The BBQ Times November 2019

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Rescue Smokers wins grand at Milledgeville Deep Roots Festival Pictured above are Robby & Stephanie Royal, Milledgeville Mayor Mary Parham-Copelan and Dannie Morris

Rescue Smokers crowned GBA State Champion at Deep Roots Festival in Milledgeville Submitted by Georgia BBQ Association

Thirty-six professional BBQ teams met in Milledgeville, Georgia on October 26, 2019 at the annual Deep Roots Festival to compete for over $17,000 in prize money and bragging rights as the GBA State Champion. The rain held off to make for the perfect cloudy but comfortable BBQ weather. In addition to the traditional GBA categories of Loin, Pork, and Ribs, the event also hosted ancillaries in poultry, stew, desert, bloody mary, and People’s Choice. Milledgeville Deep Roots Festival always puts together an exceptional event pulling out all the

Rescue Smokers won first place Pork Loin helping them walk away as Grand Champion of the Milledgeville Deep Roots Festival. Pictured L-R are Dannie Morris, Stephanie Royal, Milledgeville Mayor Mary Parham-Copelan and Robby Royal.

stops throughout the downtown area, including live music all weekend, vendors and tons of great shops to provide lots of entertainment for the college town keeping the streets packed the entire weekend. As the scores and smoke cleared, Rescue Smokers (Robby & Stephanie Royal and Dannie Morris) ended the weekend as Grand Champion and was crowned the GBA State Champion with a trophy and check for $3,500. Rescue Smokers not only had the high-

Are you starting a new BBQ Venture? Looking for a way to market your products? Hosting or Sponsoring a Upcoming Competition?

LET ME HELP YOU! Audrey has multiple options for your to further the word about your newest stuff. From facebook marketing and email marketing to the BBQ Times digital edition there is something for every budget you are working in to ensure you get the biggest bang for your buck or value for your dollar. Call (478) 787-8753 or email for more information.


November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

Peach Coast BBQ won Reserve Champion at the Milledgeville Deep Roots Festival on October 26, 2019. Pictured are Heidi and Larry Colburn with Milledgeville Mayor Mary Parham-Copelan. est single score in the finals round, O’clock BBQ but also finished first in Loin, 19th (Trey Owen) in Pork, and 1Fourth in Ribs. Peach won poultry, Coast BBQ (Larry and Heidi ColRotary Roasters burn) won the Reserve Champion took the stew and $2,000 for the highest cumulative category, Pot’s preliminary scores in all three categoBBQ (Matt ries by finishing Second in both loin Goodwin) won and pork, and then 5th in ribs. desserts, and Rescue Smokers (Robby & StephSensational anie Royal and Dannie Morris) won Pigs (Nanthe Loin category, with Peach Coast cy Buchanan) BBQ (Larry and Heidi Colburn) in claimed the second, and Smokin’ the Good Stuff Bloody Mary (Gary and Sherry Godfrey) in third. title for the The top teams in pulled pork were second year in Johnson Boys BBQ (Mitch and Julie row. 5 O’clock Johnson) in first place, followed by BBQ (Trey Peach Coast BBQ (Larry and Heidi Owen) also Colburn) and Lang BBQ Smokers won the Peo(Darryl Strickland). ple’s Choice Pot’s BBQ (Matt Goodman) claimed award as the the top spot in Ribs. The BBQ Ninja fans’ favorite. (Rodney and Christi Ellington) finished in second and Fire in the Hole (George and Julie Edwards) was third. More From Fire In The Hole has now reached the rib finals in all three events so far this Milledgeville on season. Page 7 & 8. In the ancillary categories, 5

Mitch and Julie Johnson of Johnson Boys BBQ win first place in Ribs at the Deep Roots Festival.

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Sharing the LOVE of BBQ

Audrey Evans

Editor & Publisher

BBQ is something to I like to think most everyone has had in their life since they were children. It’s that hole in the wall diner in your hometown that served the best pork sandwich you could ever imagine. It’s the meal you eat on Fourth of July, or birthday parties or really any type of large gathering whether it is with your friends or family. It becomes a tradition and even a passion for some. BBQ is just a mutual love we all have. Have you ever sat back and looked or thought about how BBQ has grown and evolved over time? Even

Editor & Publisher

Audrey Ann Evans Campbell Contact us at 478-787-8753 or in reference to advertising inquires. All stories need to be emailed in either text, Microsoft Word document, or typed as an actual email. Emailed photos need to be in JPEG, TIFF or PDF formats. All articles are due by the first of the month they are being submitted to run in. © 2019 The BBQ Times. All rights reserved, including advertising. Unsolicited editorial manuscripts and photos are welcome and encouraged. Ideas and/or opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the ideas / opinions of The BBQ Times, Double A Evans LLC, the publisher or any other staff. The BBQ Times is published monthly by Double A Evans, LLC., PO BOX 70, Marshallville, GA 31057.


in your lifetime. I know for myself it wasn’t something that I really thought I would end up doing to make a living, or as a job. But then again I guess I never thought of combining it with a newspaper until my father had the idea when he began competing in 2008. Backyard BBQ is something that we all love. Yes, even those who have the big fancy rigs or those you might consider “pros” because they compete. We all cook at home. It’s the time you can try new recipes, show off to your family and friends or just cook some good food for dinner that night. Competition BBQ is a world of it’s own. It is a world that has been out there for years. But, have you noticed the growth in the last five to ten years? It has become a phenomenon. Everywhere you go there is a BBQ competition. It is how I relate to towns in most instances. It is no longer an issue of finding a BBQ Competition to go compete in, it’s deciding which competition you want to go to that weekend. The public has began attending events more and more and the competition sites are getting bigger and bigger because of the number of cook teams and attendees. We all love competition, it was embedded into our brains from the ground up. Baseball, Softball, Racing, Football, Cheerleading, Soccer….it all boils down to who was the best that day. BBQ is the exact same way you are just relying on judges to tell you who is the best. So what is it about Competition BBQ that is so appealing to the public like all of these other sports? I like to believe it is the camaraderie that comes along with Competition BBQ, the absolutely welcoming fun, family-friendly atmosphere. No

November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

matter what direction you look at a competition, there is always one team talking to another, or helping another. They want their friends (who are also competing against them) to try their food and let them know their thoughts. It is truly friendly competition. Teams are happy for other teams to win. Of course that has its downfalls that they did not win, but they are happy to see their friends do well also, they don’t hold it against them. I have been truly amazed at the high standards of morals and values that I continue to find in the world of BBQ and like to call myself BLESSED for finding such a wonderful field to work in with such great people. With the holidays approaching in the next few weeks lets all come together and share that love with have for each other with the rest of the world. Find a way to reach out in your community. Help out a family in need. Help out at the local food bank. Help provide gifts to a child whose family can’t. There’s always something we can do even if we don’t have alot of extra cash to spend. Sometimes a simple smile or hello can help brighten someones day. You never know what someone else is going through in a day. I’ll be working on our annual Christmas Greeting section in the next few weeks. It will be a little different this year being digital so I will share them all to you on facebook and you will be able to use or share them any way you would like as well. Just remember what it’s all about - sharing the love of Christ in the season with all our BBQ family and friends. Let me know if you would like to participate and I will reach out to those who have participated in the past as well. Until next month….Keep rubbin’ those butts!

BBQ Memories

Dana Hillis

Columnist Pitmaster, Big Papa’s Country kitchen

Every month for 14 years I sit down and write some BBQ stories and have loved sharing some pretty good tales. I have been blessed to have been involved when BBQ was really taking off and met some truly great folks who bring back fantastic memories. My first contest ever I thought I knew a little bit about cooking and rolled into Sebring, Florida with an old Brinkman offset and an old propane tank grill. I was up all night trying to keep a steady fire and watched a guy across from me cooking on 2 Fast Eddys. All he did was sit in his chair, smoke cigarettes and drink diet coke. He went to bed early, got up late, only got out of his chair a couple times and won Grand Champion. I introduced myself, asked him what those cookers were and ordered one the next week! I met a cook team called the Wolfe Brothers and was amazed that a couple of experienced cook guys would be so friendly and helpful to a new guy. They invited me into their trailer and gave me a lot of tips and told me a secret or two about chicken. In a couple of contests I stumbled into winning some chicken calls and they told me I could never step in their trailer again! Janet watched all these teams working so hard and felt bad that some were staying up late and not getting any sleep (pos-

sibly having to many adult beverages) and not eating right so she started cooking breakfast for everyone. This tradition went on for ten years until a few teams decided the only reason we ever won is because Janet cooked for the judges. A couple other teams decided they would try and win over the judges but a cold egg mcmuffin did not do the trick. Eggs and bacon and sausage and fresh biscuits and homemade gravy was the secret. Thank you to all the volunteers that would come help her cause it was a lot of work and really good! I met this team called Kick the Tire and Light the Fire. Mike Byrd, Maddawg, Daryl and a few others made up a team of fun-loving awesome people. I thought it was the coolest name for a BBQ team ever and it still my favorite name. I would get a phone call every Thursday night from Mike. If he was not cooking, he was calling me with good luck wishes for safe travels and maybe a call or 4 at the contest. If Mike was at the contest he would call giving me directions, and would be waiting to back me into my spot and would always have an extra Budweiser Select waiting for me. This guy loved to compete but he loved seeing his friends and helping new teams was his real passion. He told me if you help some new team get a call they would keep coming back and our sport would grow!

Mike was having some serious health problems and I invited him to cook with me. I enjoyed hanging out with my good friend and we won grand champion together. He gave me a tip on brisket and chicken that I still use today. Bless you Mike Byrd. BBQ and I miss you. We were cooking a little contest in Alabama and Dennis Schmidt was one of the reps. Forrest Dilmore was cooking there and Forrest and I were in a close race for Team of the Year. Dennis had borrowed a knife earlier in the day from Forrest to cut some watermelons that were in the judging area. Brisket had just been turned in and I had bought Forrest and myself a big ol strawberry lemonade from the stand next to me and was taking it over to him. As we were standing there comparing thoughts of our cook Dennis

See Dana on Page 9.

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The Quadruple Holiday Run


Vic Clevenger

Columnist The Cookin’ Comedian

But it lasts for about 6 months it seems. As I sit here to write this article, it’s the first of October and Christmas has already been around for a couple weeks. Wal-Mart has turned their whole gardening section into a Santa’s workshop annex. Lowe’s transports me to a Winter Wonderland as soon as I walk in the door and all I needed was a screwdriver. Every year Christmas seems earlier and earlier, which is often the lament filling social media. But in the midst of our collective moaning, we set those new Christmas decorations on the checkout conveyor belt right alongside our bags of Halloween candy. However, as we head into the quadruple holiday season (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas New Year’s) it’s ripe for you to get your backyard grilling skills perfected. We have ample opportunities to fire up the grill regardless of where we live and try something new or ramp up an old favorite.

I know by the time you read this the ghouls will have collected all their treats and played all their tricks but for next season, who says tailgating only has to be at a game? One of our Halloween traditions is having a block party while the little ghosts are floating through the neighborhood. The adults are gathered around a cauldron of candy, coolers full of beverages and buckets of fresh oysters. You know what to do with the candy and beverages but for the oysters, throw them on a hot charcoal grill for about 5 minutes. Once shucked, flavor them however you want (crushed bacon, melted parmesan and a couple drops of hot sauce is my favorite) to experience a not so scary delicious meal.


THANKSGIVING If your mom is anything like mine,


then you’ve had turkey roasted in an oven, perhaps even in a brown paper grocery bag (it’s a thing, trust me). Maybe you were part of the craze a few years back when everyone was deep frying them (hopefully you weren’t one of those who did one frozen). But have you ever smoked a turkey for Thanksgiving? Slice some apples, oranges and grab some fresh herbs (rosemary and thyme). Put the apples in the turkey along with the herbs (wrap in cheesecloth so you can remove easier) and squeeze the oranges over the turkey to allow the citrus to coat it then place the oranges in the cavity. Place turkey in a pan, put it in the smoker at 225 degrees with apple and cherry wood kissing it. Once your gobbler has reached an internal temp of 165, pull it, serve it and enjoy all the Thanksgiving praise you’ll receive.

November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

Growing up one thing I remember about family Christmases were all the desserts everyone brought to enjoy and enjoy them we did but none were done on the grill. I have a couple I do for the holidays, all done outside. One is my pineapple upside down

See Vic Page 9.

Milledgeville Deep Roots Festival Highlights

5 O‘Clock BBQ

Sensational Pigs

Smokin’ the Good Stuff

Fire in The Hole

Hog N Ass

Southern Hogs / Dexter Meat Co.

Kevin Barry 478-333-3377 3520 US Hwy 41 N Suite 1005 Byron, GA 31008

Providing Insurance & Financial Services

The BBQ Ninja

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Milledgeville Deep Roots Festival Highlights

Rotary Roosters

Hogs Unlimited

J & J Southern Smokers


November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

Lang BBQ

Bubba Grills

Sharkbite BBQ

Old Henry’s BBQ

Kelvins BBQ


Continued from Page 6.

cake which everyone has grandma’s recipe but do it in the cast iron on the grill. Another favorite is my apple rose tarts which are super easy but time consuming. Roll out pastry dough, lightly coat with apple butter then slice into a 1 ½ inch strips. Slice apples into fourths then slice to an 1/8-inch thickness and lay the apple slices where half sticks out above the dough (add Carmel if you wish), fold the bottom half of the dough over so apples are sticking out the top, then from one end roll them up. They will look like a little rose as you place them into a muffin pan and cook for about 40 minutes at 350 degrees.

DANA Continued from Page 5. walked out of the judging area with a turn in box and headed straight for Forrest. It looked like a certain D Q and Forrest turned very pale. Dennis said “Forrest I need to see you.” He opened the box and gave Forrest a big helping of watermelon and handed him his knife back. It is still one of the funniest things I ever saw in BBQ. Dennis Schmidt and Forrest Dilmore I love you guys. You made BBQing fun. Get em Foster! I had the pleasure of meeting Donna and Chuck Ray and loved getting to know these folks. Eating catfish may have been Chucks real passion. We were having dinner together at a contest and laughing and having a good time. I told Chuck I was going to tell everyone I saw him smiling all night. He said go ahead cause know one would believe me! Chuck put his heart and soul into our BBQ world and anyone who did not get to know him missed knowing a true friend. It was always fun seeing Donna and I always will smile thinking about this sweet lady and

her smile and knowing she made a million jello shots and always had a stash with her. Donna I miss you (and not just your jello shots)! About 11 years ago a gentleman came to us at the FBA about doing a BBQ contest. Somehow I told him all the right things and 2020 will be the 11th year of the Suncoast BBQ Bash. We just went and taught a BBQ class to a great group of folks in the Venice area. Mr. Don Fisher was in the hospital recovering from some back surgery and could not be there. I think Don would have been proud and would have laughed at my Don Fisher stories. All organizers should look at Dons program of how to make a project like the BBQBash work. It is hard work and you have to have a real passion like Don does of supporting all these special kids and programs. Everyone needs to come to the Thursday night cooking with the kids program that I am lucky enough to be a part of. Truly my favorite event in all of BBQ! Don recover fast and see you soon! ••• Thanks to everyone for reading my stuff the last 14 years. There is more to come! Keep the pit lit and see y’all soon!

NEW YEARS Well this is the time of football, craziness and all things new, including your grill. No, not a new grill (unless you got one for Christmas) but new recipes to WOW your New Year’s football guests. For me its dips, cheese fries and seafood to set my New Year’s Football Festivity apart from the others. You’re already firing it up for burgers and hotdogs anyway so you might as well do some shrimp with bacon wrapped scallops there as well. As we wind down the year, I just want to say thanks for reading my articles and hope your Holidays bring you some awesome outdoor cooking opportunities in your own backyard. WWW.BQTIMES.COM | November 2019


Gaston, South Carolina Collard Green Festival

Submitted by The South Carolina BBQ Association

October 4, 2019, The South Carolina BBQ Association and the Gaston Collard Green festival joined together again and put on an excellent event. Cook teams, certified judges, and the public alike set up stakes in the small town of Gaston, SC. The event brings BBQ and those delicious leafy greens together on one plate to celebrate a true taste of the south. Friday night teams were able to show off their collard cooking skills in a collard green throw down. It was pit master Quentin Tedder of

First Place Butts Blazin Bullets - Pitmaster Ken Hilliard

First Place Ribs & First Place Anything Butt S’Lowcountry Q - Pitmaster Quentin Tedder

S’Lowcountry Q winning the top honors. Saturday morning certified SCBA judges arrived with their stomachs growling in anticipation of some of the best Q found in the Palmetto state. The SCBA cook teams certainly didn’t disappoint. Taking top honors in Take your competition ribs and chicken pork with a 16.15 was pit master to a “Whole ‘NUTHA Level!” Ken Hilliard of Blazin’ Bullets! Walking the stage in ribs was Pitmaster Quentin Tedder who had an exciting weekend hauling home the hardware. To follow your favorite teams and for more information on the South Carolina BBQ Association log on to www. (972) 393-9509


November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

Second Place Butts & Third Place Ribs Tail-Gater Hater - Pitmaster Phillip Miles

Second Place Ribs CBF Q - Pitmaster Jeff Lee

Third Place Butts Backwoods Bar-B-Que - Pitmaster Gene Culbertson

Kingstree, South Carolina • South Carolina BBQ Association October 12, 2019 Submitted by The South Carolina BBQ Association

October 12, 2019, the SCBA fall competition season is running full steam ahead and the next stop was Kingstree, SC. Pro cook teams chopped wood, mixed sauce and broke out magic dry rubs to wow the public and garnish cherished points from the certified SCBA judges. It looks like the mission was accomplished as the veteran SCBA judges handed out six scores of 16+ across the two sanctioned categories! A score of 16+ has a prestige among cook teams. With a scoring matrix where the overall perfect score of 17 has yet to been given, a 16+ is near perfect competition BBQ. Sweeping the contest was Pit Master Jason Singletary of Smoke Central BBQ. Taking home a first place win in both pork and ribs is a rare feet in the SCBA. The competition and scoring intervals are fierce in this group of talented cooks! To follow your favorite teams and for more information on the South Carolina BBQ Association log on to

First Place Ribs & First Place Butts Smoke Central BBQ - Pitmaster Jason Singletary

Second Place Butts Smoking Down South - Pitmaster Jonathan Jones Second Place Ribs Monkey Bottom Boys - Pitmaster George Ray

Moultrie, GA



Third Place Ribs & Fourth Place Butts Tailgater Hater - Pitmaster Phillip Miles

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Third Place Butts Harry J’s - Pitmaster Harold Vinson

WWW.BQTIMES.COM | November 2019




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November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

The Big Pig Jig 2019

Real-licious Q

Hold Your Horses

Echeconnee Cookers

Lang BBQ Smokers

GA Bullhawgs

The Arsonist aka Naked Dave’s BBQ

Southern Hogs WWW.BQTIMES.COM | November 2019


The Big Pig Jig 2019

Hometown BBQ

Swine Time Griling

Smoke Masters

Sharkbite BBQ New Great Colorful Labels Same Great Quality Products

Home of the revolutionary QDS drum smoker


November 2019 | WWW.BQTIMES.COM

Poker Porkers

Low Country Longshots

The Big Pig Jig 2019

Heath Riles BBQ wins Grand Champion at the 2019 Big Pig Jig. Heath is pictured center here with his team and the crew of The Big Pig Jig!

Get the Sauce that



Boom Boom Que

Bite Back BBQ

Sweet Emotion BBQ Sauce 918.994.2BBQ Bubba Grills WWW.BQTIMES.COM | November 2019


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