu Jie, Overseas Business General Manager
Phone (0086-137-21990060) trade@longda-enzyme.com
Foam Control
Fuel Cleaning Additives
500 East Morehead Street, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28202
Nina Karpynec, Head of Sales Marketing, Technology & Business Development
Phone (491-745-9148)
Water Treatment
Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045

Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
Yeast AB Biotek
4240 Duncan Avenue, Suite 150 St. Louis, MO 63110
Rick Oleshak, Vice President of Marketing Phone (314-392-0821) rick.oleshak@abmauri.com www.abbiotek.com
Aequor Inc.
1288 Skyros Way
Encinitas, CA 92024
Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854)
mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
Angel Yeast Co., Limited 168 Chengdong Avenue
Yichang, Hubei 443003 China
Tian Luo, Senior Sales Manager Phone (8613872531766)
luotian@angelyeast.com en.angelyeast.com
Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits

1000 41st Avenue Drive Southwest Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Missy Abbott, Global Communications Leader Phone (319-363-9601) missy.abbott@iff.com
6120 West Douglas Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218
Craig Ammann, Vice President of Sales in North America Phone (605-376-5872) cammann@lallemand.com www.lbds.com
Lesaffre do Brasil
Travessa Vacaria 8 Bairro Coophema
Cuiaba, Mato Grosso 78085-095 Brazil
17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
info@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Veolia Water Technologies 3600 Horizon Boulevard, Suite 100 Trevose, PA 19053

Greg Hoffpauir, Biofuels Marketing & Business Development Lead Phone (309-574-0035)

www.watertechnologies.com/industries/ food-beverage/biofuels-ethanol
NABP (Nucleus Ag & Bio Products)

7646 215th Street West Lakeville, MN 55044
Todd Seaton, President Phone (612-991-5080) toddseaton@na-bp.com
Miguel Phagouape Phone (55-19-99794-7218) m.phagouape@leaf.lesaffre.com leaf-lesaffre.com
78 Waterloo Road, Level 4 Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia
Geoff Bell, CEO Phone (61-4-3242-8882) geoff.bell@microbiogen.com www.microbiogen.com
Mist Chemical & Supply Co.

5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President Phone (847-912-8384) steve@mistchem.com www.mistchem.com
Camco Chemical Company, Inc.
3635 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 3
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Brian Moffatt, President Phone (414-858-2300)
Fax (414-858-2310)
Keytech Water Management, a Kurita company
33 McIntryre Drive Kitchener, ON N2R 1E4 Canada
Andre Van Overloop, Ontario Sales & Service/Ethanol
Phone (800-265-2772)
Fax (877-748-4919)
Solenis LLC
2475 Pinnacle Drive Wilmington, DE 19803
Stephen Jose, Vice President Phone (703-225-9037)
Water Tech, Inc.
7215 Hwy 271 South Fort Smith, AR 72908
Phone (479-649-7447)
Fax (479-649-7557)

77 Perry Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525
Tom Kortuem, Commercial Director Phone (919-494-3000)
tko@novozymes.com www.novozymes.com/en/solutions/ bioenergy Phibro Ethanol
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839)

Terranol A/S A.C. Meyers Vaenge 15 Copenhagen 2450 Denmark Birgitte Ronnow, CEO & Co-founder Phone (45-48444844) birgitte@terranol.com www.terranol.com
Xylogenics, Inc.
7230 Arbuckle Commons, Suite 221 Brownsburg, IN 46112
Josh Heyen, CEO & President Phone (317-625-3623) jheyen@xylogenics.com xylogenics.com
Chemical Circulation
Mist Chemical & Supply Company
5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President Phone (847-912-8384)
Emergency Spill Response
Beyond Details LLC
3180 Meadow Circle Green Bay, WI 54311
William Capelle, PFAS Remediation & Spill Control
Phone (920-309-9045)
1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102
Nelson Belardi, Assistant Vice President of Sales
Phone (612-812-0758)
Veolia Water Technologies

3600 Horizon Boulevard, Suite 100 Trevose, PA 19053
Greg Hoffpauir, Biofuels Marketing & Business Development Lead Phone (309-574-0035)

www.watertechnologies.com/industries/ food-beverage/biofuels-ethanol

Mist Chemical & Supply Company
5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President Phone (847-912-8384)
Filter Media
Central States Carbons, LLC Indianapolis, IN 46256
Nii-Akwei Acquaye, Sales Phone (651-329-1607)
Heat Exchanger
17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450)
1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102
Nelson Belardi, Assistant Vice President of Sales
Phone (612-812-0758)

More than 35 years of tackling the most dif cult silo cleanout projects in 30+ countries worldwide.
Professional service technicians are MSHA and OSHA-certi ed and adhere to a rigorous continuing education program.
Phibro Ethanol
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations
Phone (402-297-5839)
17385 Golf Parkway
Brookfield, WI 53045
Don Cipowski, Sales Manager Phone (262-792-1450)

We conquer the most dif cult cleanout projects in the world with our proprietary silo cleaning technology
Phibro Ethanol
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839)


Heat Exchanger Cont.
Mist Chemical & Supply Company

5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President Phone (847-912-8384)
steve@mistchem.com www.mistchem.com
Innovative Plant Solutions, Inc.
3125 East 14th Avenue Hibbing, MN 55746
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager
Phone (844-799-6582) mschinderle@innovativeplantsolutions.com www.innovativeplantsolutions.com
Midwest Mobile Waterjet
555 Barge Channel Road St. Paul, MN 55107
Brian Gleeson, Portable Waterjet Cutting Phone (651-755-7089) bgleeson@mmwaterjet.com www.mmwaterjet.com
Premium Plant Services
1336 East 31st Street Hibbing, MN 55746
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager
Phone (218-263-4444)
melisa@premiumplantservices.com www.premiumplantservices.com
Plate-Frame Phibro Ethanol
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839)
steve.rust@pahc.com www.phibroethanol.com
Tank Cleaning Equipment
Butterworth Inc.-Houston, TX 16737 West Hardy Road Houston, TX 77060
Mark Murphy, Global Sales Manager
Phone (281-821-7300)
Fax (281-821-5550)
Hydro-Thermal 400 Pilot Court Waukesha, WI 53188
Joel Gerstner, National Sales Manager Phone (262-548-8900)
info@hydro-thermal.com www.hydro-thermal.com
Tank Cleaning Services
1511 Southern Drive Virginia, MN 77536
Jeff Maki, Division Manager Phone (715-781-7436)


17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450) info@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Tank Cleaning Technologies 15200 Middlebrook Drive, Suite E Houston, TX 77058
Joshua Humphries, Sales Manager Phone (281-218-9400)
Mole Master Services Corporation
27815 State Route 7 Marietta, OH 45750
Michael Bailey, General Manager Phone (740-374-6726)
Fax (740-374-5908)
Schroeder Environmental Cleaning Services Inc.
1056 East River Drive River Falls, WI 54022
Gary Shields, Contracts Manager/Project Manager Phone (651-335-8083)
Conferences/Trade Shows & Meetings
Biodiesel Summit: Sustainable Aviation Fuel & Renewable Diesel
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385)
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385)
National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385)

North American SAF Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385)

service@bbiinternational.com www.safconference.com
International Biomass Conference & Expo
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com

Leading Carbon Capture Business

How Can You Be a Part of the Action?

Capturing and storing carbon dioxide in underground wells has the potential to become the most consequential technological deployment in the histor y of the broader biofuels industry.

The National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo will offer attendees a comprehensive look at the economics of carbon capture and storage, the infrastructure required to make it possible and the nancial and marketplace impacts to participating producers.

Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager
Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Concrete Silos
Custom Concrete Specialists

655 South Street, Suite 2 Seward, NE 68434
Cheyenne Wohlford, Custom Concrete Specialist of Concrete Silo Maintenance & Repair
Phone (855-752-5047) cheyenne@ccsgrouponline.com www.ccsgrouponline.com
Hoffmann, Inc.
6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Alan Steiner, Director of Business Development
Phone (563-263-4733) sales@hoffmanninc.com hoffmanninc.com
Decker Electric

4500 West Harry Street Wichita, KS 67209
Ben Wilson, Executive Director of Business Development
Phone (316-841-5772) bwilson@decker-electric.com www.decker-electric.com
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
25701 370th Street
Goodhue, MN 55027
Jason Grahek, Director of Business Development
Phone (651-923-4970) jason.grahek@keway.com www.keyway.com
122 East College Avenue, Suite 202 Appleton, WI 54911
Scott Kennedy, Business Development Manager
Phone (920-734-5791)
skennedy@azco-inc.com www.azco-inc.com
Cambridge Pro Fab Inc.
84 Shaver Street Brantford, ON N3S 0H4 Canada
Jim Hodgins, Sales Phone (519-998-5613)
jhodgins@cambridgeprofab.com www.cambridgeprofab.com
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662)
seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Paget Equipment Company
417 East 29th Street Marshfield, WI 54494
Alan Shepard, Sales Manager Phone (715-384-3158)
alans@pagetequipment.com www.pagetequipment.com
Strobel Companies
106 South Green Street Clarks, NE 68628
Larry Myers, Client Development Phone (308-624-4999)
lmyers@strobelenergy.com www.strobelcompanies.com
Grain Storage
Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com

Mid-States Millwright & Builders
1116 South B Avenue Nevada, IA 50201
Riley Vier, Vice President of Marketing Phone (515-382-6280) riley.vier@midstatescompanies.com midstatescompanies.com/mmb
Fiber Chem, Inc.
14858 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001
Dan Smith, Business Development Manager
Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
Seaton Construction Group

4506 West Harry Street
Wichita, KS 67209
Ben Wilson, Executive Director of Business Development Phone (316-239-2500)
bwilson@seaton-construction.com www.seaton-construction.com
Critical Path Management, LLC

N4980 Bradley Street Gleason, WI 54435
Bob Shank, Project/Construction Manager Phone (715-218-3979)
bob_shank@cpmcm.com www.cpmcm.com
Saulsbury Industries
2951 East Interstate 20 Odessa, TX 79766
TJ Stewart, Director of Business Development Phone (701-471-6388) Fax (432-368-0061)
tstewart@saulsbury.com www.saulsbury.com
Plant Construction
Sukup Manufacturing Co.

1555 255th Street
Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager
Phone (641-892-4222)
Fax (641-892-4629)
ICM, Inc. PO Box 397 310 North First Street Colwich, KS 67030
Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone (316-796-0900) Fax (316-796-0570)
adriana.albornoz@icminc.com www.icminc.com
Agra Industries, Inc. 1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033) jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Weitz Commercial & Industrial General Contracting 611 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300 Des Moines, IA 50309
Dan Dennell, Sr. Business Development Manager Phone (402-999-6067) dan.dennell@weitz.com www.weitz.com
Alberici Constructors 8800 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63114
Victoria Fleddermann, Sr. Director of Business Development Phone (314-733-2256) victoria@alberici.com www.alberici.com
Barnhart Crane & Rigging 3604 West Hovland Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Bill Vyhlidal Phone (712-522-0029) bvyhlidal@barnhartcrane.com www.barnhartcrane.com
Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 66215
Meaghan McCaffrey, Managing Director of Renewables & Emerging Markets Phone (314-384-6314) mmccaffrey@burnsmcd.com burnsmcd.com
Fagen, Inc. 501 West Hwy 212 Granite Falls, MN 56241
William Stark, Vice President of Business Development Phone (320-564-5284) wstark@fageninc.com www.fageninc.com
ICS, Inc. (Industrial Contract Services)

2500 Mill Road
Grand Forks, ND 58203
Suzzanne Danielson, Project Development Coordinator
Phone (701-775-8480)
Fax (701-775-8479)
suzzanne.danielson@icsgf.us www.icsgf.com
MAP General Mechanical Contractors
1218 Hwy 49 North Beulah, ND 58523
Todd Peterson Phone (701-566-2784) todd.peterson@mapmechanical.com www.mapmechanical.com
Pyramid E&C LLC
16420 Park Ten Place, Suite 585 Houston, TX 77084
Millicent Herman
Phone (713-429-5499)
Fax (713-428-5401)
sales@pyramidenc.com www.pyramidenc.com
Ryan & Associates, Inc. 10955 160th Street Davenport, IA 52804
Tony Templet, Business Development Phone (314-307-3889)
ttemplet@ryangrp.com ryangrp.com
Todd & Sargent, Inc. 2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010
Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development Phone (319-956-4805)
ssylvester@tsargent.com tsargent.com
Railroad Tracks
Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. 14625 West Kaul Avenue Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Rick Volkmann, President Phone (262-252-3377) rick@volkmannrr.com volkmannrr.com
Winbco has over 80 years of experience in the design, construc on, and repairs of custom processing, stainless steel, carbon steel tank systems and equipment for use in the grain, ethanol, hydro-carbon, chemical, juice, waste water and beverage industries.

Cer fica ons from API, ASME, UL, ISO 9001:2015 Cer fied, and AWWA ensure your project quality needs are guaranteed.
WINBCO is Prequalified with the following sites: ISN Net, First Verify, Ave a, Browz, SMI and ARIBA
Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033) jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Matrix Service Company
115 East Fifth Street, Suite 1100 Tulsa, OK 74103
John Hart, Vice President of Business Development Phone (918-838-8822) marketing@matrixservicecompany.com www.matrixservicecompany.com
Stainless Fabrication, Inc. 4455 West Kearney Street Springfield, MO 65803
Keith Mizell, Sales Manager Phone (417-865-5696) info@stainlessfab.com www.stainlessfab.com
Winbco Tank Systems PO Box 618 1200 East Main Street Ottumwa, IA 52501

Tom Munro, Sales Manager Phone (641-683-1855) tmunro@winbco.com
3215 South Providence Road, Suite 3 Columbia, MO 65203
John Kruse, Managing Principal Phone (573-228-9842) jkruse@waees-llc.com www.waees-llc.com
Maas Companies, Inc. PO Box 7127 Rochester, MN 55903
Tyler Maas, Director of Marketing & Sales Phone (507-285-1444) maas@maascompanies.com www.maascompanies.com

Business Plans
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
AFRY Management Consulting Inc.
295 Madison Avenue, Suite 705 New York, NY 10017
Megan McCormick, Manager Phone (410-693-2868) megan.mccormick@afry.com afry.com/en
Strategic Avalanche Consulting
2404 Trenton Woods Way Raleigh, NC 27607
James Iademarco, President Phone (919-714-3041)
james@strategicavalanche.com www.strategicavalanche.com
Carbon Intensity
Life Cycle Associates LLC
884 Portola Road, Suite A11 San Mateo, CA 94028
Love Goyal, Sustainability Project Manager Phone (805-637-5750) goyal@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
Life Cycle Associates, LLC
884 Portola Road, Suite A11 Portola Valley, CA 94028
Stefan Unnasch, Managing Director Phone (650-461-9048) outreach@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
50 South Virginia Street Box 388
Reno, NV 89501
Preston Brown, Director of Agribusiness
Phone (815-315-7506) preston@nzero.com nzero.com
Cellulosic BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Energy and Water Development LLC

1456 Greenlake Drive
Aurora, IL 60502
Suresh Jambunathan, Owner/Principal Phone (630-335-4544)
suresh.jambunathan@enwadev.com www.enwadev.com
Gas Liquids Engineering
2749 39th Avenue Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 4T8 Canada
Ian Griffin, Gas Liquids Engineering & Industry Leader in Sustainable Projects Phone (403-250-2950) sales@gasliquids.com www.gasliquids.com
World Kinect Energy Services
11100 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 200 Minnetonka, MN 55305
Bruce Hoffarber, Vice President of Energy Management Phone (612-867-8421)
Air Resource Specialists
1901 Sharp Point Drive, Suite F Fort Collins, CO 80525
Brianna Tobin, Environmental Compliance Manager
Phone (970-484-7941)
arsinfo@air-resource.com www.air-resource.com
Antea Group 5910 Rice Creek Parkway, Suite 100 Shoreview, MN 70810
Troy Bernal, Senior Consultant Phone (225-907-4606) troy.bernal@anteagroup.us us.anteagroup.com/industries/renewablefuels
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development Phone (866-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
Benz Technology International Inc.
2305 South Clarksville Road Clarksville, OH 45113
Gregory Benz, President Phone (937-289-4504)
Fax (937-289-3914)
g.benz@benz-tech.com www.benz-tech.com
5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Kristi Plack, CSO
Phone (605-838-6679) kristip@bionsciences.com www.biosciences.com
bhoffarber@world-kinect.com www.worldkinect.com
Environmental Merjent, Inc.

1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249)
paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
Defour Group LLC 7220 Heatherwood Drrive Jenison, MI 49428 Dean Drake, President Phone (586-668-5861) dean@defourgroup.com defourgroup.com
GCI (Grace Consulting, Inc.) Air Emissions Testing 684 Tower Road Plainfield, IN 46168
Simon Kamagantsev, Account Manager Phone (877-424-8378) simonkamagantsev@gcitest.com www.gcitest.com
Montrose Environmental 5120 Northshore Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118 Dan Fitzgerald Phone (501-900-6400) dfitzgerald@montrose-env.com montrose-env.com
RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. 400 Post Avenue, Suite 405 Westbury, NY 11590

Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal Phone (516-333-4526)
Fax (516-333-4571)
bailey@rtpenv.com www.rtpenv.com SCS Engineers
Progressive Energy

111 Veterans Memorial Boulevard Suite 1546
Metairie, LA 70005
Nick Cioll, CEO Phone (469-951-3264)
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Oxidizers Inc. 1731 Pomona Road Corona, CA 92878
Leah Zuercher, Field Technician Phone (951-751-3822) leah@oxidizers.net oxidizers.net
PROtect, LLC 3815 South Midco Street Wichita, KS 67215
Nathan VanderGriend, CEO Phone (316-927-4290) info@protect.llc www.protect.llc
REGS, LLC 785 Washington Street, Suite 6 Canton, MA 02021

Matthew Radigan, Environmental Consulting Phone (781-821-2376) matt@regscompliance.com www.regscompliance.com
TRC Environmental Corporation
207C Eisenhower Lane South Lombard, IL 60148
Dan Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024)
dgrabowski@trccompanies.com trcsolutions.com
Trihydro Corporation
1252 Commerce Drive
Laramie, WY 82070
John Schneider, Regional Development Leader (Southwest)
Phone (970-302-7061)
Fax (307-745-7729)
Feasibility Studies
Information Technology
Industrial Info Resources, Inc.
2818 Kenwood Isles Drive Minneapolis, MN 55408
Scott Kirkeby, Senior Account Manager Phone (612-915-9996)
skirkeby@industrialinfo.com www.industrialinfo.com
SCS Global Services
2000 Powell Street #600 Emeryville, CA 94608
Scott Coye-Huhn, Director of Low Carbon Fuel Regulations
Phone (713-412-5311)
scoyehuhn@scsglobalservices.com www.scsglobalservices.com
Management Services
BBI International Project Development

Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
SCS Engineers 11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226 Monte Markley, Vice President
Phone (316-315-4501)
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100
Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President
Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012)
mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
340 Linden Street
Kindred, ND 58051
Kyle Althoff, Financial Analysis for New Projects & Businesses
Phone (303-910-6052)
kalthoff@equinox8.com www.equinox8.com
Isomer Project Group
115 Welborn Street, Suite A Greenville, SC 29601
Tyler Smith, Director of Business Development
Phone (864-565-9355)
tyler.smith@isomer.group www.isomer.group
The ProExporter Network
114 South Main Street, Suite 100 Chelsea, MI 48118
Ryan Ruikka, Biofuels Energy Analyst Phone (734-330-1961)
ryan@prxgeo.com www.proexporter.com
Plant Optimization ICM, Inc.

PO Box 397
310 North First Street Colwich, KS 67030
Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications Phone (316-796-0900)
Fax (316-796-0570) adriana.albornoz@icminc.com www.icminc.com
Project Development
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385)
Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Energy Management Solutions Inc. 371 South Sunset Drive Mina, SD 57451
Bill Paulsen, President/CEO
Phone (605-216-5010)
bill.paulsen@emsplantmanagement.com www.emsplantmanagement.com
Passmore Group Inc.
7064 Shadow Ridge Drive Ottawa, ON K4P 1B8 Canada
Jeff Passmore, CEO Phone (613-821-0495) jeff@passmoregroup.ca www.passmoregroup.ca
Personnel Recruiting
AGRI-Associates, Inc.

6900 College Boulevard #275 Overland Park, KS 66211
Glenn J. Person, President Phone (913-696-9990) gjp@agriassociates.com agri-associates.com
Projects Plus Consulting LLC
9526 South 94th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74133
Terry Ruse, Principal Phone (918-991-8372)
terryruse@aol.com www.linkedin.com/in/terryruse
KATZEN International, Inc. 2300 Wall Street, Suite K Cincinnati, OH 45212
Robert Eickelberger, Vice President of Business Operations Phone (513-351-7500)
Fax (513-351-0810) eickelberger@katzen.com www.katzen.com/index.aspx
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development Phone (866-746-8385)
myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
Praj Industries, Ltd. 225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204 Sugarland, TX 77479

Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075) shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
KATZEN International, Inc. 2300 Wall Street, Suite K Cincinnati, OH 45212

Robert Eickelberger, Vice President of Business Operations Phone (513-351-7500) Fax (513-351-0810) eickelberger@katzen.com www.katzen.com/index.aspx
Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 66215
Meaghan McCaffrey, Managing Director of Renewables & Emerging Markets Phone (314-384-6314) mmccaffrey@burnsmcd.com burnsmcd.com
Whitefox Technologies

2111 South 67th Street, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68106
Paul Kamp, Vice President of Business Development
Phone (773-583-5923)
Fax (403-592-6889) solutions@whitefox.com www.whitefox.com
ibiocat, inc.
2340 Flintshire View Coralville, IA 52241
Charles Abbas, Founder & CTO Phone (217-412-8096)
biocat1@icloud.com ibiocat.com
Pruszko Consulting 16148 Paradise Lane Dubuque, IA 52002
Rudy Pruszko, President Phone (563-582-4545) biorudy@gmail.com biodieselbasics.com
ConVergInce Advisers 11919 Montfort Circle Glen Allen, VA 23059
Joel Stone, President Phone (804-338-0978) joel.stone@convergince.com www.convergince.com
Delta Energy Services, LLC 325 Abbey Road Berwyn, PA 19312
Sven Swenson, Chief of Staff Phone (352-201-9848) sven@workdelta.com www.workdelta.com
MKL Capital LLC
Box 963 Bronxville, NY 10708
Brian Morrison, Managing Director Phone (917-653-3017) bam@morrisonkibbey.com www.mklcapital.com
Project Development Cont.
Vertical Optimization, LLC
PO Box 7251
Silver Spring, MD 20907
Emeka Nwankwo, President Phone (888-927-8232) support@verticaloptimization.com www.verticaloptimization.com
Quality Assurance
5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Esther Homandberg, General Manager Phone (605-838-6679) bion@bionsciences.com www.bionsciences.com

SCS Engineers 11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012)
mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Degart Global LLC 4810 74th Street Urbandale, IA 50322
Gary DeLong, Vice President Phone (515-240-9586)
garyd@degartglobal.com www.degartglobal.com
Regulatory Compli 5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108

Emily Reade, Director of Compliance Phone (605-838-6679) compli@bionsciences.com www.biosciences.com

SCS Engineers 11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) Fax (913-681-0012)
mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Alcohol Tax Consultants, Inc. PO Box 1595 New York, NY 10159
Matt Zuckerman, Consultant Phone (917-771-9906) info@alcoholtax.com www.alcoholtax.com
KMoore Consulting LLC
1115 Elmwood Road Bloomington, IL 61701
Kristin Moore, Principal Scientist Phone (309-275-9433) fueltechservice@gmail.com
Weaver 4400 Post Oak Parkway, Suite 1100 Houston, TX 77027
Ashley Player, Partner Phone (619-929-3997)
ashley.player@weaver.com weaver.com
Safety Merjent, Inc.

1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249)

Site Selection BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com

Education Novozymes

77 Perry Chapel Church Road
Franklinton, NC 27525
Tom Kortuem, Commercial Director Phone (919-494-3000)
www.novozymes.com/en/solutions/ bioenergy
Rail Safe Training 32429 Hickory Avenue Sioux City, IA 51108

Chuck Leonard, Rail Safe Training Phone (712-212-4145)
info@railsafetraining.com www.railsafetraining.com
Advanced Biofuels USA 507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701
Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395)
info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org
Bismarck State College-National Energy Center of Excellence 1200 Schafer Street Bismarck, ND 58504
Dan Schmidt, Program Manager Phone (701-224-5651) Fax (701-224-2520)
bsc.energy@bismarckstate.edu bismarckstate.edu/energy
SearchPath of Chicago, Inc. & SPI Of Chicago, Inc.

521 Devonshire Lane, Suite D Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Mark Ragland, Vice President of Talent Acquisition
Phone (815-261-4403)
chillman@spiofchicago.com searchpathofchicago.com
Commodity Talent LLC
149 Terhune Road Princeton, NJ 08540 George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com

3D Modeling
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Biomass Energy
Global Resources, Inc. 6701 East 26th Street Sioux Falls, SD 57110
Tom Stenzel, President Phone (605-977-1127)
tom@werecruit.net www.linkedin.com/in/ tomstenzelglobalresourcesinc
Global Talent Solutions PO Box 235
201 East Main Avenue #9 Frazee, MN 56544
Brian Bigger, President/Recruiter Phone (218-206-6659)
brian@globaltalentsolutions.com www.globaltalentsolutions.com
Evergreen Engineering, Inc.
1740 Willow Creek Circle
Eugene, OR 97402
Aaron Edewards, Business Development Director Phone (541-484-4771)
aedewards@eeeug.com evergreenengineering.com
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com

SCS Engineers 11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012)
mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441

Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324)
vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Corval Group
1633 Eustis Street
St. Paul, MN 55108
Robert Weir, Vice President of Engineering & Development Phone (701-301-7102)
rweir@corvalgroup.com www.corvalgroup.com
Vault 44.01
700 Second Street Southwest, Suite 500
Calgary, AB T2P 2W3 Canada
Hugh Caperton, Vice President of Land & Business Development
Phone (304-594-8084)
hugh@vault4401.com www.vault4401.com

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Cont.
Advanced Resources International, Inc.
1840 Mackenzie Drive, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43220
Andrew Duguid, Vice President Phone (703-528-8420)
info@adv-res.com www.adv-res.com
505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
Jon Cartlidge, Commercial Sales Director Phone (614-424-3508) cartlidgej@battelle.org battelle.org/ccs
Carbon Vault Holdings LLC
1512 Larimer Street, Suite 550 Denver, CO 80108
James Dodson, Vice President Phone (303-376-3607)
jbd@carbon-vault.com www.carbonvault.us
Elysian Carbon Management
901 North Creek Drive Edmond, OK 73034
Keith Tracy, Chief Commercial Officer Phone (405-308-7289)
ktracy@elysian.cc www.elysian.cc
904 1331 Macleod Trail Southeast Calgary, AB T2G 0K3 Canada
Gerald Smith, Director of Business Development
Phone (281-856-6049)
gsmith@enerflex.com www.enerflex.com

Navigator CO2
13333 California Street, Suite 202 Omaha, NE 68154
Heartland Greenway Phone (402-702-1902)
Pelican Energy Consultants
180 New Camellia Boulevard, Suite 100 Covington, LA 70433
Ed Covington, Vice President of Strategy & Markets
Phone (985-871-4200) ed.covington@pelicanenergy.com www.pelicanenergy.com
PureHempNY Box 10
Hudson, NY 12534
Ralph Brill, Chairman Phone (845-661-3593)
brill.group@verizon.net www.purehemptech.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324)
vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
CO2 SCS Engineers 11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Control Systems
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
OpX Control 1864 Tossing Mane Court Dayton, OH 45458
Henri Brittain
Phone (513-543-6494) hank.brittain@opxcontrol.com opxcontrol.com
Trident Automation, Inc. 1001 West Kennedy Avenue Kimberly, WI 54136
Jason Hurst, CEO Phone (920-759-7477)
Fax (920-749-4877)
info@tridentautomation.com www.tridentautomation.com
Agra Industries, Inc.

1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 66215
Meaghan McCaffrey, Managing Director of Renewables & Emerging Markets Phone (314-384-6314) mmccaffrey@burnsmcd.com burnsmcd.com
Jatro Renewables, Inc. 4738 Gateway Circle, Suite 209 Kettering, OH 45440
Raj Mosali, CEO Phone (617-821-8194)
rmosali@jatrorenewables.com www.jatrorenewables.com
McCormick Construction Co. 7900 69th Avenue Greenfield, MN 55373
Steve Swanson, COO Phone (763-477-4774) Fax (763-477-5174) steves@mccormickconstruction.com www.mccormickconstruction.com

Merrick & Company
5970 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Chris Biondolilo, Director of Bioprocessing Phone (303-803-0133) chris.biondolilo@merrick.com www.merrick.com
Power System Engineering 2424 Rimrock Road, Suite 300 Madison, WI 53713
Jessica Deegan, Marketing Coordinator Phone (608-268-3529) deeganj@powersystem.org www.powersystem.org
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226 Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Benchmark Renewable Energy LLC
2155 North McMullen Booth Road Clearwater, FL 33759
Terry Ruse, Manager of Operations Phone (918-991-8372)
terryruse@aol.coom www.brenewable.com
Caloris Engineering
29516 Canvasback Drive, Suite 200 Easton, MD 21601 Bruce Skinner, Sales Manager Phone (410-822-6900) mcorley@caloris.com caloris.com
Fluid Quip Technologies 6105 Rockwell Drive Northeast Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Keith Jakel, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (319-320-7709)
kjakel@fluidquiptechnologies.com fluidquiptechnologies.com
Interstates, Inc. 1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc. 1611 South Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 302 Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Rocky Costello Phone (310-792-5870) rcca@rccostello.com www.rccostello.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324) vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Electrical Interstates, Inc. 1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324) vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Environmental SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100
Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501)
Fax (913-681-0012)
mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Beyond Details LLC
3180 Meadow Circle Green Bay, WI 54311
William Capelle, PFAS Remediation & Spill Control Phone (920-309-9045) wcapelle@beydet.com www.beydet.com
Nayes Associates, LLC 30 South Ninth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402
Terrence Nayes, Owner/Engineer Phone (952-239-5377) tlnayes@hotmail.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324) vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Agra Industries, Inc. 1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Fluid Quip Technologies
6105 Rockwell Drive Northeast Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Keith Jakel, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (319-320-7709)
kjakel@fluidquiptechnologies.com fluidquiptechnologies.com
Larson Engineering, Inc. 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Ethan Charpentier, Regional Manager Phone (651-481-9120)
Fax (651-481-9201) askeie@larsonengr.com www.larsonengr.com
Pond & Company 3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 500 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
Ron Pagel, Sr. Account Manager Phone (920-841-3286)

pagelr@pondco.com www.pondco.com
ABP Engineering

440 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68114
David Hoylman, Sr. Mechanical Design Engineer Phone (402-502-4242) dhoylman@abpengineeringllc.com www.abpengineeringllc.com
JMI Technologies, Ltd. 24 Peterkin Road Markham, ON L6E 1Y9 Canada
John Patitsas, Project Manager Phone (905-201-9511) jpatitsas@sympatico.ca www.jmitech.ca
Plaas Incorporated
1427 Old West Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066
Taite Plaas, President Phone (651-388-8881) taite@plaasinc.com www.plaasinc.com
Stanley Consultants Inc. 225 Iowa Avenue Muscatine, IA 52671

Melissa Tiedemann, Business Development Manager
Phone (319-259-6603) Fax (319-259-6659)
tiedemannmelissa@stanleygroup.com www.stanleyconsultants.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441

Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324) vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Wishstone Energy 1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382

Newport Beach, CA 92660
Peter Martin, Partner Phone (949-478-3488)
peter.martin@jfm-llc.com wishstone-energy.com

Process Design
ICM, Inc.

PO Box 397
310 North First Street
Colwich, KS 67030

Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone (316-796-0900)
Fax (316-796-0570)

KATZEN International, Inc. 2300 Wall Street, Suite K Cincinnati, OH 45212

Robert Eickelberger, Vice President of Business Operations
Phone (513-351-7500)
Fax (513-351-0810)
Process Design Cont.
Merrick & Company
5970 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Chris Biondolilo, Director of Bioprocessing
Phone (303-803-0133)
chris.biondolilo@merrick.com www.merrick.com
Fluid Quip Technologies 6105 Rockwell Drive Northeast Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Keith Jakel, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (319-320-7709)
kjakel@fluidquiptechnologies.com fluidquiptechnologies.com
Grocho Technical Services Inc. 1746 Bellechasse Place Ottawa, ON K1C 6W8 Canada
Adam Grochowalski, Director Phone (832-798-4450) adam@grochobiotech.com grochobiotech.com
KFI Engineers 670 County Road B W St. Paul, MN 55113
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development
Phone (866-746-8385)
myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
CDS Engineering 538 Axminister Drive Fenton, MO 63026
John Oexeman, Engineer Phone (636-343-5656)
john.oexeman@cds-engineering.com www.cds-engineering.com
Gregersen Structural Engineering, Inc. 1493 North 1500 West Saint George, UT 84770

Max A. Gregersen, Principal StructuralSeismic Engineer Phone (385-232-1747)

Praj Industries, Ltd.

225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204 Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075)
shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
Dave Jansa, Director of Marketing & Business Development Phone (651-771-0880) dmjansa@kfi-eng.com www.kfiengineers.com
Modular Energy Solutions PO Box 2759 Santa Clara, CA 95055
Merrick & Company 5970 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Chris Biondolilo, Director of Bioprocessing Phone (303-803-0133) chris.biondolilo@merrick.com www.merrick.com
Bio-Process Group
226 North 500 West West Lafayette, IN 47906
Larson Engineering, Inc. 2801 East Enterprise Avenue, Suite 200 Appleton, WI 54913
Tony Mancheski, Project Manager Phone (920-734-9867)
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Saola Energy, LLC 100 North Main Street, Suite 600 Wichita, KS 67202

Adam Belyamani, Chief Operating Officer Phone (316-413-3345) Fax (316-413-3346) info@saolaenergy.com www.saolaenergy.com
Chuck Nolan, Research & Development in Emerging Technologies Phone (408-483-5922) chucknln@sbcglobal.net www.modular-e.com
444 Cedar Street, Suite 1500 Saint Paul, MN 55101
Sam Issa, TKDA Multi-Discipline Engineering Design & Consulting Phone (651-292-4544)
sam.issa@tkda.com www.tkda.com
Whitefox Technologies

2111 South 67th Street, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68106
Paul Kamp, Vice President of Business Development Phone (773-583-5923) Fax (403-592-6889) solutions@whitefox.com www.whitefox.com
ADF Engineering
228 Byers Road, Suite 202 Miamisburg, OH 45342
Matt Williamson, Director of Engineering Phone (937-847-2700)
info@adfengineering.com www.adfengineering.com
Caloris Engineering
29516 Canvasback Drive, Suite 200 Easton, MD 21601
Bruce Skinner, Sales Manager Phone (410-822-6900) mcorley@caloris.com caloris.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324)
vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Vogelbusch USA, Inc.
1826 Snake River Road, Suite C Katy, TX 77449
Anthony Varnas, President Phone (713-461-7374)
Fax (713-461-7377) office@vbusa.com vbusa.com
Process Design-Cellulose
Dale Morrison, President Phone (765-427-3234) clark@bio-process.com bio-process.com
Petron Scientech, Inc.
3 Mapleton Road Princeton, NJ 08540
Frank Liotta, Executive Vice President & COO
Phone (610-554-1056) fliotta@petronscientech.com www.petronscientech.com
Praj Industries Ltd.
225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204 Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075) shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
Process Modeling Software
ProSim, Inc.
325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Benjamin Wincure, Technical Sales Engineer
Phone (215-600-3759) info@prosim.net www.prosim.net
Agra Industries, Inc. 1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385)

Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033) jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324)
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 4321 West Sam Houston Parkway North Suite 190 Houston, TX 77043
Jim Salter, Business Development Phone (713-703-9111)
Water Treatment
SCS Engineers
11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226
Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) Fax (913-681-0012)
mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Equipment & Services
Agitation Equipment
Mixco-Lotus Mixers Inc.
3449 Technology Drive #201 North Venice, FL 34275
Jeffrey Naidel, President Phone (941-966-1885) info@lotusmixers.com www.lotusmixers.com
ProQuip, Inc.

850 Highland Road East Macedonia, OH 44056
Rick Solomon, Marketing Phone (330-468-1850) rsolomon@proquipinc.com www.proquipinc.com
Air Pollution/Odor Control
CleanAir Engineering 500 West Wood Street Palatine, IL 60067
Jason Mkrtschjan, Client Support Specialist
Phone (800-553-5511) jmkrtschjan@cleanair.com cleanair.com
Kono Kogs, Inc. 1367 Reber Street Green Bay, WI 54302
Chris Heikkila, Sales Manager Phone (920-432-2699) info@konokogs.com www.konokogs.com
Kono Kogs, Inc. 1367 Reber Street Green Bay, WI 54302
Buster Heikkila, Sales Manager Phone (920-432-2699) info@konokogs.com www.konokogs.com
P&E Solutions LLC
1111 East 37th Street North Wichita, KS 67219
Bernie Hoffman, Director of Business Development
Phone (316-833-6474) Fax (316-838-2014) bernie.hoffman@peconstruct.com www.peconstruct.com
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department
Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com
Analytical Instruments
Dürr Systems, Inc.
830 Prosper Street
De Pere, WI 54115
CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
Pollution Systems 2170 Buckthorne Place, Suite 160 The Woodlands, TX 77380
Curtis Jordan, Sales Manager Phone (832-730-1209) sales@pollutionsystems.com www.pollutionsystems.com
The CMM Group 2071-C Lawrence Drive De Pere, WI 54115
Nestec, Inc. PO Box 125 222 East Main Street
Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Jaymie Deemer, President Phone (610-323-7670) sales@nestecinc.com www.nestecinc.com

Anguil Environmental Systems 8855 North 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223

Kevin Summ, Marketing Director Phone (414-365-6400) Fax (414-365-6410) kevin.summ@anguil.com www.anguil.com
Catalytic Products International, Inc. 980 Ensell Road Lake Zurich, IL 60004
Stephen Klostermeyer, Executive Vice President Phone (847-438-0334) sales@cpilink.com www.cpilink.com
CECO Adwest Technologies 680 Langsdorf Avenue, Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832
Brian Cannon, Vice President of Sales Phone (716-474-9462) bcannon@onececo.com www.cecoenviro.com
Matthew Kittell, Sales Manager Phone (920-461-0252) mkittell@thecmmgroup.com www.thecmmgroup.com
TRACE Environmental Systems 7 Park Lake Road Sparta, NJ 07871
Jim Toolen, Sales & Business Development
Phone (973-383-3550) sales@traceenv.com www.traceenv.com
Anaerobic Digesters
3 Point Place, Suite 100 Madison, WI 53719
Scott Oorsini, Vice President of Sales Phone (608-467-5523) info@biofermepc.com biofermenergy.com
Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure
Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 9 Goettingen, Lower Saxony D-37085 Germany
Raphael Thies
Phone (49-551-900363-21)
Fax (49-551-900363-29)
contact@kriegfischer.de www.kriegfischer.de
Blowers & Fans
Piller TSC Blower Corp. 445 Duane Avenue Schenectady, NY 12304
Caldwell Reed, Director of Sales Phone (518-372-2496) reed@piller.de www.piller.de
Baum Pneumatics Inc. 16-1780 McLean Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 4K9 Canada
Hank Baum, Sales Phone (604-945-4507) baumhighpressure@gmail.com baumpneumatics.ca
Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840

Dave Oehler
Phone (973-584-1558) Fax (973-584-5440) info@rudolphresearch.com www.rudolphresearch.com

ImagoAI Inc.
691 South Milpitas Boulevard, Suite 217 Milpitas, CA 95035
Abhishek Goyal Phone (880-082-7709) info@imagoai.com www.imagoai.com
Process Insights
4140 World Houston Parkway, Suite 180 Houston, TX 77032
Chuck DeCarlo, Business Development Manager
Phone (713-947-9591) info@process-insights.com www.process-insights.com
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046
Kevin McLaughlin, Advertising Phone (410-381-1227) webmaster@shimadzu.com www.ssi.shimadzu.com
Verder Scientific Inc.
11 Penns Trail, Suite 300 Newtown, PA 19054
Erin Lorensini, Marketing Manager Phone (267-757-0351) Fax (267-757-0358)
erin.lorensini@verder-scientific.com www.verder-scientific.com
The New York Blower Company 7660 Quincy Street Willowbrook, IL 60527 Catherine Chalakoff Phone (800-208-7918) cchalakoff@nyb.com www.nyb.com
TMC Fluid Systems 13217 Jamboree Road, Suite 482 Tustin, CA 92782
Mike Smith, Director Phone (949-269-1472) Fax (949-423-0159) sales@tmcfluidsystems.com tmcfluidsystems.com
Twin City Fan & Blower 5959 Trenton Lane Plymouth, MN 55442
Kevin Lundorff, Sr. Industrial Sales Manager Phone (763-551-7647) customerservice@tcf.com tcf.com
Boiler Service & Repair Victory Energy 10701 East 126th Street North Collinsville, OK 74021

Customer Service Phone (918-274-0023) info@victoryenergy.com www.victoryenergy.com
Equipment & Services
Boiler Systems
Indeck Power Equipment Company 1111 Willis Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
Eric Hank, Marketing Specialist
Phone (847-541-8300)
Centrifuge Repair
27341 Spectrum Way
Oak Ridge North, TX 77385
Kevin Bell, CEO
Phone (832-616-2922)
Indeck Power Equipment Company 1111 Willis Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
Russell Rabago, Senior Sales Engineer/ Rental Manager
Phone (847-541-8300) | Fax (847-287-6516)

Separator Technology Solutions
Mid-West Field Service Office
613 Magazine Street
Ankeny, IA 50021
Milford Kelly, Centrifuge Service
Phone (515-229-8015)
Victory Energy 10701 East 126th Street North Collinsville, OK 74021
Customer Service
Phone (918-274-0023)

HRST, Inc.

6557 City West Parkway
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Evan Almberg, Technical Engineering Manager
Phone (952-767-8100)
The Cleaver-Brooks Company, Inc. 6940 Cornhusker Hwy
Lincoln, NE 68507
Aaron Fink, Vice President of National Sales Phone (402-434-2017) | Fax (402-434-2064)
Agra Industries, Inc.

1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Alfa Laval Inc.

9560 58th Place, Suite 300

Kenosha, WI 53144
Stephen Ludes, Business Development Manager
Phone (215-443-4297)

27341 Spectrum Way
Oak Ridge North, TX 77385
Kevin Bell, CEO
Phone (832-616-2922)
Separator Technology Solutions

Mid-West Field Service Office
613 Magazine Street
Ankeny, IA 50021
Milford Kelly, Centrifuge Service
Phone (515-229-8015)
Equipment & Services
Flottweg Separation Technology
10700 Toebben Drive
Independence, KY 41051

Rob Rhea, General Manager Phone (859-448-2300) sales@flottweg.net www.flottweg.com
GEA North America
100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647
Keith Funsch, Sales Director Phone (201-960-4986) keith.funsch@gea.com gea.com
Sentrimax Centrifuges, Inc. 108 Sentry Drive Mansfield, TX 76063

Robert Anderson, Business Development Manager
Phone (866-247-5141) robert.a@sentrimax.com www.sentrimax.com
Tomoe Engineering USA, Inc. 2401 Hwy 90 Liberty, TX 77575

Kono Koguchi, Sales Engineer/Sr. Researcher
Phone (936-641-9065)
kono@tomo-engineeringusa.com tomo-engineeringusa.com
Carbon Sink LLC 461 Grove Creek Road Centreville, MD 21617
Randy Roy, CO2 Capture & Utilization Phone (800-583-5223) info@carbonsinkllc.com www.carbonsinkllc.com
Sicgil Industrial Gases

84 Anna Salai, Dhun Buildings, 6th Floor Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002 India Ruqshad Dadabhoy Phone (91-442-8521644) corporate@sicgil.com www.sicgil.com/index.html
Control Systems
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Control Systems-Distributed
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Siemens Industry Inc. 2060 Detwiler Road, Suite 111 Harleysville, PA 19438
Rich Chmielewski, Industry Manager Phone (404-285-0240)
rich.chmielewski@siemens.com www.usa.siemens.com/process
Valmet Automation OY
Lentokentankatu 11
Tampere, Pirkanmaa 33900 Finland
Juha-Pekka Jalkanen, Director of Process Automation
Phone (358-50-344-7464)
juha-pekka.jalkanen@valmet.com www.valmet.com/more-industries/bio/ automation-for-biofuels-and-biomaterials

Agra Industries, Inc.

1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road
Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600)
cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Buhler Inc.

13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)


Equipment & Services
Conveyors-Belt Cont.

Martin Engineering
1 Martin Place
Neponset, IL 61345
Rick Felde, Marketing
Phone (309-852-2384)

Wolf Material Handling Systems

231 Main Street Northwest, Suite 6
Elk River, MN 55330
Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketing Manager
Phone (763-576-9040)
Fax (763-576-9070)
5851 South Harding Street
Indianapolis, IN 46237
Joel Dulin, Director of Digital Marketing
Phone (317-522-0864)
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North
Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative
Phone (763-847-0229)
Sukup Manufacturing Co.
1555 255th Street
Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager
Phone (641-892-4222)
Fax (641-892-4629)
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc. 39950 Road 108

Dinuba, CA 93618
Randy Baerg, President
Phone (559-591-6790)
Fax (559-591-5728)
info@warrenbaerg.com www.warrenbaerg.com
5851 South Harding Street
Indianapolis, IN 46237
Joel Dulin, Director of Digital Marketing Phone (317-522-0864)
info@biomass-equipment.com www.beande.com
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Indoff, Inc.
250 Mc Adoo Drive Folsom, CA 95630
Jack Berger Phone (916-693-1214) jack.berger@indoff.com www.norcal.indoff.com
Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)

5851 South Harding Street
Indianapolis, IN 46237
Joel Dulin, Director of Digital Marketing Phone (317-522-0864)

KEITH Manufacturing Co. 401 Northwest Adler Street Madras, OR 97741
Kevin Desjardins, Sales Phone (541-475-3802)
Fax (541-475-2169)
Equipment & Services
Cooling Towers
Baum Pneumatics Inc.
16-1780 McLean Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 4K9 Canada
Hank Baum, Sales Phone (604-945-4507)
baumhighpressure@gmail.com baumpneumatics.ca
284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600) cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Midwest Cooling Towers, Inc.
1156 Hwy 19 East Chickasha, OK 73018
Greg DeShong, New Tower Sales Manager Phone (281-744-7837)
greg.deshong@mwcooling.com www.mwcooling.com
Cooling Tower Depot Inc. 517 Southeast Second Street, Suite D Lees Summit, MO 64063
Bradley Meadows, Regional Sales Manager Phone (816-489-6125) bmeadows@ctdinc.com www.coolingtowerdepot.com

SPX Cooling Tech, LLC-Marley 7401 West 129th Street Overland Park, KS 66213

Deborah Kenny, Marketing Phone (800-462-7539) spxcooling@spx.com www.spxcooling.com
Tower Performance LLC 8031 Airport Boulevard, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061
Jalene Fritz, Parts Sales Manager Phone (970-593-8637)
jfritz@towerperformance.com www.coolingtowercomponents.com
Corn Oil Recovery
Alfa Laval Inc. 9560 58th Place, Suite 300 Kenosha, WI 53144
Stephen Ludes, Business Development Manager
Phone (215-443-4297)
stephen.ludes@alfalaval.com www.alfalaval.us
Plasma Blue
1020 Innovation Lane
Mankato, MN 56001
Tom Slunecka
Phone (507-388-1635)
Fax (507-388-6751)
Trucent, Inc.
7400 Newman Boulevard
Dexter, MI 48130
Tara Vigil, Vice President of Bioprocess & Advanced Separation Phone (877-280-7212)
Alfa Laval Inc.

9560 58th Place, Suite 300
Kenosha, WI 53144
SmartFlow Technologies, Inc. 3308 Lee Avenue Sanford, NC 27332

Jason Bell, Chief Applications Scientist Phone (919-522-8780)

Stephen Ludes, Business Development Manager
Phone (215-443-4297)
Equipment & Services
Distillation Equipment
Thermal Kinetics
85 Northpointe Parkway, Suite 2
Amherst, NY 14228
David Loschiavo, Energy Integration
Phone (716-206-9284)
Dryers-Fluid Bed
Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation

200 West Industrial Drive
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Michael Peterson, Sales Manager
Phone (920-344-7401)
Praj Industries Ltd.

225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204
Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075)
Thermal Kinetics
85 Northpointe Parkway, Suite 2
Amherst, NY 14228
Roy Viteri, Sales Engineer
Phone (716-264-4913)
Dryers-Flash Bepex International
333 Taft Street Northeast
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Jack Keeney, Executive Director of Sales & Marketing
Phone (612-627-1475)
Bepex International
333 Taft Street Northeast
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Jack Keeney, Executive Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (612-627-1475)

Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
EnerDry A/S
Kongevejen 157 Virum 2830 Denmark

Kasper Larsen Phone (45-40928393) kgl@enerdry.dk www.enerdry.dk

ICM, Inc. PO Box 397
310 North First Street Colwich, KS 67030
Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone (316-796-0900)
Fax (316-796-0570)

Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
Sukup Manufacturing Co. 1555 255th Street
Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager Phone (641-892-4222)
Equipment & Services
Midwest Custom Solutions

121 South Wichita Avenue
Bentley, KS 67016
Ryan Peterman, Marketing & Business Development
Phone (316-253-4039)
ryan.p@midwestcustomsolutions.com www.midwestcustomsolutions.com
Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A Guttenberg, NJ 07093
Vital Strumza, President Phone (551-482-7568) alaqua@mindspring.com www.alaquainc.com
Dust Control Systems
Baum Pneumatics Inc. 16-1780 McLean Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 4K9 Canada
15729 College Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219
Tracy Janssen, Vice President of Air Pollution Control Phone (913-951-8569) tracyj@camcorpinc.com www.camcorpinc.com
2623 Kaneville Court Geneva, IL 60134
Elevator Buckets
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600)
cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Bepex International
333 Taft Street Northeast Minneapolis, MN 55413
Jack Keeney, Executive Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (612-627-1475)
jkeeney@bepex.com www.bepex.com

Dryers-Rotary Steam Tube
Louisville Dryer Company 1100 Industrial Boulevard Louisville, KY 40219
Naomi Terrill, Administrative Assistant Phone (502-969-3535)
nterrill@louisvilledryer.com louisvilledryer.com
Hank Baum, Sales Phone (604-945-4507) baumhighpressure@gmail.com baumpneumatics.ca
BossTek 1607 West Chanute Road
Peoria, IL 61615
Mike Lewis, Vice President of Sales Phone (309-693-8600) Fax (309-693-8605) mikel@bosstek.com bosstek.com
Kathleen Klimek, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Phone (630-262-4400) sales.usa@envea.global www.envea.global
SonicAire 3831 Kimwell Drive Winston Salem, NC 27103
Chris Hoover, National Sales Manager Phone (336-245-1516) moreinfo@sonicaire.com www.sonicaire.com
Elevator Bolts
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600) cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044
Terry Geraghty, Sales Manager Phone (314-739-9191)
Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
Agra Industries, Inc. 1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033) jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Equipment & Services
Elevators Cont.
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plvymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative
Phone (763-847-0229)
christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Sukup Manufacturing Co.
1555 255th Street Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager
Phone (641-892-4222) Fax (641-892-4629) bhansen@sukup.com www.sukup.com
Emission Monitoring Systems
Air Techniques, Inc.
2999 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta, GA 30062
Thomas Wassel, Sales Phone (704-681-3025) twassel@airtechniquesinc.com www.airtechniquesinc.com
CMC Solutions
23550 Haggerty Road Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Brian Swanson, CEO & President Phone (248-960-1632) sales@cmcsolutions.org www.cmcpems.com
2623 Kaneville Court Geneva, IL 60134
Kathleen Klimek, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Phone (630-262-4400) sales.usa@envea.global www.envea.global
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Emissions Testing & Reduction
Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation
200 West Industrial Drive Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Michael Peterson, Sales Manager Phone (920-344-7401) mike.peterson@apachestainless.com apachestainless.com
Field Instruments
Interstates, Inc.
1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Montrose Environmental Group 5120 Northshore Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118

Blake Ericson, Business Development Phone (586-242-3599) bericson@montrose-env.com montrose-env.com
Arktos Environmental LLC
2400 Ansys Drive, Suite 102 Canonsburg, PA 15317
Thomas Leleck, II, Managing Director Phone (240-357-5343)
tleleck@arktosenv.com www.arktosenv.com
GCI (Grace Consulting, Inc.) Air Emissions Testing 684 Tower Road Plainfield, IN 46168
Simon Kamagantsev, Account Manager Phone (877-424-8378) simonkamagantsev@gcitest.com www.gcitest.com
Pace® Analytical Services
1700 Elm Street Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414
Daniel George, Account Executive Phone (612-849-6055)
daniel.george@pacelabs.com www.pacelabs.com
Evaporators SmartFlow Technologies, Inc. 3308 Lee Avenue Sanford, NC 27332
Jason Bell, Chief Applications Scientist Phone (919-522-8780)
jbell@smartflow-tech.com www.smartflowindustrial.com/biofuel.html

Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A Guttenberg, NJ 07093
Vital Strumza, President Phone (551-482-7568)
alaqua@mindspring.com www.alaquainc.com
Caloris Engineering
29516 Canvasback Drive, Suite 200 Easton, MD 21601
Bruce Skinner, Sales Manager Phone (410-822-6900) mcorley@caloris.com caloris.com
Praj Industries Ltd.
225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204 Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075) shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
Swenson Technology, Inc. 26000 South Whiting Way Monee, IL 60449
Erick Neuman, International Business Manager Phone (708-587-2300) sales@swensontechnology.com www.swensontechnology.com
Expansion Joints
Proco Products, Inc. 2431 North Wigwam Drive Stockton, CA 95205
Robert Coffee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing
Phone (209-483-5107) robc@procoproducts.com www.procoproducts.com
Fermentation Monitoring
Keit Industrial Analytics
Zephyr Building, Eight Street, Unit 4 Harwell Campus Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0RL United Kingdom
Christopher Piper, Sales Manager (North America)
Phone (314-775-9099) enquiries@keit.co.uk www.keit.co.uk
Praj Industries Ltd.
225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204 Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075) shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration 1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502
Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
Graver Technologies LLC 200 Lake Drive Glasgow, DE 19702
Cris Lemay, Product/Applications Manager Phone (302-731-1700) info@gravertech.com www.gravertech.com
Filtration Equipment
SmartFlow Technologies, Inc. 3308 Lee Avenue Sanford, NC 27332
Jason Bell, Chief Applications Scientist Phone (919-522-8780) jbell@smartflow-tech.com www.smartflowindustrial.com/biofuel.html
Caloris Engineering 29516 Canvasback Drive, Suite 200 Easton, MD 21601 Bruce Skinner, Sales Manager Phone (410-822-6900) mcorley@caloris.com caloris.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration 1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502
Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
Equipment & Services
Fire Suppression
Master Packing & Rubber Company (MPRC)
6430 Fourth Street Southwest Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone (319-364-8282)
SW Firefighting Foam & Equipment, LLC

25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505
Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfirefightingfoam.com novacool.com

Vanguard Fire & Security Systems Inc.
2101 Martindale Avenue Grand Rapids, MI 49509
Michelle Mellon Phone (616-278-4167)
mmellon@vanguard-fire.com www.vanguard-fire.com
Fractionation - Corn
Cereal Process Technologies, LLC 285 German Oak Drive, Suite 103
Cordova, TN 38018
Pete Moss, President Phone (913-957-7525) pmoss@cerealprocess.com www.cerealprocess.com
Gas Detectors
Control Instruments Corp.

25 Law Drive, Suite 1 Fairfield, NJ 07004
Jeff Sampson, Director of Sales Phone (303-953-0746)
Fax (973-575-0013)
jsampsonr@controlinstruments.com www.controlinstruments.com
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC
3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
QED Environmental Systems, a Graco Company 2355 Bishop Circle West Dexter, MI 48130
Jeff Connell, Biogas & Anaerobic Digestion Gas Instrumentation Phone (909-499-9174)

Fax (319-364-8266)
VSP Technologies
8140 Quality Drive
Prince George, VA 23875
Krystanne Borgen, Director of Marketing Communications
Phone (303-916-8815)
Gear Boxes
Good Land Industrial LLC
16800 West Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005
Jim Tassone, President Phone (414-349-6664)
Fax (262-782-7997)
Grain Cleaning
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
Grain Handling & Storage
Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
Sukup Manufacturing Co.

1555 255th Street
Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager
Phone (641-892-4222)
Fax (641-892-4629)
Equipment & Services
Heat Exchangers

Good Land Industrial LLC
16800 West Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005
Jim Tassone, President Phone (414-349-6664)
Fax (262-782-7997)
Alfa Laval Inc.

9560 58th Place, Suite 300 Kenosha, WI 53144
Stephen Ludes, Business Development Manager
Phone (215-443-4297)
stephen.ludes@alfalaval.com www.alfalaval.us
jimt@goodlandind.com www.goodlandind.com
Hazloc Heaters
666 Goddard Avenue Northeast, Unit 1 Calgary, AB T2K 5X3 Canada
Chris Turnbull, Technical Sales Account Manager & Rep Development (USA & Eastern Canada)
Phone (403-730-2488)
chris.turnbull@hazlocheaters.com www.hazlocheaters.com
NLB Corp. 51701 Grand River Avenue Wixom, MI 48393
Jordan Smietana, Marketing Manager Phone (800-441-5059) nlbmktg@nlbusa.com nlbcorp.com
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue
West Bend, WI 53095
Sales Department, Phone (262-338-1191)
info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com
Cast Aluminum Solutions LLC

1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325)
jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/ circulation-heater-summary
Enerquip Thermal Solutions

611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development
Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com www.enerquip.com
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer
Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Mason Manufacturing PO Box 3577
1645 North Railroad Avenue Decatur, IL 62524
Mike Arrington, Sales Manager Phone (317-847-5413)
Agra Industries, Inc. 1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc. 39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618
Randy Baerg, President Phone (559-591-6790) Fax (559-591-5728)
Berthold Technologies 99 Midway Avenue Oak Ridge, OH 37830

Becky Olliges, Regional Sales Manager Phone (865-323-0876)
BinMaster 7201 North 98th Street
Lincoln, NE 68507
Jenny Christensen, Vice President of Marketing Phone (402-434-9102)
Conveyor Components Company PO Box 167 130 Seltzer Road
Croswell, MI 48422
Rich Washkevich, Sales Manager Phone (810-679-4211)
Fax (810-679-4510)

Equipment & Services
Instrumentation Cont.
Interstates, Inc.

1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
MRU Instruments
18838 South Memorial Drive, Suite 300 Humble, TX 77338
John Bickers, Vice President of Business Development
Phone (832-716-5218) info@mru-instruments.com www.mru-instruments.com
PAC-(Petroleum Analyzer Corp.) 8824 Fallbrook Drive Houston, TX 77064

David Adams, Midwest Sales Manager Phone (281-908-0578) david.adams@paclp.com www.paclp.com
Jet Cookers
B&W Tek (a Metrohm Group Company)
313 Enterprise Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Sam Panariello, Product Marketing Manager
Phone (855-692-9835) Fax (302-368-7830) marketing@bwtek.com www.bwtek.com
HEMCO Corporation
711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056
Jerry Schwarz
Phone (800-779-4362) Fax (816-796-3333) jerry.schwarz@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated 9755 Research Drive Irvine, CA 92618
Carol Madden, Marketing Specialist
Phone (800-250-4811) carol.madden@horiba.com www.horiba.com
710 Bridgeport Avenue Shelton, CT 06484
400 Pilot Court Waukesha, WI 53188
Joel Gerstner, National Sales Manager Phone (262-548-8900) info@hydro-thermal.com www.hydro-thermal.com

Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com
Archangel, Inc.
1745 Shea Center Drive, Suite 400 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Allen Ziegler, Antimicrobials Phone (877-453-0940) aziegler@archangelbio.com www.archangelbio.com
Jennifer Fox, Marketing Events Specialist Phone (855-726-9377) ehevents@perkinelmer.com perkinelmer.com
GFS Chemicals
155 Hidden Ravines Drive Powell, OH 43123
Rhonda Hicks, Product Manager Phone (380-390-8779) rhicks@gfschemicals.com www.gfschemicals.com
Neogen Corporation
620 Lesher Place
Lansing, MI 48912
Matt Nichols, Director of Strategic Accounts
Phone (517-281-1042) mnichols@neogen.com www.neogen.com
Thomas Scientific 238 24th Avenue North Saint Cloud, MN 56303
Steve Munz Phone (651-503-1984) steve.munz@thomassci.com www.thomassci.com
Laboratory-Testing Services
SGS North America
1405 32nd Avenue
Brookings, SD 57006
Julie Luke, Key Account Manager Phone (605-696-5575)
julie.luke@sgs.com www.sgs.com/us-feedtesting
JC Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc. 408 South Veterans Street Flandreau, SD 57028
Kelley Ramsdell, Manager Phone (605-997-3706) Fax (605-997-2873)
kelley@jcramsdell.net jcramsdell.com
Loading Equipment
DYNATEK Loading Systems
200 North Harrison Street North Prairie, WI 53153
Foundation Analytical Laboratory, Inc. 723 Sleezer Road

Cherokee, IA 51012
Diane Young, Director of Technical Services/Owner
Phone (712-225-6989) dyoung@foundationanalytical.com www.foundationanalytical.com

Gary Kuehneman, Director of Marketing & Sales Phone (262-392-2162) sales@dynatekloadingsystems.com www.dynatekloadingsystems.com
Loading Equipment -Liquid
5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Emily Reade, Director of Scientific Products
Phone (605-838-6679) emilyr@bionsciences.com www.bionsciences.com
100 Results Way Marlborough, MA 01752
Alison Henry, Regional Marketing Manager Phone (800-526-3593) alison.henry@cytiva.com www.cytivalifesciences.com/solutions/labfiltration/industry/industrial/bioethanol
12150 Flint Place, Suite A Poway, CA 92064
David Yazdi
Phone (858-224-9100) yin.fu@filtrous.com www.filtrous.com
5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Kristi Plack, CSO Phone (605-838-6679) kristip@bionsciences.com www.biosciences.com

Celignis Unit 11, Holland Road Plassey Technology Park, Castletroy Limerick V947Y42 Ireland
Daniel Hayes, Celignis Biomass Analysis & Bioprocess Development Phone (061-371725) dan@celignis.com www.celignis.com
R W Heiden Associates LLC
1860 Charter Lane, Unit 206 Greenfield Corporate Park Lancaster, PA 17601
Richard Heiden, CSTO Phone (717-299-6860) Fax (717-299-6868) rwheidenphd@aol.com www.supersleuthchemists.com

14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038
Jon Krueger, Sales & Operations Manager Phone (800-835-8110)
jon.krueger@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com

Lubrication Systems
Bathan AG
Reckenbühlstr. 21
Lucerne 6005 Switzerland Holger Streetz, COO Phone (49-173-591-8550) info@bathan.ch www.bathan.ch/en
Corn Oil Testing
Sustainability Inspired, Quality Driven.

For a limited time, SGS Brookings is offering a 10% discount on your first 10 corn oil samples from now through December 31, 2023. The discount will apply if you are a brand-new or existing customer that does not currently have a discount on oil testing.

Current Testing Options covered for the 10% discount:
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• Insoluble Impurities
• Unsaponifiable Matter

• Free Fatty Acids
• Total Fatty Acids
• Fatty Acid Profile
*Please note that we have some testing options for heavy metals; however, those tests will not be discounted at this time.
Don’t miss out! Take advantage of this limited-time discount opportunity. To ensure you receive your discount, please scan our QR code and email julie.luke@sgs.com.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about our capabilities or would like to submit a sample

SGS North America – Brookings 1405 32nd Ave. Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 692-7611

Equipment & Services
Maintenance Services
Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing
Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Qi2 Elements 1100 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057
Devin Wirtz Phone (832-260-5275) r.claussen@qi2elements.com www.qi2elements.com
Tube Tech Industrial 14 Rawreth Industrial Estate Rawreth Lane Rayleigh, Essex SS69RL United Kingdom Scott Donson
Phone (44-1268-786999) info@tubetech.com tubetech.com
Maintenance Software
ICM, Inc. PO Box 397
310 North First Street Colwich, KS 67030
Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone (316-796-0900)
Fax (316-796-0570) adriana.albornoz@icminc.com www.icminc.com
Dürr Systems, Inc.
830 Prosper Street De Pere, WI 54115
CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
hth companies, inc. 239 Rock Industrial Boulevard Union, MO 63084
Doug Hoberock Phone (636-583-8698) Fax (636-583-5971) dhoberock@hthcompanies.com hthcompanies.com
L&M Ethanol Maintenance Contracting Inc. 3830 Maple Drive Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Justin Goodno, Safety Director Phone (515-955-2010) Fax (515-955-4224) blake.wykoff@lmethanol.com www.lmethanol.com
Oxidizers, Inc.
1731 Pomona Road Corona, CA 92878
Tony King, Business Development Manager Phone (951-751-7638) tony@oxidizers.net www.oxidizers.net
Mapcon Technologies, Inc. 2670 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA 50321
Cory Lister, Corporate Solutions Manager Phone (515-331-3358) clister@mapcon.com mapcon.com
Membrane Dehydration Systems
Whitefox Technologies

2111 South 67th Street, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68106
Paul Kamp, Vice President of Business Development
Phone (773-583-5923)
Fax (403-592-6889) solutions@whitefox.com www.whitefox.com
Optical Scientific (OSI) 2 Metropolitan Court, Suite 6 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 James Shinkle Phone (312-237-0375)
jwsshinkle@opticalscientific.com www.opticalscientific.com
Westmor 14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038
Jon Krueger, Sales & Operations Manager
Phone (800-835-8110) jon.krueger@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229) christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Process Equipment Specialists
3500 Vicksburg Lane North #410 Plymouth, MN 55447
Gary Stolhanske, President Phone (763-432-6475)
gary@pespecialists.com www.pespecialists.com
West Salem Machinery PO Box 5288
Salem, OR 97304
Cory Stouder, Sales Manager Phone (503-364-2213) info@westsalem.com www.westsalem.com
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229) christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Buhler Inc.
13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Moisture Analyzers
MoistTech Corp. 6408 Parkland Drive, Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34243

Sarah Hammond, Marketing Manager Phone (941-727-1800)
ENVEA Inc. 2623 Kaneville Court Geneva, IL 60134
Kathleen Klimek, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Phone (630-262-4400) sales.usa@envea.global
Molecular Sieves Interra Global 164 South Prospect Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068
Jay Skiersch, Vice President Phone (847-292-8600)

Zeochem PO Box 3082 Louisville, KY 40201
Alex Widmer, Account Engineer Phone (502-634-7600)
Fax (502-634-8133)

Malloy 809 West Russell Street Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Dave Parsley, Sales Phone (605-251-3341)
Non-Destructive Testing
Acuren Inspection, Inc. 4250 North 126th Street Brookfield, WI 53005
Jared Gall, District Manager Phone (262-781-0105)
Equipment & Services
IBT Industrial Solutions
9400 West 55th Street
Merriam, KS 66203
Michael Gebauer
Phone (913-261-2103)
mgebauer@ibtinc.com ibtinc.com/services

North Country NDT, LLC

PO Box 283
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
Daryll Benn, Vice President Phone (518-216-4017) info@northcountryndt.com www.northcountryndt.com
Onstream Services

Paint & Protective Coatings

The Sherwin-Williams Company

12261 Nicollet Avenue, Suite C Burnsville, MN 55337
John Zimmerman, Business Development Manager
Phone (952-242-4047)
john.t.zimmerman@sherwin.com www.sherwin-williams.com
Chase Nedrow Industries 150 Landrow Drive Wixom, MI 48393
Patrick Triest, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (574-274-0580) patrickt@chasenedrow.com chasenedrow.com

Shield Industrial Coatings, Linings, Inspection & Consulting 1340 Pauls Drive Greenfield, IN 46140
Andrew Robertson, Painting, Lining & Inspection Phone (317-847-1364)
coatingsengineer@icloud.com www.shieldpainting.com
Standard Polymers, Inc. 1600 Osborn Street Burlington, IA 52601

Michael Mahoney, Technical Representative Phone (319-237-1900) mike@standardpoly.com standardpoly.com
TMI Coatings, Inc. 3291 Terminal Drive Eagan, MN 55121

S-O-S, Inc.

PO Box 7282 Duluth, MN 55807
Jim Carter, Industrial Services Phone (218-626-3917)
info@sosleakrepair.com www.sosleakrepair.com
Painters USA
570 Mitchell Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Craig Nichols, Sales Operations Manager Phone (800-999-8715)
info@paintersusainc.com www.paintersusa.com
Austin Lewis, Industrial Sales Representative/Project Manager Phone (651-452-6100) alewis@tmicoatings.com www.tmicoatings.com

Parts & Services
ICM, Inc. PO Box 397 310 North First Street Colwich, KS 67030
Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications
Phone (316-796-0900)
Fax (316-796-0570)
adriana.albornoz@icminc.com www.icminc.com
Westmor 14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038
Jon Krueger, Sales & Operations Manager
Phone (800-835-8110) jon.krueger@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Central States Group 8720 South 137th Circle Omaha, NE 68138
Patty Lundgren, Vice President of Sales Phone (402-659-2252) Fax (402-894-1339) plundgren@csgmail.com www.centralstatesgroup.com
Equipment & Services
Pipe Cont.
14044 Freeway Drive
Hugo, MN 55038
Jon Krueger, Sales & Operations Manager
Phone (800-835-8110)
jon.krueger@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Central States Group
8720 South 137th Circle Omaha, NE 68138
Patty Lundgren, Vice President of Sales Phone (402-659-2252) Fax (402-894-1339) plundgren@csgmail.com www.centralstatesgroup.com
Pressure Vessels
Apache StainlessEquipment Corporation

200 West Industrial Drive Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Michael Peterson, Sales Manager Phone (920-344-7401) mike.peterson@apachestainless.com apachestainless.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502
Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
GC Van Dam LLC 2920 Todd Road Galveston, TX 77554
Emilio Van Dam, Director Phone (561-542-1528) evandam@gcvandam.com www.gcvandam.com
Penn Separator Corp.
5 South Pickering Street Brookville, PA 15825
Steven McNeil, President Phone (814-715-9078) Fax (814-849-4510) smcneil@pennseparator.com www.pennseparator.com
Praj Industries Ltd.
225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204
Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075) shrikantrathi@praj.net
Pro-Fab, Inc.
1050 West Jefferson Street
Morton, IL 61550
Philip Young, Vice President
Phone (309-263-8454)
phil@p-fab.com www.p-fab.com
Sterling Deaerator Company
514 West Maple Street, Suite 205 Cumming, GA 30040
Robert Young, Quality Assurance
Phone (770-205-1969)
Fax (770-205-2882)
Process Control
2623 Kaneville Court Geneva, IL 60134
Kathleen Klimek, Sales & Marketing Coordinator
Phone (630-262-4400) sales.usa@envea.global www.envea.global
Productivity Enhancements
1700 Main Street Washougal, WA 98671
Anna Malony, Regional Sales Manager
Phone (813-527-1911)
anna.malony@capstonetechnology.com www.dataparc.com
Boerger, LLC
2860 Water Tower Place Chanhassen, MN 55317
Jeff Seaton, Vice President Phone (612-435-7300)
america@boerger.com www.boerger.com
Central States Group 8720 South 137th Circle Omaha, NE 68138
Patty Lundgren, Vice President of Sales
Phone (402-659-2252) Fax (402-894-1339) plundgren@csgmail.com www.centralstatesgroup.com
Eddy Pump Corporation (USA, Mexico, Worldwide) Head Office Address 15405 Olde Hwy El Cajon, CA 92021
Richard Russo, Director Phone (619-558-3250) info@eddypump.com eddypump.com
119 Pickering Way Exton, PA 19341
Antonio Castilhos, Vice President of National Sales Phone (610-363-8010) Fax (610-363-0971) npa@netzsch.com pumps-systems.netzsch.com
Sulzer Pumps Solutions, Inc. 155 Ahlstrom Way Easley, SC 29640
Kevin Seyller, Industrial Distribution Development Manager Phone (864-855-9090) kevin.seyller@sulzer.com www.sulzer.com
Summit Pump, Inc. PO Box 12145 Green Bay, WI 54307
Nick Warner, Midwest Regional Sales Manager Phone (920-869-4800) nick@summitpump.com www.summitpump.com
The Walling Company 6103 Irvington Road Omaha, NE 68134
Rob Barie Phone (402-571-9600) robb@thewallingcompany.com www.thewallingcompany.com
Viking Pump Inc. 406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613
John Hall, Manager of Business Development Phone (319-266-1741) Fax (319-273-8157) jhall@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
Eldex Corporation 30 Executive Court Napa, CA 94558
Josh Harrington Phone (707-224-8800) sales@eldex.com www.eldex.com
Westmor 14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038
Jon Krueger, Sales & Operations Manager Phone (800-835-8110)
jon.krueger@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
QA Test Products
5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Esther Homandberg, General Manager Phone (605-838-6679)
bion@bionsciences.com www.bionsciences.com
Refractory Service, Inc. 4201 Hwy P Jackson, WI 53037 Mark Sullivan, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (262-677-6062) msullivan@refractoryservice.com refractoryservice.com

Williams Refractory Services, Inc. 1211 Southeast Broadway Drive Lee’s Summit, SD 64081
Josh Martens, Project Manager Phone (816-820-8528) Fax (816-554-3637)
jmartens@wmsref.com www.wmsref.com
ECONOCHILL 3104 Calle Santos Eagle Pass, TX 78852
Christian Antalics, Sales Manager Phone (830-581-2002) sales@econochill.com www.econochill.com
RTO Media
Christy Catalytics, LLC 4641 McCree Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110

Vernon Christensen, Vice President of Business Development Phone (314-773-7500)
Fax (314-773-8371)
vjchristensen@christyco.com www.christycatalytics.com
Equipment & Services
CompuWeigh Corp.
50 Middle Quarter Road Woodbury, CT 06798
Dürr Systems, Inc.

830 Prosper Street De Pere, WI 54115
CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
The CMM Group 2071-C Lawrence Drive De Pere, WI 54115
Matthew Kittell, Sales Manager Phone (920-461-0252) mkittell@thecmmgroup.com www.thecmmgroup.com
Sam Carbis Solutions

1430 West Darlington Street Florence, SC 29501
Jason Shannon, Safe Access for Bulk Loading & Unloading Phone (800-948-7750) sales@carbissolutions.com carbissolutions.com

Scales-Bulk Weigh
Berthold Technologies 99 Midway Avenue Oak Ridge, OH 37830

Becky Olliges, Regional Sales Manager Phone (865-323-0876) becky.olliges@berthold-us.com www.berthold.com/en-us
CompuWeigh Corp.
50 Middle Quarter Road Woodbury, CT 06798
Tim Ciucci, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (203-262-9400) Fax (203-262-9488) tim@compuweigh.com www.compuweigh.com
Eastern Instruments 416 Landmark Drive
Wilmington, NC 28412
Christopher Lewis, Inside Sales Phone (910-392-2490)
sales@easterninstruments.com easterninstruments.com
Tim Ciucci, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (203-262-9400)
Fax (203-262-9488)
Federal Screen Products, Inc.

7524 Bath Road
Mississauga, ON L4T 1L2 Canada
Greg Colman, Business Development Phone (905-677-4171) info@federalscreen.com federalscreen.com
Sutton International 105 Industrial Drive West Valencia, PA 16059
Brad Gray, Sales Manager Phone (844-351-5100) brad@suttonintl.com www.suttonintl.com
Seed Cleaning Equipment
Buhler Inc. 13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229)
christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Separation Equipment
Andritz Separation, Inc. 1010 Commercial Boulevard South Arlington, TX 76001
Ryan Beiderwieden Phone (817-465-5611)
ryan.beiderwieden@andritz.com andritz.com
Boerger, LLC
2860 Water Tower Place
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Jeff Seaton, Vice President Phone (612-435-7300)
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502
Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014)
Puritan Magnetics, Inc.
533 South Lapeer Road, Suite 100 Oxford, MI 48371
Andrea Webster Phone (248-628-3808)
andrea@puritanmagnetics.com www.puritanmagnetics.com
Woven Metal Products PO Box 1384
Alvin, TX 77512
James Robinson, Vice President of Business Development Phone (281-331-4466) Fax (281-585-3434)
jpr@wovenmetal.com www.wovenmetal.com
Penn Separator Corp. 5 South Pickering Street Brookville, PA 15825

Steven McNeil, President Phone (814-715-9078) Fax (814-849-4510) smcneil@pennseparator.com www.pennseparator.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration 1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502
Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
Scott Equipment Company 605 Fourth Avenue Northwest New Prague, MN 56071 Robin Hollerich Phone (507-351-0519) robin.hollerich@scottequipment.com www.scottequipment.com
Silo Cleaning
Mole Master Services Corporation 27815 State Route 7 Marietta, OH 45750
Michael Bailey, General Manager Phone (740-374-6726) Fax (740-374-5908) contactus@molemaster.com www.molemaster.com

Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600) cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Equipment & Services
Silo Cleaning Cont.
Mole Master Services Corporation 27815 State Route 7
Marietta, OH 45750
Kearsten Huffman, Technical Sales/ Project Coordinator Phone (740-538-3804)
Fax (740-374-5908)
Size Reduction-Shredders
Forest Concepts LLC
3320 West Valley Hwy North, Suite D110 Auburn, WA 98001
Mike Perry, CEO Phone (253-333-9663)
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc. 39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618
Randy Baerg, President
Phone (559-591-6790)
Fax (559-591-5728)
Steam Injection Heaters
Hydro-Thermal 400 Pilot Court Waukesha, WI 53188
Joel Gerstner, National Sales Manager Phone (262-548-8900)
Pick Heaters, Inc.
730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095
Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191)
info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com
Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095
Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191)
info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com www.enerquip.com
Structural Fabrication

Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
Tank Equipment
Enerquip Thermal Solutions
611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888)
Equipment & Services
Tanks Agra Industries, Inc.

1211 West Water Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033)
jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
Fisher Tank Company 104 Fisher Tank Drive Leesville, SC 29070
Lori Riddle Phone (803-359-4173)
lriddle@fishertank.com fishertank.com
Penn Separator Corp. 5 South Pickering Street Brookville, PA 15825
Steven McNeil, President Phone (814-715-9078)
Fax (814-849-4510)
smcneil@pennseparator.com www.pennseparator.com
Thermal Energy
Apache StainlessEquipment Corporation 200 West Industrial Drive Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Michael Peterson, Sales Manager
Phone (920-344-7401)
mike.peterson@apachestainless.com apachestainless.com
Brown Tank, LLC 6995 55th Street North, Suite A St. Paul, MN 55128
Scott Kraker, Sales Manager
Phone (651-747-0100)
Fax (651-747-0101)
info@browntank-mn.com www.browntank-mn.com
Antora Energy 1244 Reamwood Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Nick Soncrant, Head of Business Development Phone (419-309-6729)
nick.soncrant@antora.energy antoraenergy.com
Rondo Energy 1960 North Loop Road Alameda, CA 94502 Phone (510-210-5899) resources@rondo.com www.rondo.com
Thermal Process Development 5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225 Alpharetta, GA 30004
Todd Fahring, Engineer Phone (770-910-4233)
tfahring@thermalpd.com www.thermalpd.com
Thermal Oxidizers
Dürr Systems, Inc. 830 Prosper Street

De Pere, WI 54115
CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
Kono Kogs, Inc. 1367 Reber Street Green Bay, WI 54302
Buster Heikkila, Sales Manager Phone (920-432-2699) info@konokogs.com
Kono Kogs, Inc. 1367 Reber Street Green Bay, WI 54302
Chris Heikkila, Sales Manager Phone (920-432-2699) info@konokogs.com

Zenviro Tech US Inc. 2815 Forbs Avenue, Suite 200 Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Jordan Bergren, Sales Manager Phone (815-676-3176)

The CMM Group 2071-C Lawrence Drive De Pere, WI 54115
Matthew Kittell, Sales Manager Phone (920-461-0252)
Equipment & Services
Truck Receiving/Dumpers
Airoflex Equipment
6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Katy Lee, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (563-264-8066)
katylee@airoflex.com airoflex.com
Columbia Industries
5775 Northeast Wagon Drive Hillsboro, OR 97124
Chloe Fiedler
Phone (503-531-0600)
Fax (503-531-0601)
contact_sales@columbiacorp.com www.columbiacorp.com
Good Land Industrial LLC

16800 West Greenfield Avenue
Brookfield, WI 53005
Jim Tassone, President
Phone (414-349-6664)
Fax (262-782-7997)
jimt@goodlandind.com www.goodlandind.com

Used Equipment
Baum Pneumatics Inc. 16-1780 McLean Avenue
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 4K9 Canada
Hank Baum, Sales Phone (604-945-4507)
baumhighpressure@gmail.com baumpneumatics.ca
Valve Actuators
VRC Protx
26511 Harding Avenue Oak Park, MI 48237
Michael Cullen, Director of Sales & Marketing
Phone (248-658-9252) mcullen@prenticeco.com vrcprotx.com
Central States Group 8720 South 137th Circle
Omaha, NE 68138
Patty Lundgren, Vice President of Sales
Phone (402-659-2252)
Fax (402-894-1339) plundgren@csgmail.com www.centralstatesgroup.com
Check-All Valve Mfg. Co.
1800 Fuller Road
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Noah Miller, Application/Engineered Sales Manager
Phone (515-224-2301)
Fax (515-224-2326) sales@checkall.com www.checkall.com
Magnatrol Valve Cororation PO Box 17
67 Fifth Avenue
Hawthorne, NJ 07507
David Calafiore, Product Manager
Phone (973-427-4341)
Fax (973-427-7611) davec@mangatrol.com www.magnatrol.com
284 Three Tun Road
Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600) cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
284 Three Tun Road
Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600)
infocenter@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Workmaster 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (267-350-2809)
info@workmaster.net workmaster.net
VOC Scrubbers

The CMM Group 2071-C Lawrence Drive De Pere, WI 54115

Matthew Kittell, Sales Manager Phone (920-461-0252)
mkittell@thecmmgroup.com www.thecmmgroup.com
Equipment & Services

Wastewater Treatment Services
The CMM Group
2071-C Lawrence Drive
De Pere, WI 54115
Matthew Kittell, Sales Manager Phone (920-461-0252)
mkittell@thecmmgroup.com www.thecmmgroup.com
Water Treatment
H2O Innovation 8900 109th Avenue North, Suite 1000 Champlin, MN 55316
Jerry Tegels, Business Development Manager of Biofuels Phone (515-249-9637) jerry.tegels@h2oinnovation.com h2oinnovation.com
Caloris Engineering

29516 Canvasback Drive, Suite 200 Easton, MD 21601
Bruce Skinner, Sales Manager Phone (410-822-6900) mcorley@caloris.com caloris.com
Consolidated Water Solutions 10100 J Street Omaha, NE 68127
Duane Miller, President Phone (800-852-1150)
sales@consolidatedh2o.com www.consolidatedh2o.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration 1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502

Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014)
marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
Kurita America 6600 94th Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55445
Mitchell Manstedt, Strategic Business Leader Phone (866-663-7633)
kai_orders@kurita-water.com kuritaamerica.com
Met-Chem, Inc. 837 East 79th Street Cleveland, OH 44103
James Miller, Digital Marketing Manager Phone (216-881-7900)
jmiller@metchem.com metchem.com
Yeast Propagation
Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits
6120 West Douglas Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218
Craig Ammann, Vice President of Sales in North America
Phone (605-376-5872)
cammann@lallemand.com www.lbds.com
Yield Enhancement
Praj Industries Ltd.
225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204

Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075)
shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
Phibro Ethanol

1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839) steve.rust@pahc.com www.phibroethanol.com
Hydro Dynamics, Inc.

8 Redmond Court Northwest Rome, GA 30165
Doug Mancosky, Chief Science Officer Phone (706-234-4111) dmancosky@hydrodynamics.com www.hydrodynamics.com

Mo re than a Check v alv e
Ethanol Production
Existing Producers
ADM International SARL
A1 Business Center
La Piece 3
Rolle, Vaud 1180 Switzerland
Christian Delahouliere, General Manager of International Ethanol Market Development Phone (41-795-77-86-14)
christian.delahouliere@adm.com www.adm.com
Burnham Green Oil Inc.
6102 Averill Way, Suite A Dallas, TX 75225
Mary A. Burnham, Chairman & CEO Phone (214-507-5268) burnham@burnhamgreenoil.com burnhamgreenoil.com/index.html
Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company
270 20th Street Northwest Benson, MN 56215
Claire Goff, Marketing Coordinator Phone (320-842-3256) cgoff@cvec.com www.cvec.com
Deibel Bioscience
550 Pioneer Path Twin Falls, ID 83301
Greg Bloxham, Sales Director Phone (208-948-0107)
greg.bloxham@deibelbioscience.com www.deibelbioscience.com
Dragon Industries
18245 Paulson Drive Port Charlotte, FL 33954
Craig Higdon, CEO Phone (888-578-5441)
craig@dragonrealtycapital.com dragonrealtycapital.com
Homeland Energy Solutions, LLC 2779 IA Hwy 24
Lawler, IA 52154
Telly Papasimakis, President & CEO Phone (563-238-5555) info@etoh.us homelandenergysolutions.com
Little Sioux Corn Processors 4808 F Avenue Marcus, IA 51035
Steve Roe, CEO Phone (712-376-2800)
steve.roe@littlesiouxcornprocessors.com www.littlesiouxcornprocessors.com
Plymouth Energy LLC 22234 K42 Merrill, IA 51038
Michael Isom, Plant Manager Phone (712-938-2210) mike.isom@plymouthenergyllc.com www.plymouth-energy.com
RenewableFuels.com 333 East 43rd Street, Suite 2 New York, NY 10017
David Reiff
Phone (212-687-8698) dreiff@manortrade.com www.renewablefuels.com
South Bend Ethanol LLC 3201 West Calvert Street
South Bend, IN 46613
Charles Tuskan, General Manager Phone (574-703-3362)
chucktuskan@southbendethanol.com www.southbendethanol.com
Tarimsal Kimya Muselles Sok. No: 6 Kat:
7 Santa Is Merkezi Esentepe
Sisli, Istanbul 34394 Turkey
Ahmet Tuzun, General Manager
Phone (90-212-219-28-93)
Fax (90-212-219-28-97) ahmet.tuzun@tarimsalkimya.com.tr www.tarimsalkimya.com.tr
Tecnored Av. Eng. Luiz Dumont Villares, KM 2 CEP:12442-260
Pindamonhangaba, Sao Paulo Brazil
Alexandre Pedroso, Project Manager Consultante Phone (250-508-0650) alexandre.g.pedroso1@gmail.com www.tecnored.com.br/en/home
The Andersons
1947 Briarfield Boulevard Maumee, OH 43537
Rod Harris, Vice President of Plant Operations & Co-Products Phone (419-891-6585) rod_harris@andersonsinc.com andersonsinc.com
Tomsa Destil
Bahia de Pollensa 21 Madrid 28042 Spain
Miguel Villena Reyes, Vice President Phone (34-913294938) miguelvr@tomsadestil.es www.tomsadestil.es
Future Producers
American Energy Enterprises Inc. 33 Obtuse Rocks Road Brookfield, CT 06804
Christopher Brown, Chairman Phone (203-313-8177)
christopher@americanenergyenterprises.com www.americanenergyenterprises.com
Benchmark Renewable Energy LLC
2155 North McMullen Booth Road Clearwater, FL 33759
Terry Ruse, Manager of Operations Phone (918-991-8372)
terryruse@aol.coom www.brenewable.com
Dexter Renewable Energy LLC
Alpha Holdings LLC
402 North Division Street Carson City, NV 89703
Christopher Miller, Managing Member Phone (775-338-0371)
MitiTech 1060 Edwards Road
Eldoraigne Centurion, Gauteng 0157 South Africa
Andre du Toit Phone (27-82-821-8185)
Sugar Valley Energy, LLC PO Box 3564 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
David Rubenstein, President/CEO Phone (760-332-8454)
TAMA Renewable Energy LLC
Alpha Holdings LLC
402 North Division Street Carson City, NV 89703
Christopher Miller, Managing Member Phone (775-338-0371)
Boulay 11095 Viking Drive #500
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Rich Lehman, Partner Phone (952-893-3837)
8810 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219
Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5000)
donna.funk@pinionglobal.com www.pinionglobal.com/industry/biofuels
BCC Advisers
1707 High Street Des Moines, IA 50309
Greg Weber, Senior Vice President Phone (515-777-7070)
greg@bccadvisers.com www.bccadvisers.com
Mid-States Appraisal Service, LLC
4283 Jane Drive Manhattan, KS 66502
Gage Bredfeldt, President Phone (913-685-8731)
gage@midstatesappraisal.com www.midstatesappraisal.com
Natwick Appraisals
1205 Fourth Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103
James Natwick, President Phone (701-235-5541) Fax (701-235-1573) natwick@integra.net natwickappraisal.com
Valuation and Assets Services, LLC
2108 Carroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702
K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) projects@valuationandassets.com www.valuationandassets.com
Due Diligence
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
Equity Procurement
MKL Capital LLC 252 South Quince Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tim Morrison, Vice President of Finance Phone (202-215-2885) tdm@mklcapital.com www.mklcapital.com
Statergy, Inc.
2683 Via De La Valle, Suite G510 Del Mar, CA 92014
Dave Runyan, Principal Phone (858-314-0110)
aug_acru@icloud.com acrufed-tax-credit.com
Grant Writing
Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc. 4803 Marymead Drive Fairfax, VA 22030
Jill Hamilton, President Phone (703-322-4484)
jhamilton@sesi-online.com www.sesi-online.com
Insurance & Benefits
Marsh McLennan Agency 4300 West 133rd Street Leawood, KS 66209
Matt Koster, Executive Vice President of Agribusiness Sales Phone (913-433-3739)
matt.koster@marshmma.com marshmma.com
Lender Representatives
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385)

Luminate 1801 Broadway, Suite 1620 Denver, CO 80202
Melissa Ochs, Marketing Coordinator Phone (303-860-7627)
Viken Sustainability 420 Mill Crossing Canton, GA 30114
Sven Sweson, CEO & Managing Partner Phone (352-201-9848)
sven@vikensustainability.com www.vikensustainability.com
AgCountry Farm Credit Services PO Box 6020
1900 44th Street South Fargo, ND 58108
Jess Bernstien, Market Vice President Phone (701-499-2633) jess.bernstien@agcountry.com agcountry.com
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
PO Box 6020
1900 44th StreetSouth Fargo, ND 58108
Nicole Hatlen, Vice President of Agribusiness & Capital Markets Phone (701-499-2570) nicole.hatlen@agcountry.com agcountry.com
6340 South Fiddlers Green Circle Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Kathy Frahm, Regional Ag Lead Relationship Manager Phone (402-492-2022) kfrahm@cobank.com www.cobank.com
Viking Equipment Finance 5900 South Lake Forest Drive, Suite 300 McKinney, TX 75070
James Buckingham, Managing Director Phone (972-885-8899) info@vikingequipmentfinance.com www.vikingequipmentfinance.com/energy
Mergers & Acquisitions
FNC Ag Stock
4050 Garden View Drive, Suite 103 Grand Forks, ND 58201
Nick Watson, President Phone (701-780-2828)
nwatson@fncagstock.com fncagstock.com
750 East First Street Tea, SD 57064
Greg Wilson, CEO Phone (605-361-8230) gwilson310@aol.com www.agstocktrade.com
MKL Capital LLC
1826 Ocean Grove Drive
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Donald Whitlock, Managing Director Phone (910-685-6030) dsw@mklcapital.com www.mklcapital.com
Ocean Park PO Box 5281
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Mark Fisler, Managing Director Phone (310-670-2093)
mfisler@oceanpk.com oceanpk.com
PHX Affiliates
4930 North Executinve Drive Peoria, IL 61614
Steve Sink, Managing Partner Phone (309-688-5050)
ss@phxaffiliates.com phxaffiliates.com
462 Maplewood Drive Barrington, IL 60010
Leah Zuercher, Setup Specialist Phone (951-751-3822) leah.zuercher@incheq.com incheq.com
Beyond (a christianson company) 302 Fifth Street Southwest Willmar, MN 56201
Fred Gould Phone (320-441-5541) fgould@beyond.biz www.beyond.biz
Bushel 503 Seventh Street North Fargo, ND 58102
Ryan Raguse, President Phone (701-369-0633) sales@bushelpowered.com www.bushelpowered.com
Stock Brockerage
FNC Ag Stock 4050 Garden View Drive, Suite 103 Grand Forks, ND 58201

Nick Watson, President Phone (701-780-2828) nwatson@fncagstock.com fncagstock.com

Government Legal Services
Nebraska Department of Economic Development
245 Fallbrook Avenue, Suite 002
Lincoln, NE 68521
Lauren Scholfield, Business Consultant Phone (402-318-2381)
lauren.scholfield@nebraska.gov opportunity.nebraska.gov/business/ business-development
Nebraska Ethanol Board 245 Fallbrook Boulevard, Suite 203 Lincoln, NE 68521
Reid Wagner, Executive Director Phone (402-471-2941)
reid.wagner@nebraska.gov ethanol.nebraska.gov
BrownWinick Law Firm 666 Grand Avenue, Suite 2000 Des Moines, IA 50309
Thomas Johnson, Attorney Phone (515-242-2414)
Husch Blackwell
13330 California Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68154
David Gardels, Attorney Phone (402-964-5027)
Fax (402-964-5050)
www.huschblackwell.com/professionals/ david-gardels
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd.
PO Box 419
160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070
Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597)
Fax (305-852-2598)
rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Corn Oil
MarketingDistillers Grains
Blue Valley Commodities 9300 West 110th, Suite 270 Overland Park, KS 66062
Bart Vance, CEO Phone (913-353-9485) bvance@bluevalleycommodities.com www.bluevalleycommodities.com
Renewable Ag Products, LLC PO Box 486 Menno, SD 57045
Henry Bender, President Phone (605-387-5013) Fax (605-387-5014) henry@renewableag.com www.renewableag.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005
Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice
Phone (202-508-5823)
Fax (202-318-4087)
Kutak Rock LLP
1650 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68102
David Bracht, Attorney
Phone (402-346-6000)
Fax (402-346-1148)
McGrath North First National Tower #3700
1601 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE 68102
Steve Case, Shareholder
Phone (402-341-3070)
Fax (402-341-0216)
Intellectual Property
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
1100 New York Avenue Northwest Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
Peter Jackman, Director Phone (202-772-8809)
pjackman@sternekessler.com www.sternekessler.com
Osage, Inc. 14701 Village Square Place Midlothian, VA 23112
Jake Spruill, Vice President of Business Development Phone (804-612-4840) e85@osageinc.net www.osageinc.net
Fuel Ethanol
E100 Ethanol Group 525 Dowling San Leandro, CA 94577
Don Siefkes, CEO Phone (586-596-4765) donsiefkes@aol.com e100ethanolgroup.com
Manor Trade Development Corporation 333 East 43rd Street, Suite 2 New York, NY 10017
David Reiff Phone (212-687-8698) dreiff@manortrade.com www.fuelethanol.com
Midland Scientific 10651 Chandler Road, Suite 102 La Vista, NE 68128
Paula York Phone (402-346-8352) pyork@midlandsci.com www.midlandsci.com
WWS Trading

4032 Shoreline Drive, Suite 2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Lance Groettum, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) inquiry@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com
234 North Sycamore Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57110

David Vanden Hull, President Phone (605-929-1187) davidv@nurevgroup.com nurevgroup.com
Biodiesel Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com

Carbon Capture Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.carboncapturemagazine.com
SAF Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.safmagazine.com
Biofuels International
124 Middleton Road Morden, London SM4 6RW United Kingdom
The Auto Channel LLC
332 West Broadway, Suite 1220 Louisville, KY 40202
Marc Rauch, Executive Vice President/Co-Publisher
Phone (916-273-8320)
mjrauch@theautochannel.com www.theautochannel.com
PO Box 24017

Guleph, ON N1E 6V8 Canada
Ethanol Producer Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.ethanolproducer.com
Peter Patterson, Publisher Phone (44-2086-487082) peter@woodcotemedia.com www.biofuels-news.com
James Roszel, Administrator Phone (519-767-2913) webmaster@energychange.com www.energychange.com
Pellet Mill Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com http://biomassmagazine.com/pellet-mill-

E100 Ethanol Group

38572 Cypress Meadow Drive Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone (586-596-4765)
Biomass Biomass Products, LLC
dba BioPro Power
PO Box 156
Spicer, MN 56288
Dan Skolness, President of Biomass Division
Phone (320-796-6639)

Ziegler Caterpillar-Power Systems
8050 County Road 101E
Shakopee, MN 55379
Kyle From, Electric Power Sales Manager
Phone (952-233-4349)
P&E Solutions LLC
1111 East 37th Street North Wichita, KS 67219
Bernie Hoffman, Director of Business Development
Phone (316-833-6474)
Fax (316-838-2014)
Power Generation Research & Development
bernie.hoffman@peconstruct.com www.peconstruct.com
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
105 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601
Timothy Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor Phone (502-782-9265)
Aquada Development Corporation Ltd.
Mary’s Court, 1927 Bob’s Way Off Aba Road
Old Umuahia, Abia State 440002 Nigeria
Emeka Nwankwo, Chairman Phone (202-370-6165) support@aquada.com www.aquada.com
Retail Stations
Propel Fuels, Inc.
1815 19th Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Joanna Woessner, Director of Human Resources
Phone (650-868-5331)
joanna@propelfuels.com propelfuels.com
Novam Citationem Habeo
Los Haticos Avenue with 129th Street Residential Complex Vista del Lago Building 4, Apartment 1C Maracaibo, Zulia 4001 Venezuela
Alexis Faneite, Chemical Engineer Phone (68-414-3689396)
alexis.faneite.noguera@gmail.com www.patreon.com/Novamcitationemhabeo
National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 400 University Park Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025
Jackie Hayes, Director of Business Development & Client Relations Phone (618-659-6737) jhayes@ethanolresearch.com ethanolresearch.com
Savannah Power Systems, LLC
1723 Sahale Falls Drive
Braselton, GA 30517
Stewart McKibben, Power Generation & Process Equipment
Phone (336-414-6770)
stewartmckibben@mindspring.com www.savannahpowersystems.com
Granite Peak Energy
4510 South Glenview Place Rapid City, SD 57702
Ronald Rebenitsch
Phone (701-471-3833)
One Energy Enterprises 12385 Township Road 215 Findlay, OH 45840
Carly Good, Project Manager Phone (877-298-5853)
contact@oneenergyllc.com oneenergy.com
PCE Instruments
1201 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 8 Jupiter, FL 33458
David Durrenberg, Manager Phone (561-320-9162) Fax (561-320-9176) info@pce-americas.com www.pce-instruments.com/us
The University of Tennessee-Center for Renewable Carbon 2506 Jacob Drive Knoxville, TN 37996
Anton Astner Phone (865-978-9530) aaston@utk.edu
University of Illinois Integrated Bioprocessing Research Lab
1300 West Pennsylvania Avenue Urbana, IL 61801
Beth Conerty, Associate Director Phone (217-300-4543)
bconerty@illinois.edu ibrl.aces.illinois.edu
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Future SAFFiRE Renewables
308 2nd Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mark Yancey, CEO Phone (701-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.SaffireRenewables.com
Universal Fuel Technologies (UFT) 171 Main Street #261 Los Altos, CA 94022
Stephen Sims, Vice President of Business Development
Phone (832-640-5921)
s.sims@unifuel.tech unifuel.tech
35 Billion Gallons of Low Carbon SAF Required within the U.S. by 2050

• Ultralow CI Score
• Additional Revenue Source
• Reduce Operating Costs

• Produce High-Demand Aviation Fuel

Air Charter Service
Premium Air
1336 East 31st Street
Hibbing, MN 55746
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager
Phone (218-929-2166)
melisa@premiumaircharter.com premiumaircharter.com
Fuel Conversion Technology
ClearFlame Engine Technologies
2633 Kaneville Court
Geneva, IL 60134
John Howell, Vice President of Marketing & Strategy
Phone (508-404-9398)
Heavy Highway Transport
Van G Logistics
8000 East Manning Avenue
Fowler, CA 93625
Roger Van Groningen, President
Phone (559-834-5500)
Fax (559-834-4395)
Willis Energy Transfer, LLC
PO Box 196
111 North Maple Street Mulberry Grove, IL 62262
David Willis, President Phone (618-326-9980)
admin@wetransferllc.com www.wetransferllc.com
Associated Cargo Specialists (Member of The Manitoulin Group of Companies)
1755 St. Regis Boulevard, Suite 230 Dollard Des Ormeaux, QC H9B 2V5
Carm Sciglitano, Director of Liquid Bulk & Renewable Energy (North America) Phone (514-926-2276)
carm@acscargo.ca www.acscargo.ca
Rail The Greenbrier Companies
One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tom Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Marketing & General Manager Phone (503-684-7000) info@gbrx.com www.gbrx.com
Belvedere Terminals
200 Central Avenue, 4th Floor St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Stan Fay, Chief Marketing Officer Phone (727-430-2052)
sfay@belvedereterminals.com www.belvedereterminals.com
Eco-Energy Transportation, LLC
6100 Tower Circle, Suite 500 Franklin, TN 37067
Phone (615-416-0901) logistics@eco-energy.com www.eco-energy.com/logistics
Iowa Northern Railway Company 201 Tower Park Drive, Suite 300 Waterloo, IA 50701

Amy Homan, Director of Marketing Sales & Development Phone (319-888-7101)
Fax (398-888-7000) ahoman@iowanorthern.com www.iowanorthern.com
Railcar Gate Openers
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600) cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Arnold Company 2955 Trico Drive Trenton, IL 62293
Scott Dressler, Director of Sales & Operations Phone (618-224-7505) albert@arnoldcompany.com www.arncosolutions.com
Workmaster 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (267-350-2809) info@workmaster.net workmaster.net
Railcar Gates
The Greenbrier Companies

One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tom Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Marketing & General Manager Phone (503-684-7000) info@gbrx.com www.gbrx.com
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) infocenter@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Railcar Leasing
The Greenbrier Companies One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tom Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Marketing & General Manager Phone (503-684-7000) info@gbrx.com www.gbrx.com
TrinityRail 14221 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254
Gregg Yates, Program Manager of Marketing Phone (800-631-4420) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com
Railcar Moving
BOSS Railcar Movers 4116 Dr Greaves Road #1138 Grandview, MO 64030
Chris Reed, Inside Sales Manager Phone (816-280-2518) sales@bossrcm.com bossrcm.com
Calbrandt Inc. PO Box 198 768 Seventh Street South Delano, MN 55328
Rachel McDonald, Marketing Phone (763-972-8888) rmcdonald@calbrandt.com www.calbrandt.com
Railcar Parts Salco Products, Inc. 1385 101st Street, Suite A Lemont, IL 60439 Customer Support, Sales Phone (630-685-4661) Fax (630-783-2590)

sales@salcoproducts.com www.salcoproducts.com
Baier Rail Co. Inc.
2920 Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Danielle Rockmaker, Sales Manager Phone (714-437-9600)
sales@baierrail.com www.baierrail.com
The Greenbrier Companies One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tom Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Marketing & General Manager Phone (503-684-7000) info@gbrx.com
TrinityRail 14221 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254
Gregg Yates, Program Manager of Marketing Phone (800-631-4420) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com
American Railcar Repair PO Box 115 303 Third Street Lakota, IA 50451
David Horak, Location Manager Phone (515-886-0026) david@americanrailcarrepair.com www.americanrailcarrepair.com
First Flare and Repair LLC 6551 South Revere Parkway, Suite 200 Centennial, CO 80111
Thomas Wood, Vice President Phone (303-887-2695)
The Greenbrier Companies One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tom Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Marketing & General Manager Phone (503-684-7000) info@gbrx.com
TrinityRail 14221 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254
Gregg Yates, Program Manager of Marketing Phone (800-631-4420) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com

Trailer Trap Opener
284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600)


Otter Tail Power Company 215 South Cascade Street
Fergus Falls, MN 56538

284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355

Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer
Phone (215-333-5600)

cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com

infocenter@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Todd Kadry, Industrial Services Engineer Phone (218-739-8941)

tkadry@otpco.com www.otpco.com


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A&B Process Systems
212700 Stainless Avenue
Stratford, WI 54484
Tim Goeser, Customer Care Sales Phone (715-687-4332) bdc.abprocess@jbtc.com www.jbtc.com
AB Biotek 4240 Duncan Avenue, Suite 150 St. Louis, MO 63110
Rick Oleshak, Vice President of Marketing Phone (314-392-0821) rick.oleshak@abmauri.com www.abbiotek.com
ABP Engineering
440 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68114
David Hoylman, Sr. Mechanical Design Engineer Phone (402-502-4242) dhoylman@abpengineeringllc.com www.abpengineeringllc.com
ACA Bio Coperativa, Ltda.
Lavanda 174
Km 555 Autopista Cordoba Rosario
Villa Maria X5900 Argentina
Marcos Bossi, Operations Manager Phone (0-353-155-6663-41) mbossi@acacoop.com.ar www.acacoop.com.ar
Acuren Inspection, Inc. 4250 North 126th Street Brookfield, WI 53005
Jared Gall, District Manager Phone (262-781-0105) jared.gall@acuren.com www.acuren.com
ADF Engineering
228 Byers Road, Suite 202 Miamisburg, OH 45342
Matt Williamson, Director of Engineering Phone (937-847-2700) info@adfengineering.com www.adfengineering.com
ADM International SARL
A1 Business Center
La Piece 3 Rolle, Vaud 1180 Switzerland
Christian Delahouliere, General Manager of International Ethanol Market Development Phone (41-795-77-86-14) christian.delahouliere@adm.com www.adm.com
Advanced Biofuels USA
507 North Bentz Street Frederick, MD 21701
Joanne Ivancic, Executive Director Phone (301-644-1395) info@advancedbiofuelsusa.org www.advancedbiofuelsusa.org
Advanced Cryogenics, Ltd.
PO Box 419
160 Indian Mound Trail Tavernier, FL 33070
Sam Rushing, President Phone (305-852-2597) | Fax (305-852-2598) rushing@terranova.net www.carbondioxideconsultants.com
Advanced Resources International, Inc.
1840 Mackenzie Drive, Suite 100 Columbus, OH 43220
Andrew Duguid, Vice President Phone (703-528-8420) info@adv-res.com www.adv-res.com
Aequor Inc.
1288 Skyros Way Encinitas, CA 92024
Marilyn Bruno, CEO Phone (858-255-7854) mbruno@aequorinc.com www.aequorinc.com
AFRY Management Consulting Inc. 295 Madison Avenue, Suite 705 New York, NY 10017
Megan McCormick, Manager Phone (410-693-2868) megan.mccormick@afry.com afry.com/en
AgCountry Farm Credit Services PO Box 6020
1900 44th Street South Fargo, ND 58108
Jess Bernstien, Market Vice President Phone (701-499-2633) jess.bernstien@agcountry.com agcountry.com
AgCountry Farm Credit Services PO Box 6020 1900 44th StreetSouth Fargo, ND 58108
Nicole Hatlen, Vice President of Agribusiness & Capital Markets Phone (701-499-2570) nicole.hatlen@agcountry.com agcountry.com
Agra Industries, Inc.
1211 West Water Street Merrill, WI 54452
Jason Paoli, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (800-842-8033) jpaoli@agraind.com www.agraind.com
AGRI-Associates, Inc. 6900 College Boulevard #275 Overland Park, KS 66211
Glenn J. Person, President Phone (913-696-9990) gjp@agriassociates.com agri-associates.com
750 East First Street Tea, SD 57064
Greg Wilson, CEO Phone (605-361-8230) gwilson310@aol.com www.agstocktrade.com
Air Resource Specialists
1901 Sharp Point Drive, Suite F Fort Collins, CO 80525
Brianna Tobin, Environmental Compliance Manager Phone (970-484-7941) arsinfo@air-resource.com www.air-resource.com
Air Techniques, Inc. 2999 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta, GA 30062 Thomas Wassel, Sales Phone (704-681-3025) twassel@airtechniquesinc.com www.airtechniquesinc.com
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Caitlin Herres, Graphic Designer Phone (215-333-5600) cmherres@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Airmatic 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (215-333-5600) infocenter@airmatic.com airmatic.com
Airoflex Equipment 6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Katy Lee, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (563-264-8066) katylee@airoflex.com airoflex.com
Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A Guttenberg, NJ 07093
Vital Strumza, President Phone (551-482-7568) alaqua@mindspring.com www.alaquainc.com
Alberici Constructors 8800 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63114
Victoria Fleddermann, Sr. Director of Business Development Phone (314-733-2256) victoria@alberici.com www.alberici.com
Alcohol Tax Consultants, Inc. PO Box 1595 New York, NY 10159
Matt Zuckerman, Consultant Phone (917-771-9906) info@alcoholtax.com www.alcoholtax.com
Alfa Laval Inc. 9560 58th Place, Suite 300 Kenosha, WI 53144
Stephen Ludes, Business Development Manager Phone (215-443-4297) stephen.ludes@alfalaval.com www.alfalaval.us
American Coalition for Ethanol 5000 South Broadband Lane, Suite 224 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Katie Muckenhirn, Vice President of Public Affairs Phone (605-306-6107) kmuckenhirn@ethanol.org ethanol.org
American Energy Enterprises Inc. 33 Obtuse Rocks Road Brookfield, CT 06804
Christopher Brown, Chairman Phone (203-313-8177) christopher@americanenergyenterprises.com www.americanenergyenterprises.com
American Railcar Repair PO Box 115 303 Third Street Lakota, IA 50451
David Horak, Location Manager Phone (515-886-0026) david@americanrailcarrepair.com www.americanrailcarrepair.com
Andritz Separation, Inc. 1010 Commercial Boulevard South Arlington, TX 76001 Ryan Beiderwieden Phone (817-465-5611) ryan.beiderwieden@andritz.com andritz.com
Angel Yeast Co., Limited 168 Chengdong Avenue Yichang, Hubei 443003 China Tian Luo, Senior Sales Manager Phone (86-13872531766) luotian@angelyeast.com en.angelyeast.com
Anguil Environmental Systems 8855 North 55th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 Kevin Summ, Marketing Director Phone (414-365-6400) | Fax (414-365-6410) kevin.summ@anguil.com www.anguil.com
Antea Group 5910 Rice Creek Parkway, Suite 100 Shoreview, MN 70810 Troy Bernal, Senior Consultant Phone (225-907-4606) troy.bernal@anteagroup.us us.anteagroup.com/industries/renewable-fuels
Antora Energy 1244 Reamwood Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Nick Soncrant, Head of Business Development Phone (419-309-6729) nick.soncrant@antora.energy antoraenergy.com
Apache Stainless Equipment Corporation 200 West Industrial Drive Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Michael Peterson, Sales Manager Phone (920-344-7401) mike.peterson@apachestainless.com apachestainless.com
Applied Material Solutions, Inc. 1001 East Centralia Street Elkhorn, WI 53121
Kevin Mundell, Sales Manager Phone (262-723-6595) | Fax (262-723-3830) info@amsi-usa.com www.appliedmaterialsolutions.com
Aquada Development Corporation Ltd. Mary’s Court, 1927 Bob’s Way Off Aba Road Old Umuahia, Abia State 440002 Nigeria Emeka Nwankwo, Chairman Phone (202-370-6165) support@aquada.com www.aquada.com
Arcadia Corporation 2111 Albany Drive Franklin, TN 37067
Alex Grayes, President Phone (865-719-2930) sales@arcadiachemical.com www.arcadiachemical.com
Archangel, Inc. 1745 Shea Center Drive, Suite 400 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Allen Ziegler, Antimicrobials Phone (877-453-0940) aziegler@archangelbio.com www.archangelbio.com
Arktos Environmental LLC 2400 Ansys Drive, Suite 102 Canonsburg, PA 15317
Thomas Leleck, II, Managing Director Phone (240-357-5343) tleleck@arktosenv.com www.arktosenv.com
Arnold Company 2955 Trico Drive Trenton, IL 62293
Scott Dressler, Director of Sales & Operations Phone (618-224-7505) albert@arnoldcompany.com www.arncosolutions.com
ArrowUp 412 South Hanley Road, Suite 2N St. Louis, MO 63105
Eric Sumner, President Phone (302-593-9568) eric.sumner@arrowupglobal.com www.arrowupglobal.com
Associated Cargo Specialists (Member of The Manitoulin Group of Companies) 1755 St. Regis Boulevard, Suite 230 Dollard Des Ormeaux, QC H9B 2V5 Canada Carm Sciglitano, Director of Liquid Bulk & Renewable Energy (North America) Phone (514-926-2276) carm@acscargo.ca www.acscargo.ca
Axion 5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Emily Reade, Director of Scientific Products Phone (605-838-6679) emilyr@bionsciences.com www.bionsciences.com
AZCO Inc. 122 East College Avenue, Suite 202 Appleton, WI 54911
Scott Kennedy, Business Development Manager Phone (920-734-5791) skennedy@azco-inc.com www.azco-inc.com
Fuel Ethanol
BB&W Tek (a Metrohm Group Company)
313 Enterprise Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Sam Panariello, Product Marketing Manager Phone (855-692-9835) | Fax (302-368-7830) marketing@bwtek.com www.bwtek.com
Baier Rail Co. Inc. 2920 Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Danielle Rockmaker, Sales Manager Phone (714-437-9600) sales@baierrail.com www.baierrail.com
Barnhart Crane & Rigging
3604 West Hovland Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Bill Vyhlidal Phone (712-522-0029) bvyhlidal@barnhartcrane.com www.barnhartcrane.com
BASF Enzymes, LLC 3550 John Hopkins Court San Diego, CA 92121
Jeff Carver, Sales Manager Phone (218-269-0836) jeffrey.carver@basf.com www.basf.com/global/en/products/segments/nutrition_ and_care/nutrition_and_health/enzymes/basf-enzyme
Bathan AG
Reckenbühlstr. 21
Lucerne 6005 Switzerland Holger Streetz, COO Phone (49-173-591-8550) info@bathan.ch www.bathan.ch/en
Battelle 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201
Jon Cartlidge, Commercial Sales Director Phone (614-424-3508) cartlidgej@battelle.org battelle.org/ccs
Baum Pneumatics Inc. 16-1780 McLean Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 4K9 Canada
Hank Baum, Sales Phone (604-945-4507) baumhighpressure@gmail.com baumpneumatics.ca
BBI International Project Development Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com
BCC Advisers 1707 High Street Des Moines, IA 50309
Greg Weber, Senior Vice President Phone (515-777-7070) greg@bccadvisers.com www.bccadvisers.com
5851 South Harding Street Indianapolis, IN 46237
Joel Dulin, Director of Digital Marketing Phone (317-522-0864) info@biomass-equipment.com www.beande.com
Belvedere Terminals
200 Central Avenue, 4th Floor St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Stan Fay, Chief Marketing Officer Phone (727-430-2052) sfay@belvedereterminals.com www.belvedereterminals.com
Benchmark Renewable Energy
2155 North McMullen Booth Road Clearwater, FL 33759
Juan Briceno, Business Development Director Phone (305-302-8555) aoca@aol.com brenewable.com
Benchmark Renewable Energy LLC
2155 North McMullen Booth Road Clearwater, FL 33759
Terry Ruse, Manager of Operations Phone (918-991-8372) terryruse@aol.coom www.brenewable.com
Benz Technology International Inc.
2305 South Clarksville Road Clarksville, OH 45113
Gregory Benz, President Phone (937-289-4504) | Fax (937-289-3914) g.benz@benz-tech.com www.benz-tech.com
Bepex International 333 Taft Street Northeast Minneapolis, MN 55431
Jack Keeney, Executive Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (612-627-1475) jkeeney@bepex.com www.bepex.com
Berthold Technologies 99 Midway Avenue Oak Ridge, OH 37830
Becky Olliges, Regional Sales Manager Phone (865-323-0876) becky.olliges@berthold-us.com www.berthold.com/en-us
BetaTec Hop Products, Inc. 5185 MacArthur Boulevard Northwest #103 Washington, DC 20016
Jason Lanham, Director of Sales & Global Marketing Phone (937-239-0685) info@betatec.com betatec.com
Beyond (a christianson company) 302 Fifth Street Southwest Willmar, MN 56201
Fred Gould Phone (320-441-5541) fgould@beyond.biz www.beyond.biz
Beyond Details LLC 3180 Meadow Circle Green Bay, WI 54311
William Capelle, PFAS Remediation & Spill Control Phone (920-309-9045) wcapelle@beydet.com www.beydet.com
BinMaster 7201 North 98th Street Lincoln, NE 68507
Jenny Christensen, Vice President of Marketing Phone (402-434-9102) info@binmaster.com www.binmaster.com
Bio-Process Group
226 North 500 West West Lafayette, IN 47906
Dale Morrison, President Phone (765-427-3234) clark@bio-process.com bio-process.com
Biodiesel Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselmagazine.com
Biodiesel Summit: Sustainable Aviation Fuel & Renewable Diesel
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biodieselsummit.com
BIOFerm 3 Point Place, Suite 100 Madison, WI 53719
Scott Oorsini, Vice President of Sales Phone (608-467-5523) info@biofermepc.com biofermenergy.com
Biofuels International
124 Middleton Road Morden, London SM4 6RW United Kingdom
Peter Patterson, Publisher Phone (44-2086487082) peter@woodcotemedia.com www.biofuels-news.com
Biomass Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassmagazine.com
Biomass Products, LLC dba BioPro Power® PO Box 156 Spicer, MN 56288
Dan Skolness, President of Biomass Division Phone (320-796-6639) rfp@biopropower.com www.biopropower.com
Bion 5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Esther Homandberg, General Manager Phone (605-838-6679) bion@bionsciences.com www.bionsciences.com
Bismarck State College-National Energy Center of Excellence
1200 Schafer Street Bismarck, ND 58504
Dan Schmidt, Program Manager Phone (701-224-5651) | Fax (701-224-2520) bsc.energy@bismarckstate.edu bismarckstate.edu/energy
Blue Valley Commodities 9300 West 110th, Suite 270 Overland Park, KS 66062
Bart Vance, CEO Phone (913-353-9485) bvance@bluevalleycommodities.com www.bluevalleycommodities.com
Boerger, LLC 2860 Water Tower Place Chanhassen, MN 55317
Jeff Seaton, Vice President Phone (612-435-7300) america@boerger.com www.boerger.com
BOSS Railcar Movers 4116 Dr Greaves Road #1138 Grandview, MO 64030 Chris Reed, Inside Sales Manager Phone (816-280-2518) sales@bossrcm.com bossrcm.com
BossTek 1607 West Chanute Road Peoria, IL 61615
Mike Lewis, Vice President of Sales Phone (309-693-8600) | Fax (309-693-8605) mikel@bosstek.com bosstek.com
Boulay 11095 Viking Drive #500 Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Rich Lehman, Partner Phone (952-893-3837) rlehman@boulaygroup.com boulaygroup.com/industries/renewable-energy
Brown Tank, LLC 6995 55th Street North, Suite A St. Paul, MN 55128
Scott Kraker, Sales Manager Phone (651-747-0100) | Fax (651-747-0101) info@browntank-mn.com www.browntank-mn.com
BrownWinick Law Firm
666 Grand Avenue, Suite 2000 Des Moines, IA 50309
Thomas Johnson, Attorney Phone (515-242-2414) thomas.johnson@brownwinick.com www.brownwinick.com
Buhler Inc. 13105 12th Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55441
Chris Wagner, Sales Account Representative Phone (763-847-0229) christopher.wagner@buhlergroup.com www.buhlergroup.com
Burnham Green Oil Inc. 6102 Averill Way, Suite A Dallas, TX 75225
Mary A. Burnham, Chairman & CEO Phone (214-507-5268) burnham@burnhamgreenoil.com burnhamgreenoil.com/index.html
Burns & McDonnell 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 66215 Meaghan McCaffrey, Managing Director of Renewables & Emerging Markets Phone (314-384-6314) mmccaffrey@burnsmcd.com burnsmcd.com
Bushel 503 Seventh Street North Fargo, ND 58102 Ryan Raguse, President Phone (701-369-0633) sales@bushelpowered.com www.bushelpowered.com
Butterworth Inc.-Houston, TX 16737 West Hardy Road Houston, TX 77060
Mark Murphy, Global Sales Manager Phone (281-821-7300) | Fax (281-821-5550) sales@butterworth.com www.butterworth.com
CCalbrandt Inc. PO Box 198 768 Seventh Street South Delano, MN 55328
Rachel McDonald, Marketing Phone (763-972-8888) rmcdonald@calbrandt.com www.calbrandt.com
Caloris Engineering 29516 Canvasback Drive, Suite 200 Easton, MD 21601 Bruce Skinner, Sales Manager Phone (410-822-6900) mcorley@caloris.com caloris.com
Cambridge Pro Fab Inc. 84 Shaver Street Brantford, ON N3S 0H4 Canada Jim Hodgins, Sales Phone (519-998-5613) jhodgins@cambridgeprofab.com www.cambridgeprofab.com
Camco Chemical Company, Inc. 3635 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 3 Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Brian Moffatt, President Phone (414-858-2300) | Fax (414-858-2310) bmoffatt@camcochemical.com www.camcochemical.com
CAMCORP, Inc. 15729 College Boulevard Lenexa, KS 66219
Tracy Janssen, Vice President of Air Pollution Control Phone (913-951-8569) tracyj@camcorpinc.com www.camcorpinc.com
Capital Marketing Associates Inc.
PO Box 130760 Carlsbad, CA 92013
William Krusheski, International Reseller Phone (760-310-1471) bill@capmara.com capmara.com
Carbon Capture Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.carboncapturemagazine.com
Carbon Sink LLC
461 Grove Creek Road Centreville, MD 21617
Randy Roy, CO2 Capture & Utilization Phone (800-583-5223) info@carbonsinkllc.com www.carbonsinkllc.com
Carbon Vault Holdings LLC
1512 Larimer Street, Suite 550 Denver, CO 80108
James Dodson, Vice President Phone (303-376-3607) jbd@carbon-vault.com www.carbonvault.us
Cast Aluminum Solutions, LLC
1310 Kingsland Drive Batavia, IL 60510
Jeffrey Awe, Global Marketing Director Phone (630-482-5325) jawe@castaluminumsolutions.com www.castaluminumsolutions.com/circulation-heatersummary
Catalytic Products International, Inc. 980 Ensell Road
Lake Zurich, IL 60004
Stephen Klostermeyer, Executive Vice President Phone (847-438-0334) sales@cpilink.com www.cpilink.com
CDS Engineering
538 Axminister Drive Fenton, MO 63026
John Oexeman, Engineer Phone (636-343-5656) john.oexeman@cds-engineering.com www.cds-engineering.com
CECO Adwest Technologies
680 Langsdorf Avenue, Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832
Brian Cannon, Vice President of Sales Phone (716-474-9462) bcannon@onececo.com www.cecoenviro.com
Unit 11, Holland Road, Plassey Technology Park Castletroy
Limerick V947Y42 Spain
Daniel Hayes, Celignis Biomass Analysis & Bioprocess Development Phone (06-1371725) dan@celignis.com www.celignis.com
Central States Carbons, LLC Indianapolis, IN 46256
Nii-Akwei Acquaye, Sales Phone (651-329-1607) nii.akwei@centralstatescarbonllc.com www.centralstatescarbonllc.com
Central States Group
8720 South 137th Circle Omaha, NE 68138
Patty Lundgren, Vice President of Sales Phone (402-659-2252) | Fax (402-894-1339) plundgren@csgmail.com www.centralstatesgroup.com
Cereal Process Technologies, LLC
285 German Oak Drive, Suite 103 Cordova, TN 38018
Pete Moss, President Phone (913-957-7525) pmoss@cerealprocess.com www.cerealprocess.com
Chase Nedrow Industries
150 Landrow Drive Wixom, MI 48393
Patrick Triest, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (574-274-0580) patrickt@chasenedrow.com chasenedrow.com
Check-All Valve Mfg. Co.
1800 Fuller Road West Des Moines, IA 50265
Noah Miller, Application/Engineered Sales Manager Phone (515-224-2301) | Fax (515-224-2326) sales@checkall.com www.checkall.com
Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company
270 20th Street Northwest Benson, MN 56215
Claire Goff, Marketing Coordinator Phone (320-842-3256) cgoff@cvec.com www.cvec.com
Christy Catalytics, LLC
4641 McCree Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110
Vernon Christensen, Vice President of Business Development Phone (314-773-7500) | Fax (314-773-8371) vjchristensen@christyco.com www.christycatalytics.com
Clariant Semmelweisstr. 1 Planegg 82152 Germany Tad Hepner Phone (980-505-5313) tad.hepner@clariant.com www.sunliquid.com
500 East Morehead Street, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28202
Nina Karpynec, Head of Sales Marketing, Technology & Business Development Phone (491-745-9148) nina.karpynec@clariant.com www.clariant.com/tonsil
CleanAir Engineering 500 West Wood Street Palatine, IL 60067
Jason Mkrtschjan, Client Support Specialist Phone (800-553-5511) jmkrtschjan@cleanair.com cleanair.com
ClearFlame Engine Technologies 2633 Kaneville Court Geneva, IL 60134
John Howell, Vice President of Marketing & Strategy Phone (508-404-9398) johnh@clearflame.com www.clearflame.com
CMC Solutions
23550 Haggerty Road Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Brian Swanson, CEO & President Phone (248-960-1632) sales@cmcsolutions.org www.cmcpems.com
CoBank 6340 South Fiddlers Green Circle Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Kathy Frahm, Regional Ag Lead Relationship Manager Phone (402-492-2022) kfrahm@cobank.com www.cobank.com
Columbia Industries
5775 Northeast Wagon Drive Hillsboro, OR 97124
Chloe Fiedler
Phone (503-531-0600) | Fax (503-531-0601) contact_sales@columbiacorp.com www.columbiacorp.com
Commodity Talent LLC 149 Terhune Road Princeton, NJ 08540
George Stein, Managing Director Phone (917-545-9850) ghstein@commoditytalent.com www.commoditytalent.com
Compli 5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Emily Reade, Director of Compliance Phone (605-838-6679) compli@bionsciences.com www.biosciences.com
CompuWeigh Corp. 50 Middle Quarter Road Woodbury, CT 06798
Tim Ciucci, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (203-262-9400) | Fax (203-262-9488) tim@compuweigh.com www.compuweigh.com
Consolidated Water Solutions 10100 J Street Omaha, NE 68127
Duane Miller, President Phone (800-852-1150) sales@consolidatedh2o.com www.consolidatedh2o.com
Control Instruments Corp. 25 Law Drive, Suite 1 Fairfield, NJ 07004
Jeff Sampson, Director of Sales Phone (303-953-0746) | Fax (973-575-0013) jsampsonr@controlinstruments.com www.controlinstruments.com
ConVergInce Advisers 11919 Montfort Circle Glen Allen, VA 23059
Joel Stone, President Phone (804-338-0978) joel.stone@convergince.com www.convergince.com
Conveyor Components Company PO Box 167 130 Seltzer Road Croswell, MI 48422
Rich Washkevich, Sales Manager Phone (810-679-4211) | Fax (810-679-4510) rich@conveyorcomponents.com www.conveyorcomponents.com
Cooling Technology Institute PO Box 681807 Houston, TX 77268
Jalene Fritz, Membership Committee Phone (970-593-8637) vmanser@cti.org www.cti.org
Cooling Tower Depot Inc. 517 Southeast Second Street, Suite D Lees Summit, MO 64063
Bradley Meadows, Regional Sales Manager Phone (816-489-6125) bmeadows@ctdinc.com www.coolingtowerdepot.com
Cortec Corporation
4119 White Bear Parkway St. Paul, MN 55110
Eric Uutala, Technical Service & Product Manager Phone (651-429-1100) euutala@cortecvci.com www.cortecvci.com
Corval Group
1633 Eustis Street St. Paul, MN 55108
Robert Weir, Vice President of Engineering & Development Phone (701-301-7102) rweir@corvalgroup.com www.corvalgroup.com
Critical Path Management, LLC
N4980 Bradley Street Gleason, WI 54435
Bob Shank, Project/Construction Manager Phone (715-218-3979) bob_shank@cpmcm.com www.cpmcm.com
Crown Industrial Ceramics 2929 Allen Parkway, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77019
Russell Epstein, President Phone (713-256-5220) repstein@crownindustrialceramics.com www.crownindustrialceramics.com
CTE Global, Inc.
630 Dundee Road, Suite 440 Northbrook, IL 60062
Alex Shifman, CEO & President Phone (847-564-5770) | Fax (847-272-6003) info@cte-usa.com www.cte-global.com
Custom Concrete Specialists 655 South Street, Suite 2 Seward, NE 68434
Cheyenne Wohlford, Custom Concrete Specialist of Concrete Silo Maintenance & Repair Phone (855-752-5047) cheyenne@ccsgrouponline.com www.ccsgrouponline.com
Cytiva 100 Results Way Marlborough, MA 01752
Alison Henry, Regional Marketing Manager Phone (800-526-3593) alison.henry@cytiva.com www.cytivalifesciences.com/solutions/lab-filtration/ industry/industrial/bioethanol
DD3MAX LLC 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mark Yancey, Vice President of Project Development Phone (866-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.d3maxllc.com
dataPARC 1700 Main Street Washougal, WA 98671
Anna Malony, Regional Sales Manager Phone (813-527-1911) anna.malony@capstonetechnology.com www.dataparc.com
Dürr Systems, Inc. 830 Prosper Street De Pere, WI 54115 CTS Sales Phone (920-336-5715) sales.cts@durrusa.com www.durr.com
Decker Electric 4500 West Harry Street Wichita, KS 67209
Ben Wilson, Executive Director of Business Development Phone (316-841-5772) bwilson@decker-electric.com www.decker-electric.com
Defour Group LLC 7220 Heatherwood Drrive Jenison, MI 49428 Dean Drake, President Phone (586-668-5861) dean@defourgroup.com defourgroup.com
Degart Global LLC 4810 74th Street Urbandale, IA 50322 Gary DeLong, Vice President Phone (515-240-9586) garyd@degartglobal.com www.degartglobal.com
Deibel Bioscience 550 Pioneer Path Twin Falls, ID 83301
Greg Bloxham, Sales Director Phone (208-948-0107) greg.bloxham@deibelbioscience.com www.deibelbioscience.com
Delta Energy Services, LLC 325 Abbey Road Berwyn, PA 19312
Sven Swenson, Chief of Staff Phone (352-201-9848) sven@workdelta.com www.workdelta.com
Dexter Renewable Energy LLC
Alpha Holdings LLC
402 North Division Street Carson City, NV 89703
Christopher Miller, Managing Member Phone (775-338-0371) ah_llc@yahoo.com alphaholdingsllc.com
Dira Mining LLC 3705 Arctic Boulevard #2771
Anchorage, AK 99503
Frank Zijlstra, Owner Phone (907-223-3222) diraminingllc@hushmail.com
Dragon Industries
18245 Paulson Drive Port Charlotte, FL 33954
Craig Higdon, CEO Phone (888-578-5441) craig@dragonrealtycapital.com dragonrealtycapital.com
DYNATEK Loading Systems
200 North Harrison Street North Prairie, WI 53153
Gary Kuehneman, Director of Marketing & Sales Phone (262-392-2162) sales@dynatekloadingsystems.com www.dynatekloadingsystems.com
Eldex Corporation
30 Executive Court Napa, CA 94558
Josh Harrington Phone (707-224-8800) sales@eldex.com www.eldex.com
Elysian Carbon Management 901 North Creek Drive Edmond, OK 73034
Keith Tracy, Chief Commercial Officer Phone (405-308-7289) ktracy@elysian.cc www.elysian.cc
EnerDry A/S
Kongevejen 157 Virum 2830 Denmark Kasper Larsen Phone (454-0928393) kgl@enerdry.dk www.enerdry.dk
Enerflex 904 1331 Macleod Trail Southeast Calgary, AB T2G 0K3 Canada
Gerald Smith, Director of Business Development Phone (281-856-6049) gsmith@enerflex.com www.enerflex.com
Energy and Water Development LLC 1456 Greenlake Drive Aurora, IL 60502
Suresh Jambunathan, Owner/Principal Phone (630-335-4544) suresh.jambunathan@enwadev.com www.enwadev.com
Fagen, Inc. 501 West Hwy 212 Granite Falls, MN 56241
William Stark, Vice President of Business Development Phone (320-564-5284) wstark@fageninc.com www.fageninc.com
Federal Screen Products, Inc. 7524 Bath Road Mississauga, ON L4T 1L2 Canada
Greg Colman, Business Development Phone (905-677-4171) info@federalscreen.com federalscreen.com
Ferm Solutions
4095 Lebanon Road Danville, KY 40422
Richard Jones, Sales Manager Phone (202-978-3376) rjones@ferm-solutions.com www.ferm-solutions.com
Fiber Chem, Inc. 14858 West Ridge Lane, Suite 7 Dubuque, IA 52001
Dan Smith, Business Development Manager Phone (563-583-1423) dan@fiber-chem.com www.fiber-chem.com
EE100 Ethanol Group
38572 Cypress Meadow Drive Clinton Township, MI 48036
Don Siefkes, CEO Phone (586-596-4765) donsiefkes@aol.com e100ethanolgroup.com
E100 Ethanol Group
525 Dowling San Leandro, CA 94577
Don Siefkes, CEO Phone (586-596-4765) donsiefkes@aol.com e100ethanolgroup.com
Eastern Instruments
416 Landmark Drive Wilmington, NC 28412
Christopher Lewis, Inside Sales Phone (910-392-2490) sales@easterninstruments.com easterninstruments.com
Eco-Energy Transportation, LLC 6100 Tower Circle, Suite 500 Franklin, TN 37067 Phone (615-416-0901) logistics@eco-energy.com www.eco-energy.com/logistics
Ecolab 1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102
Nelson Belardi, Assistant Vice President of Sales Phone (612-812-0758) nelson.belardi@ecolab.com www.ecolab.com/biofuels-and-ethanol
3104 Calle Santos Eagle Pass, TX 78852
Christian Antalics, Sales Manager Phone (830-581-2002) sales@econochill.com www.econochill.com
Eddy Pump Corporation (USA, Mexico, Worldwide)
Head Office Address
15405 Olde Hwy El Cajon, CA 92021
Richard Russo, Director Phone (619-558-3250) info@eddypump.com eddypump.com
Forest Concepts LLC
3320 West Valley Hwy North, Suite D110 Auburn, WA 98001
Mike Perry, CEO Phone (253-333-9663) mperry@forestconcepts.com www.forestconcepts.com
Foundation Analytical Laboratory 723 Sleezer Road Cherokee, IA 51012
Diane Young, Director of Technical Services/Owner Phone (712-225-6989) dyoung@foundationanalytical.com www.foundationanalytical.com
Energy Management Solutions Inc. 371 South Sunset Drive Mina, SD 57451
Bill Paulsen, President/CEO Phone (605-216-5010) bill.paulsen@emsplantmanagement.com www.emsplantmanagement.com
ENERGYchange.com PO Box 24017
Guleph, ON N1E 6V8 Canada
James Roszel, Administrator Phone (519-767-2913) webmaster@energychange.com www.energychange.com
Enerquip Thermal Solutions 611 North Road Medford, WI 54451
Ron Herman, Director of Business Development Phone (715-748-5888) sales@enerquip.com www.enerquip.com
2623 Kaneville Court Geneva, IL 60134
Kathleen Klimek, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Phone (630-262-4400) sales.usa@envea.global www.envea.global
Equinox 340 Linden Street
Kindred, ND 58051
Kyle Althoff, Financial Analysis for New Projects & Businesses Phone (303-910-6052) kalthoff@equinox8.com www.equinox8.com
Ethanol Producer Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.ethanolproducer.com
Evergreen Engineering, Inc. 1740 Willow Creek Circle Eugene, OR 97402
Aaron Edewards, Business Development Director Phone (541-484-4771) aedewards@eeeug.com evergreenengineering.com
12150 Flint Place, Suite A Poway, CA 92064
David Yazdi Phone (858-224-9100) yin.fu@filtrous.com www.filtrous.com
First Flare and Repair LLC
6551 South Revere Parkway, Suite 200 Centennial, CO 80111
Thomas Wood, Vice President Phone (303-887-2695) twood@firstflarerepair.com www.firstflarerepair.com
Fisher Tank Company
104 Fisher Tank Drive Leesville, SC 29070
Lori Riddle Phone (803-359-4173) lriddle@fishertank.com fishertank.com
Flottweg Separation Technology 10700 Toebben Drive Independence, KY 41051
Rob Rhea, General Manager Phone (859-448-2300) sales@flottweg.net www.flottweg.com
Fluid Engineering/TM Filtration
1432 Walnut Street Erie, PA 16502
Marc Steiner, Chief Sales Officer Phone (814-453-5014) marc_steiner@fluideng.com www.fluideng.com
Fluid Quip Technologies 6105 Rockwell Drive Northeast Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Keith Jakel, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (319-320-7709) kjakel@fluidquiptechnologies.com fluidquiptechnologies.com
FNC Ag Stock 4050 Garden View Drive, Suite 103 Grand Forks, ND 58201
Nick Watson, President Phone (701-780-2828) nwatson@fncagstock.com fncagstock.com
GGas Liquids Engineering
2749 39th Avenue Northeast Calgary, AB T1Y 4T8 Canada
Ian Griffin, Gas Liquids Engineering & Industry Leader in Sustainable Projects Phone (403-250-2950) sales@gasliquids.com www.gasliquids.com
GC Van Dam LLC 2920 Todd Road Galveston, TX 77554 Emilio Van Dam, Director Phone (561-542-1528) evandam@gcvandam.com www.gcvandam.com
GCI (Grace Consulting, Inc.) Air Emissions Testing 684 Tower Road Plainfield, IN 46168
Simon Kamagantsev, Account Manager Phone (877-424-8378) simonkamagantsev@gcitest.com www.gcitest.com
GEA North America 100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647
Keith Funsch, Sales Director Phone (201-960-4986) keith.funsch@gea.com gea.com
GFS Chemicals 155 Hidden Ravines Drive Powell, OH 43123 Rhonda Hicks, Product Manager Phone (380-390-8779) rhicks@gfschemicals.com www.gfschemicals.com
GIC Trade, Inc. PO Box 151590 Chevy Chase, MD 20825
Richard Gilmore, President & CEO Phone (202-441-5651) rickgilmore@gicgroup.com gicgroup.com
Global Resources, Inc. 6701 East 26th Street Sioux Falls, SD 57110
Tom Stenzel, President Phone (605-977-1127) tom@werecruit.net www.linkedin.com/in/tomstenzelglobalresourcesinc
Global Talent Solutions PO Box 235 201 East Main Avenue #9 Frazee, MN 56544
Brian Bigger, President/Recruiter Phone (218-206-6659) brian@globaltalentsolutions.com www.globaltalentsolutions.com
Good Land Industrial LLC
16800 West Greenfield Avenue Brookfield, WI 53005
Jim Tassone, President Phone (414-349-6664) | Fax (262-782-7997) jimt@goodlandind.com www.goodlandind.com
Granite Peak Energy
4510 South Glenview Place Rapid City, SD 57702
Ronald Rebenitsch Phone (701-471-3833) ron.rebenitsch@gmail.com www.granitepeakenergy.com
Graver Technologies LLC
200 Lake Drive Glasgow, DE 19702
Cris Lemay, Product/Applications Manager Phone (302-731-1700) info@gravertech.com www.gravertech.com
Gregersen Structural Engineering, Inc.
1493 North 1500 West Saint George, UT 84770
Max A. Gregersen, Principal Structural-Seismic Engineer Phone (385-232-1747) max@gsestructural.com www.gsestructural.com
GRIP Global Resources for Industrial Projects 1686 57A Street Delta, BC V4L 1X8 Canada
Doug Ballard, Equipment Solutions Provider Phone (604-889-1855) info@grip4equipment.ca grip4equipment.ca
Grocho Technical Services Inc.
1746 Bellechasse Place Ottawa, ON K1C 6W8 Canada
Adam Grochowalski, Director Phone (832-798-4450) adam@grochobiotech.com grochobiotech.com
27341 Spectrum Way
Oak Ridge North, TX 77385
Kevin Bell, CEO Phone (832-616-2922) info@gtechus.com gtech.global
Hoffmann, Inc. 6001 49th Street South Muscatine, IA 52761
Alan Steiner, Director of Business Development Phone (563-263-4733) sales@hoffmanninc.com hoffmanninc.com
Homeland Energy Solutions, LLC
2779 IA Hwy 24 Lawler, IA 52154
Telly Papasimakis, President & CEO Phone (563-238-5555) info@etoh.us homelandenergysolutions.com
Hopsteiner 725 Fifth Avenue, Floor 23 New York, NY 10022
John Maye, Technical Director Phone (703-980-7094) jmaye@hopsteiner.com www.hopsteiner.com
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated 9755 Research Drive Irvine, CA 92618
Carol Madden, Marketing Specialist Phone (800-250-4811) carol.madden@horiba.com www.horiba.com
HRST, Inc.
6557 City West Parkway Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Evan Almberg, Technical Engineering Manager Phone (952-767-8100) ealmberg@hrstinc.com www.hrstinc.com
hth companies, inc. 239 Rock Industrial Boulevard Union, MO 63084
Doug Hoberock Phone (636-583-8698) | Fax (636-583-5971) dhoberock@hthcompanies.com hthcompanies.com
Husch Blackwell 13330 California Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154
David Gardels, Attorney Phone (402-964-5027) | Fax (402-964-5050) david.gardels@huschblackwell.com www.huschblackwell.com/professionals/david-gardels
Hydrite 17385 Golf Parkway Brookfield, WI 53045
HH2O Innovation
8900 109th Avenue North, Suite 1000 Champlin, MN 55316
Jerry Tegels, Business Development Manager of Biofuels Phone (515-249-9637) jerry.tegels@h2oinnovation.com h2oinnovation.com
Hazloc Heaters
666 Goddard Avenue Northeast, Unit 1 Calgary, AB T2K 5X3 Canada
Chris Turnbull, Technical Sales Account Manager & Rep Development (USA & Eastern Canada) Phone (403-730-2488) chris.turnbull@hazlocheaters.com www.hazlocheaters.com
HEMCO Corporation
711 South Powell Road Independence, MO 64056
Jerry Schwarz
Phone (800-779-4362) | Fax (816-796-3333) jerry.schwarz@hemcocorp.com www.hemcocorp.com
Hengye Inc.
11999 Katy Freeway, Suite 588 Houston, TX 77079
Mark Binns, Technical Business Director Phone (502-232-5356) | Fax (832-288-4230) mbinns@hengyeinc.com hengyeinc.com
Iibiocat, inc. 2340 Flintshire View Coralville, IA 52241
Charles Abbas, Founder & CTO Phone (217-412-8096) biocat1@icloud.com ibiocat.com
IBT Industrial Solutions 9400 West 55th Street Merriam, KS 66203
Michael Gebauer Phone (913-261-2103) mgebauer@ibtinc.com ibtinc.com/services
ICM, Inc. PO Box 397 310 North First Street Colwich, KS 67030
Adriana Albornoz, Director of Marketing & Communications Phone (316-796-0900) | Fax (316-796-0570) adriana.albornoz@icminc.com www.icminc.com
ICS, Inc. (Industrial Contract Services) 2500 Mill Road Grand Forks, ND 58203
Suzzanne Danielson, Project Development Coordinator Phone (701-775-8480) | Fax (701-775-8479) suzzanne.danielson@icsgf.us www.icsgf.com
IFF 1000 41st Avenue Drive Southwest Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Missy Abbott, Global Communications Leader Phone (319-363-9601) missy.abbott@iff.com www.xcelis.com
ImagoAI Inc. 691 South Milpitas Boulevard, Suite 217 Milpitas, CA 95035 Abhishek Goyal Phone (880-082-7709) info@imagoai.com www.imagoai.com
462 Maplewood Drive Barrington, IL 60010
Industrial Sales Solutions, LLC 3684 120th Court West Faribault, MN 55021
Mike Vogel, Sales Engineer Phone (507-649-0751) mike.vogel@ind-sales.com www.ind-sales.com
Innospec Fuel Specialties 8310 South Valley Hwy Englewood, CO 80112
Daniel Harris, Sales Manager Phone (312-459-7145) daniel.harris@innospecinc.com innospec.com/fuel-additives/renewable-fuel-specialties
Innovative Plant Solutions, Inc. 3125 East 14th Avenue Hibbing, MN 55746
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (844-799-6582) mschinderle@innovativeplantsolutions.com www.innovativeplantsolutions.com
International Biomass Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.biomassconference.com
International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.fuelethanolworkshop.com
Interra Global 164 South Prospect Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068
Jay Skiersch, Vice President Phone (847-292-8600) sales@interraglobal.com interraglobal.com
Interstates, Inc. 1400 Seventh Avenue Northeast Sioux Center, IA 51250
Seth Vis, Business Development Manager Phone (712-722-1662) seth.vis@interstates.com www.interstates.com
Iowa Northern Railway Company 201 Tower Park Drive, Suite 300 Waterloo, IA 50701
Scott Cumming, Director Phone (262-792-1450) info@hydrite.com www.hydrite.com
Hydro Dynamics, Inc. 8 Redmond Court Northwest Rome, GA 30165
Doug Mancosky, Chief Science Officer Phone (706-234-4111) dmancosky@hydrodynamics.com www.hydrodynamics.com
Hydro-Thermal 400 Pilot Court Waukesha, WI 53188
Joel Gerstner, National Sales Manager Phone (262-548-8900) info@hydro-thermal.com www.hydro-thermal.com
Leah Zuercher, Setup Specialist Phone (951-751-3822) leah.zuercher@incheq.com incheq.com
Indeck Power Equipment Company 1111 Willis Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090
Eric Hank, Marketing Specialist Phone (847-541-8300) ehank@indeck-power.com www.indeck.com
Indeck Power Equipment Company
1111 Willis Avenue Wheeling, IL 60090
Russell Rabago, Senior Sales Engineer/Rental Manager Phone (847-541-8300) | Fax (847-287-6516) rrabago@indeck-power.com www.indeck.com
Indoff, Inc. 250 Mc Adoo Drive Folsom, CA 95630
Jack Berger Phone (916-693-1214) jack.berger@indoff.com www.norcal.indoff.com
Industrial Info Resources, Inc. 2818 Kenwood Isles Drive Minneapolis, MN 55408
Scott Kirkeby, Senior Account Manager Phone (612-915-9996) skirkeby@industrialinfo.com www.industrialinfo.com
Amy Homan, Director of Marketing Sales & Development Phone (319-888-7101) | Fax (398-888-7000) ahoman@iowanorthern.com www.iowanorthern.com
Isomer Project Group 115 Welborn Street, Suite A Greenville, SC 29601
Tyler Smith, Director of Business Development Phone (864-565-9355) tyler.smith@isomer.group www.isomer.group
JJatro Renewables, Inc. 4738 Gateway Circle, Suite 209 Kettering, OH 45440
Raj Mosali, CEO Phone (617-821-8194) rmosali@jatrorenewables.com www.jatrorenewables.com
JC Ramsdell Enviro Services, Inc. 408 South Veterans Street Flandreau, SD 57028
Kelley Ramsdell, Manager Phone (605-997-3706) | Fax (605-997-2873) kelley@jcramsdell.net jcramsdell.com
JMI Technologies, Ltd.
24 Peterkin Road
Markham, ON L6E 1Y9 Canada
John Patitsas, Project Manager Phone (905-201-9511) jpatitsas@sympatico.ca www.jmitech.ca
Johnson Screens 1950 Old US Hwy 8 Northwest New Brighton, MN 55112
Michael Fitzstephens, Business Development Manager of Food & Beverage Phone (269-270-2975) michael.fitzstephens@johnsonscreens.com johnsonscreens.com/applications/food-beverage
KMoore Consulting LLC
1115 Elmwood Road Bloomington, IL 61701
Kristin Moore, Principal Scientist Phone (309-275-9433) fueltechservice@gmail.com www.kmooreconsulting.com
Knobelsdorff 25701 370th Street Goodhue, MN 55027
Jason Grahek, Director of Business Development Phone (651-923-4970) jason.grahek@keway.com keway.com
Kono Kogs, Inc. 1367 Reber Street Green Bay, WI 54302
Chris Heikkila, Sales Manager Phone (920-432-2699) info@konokogs.com www.konokogs.com
Larson Engineering, Inc. 2801 East Enterprise Avenue, Suite 200 Appleton, WI 54913
Tony Mancheski, Project Manager Phone (920-734-9867) tmancheski@larsonengr.com www.larsonengr.com
Lesaffre do Brasil
Travessa Vacaria 8 Bairro Coophema Cuiaba, Mato Grosso 78085-095 Brazil Miguel Phagouape Phone (55-19-99794-7218) m.phagouape@leaf.lesaffre.com leaf-lesaffre.com
Life Cycle Associates LLC
884 Portola Road, Suite A11 San Mateo, CA 94028 Phone (805-637-5750)
KKATZEN International, Inc.
2300 Wall Street, Suite K Cincinnati, OH 45212
Robert Eickelberger, Vice President of Business Operations Phone (513-351-7500) | Fax (513-351-0810) eickelberger@katzen.com www.katzen.com/index.aspx
Keit Industrial Analytics
Zephyr Building, Eight Street, Unit 4 Harwell Campus Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0RL United Kingdom
Christopher Piper, Sales Manager (North America) Phone (314-775-9099) enquiries@keit.co.uk www.keit.co.uk
KEITH Manufacturing Co.
401 Northwest Adler Street Madras, OR 97741
Kevin Desjardins, Sales Phone (541-475-3802) | Fax (541-475-2169) sales@keithwalkingfloor.com www.keithwalkingfloor.com
Kemin Bio Solutions
1900 Scott Avenue Building A-HQ Des Moines, IA 50317
Joe Malandra, Key Account Manager Phone (319-853-8367) joe.malandra@kemin.com www.kemin.com/bio
Kentucky Department of Agriculture 105 Corporate Drive Frankfort, KY 40601
Timothy Hughes, Senior Trade Advisor Phone (502-782-9265) timd.hughes@ky.gov www.kyagr.com/trade
Keytech Water Management, a Kurita company 33 McIntryre Drive Kitchener, ON N2R 1E4 Canada
Andre Van Overloop, Ontario Sales & Service/Ethanol Phone (800-265-2772) | Fax (877-748-4919) avanoverloop@keytech.ca www.keytech.ca
KFI Engineers 670 County Road B W St. Paul, MN 55113
Dave Jansa, Director of Marketing & Business Development Phone (651-771-0880) dmjansa@kfi-eng.com www.kfiengineers.com
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP 607 14th Street Northwest, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005
Mark Riedy, Partner-Chair-Energy Practice Phone (202-508-5823) | Fax (202-318-4087) mriedy@kilpatricktownsend.com www.kilpatricktownsend.com
Kono Kogs, Inc.
1367 Reber Street Green Bay, WI 54302
Buster Heikkila, Sales Manager Phone (920-432-2699) info@konokogs.com www.konokogs.com
Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 9 Goettingen, Lower Saxony D-37085 Germany
Raphael Thies Phone (49-551-900363-21) | Fax (49-551-900363-29) contact@kriegfischer.de www.kriegfischer.de
Kurita America 6600 94th Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55445
Mitchell Manstedt, Strategic Business Leader Phone (866-663-7633) kai_orders@kurita-water.com kuritaamerica.com
Kutak Rock LLP
1650 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68102
David Bracht, Attorney Phone (402-346-6000) | Fax (402-346-1148) david.bracht@kutakrock.com www.kutakrock.com
Love Goyal, Sustainability Project Manager goyal@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
Life Cycle Associates, LLC
884 Portola Road, Suite A11 Portola Valley, CA 94028
Stefan Unnasch, Managing Director Phone (650-461-9048) outreach@lifecycleassociates.com www.lifecycleassociates.com
Little Sioux Corn Processors 4808 F Avenue
Marcus, IA 51035
Steve Roe, CEO Phone (712-376-2800) steve.roe@littlesiouxcornprocessors.com www.littlesiouxcornprocessors.com
Louisville Dryer Company
1100 Industrial Boulevard Louisville, KY 40219
Naomi Terrill, Administrative Assistant Phone (502-969-3535) nterrill@louisvilledryer.com louisvilledryer.com
Luminate 1801 Broadway, Suite 1620 Denver, CO 80202
Melissa Ochs, Marketing Coordinator Phone (303-860-7627) melissa.ochs@luminatellc.com www.luminatellc.com
Manor Trade Development Corporation 333 East 43rd Street, Suite 2 New York, NY 10017
David Reiff
Phone (212-687-8698) dreiff@manortrade.com www.fuelethanol.com
MAP General Mechanical Contractors 1218 Hwy 49 North Beulah, ND 58523
Todd Peterson Phone (701-566-2784) todd.peterson@mapmechanical.com www.mapmechanical.com
Mapcon Technologies, Inc. 2670 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA 50321
Cory Lister, Corporate Solutions Manager Phone (515-331-3358) clister@mapcon.com mapcon.com
Marsh McLennan Agency 4300 West 133rd Street Leawood, KS 66209
Matt Koster, Executive Vice President of Agribusiness Sales Phone (913-433-3739) matt.koster@marshmma.com marshmma.com
Martin Engineering 1 Martin Place Neponset, IL 61345
Rick Felde, Marketing Phone (309-852-2384) rickf@martin-eng.com www.martin-eng.com
Mason Manufacturing PO Box 3577 1645 North Railroad Avenue Decatur, IL 62524
Mike Arrington, Sales Manager Phone (317-847-5413) mike.arrington@masonmfg.com www.masonmfg.com
Master Packing & Rubber Company (MPRC) 6430 Fourth Street Southwest Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Phone (319-364-8282) | Fax (319-364-8266) sales@mprcseals.com www.mprcseals.com
Matrix Service Company 115 East Fifth Street, Suite 1100 Tulsa, OK 74103
LL&M Ethanol Maintenance Contracting Inc. 3830 Maple Drive Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Justin Goodno, Safety Director Phone (515-955-2010) | Fax (515-955-4224) blake.wykoff@lmethanol.com www.lmethanol.com
Laidig Systems, Inc. 14535 Dragoon Trail Mishawaka, IN 46544
Dave Carpenter, Midwest Sales Manager Phone (574-256-0204) davecarpenter@laidig.com www.laidig.com
Lallemand Biofuels & Distilled Spirits 6120 West Douglas Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218
Craig Ammann, Vice President of Sales in North America Phone (605-376-5872) cammann@lallemand.com www.lbds.com
Larson Engineering, Inc. 3524 Labore Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Ethan Charpentier, Regional Manager Phone (651-481-9120) | Fax (651-481-9201) askeie@larsonengr.com www.larsonengr.com
MMaas Companies, Inc. PO Box 7127 Rochester, MN 55903
Tyler Maas, Director of Marketing & Sales Phone (507-285-1444) maas@maascompanies.com www.maascompanies.com
Magnatrol Valve Cororation PO Box 17 67 Fifth Avenue Hawthorne, NJ 07507
David Calafiore, Product Manager Phone (973-427-4341) | Fax (973-427-7611) davec@mangatrol.com www.magnatrol.com
Malloy 809 West Russell Street Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Dave Parsley, Sales Phone (605-251-3341) dparsley@malloyelectric.com www.malloyelectric.com
John Hart, Vice President of Business Development Phone (918-838-8822) marketing@matrixservicecompany.com www.matrixservicecompany.com
Maviro 1511 Southern Drive Virginia, MN 77536
Jeff Maki, Division Manager Phone (715-781-7436) jmaki@maviro.com www.maviro.com
McCormick Construction Co. 7900 69th Avenue Greenfield, MN 55373
Steve Swanson, COO
Phone (763-477-4774) | Fax (763-477-5174) steves@mccormickconstruction.com www.mccormickconstruction.com
McGrath North First National Tower #3700 1601 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68102
Steve Case, Shareholder Phone (402-341-3070) | Fax (402-341-0216) scase@mcgrathnorth.com www.mcgrathnorth.com
Mega Pacific Technology Inc.
2005 Vista Avenue
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Anne Wang, Country Manager Phone (626-689-3281) info@megapacific.com www.megapacific.com
Merjent, Inc.
1 Southeast Main Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Paul Mordorski, Biofuels Sector Lead Phone (612-643-5249) paul.mordorski@merjent.com www.merjent.com
Merrick & Company
5970 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Chris Biondolilo, Director of Bioprocessing Phone (303-803-0133) chris.biondolilo@merrick.com www.merrick.com
Met-Chem, Inc.
837 East 79th Street
Cleveland, OH 44103
James Miller, Digital Marketing Manager Phone (216-881-7900) jmiller@metchem.com metchem.com
MicroBioGen 78 Waterloo Road, Level 4 Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia
Geoff Bell, CEO Phone (61-4-3242-8882) geoff.bell@microbiogen.com www.microbiogen.com
Mid-States Appraisal Service, LLC
4283 Jane Drive Manhattan, KS 66502
Gage Bredfeldt, President Phone (913-685-8731) gage@midstatesappraisal.com www.midstatesappraisal.com
Mid-States Millwright & Builders
1116 South B Avenue
Nevada, IA 50201
Riley Vier, Vice President of Marketing Phone (515-382-6280) riley.vier@midstatescompanies.com midstatescompanies.com/mmb
MidContinental Chemical Co., Inc.
1802 East 123rd Terrace
Olathe, KS 66061
Everett Osgood, Director of Fuel Additives Phone (913-390-5556) | Fax (913-254-1434) everetto@mcchemical.com www.mcchemical.com
Midland Scientific
10651 Chandler Road, Suite 102 La Vista, NE 68128
Paula York Phone (402-346-8352) pyork@midlandsci.com www.midlandsci.com
Midwest Cooling Towers, Inc.
1156 Hwy 19 East Chickasha, OK 73018
Greg DeShong, New Tower Sales Manager Phone (281-744-7837) greg.deshong@mwcooling.com www.mwcooling.com
Midwest Custom Solutions
121 South Wichita Avenue
Bentley, KS 67016
Ryan Peterman, Marketing & Business Development Phone (316-253-4039) ryan.p@midwestcustomsolutions.com www.midwestcustomsolutions.com
Midwest Mobile Waterjet
555 Barge Channel Road St. Paul, MN 55107
Brian Gleeson, Portable Waterjet Cutting Phone (651-755-7089) bgleeson@mmwaterjet.com www.mmwaterjet.com
Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association, Inc.
3033 Excelsior Boulevard, Suite 208 Minneapolis, MN 55416
Brian Werner, Executive Director Phone (612-888-9138) bwerner@mnbiofuels.org www.mnbiofuels.org
Mist Chemical & Supply Company
5 River Oaks Circle East Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Steven Berkowitz, President Phone (847-912-8384) steve@mistchem.com www.mistchem.com
MitiTech 1060 Edwards Road Eldoraigne Centurion, Gauteng 0157 South Africa
Andre du Toit Phone (27-82-821-8185) adtcss@hotmail.com mititech.worldpress.com
Mixco-Lotus Mixers Inc. 3449 Technology Drive #201 North Venice, FL 34275
Jeffrey Naidel, President Phone (941-966-1885) info@lotusmixers.com www.lotusmixers.com
MKL Capital LLC 252 South Quince Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tim Morrison, Vice President of Finance Phone (202-215-2885) tdm@mklcapital.com www.mklcapital.com
MKL Capital LLC Box 963 Bronxville, NY 10708
Brian Morrison, Managing Director Phone (917-653-3017) bam@morrisonkibbey.com www.mklcapital.com
MKL Capital LLC
1826 Ocean Grove Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Donald Whitlock, Managing Director Phone (910-685-6030) dsw@mklcapital.com www.mklcapital.com
Modular Energy Solutions PO Box 2759 Santa Clara, CA 95055
Chuck Nolan, Research & Development in Emerging Technologies Phone (408-483-5922) chucknln@sbcglobal.net www.modular-e.com
MoistTech Corp. 6408 Parkland Drive, Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34243
Sarah Hammond, Marketing Manager Phone (941-727-1800) shammond@moisttech.com www.moisttech.com
Mole Master Services Corporation 27815 State Route 7 Marietta, OH 45750
Kearsten Huffman, Technical Sales/Project Coordinator Phone (740-538-3804) | Fax (740-374-5908) khuffman@molemaster.com www.molemaster.com
Mole Master Services Corporation 27815 State Route 7 Marietta, OH 45750
Michael Bailey, General Manager Phone (740-374-6726) | Fax (740-374-5908) contactus@molemaster.com www.molemaster.com
Montrose Environmental 5120 Northshore Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118
Dan Fitzgerald Phone (501-900-6400) dfitzgerald@montrose-env.com montrose-env.com
Montrose Environmental Group 5120 Northshore Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118
Blake Ericson, Business Development Phone (586-242-3599) bericson@montrose-env.com montrose-env.com
MRU Instruments 18838 South Memorial Drive, Suite 300 Humble, TX 77338
John Bickers, Vice President of Business Development Phone (832-716-5218) info@mru-instruments.com www.mru-instruments.com
Neogen Corporation
620 Lesher Place Lansing, MI 48912
Matt Nichols, Director of Strategic Accounts Phone (517-281-1042) mnichols@neogen.com www.neogen.com
NESTEC, Inc. PO Box 125 222 East Main Street Pen Argyl, PA 18072
Jaymie Deemer, President Phone (610-323-7670) sales@nestecinc.com www.nestecinc.com
NNABP (Nucleaus Ag & Bio Products) 7646 215th Street West Lakeville, MN 55044
Todd Seaton, President Phone (612-991-5080) toddseaton@na-bp.com www.na-bp.com
National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.nationalcarboncaptureconference.com
National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 400 University Park Drive Edwardsville, IL 62025
Jackie Hayes, Director of Business Development & Client Relations Phone (618-659-6737) jhayes@ethanolresearch.com ethanolresearch.com
Natwick Appraisals 1205 Fourth Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103
James Natwick, President Phone (701-235-5541) | Fax (701-235-1573) natwick@integra.net natwickappraisal.com
Navigator CO2
13333 California Street, Suite 202 Omaha, NE 68154 Heartland Greenway Phone (402-702-1902) info@navigatorco2.com www.navigatorco2.com
Nayes Associates, LLC 30 South Ninth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Terrence Nayes, Owner/Engineer Phone (952-239-5377) tlnayes@hotmail.com
Nebraska Department of Economic Development 245 Fallbrook Avenue, Suite 002 Lincoln, NE 68521
Lauren Scholfield, Business Consultant Phone (402-318-2381) lauren.scholfield@nebraska.gov opportunity.nebraska.gov/business/business-development
Nebraska Ethanol Board 245 Fallbrook Boulevard, Suite 203 Lincoln, NE 68521 Reid Wagner, Executive Director Phone (402-471-2941) reid.wagner@nebraska.gov ethanol.nebraska.gov
The Dairy School
Auchincruive House
Ayr, Scotland KA6 5HU United Kingdom Rachel Lobo, Marketing Coordinator Phone (800-234-5333) infomz@neogen.com www.megazyme.com
Net Zero Energy 12190 North Mopac Expressway #305 Austin, TX 78758 Monte Goodell Phone (832-758-0027) info@netzeroenergy.com www.netzeroenergy.com
NETZSCH Pumps USA 119 Pickering Way Exton, PA 19341 Antonio Castilhos, Vice President of National Sales Phone (610-363-8010) | Fax (610-363-0971) npa@netzsch.com pumps-systems.netzsch.com
NLB Corp. 51701 Grand River Avenue Wixom, MI 48393
Jordan Smietana, Marketing Manager Phone (800-441-5059) nlbmktg@nlbusa.com nlbcorp.com
North American SAF Conference & Expo 308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.safconference.com
North Country NDT, LLC PO Box 283 Ticonderoga, NY 12883 Daryll Benn, Vice President Phone (518-216-4017) info@northcountryndt.com www.northcountryndt.com
Novam Citationem Habeo Los Haticos Avenue with 129th Street Residential Complex Vista del Lago, Building 4 Apartment 1C Maracaibo, Zulia 4001 Venezuela Alexis Faneite, Chemical Engineer Phone (68-414-3689396) alexis.faneite.noguera@gmail.com www.patreon.com/Novamcitationemhabeo
Novozymes 77 Perry Chapel Church Road Franklinton, NC 27525 Tom Kortuem, Commercial Director Phone (919-494-3000) tko@novozymes.com www.novozymes.com/en/solutions/bioenergy
NUREV Group 234 North Sycamore Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57110
David Vanden Hull, President Phone (605-929-1187) davidv@nurevgroup.com nurevgroup.com
nZero 50 South Virginia Street Box 388 Reno, NV 89501
Preston Brown, Director of Agribusiness Phone (815-315-7506) preston@nzero.com nzero.com
OOcean Park PO Box 5281
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Mark Fisler, Managing Director Phone (310-670-2093) mfisler@oceanpk.com oceanpk.com
One Energy Enterprises 12385 Township Road 215 Findlay, OH 45840
Carly Good, Project Manager Phone (877-298-5853) contact@oneenergyllc.com oneenergy.com
Optical Scientific (OSI)
2 Metropolitan Court, Suite 6 Gaithersburg, MD 20878
James Shinkle Phone (312-237-0375) jwsshinkle@opticalscientific.com www.opticalscientific.com
OpX Control
1864 Tossing Mane Court Dayton, OH 45458
Henri Brittain Phone (513-543-6494) hank.brittain@opxcontrol.com opxcontrol.com
Osage, Inc.
14701 Village Square Place Midlothian, VA 23112
Jake Spruill, Vice President of Business Development Phone (804-612-4840) e85@osageinc.net www.osageinc.net
Otter Tail Power Company 215 South Cascade Street Fergus Falls, MN 56538
Todd Kadry, Industrial Services Engineer Phone (218-739-8941) tkadry@otpco.com www.otpco.com
Oxidizers Inc. 1731 Pomona Road Corona, CA 92878
Leah Zuercher, Field Technician Phone (951-751-3822) leah@oxidizers.net oxidizers.net
Oxidizers, Inc. 1731 Pomona Road Corona, CA 92878
Tony King, Business Development Manager Phone (951-751-7638) tony@oxidizers.net www.oxidizers.net
Pace Analytical Services 1700 Elm Street Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414
Daniel George, Account Executive Phone (612-849-6055) daniel.george@pacelabs.com www.pacelabs.com
Paget Equipment Company 417 East 29th Street Marshfield, WI 54494
Alan Shepard, Sales Manager Phone (715-384-3158) alans@pagetequipment.com www.pagetequipment.com
Painters USA
570 Mitchell Road Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Craig Nichols, Sales Operations Manager Phone (800-999-8715) info@paintersusainc.com www.paintersusa.com
Passmore Group Inc.
7064 Shadow Ridge Drive Ottawa, ON K4P 1B8 Canada
Jeff Passmore, CEO Phone (613-821-0495) jeff@passmoregroup.ca www.passmoregroup.ca
PCE Instruments
1201 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 8 Jupiter, FL 33458
David Durrenberg, Manager Phone (561-320-9162) | Fax (561-320-9176) info@pce-americas.com www.pce-instruments.com/us
Peli Biochem Technology Shanghai Co.
818 Long Hua East Road Greenland CBD Room 1208 Shanghai 1208 China
Charlie Yee, Vice President of Business Development Phone (626-502-7559) charlieyee@pelibiotech.com www.peli-biochem.com
Pelican Energy Consultants
180 New Camellia Boulevard, Suite 100 Covington, LA 70433
Ed Covington, Vice President of Strategy & Markets
Phone (985-871-4200) ed.covington@pelicanenergy.com www.pelicanenergy.com
Pellet Mill Magazine
308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203
Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com http://biomassmagazine.com/pellet-mill-magazine
Penn Separator Corp.
5 South Pickering Street Brookville, PA 15825
Steven McNeil, President Phone (814-715-9078) | Fax (814-849-4510) smcneil@pennseparator.com www.pennseparator.com
PerkinElmer 710 Bridgeport Avenue Shelton, CT 06484
Jennifer Fox, Marketing Events Specialist
Phibro Ethanol
1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 119A St. Paul, MN 55114
Steve Rust, Director of Industry Relations Phone (402-297-5839) steve.rust@pahc.com www.phibroethanol.com
PHX Affiliates 4930 North Executinve Drive Peoria, IL 61614
Steve Sink, Managing Partner Phone (309-688-5050) ss@phxaffiliates.com phxaffiliates.com
Pick Heaters, Inc. 730 South Indiana Avenue West Bend, WI 53095 Sales Department Phone (262-338-1191) info1@pickheaters.com www.pickheaters.com
Piller TSC Blower Corp. 445 Duane Avenue Schenectady, NY 12304 Caldwell Reed, Director of Sales Phone (518-372-2496) reed@piller.de www.piller.de
Pinion 8810 Renner Boulevard, Suite 100 Lenexa, KS 66219
Donna Funk, Principal Phone (913-643-5000) donna.funk@pinionglobal.com www.pinionglobal.com/industry/biofuels
Pivot Clean Energy Co. 3209 Redstone Road Boulder, CO 80305
Alicia ElMamouni, Executive Director Phone (605-368-0091) hello@pivotcleanenergy.org www.pivotcleanenergy.org
Plaas Incorporated 1427 Old West Main Street Red Wing, MN 55066 Taite Plaas, President Phone (651-388-8881) taite@plaasinc.com www.plaasinc.com
Plasma Blue 1020 Innovation Lane Mankato, MN 56001
Tom Slunecka Phone (507-388-1635) | Fax (507-388-6751) tslunecka@plasma-blue.com
Plymouth Energy LLC 22234 K42 Merrill, IA 51038
Michael Isom, Plant Manager Phone (712-938-2210) mike.isom@plymouthenergyllc.com www.plymouth-energy.com
Pollution Systems 2170 Buckthorne Place, Suite 160 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Curtis Jordan, Sales Manager Phone (832-730-1209) sales@pollutionsystems.com www.pollutionsystems.com
Prairie States Industrial Supply 12406 West 163rd Terrrace Overland Park, KS 66221
Douglas Sublett, Bulk Material & Processing Equipment Phone (864-542-7455)
doug@prairiestatesind.com www.prairiestatesind.com
Praj Industries Ltd. 225 Fluor Daniel Drive #5204 Sugarland, TX 77479
Shrikant Rathi, Executive Director Phone (832-837-2075) shrikantrathi@praj.net www.praj.net
Premium Air 1336 East 31st Street Hibbing, MN 55746
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (218-929-2166) melisa@premiumaircharter.com premiumaircharter.com
Premium Plant Services 1336 East 31st Street Hibbing, MN 55746
Melisa Schinderle, Corporate Services Manager Phone (218-263-4444) melisa@premiumplantservices.com www.premiumplantservices.com
Pro-Fab, Inc. 1050 West Jefferson Street Morton, IL 61550 Philip Young, Vice President Phone (309-263-8454) phil@p-fab.com www.p-fab.com
Process Equipment Specialists 3500 Vicksburg Lane North #410 Plymouth, MN 55447 Gary Stolhanske, President Phone (763-432-6475) gary@pespecialists.com www.pespecialists.com
Process Insights 4140 World Houston Parkway, Suite 180 Houston, TX 77032
Chuck DeCarlo, Business Development Manager Phone (713-947-9591) info@process-insights.com www.process-insights.com
Proco Products, Inc. 2431 North Wigwam Drive Stockton, CA 95205
Robert Coffee, Vice President of Sales & Marketing Phone (209-483-5107) robc@procoproducts.com www.procoproducts.com
Progressive Energy 111 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Suite 1546 Metairie, LA 70005 Nick Cioll, CEO Phone (469-951-3264) ncioll@totalgen.com
Projects Plus Consulting LLC 9526 South 94th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74133
Terry Ruse, Principal Phone (918-991-8372) terryruse@aol.com www.linkedin.com/in/terryruse
PP&E Solutions LLC
1111 East 37th Street North Wichita, KS 67219
Bernie Hoffman, Director of Business Development Phone (316-833-6474) | Fax (316-838-2014) bernie.hoffman@peconstruct.com www.peconstruct.com
PAC-(Petroleum Analyzer Corp.) 8824 Fallbrook Drive Houston, TX 77064
David Adams, Midwest Sales Manager Phone (281-908-0578) david.adams@paclp.com www.paclp.com
Phone (855-726-9377) ehevents@perkinelmer.com perkinelmer.com
Petron Scientech, Inc.
3 Mapleton Road Princeton, NJ 08540
Frank Liotta, Executive Vice President & COO Phone (610-554-1056) fliotta@petronscientech.com www.petronscientech.com
Pond & Company 3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 500 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 Ron Pagel, Sr. Account Manager Phone (920-841-3286) pagelr@pondco.com www.pondco.com
Power System Engineering 2424 Rimrock Road, Suite 300 Madison, WI 53713
Jessica Deegan, Marketing Coordinator Phone (608-268-3529) deeganj@powersystem.org www.powersystem.org
Propel Fuels, Inc. 1815 19th Street Sacramento, CA 95811
Joanna Woessner, Director of Human Resources Phone (650-868-5331) joanna@propelfuels.com propelfuels.com
ProQuip, Inc. 850 Highland Road East Macedonia, OH 44056
Rick Solomon, Marketing Phone (330-468-1850) rsolomon@proquipinc.com www.proquipinc.com
ProSim, Inc.
325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Benjamin Wincure, Technical Sales Engineer Phone (215-600-3759) info@prosim.net www.prosim.net
PROtect, LLC
3815 South Midco Street Wichita, KS 67215
Nathan VanderGriend, CEO Phone (316-927-4290) info@protect.llc www.protect.llc
Pruszko Consulting
16148 Paradise Lane Dubuque, IA 52002
Rudy Pruszko, President Phone (563-582-4545) biorudy@gmail.com biodieselbasics.com
PureHempNY Box 10 Hudson, NY 12534
Ralph Brill, Chairman Phone (845-661-3593) brill.group@verizon.net www.purehemptech.com
Puritan Magnetics, Inc.
533 South Lapeer Road, Suite 100 Oxford, MI 48371
Andrea Webster Phone (248-628-3808) andrea@puritanmagnetics.com www.puritanmagnetics.com
Pyramid E&C LLC
16420 Park Ten Place, Suite 585 Houston, TX 77084
Millicent Herman Phone (713-429-5499) | Fax (713-428-5401) sales@pyramidenc.com www.pyramidenc.com
Rail Safe Training
32429 Hickory Avenue Sioux City, IA 51108
Chuck Leonard, Rail Safe Training Phone (712-212-4145) info@railsafetraining.com www.railsafetraining.com
Refractory Service, Inc. 4201 Hwy P Jackson, WI 53037
Mark Sullivan, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (262-677-6062) msullivan@refractoryservice.com refractoryservice.com
REGS, LLC 785 Washington Street, Suite 6 Canton, MA 02021
Matthew Radigan, Environmental Consulting Phone (781-821-2376) matt@regscompliance.com www.regscompliance.com
Renewable Ag Products, LLC PO Box 486 Menno, SD 57045
Henry Bender, President Phone (605-387-5013) | Fax (605-387-5014) henry@renewableag.com www.renewableag.com
Renewable Energy Institute 6705 Bancroft Woods Austin, TX 78729
Monty Goodell Phone (832-758-0027) info@e100ethanol.com www.e100ethanol.com
Renewable Fuels Nebraska 1327 H Street, Suite 103 Lincoln, NE 68508
Dawn Caldwell, Executive Director Phone (402-325-0045) dawnc@renewablefuelsne.org www.renewablefuelsne.org
333 East 43rd Street, Suite 2 New York, NY 10017
David Reiff Phone (212-687-8698) dreiff@manortrade.com www.renewablefuels.com
QQED Environmental Systems, a Graco Company
2355 Bishop Circle West Dexter, MI 48130
Jeff Connell, Biogas & Anaerobic Digestion Gas Instrumentation Phone (909-499-9174) jconnell@qedenv.com www.qedenv.com
Qi2 Elements 1100 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98057
Devin Wirtz Phone (832-260-5275) r.claussen@qi2elements.com www.qi2elements.com
Rondo Energy 1960 North Loop Road Alameda, CA 94502 Phone (510-210-5899) resources@rondo.com www.rondo.com
RTP Environmental Associates, Inc. 400 Post Avenue, Suite 405 Westbury, NY 11590
Jessica Karras-Bailey, Principal Phone (516-333-4526) | Fax (516-333-4571) bailey@rtpenv.com www.rtpenv.com
Rudolph Research Analytical 55 Newburgh Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840
Dave Oehler Phone (973-584-1558) | Fax (973-584-5440) info@rudolphresearch.com www.rudolphresearch.com
Ryan & Associates, Inc.
SS-O-S Inc. PO Box 7282 Duluth, MN 55807
Jim Carter, Industrial Services Phone (218-626-3917) info@sosleakrepair.com www.sosleakrepair.com
SAF Magazine 308 Second Avenue North, Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Phone (701-746-8385) service@bbiinternational.com www.safmagazine.com
SAFFiRE Renewables
308 Second Avenue North Suite 304 Grand Forks, ND 58203 Mark Yancey, CEO Phone (701-746-8385) myancey@d3maxllc.com www.SaffireRenewables.com
Salco Products, Inc. 1385 101st Street, Suite A Lemont, IL 60439 Customer Support, Sales Phone (630-685-4661) | Fax (630-783-2590) sales@salcoproducts.com www.salcoproducts.com
Sam Carbis Solutions 1430 West Darlington Street Florence, SC 29501
Jason Shannon, Safe Access for Bulk Loading & Unloading Phone (800-948-7750) sales@carbissolutions.com carbissolutions.com
Saola Energy LLC 100 North Main Street, Suite 600 Wichita, KS 67202
Adam Belyamani, Chief Operating Officer Phone (316-413-3345) | Fax (316-413-3346) info@saolaenergy.com www.saolaenergy.com
Saulsbury Industries 2951 East Interstate 20 Odessa, TX 79766
TJ Stewart, Director of Business Development Phone (701-471-6388) | Fax (432-368-0061) tstewart@saulsbury.com www.saulsbury.com
Savannah Power Systems, LLC 1723 Sahale Falls Drive Braselton, GA 30517
Stewart McKibben, Power Generation & Process Equipment Phone (336-414-6770) stewartmckibben@mindspring.com www.savannahpowersystems.com
Schroeder Environmental Cleaning Services Inc. 1056 East River Drive River Falls, WI 54022
Gary Shields, Contracts Manager/Project Manager Phone (651-335-8083) garys@schroederenvironmental.com www.schroederenvironmental.com
SCS Global Services 2000 Powell Street #600 Emeryville, CA 94608
Scott Coye-Huhn, Director of Low Carbon Fuel Regulations Phone (713-412-5311) scoyehuhn@scsglobalservices.com www.scsglobalservices.com
SearchPath of Chicago, Inc. & SPI Of Chicago, Inc. 521 Devonshire Lane, Suite D Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Mark Ragland, Vice President of Talent Acquisition Phone (815-261-4403) chillman@spiofchicago.com searchpathofchicago.com
Seaton Construction Group 4506 West Harry Street Wichita, KS 67209 Ben Wilson, Executive Director of Business Development Phone (316-239-2500) bwilson@seaton-construction.com www.seaton-construction.com
Sentrimax Centrifuges, Inc. 108 Sentry Drive Mansfield, TX 76063 Robert Anderson, Business Development Manager Phone (866-247-5141) robert.a@sentrimax.com www.sentrimax.com
Separator Technology Solutions
Mid-West Field Service Office 613 Magazine Street Ankeny, IA 50021 Milford Kelly, Centrifuge Service Phone (515-229-8015) milford.kelly@sts200.com sts-la.com
SGS North America 1405 32nd Avenue Brookings, SD 57006 Julie Luke, Key Account Manager Phone (605-696-5575) julie.luke@sgs.com www.sgs.com/us-feedtesting
Shandong Longda Bio Products Co., Ltd. West Wencheng Road, North Second Ring Yishui County, Shandong 276400 China
Niu Jie, Overseas Business General Manager Phone (0086-137-21990060) trade@longda-enzyme.com www.longda-enzyme.com
Shield Industrial Coatings, Linings, Inspection & Consulting 1340 Pauls Drive Greenfield, IN 46140
Andrew Robertson, Painting, Lining & Inspection Phone (317-847-1364) coatingsengineer@icloud.com www.shieldpainting.com
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments 7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046
Kevin McLaughlin, Advertising Phone (410-381-1227) webmaster@shimadzu.com www.ssi.shimadzu.com
RR W Heiden Associates LLC
1860 Charter Lane, Unit 206 Greenfield Corporate Park Lancaster, PA 17601
Richard Heiden, CSTO Phone (717-299-6860) | Fax (717-299-6868) rwheidenphd@aol.com www.supersleuthchemists.com
R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc.
1611 South Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 302 Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Rocky Costello Phone (310-792-5870) rcca@rccostello.com www.rccostello.com
10955 160th Street Davenport, IA 52804
Tony Templet, Business Development Phone (314-307-3889) ttemplet@ryangrp.com ryangrp.com
Scott Equipment Company 605 Fourth Avenue Northwest New Prague, MN 56071 Robin Hollerich Phone (507-351-0519) robin.hollerich@scottequipment.com www.scottequipment.com
SCS Engineers 11120 East 26th Street North, Suite 1100 Wichita, KS 67226 Monte Markley, Vice President Phone (316-315-4501) | Fax (913-681-0012) mmarkley@scsengineers.com scsengineers.com
Sicgil Industrial Gases 84 Anna Salai, Dhun Buildings, 6th Floor Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002 India Ruqshad Dadabhoy, Phone (91-44-28521644) corporate@sicgil.com www.sicgil.com/index.html
Siemens Industry Inc. 2060 Detwiler Road, Suite 111 Harleysville, PA 19438
Rich Chmielewski, Industry Manager Phone (404-285-0240) rich.chmielewski@siemens.com www.usa.siemens.com/process
Sistemas Ecologicos Aplicados S.L. Polígono de Asipo
Calle A, Parcela 21. Gasolinera Asipo Servicios Coruno (Llanera), Asturias 33428 Spain
Fernando Luis Villa Garcia, Founder Phone (34-666448401) asipo.carburantes@gmail.com e85etanolblog.wordpress.com
SmartFlow Technologies, Inc.
3308 Lee Avenue Sanford, NC 27332
Jason Bell, Chief Applications Scientist Phone (919-522-8780) jbell@smartflow-tech.com www.smartflowindustrial.com/biofuel.html
Solenis LLC
2475 Pinnacle Drive Wilmington, DE 19803
Stephen Jose, Vice President Phone (703-225-9037) sjose@solenis.com www.solenis.com
5132 South Cliff Avenue, Suite 1 Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Kristi Plack, CSO Phone (605-838-6679) kristip@bionsciences.com www.biosciences.com
3831 Kimwell Drive Winston Salem, NC 27103
Chris Hoover, National Sales Manager Phone (336-245-1516) moreinfo@sonicaire.com www.sonicaire.com
South Bend Ethanol LLC
3201 West Calvert Street South Bend, IN 46613
Charles Tuskan, General Manager Phone (574-703-3362) chucktuskan@southbendethanol.com www.southbendethanol.com
SPX Cooling Tech, LLC-Marley
7401 West 129th Street Overland Park, KS 66213
Deborah Kenny, Marketing Phone (800-462-7539) spxcooling@spx.com www.spxcooling.com
Stainless Fabrication, Inc. 4455 West Kearney Street Springfield, MO 65803
Keith Mizell, Sales Manager Phone (417-865-5696) info@stainlessfab.com www.stainlessfab.com
Standard Polymers, Inc. 1600 Osborn Street Burlington, IA 52601
Michael Mahoney, Technical Representative Phone (319-237-1900) mike@standardpoly.com standardpoly.com
Stanley Consultants Inc. 225 Iowa Avenue Muscatine, IA 52671
Melissa Tiedemann, Business Development Manager Phone (319-259-6603) | Fax (319-259-6659) tiedemannmelissa@stanleygroup.com www.stanleyconsultants.com
Statergy, Inc.
2683 Via De La Valle, Suite G510 Del Mar, CA 92014
Dave Runyan, Principal Phone (858-314-0110) aug_acru@icloud.com acrufed-tax-credit.com
Sterling Deaerator Company
514 West Maple Street, Suite 205 Cumming, GA 30040
Robert Young, Quality Assurance Phone (770-205-1969) | Fax (770-205-2882) robert.young@sterlingdeaerator.com www.sterlingdeaerator.com
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
1100 New York Avenue Northwest, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005
Peter Jackman, Director Phone (202-772-8809) pjackman@sternekessler.com www.sternekessler.com
STI/SPFA (Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Association) 944 Donata Court Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Tim O’Toole, Executive Vice President Phone (847-438-8265) info@steeltank.com stispfa.org
Strategic Avalanche Consulting
2404 Trenton Woods Way Raleigh, NC 27607
James Iademarco, President Phone (919-714-3041) james@strategicavalanche.com www.strategicavalanche.com
Strobel Companies 106 South Green Street Clarks, NE 68628
Larry Myers, Client Development Phone (308-624-4999) lmyers@strobelenergy.com www.strobelcompanies.com
Sugar Valley Energy, LLC PO Box 3564 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
David Rubenstein, President/CEO Phone (760-332-8454) info@casugarcane.com www.californiaethanolpower.com
Sukup Manufacturing Co. 1555 255th Street Sheffield, IA 50475
Brent Hansen, Commercial Account Manager Phone (641-892-4222) | Fax (641-892-4629) bhansen@sukup.com www.sukup.com
Sulzer Pumps Solutions, Inc.
155 Ahlstrom Way Easley, SC 29640
Kevin Seyller, Industrial Distribution Development Manager Phone (864-855-9090) kevin.seyller@sulzer.com www.sulzer.com
Summit Pump, Inc. PO Box 12145 Green Bay, WI 54307
Nick Warner, Midwest Regional Sales Manager Phone (920-869-4800) nick@summitpump.com www.summitpump.com
Sustainable Energy Strategies, Inc. 4803 Marymead Drive Fairfax, VA 22030
Jill Hamilton, President Phone (703-322-4484) jhamilton@sesi-online.com www.sesi-online.com
Sutton International 105 Industrial Drive West Valencia, PA 16059
Brad Gray, Sales Manager Phone (844-351-5100) brad@suttonintl.com www.suttonintl.com
SW Firefighting Foam & Equipment, LLC
25A Lone Pine Ridge Santa Fe, NM 87505
Casey Ryan, Manager Phone (505-699-5068) casey@swfirefightingfoam.com novacool.com
Swenson Technology, Inc. 26000 South Whiting Way Monee, IL 60449
Erick Neuman, International Business Manager Phone (708-587-2300) sales@swensontechnology.com www.swensontechnology.com
Synasia Inc.
240 Amboy Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840
Kevin Greene
Phone (631-374-5144) | Fax (732-205-9880) kgreene@synasia.com www.synasia.com
The Auto Channel LLC 332 West Broadway, Suite 1220 Louisville, KY 40202
Marc Rauch, Executive Vice President/Co-Publisher Phone (916-273-8320) mjrauch@theautochannel.com www.theautochannel.com
The Cleaver-Brooks Company, Inc. 6940 Cornhusker Hwy Lincoln, NE 68507
Aaron Fink, Vice President of National Sales Phone (402-434-2017) | Fax (402-434-2064) afink@cleaverbrooks.com www.cleaverbrooks.com
TTAMA Renewable Energy LLC
Alpha Holdings LLC 402 North Division Street Carson City, NV 89703
Christopher Miller, Managing Member Phone (775-338-0371) ah_llc@yahoo.com alphaholdingsllc.com
Tank Cleaning Technologies 15200 Middlebrook Drive, Suite E Houston, TX 77058
Joshua Humphries, Sales Manager Phone (281-218-9400) sales@tankcleantech.com www.tankcleantech.com
225 Rock Industrial Park Drive St. Louis, MO 63044
Terry Geraghty, Sales Manager Phone (314-739-9191) | Fax (314-739-5880) info@tapcoinc.com www.tapcoinc.com
Tarimsal Kimya Muselles Sok. No: 6 Kat: 7 Santa Is Merkezi Esentepe
Sisli, Istanbul 34394 Turkey
Ahmet Tuzun, General Manager Phone (90-212-219-28-93) | Fax (90-212-219-28-97) ahmet.tuzun@tarimsalkimya.com.tr www.tarimsalkimya.com.tr
Tecenex LLC PO Box 1223
Stuart, FL 34995
J K Larssen, Director Phone (844-757-7070) tnexco@outlook.com tecenex.com
Tecnored Av. Eng. Luiz Dumont Villares, KM 2 CEP:12442-260 Pindamonhangaba, Sao Paulo Brazil Alexandre Pedroso, Project Manager Consultante Phone (250-508-0650) alexandre.g.pedroso1@gmail.com www.tecnored.com.br/en/home
Terranol A/S A.C. Meyers Vaenge 15 Copenhagen 2450 Denmark Birgitte Ronnow, CEO & Co-founder Phone (45-48444844) birgitte@terranol.com www.terranol.com
Texas Precision Drones 2106 Dornoch Drive League City, TX 77573
Clyde Veltmann, Manager Phone (575-937-6940) clyde@azielcorporation.com
The Andersons 1947 Briarfield Boulevard Maumee, OH 43537
Rod Harris, Vice President of Plant Operations & CoProducts Phone (419-891-6585) rod_harris@andersonsinc.com andersonsinc.com
The CMM Group 2071-C Lawrence Drive De Pere, WI 54115
Matthew Kittell, Sales Manager Phone (920-461-0252) mkittell@thecmmgroup.com www.thecmmgroup.com
The Greenbrier Companies One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 200 Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Tom Jackson, Sr. Vice President of Marketing & General Manager Phone (503-684-7000) info@gbrx.com www.gbrx.com
The New York Blower Company 7660 Quincy Street Willowbrook, IL 60527 Catherine Chalakoff Phone (800-208-7918) cchalakoff@nyb.com www.nyb.com
The ProExporter Network 114 South Main Street, Suite 100 Chelsea, MI 48118
Ryan Ruikka, Biofuels Energy Analyst Phone (734-330-1961) ryan@prxgeo.com www.proexporter.com
The Sherwin-Williams Company 12261 Nicollet Avenue, Suite C Burnsville, MN 55337
John Zimmerman, Business Development Manager Phone (952-242-4047) john.t.zimmerman@sherwin.com industrial.sherwin-williams.com/na/us/en/protectivemarine/catalog/category/products-by-industry/oil
The University of Tennessee-Center for Renewable Carbon 2506 Jacob Drive Knoxville, TN 37996
Anton Astner Phone (865-978-9530) aaston@utk.edu
The Walling Company 6103 Irvington Road Omaha, NE 68134
Rob Barie Phone (402-571-9600) robb@thewallingcompany.com www.thewallingcompany.com
Thermal Kinetics 85 Northpointe Parkway, Suite 2 Amherst, NY 14228
Roy Viteri, Sales Engineer Phone (716-264-4913) roy.viteri@rcmt.com rcmengineeringgroup.com/thermal-kinetics
Thermal Kinetics 85 Northpointe Parkway, Suite 2 Amherst, NY 14228
David Loschiavo, Energy Integration Expert Phone (716-206-9284) david.loschiavo@rcmt.com rcmengineeringgroup.com/thermal-kinetics
Thermal Process Development
5665 Atlanta Hwy, Suite 102B-225
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Todd Fahring, Engineer Phone (770-910-4233) tfahring@thermalpd.com www.thermalpd.com
Thomas Scientific
238 24th Avenue North Saint Cloud, MN 56303
Steve Munz
Phone (651-503-1984) steve.munz@thomassci.com www.thomassci.com
444 Cedar Street, Suite 1500 Saint Paul, MN 55101
Sam Issa, TKDA Multi-Discipline Engineering Design & Consulting Phone (651-292-4544) sam.issa@tkda.com www.tkda.com
TMC Fluid Systems
13217 Jamboree Road, Suite 482 Tustin, CA 92782
Mike Smith, Director Phone (949-269-1472) | Fax (949-423-0159) sales@tmcfluidsystems.com tmcfluidsystems.com
TMI Coatings, Inc.
3291 Terminal Drive Eagan, MN 55121 Austin Lewis, Industrial Sales Representative/Project Manager Phone (651-452-6100) alewis@tmicoatings.com www.tmicoatings.com
Todd & Sargent, Inc.
2905 Southeast Fifth Street Ames, IA 50010
Scott Sylvester, Vice President of Business Development Phone (319-956-4805) ssylvester@tsargent.com tsargent.com
Tomoe Engineering USA, Inc. 2401 Hwy 90 Liberty, TX 77575
Kono Koguchi, Sales Engineer/Sr. Researcher Phone (936-641-9065) kono@tomo-engineeringusa.com tomo-engineeringusa.com
Tomsa Destil Bahia de Pollensa 21 Madrid 28042 Spain
Miguel Villena Reyes, Vice President Phone (34-913294938) miguelvr@tomsadestil.es www.tomsadestil.es
Tower Performance LLC 8031 Airport Boulevard, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061
Jalene Fritz, Parts Sales Manager Phone (970-593-8637) jfritz@towerperformance.com www.coolingtowercomponents.com
TRACE Environmental Systems 7 Park Lake Road Sparta, NJ 07871
Jim Toolen, Sales & Business Development Phone (973-383-3550) sales@traceenv.com www.traceenv.com
TRC Environmental Corporation
207C Eisenhower Lane South Lombard, IL 60148
Dan Grabowski, Project Director Phone (312-533-2024) dgrabowski@trccompanies.com trcsolutions.com
Trident Automation, Inc. 1001 West Kennedy Avenue Kimberly, WI 54136
Jason Hurst, CEO Phone (920-759-7477) | Fax (920-749-4877) info@tridentautomation.com www.tridentautomation.com
Trihydro Corporation
1252 Commerce Drive
Laramie, WY 82070
John Schneider, Regional Development Leader (Southwest)
Phone (970-302-7061) | Fax (307-745-7729) jschneider@trihydro.com www.trihydro.com
14221 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75254
Gregg Yates, Program Manager of Marketing Phone (800-631-4420) gregg.yates@trinityrail.com www.trinityrail.com
Trucent, Inc.
7400 Newman Boulevard Dexter, MI 48130
Tara Vigil, Vice President of Bioprocess & Advanced Separation Phone (877-280-7212) info@trucent.com www.trucent.com
Tube Tech Industrial
14 Rawreth Industrial Estate Rawreth Lane Rayleigh, Essex SS69RL United Kingdom
Scott Donson Phone (44-1268-786999) info@tubetech.com tubetech.com
Twin City Fan & Blower 5959 Trenton Lane Plymouth, MN 55442
Kevin Lundorff, Sr. Industrial Sales Manager Phone (763-551-7647) customerservice@tcf.com tcf.com
VAA LLC-Plymouth, MN 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55441
Vlad Dain, Partner Phone (763-587-7324) vdain@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Valmet Automation OY Lentokentankatu 11 Tampere, Pirkanmaa 33900 Finland
Juha-Pekka Jalkanen, Director of Process Automation Phone (358-50-344-7467)
juha-pekka.jalkanen@valmet.com www.valmet.com/more-industries/bio/automation-forbiofuels-and-biomaterials
Valuation and Assets Services, LLC 2108 Carroll Creek View Frederick, MD 21702
K. Boison, Principal Phone (301-646-4119) projects@valuationandassets.com www.valuationandassets.com
Van G Logistics 8000 East Manning Avenue Fowler, CA 93625
Roger Van Groningen, President Phone (559-834-5500) | Fax (559-834-4395) customerservice@vanglogistics.com www.vanglogistics.com
Vanguard Fire & Security Systems Inc. 2101 Martindale Avenue Grand Rapids, MI 49509
Michelle Mellon Phone (616-278-4167) mmellon@vanguard-fire.com www.vanguard-fire.com
Vault 44.01
700 Second Street Southwest, Suite 500 Calgary, AB T2P 2W3 Canada
Viking Equipment Finance 5900 South Lake Forest Drive, Suite 300 McKinney, TX 75070
James Buckingham, Managing Director Phone (972-885-8899) info@vikingequipmentfinance.com www.vikingequipmentfinance.com/energy
Viking Pump Inc. 406 State Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613
John Hall, Manager of Business Development Phone (319-266-1741) | Fax (319-273-8157) jhall@idexcorp.com www.vikingpump.com
Vogelbusch USA, Inc. 1826 Snake River Road, Suite C Katy, TX 77449
Anthony Varnas, President Phone (713-461-7374) | Fax (713-461-7377) office@vbusa.com vbusa.com
Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. 14625 West Kaul Avenue Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Rick Volkmann, President Phone (262-252-3377) rick@volkmannrr.com volkmannrr.com
VRC Protx 26511 Harding Avenue Oak Park, MI 48237
Michael Cullen, Director of Sales & Marketing Phone (248-658-9252) mcullen@prenticeco.com vrcprotx.com
VSP Technologies 8140 Quality Drive Prince George, VA 23875
UUniversal Fuel Technologies (UFT) 171 Main Street #261 Los Altos, CA 94022
Stephen Sims, Vice President of Business Development Phone (832-640-5921) s.sims@unifuel.tech unifuel.tech
University of Illinois Integrated Bioprocessing Research Lab 1300 West Pennsylvania Avenue Urbana, IL 61801
Beth Conerty, Associate Director Phone (217-300-4543) bconerty@illinois.edu ibrl.aces.illinois.edu
Hugh Caperton, Vice President of Land & Business Development Phone (304-594-8084) hugh@vault4401.com www.vault4401.com
Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
3600 Horizon Boulevard, Suite 100 Trevose, PA 19053
Greg Hoffpauir, Biofuels Marketing & Business Development Lead Phone (309-574-0035) greg.hoffpauir@veolia.com www.watertechnologies.com/industries/food-beverage/ biofuels-ethanol
Verder Scientific Inc.
11 Penns Trail, Suite 300 Newtown, PA 19054
Erin Lorensini, Marketing Manager Phone (267-757-0351) | Fax (267-757-0358) erin.lorensini@verder-scientific.com www.verder-scientific.com
Vertical Optimization, LLC PO Box 7251 Silver Spring, MD 20907
Krystanne Borgen, Director of Marketing Communications Phone (303-916-8815) krystanne.borgen@vsptechnologies.com www.vsptechnologies.com
VV. M. Biotech “Varadan”, Vishakha Society South No. 9/16B+17+18, Karvenagar
Nr. Vedant Mangalam Karyalaya Pune Maharashtra 411052 India
VM Kulkarni Phone (91-94-22010900) vm@vmbiotech.com www.vmbiotech.com
VAA 2300 Berkshire Lane North, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441
Cassie Rayman, Marketing Specialist Phone (763-559-9100) vaamarketing@vaaeng.com www.vaaeng.com
Emeka Nwankwo, President Phone (888-927-8232) support@verticaloptimization.com www.verticaloptimization.com
Victory Energy 10701 East 126th Street North Collinsville, OK 74021 Customer Service Phone (918-274-0023) info@victoryenergy.com www.victoryenergy.com
Viken Sustainability 420 Mill Crossing Canton, GA 30114
Sven Sweson, CEO & Managing Partner Phone (352-201-9848) sven@vikensustainability.com www.vikensustainability.com
WWAEES 3215 South Providence Road, Suite 3 Columbia, MO 65203
John Kruse, Managing Principal Phone (573-228-9842) jkruse@waees-llc.com www.waees-llc.com
Warren & Baerg Manufacturing, Inc. 39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618
Randy Baerg, President Phone (559-591-6790) | Fax (559-591-5728) info@warrenbaerg.com www.warrenbaerg.com
Water Tech, Inc. 7215 Hwy 271 South Fort Smith, AR 72908 Phone (479-649-7447) | Fax (479-649-7557) cleanwater@watertechinc.net www.watertechinc.net
Weaver 4400 Post Oak Parkway, Suite 1100 Houston, TX 77027
Ashley Player, Partner Phone (619-929-3997) ashley.player@weaver.com weaver.com
Weitz Commercial & Industrial General Contracting 611 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300 Des Moines, IA 50309
Dan Dennell, Sr. Business Development Manager Phone (402-999-6067) dan.dennell@weitz.com www.weitz.com
West Salem Machinery
PO Box 5288
Salem, OR 97304
Cory Stouder, Sales Manager Phone (503-364-2213) info@westsalem.com www.westsalem.com
Westmor 14044 Freeway Drive Hugo, MN 55038
Jon Krueger, Sales & Operations Manager Phone (800-835-8110) jon.krueger@westmor-ind.com westmor-ind.com
Whitefox Technologies
2111 South 67th Street, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68106
Paul Kamp, Vice President of Business Development Phone (773-583-5923) | Fax (403-592-6889) solutions@whitefox.com www.whitefox.com
Williams Refractory Services, Inc.
1211 Southeast Broadway Drive
Lee’s Summit, SD 64081
Josh Martens, Project Manager Phone (816-820-8528) | Fax (816-554-3637) jmartens@wmsref.com www.wmsref.com
Willis Energy Transfer, LLC PO Box 196 111 North Maple Street Mulberry Grove, IL 62262
David Willis, President Phone (618-326-9980)
Wisconsin BioFuels Association 16 North Carroll Street, Suite 600 Madison, WI 53703
Robert Welch, Executive Director Phone (608-819-0150) info@wibiofuels.org wibiofuels.org
Wishstone Energy 1024 Bayside Drive, Suite 382 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Peter Martin, Partner Phone (949-478-3488) peter.martin@jfm-llc.com wishstone-energy.com
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 4321 West Sam Houston Parkway North, Suite 190 Houston, TX 77043
Jim Salter, Business Development Phone (713-703-9111) jsalter@wje.com www.wje.com/energy
Wolf Material Handling Systems
231 Main Street Northwest, Suite 6 Elk River, MN 55330
Howard Brockhouse, Sales & Marketing Manager Phone (763-576-9040) | Fax (763-576-9070) sales@wolfmhs.com www.wolfmhs.com
Workmaster 284 Three Tun Road Malvern, PA 19355
Bob Braun, Sales Director Phone (267-350-2809) info@workmaster.net
Woven Metal Products PO Box 1384
Alvin, TX 77512
James Robinson, Vice President of Business Development Phone (281-331-4466) | Fax (281-585-3434) jpr@wovenmetal.com www.wovenmetal.com
WWS Trading 4032 Shoreline Drive, Suite 2 Spring Park, MN 55384
Lance Groettum, Senior Trader Phone (952-548-9300) inquiry@wwstrading.com www.wwstrading.com

ZZeno Farm Machinery Co., Ltd. Longhu Town, Xinzheng
Zhengzhou, Henan 450000 China
Catherine Li
Phone (136-5382-0230)
zenoshellermachine@gmail.com www.shellermachine.com
Zenviro Tech US Inc. 2815 Forbs Avenue, Suite 200 Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Jordan Bergren, Sales Manager Phone (815-676-3176) sales@zenvirotech.com www.zenvirotech.com
XXylogenics, Inc. 7230 Arbuckle Commons, Suite 221 Brownsburg, IN 46112
Josh Heyen, CEO & President Phone (317-625-3623) jheyen@xylogenics.com xylogenics.com
Xylome Corporation University Research Park 510 Charmany Drive, Labs 61-62 Madison, WI 53719
Thomas Kelleher Phone (608-441-8188)
Zeochem PO Box 3082 Louisville, KY 40201
Alex Widmer, Account Engineer Phone (502-634-7600) | Fax (502-634-8133) alex.widmer@zeochem.com www.zeochem.com

Ziegler Caterpillar-Power Systems 8050 County Road 101E Shakopee, MN 55379
Kyle From, Electric Power Sales Manager Phone (952-233-4349) kyle.from@zieglercat.com