Issue 1, Volume 26

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Issue 1|Volume 26| September 27, 2013|| Wichita, KS





A look into the impact technology and social media have on teens. Pages 11-15

In this issue: Pg. 3 >> New Teachers. Pg. 8 >> DIY Pinterest. Pg. 10 >> Hunger Games. Pg. 17 >> Q&A Michelle Johnson. Pg 22-23 >> Football Friday.

Inside this issue Catching Fire 10

“Catching Fire,” the sequel to “The Hunger Games,” will be hitting theaters on Nov. 11. Flip to Page 10 to learn more about what to expect from the movie and to test your knowledge about the trilogy.

Social Media

Is technology becoming so prominent that teens are losing their communication skills? Are we becoming attached to social media? A special section on Page 11-15 breaks down the issue.

1 2


Morgan Ward


2 long make

Senior Morgan Ward was in London during the celebration of the 65th aniversary of the Queen’s Coronation. Find out about her traveling experiences on Page 18-19.

Under the Lights Check out Page 22-23 to get a behind-the-scenes look at the Friday night football experience. Reporters take you into the locker room, press box and training room.

3 4


Five Dates to Know

Football Game—September 27 1 Homecoming . 2 Homecoming Dance—September 28 Color Vibe Run—October 5 3 4 Blake Shelton Concert—October 5 5 Eagles Concert—October 7 7 p.m at the Bishop Carroll Family Stadium 8:30 pm in the Bishop Carroll Cave 9 a.m. at the Kansas Coliseum

7:30 pm at the Intrust Bank Arena 8 p.m. at the Intrust Bank Arena




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Friday, October 4 will be Military Appreciation Night at Bishop Carroll. Veterans will be admitted to the game for free, and the BCPO will be selling special pride day shirts for the event. Big congrats to Senior Cheer Captain Sarah Czepiel for jumping and tumbling her way to an All American Cheerleader, an award given by Inside Cheerleading Magazine. “I’m honored to be named All American so I can be a role model to others,” said Czepiel. Mission club rejoins the menagerie of activities at Bishop Carroll after an 18-year hiatus. Sr. Mary Faustina, one of the club’s sponsors, hopes the club will provide an environment for students to grow in love of Christ. There are currently five new exchange students joining the student body. Carroll welcomes: Thang Ngyuen, a junior from Vietnam, Robert Romero Sanchez, a junior from Spain, Claudia Linares, also a junior from Spain. Jen Huang Chuang is a junior from Taiwan, and Minhea Cimpuieru is a senior- Romanian born but from Italy. Carroll will also be expecting two more foreign exchange students in the future: Tor Grimsrik from Sweden and Han Bao Hoang Ngyuen, a senior from Vietnam. Seniors Gaby Martinez and Spencer Kaba are winners of the National Merit Hispanic Recognition Program. Martinez and Kaba ranked as Scholar winners, which is the highest rank. NHRP recognizes academically outstanding Hispanic/ Latino high school students.

Page 2 Design by: Amy Gawlak



Spotlighting New Teachers Deacnher r e h p o t tea Chris ercussion

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Maggie Bernin



Mike Skag

Berning gradua ted from BC in 2005 and loved it so much that she has come back to work in the advancemen t office. Her job descrip tion includes w orking on communicat ion pieces such as the Espree, Facebo ok posts, and de veloping the school Twitt er. While not w orking, Berning enjoys traveling; her fa vorite trip has been a fam ily vacation to Ireland. Also, she loves playing with he r two big labrador retrie vers, Lola and Dolly.

History hes World Skaggs teac ccer ead boys so ant and is the h st si as e ell as th n goes coach as w so is H . h coac aughter girls soccer d C and his B at l o o h to sc e is from in 2013. H e Royals ed at u d ra g ug y and is a h Kansas Cit fan.

Joseph Langen field

Sister Mary Dolores This is Sis

Langenfield teac hers freshman Pr ayer and Liturgy and junior CST. He grew up in Iowa and graduated from Notre Dame with not only an undergra d degree in Theology, bu t a spot on the bo xing team. When not beating up fresh men, Langenfield enjo ys watching his favorite TV show, “The Office” and taki ng care of his 5-monthold daughter, Ly dia.

ter’s second tour of duty at Bisho pC fun facts abou arroll. Some t her are that she is from Colum bus, Ohio, an d loves riding horses . One thing sh e loves about BC is that the teac hers and administratio n are not afra id show their lo ve for their fa to ith.

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Darren Huslig P.E. and

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man boys Huslig is the fresh cher. He is also Lifetime Sports tea both BC teams. r fo h the tennis coac cher at St. Peter ’s, Formerly a P.E. tea big leagues by he moved up to the ll, which he rro Ca transferring to osphere. Even atm ily fam says has a a r, junior here at though his daughte erwise, Huslig oth BC, might think as “normally, describes himself normal.”

Design by: Renee Dick

Photos by Kaitlyn Pham

Page 3

BC Flyer Issue 1 Volume 26 Sep 27, 2013

KSPA State Champions Class 5A 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008

All-Kansas Winner 1999 2002 2007 2011

2000 2003 2008 2012

2001 2004 2010 2013

Publication Staff Editors Renee Dick Abby Goodale Courtney Jordan Writers/Designers Aubrey Burgess Amy Gawlak Elizabeth Goenner Elizabeth Hybl Lara Korte Jill Seiler Jessica Traffas

Last school year, StuCo proposed a change to the way the Class of the Year system works. Instead of having one victorious class, there would be a point value to be reached. If any of the classes reached this point, they would be allowed the day off of school. This proposal was turned down by the administration because it wanted COTY to remain a competition. Principal Vanessa Harshberger said, “It’s a class of the year competition. ‘Class.’ We would like to keep that singular.” Cartoon by Amy Gawlak

Here are two staff views on the issue.

Keep COTY the same By leveling the playing field, classes would put less effort into the COTY competition and would stop caring even more than they already have (cough, seniors cough.) Sure, it would be great to have the day off and not have to work as hard, but is having the day off really the point? Class of the Year should be about class pride and school spirit. Students should support their classmates by going to their sporting and music events. Students can aid the school by helping out with recycling. And students can help the community through service projects, especially the projects involving volunteering at the food bank or making cards for senior citizens. The Class of the Year competition needs to regain a spirit of friendly competition, and the classes involved need to learn to compete with kindness, lose with grace, and win with humility. by Elizabeth Goenner

Photographers Brooklyn Bockover Mackenzie Borland Megan Gerken Megan Goetz Katelynn Maloney Kaitlyn Pham Rebecca Rauber Ashleigh Taylor Sports Staff Sam Hanna Jacob Lubbers David Martin Nick Martin Adviser Kollen Long The Flyer is the student-produced newspaper of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School. Editorials are a consensus of the Flyer staff and are not necessarily the opinion of the adviser, administration, faculty, or the Catholic Diocese.

Page 4

COTY Changes?

Make the change Changing the COTY competition so that every class has a chance to have the day off is a great idea. In the past, the competition has just been a competition between one or two classes. If it was changed so that all classes could get the day off, every class would participate and work hard for most of the year. And who doesn’t want the day off? This is a fair solution for the COTY competition. Most years, classes try to win but their work usually isn’t rewarded. Under the change, each would have a goal to reach and be rewarded for their work. The class with the most points should be rewarded with the day off — and a grand prize. If there was a grand prize and a day off, there would be more competition between classes. A couple of suggestions for the grand prize would be a pride day or a free lunch. by Megan Goetz

Miley Cyrus: What is she thinking?

Miley Cyrus has been changing her looks and attitude for quite a while, but when she took the stage at the VMA’s, the whole world was shocked at who she had become. When Cyrus left Disney, it was quite the shock. Cyrus was spotted in public wearing questionable outfits and going to questionable clubs, which made the public wonder what was going to become of Cyrus. Reassurance came when we saw Cyrus once again in 2010, in “The Last Song.” To see that Miley had matured into a young adult and returned to the old Miley we once knew and loved, was quite

the relief. No one is quite sure where it all started to go wrong, but the VMA’s defiantly showed that the old Cyrus was out. She sang a total of 60 words, and she twerked the rest of the time. Once she was done shouting her song, she stripped down to a latex bra and thong, and sang “Blurred Lines” with Robin Thicke. Cyrus and Thicke’s dancing also added to the strange performance. Cyrus found a new provocative way to use a foam finger and didn’t bother keeping it to herself. Cyrus and Thicke weren’t terribly

Desgin by: Courtney Jordan


modest and it makes you wonder what Thicke’s wife was thinking. After Cyrus’s performance, there was a lot of mixed emotions and expressions from the public. The whole world was shocked at Cyrus’s performance. There were no words to be said at that moment, and everyone was thinking the same thing… Why? Maybe someday Cyrus will give the world a reason behind her performance, and her new personality. f there’s one good thing to come from Cyrus’s performance, it’s the new SNL skits to look forward to.

by Elizabeth Hybl


r e t h g u a D s ’ r e Farm

Flyer staff

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Jill Seiler Staff Writer

Top left: Staff writer Jill Seiler poses in the wheel of a tractor. Top middle left: Seiler stands on the back of a versatile, a large tractor. Top middle right: Seiler climbs the steps of a combine. Top right: Seiler walks on a cultivator, similar to a plow. Above: Jill Seiler stands on a combine. She drove the grain cart during wheat harvest and loved being able to help on the farm everyday during the summer. Photos by Mary Butel



Design by: Jill Seiler

I wake up before the sun is up, yawn and grab a Pop Tart for breakfast before I pull on my stained, ripped jeans and head out to the milk barn. Living on a dairy farm, mornings like this aren’t unusual on the weekends and during the summer. While I don’t always enjoying waking at 5 a.m. to milk 130 happy Holstein cows, I wouldn’t trade where I grew up for anything. I have become very used to people asking me millions of questions (OK that’s a hyperbole) when they find out I live on a farm. A lot of people know very little about the daily life of a farmer, even if they have grandparents who worked the land for a living. Sometimes I get to tell people how the header of a combine knocks the wheat out of the head of the stalk and cleans the wheat of weeds and dust. Other times, I tell people how a cow doesn’t have four stomachs but one stomach with four compartments, or that a milking machine pulls milk from the udder of a cow with a vacuum. In grade school, my classmates liked to tease me about living on a farm and being an agriculture nerd. They thought it was weird that I planned to go to K-State and major in Agriculture. I was sort of ashamed of growing up with a different background. I finally realized how silly that was. A farmer’s daughter is who I am and I am proud to tell others about how interesting the ag industry is. So the next time you wonder about how much milk a cow produces in one day, ask a farmer, or a farmer’s daughter.

Page 5

Directioners rejoice!

Quote This

Students talk about how they feel about the new “bring your own device” policy.

“I think bringing your own device is a good idea. It would keep the students busy instead of playing around in class and getting in trouble.” Brock Hess, Freshman

One Direction in concert. Photo by Jeff Wheeler of Minn. Star Tribune/ MCT Campus

Kateylnn Maloney Staff Writer While waiting for the movie to start and watching the previews, you could feel the excitement in the theater growing. The opening scene starts and you see childhood pictures of Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. You hear their voices describing how they never imagined that the normal boys from England and Ireland would have made it this big. From there, you follow them through their European and American tour with high-energy concert scenes. The movie shows the fans and viewers who the band members really are. While making the movie, the boys made a point that the camera crew shoot everything, including their good moments and the bad moments — from them stealing a golf cart and riding around at the arena six minutes before their concert started to when Zayn buys his mom a house. The movie shows how serious the boys are about the music while working on their newest single “Best Song Ever.” The boys make sure to thank the fans for getting them this far and that it wouldn’t be possible without them. Overall, no matter if you are a directioner, or more of a closet fan, you will enjoy this movie. — by Katelynn Maloney

“I don’t mind. I agree with the ‘bring your own device’ policy. I think more teachers need to be more lenient on it. It would be better if we could use tablets for every class period and get more use out of it.” Matthew Cooke, Sophomore “I don’t use it, but I think bringing your own device is a good idea. It is easier and faster to type than to write.” Caroline Cundiff, Junior “It’s okay. But I think kids abuse it, and use it more for games. There’s no need for it. Teachers can’t watch what you are doing on your phone; so I’m against.” Courtney Lubbers, Senior Photos by Kenzie Borland

Off the Charts Back to School Dance Top of the line

Around 800 students came out to kick off the school year with the annual back to school dance.



Freshman First Day Unlike previous years, the freshmen received a brief tour of the school. They also received their beanies instead of like normal during homecoming week.

Quarter Zip Up

First Pep Rally


BC athletic program starts off strong with its fall kick-off.

$50 at Parker

Photos by Kaitlyn Pham, Rebecca Rauber, and Ashleigh Taylor Page 6

Design by: Amy Gawlak




A little drop of everything

Style Watch

Senior Daniel Ohm

Crop tops and high waisted shorts are two major summer essentials that were really popular in the ‘90s

This hairstyle is a mix of a mohawk and a flat top that started in the ‘50s. Even celebrities such as David Beckham and Justin Bieber have been seen sporting this do.

Senior Briana Campbell

Photos by Katelynn Maloney and Kaitlyn Pham

Combat boots bring back the grunge of the ‘90s. Combined with a pair of skinny jeans, you can look absolutely fierce!

Shield the sun and look cool with this timeless classic. Ray-Bans are an accessory that completes any outfit.

Converse are shoes that go with anything and everything. These popular statement pieces help to make an outfit edgier.

5 Songs to Listen to When... It’s the Weekend:

You’re Studying:

5.Still Into You by Paramore

5.Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood

1.Beware by Big Sean Ft. Jhene Aiko & Lil’ Wayne 2.Roar by Katy Perry 3.Burn by Ellie Goulding 4.Get Like Me by Nelly Ft. Pharrell Williams & Nicki Minaj

You’re Working Out:

1.Wild for the Night by A$AP Rocky Ft. Skrillex 2.Radioactive by Imagine Dragons 3.Holy Grail by Jay Z Ft. Justin Timberlake 4.Power by Kanye West

1.Royals by Lorde 2.Hold On, We’re Going Home by Drake Ft. Majid Jordan 3.You Need Me, I Don’t Need You by Ed Sheeran 4.Best I Ever Had by Gavin DeGraw

It’s a Chill Day:

1. Beneath Your Beautiful by Labrinth Ft. Emeli Sande 2. Lego House by Ed Sheeran 3.Gravity by John Mayer 4.Black Hole Sun by Sound Garden 5.Gold Coast by Grouplove

5.Lose Yourself by Eminem Splash


Design by: Katelynn Maloney

Page 7

DO IT YOURSELF Staff member Rebecca Rauber gets creative

Lyric Canvas Supplies: canvas, two paint colors, letter stickers, paint brushes 1. Paint the canvas one color. 2. With the stickers, put the words to your favorite song on the canvas in the shape of a heart. 3. Take your second paint color and paint over the words in the shape of a heart. 4. Let dry. Peel off the stickers and bam you are done.

Fishtail Infinity Scarf Supplies: two XL T-shirts, scissors 1. Cut the bottom hem off along with the top of the T-shirt from just below the armpits. Cut a 5-inch strip from the leftover fabric. Take these two strips and stretch them out as far as possible. 2. Take these two rings and lay one on top of the other. Stick your hand through the top one and grab the bottom one. Pull the bottom ring through and lay it over the other one. Repeat this step until your scarf is full of little twists. 3. Pull the two ends of the scarf and adjust it so the twists are smaller and more even. 4. Cut a small strip of fabric from the top of one of the T-shirts and tie the ends of the scarf together. Cut off the excess. Voila! Here is your fishtail infinity scarf.

Decorative Mason Jar Supplies: Mason jar, paint, glitter, tape, glue 1. Pour some paint in the bottom of your mason jar. Tip it upside down and twirl the jar until the paint has covered the entire jar. 2. Place the mason jar upside down on a paper towel until the paint stops dripping. Let dry. 3. Tape a piece of tape around the bottom half of the jar in a straight line. Cover the bottom half of the jar in glue and then roll in glitter. Let dry. Photos by Ashleigh Taylor

Page 8

Design by: Rebecca Rauber



A hobby that pays Seniors Katelyn Dugan and Savannah Harper turned a pastime they enjoy into a potentially profitable business Katelyn Dugan and Savannah Harper put the finishing touches on their canvases while working in Dugan’s backyard. The girls began painting together in middle school. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Elizabeth Goenner Staff Writer After being friends for 12 years, seniors Katelyn Dugan and Savannah Harper have taken their friendship to a whole new level: business partners. When a friend asked for a quote painting, popularized by Pinterest, for her birthday this summer, they went shopping for one and were shocked by the prices. A typical painting has an inspirational quote written in a creative font on a colored background, and some paintings have decoration on them. “We were standing in the store like, ‘We could totally make that,’” Dugan said. “Then we just kept going with it,” Harper said. Both Dugan and Harper have always enjoyed doing art projects and showing their creative side. When the pair realized that there is a market for that type of art, they decided to turn their hobby

into a business. After buying supplies and spending a rainy week at the lake painting, they created a shop, Savy and Kate’s Creation, on Etsy, a website where people can sell their own projects. “The first batch (of canvases) has mostly been experiments,” Dugan said. Dugan and Harper are trying to promote their work through friends, family, and the go-to site for all things creative, Pinterest. For now, they’re fairly relaxed about the business, because they enjoy creating the artwork and spending time together. “We’re not expecting a big boom of money,” Harper said. “But we will put some back into supplies.” “The rest goes to our Starbucks fund,” Dugan joked. As much as they joke, however, they are quite business savvy. They have a formula they use to calculate the cost of paintings, which is the number of hours it takes to create the painting multiplied by seven (minimum wage), plus part

of the cost of any other decorations they use. They also keep statistics on the amount of times each painting has been viewed, so that they know what to produce more of. Currently, their site has been viewed 141 times and directly searched for 39 times. They also have legal hurdles to get around— they had to research copyright laws because they can’t sell any canvases that have writing that is protected by copyright. And since neither Dugan nor Harper is 20 years old, they can’t receive money over the Internet. This business opportunity has made an impact on both Dugan and Harper. Dugan has since added Business to the list of majors she is looking at, and Harper is considering getting a minor in Art. Until then, the girls plan to keep making their business better and better. “If you really love something, you want to make it perfect,” Dugan said.

Left: Harper poses with a canvas that contains a quote by Elizabeth Edwards. Harper painted the canvas and decorated it with old jewelry. Middle: Dugan and Harper display three of their completed quote canvases. Right: Dugan poses with a canvas she painted that has a chevron background and a quote that reads “Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air.” Photos by Katelynn Maloney



Design by: Elizabeth Goenner

Page 9

Catching Fire An insight into the upcoming sequel in the “Hunger Games” trilogy, premiering Nov. 22.

Whose Weapon is Whose? Match the weapon to the tribute.

A. Finnick

B. Johanna

C. Katniss

D. Mags

How Much do YOU Know?

Meet the Victors

Get the scoop on the newest characters!

The woman from District 7, played by actress Jena Malone, was one of the victors reaped for the Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games. To win her first Hunger Games, she pretended to be weak, and then surprised the rest of the tributes with her ability to kill. Mason plays an important character in “Catching Fire” as well as the last book of the series, Mockingjay.

District 4: Finnick Odair

The District 4 tribute, played by actor Sam Claflin, is thrown back into the Hunger Games for the Quarter Quell. He is known for his good looks and his weapon, which he used to win the 65th Hunger Games. Odair plays a significant character in the book and has key role later in the trilogy.

Photos courtesy of Page 10

1. What anniversary of the Hunger Games does “Catching Fire” take place? A. 74th B. 25th

C. 88th D. 75th

2. What District is the first stop on Katniss and Peeta’s Victory Tour? A. District 11 B. District 6

C. District 1 D. District 13

3. Which tribute from “Catching Fire” cannot swim? A. Katniss B. Johanna

C. Peeta D. Finnick

4. When Katniss comes home to find President Snow in her house, what does she say he smells like? A. Fresh Bread B. Roses

C. Lilacs D. Vanilla

5. What happens at 4 p.m. in the arena?

A. The Jabber Jays C.The Fog B. The Monkeys D.The Blood Rain

Answers Quiz 1: A. Trident B. Axe C. Bow D. Hook E. Brush Answers Quiz 2: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A.

District 7: Johanna Mason

E. Peeta

Design by: Ashleigh Taylor, Megan Gerken, and Megan Goetz




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Fly er i



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he dia and t effects on C e m arro al ll s oc i s s t

and Social Media

>>A Week Without Technology >> Social Etiquette >> The Hard Truth About Social Media >> Men With a Mission>>

Photo by: Kenzie Borland Center


Design by: Aubrey Burgess

Page 11

Coping with Distraction: the Digital Age Lara Korte Staff Writer

When one hears the word “rehab,” images of seaside mansions, troubled celebrities, and maybe even the lyrics of Amy Winehouse by t he come to mind. Naturally, the abuse of drugs and alcohol has always been associated with rehab. However, in the growing age of technology, a modern rehab is emerging for a modern addiction: social media. While teens today may not need to go so far as enrolling in a rehab program (yes, they exist), technology addiction is nothing to In a survey of 224 students be ignored. With so many media platforms, it’s easy to get caught 12 30% 44% up in the thrills of the virtual world. In a recent Flyer poll, one fifth of students admitted to having a social media addiction. Seventy percent of surveyed students listed Facebook as one of their biggest time consumers. “I like Facebook because I’m able to connect with my family who lives out of town. It’s easy to see pictures or talk to them,” sophomore Bailey McGee said. In addition to being one of the major social media platforms used by Carroll students, Facebook has also acted as a launch pad into the virtual world. Of surveyed students, 62 percent noted that Facebook was the first network they joined. However, technology has come a long way since Mark Zuckerburg began his ground-breaking website, and the ability to interact with others has expanded to a variety of different apps, programs, and devices. Once upon a time, the virtual world existed only at home: the desktop computer. It was big, it was heavy, and it was completely immobile. Fast forward a couple years, and the World Wide Web fits in your pocket. Smartphones have completely changed the way people communicate. Words like “subtweet,” “selfie,” and “reblog,” have found their way into the modern vernacular. In a recent Flyer questionnaire, seventy-five percent of students reported owning a smartphone. “iPhones are a fast way to connect to what’s going Leave the virtual drama on with my friends through Twitter,” junior Braden at home. Chances are, your ex’s subtweets Hansard said. are only interesting to you. The micro-media madhouses make accessing the newest app easier than ever. However, The food looks pretty, but tastes better. Stop the ability to download programs at lightning focusing on instagramming your meal and instead give your fast speed creates a constant demand for something newer and more exciting. The attention to the person you’re enjoying it with. pressure to stay up to date with friends Tweeting is a great, streamline way to interact with friends. translates into a desire to have the latest technology. Anything less leaves the user The better option? An actual face-to-face conversation. Bonus: no behind in the pixelated dust. In this age 140 character limit. of everchanging digital distractions, more and more teens find it hard to stay Congrats on being naturally competitive, but let’s leave that grounded. attitude on the court, not online. Your life is still interesting even if “Social media can be good, but people get you don’t document it on Facebook. too into it and it takes over their lives,” junior Anthony Cruzeiro said.


Et iq

Have a smartphone

check their phone first thing in the morning

participate in Instagram Theme days (Selfie Sunday)

te t ue


Average age students began using social media

active Twitter users






5) The internet is miscommunication-station: no place to argue a problem. Instead of calling someone out on Twitter, take the mature route and calmly talk to them in person. No one should be publicly subjected to nasty comments.

Compiled by Lara Korte Page 12

Design by: Aubrey Burgess



Media fast:

One week, no technology

Flyer staff member Kenzie Borland goes one week without technology Day 1: Friday This was the first day of my life without my laptop, television, or iPhone. I really wanted to have my phone to check my text messages during my homework breaks. The time that I really noticed was when I was about to go to bed and I didn’t have my music to listen to. It was truly sad how miserable I was without my phone. Day 2: Saturday The second day of my life without technology was by far the worst. I had finished all of my homework on Friday night so I didn’t have anything to do all day. This day made me realize how much I rely on my phone, computer, and television when I’m bored. The worst part about it was the fact that I couldn’t make any plans because I had no way to get ahold of anyone. Day 3: Sunday The third day was productive for me! Since I didn’t have anything to do, I just did random stuff around the house, like cleaning, reading, and talking to my grandparents and father. Whenever my grandpa went up the street, I went with him, which is a rare thing, because usually, I’m too lazy to get up and do anything outside of the house. It was a nice change and I decided to start doing it a lot more. Day 4: Monday Monday was a strange day for me. Coming to school, I had a few people come up to me and ask what happened to me and why I didn’t respond to their messages. It was kind of crazy to think about the fact that I always have my phone with me, and the weekend I didn’t, people thought something happened to me. This was eye-opening to me, because I don’t want to be that kind of person. I’d love to be a person who isn’t addicted to using their phone, laptop, or television.

Day 5: Tuesday I completely stopped noticing that I don’t have my phone. One of the pleasant things is that I made plans with someone without using any kind of technology. It’s a nice feeling to actually talk to people in person instead of texting and calling all the time. I decided this day that I was going to use my phone less and less every day and this is a change I’m happily ready to embrace. Day 6: Wednesday I spent my day buried in homework so I didn’t even think about using my phone. I got things done and it was great not having my phone as a distraction while I did my homework! Day 7: Thursday Thursday was the last day of my no technology life. I thought that I would stay up till midnight so I could check my phone, but in reality, I didn’t check it until I was in the car on my way to school. I think I want to do this project at least once a year so I can evaluate how much I use my phone. I feel that this project changed how much I’ll use my phone. I’m super excited to do this again some day!

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Design by: Lara Korte

Page 13


The Facts













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on average students report that they are RARELY away from their phone












Men with a mission Abby Goodale Staff Writer

Seniors Ben Bogner and John Paul Hauge remain humble despite the fact that their popularity has recently skyrocketed via various social networking websites. “My whole life has led up to this,” Hauge said sarcastically. “I enjoy knowing I can entertain people on Facebook,” Bogner said. “The Photo by Kenzie Borland fact that I have people looking for my statuses is in and of itself gratifying.” Using it as a tool for evangelization, both Bogner and Hauge are an example of properly using social media. Bogner and Hauge, who both consider their similar sense of humor as intellectual, began getting online attention for their humorous statuses and tweets last spring. While Bogner utilizes both Facebook and Twitter, Hauge uses only Facebook. “I don’t like being limited to 140 characters,” Hauge said. He said he finds it difficult to be clever under such circumstances. Among countless social media users who enjoy primarily posting comical things, one thing that makes Bogner and Hauge stand out is the fact that they often incorporate a religious message into the post. Hauge believes that by bridging religion and humor, whether or not the reader realizes it, he is evangelizing.

Page 14

“Laughing is one of my favorite things in life,” Hauge said. Hauge, who acquired his own Facebook fan page last summer and currently has approximately 70 likes, says he typically gets anywhere from 30-50 likes on his statuses. Bogner says he typically gets 50-60 likes. Hauge says that despite being referred to by some as “the Facebook guy,” he believes himself to be introverted with people he does not know very well. He also says that his growing online fan base has helped him gain some confidence in real life. Bogner considers himself to be funny in person as well as online when he wants to be. Bogner and Hauge agree that they get inspiration for funny statuses at random points in the day. They often send texts to themselves or keep notes in their phone in order to remember a brilliant idea. Bogner and Hauge both agree that technology and social media can be a valuable tool in many aspects, including the faith, they also agree that some people get carried away with it. “Technology can be easy to hide behind,” Hauge said. “If it’s the center of your life, you’re doing something wrong,” Bogner said. “If you don’t look up from your screen, you’re going to miss the real world flying past you.”

“Mr. Davidson just complimented my tie. My life is complete”

Design by: Aubrey Burgess

Facebook post by Ben Bogner



The hard truth about social media Aubrey Burgess Staff Writer

Happiness is just a click away, a few more likes, another follower. It is in those first crucial minutes of anticipation after the picture was posted or after the tweet was made public that the trial begins. It is in this short span that some may ask themselves ‘why do I even care.’ Many Carroll students would say they like to connect with friends, or to learn about upcoming events. What many Carroll students fail to admit, however, is that the virtual world they submerge themselves in has a negative impact on their life. In a recent Bishop Carroll Flyer survey of 105 students, over a tenth of the participants admitted to harboring feelings of depression during or after visiting a social networking site. Almost one fifth of the students also admitted to having an addiction to social media. With this surge of internet interaction, many questions have arisen about the negative effects of social media networks. “Social media is a great way to connect with friends, but sometimes knowing exactly what everyone is doing all the time can have a negative effect on how we feel about our own lives,” freshman Lauren Kerr said. One consequence of this constant interaction is a growing sense of inferiority among teens, especially those active on Instagram and Facebook. After browsing through their Instagram feeds, 25 percent of Carroll students admitted to have fostered feelings of jealously or low self esteem, according to the recent Flyer survey. An anonymous student commented on the emotions she experienced after logging onto a social media site. “I look on Instagram and it makes me feel happy to see if I got likes, but depressed when I see how many more others got,” she said. Surprisingly, many students do not feel closer to peers when browsing through the still frame pictures captured and shared on the internet. “I feel very lonely,” a student said, recounting his emotions after scrolling through social media sites.

“People, girls especially, try to create a different personality on social media, and they turn it into a competition to see who gets the most likes, followers, or retweets” a Bishop Carroll student said. The Flyer survey helped to illuminate the more unforgiving, judgmental side of social media. In the questionnaire, 33 percent of students admitted to “stalking” the pictures, tweets, and posts of certain individuals on community sites. Of the survey participants, 39 percent also admitted to comparing their internet profiles, posts, pictures, and tweets with fellow users’ posted content. Over half of the students attributed drama as a prevalent issue on social media sites. “Drama can be a big problem on Facebook,” freshman Baylee Lane said. Senior Brent Johnson does not sympathize with individuals who complain about turmoil on media sites. “It’s all in how you take it. If you have a problem with what people say, shut the computer off,” he said. In a July debate hosted by world renowned newspaper, The Guardian, neuroscientist Susan Greenfield voiced some of her concerns about the emotional taxation of social media on teens and young adults. “The brain adapts to the environment, if you have an environment that is so different that perhaps people are existing in for substantial periods of time… it is inevitable that the brain will change. My concern is although there are many good things about the internet, perhaps certain areas you might see problems with attention, possible addiction, with how you use information, how that relates to your memory, and above all how you relate with people and how you emphasize with them.” said Greenfield in the article. Freshman Tracy Nguyen, who has not caught the social media bug, gives advice to the students at Bishop Carroll. “People my age are too absorbed in what happened or who did what,” she said. “Just live people!”

are you addicted? take the quiz 1.Have you ever wanted to stop using your phone and found that you just couldn’t? 2.Do you think about using your phone constantly? 3.Do you constantly check your phone, even when you know there are no new messages? 4.Do you ever sneak away from people or groups to use your phone without anyone knowing? 5.Do you deny when asked if you were just using your phone? 6.Do you have to check your phone before bed and immediately upon waking? 7.Do you use your phone in the bathroom? 8.Do you wish you could use your phone in the shower, too? 9.Have you ever ignored others in a conversation in order to use your phone? 10.Have you ever checked your phone while at a meal with others? 11.Have you ever used your phone while driving a vehicle? 12.Do you check your phone while riding your bike, or walking on a busy street? 13.Have you ever bumped into someone because you were paying attention to your phone instead of paying attention to others? 14.Have you ever put down your phone swearing that you will not use it, and then find yourself picking it up again shortly afterward? 15.Do you feel that you have to check your Phone at least every hour outside work hours? 0 1-2 3-7 8-12 12-15

No addiction (are you being honest?) Mild addiction Medium addiction Strong addiction Painful addiction/obsession



Source: net addiction

Design by: Aubrey Burgess

Page 15

Faith in Fashion Students showcase their faith through their jewelery

Elizabeth Hybl Staff Writer Maggie Maloney doesn’t need a speech for encouragement. All she needs is a glance at her ankle. Many students at Bishop Carroll pray before their athletic events. Some pray a “Glory Be” or “Our Father,” but Maggie Maloney chooses to pray a decade of the rosary. “It helps me know that God is letting me play to the best of my ability,” Maloney said. Most sports have restrictions against jewelry since it could be the cause of injuries. For example, Maloney has to wear her rosary around her ankle in order to stay within the rules. “I wear my rosary around my ankle because it’s covered by my soccer sock, and I can’t get carded for that,” Maloney said. Maloney is one of numerous athletes who use jewelry to express their faith during athletic competitions. Mary Linnebur, for example, keeps a medal of St. Sebastian in her shoe during basketball games. “Basketball is a physical game. We get pushed to the ground or trip over ourselves a lot. When I look at my shoe I remember St. Sebastian and he helps me get up,” she said. The fashion-cross movement isn’t only for high school athletes, of course. The cross can be a simple accessory that looks cute, shows part of who you are, and what you stand for. The most popular cross accessories that

are seen around Carroll are sideways crosses, homemade rosaries, medals and tech crosses. You no longer have to go into Perfect Peace or Holy Trinity to ask for any cross accessories you may be interested in. The cross has become so popular that you can find it at almost any retail store, such as Dustee’s, Claire’s, Target, or you can make them at home. Though the cross can help complete your outfit, some students like Rylie Thompson wear it for a deeper and more meaningful reason. “I wear my cross because it reminds me to keep Christ in my life every day,” she said.

Maggie Maloney sports her homemade rosary that she wears to every game. Photo by Katelynn Maloney

Kyla Kruse shows off a cross necklace. Photos by Kaitlyn Pham Page 16

Taylor Henricks models a tech-cross around her wrist. Design by: Elizabeth Hybl

Courtney Carron poses with homemade rosary and true devotion ring. 9.27.2013


Michelle Johnson A revealing Q&A with our student body president Extra Curricular Activities? Right now, I’m in cross country, I do track, I’m in StuCo, sometimes I read at mass, and I’m in NHS. How many siblings do you have? I’m the youngest of six kids. Describe yourself in five words or less Fearless, clever, organized, leader, easygoing Best Christmas present you’ve ever received? Sophomore year, I got a disco ball for Christmas and it’s hanging in my room. Favorite thing about yourself?

Puppy chow. What is something not many know about you? When I was a kid, I had a baby doll named Catherine Zeta Jones. What is your favorite flavor of gum? Spearmint. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Aqua.

My family.

Who is your celebrity crush?

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

Zac Efron or Channing Tatum.

Around 25. What is your current obsession? The naps that I can’t take anymore. This summer, I’d take 2-3 hour naps everyday. Chocolate or vanilla?

Do you regift? Yes. Do you have a catchphrase? Squeeb! What is a squeeb?


A squeeb is someone who is

Have you ever had a near death experience?

a pathetic pansy loser about

Alex Dahlgren touched me with her foot without a sock on. I

If you could have a

What is your biggest pet peeve?

superpower, what would

What is your best impersonation? “Dorothy, Dorothy!” Auntie Em off the Wizard of Oz. Do you have a job? I was a lifeguard at a pool and I go back to put chemicals in. How do you hold your steering wheel when you drive? On the bottom with my left hand. What is the grossest thing you have ever eaten? I tried to eat a mussel once. It was horrible and I almost started crying in the restaurant. Skill most proud of? I’m really good at braiding, particularly cornrows...beads included.


was in the hospital for two weeks. Emily Rohleder.


Favorite thing to cook?


you choose? I’d be able to teleport. What is your StuCo title? I was class president freshman and sophomore year. Junior year, I was executive public relations. This year, I am executive student body president. What is your favorite class in school? Yearbook. What is your favorite thing about BC? The sense of family and community everyone has. It’s really a prideful, unified school. What is your worst habit?

Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Picking at my nails.

Design by: Renee DIck

Page 17

One Girl, Twelve Countries In the past four years, senior Morgan Ward has traveled to 12 countries.

Jill Seiler Staff Writer

four years as a student ambassador with the People to People organization, a student travel provider. Many students hope to check world travel off their bucket lists some day, but Ward has already accomplished that. Watching the red coats of British soldiers pass in front of her, senior Morgan She has seen the gleaming white of the Sydney Opera House in Ward could not have anticipated watching the entire royal family pass in front Australia, witnessed the sparkling lights of the Eiffel Tower at night in of her and then shaking the hand of Queen Elizabeth II herself. Paris, France, observed the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy, and viewed Ward was in London during the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the other landmarks throughout Switzerland, Germany, Austria, England, Queen’s Coronation. The group Morgan was with had been hoping to visit Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Mexico – some of London’s landmarks, but the city was shut down for the celebration. Austria and Scotland being her favorites. They stayed for some of the festivities including a parade with the royal family. Morgan was nominated for the program by a middle school teacher This was just one of the amazing adventures Morgan has had over the past and looks forward to the trips each year. Jokingly, she says the main reason she goes on these trips is so she can tell people she has been to a lot of countries. One of the skills Morgan has gained is getting into places she shouldn’t be. At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Northern Ireland, Morgan and her group of friends were low on Euro’s so they decided to pretend to need to use the restroom. The “poor guard” felt so bad for them he let them into the cathedral without paying. Morgan has gained other skills too. She said, “My perspective on everything has changed. Being able to connect the past to what’s happening now. I know so much more about other countries history and how they shaped us as a country.” Morgan still has a couple countries on her check list including Spain and Sweden. “Spain just seems like an awesome place,” she said. “It is the only country in that part of Europe I haven’t been to.” Morgan has applied to the Wichita State University Study Abroad program and is going to Edinburgh, Scotland, the second semester of freshman year. Although she loves to travel, Morgan wouldn’t want to call any country besides the United States home. “As much as I like to visit, the way they live, it is so different. The rights we have that we take advantage of, they don’t have.” If you are watching the news one day and you see there is a new US ambassador to England, check to see if it is Morgan Ward. Top: A group from People to People stand in front of the Tower of London. Senior Morgan Ward (center) has been traveling to different countries since the summer before her freshman year. Above: Ward poses in front of the London Bridge. She enjoyed touring London with her friends and even got to shake hands with the Queen. Photos courtesy of Morgan Ward

Page 18

Design by: Jill Seiler




Above: A map of all of the countries Ward has visited. Her favorite trip was to Austria and Scotland. Below left: Ward is thrown into the stocks at the Warwick Castle in England. She enjoyed play sword fighting on the Castle lawns. Below right: Ward and her friend pose in a telephone box. They were on their way to watch a British play at the Piccadilly Theatre in London.

All About People to People… •

Student Travel Provider

Students become Ambassadors for the US.

To travel with People to People an application must be submitted. After that an interview is required.

Increases global awareness



20,000 ambassadors annually

7 continents. 40 countries. 500,000 alumni

College Credit

2 weeks or more abroad

Design by: Jill Seiler

Page 19


Eagles begin quest for consecutive state championships with big victory

Junior running back Denzel Goolsby sprints for the pylon on Sept. 6 against Heights. Goolsby rushed for 21 yards and a touchdown in the game, in addition to a 15-yard touchdown reception to help the Eagles get off to a fast start with a 45-12 victory. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Quarterback Tyler Skilling attempts a pass against the Falcons. Skilling completed 15-23 passes for 201 yards in the game. Photo by Renee Dick

Senior running back Tory Smith races toward the end zone against Heights. Smith accumulated 168 all-purpose yards in the game. Photo by Renee Dick Page 20

Desgin by: Courtney Jordan



A Day in the Life of... Seth Arnold, varsity cross country runner

“We’re runners. We were raised this way”

5 a.m. Wakes up, which is relatively easy for him. Gets ready for morning practice.Typically eats a bowl of cereal for breakfast. 5:30 a.m. Leaves for morning practice. Puts belongings in locker room. On Wednesdays, the cross country team runs on the track during morning practice. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the team lifts weights. On Mondays, he runs 14 miles. Every other day, he runs approximately eight miles. 7:10 a.m. Goes back to the locker room to shower and prepare for school. Eats a snack such as a granola bar or banana. 10:55 a.m. Lunch time. Brings his own lunch, which typically consists of leftovers. He focuses on breads, carbs, protein, and fruit and can eat more than the normal person due to how active he is. He also drinks a lot of water. He aims to drink half of his body weight in water in ounces each day, so he drinks approximately 65 ounces. 3:15 p.m. Goes to the locker room to change and fill the water coolers. 3:45 p.m. Gets on the bus to leave for Buffalo Park. He stretches and then runs. 6 p.m. Gets back on the bus to head back to school. Goes home. 6:15 p.m. Eats dinner. Usually consists of a main dish, vegetable, and carb or bread. Does chores and homework. 9 p.m. Goes to bed in order to get eight hours of sleep. 5 a.m. Repeat.

By the Numbers • 65 ounces of water drank every day • 4500 calories consumed every day • At school for 13 hours at a time • 3 new pairs of running shoes purchased each year Junior Seth Arnold has been running for six years. Photo by Kenzie Borland



Design by: Abby Goodale

Page 21

FRIDAY NIGHT UP CLOSE Taking a closer look at what goes on under the Friday night lights


Pre-game locker room

Fifteen minutes prior to kickoff, Father Ben Sawyer leads the team in a locker room prayer, and then tells the team they have a noble task at hand and need to play for each other. Coach Schuckman then warns his defense to watch for the play action and tells them to play angry. He tells the offense to protect the football. Then, he barks out three time “Whose house?!?! Each time the response is 90 players yelling “OUR HOUSE!!!” The football team then takes the field.

Training Room

Coach Jim Nance talks to the football team on the field. Communication can be difficult due to the noise level of the student section. Photo by Renee Dick.

During a timeout after an apparent miscommunication leading up to a long third down play for BC, Coach Alan Schuckman gave quarterback Tyler Skilling a joking slap on the helmet and reassured the offense before discussing the upcoming play. The Eagles went on to score a touchdown shortly after the exchange. This is an example of how the team mixes excited moods and intense emotion during games. Also, the student section seems to be louder from the sideline than from inside. Communication is difficult on the sideline due to crowd noise. -by David Martin

If you have ever been in in the training room before a big game, then you know just how busy it is. On a typical game day, athletic trainer Drew Turner helps prepare nearly 30 athletes for the coming excitement. For at least an hour straight, he works on taping, stretching, and exercising players before they take the field. Among the many players helped before the Heights game was junior Colton Howell. After hurting his shoulder this last summer, Howell goes to the trainer before every game and practice. He also gets his wrists taped before games. “I’ve broken my wrist before,” he said, “so I do it to be careful. I guess you could say it looks cool, too.” Manager Jenae Duling wraps sophomore -by Jacob Lubbers Colton Woodard’s wrist. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover



Senior Carter Towey grills hamburgers before game. Their tailgate consisted of a barbeque and outdoor games in the parking lot. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Why did you decide to host the tailgate? “We did it last year for the Goetz family, to give them a little money, but it was a success and now we are just doing it for the fun of it now,” Senior Levi Iseman said. Page 22

Pounds of hamburger patties purchased for the game: 180 Large bags of nacho chips purchased for the game: 10 Bottles of soda sold during the game: approximately 1,000 Most commonly purchased food item: hamburger Most commonly purchased drink: water Number of BCPO members working at the concession stand: 35

Kathy Suellentrop works the concession stand during the season opener against Heights. She is one of 35 BCPO members who work the concession stand throughout the season. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham

Design by: Elizabeth Goenner




Because of the weeks, days, and hours spent by the Pom Squad preparing to perform on Friday nights, the excitement the squad feels when taking the field at halftime of a football game is almost unparalleled. “It’s a big adrenaline rush to perform, especially in bigger games and in front of larger crowds,” senior pommer Kate Oxler said. “And it’s fun being out there in front of lots of people after all of the hard work.” The marching band, meanwhile, performed music from the movies “The Phantom of the Opera” and “Wicked” and hopes to add music from “Les Miserables” for the next home game. Band director Chris Dean said he appreciates being able to showcase the band’s talent and help support the football team in a fun environment. “We are there to support the team,” Dean said. Fans in the Bishop Carroll student section cheer during the season opener. The student section is known for its noise volume and the cheers that students lead. Photo by Renee Dick

Student section

The Bishop Carroll Pom Squad performs at the halftime show during the first home football game of the season. Photo by Renee Dick

At the beginning of the third quarter, senior Malik Bieberle climbed on the shoulders of a fellow student and screamed “Bananas unite!” And the next thing you know, everyone’s hands were in banana position for the popular cheer. This is just one example of the shenanigans that go on during a football game. It all started at 5:45 p.m. on game night when the gate opened and a sea of senior girls ran to get the best seats in the house. When everyone got settled in, Lianna Sundine broke out her iHome and started playing music to get everyone ready for the game. With about 20 minutes left until kickoff, the students were patiently waiting to hear “Down with the Sickness,” and when they heard the drums in the distance, everyone went crazy, knowing game time was soon. Senior Levi Iseman started to yell the “I Believe” chant. When the game was all but over, with Carroll leading Heights 45-12, many of the students joined arms and started singing “Na na na na, na na na na, hey, hey, goodbye!” -by Sam Hanna

Press box

The announcers in the press box observe the season opener against Heights. Though the press box was replaced last year, PA announcer Marty McCormick has been with the school for 21 years. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham Sports


This is the media hotspot for all football games. There are three separate sections in the press box: the southernmost section is where 1410 AM broadcasted the game on local radio, the middle section is where the scoreboard is controlled and is also where Joanna Chadwick of the Wichita Eagle observed the game. The last section is where the place where an immortal figure of Bishop Carroll home football games does his job. Over the past 21 years, announcer Marty McCormick has made himself at home in the press box. Although his voice is familiar to everyone that has gone to a BC football game, most people haven’t seen the man behind the glass. His personality is nearly as impressionable as his voice. He’s jovial and light-hearted, yet takes his role in the press box seriously in an attempt to make every announcement or call perfect. He admits that he has made his mistakes in front of the microphone, recalling a time where he announced that for overtime the captains were coming to the field for the “toin coss.” It’s obvious that he enjoys the job of PA Announcer and has made the press box his home on Friday nights. “There’s hardly any place I’d rather be right now than a 50 yard-line seat at a high school football game. I’ve got the best seat in the house.” -by Nick Martin

Design by: Elizabeth Goenner

Page 23

Getting Into the Swing of Things Students kick off the school year with a pep rally and soap scrimmages for fall sports

Top: Students go crazy with school spirit in the back to schoool pep rally. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham. Middle Left: Sophomore Patience Chriswell spikes the volleyball between two junior blockers, Taylor Bevis and Elise Gallant, at the fall sports volleyball scrimmage. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover. Bottom Left: Chase Charles, left, and Daniel Fayette fight for control of the ball in the soccer soap scrimmage. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham. Middle Right: The football team holds up super fan Matthew Dugan in the back to school pep rally. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham. Bottom Right: Quarterback Tyler Skilling makes a pass over his offensive lineman. Photo by Rebecca Rauber

Page 24

Design by: Brooklyn Bockover and Kenzie Borland


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