Issue 4

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Volume 25 Issue 4 February 1, 2013 Bishop Carroll Wichita, KS

Take the quiz on page 8 to find out if you’re a list maker, then read the lists found throughout the issue, covering nearly every topic, including top athletes, best school lunches, and crazy moments at BC.

Before We Begin

A new policy was put in place this semester that allows students to use their phones and other technological devices in classrooms during the school day. However, it is at the teacher’s discretion, so students will need to check with their teacher first.

News Briefs/What’s Inside A ‘REMARKABLE THING’


Report shows that students from all ethnicities excel at Bishop Carroll

Usually students are the ones getting a report card, but this time the tables have turned. Bishop Carroll recently received its Adequate Yearly Progress report, a method of seeing if schools, districts, and the state have made adequate yearly progress in improving student achievement. The report is based on state assessment scores, attendance rates, and graduation rates. For the 2011-2012 school year, BC made adequate yearly progress; five things can be learned. 1. Carroll does well in a variety of areas, including math, English, reading, science, and religion. In 2011, 38.2 percent of juniors exceeded standards in reading and 36.2 percent exceeded standards in math. In 2012, 42.7 percent of juniors exceeded standards in science. Junior Karen Segura finishes 2. Students from all ethnicities excel at Carroll. her homework in the library. One-hundred percent of Asian and multi-racial Students from all ethnicities excel at BC, according to a students at Bishop Carroll graduate in four years, yearly report. Photo by Erin whereas the state rates are 88.3 and 80.8 percent, respectively. “The most remarkable thing,” said math Hastings teacher Greg Davidson, who evaluated the reports, “(is that in) Hispanic groups, 100 percent met standards in science. No other school can claim that.” 3. The graduation rates were 16 percent higher than the state’s rate last year. Ninety-nine percent of seniors graduated in 2011, whereas only 83 percent of seniors in the state graduated the same year. 4. The new Common Core standards will be a challenge. “We’ll have to adjust what and the way we teach,” said Davidson. 5. Bishop Carroll’s spiritual nature affects its academic nature. “We excel in range, from the best to struggling students, because we address the needs of all,” Davidson said. “This comes from the virtue of charity—we see that all students deserve our attention. The main advantage (we have) is our Catholic identity.” — by Elizabeth Goenner

Things mentioned in this issue l Teen Stress l College Preparations l Sweetheart Dance l Lance Armstrong l 2012 in Review l Are You a List Maker? l John Leyba l Batman l Star Wars l By the Numbers l Blind Double Date l License Plates l Faith in Sports l Fr. Juan Padilla l Sports Injuries l Superbowl l BC vs KMC Basketball Game l Jamel Gunther l Girls Basketball l Bombs Away

The Flyer is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Many changes throughout the school were made in 1997. These are some of the changes mentioned in the September 19, 1997 issue of the Flyer.

Controversial Hallway Changes In 1997, the administration attempted a few hallway changes, much to the frustration of the upperclassmen. The seniors were moved down to 100 Hall, and the sophomores moved to 400 Hall. This left the freshmen to move to 200 Hall and juniors to remain in 300 Hall. Some of the juniors and seniors believed the change was due to the poor behavior of students from the previous year, but Principal Leticia Nielsen assured them it was due to lack of lockers for the growing number of underclassmen. Pride Day Pride days, which were previously known as dress down days, were introduced in 1997. At the time, students could pay $1 to $3 once a month to benefit a Carroll organization and wear almost anything they wanted, including sweatpants. Nielsen, the principal at the time, said a change to the system would bring about a greater sense of school pride and tradition. Thus Pride days were born. Spirit Competition Students used to have a competition for the beloved Spirit Stick during every pep rally to unite the classes in friendly competition. Each class would do its own cheer as loudly as possible, and the sound was measured with a noise meter by physics teacher Greg Davidson. During the first pep rally of the year in 1997, seniors were disqualified for having students on the floor and the Spirit Stick went to the juniors. After some unsportsmanlike actions on the part of the upperclassmen, the administration decided the Spirit Stick competition divided the classes rather than uniting them. They decided to get rid of the competition for the sake of keeping the peace. — compiled by Kaitlyn Pham

On the Cover:

Organ Player 9 Page 2

Fr. Juan Padilla 22

Photo Gallery 28

Design by: Emily Jacobs

Senior Braden Larkey stands entangled in a list, dramatizing his “not a list maker” personality. To find out if you are a list maker Cover design by or not, take the Maddie Oxler. Photo quiz on page 8. by Brooke Biby. 02.01.2013


College prep made easy Lexie Dorn Staff Writer Getting ready for college can be stressful, especially when you’re tackling high school at the same time. However, by following these five steps, your college preparation can be simplified.

Senior Caroline Schuckman illustrates the impact of teen stress. With sports, extracurricular activities, and school work, teens are feeling more stressed than adults, a study says. Photo illustration by Katelynn Smith


Teens learn how to handle pressure Emily Jacobs Staff Writer

Teenagers are being asked to juggle school, athletics, extracurricular activities, and friends, all of which can lead to high levels of stress. Bishop Carroll students are feeling the pressure of high expectations, and are looking for ways to relax. Teens experience stress at a more elevated rate than adults, according to an Associated Press/MTV survey. In addition, 85 percent of teens said they felt stressed “at least sometimes,” and students between the ages of 13 and 17 cited school as their main source of stress. In addition, 45 percent of females reported being stressed frequently, compared to 32 percent of males. Students at Carroll agree that succeeding in school and other activities can often come at a high price, as the pressure to do well can put extra demands and strain on their minds and bodies. “I can get pretty stressed out about finals and big tests,” said sophomore Jessica Minette. Senior Carly Hill, who has a busy schedule that consists of athletics, a job, and school work, said that she feels stress every day. “It can be hard to manage all my classes, especially since I have a job. It can definitely be stressful,” said Hill. Stress can have both a physical and mental impact on the body, according to Headaches are a common symptom of stress. Stomach and muscle aches can also occur. Teens with stress are also more likely to become angry quickly, in addition to being more impatient, frustrated, and easily agitated. recommends eating right, getting the correct amount of sleep, and cutting down caffeine intake to help prevent stress from occurring. Other relaxing activities, such as reading or practicing deep breathing techniques, help reduce stress. Teenagers also can combat stress and anxiety by spending time doing activities they enjoy, as well as being prepared and organized for classes and tests. suggests that students take a look at their schedules and consider cutting out the activities that are least important to them. “Students should get plenty of rest, put away their phones and computers, and find a type of relaxing activity, like journaling, to do,” said head counselor Janet Neville. Minette agrees. “I think that it’s important to just try to forget about all the stress and relax,” she said.



Challenge yourself “Get involved in extracurricular activities, in school and the community,” advises head counselor Janet Neville. Also, take advantage of college credit classes. These will help you prepare for college classes, and allow you to knock out some of the hours you need to graduate. The more you are involved in different areas, the better you will know what career path you will want to follow. “Challenge yourself with your schedule – sure, senior year in high school is a time to enjoy yourself and take it easy, but that doesn’t really help prepare you for college,” said Blaise Cannon, KU admissions representative. ACT and GPA Take the ACT and submit your scores to many different colleges. “The better prepared you are the better you will do on the test. These scores can and will affect your possibilities for academic scholarships,” said Jim Allen, Friends University admissions representative. Your GPA is also important. It can get you scholarships. Research and Visit A great opportunity to


Top 4 Colleges BC Students Apply to :

1. Butler 2. K-State 3. KU 4. WSU

Design by: Emily Jacobs

find out about different colleges is by talking to college representatives that come to Carroll. If you know what field of study you want to go into, then research and find colleges that focus on your interests. If you don’t know what you want to study, decide what kind of college you want to go to— in state, out of state, public, or private. Compare size, campus life, scholarship opportunities, and attendance costs. Once you have narrowed down your search to about three colleges, go visit them. “You need to be able to picture yourself studying/living at the school you choose,” said Allen. Apply and Submit “Apply to your top three to five choices; it is better to be prepared and keep several options open than to try to catch up if you change your mind last minute,” said Denelle Hurd, Emporia’s admissions representative. Do not wait till the deadline to apply. Submit your application, along with your ACT scores and high school transcripts. Most colleges have made their websites easy to navigate, so it is not a hassle to apply online. After you are accepted to the college, make sure to apply for financial aid, scholarships, and housing, and enroll in classes. Celebrate Now comes the fun part: buying items for your dorm. “I want my dorm to be my home away from home, so I want my side of the room to be my style and comfortable at the same time,” said senior Kristina Befort. “College will be one of the greatest times of your life, so don’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with your friends being excited about this new endeavor. Where you attend college will be your home for four years, so get excited!” said Cannon.

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Dances are a staple of the high school experience; they’re right up there with pep rallies and football season. The tradition runs strong here at Bishop Carroll. Every fall, students come out in their creative, colorful outfits to celebrate the start of a new year by attending the Back to School Dance. Later in October, the frilly dresses and ties make an appearance at the Homecoming Dance, and of course, there’s the junior and senior Prom in the spring. But what about winter? In past years, we’ve had the Morp Dance. Morp’s atmosphere is the same to that of the Back to School Dance, but for some reason the enthusiasm level for a casual winter dance just isn’t the same as the dance at the beginning of the year. Perhaps it’s different when you’re coming right out of a long, sun-kissed break. Whether it’s an effort to draw in more students, or simply an experimental change of pace, this year, MORP has been replaced with the Sweetheart Dance. There’s been varying opinions about this “girls ask guys” dance among the students of Carroll. Many girls are complaining that they don’t like having to ask a date. Ladies, have a little nerve! Every dance, the guys are responsible for plucking up the courage to overcome the fear of rejection and ask you out. Moreover, this gives the girls an opportunity to show our skills by finding creative ways to ask the boys. It’s good to step out of our comfort zones every once and while. The Sweetheart Dance is a great way to change things up and pump some refreshing energy into the often drab and lethargic winter season. — for the staff, Lara Korte

BC Flyer Issue 4 Volume 25 February 1, 2013

KSPA State Champions

Artwork by Aubrey Burgess

Give Sweetheart dance a chance

Choose role models carefully Recent events have shown that choosing a role model is a precarious task, especially when considering athletes. Cyclist Lance Armstrong, whose battle with cancer served as an inspiration to many, recently admitted to doping, and Notre Dame football player Manti Te’o shocked the nation when his girlfriend, whose death he had been publicly mourning, was revealed to be a hoax. It is evident that athletes are under immense pressure, and they’re prone to moral weakness. For this reason, it’s important to consider more than talent or status when choosing a role model. Instead, look for qualities you admire in your peers. While those qualities will differ for each person, there are a few common characteristics all good role models share. First of all, confidence is key. When a role model is sure of himself, he gives others the confidence to be sure of themselves, too. A positive attitude is also essential to a good

Publication Staff Editors Elizabeth Goenner Melissa Lies Maddie Oxler

Class 5A 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008

Online Editor Lexie Dorn

All-Kansas Winner

Online Photo Editor Nick Giusti

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012

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Sports Editor Sarah Hoffman

Photo Editors Brooke Biby Erin Hastings Photographers Malik Bieberle Renee Dick Kaitlyn Pham Katelynn Smith Sports Staff David Martin Nick Martin

role model. Look for someone who is willing to face any challenge with optimism. In addition, every good role model should be humble. If a person is motivated by pride, he is more likely to compromise his morals. Furthermore, look for responsibility. A good role model knows his priorities and is mature enough to manage his own obligations. Finally, a good role model is selfless. Look for someone who is willing to give of his gifts. A good role model can be difficult to find, but it’s important to keep these qualities in mind. Look to people you’re close to, such as relatives or family friends, but remember that no one is perfect. If someone you admire makes a mistake, learn from it. Putting your faith in an athlete can be tempting, but a role model needs to be more than talented. Choose someone who inspires you to be a better person. — for the staff, Audrey Kruse

Writers/Designers Molly Bogner Aubrey Burgess Amy Gawlak Abby Goodale Emily Jacobs Courtney Jordan Lara Korte Audrey Kruse Madeline Lubbers Alex Simpson Adviser Kollen Long

Design by: Amy Gawlak


The Flyer is the student-produced newspaper of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School. Editorials are a consensus of the Flyer staff and are not necessarily the opinion of the adviser, administration, faculty, or the Catholic Diocese.


Looking back on 2012 Flyer staff members reflect on 2012 and look forward to 2013

Aubrey Burgess

When counting down the final seconds to the New Year, I had little time to contemplate and reflect on my experiences in 2012. With seconds ticking away, I took a quick look back before stepping into the New Year. It was a good year, but was it different from any year prior? Take a look at 2012. What did happen? I remember conspiracy theories about the world ending. (We all didn’t die, who would have guessed?) I remember a presidential election that had some people heading for the Canadian border (all just talk of course) and others convinced America has taken a turn for the better. I remember how Americans cried when life was lost in two horrific shootings. However, when I look back at what happened to me personally in 2012, I draw a blank. The blank slate just reminds me of the time passed. I set out to accomplish so many things in 2012, none of which I have really achieved. However, if I didn’t set these unrealistic goals, I would get nowhere. It is in the failed attempts, that we learn something new, we make an unexpected friend, and we embarrass ourselves and come to laugh about it later. Upon closer examination, I realize that the slate of 2012 is not blank, but covered in faint, yet deeply rooted memories that form me into the person I am today. I realize that life isn’t a list that when checked off equals success and happiness. Life is instead the tiny things that matter, and the people who care. As 2012 came to an end I set new goals and bid farewell to an old friend. Columns

Melissa Lies

After two months of 2013, we can look back at 2012 with smiles. Throughout the previous year, we were entertained with the Summer Olympics, divided by the presidential election, and we survived the end of the world. New music broke through, and we now can jam to new sounds from Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber. Not to forget One Direction, Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” and the other numerous radio favorites. Being a Carroll student has had its perks while we watched Carroll’s shining moments in 2012. Among the best highlights for me included watching several classmates bring home state titles, including the landslide victory by our football team. With a great year like that, 2013 has a lot to live up to, but it has a lot of promise! I am personally excited for warm weather, fun times and exciting new memories.

Lara Korte

Audrey Kruse

If I had a dollar for every time I saw “New year, new me,” on Twitter, I’d be able to buy some pretty awesome memorabilia.The movie “2012” for instance, which I can’t wait to show to my children as proof that I survived! Anyway, people are always so excited for the new year, as if somehow their lives are going to radically improve overnight. Truth is, 2012 was a great year! “Call Me Maybe” got stuck in everyone’s head for weeks. The U.S. dominated at the London Olympics. Suddenly everyone on the web became a social activist as the KONY video went viral. Gangnam Style topped the charts, and a feline with an especially morbid face made us all laugh as Grumpy Cat commented on day to day events. Point is, people are always looking for what’s to come instead of enjoying right now. Sure, the days may go slow, but the years – they go so fast. So look forward to the future, but don’t forget to enjoy this moment. After all, you only live once.

Taylor Swift’s new album was a highlight of 2012 for many of the star’s loyal fans. Photo by Bryan Mitchell, Detroit Free Press/MCT Campus.

02.01.2013 Design by: Lexie Dorn

Photos by: Brooke Biby

It’s the same question every January: How did we already go through another 12 months of craziness? This year is no different. In fact, 2012 felt like it went much faster than previous years. I couldn’t tell you why, but something about it just sped by. While it might’ve sprinted by, 2012 was full of memorable moments and landmarks. Chances are you probably got the half-hour long video about stopping the African war lord. Well “KONY: 2012” turned into “KONY: Watch it and forget about it.” Maybe they’ll try again this year. Summer brought the much anticipated London Olympics, where we all had the privilege of watching teens our age perform amazing feats of athletic skill while we sat on our couches and tweeted about it. Yes, that certainly put some things in perspective. And as the Olympics ended, the spotlight turned on the race for the presidency. Despite the general outcry for change, there was none, and Obama convinced 52 percent of Americans that he should stay in the White House. He has the next four years to prove himself to the other 48 percent. And finally, Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world by being the first Pope on Twitter. @Pontifex has already gained over 1 million followers, and those who do follow can look forward to daily bits of enlightenment… under 140 characters of course. Yes, 2012 certainly had its moments; 2013 has big shoes to fill. And so far, all we can look forward to is Kim Kardashian’s child with Kanye West. So hold on tight kids, here we go again.

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Left speechless by “Les Miserables” My limited knowledge of the new “Les Miserables” movie made me apprehensive to see it at first. All I knew was that every single word was sung, and the title was a pretty big clue that the movie is not very pleasant to see. I was captivated by it, however, and when the three hours of romance, desperation, mercy, revolution, greed, heartbreak, and vengeance was over, I sat speechless in the theater. I’ve heard from other friends that some actors weren’t good singers, or that certain characters were portrayed wrong, but from my own point of view, I absolutely loved the movie. The music is powerful and beautiful. Intense performances by Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman blew me away. The plot is complicated yet brilliant, incorporating several main characters who are all intertwined. (Extremely simplified, a prostitute’s daughter is adopted by a former criminal and then falls in love with a French rebel.) There are a lot of sad moments but the ending is somewhat happy. Overall, “Les Miserables” is a great movie for anyone who loves action, romance, musicals, or drama. —Molly Bogner, staff writer

What’s your ideal Valentine’s Day Date?

“I would take her to Olive Garden and we’d watch a meteor shower on her roof.”



— Adam Keirsey, Junior Lowering cholestorol, fighting illness, and helping with allergies and mental alertness are just a few reasons that tea is the ultimate super beverage. Though coffee does have the benefit of giving you a caffeine boost, tea does the same thing on a lower level without the unhealthy side effects. Not to mention, it tastes about a million times better than coffee. Studies VS show that people who drink tea are healthier, happier, and even live longer. Tea is much cheaper, and it doesn’t break the bank like hitting up Starbucks will. Unlike coffee, tea contains no carbohydrates and fatty acids. So, if you want to be dehydrated and get yellowed teeth, go on and have your morning cappuccino. Me? I’ll stick with my tea.

Courtney Jordan, staff writer

When you think of coffee, what comes to mind? The signature Starbucks frappuccino? Coffee aromas? These experiences are just a few reasons why coffee is the superior drink in America. No matter the weather, there is coffee for you to enjoy: in summer there are iced drinks and frappuccinos, for winter there is the common coffee or any other decorated variation such as lattes and mochas. Let’s not forget about the countless flavors available. From classical vanilla to seasonal peppermint to white chocolate, there is a flavor for everyone. Not to mention, it actually tastes good unlike the bitter watered down tea people seem to enjoy. Most importantly, the caffeine boost that rockets you through the day is phenomenal. This all poses the question, what reason is there not to drink coffee? Renee Dick, staff writer

“He would take me out to eat at my favorite restaurant, the Cheesecake Factory, and go sledding on the Warren Hill.” — Brooke Shellhammer, Junior

“I would pick her up on a white clydesdale, go eat out at Buffallo Wild Wings, and ride off into the sunset.”

heat index THE

What’s hot - and what’s not - around 8101 W Central Kapaun Basketball Game Warm

Although we lost, the student pride and spirit for the team was there, even as the final horn of the fifth overtime buzzed.

Students cheer on the basketball team. The final score was 80-76.

The End of the World


Anyone who trusted in the Mayans’ predictions were very disappointed by the world’s continued existence.

Page photos by Erin Hastings and Renee Dick Page 6

— Joseph Schinstock, Senior

Device Policy Hot

After years of sneaking phones and e-readers under the desks, teachers now have the option to let students use technology freely in the classroom. It’s a useful change for both teens and teachers.

Flu Season


The flu season hit a month early with many people unprepared. The illness is spreading rapidly across the country, and Bishop Carroll is no exception. It seems like there are more empty desks than filled ones. Design by: Molly Bogner

“He would show up at my house with a bouquet of pink roses, cook me Italian food for dinner, we’d go see a movie and watch the sunset in the country.” — Paige Miller, Senior



A little drop of everything

Best Friend vs. Girlfriend Juniors Abbey Cotter and Landon Downing were asked questions to see who knows Matthew Ebberwein better.

Signs your Valentine’s Day date is going poorly

1. Your date is more interested in Matthew Ebberwein

What is his biggest Attend Notre Dame aspiration? What TV character would he be? If he could only have one last meal what would it be? What is his biggest pet-peeve? What is his biggest fear?



Abbey Cotter

Landon Downing

To play piano in front of millions

Attend Notre Dame 5

Batman 5

Steak People who just want attention. Myself


Steak or shrimp




3. Your date calls you by the wrong name.

4. Your date checks their watch or phone every 30 seconds.



People making fun of his hair


Serial killers

The devil

5. You find out you’re the wing


Annoying people

2. Your date tries to convince you to dine and dash.



the waiter or waitress than you.






Signs 2013 is not going well for you


You are in debt from the underground bunker you rented for the apocalypse.

2. You become grounded for the rest of 2013.

3. The closet thing you get to a “Today’s Forecast” by Aubrey Burgess

New Year’s kiss was your drunken aunt planting a sloppy smooch on your cheek.


4. You’re an underclassman; you

won’t be graduating from high school this year.

5. That terrible picture of you ended up in the Flyer.


Design and Photos by: Amy Gawlak

Page 7

Are you a list maker? Do you write in your agenda book? Yes

No You Forget 3 or more assignments per week

You forget assignments You don’t forget assignments

You often lose things

Congrats, list maker!


You are already a list maker! You are motivated, prepared, focused and you get things done on time. But the benefits of list making go far beyond completing tasks. List makers have a lower stress level than non-list makers. Not to mention that many famous people, such as Ellen Degeneres, make lists, so you are practically already a celebrity. <<Jennifer Minette, List Maker Page 8

You forget 2 or more assignments per week

Yikes! You need some help!


You need to become a list maker ASAP! You are constantly forgetting assignments and losing important things, such as your keys. Because you don’t make lists and you are constantly losing and forgetting things, you are stressed way more than people who do make lists. Troy Dewey, Not a List Maker>>

Photos by Erin Hastings

Design by: Sarah Hoffman



Finding His Forte John Leyba is perfectly at ease behind the organ at SEAS, where he plays at mass twice a month. The senior has been playing since the age of 11 and gets paid anywhere from $50 to $75 per mass. Photo by Amy Gawlak

Audrey Kruse Staff Writer Senior John Leyba is the picture of perfect confidence as he slides onto the organ bench at Sacred Heart Church a few minutes before the start of Mass. He finds his music, flips a few buttons, slips off his shoes, pushes up his sleeves, and, right on cue, begins to play. Playing at Mass has become somewhat of a routine for Leyba, who has been doing so from the age of 11. Now, he rotates in at four different churches, sometimes playing during four masses in a week. Getting to that point, however, wasn’t easy. “I asked Fr. Bebak if I could play at Mass, and he told me I would have to ask Gene Weninger, the senior organist,” Leyba said. “Gene was so skeptical about me at first.” At the time, Leyba was 11 years old and had only been playing for a few months. His family, however, had noticed his knack for music when he was just 9 or 10. “We would come home from Mass and John would go to the piano and just start playing the refrain of one of the songs,” Charlene Leyba, John’s mother said. “It was just crazy!” In response to this gift, young Leyba attended a summer music camp Feature


where he was introduced to the organ. Soon after, he began taking lessons at Newman University, and the connection was instant. “It got to the point that he couldn’t walk by the piano without starting to play,” Charlene Leyba said. Despite his obvious talent, Leyba still had to convince Weninger, who had allowed him a trial run: one Mass to prove himself. “It was my first Mass, plus the added pressure from Gene sitting right beside me, watching my every move,” Leyba said. “I was so nervous. I’d practiced the first song so many times I had it memorized.” In spite of his nerves, Leyba remained composed, finishing the Mass without any major mistakes. “I was so nervous, but he didn’t seem it at all,” Charlene Leyba said. “It shocked me that at just 11 years old he knew when to play what and what the cues were and everything.” After that day, Leyba became a full-time organist, and Weninger grew to accept him. He took Leyba to the Kansas Organist Conference at First United Methodist, where they found out he was the youngest organist in the state. With his career on the rise, Leyba began to play even more. Now, the senior plays at a total of

four churches and makes anywhere from $50 to $75 per hour. The pay may seem high, but organists are a rare find. “It’s just not something normal people do,” Leyba said. Not only must an organist lack “normality,” but immense coordination is also a must. The organ is a complex instrument, involving several different keyboards, one of which is played with your feet. It’s also covered with a number of buttons and knobs (called stops), each with a different function. It’s difficult, but Leyba maneuvers through them all with apparent ease. If ever he messes up, he just keeps playing. “I’ve really faced it all,” Leyba said. “One time Gene broke his left arm, but instead of letting me cover his rotation and play all the Masses until he got better, he insisted on playing his Mass each weekend, and I had to play his left hand. It was so hard matching our tempos and everything, but it made me a better player.” Playing at Mass may have become routine for the young organist, but he’s glad of the opportunity to utilize his talents. “People always walk up to me after Mass to thank me and tell me how it’s a good thing that I play,” Leyba said. “It really makes me feel appreciated.”

Design by: Audrey Kruse

Page 9

5 things we want to see 1.) The original actors in roles that fit their ages and make room for the new era of Star Wars 2.) Plot ideas from any of the numerous branch-off novels that feature Han Solo and Leia’s young Jedi children 3.) Humor that all ages can enjoy, which means no cheesy creatures 4.) Cool new landscapes that are not completely made with CGI 5.) A cool, realistic story about the underworld brought to justice

What the new Disney movies may bring Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill): By the end of George Lucas’s “Star Wars” saga, Jedi Luke Skywalker and his father, the infamous Darth Vader, have reconciled, and Vader gave his life to save Skywalker from an exploding spaceship. In the next “Star Wars” films, insiders think 60-year-old Mark Hamill should portray Luke at the head of a new Jedi Academy for future protectors of the galaxy. Leia Skywalker (Carrie Fisher): The twin sister of Luke, Leia was an active rebel, donating her resources and skills as a princess to the cause. Although she possessed the ability to use the Force, Leia did not become a Jedi but stayed with the rebels and dashing Han Solo. Many fans and critics of the upcoming movies claim Leia’s character would be best in a mentor-type role that shows off her Jedi capabilities. Han Solo (Harrison Ford): This smuggler-turned-rebel is most famous for his attitude and his constant Wookie companion, Chewbacca. There is speculation that Ford wanted Solo to be killed off in the sixth movie, and insiders think this idea might prove to be a good fit for the seventh Star Wars film.

Star Wars by the movie Episode IV: A New Hope

A A+ B CC+

The ambitious beginning of George Lucas’s saga was an eye-opener to the realm of film effect possibilities. Also, its active plot smoothly led the way to the rest of the films.

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Although darker, this sequel was perhaps better than “A New Hope” because it added unexpected emotional twists and complexity to the saga.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

A little less exciting than the previous two, “Return of the Jedi” wrapped everything up nicely, delivering an entertaining end to the classic trilogy.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace Lucas introduced completely new characters and a new plot, but he failed to fully develop either. Although the visual effects were spectacular, this film failed to compare with the original “Star Wars” films.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones This film improved on the “The Phantom Menace” because its actionpacked plot involved more of what the old fans loved: a Jedi’s struggle against himself.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


Page 10

The stunning visual effects and intense action sequences in this film were pleasing to viewers, keeping the Force alive for one more dramatic episode.

Design by: Audrey Kruse & Madeline Lubbers



Religion teacher brings Batman to classroom Courtney Jordan Staff Writer Walking down the stairs and past religion teacher Jose Gonzalez’s room, you might expect to see a PowerPoint of the usual notes projected onto a white board. What you wouldn’t expect is to see the lights off and the latest installment of the Dark Knight series playing. Close observers of the movie have been tying in their faith with “The Dark Knight Rises,” saying that there are a lot of parallels between the life of Jesus and that of Batman. Gonzalez, who teaches the Faith and Reason religion class, has caught on and is incorporating it into his lesson plans. Here’s a list of some of the similarities that tie this blockbuster hit into faith. 1. Gotham could be said to symbolize the world before Jesus’ coming. Before the Passion and death of Christ, the world had fallen into sin and despair. Likewise, Gotham was full of crime and completely void of justice. Both Gotham and the world seemed to be beyond help, and neither Jesus nor Batman had to help, but they still descended to save the day. 2. Harvey Dent draws a lot of parallels to Judas Iscariot. At first he is one of Batman’s closest allies, just as Judas was an Apostle of Jesus. Both became corrupted and turned against their protector. Even when they do this, however, Jesus and Batman go on to die for them and others. 3. Jesus was falsely accused, as was Batman. Both went from being loved by the people to being hated. Despite this, they never gave up hope. Neither our world nor Gotham deserved saving, but still they both gave up everything to ensure the safety of the places they loved. 4. The biggest comparison of all is between Jesus and Batman. Both gave their lives for their people out of love. The people did nothing to deserve it, yet they were granted another chance because of their protector. Not only did they die for those that loved them, but also for those that hated them. After making the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus rose from the dead. When everyone is sure that Batman is dead, he reappears to Alfred, and there is an implication that he has accomplished what he can as Batman, and he is happy somewhere else. In the same way, Jesus accomplished what He could as man, and is now waiting for us in Heaven. Watching the movie was received well by students. Senior Kole Lopez thought that the movie was intriguing. “I’m really surprised that Hollywood could produce a movie that had that many parallels to our faith. It was neat to see how a movie I had watched previously just for enjoyment also had a deeper meaning.” There are a lot of similarities, but obviously Batman can never live up to the story of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for humanity. Sure, he may have saved Gotham, but Jesus saved the world — without all of the fancy technology Batman needed.



Design by: Abby Goodale

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Match the fictional license plates to the correct owner!

1A 2B 3C 4D 5E

To share your own personalized license plate idea, go, and leave a comment!

Carol Brenner

Madison Walden

David Purcell

Tracey Fox

Hayden Charles

Design by: Melissa Lies

Answers: 1:C, 2:E, 3:D, 4:A, 5:B

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You already know there are over 1000 students and about 100 teachers at Carroll. But here are some numbers about our school that you may not know.


Of 767 parking spots are being used by students and staff. 02.01.2013


Girls state championships


Design by: Nick Giusti and Malik Bieberle

9% Trash cans around the Bishop Carroll campus

Crosses in Bishop Carroll

Average ACT score last year




Boys state championships

Of Bishop Carroll graduates attended a 4-year college last year.


Years Don Racine has been at Bishop Carroll, the most of any current teacher at the school

Of BC graduates joined the military last year.


Students named Alexander or Alexandra


Students in athletics last year




108 Security cameras around the school

Of Carroll students participated in athletics last year.

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Check out our compilation of the finer points of life at Carroll. Look through the rest of the Flyer for more lists!

5 Who Deserve Praise For Their Hard Work


Slade LaMunyon


Melissa Lies Editor When Assistant Principal Slade LaMunyon is summoned to fix a locker, there are two things he looks for. The first is a bulging door, and the other is a clicking lock. After working at Bishop Carroll for 16 years, and fixing thousands of lockers, LaMunyon knows exactly what to do. A bulging locker is a simple fix. “If there is a bulge, that’s a sign that something has gotten caught,” LaMunyon said. For these cases, LaMunyon must simply figure out how to un-hook the caught item, and then he helps the student organize their locker so that they won’t have problems in the future. The clicking lock is also a generally simple fix. LaMunyon said that every lock has five combinations, and that every so often, the lock will get caught between combinations, and in that case, LaMunyon must simply reset the lock. Fixing lockers, of course, is not all LaMunyon does every day. Besides the occasional locker fix, LaMunyon also does classic administration work, such as discipline, supervision, observing teachers, and hiring substitutes. His other duties include lost and stolen items, and any other odd jobs that happen to come up. Richard LaMunyon, LaMunyon’s father, was a police chief while LaMunyon was growing up, and worked on the BTK case. “I enjoyed the fact that my dad was the police chief growing up,” LaMunyon said. But among the police work, and the occasional television appearance, LaMunyon said his dad was like any other dad. “It was great to grow up with a loving father,” LaMunyon said. LaMunyon’s mission here at Bishop Carroll is similar to the school’s mission statement. “Not only do we develop students emotionally, and academically, our school serves spiritual needs as well, forming disciples of Christ and productive citizens, which I am proud to be a part of,” he said. Principal Vanessa Harshberger said that it is hard to wrap up into words all that LaMunyon contributes to Bishop Carroll. In addition to all the odd jobs LaMunyon does, Harshberger says that his positive attitude is among his best qualities. “His personality is his greatest strength, always positive,” Harshberger said. Harshberger said that no matter what the situation, LaMunyon always keeps a positive attitude in bad situations, and “keeps everyone grounded” in hard times. In a student poll, LaMunyon was overwhelmingly voted the person who deserves the most recognition for their contribution to Bishop Carroll. In addition to the numerous odd jobs and his positive attitude, Harshberger said that LaMunyon always volunteers to supervise many more events than any other staff member. LaMunyon is always involved and takes the extra time to personally enter in every pink slip onto a spread sheet, so that he knows how each student is doing. Among his innumerable odd jobs, LaMunyon said that he favors doing the little tasks at Bishop Carroll. “I’m someone in the background who helps with additional behind the scenes problems,” LaMunyon said.

Photo by Malik Bieberle

2. The Lunch Staff

Arriving long before the students do, they serve up tasty nutritious lunches every day and do it with a smile.

3. Building staff

Carol Ast, Ivan Beckner, Steve Mohr, Frances Lies and many other staff members “keep this place humming,” teacher Monica Peter said.

4. Theresa Elpers

The BC grad serves as accompanist on numerous occasions. “She’s a wonderful asset,” music teacher Melissa Seiler said.

5. Carol Brenner

Assistant Principal Slade LaMunyon calls her his “super sub.”

Top 5 Lunches at Carroll


Asian Crispy Chicken Salad Easily the best lunch Bishop Carroll offers. The crispy chicken compliments the crisp salad, and is drizzled with students facorite dressing for a lunch the students love.

2. Chicken Tenders 3. Chicken Fried Steak 4. Frito Chili Pie 5. Shrimp Poppers Page 14

Design by: Maddie Oxler



5 Strangest Events At Bishop Carroll


5 Athletes Bishop Carroll Will Miss

Emily Hanna Hits Power Box

In 2011, Emily Hanna was pulling into her parking spot when she accidently hit the power box. It looked as though there was just some minor damage done and she and her friends started joking about it, even saying, “What if the lights go out in school?” Her heart dropped when she walked in and lights were flickering. She soon realized what she had done. Around 10 a.m. more lights were going out and by 10:30 school was dismissed. Students and even teachers praised her for the unexpected day off. “People still bother me about it,” says Hanna, “even teachers and people from other schools!”

Photo by Brooke Biby

2. 38 Points Scored in KMC Game

Carroll won 38-6 over Kapaun in a football game in October. Many believe the 38 represented the number of football player Tom Goetz, who passed just the week before.

3. White Mice Released in Commons

At a debate tournament at BC, Kapaun students released white mice into the commons and auditorium. Maintenance was finding dead mice for months.

4. Power Box Explosion


Almost one year to the date of Emily Hanna hitting the power box, it exploded, most likely due to a squirrel this time, giving students another surprise day off.

5. Incense sets off fire alarms

Zac Befort

Photo by Brooke Biby

3-year varsity football with one state championship, 1 year varsity wrestling, 2 year varsity track & field Nick Martin Sports Writer

One year during an all-school Mass, the priest went a little overboard with the incense. So crazy he set the fire alarms off in the entire school! Compiled by Kaitlyn Pham

Though he is most widely known for his work on the line of the Gang Green defense, Zach Befort has made an impact in multiple sports at Bishop Carroll. The 6-foot-3, 250-pound Befort has been a part of the football team for four years and has been on the track and field team as a javelin thrower for three years. He finished fourth in the javelin throw at the state meet last year, and he was on the “Wichita Eagle’s” Top 11 players in the state for football. Befort is also on the wrestling team for the first time this year and is already wrestling varsity. Because he is such a decorated athlete, Befort will certainly be missed by Carroll, but the feeling is mutual. “I’ll miss the Friday nights,” Befort said. “There’s nothing better than high school football.”

5 Biggest Events Coming To Wichita

2. Zeke Palmer

3 year varsity football with one state championship; 3-year varsity baseball with 1 state championship

3. Kaelyn Balch


4 year varsity cross country runner with two state championships; 4 years varsity track with 1 state championship

Kid Rock, Feb. 1

4. Matt Denning

Photo Courtesy

3 year varsity football with 1 state championship; 4 years varsity track & field, individual state champ in 400m race; 1 year varsity basketball

5. Mary Jo Peter

2. Tech N9ne: March 17, the Cotillion 3. Taylor Swift: August 6, Intrust Bank Arena 4. Luke Bryan: September 12, Intrust Bank Arena 5. Arenacross: February 23, Intrust Bank Arena



1 year varsity tennis; 4 year varsity softball with 2 state championships Compiled by Maddie Oxler

Design by: Maddie Oxler

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d n i Bl e l b u o D Date

Members of the Flyer staff chose four students to go to a WSU basketball game for a blind double date. Read on to find out if the dates were a slam dunk.

Flyer staffer enjoys her first blind date Madeline Lubbers Staff Writer

If going on a blind date was on my bucket list, I could boast checking one item off. Unfortunately, it was not. I had never given much thought to going on a blind date because, from the beginning, it had always seemed like something I would never try. I’m not exactly what you’d call outgoing. So when the editors asked me to go on a blind date the day before it was set to happen, I was taken completely by surprise. I was so shocked that it took extra convincing on the part of my friends, who knew the guy I would be going with. You can imagine my feelings toward them when they refused to spill his identity. I bought myself some time to think about it, but when the editors came back for my answer, I stunned everyone, including myself, by saying I would go. As soon as I did, plenty of excuses came to mind. I had a Physics lab due the day after the date, I would have to miss my team’s last volleyball practice before our tournament, and I could not go to weights after school. But it was too late. Why did I say yes? Throughout the rest of that day and the next, my dread slowly turned to excitement. I started thinking about what to wear and how

to do my hair, the typical girl stuff, as well as the logistics of where we were meeting and how to get there. Pretty much, I thought of everything but the actual date, although I wasn’t really too nervous. The date started off well with me running late and getting lost on the way to Micayla Orth’s house. The part that makes it great is that the guys were even later than I was. They picked us up in a tan Ford F150 and opened the car doors for us. I was impressed by both. We spent the 30-minute ride to the game breaking the ice, but during the actual game, we were openly critiquing the Shockers and commenting on some of the amazing plays. The half-time show, a Quick Change session, was awesome, but my favorite part of the night was the ride home, and not because I was glad we were almost done. I had a blast throughout the whole thing, but on the way back, we were bursting with things to talk about. Overall, going on the date had turned out to be a good idea. Now, looking back on the date, I have to laugh at myself for my reaction to the editors’ request: shocked, surprise, looking for a way out of it. Why I was so scared for a fun time watching my Shockers, I cannot remember, but I would definitely do the whole thing again in a heartbeat. Photos by David Martin

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Design by: Molly Bogner




Q&A with...

Landon Downing Micayla Orth

What was your favorite part of the date? Landon: Us talking about punching people in the face. Me and my anger management probs. Micayla: The halftime show was pretty cool. Any embarassing moments? Landon: No, everything went pretty smooth. Micayla: Nope! Were you nervous for the date? Landon: Yes. When we got there, it wasn’t bad. They were fun people. Micayla: Before the date, yes. But when I found it was Landon, not really. Did you have fun? Any memorable moments? Landon: I had fun. I would definitely do it again. I enjoyed their company. Micayla: Yeah, it was fun. Especially when Landon said he wanted to punch somebody in the face.


Would you go on a second date? Landon: Yes, it was fun. We had a lot of good laughs. Micayla: Sure.

Any embarassing moments? Nick: No. But I got stuck in traffic on the way there. Madeline: I got lost on the way to Micayla’s house. Other than that, no.


Nick Garrison Madeline Lubbers

Q&A with...

What was your favorite part of the date? Nick: It was a fun game. Good people, good game. Madeline: Probably the ride back because we had all loosened up and were being ourselves and being funny.

Were you nervous for the date? Nick: Yeah, because I didn’t know who would be there. Madeline: I was more excited than nervous. Did you have fun? Any memorable moments? Nick: It was a lot of fun. Madeline: It was a lot of fun. During the halftime show there was a quick change act and Landon said he knew how they did it and the next time he was like, “Well, never mind.” Would you go on a second date? Nick: Sure, of course. It was fun, and I had a good time. Madeline: Yes, I would. He was really nice. Feature


Design by: Molly Bogner

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Top 5

Must-Haves for a Super Bowl Party

1. Food


May it be a Taco Bell Taco 12 Pack, massive amounts of pizza, or the classic Tostitos chips and salsa, a lot of food is definitely a must.

2. Decorations

Fun decorations and festive plates and cups help to get guests in the mood for the big game! Pull out some streamers for your favorite team and go crazy!

3. Drinks Drinks are definitely a must for a good party. You may work up a thirst cheering during a good game.

4. People You can’t call it a party without people! The more people you invite the more potential there is for fun!


5. TV

You can’t watch the game without a TV, no matter how hard you try. And the bigger the TV the better the experience!



List by: Malik Bieberle and Nick Giusti Photo by: Brooke Biby

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Design by: Brooke Biby



Rolling Into a New Year

Photojournalism students snapped shots of freshmen roller skating — one of many activities in PE class. Top: A step back reveals a different perspective on the roller skating freshmen as they confidently glide past. Photo by Caroline Shuckman Middle: Freshmen Seth Law and Nicole Goebel make an unsuccesful attempt at limbo on wheels. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover. Right: Emily Demel watches on as Kyle Demel glides flawlessly through on his turn at limbo. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Photo Gallery


Design by: Renee Dick

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‘Close to home’ Group goes on a pilgrimage to find remains of first North American martyr

The new monument to Fr. Juan Padilla stands at the top of a hill near the possible location of Padilla’s remains. The original monument was destroyed in a massive thunderstorm a few years ago. Photo by Kaylee Butler. Elizabeth Goenner Editor Legends are an important part of many cultures. They help develop the culture, and give it history. However, most people don’t look past the fictional side of legends and realize that there is some truth behind them. But after hearing the legend of Fr. Juan Padilla, Gil Bergkamp, the youth minister at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Garden Plain, wanted to do something, and set out to find Padilla’s remains. Bergkamp received permission from Bishop Jackels to form a group to search for Fr. Juan Padilla’s remains, and gathered a group that includes Bishop Carroll alumni Jesse Elpers, senior Matt Shobe and junior Ben Bogner. On Nov. 21, group went to eastern Kansas to search for Padilla’s remains. (The group wishes to keep the exact location undisclosed.) Fr. Juan Padilla was a Franciscan missionary from Spain who traveled with the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes when Cortes searched for the “seven lost cities of gold.” He evangelized

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the Native Americans and was martyred by them in 1542, making Padilla the first martyr of North America. The Diocese of Wichita is one of the most fruitful dioceses in the nation, and according to Bergkamp, the legend holds that this is because the first martyr of North America is buried somewhere within the Diocese of Wichita. “Fr. Juan Padilla is not yet a saint,” Bogner said. “The Church is reluctant to canonize him, because they want a lot of concrete evidence. If we do find the remains, the Church will take his canonization case more seriously. We could jump-start his canonization process.” A parishioner (and converted Catholic) of the church near the location led the group to a monument dedicated to Fr. Juan Padilla. On the way to the monument he shared his conversion story, and then the group prayed over him. “Afterwards he started to tear up. The next week he sent Gil an email telling us how much it meant to him. It was really cool to see how our prayers changed his life,” said Rachel Shearrer, a member of the group. The original monument had been struck by

Design by: Elizabeth Goenner

lightning and destroyed in a massive thunderstorm a few years ago. A new monument had been put up in its place, but not all the pieces of the old one had been found. While walking around the Flint Hills, Shobe found the plaque from the original monument. “The plaque had a very specific date for his martyrdom on it, December 25, 1542,” Bogner said. “That was really cool.” The group went back in December to search for Padilla’s remains again. They found a few possible burial sites, a few which even match the details of the legend—rock-filled pits near the location given in the legend. And although the group didn’t find Padilla’s remains, Bergkamp has another expedition in progress to dig for the remains in the possible burial sites. There are many places that Padilla could potentially be buried, and Bergkamp is leaving no stone unturned. But until then, the group has smaller plans. “We’re trying to make his name known,” Shearrer said. “There’s so much we could pray to him for, especially around our diocese. He’s so close to home.” 02.01.2013


The legend of Juan Padilla Fr. Juan Padilla was a Franciscan missionary from Spain who traveled with the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes when Cortes searched for the “seven lost cities of gold.” The expedition group explored throughout North America, then made its way down to Mexico. When the group got to Mexico, Padilla decided to evangelize to the Native Americans they had met on their journey, and he and a few other friars went north on foot. They met the Native Americans and lived with them for a while. The Native Americans loved Fr. Juan so much that when he decided to leave, they killed him so that he could not leave. They then threw his body into a pit and covered the pit with rocks. The killing scared the other friars, so they fled, and that is where the legend comes from today.

His remains

The Wichita Diocese is one of the most fruitful dioceses in the nation, with its unique stewardship program and plentiful vocations to the priesthood and religious life. According to Bergkamp, the legend holds that this is because the first martyr of North America is buried somewhere within the Diocese of Wichita.

The next Fatima? “The joke during the whole trip was to watch the sun in case it started oscillating, like (during the Marian apparitions) in Fatima,” Bogner said. And although nothing out of the ordinary happened, Bogner hopes that Fr. Juan Padilla’s remains being found could become a very positive event and the cause of many conversions, especially in a nation persecuting religious freedom, like the Marian apparitions at Fatima were for Portugal during World War I.

Top: Members of the expedition group look over the hills near the possible location of Padilla’s remains. Middle left: Members of the expedition dig in a “hotspot” for Fr. Juan Padilla’s remains. Middle right (top): Gil Bergkamp reads his Bible and takes notes during the group’s overnight stay at the Catholic church near the possible location of Padilla’s remains. Middle right (bottom): Breanne Youngers plays guitar in the Catholic church the group stayed at during their expedition. Bottom: senior Matt Shobe, Kaylee Butler, Breanne Youngers, and junior Ben Bogner pose during the expedition. Photos by Kaylee Butler Feature


Design by: Elizabeth Goenner

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Design by: Melissa Lies



TRAINING IN Father Ben Sawyer trains student athletes spiritually by praying with teams before games David Martin Sports Writer


Five minutes before the start of a race, the boys cross country team huddles in a circle for a team prayer, usually led by Father Ben Sawyer. After the prayer, Sawyer gives the runners a blessing and wishes them luck before the race. The cross country team isn’t the only group that Sawyer supports at Bishop Carroll. Sophomore wrestler Joel Sponsel appreciates Sawyer’s involvement with all of the school’s sports teams. “It definitely gets us prepared and reminds us who gave us our talents,” Sponsel said. “By his presence, we’re reminded to give thanks to God for our victories and praise Him even in losses.” Sawyer, who was a multi-sport athlete in high school at Ark City, said that his days as an athlete have had a major effect on his interest in following the Bishop Carroll sports teams. “I’ve always enjoyed sports,” Sawyer said. “It always helps to have knowledge of sports to relate to the student athletes.”

Sawyer believes that his involvement with the school’s sports teams gives him a way to help students grow in their faith lives. “I like to support the students in any way I can, and since so many students are involved in sports it’s just another way I can be with them and influence them, and it gives me another avenue outside of the classroom to form them as Catholics,” Sawyer said. Junior cross country runner Luke Clupny expressed his appreciation for the support that Sawyer has given his team. “I know he’s a busy guy, but it means a lot to me that he’s able to come out and support us,” Clupny said. The ultimate goal that Sawyer has involving Bishop Carroll’s athletes is to incorporate the faith that he is trying to bring to the school into sports and the student athletes. “I think that there are many parallels between sports and faith life,” Sawyer said. “They both take lots of discipline, hard work, self-denial, and sacrifice. I think that we should approach our spiritual life with the same intensity as our training in sports.”

DEDICATION TO CHRIST Courtney Jordan Staff Writer Stepping onto the line for a race takes a special kind of courage. It’s all about pain, and who is willing to hurt the most. Everyone has their own way to encourage themselves and get pumped up, but instead of listening to music or going through a special warm-up, the most important pre-race rituals I go through are centered around my faith. At every meet, whether cross country or track, my rosary can be found in my right pocket, and a prayer book in my bag. I am definitely prone to some crazy nerves, and just feeling the rosary in my pocket or reading through a few psalms can calm me down. My mindset is usually along the lines of “He died for me, I can push through pain for Him.” When I get to a track meet, I usually walk a lap around the track, or at a cross country meet around the course, asking God to give me the strength to help my team. Before a race, I usually pray

a Divine Mercy Chaplet, or at least a decade of the rosary. It really helps to calm me and get my mind cleared for the race. There are many people on the Bishop Carroll sports teams that also go through certain prayers, and I think that it’s awesome to see how integrated faith and sports are in the school. It goes to show that competing in a Catholic community really does help you keep your faith alive in everything you do. Going into a race, I have much more confidence knowing that I have a string of prayers and intentions running alongside me. Putting everything into God’s hands brings about a sense of security because I know that I’m not just running for myself, I’m running for someone who died for me. There are many ways to praise God, but I think that one of the best types of prayer is through the sacrifice of your time and talent. I know that I am very lucky to be able to participate in my sport, and it would be a waste of a gift to not work to the very best of my abilities.

Father Ben Sawyer prays with sports teams before games and competitions. He sees parallels between sports and a person’s faith life. Back row, from left: senior Luke Weber, sophomore Shelby Lopez, Father Ben, junior Alex Miller, senior Diana Stanley. Seated, from left, senior Nick Garrison and senior Clara Savage. Photo by Katelynn Smith Sports


Bible Quotes Top 6 Bible quotes for athletes

1. Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings, this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”

2. Philippians 4:13 “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.”

3. 1Corinthians 9:24

“Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win.”

4. Isaiah 12:2

“God indeed is my salvation; I am confident and unafraid. For the Lord is my strength and my might, and he has been my salvation.”

5. Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the Lord, your God, who marches with you; he will never fail you or forsake you,”

6. Isaiah 41:10

Design by: Melissa Lies

“Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”

Page 23

Restoring the GLORY

With the return of head coach Mark Stovall, the team is expected to reach its former level of excellence

Coach Mark Stovall led Bishop Carroll to four state titles before leaving to coach at the college level. He has returned, bringing high expectations. Varsity wrestlers are already showing improvements in their technique, endurance and mental toughness. Pictured from left are Tommy Marquez, Devin Moore, Joel Sponsel, Jay Pacha, Stovall, Konnor Dugan, Luke Weber, Chris Dugan and Nick Nolting. Photo by Nick Giusti

Nick Martin Sports Writer It has been 11 years since the wrestling team won its first state tournament. The 2002 Class 5A title was followed by four championships in the span of seven years, making the program somewhat of a mini dynasty. However, after that impressive run, the glory faded and the team simply didn’t compete at that high level for the next several years. The team needed a facelift. Enter Mark Stovall, a coach who had previous success at Bishop Carroll in a very similar situation. So it would be hard to argue that Stovall is not the perfect person for the job. His credentials are impressive. Stovall first took over the Carroll wrestling program in 1998. He inherited a team that finished seventh in the previous year and took the program to a new level. The state championship team he coached in 2002 set the table for three more state championships in the next six years. After leaving Carroll, he started up the wrestling program at Newman University in 2004 and was a coach at Wichita State after his time at the collegiate level. Stovall is hoping that his experience coaching in the college ranks will help him in his second stint as head coach. “Hopefully the time coaching at the college level will help me to coach smarter,” Stovall said. “After starting the program at Newman from scratch, it makes this seem easy.”

Along with his college experience, another thing that sets Stovall apart is his practice structure. He believes in a varied practice schedule. A normal wrestling practice with Stovall involves tough conditioning workouts and a lot of work is put into improving technique. Occasionally, though, Stovall will schedule a practice that doesn’t involve wrestling where the team will usually play another sport so that the boys will have more energy for upcoming duels and so that the team doesn’t get bored. Though some of his practices can be very difficult, Stovall believes this is the only way to get better as a team. “That’s the nature of the sport,” Stovall said, “You’re going to have to train hard to be the best. The only way to get better is through hard work.” The team has already bought in to Stovall’s philosophy and the future seems very bright for the Golden Eagle wrestling program. “Coach Stovall has had a big impact on the team,” senior Luke Weber said. “He has kept our spirits high and he is the kind of leader that we all want to follow.” After a few sub-par years for the wrestling team, the goal for the next few seasons is clear. The team wants to help get the program back to level it was previously under Stovall. It won’t be easy, but with Stovall’s previous success there is no reason to believe that the team isn’t capable of winning a few state championships in the near future. “I think we can get back to that level,” junior Robbie Loos said. “But the key is hard work, determination, and staying dedicated.”

“You’re going to have to train hard to be the best. The only way to get better is through hard work.” —Coach Stovall

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Design by: Sarah Hoffman



THE NATURAL Gunther’s fluid form, practice habits make him one of the state’s best bowlers Nick Martin Staff Writer If you’ve ever watched Bishop Carroll junior Jamel Gunther bowling at a tournament or just practicing at West Acres Bowling Alley, you probably came to a simple conclusion. He is a natural. Gunther’s sturdy build combined with his repetitious form make him nearly unbeatable. With the fluidity of his bowling form, you’d assume that he has been bowling since he learned to walk. He practically has. Gunther got into a bowling league in first grade when he found out that fellow junior Gus Morgan, who is also a member on the Carroll bowling team, was going to be in a league as well. Bowling hasn’t always been as easy as it looks for Gunther and he isn’t shy to point that out. “One of my best memories from bowling was when in 8th grade I realized that I could aim the ball. It seems funny now, but I had never realized that I could actually aim the ball and choose which pins to hit.” Since that afternoon in 8th grade, Gunther has been continually learning all that he can about the sport. He bowled a 300 later that year and has been steadily improving every year throughout high school. “One of the things that has made Jamel so successful is his humility,” coach Jim Nance said, “He realizes that he doesn’t know everything and he is open to learning more about how to be a better bowler.” Another reason Gunther is successful is because of his impressive work ethic. He will normally spend 8-10 hours a week bowling, whether it is trying to get strikes or working on spare conversions. Gunther works with a pro bowler, Rick Steelsmith, once a week. Steelsmith gives Gunther instructions about things he needs to work on. “Jamel has a very good work ethic and it has obviously been effective for him with the success he’s had,” teammate Gus Morgan said. All of this practice is to be consistent in big meets. Gunther got fifth in state as a freshman but wasn’t impressed. “I didn’t actually do that good. I bowled a 290 in one of my games but I didn’t bowl very well in my other two,” Gunther said, “Hopefully with all the work I’ve put in, I will be able to do well in all three games at state this year.”



Jamel Gunther throws a practice ball at West Acres Bowl. The junior has high expectations. He placed fifth in the state as a freshman but wasn’t impressed by that feat. Photo by Malik Bieberle

Design by: David Martin and Nick Martin

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The three-point shooting skills of seniors Hannah Schauf and Kayla Demel are an asset to the girls basketball team



three point shooters

1. Hannah Schauf Through nine games, Schauf led the team with 10 three pointers made. 2. Maddie Oxler Oxler, a third-year varsity player, has made 50 percent of her three-point shots. 3. Kayla Demel Demel is making over half of her three point shots to complement her post game. 4. Brooklyn Bockover The sophomore made seven of her 14 three point shots through nine games.



three point shooters

1. Christian Smith Smith is leading the team so far, making an average of 34 percent of his shots behind the arc. 2. Tyler Palmore Palmore is another asset to the boy’s team, making 12 of his 36 attempts from the three-point line. 3. Austin Larkin Larkin is close behind Palmore, making 12 of his 37 attempts from behind the arc. Page 26

David Martin Sports Writer In her first year as girls basketball coach at Bishop Carroll, Taylor Steven wants to establish a team with a dynamic offense. While the team does not shoot a particularly high number of three-point shots, the girls are efficient when they let fly from behind the arc. Through nine games, the team had made over a third of its three-point tries. Steven attributes this success to hard work at practice. “Before every practice we get a lot of shots off,” Steven said. “We try to get a lot of reps in before we start our actual practice. Three-point shooting and percentages is all about rep taking, so we have to get a lot of shots off.” The hard work has paid off for the team. Through nine games, BC ranks fourth in the City League in total points per game, only .11 points per game below the third-ranked team. The team’s success on the offensive end can be attributed in large part to its unselfishness. Through the same nine games, the team was first in the City League in assists per game by a landslide, averaging 15.6 per game, which is nearly five assists more than the second-ranked team in that category. Though Steven does not necessarily believe that three-point shooting always affects the outcome of a game (except late in close games) she does believe that three-point shooting is important because of the momentum and confidence it provides. Senior Hannah Schauf believes that three-point shooting is key to the team’s confidence and offensive attack. “If I’m having a good game, it gets us going,” Schauf said, “and I think the confidence rubs off on everybody else. If I’m having an off game, it affects my confidence. It also allows us to defeat the zone defense.” Senior Kayla Demel is off to a very quick and efficient start from three point range, hovering around 50 percent from beyond the arc in the first part of the season. Through nine games, she averaged about 8.4 points per game. Demel attributes her success to a very diligent offseason and believes that three-point shooting helps the team to open up scoring opportunities down low.

Senior Hannah Schauf practices her longdistance shot before a game. Schauf is one of the leading three-point shooters for the girls team this year. Photo by Brooke Biby “During the offseason, I shot tons with my dad, probably about 200 threes a week,” Demel said. “If we’re shooting outside we open up the post game.” As a whole, Steven believes that the momentum and confidence boost provided by successful threepoint shooting helps the team rally together and play a better all-around game. “Any time someone hits a three it gives all the girls some momentum,” Steven said, “and it gets all the girls coming together and they want to play defense because they’ve just made three points.”

Design by: Sarah Hoffman



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What it takes to recover from an athletic injury

Trainer Lori Burten treats wrestler Alex Lipinski before a match. Athletic injuries are common among teenagers, and can seriously impact an athlete’s high school career. Photo by Nick Giusti

Lara Korte Staff Writer The Bishop Carroll training room buzzes with activity. It’s Thursday, so that means the trainer, Lori Burten, is on hand. As soon as she arrives, she has little time to mess around; already athletes are at the door. The room is overflowing with students from soccer, football, wrestling, cross country…all who have one thing in common: an injury. It’s an inherent risk in any sport. Sometimes accidents happen and sometimes things get painful, and that’s where Lori Burten comes in. “The most common problems I see are in ankles, knees and shoulders,” Burten said. “I take care of injuries, training, and conditioning for the athletes.” Treatments and programs for sports injuries vary depending on the degree of trauma. An athlete with a concussion is given an MRI scan and strict orders to rest for a week or two. This kind of recovery is mild compared to a more serious injury that can require surgery and up to nine months of rehabilitation, such as a knee injury. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament, or “ACL”, is one of the four major ligaments in the knee. Burten says that torn ACLs are common in sports that have a lot of impact and cutting (changing direction in a controlled manner) like soccer, basketball or football. Physical therapist and professor at Duke University, Michael Reiman, says that the large majority of ACL tears are non-contact (the injured athlete is not hit or contacted by another athlete). The mechanism of injury is typically a Sports


plant and cut movement, where the athlete does not bend their knee enough and their knee goes into a “knock-kneed” position. Jordan Smith, a sophomore, was playing soccer when she collided with another girl in the air and tore her ACL. “The week after was the worst of my life,” Smith said. “At first, I was very pessimistic, but I realized it could’ve been a lot worse.” After a doctor determines that the ACL has indeed been torn, a simple surgery is conducted to repair the ligament, and then the real work begins. Sophomore Michaela Cinotto, who tore her ACL in May, has been receiving physical therapy every day since she was injured. “It’s a lot of hard work,” Cinotto said. An injury doesn’t just affect athletes’ physical condition; it affects them mentally and emotionally as well. “Learning how to deal with not being able to play, not feeling fully part of the team, and not understanding why they have to go slower than they want, are all issues that consistently come up in rehabilitation,” Reiman said. This claim also proves true for other athletes. “The most challenging part is watching other people play and getting over the mentality of hurting myself again,” Smith said. “It’s hard because sophomore year is when colleges look at you and I know I’m not going to be at 100 percent like the other girls,” Cinotto said. For some, like Smith, it’s an opportunity to push herself further. “I don’t think it will decrease my skill,” she said. “When I come back, I’ll work a lot harder.”

Design by: Lara Korte


Most dangerous high school sports

1. Ice Hockey

Cuts to the head, scalp, and face are the most frequent types of injury. However, the use of helmets and face shields reduces the chance of injuries to the face and head. Intense physical contact and high speeds on the ice often lead to concussions and dangerous collisions.

2. Football

Despite helments and pads, head injuries continue to be a concern in this high-contact sport. Tramatic injuries have also proved to be a problem. Knee and shoulder injuries can inhibit participants long-term involvement in the sport.

3. Lacrosse

Game rules conote player-to-player and stick-toplayer contact. The aggression level combined with contact leave many players susceptable to knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, hand, and wrist injuries.

4. Wrestling

Wrestlers often end up in awkward positions putting stress on the head and spine. Luckily, the majority of Wrestling injuries are minor, and similar to those seen in other sports. Using proper saftey gear and techniques is vital when preventing injuires.

5. Track and Field

Although not known for career threatening injuries, overuse is a problem in most events. In extreme cases, deaths have been associated with various field events including pole vaulting and discus.

According to The National Center for Catastrophic Injury Research

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Losing after 5 overtimes against Kapaun takes our rivalry to a new height

Top left: Carroll players Gage Loy and Logan Bullinger go up for a rebound against several Kapaun players. The competition during the game was extremely even. Top right: Carroll students were exasperated after Kapaun managed to come back in yet another overtime. Carroll had been ahead the majority of the game. Above left: Carroll students cheer enthusiastically when Carroll took the lead. The entire game was close, keeping fans on their feet. Above right: Senior Logan Bullinger sets a pick for senior Christian Smith. The two seniors have led the team in scoring this season. Right: The Carroll student section cheers on the Eagles in yet another overtime. This game had one of the best student sections Carroll has seen all year.

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Design by: Erin Hastings


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