Flyer Issue 2

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Volume 25, Issue 2 November 2, 2012 Bishop Carroll Wichita, KS

Body Image Teens struggle to live up to media’s portrayal of perfection

Page 8 >> Presidential Election Page 16 >> Paintball

Page 18-19 >> Homecoming Page 22-23 >> Winter Sports

Speaker inspires students Jackie Francois, a Catholic speaker, singer, and songwriter from California, talked to students about chastity on Oct 5. She shared funny and touching stories while inspiring students to be chaste. A few of her main points were:

Junior Tyler Palmore holds a poster while sophomore Denzel Goolsby reads the poem “The Lost Generation” to the students who attended the Leadership Workshop. Photo by Katelynn Smith

1. “Ladies, if your boyfriend doesn’t get down on his knee (when he proposes), you should be like ‘nuh uh.’ Get your sass on, ladies!”

BC students build up leadership skills

2. “Start praying for your future spouse right now.” 3. “There’s only two options (regarding your boyfriend/girlfriend): You can be leading someone closer to heaven or closer to hell.” 4. “Father Ben is on fire with the faith. The Church needs more priests like Father Ben.”

Speaker and performer Jackie Francois jokes about the mannerisms of guys. Francois spoke about chastity at Bishop Carroll on October 5. Photo by Abby Goodale

5. “Do you want to love or do you want to lust? People who just hook up are more depressed.” — by Elizabeth Goenner

During the anti-bullying skit she was giving for the Leadership Workshop, senior Kate Oxler was supposed to be portraying a sad and serious character. This was made difficult by the fact that a fellow actor had yelled in her ear and she couldn’t keep herself from laughing. Despite that mishap, students still took away a good lesson from the workshop. “They (the organizers) did a great job working around the theme ‘Beating the Odds.’ I gained a sense of encouragement about beating the odds and standing up to be a leader in all types of situations.” At the workshop, students took part in team building games and exercises. One was the injury obstacle course, where students drew an “injury” such as blindness or a broken leg, and had to navigate the obstacle course with the help of other students. For the “trust circle,” the group had to work together to hold each other up. In addition, Carl Hall spoke about “Beating the Odds.” By the end of the day, students hopefully took away some newfound knowledge of being a leader. — by Courtney Jordan


Inside This Flyer

The Flyer school paper is 25 years old. In each issue, look here for an interesting headline from the past.

Presidental Election




• Schuck-rattle-n-roll hits Carroll In the August 1995 issue of the Flyer, the highlight of the sports page was a story about the new head football coach, Alan Schuckman. Although Schuckman was the third head coach in four years, he had high hopes for the team and told the Flyer that, “I expect to win, first of all.” The article highlighted a quarterback battle involving sophomore Craig Steven. As we now know, Steven went on to become one of the best quarterbacks in the history of Bishop Carroll. The team had been 9-9 in the previous two seasons. “I want to develop a class football program where kids expect to win,” he said in the article.

On the Cover: The media makes it hard for some teenagers to have a positive body image. Read about the issue on pages 12-13.



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Winter Sports


Design by: Amy Gawlak

Photo by Erin Hastings Cover design by Maddie Oxler



Bad Writing Alex Simpson Staff Writer

Senior Paige Towey reviews her notes carefully and makes small editing marks on her paper. She has a plan for an essay in her English class. This essay is important, and Towey wants to get a good grade. Towey is a student that realizes the importance of writing and visualizing the end product. Towey knows that writing is a process that can’t be rushed. “Teens are easily distracted,” she said. “Reading and writing takes a lot of time and focus. They aren’t patient or willing to invest what it takes.” In an assessment of eigth and twelfth grade students, only a quarter of students in the U.S. have proficient writing skills. Only 27 percent of students at each grade level were able to write essays that were well developed, organized and had proper language and grammar. Furthermore, only 3 percent achieved an advanced level of mastery. The remainder showed just partial mastery of writing skills. At Bishop Carroll, writing skills are stressed by teachers, sophomore English teacher Tracey Fox said. She gives a variety of writing assignments, including one earlier in the year requiring students to write about a personal experience that related to a greater social issue. “The way to make a better writer is to practice writing,” Fox said. Principal Vanessa Harshberger said writing hasn’t been focused on as much as other academic areas during the 2007-2012 North Central Accreditation cycle. “For teachers, writing hasn’t been as big a push as reading comprehension and critical thinking skills,” she said. “Each year, there’s something different to incorporate,” she said. “For teachers, writing hasn’t been a big push. The biggest things have been reading comprehension and higher thinking skills. Writing just hasn’t been something that’s been focused on.” Freshman English teacher Aubrey Logsdon said, “Writing takes time. It’s something you have to invest in. Students don’t appreciate the beauty and poetry of words. They want instant gratification.” Some students said that poor writing skills can attributed to the increase in easily accessible technology. Laptops, cell phones, television, and video games all contribute to a lack of dedication to the old-fashioned written word. Logsdon agrees that social media is a problem. “It is detrimental to the actual structure of students’ writing,” she said. “They’re used to abbreviating.” News


Studies show that only a quarter of students in the U.S. have proficient writing skills.

Logsdon realizes the issue at hand, and she knows what motivates students. “I try to pick things that are interesting and relevant. If they enjoy it, they’ll invest more effort.” Senior Anna Bohr thinks that teens lose interest with writing because they are “forced to write papers they don’t care about.” She also believes that writers get a negative stigma. “If you like to write, you’re often seen as a nerd,” Bohr said. For teens, there is hope in the future of sharing ideas. While social media and other distractions can be problematic for teenagers, computers and internet, applied properly, can be helpful to dedicated writers. Resurgence of creativity and sharing of ideas can stem from many sources, and teen writers realize that and utilize them. English teacher Jenny Cass says that the Internet is “a good place to start gathering ideas.” While teens recognize that interest in writing is decreasing, they also understand that the problem can be remedied. Junior Taylor Sanagorski says that teachers should “Let students have a more open-ended assignment so they can choose what they want to write.” Other teens agree that teachers play a big role in revitalizing a passion for expression in the written word. “Kids don’t like to write long essays, so teachers should break assignments into smaller pieces instead,” freshman Martha Banuelos said. While teen writers vary in their proficiency, range of abilities, and levels of dedication, they share certain characteristics that connect them. Sanagorski says that all good writers have a personality they convey. “Writing helps express who you are. Your personality and feelings help relate to the reader.” Towey agrees that certain writers have similarities. “They write about what they are passionate about,” She said. “Writing comes easier when you care about what you write about.” For teens, writing serves as an expressive tool in which individuals share their experiences with others to find meaning. Banuelos uses writing to express herself. Banuelos said, “I like to write about kids that have had problems, you know, a tough time. I can relate to them. When I write I can let everything just go and be free.” Logsdon says that there are many opportunities for young writers. She said, “There’s a lot of potential. Kids live in such a diverse world. But it goes back to how many will use their potential to write well.”

Design by: Melissa Lies Photo by: Erin Hastings

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Letters to the Editor Dear Editors, Homecoming week was a blast this year. The dress-up days were really fun and creative this year. I absolutely loved fashion disaster day. That day was so much fun becasue so many people had great ideas that made me laugh all day. Originally, I was not expecting the Homecoming dance to be that fun this year because of the music disappointments from past dances, but the DJ surprised me by playing amazing music and he kept the crowd pumped. The number of students that attended the dance was phenomenal. I could not have asked for a better night! — Kayla Truong, junior Dear Editors, I might get hated for saying this, but I actually enjoyed the “no grinding rule.” Since this rule was made, you could dance with your friends without feeling awkward with them all over each other. Plus, you could pull out the sprinkler, cotton swab, and even the shopping cart! I think the DJ’s were much better this year. They played really good music and played all genres — well except for opera and samba. I like how they played songs where you could do the dances to, like the Cupid Shuffle. The Homecoming days were pretty good but could improve. I know how impossible it is to come up with ideas that everyone will like and want to participate in. In the scheme of things, I think Homecoming was a success this year. Plus, Micayla Orth is a really good flyer and her tricks were very cool. — Sierra Myers, sophomore

BC Flyer Issue 2 Volume 25 November 2, 2012

KSPA State Champions

Artwork by Margaret Lallement

Concerns for the future The entire country is buzzing with anticipation about the upcoming election; people are criticizing every statement the candidates are making; criticizing the debates, advertisements. America is simply bursting with opinions over the matter. In an attempt to see how exactly students and the younger generation are processing the election, the Flyer conducted a poll of 100 Bishop Carroll students. The Flyer was shocked to discover that almost 90 percent of students think our country is headed in the wrong direction. One might assume that a school full of alarmed students would want to be in the know about the election details. However, the poll also revealed that only 20 percent of students have been closely following the 2012 presidential election. It is pointless to be concerned about a topic if you are not informed and could not explain to someone the specific reasons why you are concerned. Many students don’t care to be informed citizens when it comes to the candidates because of the fact that they are not qualified to vote, but what they fail to realize is that their voting years

Publication Staff Editors Elizabeth Goenner Melissa Lies Maddie Oxler

Class 5A 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008

Online Editor Lexie Dorn

All-Kansas Winner

Online Photo Editor Nick Giusti

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012

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Sports Editor Sarah Hoffman

Photo Editors Brooke Biby Erin Hastings Photographers Malik Bieberle Renee Dick Kaitlyn Pham Katelynn Smith Sports Staff David Martin Nick Martin

are in the very near future. When the day comes that you’re contributing your vote, don’t see it as one measly vote that doesn’t matter. According to, there was a significant jump in young adult voters in the 2008 election. It is said that this spike in youth votes contributed greatly to Obama’s win in 2008. This proves that it is very important to be educated about who this country is allowing into office, no matter how old you are. Even though most of the students at BC have years before they have the opportunity to vote, it is a lot closer than some people may realize. So in the next few days, pay attenton to what the candidates have to say. Regardless of the fact that you may not be able to vote yet, you still live in this country and need to know the potential decisions that will be made on its behalf. Turn your concern into awareness so that when you are able to vote in a few short years, your informed vote will count and make a difference. -for the staff, Abby Goodale

Writers/Designers Molly Bogner Aubrey Burgess Amy Gawlak Abby Goodale Emily Jacobs Courtney Jordan Lara Korte Audrey Kruse Madeline Lubbers Alex Simpson Adviser Kollen Long

Design by: Elizabeth Goenner & Melissa Lies


The Flyer is the student-produced newspaper of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School. Editorials are a consensus of the Flyer staff and are not necessarily the opinion of the adviser, administration, faculty, or the Catholic Diocese.


Drumming Up School Spirit

Ways to express yourself at BC Abby Goodale Staff Writer

The Bishop Carroll drumline performs at many school activities. Students enjoy the musicians’ catchy cadences and various tricks. The drumline is one of the most popular groups at Carroll this year. Photo by Nick Giusti

hours of practice during both the summer and school year have paid off big time. When the line begins whatever new trick they have planned for the students, Nothing is more stirring than the reaction is instant. Whether it be experiencing the rhythmic pounding in Charles’ and fellow drummer Alex your chest when a good drum line plays Bette’s new quad solo or a whole section in unison, and Bishop Carroll’s drum line of the drummers standing on their heads has mastered that skill. throughout the performance, the audience This year, the members of this elite is immediately captivated, and the squad have been able to combine their resulting cheers are defeaning. individual skills with a tremendous “I love it. It’s the coolest thing we have work ethic to produce a single pulsing at Carroll,” senior Katherine Hybl said. unit. Under the guidance of their new “They’re great at grabbing instructor Kolby Aiken, the the audience’s attention, and drummers have reached new “THE LINE IS I wish they’d play more.” heights. Since his arrival, CAPABLE OF No longer written off as practices have become more FIRING UP “band geeks,” the group is focused and, as a result, more THE STUDENT being begged to perform productive. This newfound SECTION WITH before major match-ups to determination is partially due pump up the players. The to his disciplanary methods. JUST ONE “If we mess up or we PERFORMANCE.” drum line also performed alone at the pep rallies this aren’t focused, he’ll make us year, earning as many, if not run a lap sometimes,” senior more, cheers as the popular Pom Squad. drummer Hayden Charles said. “It’s been really cool. It’s nice to hear In all my time at Bishop Carroll, I’ve everyone say good job and stuff,” Charles never been as aware of the drum line said. “I feel like we’ve put in a bunch of as I am this year. Maybe it’s because work and it’s cool to see it pay off.” our football team is so good that games This is the first year in my experience can become boring, save the excitement that drum line has played a key role in brought on when the drum line begins, or school spirit. However, with the reception maybe it’s because the line is capable of the team has gotten, it looks as though firing up the entire student section with its performances will become a school just one performance. Regardless, any Bishop Carroll student tradition. will agree that the group’s countless Audrey Kruse Staff Writer



Design by: Molly Bogner

In a school that requires uniforms, one would be inclined to believe that a student’s individuality is hopelessly lost in a sea of sameness; that every single Bishop Carroll student is indistinguishable amongst more than a thousand teens in white shirts that walk the halls; that all uniqueness is extinguished. False. Although everyone is required to wear the same clothes, there are countless ways to be different from your peers without breaking the rules. Below are a few ideas for both guys and girls on how to express yourself in a school that has a dress code. Guys: The primary way to be different from your fellow male students is to sport a unique tie. You can even wear a bow tie if you want to mix it up. Grab a tie with a bold color, pattern, or design, and stand out in the crowd.You can also spike up your hair. Another way you can make your uniform more exciting is by wearing jewelry. It doesn’t have to be flashy or over the top, but wearing a Crucifix around your neck or a single bracelet around your wrist can be a nice change of pace. Girls: You have a few more options than guys when it comes to standing out. There are thousands of potential combinations of nail polish you can wear. You can change your hair to be different every day. Makeup can be worn in many different ways to fit your taste. Another way you can differentiate yourself is by wearing different shoes. A majority of students at BC gravitate toward Sperrys rather than any other brand of shoes. There are more shoes in the closet! Although it may seem difficult at times to stand out from the crowd in the same outfit you were yesterday, and the day before, and the day before…there really are countless ways to embrace your individuality. In the attempt to break free from the restraints of monotony, you might create a new trend! The best and final thing that you possess that no one else has is your personality. It sounds cheesy, but there really is no better way to embrace your individuality than to embrace your personality, Junior Abby because no two people are the Goodale same. urges Although it can be nice to students change up your look in little to mix it ways, one major plus of having up. Photo uniforms is being able to have your by Brooke personality shine through. Biby.

Page 5


“Breaking Dawn” delay hurts hype The finale of the popular teen romance series, “The Twilight Saga,” is just around the corner with the release of “Breaking Dawn Part 2” on Nov. 16. But did the producers of this series wait too long to end it with a bang? Maybe they did. Sure, people are excited for it, but that excitement has not even come close to the fan-crazed levels of hysteria it reached with the first, second, and third movies. With this Twilight movie, it is actually possible to walk through the halls of Carroll without overhearing girls giggling about Taylor Lautner or arguing over which side is better, Team Jacob or Team Edward. While it was a good idea that they decided to split the last movie into two parts, the makers of the films overestimated the wait and dragged it out too much for their own good. The long wait has exhausted the Twilight topic, causing “Breaking Dawn Part 2” to rely on being the last movie to attract a large audience.

If your life was turned into a movie, what actor/actress would play you?

Adam Sandler because he does stupid things.



If I had a penny for every time I heard a Kansas fan say, “We’re a basketball school,” or “You guys just wait until basketball season,” I would be a millionaire. If you were a true fan of your school, you would support all aspects of the university. Why do you think K-State students and fans are so proud? Why do you think we get so fed up with KU fans going on and on about how great their basketball program is? So you have a good basketball team. Big deal. That’s all I ever hear come out of the mouth of a KU fan. What about every other athletic or academic program? We excel in more than just basketball. We don’t have to be cocky jerks to make ourselves feel good. We are more than that. —Maddie Oxler, Editor

— Madeline Lubbers, staff writer


—Jacob Duling, Freshmen

I’m just going to come right out and say it: Kansas University is better than Kansas State University. Judge me! They are basically the Harvard of the Great Plains. Between their academics, athletics (not including football) and the overall demeanor of the school, it reigns supreme. Many KSU fans may think we are stuck up, snobby and rude, when we are just proud. For example, the KU basketball team has won five National Championships and been to 13 Final Four tournaments. That’s something KSU can’t say. And their academics excel as well. KU has over 35 programs ranked in the top 40 among national public institutions. KU’s excellence stretches beyond the town of Lawrence. —Sarah Hoffman, Staff Writer

Mandy Moore. I feel like she gets me. — Ashley Huslig, Sophomore

Chris Hemsworth. He’s the only actor in Hollywood that can match my incredible strength and stunning good looks. — Eric Weber, Teacher

heat index THE

What’s hot - and what’s not - around 8101 W Central

Boys’ Soccer Team

On fire

BC Speaker Jackie Francois

Between her music skills and her unique approach at teaching students about chastity, Jackie Francois was a big hit with the student body.

The boys soccer team is burning up the season. They’ve become the talk of the school with a record of 9-1-2. The team is a powerhouse with great players.

Homecoming Game


Usually reserved for a match-up against Kapaun, this year’s homecoming game lacked excitement as the BC team rolled over Eisenhower after a slight delay due to lightning. It was just another blowout with no competition.

Senior Cesar Ramirez sprints after a ball while looking upfield for a teammate. Pastor’s Mass


Natalie Portman. She’s gorgeous and a good actress. — Zoe Porazka, Senior


After a Mass with all of the parish priests, students enjoyed the opportunity to meet with their pastors and fellow parishoners. Sophomore Mark Quaney took advantage of playing time to make an interception.

Photos by Nick Giusti and Renee Dick Page 6

Design by: Madeline Lubbers

Photos by Renee Dick



A little drop of everything


with junior Spencer Kaba, who scored perfect on the ACT

Q: Before you got the results back from your ACT test, did you think that you scored a 36? A: Not at all, I thought I thought I may have gotten a 34 or 35, but I didn’t expect to get a 36. Q: Have you thought about taking the test one more time to try and get a 36 again? A: I already got a 33 during sophomore year so that confirms that I am able to score high, so I’m not going to take it again. Q: On top of taking all honors classes, what extra-curricular activities are you a part of? A: Cross Country, Track and Field, Scholar’s Bowl, God Squad, Praise Team, Game Club, and Madrigals (Choir) Q: That’s a full schedule. Do you have any free time? A: During the weekends I have some spare time and during the weekdays, I have about an hour of free time every night. During my free time I like to read books, play video games, and watch YouTube videos. Q: Do you have any college plans? A: I’m definitely planning on going to college, but I don’t know where I will go. I will probably major in pre-med and I might double-major. Q: Have you ever met someone who is smarter than you? A: I have definitely met people who are as smart as me, and my teachers know more than me. They’re one of the biggest reasons I’ve come as far as I have.

“Sprint into Spirit Week” by Aubrey Burgess

Photo by Nick Giusti



Topics you wouldn’t want brought up during Thanksgiving dinner.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Your mom’s burnt turkey last year. That embarrassing story from when you were 5. You know the one. The last boyfriend you had that your grandma liked so much more than the one you brought this year. “Everybody go around the table and say what you’re thankful for.” Any story that starts with “Back in the day...” Your Grandpa telling you “wow you’ve gained weight!” How much more successful your older brother is than you. Your opinionated cousin’s view on politics. The in-depth details of your relative’s invasive operation. It was a success, but still... An argument over who gets what in your rich grandparent’s will.

For more fall top 10 lists, go to to, and then leave a comment with some ideas of your own!


Design by: Courtney Jordan

Page 7

2012 Presidential Election Romney

Mitt Romney worked as a management consultant for various companies for several years before he entered the world of politics. In 2002, he organized the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, and he became the Governor of Massachusetts the following year. Romney believes taxes should be lower for all Americans and stresses that job growth comes from small businesses, not the federal government. The Mormon governor believes life starts at conception. “Abortion is without question the taking of a human life, and I believe that a civilized society must respect the sanctity of a human life.”


Melissa Lies Editor As the Nov. 6 presidential election approaches, support for the candidates appears fairly even. But here at Bishop Carroll, it’s Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in a landslide. In a Flyer poll of 100 students, 87 percent support the former governor, leaving a mere 13 percent for Obama. “I would support Mitt Romney if I could vote. Barak Obama supports abortion which is agianst our religion,” said junior Michayla Orth. “I would vote for Obama because he actually stuck to his plan, and carried it out,” said freshman Kayla Hennen. Most Bishop Carroll students won’t be old enough to vote, but all will be affected by the results of what is being called one of the most important elections in history. The biggest concerns for students involve money, faith, and the legitimacy of the government. Senior Ryan O’Neal said he has been following the campaign very closely and is worried about his future in the United States. O’Neal has many concerns with the general path of the United States, starting with the different political parties themselves. “The growing polarization of the two parties and their unwillingness to put aside their differences for the good of the country, even in the Supreme Court, which is supposed to be above politics, is my biggest concern,” he said. Page 8

percent of Bishop Carroll students support Romney


Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. Before beginning his political career, Obama worked as a civil-rights lawyer, community organizer and lecturer. Obama served on the Illinois State Senate from 19972004. The president wants to eliminate tax cuts for companies that ship jobs overseas to bring more jobs back to America. He plans to raise taxes on the wealthy upper-class Americans. Obama is pro-choice. “I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right.”


Senior John Buchanan is somewhat concerned with his future, but he is most concerned with the struggling economy. “My biggest concern is the amount of debt I’m going to be in and how high of taxes I am going to have to pay, due to the fact our unemployment rate is astronomical and all we are doing for those people is giving out welfare and government aid like it is candy,” said Buchanan. A recent study done by ABCNEWS/Weekly Reader, showed that two out of 10 teens are interested in being president of the United States. According to the study, the main reason teenagers are against the job is because of a lack of interest in politics, but they are also concerned about the overwhelming responsibility that comes with the job. Among Bishop Carroll students, the results are similar. Three out of 10 students are willing to be president. At Carroll, the main concern is the pressure that would accompany being the president. Freshman Blake Cashley does not want to be president because of the effects of the president’s decisions. “If you make one mistake, it becomes a big mistake, and a lot of people depend on you,” Cashley said. Senior Caroline Schuckman would like to be president because she believes she knows what needs to be done. “There are a lot of issues that need to be handled differently and reformed,” Schuckman said.

Design by: Melissa Lies

percent of Bishop Carroll students support Obama Artwork by Aubrey Burgess

Although the number of BC students interested in being president is comparable to those in the ABCNEWS/Weekly Reader study, students are sure about what they would do if they were in the president’s shoes. If he were president, Buchanan would focus on religious freedom. “ I would try and bring God back into our society and culture,” Buchanan said, “because nothing is more important than our faith.” Ryan O’Neal has numerous ideas for the United States. “I would try to help bring manufacturing jobs back and bring back the now dead textile industry. Also invest in ourselves, specifically by repairing the deteriorating infrastructure, highways and railroads,” O’Neal said. “Also work to outlaw abortion and provide ready alternatives (adoption). Re-haul Social Security so that it is accessible for future generations. Finally, I would stress cooperation between our two polarized parties for the good of the American people.” O’Neal believes his plan is a good start because manufacturing, infrastructure and Social Security are vital parts of our economy. Although Buchanan and O’Neal will not be able to vote this year, they are watchful and ready to see how the American people handle this next election and what will soon come from the United States. “I care about politics because they affect every one at some level. I care about people and want to help get out of our current situation,” O’Neal said. 11.02.2012


The first president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C., was Thomas Jefferson. The youngest president elected was John Kennedy. Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president at the height of 6 feet, The only president to be 4 inches. unanimously elected was George Washington

Did you know???


“Teddy Bears” were so named when Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt refused to shoot a small bear cub one day.


A Flyer poll of 100 students found the following.

87% 5% 46%

Erin Woods: A Political Prodigy Molly Bogner Staff Writer Most students don’t care about politics before they turn 18 because they are too young to vote. However, politics has been a major part of Erin Woods’ high school years. Woods, a senior, is a member of two political organizations: the Mayor’s Youth Council and the Kansas Federation of Teenage Republicans. The Mayor’s Youth Council meets once a month at City Hall and works with the mayor and youth of Wichita. Woods is chairman of the council’s public service committee and is currently planning a community service day at Sedgwick County Park. Along with the Kansas Federation of Teenage Republicans, Woods helps out with different political campaigns. She has supported Todd Tiahrt, Sam Brownback, and many other local campaigns. “I like politics because it’s always interesting and it always changes,” Woods said. “You can help the community, and you get to interact with people.” Woods has been involved in politics since her sophomore year. “My uncle is involved in politics,” she said, “and he wanted to get me involved in these organizations. I had to fill out applications and do interviews.” Woods believes that all young people should vote and follow politics. “In 20 to 30 years we’ll be in charge, so we need to learn from a young age what is going on,” she said. Even if you’re younger than 18, there are many ways to get involved. Woods herself is too young to vote in this November’s presidential election by only a few months, but she still finds ways to make her voice heard. “It is super easy for young people to get involved in politics. There are so many organizations you can join. All you have to do is call,” she said. “Especially this year, since it’s an election year, there is a lot you can do.” So where will Woods take her political experience in the future? “I want to major in political science and minor in communications and see which aspect of politics I enjoy the most. I’m thinking about foreign policy of working on campaigns,” she said. Woods would love to see more high schoolers taking an interest in the country’s future. “We are the next generation,” she said.

think that the United States is NOT headed in the right direction.

are not at all worried about their futures

are somewhat worried about their futures

49% 60% 20% are very worried about their futures

have been following the 2012 presidential election somewhat closely


have been following the 2012 presidential election very closely

have not been following the 2012 presidential election at all


Photo by Katelynn Smith 11.02.2012

Design by: Melissa Lies

Page 9

Do It Yourself

Staff members stopped pinning just long enough to try out some of the ideas they saw on Pinterest, and here’s step by step what they did. Knot Your Average Charger: Who wants a dopey regular charger. Here’s one with thread! 1. Materials: A phone charger or headphones, scissors and friendship bracelet string.

2. First tie the string in a knot at one end of the cord and begin knotting it like you would a bracelet.

3. Knot the cord all the way to the end, tie it off, and then show it off. Photos by Brooke Biby

Magnetic Make-Up : Make your make-up more of an art piece than a mess. 1. Materials: Picture frame, wood stain, metal board, spray adhesive, magnets, cloth, and hot glue.

3. Finally, hot glue magnets to your make-up items and finish assembling.

2. Stain the frame, cover the metal board with cloth using spray adherisve, and assemble.

Photos by Erin Hastings

Game-day Dresses: Show your school spirit with a new trend: T-shirt dresses.

1. Materials: An XL T-shirt, scissors, thread, sewing machine, elastic, and two pieces of fabric for the skirt (about 1 yard each). Page 10

2. Use chalk to trace a tank top shape and cut the sleeves. Sew a seam on the new straps and collar.

3. Turn the tank inside out and mark a straight line where the elastic will be. Sew along the line, pulling the elastic as you go. Design by: Brooke Biby

4. Measure how long you want the dress to be and cut the colored fabric to suit. Make seams. 11.02.2012

5. With the tank still inside out, pin fabric to the bottom of the tank and sew. WEAR! Photos by Katelynn Smith Feature

84 percent of BC students would listen to Christian Music if it were more...


Every heartache and failure, Every broken dream, You’re the God who sees, The God who rescued me — “All This Time”

Britt Nicole

Nicole creates inspirational music that is upbeat and fun, and she appeals to the modern teen.

Jackie Francois

Already known at Bishop Carroll for the chastity talk she gave on Oct. 5, Francois is an inspirational speaker as well as a singer/songwriter. Songs to check out: -Your Kingdom is Glorious -Old-Fashioned Love Song

Toby Mac

Mac has more of a pop music feel than Christian. He isn’t in-your-face preachy, but he still gets a good message across with some fun, dance-y music. Song to check out: -Without You

18% of Bishop Carroll students listen to Christian Music

Matt Maher


Open up your eyes... You’ve got to rise up, rise up When this life has got you down You’ve got to look up, look up When you search and nothing’s found My eyes have seen the glory of the love that’s here and now It’s coming down So rise up now Yeah rise up now, Oh rise up now — “Rise Up”

Without You I’d be packing my bags when I need to stay, I’d be chasing every breeze that blows my way, I’d be building my kingdom just to watch it fade away, It’s true, that’s me without You — “Without You”

Casting Crowns Songs to check out: -Spirit Wind -Courageous -Come To the Well -City on the Hill -Wedding Day -Jesus, Friend of Sinners

This is the stuff that gets under my skin, But I’ve got to trust You know exactly what You’re doing, Might not be what I would choose, But this is the stuff You use — “This Is the Stuff ”

Francesca Battistelli

A Catholic singer, Maher mixes praise and worship music with rock and soft ballads. Maher’s song “Your Grace is Enough” is a popular song at Mass. Songs to check out: -Turn Around -Rise Up Faith

Songs to check out: -All This Time -Walk On the Water -Headphones

Battistelli has a fresh, bright sound and upbeat songs as well as soft praise and worship songs that sound like love songs.

Go to to give your opinion on the Christian artists featured in the Flyer.

Songs to check out: -Lead Me To the Cross -This Is the Stuff

(stats according to a poll of 100 students) compiled by Elizabeth Goenner

Design by: Elizabeth Goenner

Page 11

pursuing perfection

“...we’re chasing something that doesn’t exist.”—anonymous Carroll student Aubrey Burgess and Lara Korte Staff Writers You can’t step out your front door without getting bombarded by pictures of supposed perfection: unattainable versions of the media’s idea of beautiful. Teens are exposed daily to a plethora of images from various sources—magazines, websites, movies—of models and celebrities. What teenagers might not realize is that many of these images are artificially enhanced with the help of Photoshop and other computer editing software. In a recent Flyer survey, 78 percent of students said that they do not believe the media accurately portrays the average body type. Teens have a hard time accepting their appearance when they’re constantly comparing themselves to unnatural beauty. “I think the media forces us to be self-conscious and to be judgmental of ourselves,” Father Ben Sawyer said. The Bishop Carroll chaplain also warns students of the effects of these pressures. “It leads to inauthenticity, trying to be someone you’re not, when you should be the person God made you to be,” Fr. Sawyer said. Religion teacher Abby Johnsen noted another effect of media on young people. “Models in clothing stores always show the trend of really short dresses…girls don’t realize how immodest it is. They think ‘oh that’s what is popular,’” Johnsen said. Freshmen in Johnsen’s Prayer and Liturgy class were given an assignment to reflect on a Bible passage relating to an issue they have struggled with. Out of her 67 freshman students,

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approximately 20 chose a scripture passage relating to insecurity about appearance. Johnsen wants to remind all students that “God created you perfect in your own way.” “You are made perfect in your imperfections,” she said. This past July, Maine teen Julia Bluhm led a petition to expel photo shopped pictures from the pages of “Seventeen” magazine. Armed with the signatures of over 84,000 like-minded supporters, Bluhm presented the petition to the popular teen magazine, and came to a compromise with “Seventeen’s” editor-in-chief, Ann Shoket. In the following August issue, Shoket released “Seventeen’s” Body Peace Treaty and vowed to never change models’ face or body shapes. Bluhm isn’t the only one taking a stand against societal pressure to look a certain way; many celebrities have spoken out against media’s idea of “beautiful.” Recently, after getting criticism for an apparent weight gain, mega pop-star Lady Gaga tweeted a picture, baring all, with the words “Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15.” After posting the revealing pictures, Gaga began a “Body Revolution 2013” page on her website, Little Monster. The page encourages fans struggling with body image to “share and embrace perceived flaws.” The star’s public struggle with eating disorders has encouraged many fans encountering similar problems. The attempt at perfection can have serious consequences. Teenagers often feel so pressured that they develop eating disorders or fierce exercise habits.

Design by: Melissa Lies

According to the Flyer survey of both males and females, 33 percent of students have considered turning to starvation or over-exercise to obtain the “ideal” body. One teen noted that she felt personally affected by doctored photos of models in the media, “I will admit that I hate myself...thinking ‘Why am I not pretty like her?” Besides extreme weight loss, disorders such as anorexia and bulimia have serious effects: Hair thins and grows brittle due to the lack of nutrients and the skin becomes yellow and sallow, according to Turning to dangerous weight loss methods affects more than physical appearance: brain chemistry changes. A study done by the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences showed that the disorder changes the brain’s serotonin system, which is closely related to “appetite, mood, and impulse control.” Kidney failure and anemia, a condition where the blood lacks oxygen causing fatigue and other organ failure, are other common problems associated with eating disorders. Despite the devastating effects, there are many platforms encouraging dangerous food consumption habits. “Pro-Ana” websites can be found all across the internet. These sites negatively encourage individuals struggling with anorexic or bulimic tendencies, giving dangerous advice to “stay on track.” In the name of beauty, photographs of skeletal bodies, tips for “fasting,” and advice on how to hide disorders from loved ones are portrayed in a positive light.



‘Seventeen’ Body Peace Treaty: After promising to never adjust the shapes of their models, the teen magazine published a guideline that encourages readers to accept who they are. “It causes so many to harm themselves to reach the suitable image of society in today’s world,” an anonymous Carroll student said. World History teacher and boys cross country coach Cory Swords believes that the media can be confusing in the message it sends to young girls. “As much as we like to say we’ve progressed and say we hold women in such high esteem, society sends mixed messages to young girls… they’re at war with messages about purity, education and character,” Swords said. Principal Vanessa Harshberger has encouraging words for the students of Bishop Carroll. “There will always be people greater, or more beautiful; take who you are and accept it,” she said. “Always strive to do more and to do better, but still accept who you are, and do your best.” Lastly, Father Ben reminds students to hold themselves in high esteem. “Be proud of the way God has made you. No two people are the same physically, spiritually or personally,” Sawyer said. Despite the pressure many teens feel to conform to societal ideals, comfort and guidance can always be found with God. The sixth chapter of Matthew advises: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat (or drink), or about your body…why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work, or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them…will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?”

• Appreciate what makes my body different from anyone else’s. I love that I’m unique on the inside; I will try to feel that way about the outside too! • Put my energy toward the things in life I care about instead of wasting another ounce of it on my insecurities. • Never blame my body for the bad day I’m having. • Stop joining in when my friends compare and trash their own bodies. • Never allow a dirty look from someone else to influence how I feel about my appearance. • Quit judging a person solely by how his or her body looks — even if it seems harmless — because I’d never want anyone to do that to me. • Remind myself that what you see isn’t always what you get on TV and in ads — it takes a lot of airbrushing, dieting, money, and work to look like that. • Know that I’m already beautiful just the way I am. •Surround myself with positive people. True friends are there to lift me up when I’m feeling low and won’t bring me down with criticism, body bashing, or gossip.

What would Jesus Do?

Bible passages to reflect on when struggling with your appearance.

•“Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting... who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 • “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you” Songs 4:7 • “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 • “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Photos by: Brooke Biby



Design by: Melissa Lies

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Ryan Biedron, Josh Mans, Taylor Steven, Kelsey Struckhoff, and Michelle Gagne are new to teaching this school year. Many schools across America have seen an increase in new teachers, due to members of the Baby Boomer workforce facing retirement. Photo by Erin Hastings

Meet the Rookies

First-year teachers have been seen more frequently in classrooms throughout the nation this year By Emily Jacobs Staff Writer As students walk into their 4th hour French classroom, they are greeted by new teacher Kelsey Struckhoff. After chatting with her students, Struckhoff proceeds to teach them about future tense verbs by instructing everyone in the classroom to say, in French, one event that they are attending over the weekend. Similar scenes of first-year teachers engaging their classes in conversation are occurring all over the country this year, due to a rise in the number of new teachers across America. As teachers from the Baby Boomer generation are approaching retirement, schools have been hiring a large number of first year teachers. According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, there were 200,000 new teachers in the 2007-08 school year, compared to only 65,000 in 1987-88. Additionally, teachers with 10 years of experience or less make up 52 percent of the current teaching force. In recent years, schools also have had difficulty retaining first year teachers. Thirty

percent of new teachers leave the profession after three years, and more than 45 percent leave after five years, according to a report on This year, Bishop Carroll has seven first-year teachers. Principal Vanessa Harshberger said that the number is not exceptionally large, as Carroll usually hires around eight to 12 new teachers every year. New Bishop Carroll teachers agree that the first year of teaching can be stressful, but also rewarding. “It’s busy and nonstop, but it’s been fun and exciting, too,” Struckhoff said. Math teacher Ryan Biedron adds, “Teaching involves a lot of trial and error in seeing what works with some classes and what works with others. Being back at Bishop Carroll, my alma mater, has helped me become accustomed to the daily routine pretty easily.” Many new teachers face an exhausting first year. However, both students and more experienced teachers have helped the new teachers adjust to the profession. Veteran teacher John Kennedy said that his students assisted him throughout his first year of teaching. Biedron

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credits his colleagues for giving him support. “Luckily, thanks to several other math teachers, and teachers in general, I have received a lot of help and suggestions for how I should run my classroom,” Biedron said. There are also disadvantages to being a first-year teacher. English teacher Josh Mans spends his day teaching in four different classrooms, Biedron has been mistaken for a student several times on Pride Days, and Struckhoff is still learning how to make connections with her students. “I’m still getting to know students and build relationships with them. Older teachers have already developed those bonds,” Struckhoff said. According to the University of Pennsylvania, schools lose 25,000 teachers each year. However, Biedron, Struckhoff, and Mans do not see themselves leaving the profession in the near future. Biedron wanted a job that kept him active, and Mans loves coming to work each day knowing that it’s going to be an adventure. “No day, hour, or class is ever the same,” he said. “Teaching is a whole lot of work, but a whole lot of fun, too.”



Before The Bell Even before the 10-minute bell rings, the halls are crawling with activity.

Left: Juniors Samantha Holman, Patrick Mckenzie, and other classmates design the background for the homecoming week trophy case. Below Left: Junior Jamel Gunther finishes his homework before school starts. Below Center: Students start off the day with a quick visit to the chapel.Below: Freshman Joshua Burns marches with the band during one of their weekday morning practices.

Photo Gallery


Design and Pictures by: Renee Dick & Kaitlyn Pham

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Rush of the sport hooks sophomore Jake Morgan

Abby Goodale Staff Writer Like a typical little boy, sophomore Jake Morgan often played with Nerf guns when he was a child. His sister, senior Kaitlyn Morgan, said that the Morgan kids were no strangers to Nerf wars. But when Jake picked up a paintball gun for the first time, he had no idea what an impact it would have on his life. Five years ago, Morgan tagged along to The Edge for his cousin’s birthday party. Ever since then, he has been hooked. Morgan continued to paintball recreationally with friends at The Edge, a local paintball arena, until he was introduced to a new neighbor. Upon meeting and getting to know one another, they discovered that they both had a love for

paintball. After that, he was informed about a place called D-Day Adventure Park. D-Day Adventure Park is located in Wyandotte, Okla., and specializes in big reenactment events. One of the park’s most popular events, with around 4,000 players attending annually, is called Oklahoma D-Day. This is a weeklong event that consists of many WW2 battle reenactments. Scoring is determined based on a timed point system. Once a player is shot, they are not completely eliminated for the duration of the competition. Instead, the points are adjusted accordingly. This is how the winning team is determined. Morgan has been going to D-Day for three years with his neighbor and his neighbor’s father. When he went last June, they only participated in the competition for one day, but they have participated in multiple days’ worth of the competition in past years. According to Morgan, being involved with this reenactment requires not only brawn, but brain as well. “Some people call it a violent sport, but it takes more strategy and skill,” Morgan said. Morgan has even convinced his sister to go

with him, but she says that she did not enjoy the experience nearly as much as he does. “He shot me in the face,” Kaitlyn Morgan said with a smile. Kaitlyn Morgan believes the paintball experience is good for her brother. “It gives him a good outlet for any anger he has built up. He can express himself in a controlled environment,” Kaitlyn Morgan said. Morgan emphasized the importance of staying hydrated while paintballing. Typically, the players wear Camelbak pouches filled with water in order to withstand the extreme heat that is only intensified by the clothing they wear. While Morgan has never personally suffered any injuries during his paintball experience other than the usual welts, one of his teammates has had heat stroke during a competition. Morgan’s favorite part about the paintball experience is the teamwork. He enjoys the community of people he plays the sport with. Although Morgan’s great-grandfather once served in the U.S. military, Morgan is not involved with this reenactment because of the history aspect. His primary focus is the “fast paced and intense” paintball experience. One of the next paintball events Morgan plans on attending is called “Santa Claus Down,” which is a fundraiser for Toys for Tots. This event is in November and uses notorious Christmas characters, such as the Grinch. Ultimately, Morgan enjoys the paintball because of the action. “It’s a fun experience for anyone,” Morgan said. Sophomore Jake Morgan focuses on his target. Photos by Erin Hastings

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Design by: Maddie Oxler



Paintball in


The EDGE Paintball Adventure


The Edge has been Wichita’s premier paintball adventure since 1995. They offer their customers a safe and exciting environment to play paintball. Hours: Weekdays: Appointments Only Weekends: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Rates: All-day play with own gear, $10 Group with rentals (8 player minimum), $15 Location: 4305 N. Ridge Rd. Wichita 67215 (316) 721-0051

Graffiti Paintball, LLC Summer hours: Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Winter hours: Saturday and Sunday 10am-5pm Rates: Full day with rentals: $15 Full day with your own gear: $10 Location: 1147 N. Seneca Rd. Belle Plaine, 67031 (316) 524-0764

What you need


protective gear


paintball gun



Design by: Maddie Oxler

Page 17

Taming the Tigers 1





1. Senior Megan Hall gets her game face on during the recent Powder Puff football game. 2. Homecoming royalty seniors Ixy Esparza and Matt Johnson share a slow dance. 3. Freshman Olivia Fugarino has a blast dancing to “Gangnam Style.� 4. Senior Zeke Palmer scores a touchdown during the Homecoming football game against Eisenhower. The score was 55-0 Bishop Carroll. 5. Junior girls have a moment with their coaches in a huddle before facing the senior girls in the infamous Powder Puff game. The seniors won 12-0. 6. Sophomore girls Maria Walden, Caitlin Hawk, Nicole Beck, Kelsey Schippers, Lauren Buchanan, and Sophie Leonard take part in a game of tug-of-war against the freshman girls during the Homecoming pep rally. Photos by Brooke Biby, Erin Hastings, Nick Giusti, Kaitlyn Pham, Malik Bieberle, Renee Dick, and Katelynn Smith.

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Design by: Abby Goodale







The Homecoming Games

Junior Landon Downing



8 12 13

9 7. Senior John Dillard misses a doughnut by a mile while his partner tries to feed it to him on a fishing pole. 8. Sophomore Tiffany Lapore and senior Anthony Troilo dance their hearts out during the pep rally’s pom dance. 9. Junior Micayla Orth is lifted in a stunt by senior Ashyln Balch and freshman Kylie Keahey.10. Freshman Cameron Benefiel takes part in the pie eating contest in the Homecoming pep rally. 11. Teacher Jane Weigand and senior Emma Cooper draw out of a bowl for a contestant in the “Homecoming Games.” 12. Seniors Logan Sageser, Nick Meyer, and Julian Brown prepare for an intense game of tug-of-war. 13. Senior Alex Bette wows the crowd with a drum performance.

Seniors Logan Sageser, Christian Berger, and Matt Tracy



Senior Brian Gericke

Seniors Gage Webb and Shane Blair


Sophomore Lily Nicholas Feature


Design by: Abby Goodale

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photography Audrey Kruse Staff Writer Watching freshman Mackenzie Borland, known to most as Kenzie Alizabeth, direct a photo shoot is a humorous sight. She laughs at herself, talks to her camera, and acts out each pose as she’s directing her subject. What isn’t comical, however, is the quality of pictures this young photographer comes away with. Borland took up photography on a whim. Deciding she wanted to try something new, she did numerous household chores to earn enough money to buy a high-tech camera. “I wanted to have it just to mess around with,” Borland admitted. Who would have known Borland’s “messing around” would turn into something professional? Ever since her photo “Everything is Fireworks,” a silhouette of two girls in front of a fiery orange sunset, was explored No. 1 on Flickr in June 2011, there has been no looking back. Now Borland owns three cameras, all paid for with her own money. She shoots senior portraits, wedding and engagement photos, maternity pictures, and many more, all for profit. She was even hired as an official photographer for a movie premier. Through visiting art galleries, Borland found out about a class at City Arts that focused on teaching participants how to better use their cameras. Being only 13 years old at the time, she was too young for the 16-and-up class, but fortunately there was a way to test into the program. In order to earn admittance to the class, Borland took her camera to the center and showed an official her pictures. After her obvious talent was noted, she gained entrance to the class easily. Now, at 15 years old, Borland has applied the lessons she learned from that class to her everyday photography and successfully turned her passion into a small, but profitable, business involving many different subjects. “Engagement photos are my favorite of people,” Borland said, “but I’m probably most proud of the movie premiere.” The movie, entitled “Until It’s Over,” featured the band Action Item and documented their rise to success. A friend of Borland’s submitted her resume to the band without her knowledge, so when she received an e-mail from one of the band members hoping to hire her, she was quite shocked. Nevertheless, she accepted the invitation and traveled to Dallas for the premiere. There, she and two other photographers (both appearing to be about the age of 30) followed the band around the red carpet, constantly snapping pictures. “It was exciting, but I had to be really professional about it,” Borland said. “The band hadn’t realized how young I was when they hired me, and I even got asked by security if I was in the right place.” Although Borland greatly enjoys taking pictures of people, her greatest passion is shooting ghost towns. “I love the history,” Borland said, “and I like seeing how the architecture was different then from now.” She and her grandparents have been known to drive around for hours in pursuit of the perfect abandoned spot to do a shoot. This combined love of exploration and photography coincides seamlessly with both Borland’s long and short term aspirations. “When I’m older, I really want to be able to do just what I’m doing now, maybe add more traveling,” Borland said, “but the only goal I have right now is to go to 10 abandoned places by the end of the year.” Ten abandoned places or not, Kenzie Alizabeth is producing photos that are turning heads, and it seems more than likely that she will leave her mark on the photography world.

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Design by: Maddie Oxler

Above: Kenzie Borland prepares to take a photo. Left: Borland snaps a photo at one of her numerous sessions. Photos by: Renee Dick



Star quarterback says time is now

Boys set record; Balch wins again After trailing much of the race, Kaelyn Balch sprints to the finish to defeat Valley Center’s Morgan Wedekind by .02 seconds to defend her Class 5A championship. The girls team took second place while the boys team became the first school to win four straight 5A team titles. Photo by Renee Dick

After a season filled with injuries and adversity, including a defeat at the City League championship for the first time since 2006, the boys cross country team rebounded to prove that it remains the best team in Class 5A. The Eagles defeated St. Thomas Aquinas 45-55 in Lawrence and claimed their fourth consecutive state championship—a 5A cross country record. It was the ninth championship in the school’s history. Seniors James Hampton (second) and Gage Garcia (fourth), along with sophomore Hunter

Nance (fifth) led the Eagles. “Coming into the race, we knew it was going to be really difficult and we all sat down and told each other we were going to lay it all on the line,” Hampton said. “As a senior, it means so much that everyone was willing to sacrifice for each other.” On the girls side, senior Kaeyln Balch, came from behind in an unbelievable finish to defend her individual state title by .02 seconds. Senior Katherine Dillard came in third. “Winning two straight is amazing,” Balch said. “It shows that

all my hard work has paid off, and I knew that I had to leave my high school career knowing that I gave it my all,” said Balch. “She (Valley Center senior runner-up, Morgan Wedekind) had about a 10-meter gain on me off the skyline (less than 400 meters left) and I knew I had to give it one last shot.” Dillard praised Balch. “Being proud of her doesn’t do her justice,” Dillard said. “I’m thankful to know her, and it’s a bonus that she’s my teammate.” —by David Martin

With the first round of the playoffs just hours away, the Bishop Carroll football team is eager to begin its pursuit of the school’s first state championship since 1978. The Eagles will meet Hays (7-2, No. 5 in 5A) at 7 tonight in BC’s Family Stadium. After winning both City League and districts, the team is looking to conquer something greater: a Class 5A title. “We’ve been putting so much time and effort into this,” said senior quarterback Zeke Palmer. “This is our time.” BC should receive a continued boost from senior receiver Bryce Harvey, who led the team with three receptions for 51 yards in last week’s victory over Liberal. He had been out four months with a torn ACL. “Bryce is a leader among the team and he provides us with another playmaker,” Palmer said. With Carroll undefeated and ranked No. 1 in the state, one may assume the team is feeling pressure going into tonight’s high-stakes game. Not so. “This group of seniors has fought a lot of battles, they have played in a state championship game before, they know how to rise to the occasion,” said Shuckman. —by Sarah Hoffman

by the numbers: State Championship Edition

girls tennis


Number of state championships the team has won in the history of the school.



Bishop Carroll’s total team score at the State tournament.



Number of top-three state finishers: Natalie Lubbers and Pagie Lauer finished third in doubles and Courtney Lubbers finished second in singles.


The number of girls who qualified for state this year. There were two doubles teams and two singles qualifiers.

17 34

The number of points Carroll outscored runner-up and cross-town rival Kapaun Mt. Carmel by. The number of years it has been since the girls tennis team last won state. 11.02.2012

Design by: Sarah Hoffman

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P R E V I E W Page 22

WINTER SPORTS New girls basketball coach expects to build a hardworking, successful team By David Martin Sports Writer

New girls basketball coach Taylor Steven hopes that her coaching career at Bishop Carroll will foster the same success as that of her predecessor, Don Racine. While not planning to have the same type of intensity as Racine, who was known for his fiery coaching style, Steven still hopes to instill the same discipline and work ethic in her players. “I might not be as quite as intense as him, but I am still a very intense coach and I will demand effort,” Steven said. “This year I would love to win City League and get to state, and I want to give the girls a great winning experience. My goal is for the players to be the hardest working team in the City League, and hopefully that causes us to win more games.” Steven started playing basketball when she was 6 years old. After playing basketball at Bishop Carroll, she went on and played for Wichita State and became an assistant coach at Colorado State. For Steven, basketball is in her blood. Her older brother Craig played for Wichita State, her younger brother played for Friends, and her father coached her during the summer. Many of the players on the basketball team seem to be buying into Steven’s new philosophy and attitude as well. “She has a lot of energy and I’m excited to see what it brings out onto the court,” junior Rachel Doerneman said. “She’s really funny and fun to be around. One time she slapped a girl who had a sunburn on her back and said ‘I don’t even know why I just did that.’ She brightens the day.” Steven hopes that the knowledge she gained from her previous collegiate coaching experience will translate into success as she takes her first shot at being the leader of the girls basketball team. “She was chosen from an excellent group of applicants, and just that says a lot about her,” Racine said. “She played for her entire life and has assistant coaching experience from Colorado State.” “I learned how to coach a whole team as opposed to coaching individual players, learned how to implement plays, see how offenses and defenses are formed, and scout programs, which helps win games when you know what the other team is going to do,” Steven said. Steven would also like to ingrain in her team the strengths that she possessed as a player. “She was an outstanding point guard, a great defender, and an excellent scorer,” said Racine. Contrary to what Steven believes that a lot of people

Design by: Sarah Hoffman

think about her demeanor, she expects to be a strict disciplinarian as a coach. “I don’t know if a lot of people picture me like this, but I think I will be a firm coach, and I look for effort,” said Steven. “I like to coach players that play hard and have a competitive spirit.” The coaching change has most of the players awake and ready to go for the new season, and expectations are high for Steven’s first season at the helm. “I think we can make it to state this season ,” said Doerneman, “and I think we can win state with dedication and hard work. I’m really excited about this season and I’m ready to get it going.”

New girls basketball coach and school librarian Taylor Steven returns to her alma mater, where she succeeded on and off the court . Steven is excited to once again be a part of the Bishop Carroll community and has much planned for the upcoming basketball season. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham




Things you need to know about wrestling

1 2 3 4 5

Luke Weber is the only senior who returns from last year’s team and he will be in the 132-pound weight class this year. He is hoping to help the team place well in both city and state this year. He says that he is even more focused with this being his senior year. “There will be less room for messing around since this is my last year.” Jay Pacha is a junior who qualified for state last year in the 113-pound weight class. This year he hopes to place at state by cutting more weight than in the past and also by working harder. Pacha says that wrestling has taught him how to set goals and work to achieve those goals. Nick Nolting is a sophomore this year and, after qualifying for state his freshman year, he is looking to build on this success. He will be in either the 170 or 182 weight class and is hoping to not only qualify, but to place at state this year. Nolting believes that with a new coach, the team will be able to improve as a whole. “I am hoping that with more intense practices, we will be more successful as a team.” Joel Sponsel made state last year as a freshman and is hoping to improve even more this year. He will be wrestling in the 126, 132, or 138 pound weight class this year and has set some big goals this year. His biggest goal is to make the state finals this year. Sponsel says that the keys to his success have been prayer and hard work. New coach Mark Stovall is not new to Carroll. He coached at Carroll from 1997-2004 and helped the Eagles win the first state championship in school history in 2002. He has since coached at Newman and Wichita State. Stovall is hoping to get Carroll back to being a state title contender. Compiled by Nick Martin Photo by Malik Bieberle


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in the box score

Energetic Smith is working to build an all-around game By Nick Martin Sports Writer


Soccer score against Valley Center. They won the first round of regionals.

Bowling team prepares for another positive season

ned g on. n

With one month left before Connor McGill’s senior bowling season, he is busy working on his form. He wants a season similar to last year, which is not unreasonable at all. All six varsity team members went to state last year. At state the team finished fourth and McGill finished sixth individually. With all six of the varsity members returning this year, the team’s potential is high. The combination of head coach Jim Nance’s experience and talent of the athletes leads to high expectations for McGill as well as the team as a whole.



shots in one open gym session from different spots on the court. Smith was a good leader for the team last year. “I’m able to pump up the team before games,” Smith said. Although he helped lead the team last year, Lollar is hoping that Smith can take the next step in his leadership role this year. “Right now I think that Chich is a good leader, but I think that he has the potential to be a great leader,” Lollar said. Smith has set some high goals for this year. “I feel like it’s possible for me to average 20 points per game and for us to win city and state,” Smith said.

If you were to describe this upcoming basketball season in one word for Bishop Carroll guard Christian Smith, that word would be “potential.” Ever since he transferred from Derby after his sophomore year, he has been a difference-maker on the basketball team, averaging eight points per game last year. With the graduation of a talented senior class last year, Smith will be called on even more to make big plays and to be a leader. Smith, who goes by the nickname “Chich,” is a talented player who also has a lot of room to grow. “Chich plays with a lot of energy and he can drive the ball well. I’m just looking for him to broaden his game,” Coach Lonnie Lollar said. Smith has attempted to do just that. He works on his shooting and passing by doing different drills to improve them. To improve his shooting, he will shoot up to 500

Design by: Sarah Hoffman

Senior Christian Smith works on his jump shot. Smith transfered to Carroll his junior year and played on varsity second semester. Photo by Brooke Biby



Football score

Volleyball score

On Deck 11/3



Boys soccer state tournament

Basketball tryouts start

Wrestling begins

11/24 State football game in Emporia

11/26 Bowling tryouts begin

11/30 Boys basketball @ Heights

Page 23

behind the lens

Students in Photojournalism class tell stories with portrait photography Above right: Caroline Schuckman captured this shot of football player Ross Nichols. Although small for his position, Nichols is an effective right tackle on the football team’s high-powered offensive line. The team started the season 8-0. Schuckman, a senior, shot this picture using the rule of thirds, which states that photos are more interesting if the center of interest is not in the middle of the photo.

1,000 Words

Right: Abby Goodale took this picture of her dad, Sergeant Joe Goodale, who has been a part of the Honor Guard for the last three years. This means he does military funeral services. He is also an Intelligence Analyst and was recently deployed to Kuwait.

Far left: Sophomore Katie Carley has been a dancer for over three years. She is preparing for an important recital in June. Ashleigh Taylor snapped this close-up. Taylor adjusted the ISO on her camera to shoot in a low-light situation. Left: Ethan Dotson wrestles and runs track, but football is his favorite sport. Rebecca Rauber took this portrait of Dotson, who is a free safety on the football team.

For more pictures from Photojournalism class, including nature shots and portraits, please visit

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Design by: Melissa Lies & Elizabeth Goenner


Photo Gallery

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