Issue 2

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Issue 2|Volume 26| November 15, 2013|| Wichita, KS




Bishop Carroll 1965

THROWBACK A look into BC back in the day. Pages 16-19.

In this issue: Pg. 8 >> Geocaching. Pg. 10-11 >> Wichita’s Best. Pg. 23 >> Luis Fernandez. Pg 30-31 >> Foreign Exchange Students.

Inside this Issue Divergent


“Divergent,” premiering in theaters on March 21, 2014, is following the trend of other popular books. Find out more about the bestseller on Page 9.

Wichita’s Best



Do you think Wichita’s boring? Here are a few hidden places in Wichita that few people know about. Find more about our Hometown Hotspots on Pages 10-11.

BC Theater

Senior Luke Sponsel and junior Caroline Cundiff are the lead roles in Bishop Carroll’s latest production, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” Find out more on Page 13.

13 Justin Sand


Freshman Justin Sand has been doing gymnastics for nine years. He plans on going to the 2020 Olympics. Find out how he got started and check out his skills on Pages 26-27.

Five Dates to Know

1 Thor: The Dark World—November 8 2 Catching Fire—November 22 Black Friday—November 29 3 4 John Mayer/Phillip Phillips Concert—Dec. 1 5 Trans-Siberian Orchestra Concert—Dec. 17 Midnight Premiere at 21st Street Warren

2 3

4 5 6 7


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There is a possibility for seniors to have lunch outdoors by the spring. “We are still working on details—trash, seating, and supervisions—and hope to come up with a solution,” said Principal Vanessa Harshberger. The school yearbook is planning its theme around its 50th anniversary, said Yearbook Adviser Tracey Fox. Students are in the clear! Drug dogs were brought in to search the school on Oct. 22. No drugs were found. The cheer team will be having its first showcase at Heights on Nov. 14. The Pom squad also has a showcase at North on Nov. 12. The Parents Mass is being rescheduled for Nov. 21, which is the Thanksgiving Mass. Father Sawyer has started a tradition where BC grads who have become priests will return to celebrate Mass. “Every year there is a BC alum ordained a priest, there will be a Mass held by the priest,” he said. Hit up the local grocery store or go through your pantry to collect canned food. StuCo will be having the Canned Food drive from December 6-13. — compiled by Jessica Traffas

On the Cover:

Ever wonder what Bishop Carroll was like years ago? This picture of Bishop Carroll was taken in 1965. Find out more about BC back in the day on Pages 16-19. day on Pages 16-19.

Midnight Premiere at 21st Street Warren Various times at stores across Kansas 7 p.m. at the Intrust Bank Arena

7:30 p.m. at the Intrust Bank Arena

Page 2 Design by: Megan Gerken

Cover Design: Renee Dick 11.15.2013


Jessica Traffas Staff Writer Who wouldn’t enjoy sleeping in until 8:30 or occasionally doing their school work in their PJs? Freshman Christine Hauge enjoyed that experience from time to time as a home-schooled student. Hauge explained how at home, she had a virtual online teacher who she could talk to through a camera, basically like a Skype session. The teacher was able to teach her personally and communicate with her. The teacher was here in Kansas and would be available for Hauge to call if she had any questions. Hauge also says that she and her friends would take field trips for school together. “It is definitely a different experience,” Hauge said. “At home I was on my own pace, and here (BC) I’m surrounded by more people, my friends. There are teachers who create a pace and rules for me. Now, there are students around, and I have more interlacement. It is good to spread my roots, and get involved.” Hauge does admit to missing home schooling, along with the occasional day in PJs and sleeping in. She is one of several Carroll students who transitioned to high school after being home schooled. According to the “Journal of Educated News,” in the last 14 years the number of children being home schooled has increased by 75 percent. The Department of Education did a study in 2006 that found that 31 percent of parents who home schooled their children did so because they were concerned about the environment of public schools; 30 percent said at home they could teach certain religious beliefs or morals; 16.5 percent said they weren’t satisfied with the teaching standards; and 14 percent said they home schooled because of the special needs of their children. “National Home Research Institute” did a study in 2009 and found that home schooled kids scored an average of 34 to 39 percent higher than school students. Sophomore Claire Leyba was home schooled before coming to



Carroll. Leyba said it wasn’t hard for her to adjust to Carroll. Most of her schooling was done on the computer. Leyba enjoys that there are many students at Carroll who she can interact with. “I’m surprisingly very social and I do think people need to be more open minded, and try not to stereotype. Some kids who come from home schools are shy, and then there are some of us who aren’t,” said Leyba. Senior John Paul Hauge attended St. Peter’s in the fourth and fifth grades, so he had a taste of the classroom setting. Hauge can work at his own quick pace, and was at first worried about imposing into groups of friends. Hauge said, “I think it was the right move to come to Carroll, I can see my friends and meet new people. It has helped me to come over my shyness. At home I was only around my family, and here I participate in drama, tennis, and God squad.” Sophomore Chloe Garner thinks your adjustment from homeschooling depends on your maturity level. She said it took her a while to figure out Carroll. Here at Carroll, Garner has structure, instead of the occasional doing school work in the car because of her hectic schedule. She explains how the books she used at home were older books, which involved more complex thinking, so the academic level of Carroll was basically a review. Garner admits she misses home schooling. She said it was more of a personal way to learn, and she also was always around her family. She had to convince her mom to let her come to Carroll. “People who aren’t home schooled think that home schooled students are socially awkward and caught in a ‘bubble’ with no friends or no social life. I’m very blunt. I had to convince my mom to let me go to a regular school because I wanted to explore my life and create my roots.” According to Principal Vanessa Harshberger, the number of home schooled students who attend Carroll is less than 1 percent. The requirements for a home-schooled student to attend Bishop Carroll, according to Diocesan policy, are that the students have to attend an accredited home school and that the incoming freshmen will have to take the placement test. If the home schooling program is not accredited, the student will need four letters of recommendation.


Chloe Garner as a home-schooler. Photo courtsey of Chloe Garner News


Former home schooled students reveal how they transitioned to Bishop Carroll


Home Schooling


Chloe Garner as a sophomore at Carroll. Photo by Kylie Mernagh

Design by: Amy Gawlak

Page 3

BC Flyer Issue 2 Volume 26 Nov 15, 2013

KSPA State Champions Class 5A 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008

All-Kansas Winner 1999 2002 2007 2011

2000 2003 2008 2012

2001 2004 2010 2013

Publication Staff Editors Renee Dick Abby Goodale Courtney Jordan Writers/Designers Aubrey Burgess Amy Gawlak Elizabeth Goenner Elizabeth Hybl Lara Korte Jill Seiler Jessica Traffas Photographers Brooklyn Bockover Mackenzie Borland Megan Gerken Megan Goetz Katelynn Maloney Kaitlyn Pham Rebecca Rauber Ashleigh Taylor Sports Staff Sam Hanna Jacob Lubbers David Martin Nick Martin Adviser Kollen Long The Flyer is the student-produced newspaper of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School. Editorials are a consensus of the Flyer staff and are not necessarily the opinion of the adviser, administration, faculty, or the Catholic Diocese.

Cartoon by Lara Korte

Students: consequences worth it Abby Goodale Editor Bishop Carroll students recently erupted into an impressive, memorable display of school pride at the infamous Holy War against our crosstown rivals, Kapaun Mount Carmel. Students sharply contrasted the adjacent Kapaun student section. Kapaun was wearing all black and BC was wearing all white. BC students took their whiteout to another level by throwing baby powder into the air throughout the game, which BC won 42-10. The administration, which announced in advance that baby powder would be prohibited from the game for safety concerns and also for the sake of preventing a huge mess for WSU to clean up, decided that, inevitably, consequences were in order. The entire school has lost its Nov. 15 pride day. Overall, the punishment fits the crime. Although

pride days are valued among the student body, not many are heartbroken over the consequence. This is because of the legacy we left behind. We made the game unforgettable in a way that will be talked about for years to come. “You know how you see those old videos of man walking on the moon for the first time, and with each step little clouds of dust poof up from their boots? That’s what I felt like when I was walking on the bleachers after the game,” said Assistant Principal Slade LaMunyon. Inside the veins of students, parents, staff and faculty members runs the blood of a Golden Eagle. We did it for the pride. We did it for the same reason we lose our voices at every other game. Somewhere between feeling the heartbeat sound of the drum line and being squished against fellow crazy fans, something clicks inside all of us. Yes, we threw baby powder. Yes, we lost a pride day. Yes, we are mature enough to accept it. Yes, it was worth it. Yes, we are proud.

Your Turn... Students share their reactions to the consequence.

“I feel like it was unfair and we should be able to keep our pride day.” -Claire Dugan, freshman

“We should be able to show as much school spirit as we want to.” -Ashley Huslig, junior

“That was bologna, but it was worth it!” -Chase Charles, junior

“I laughed and thought it was hilarious.” -Landon Downing, senior Photos by Megan Goetz and Ashleigh Taylor

Page 4 Design by: Amy Gawlak






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Nick Martin Staff Writer



r Bu

Let me preface this by saying that if you haven’t watched ey br u “Breaking Bad,” you should. It’s on Netflix and other websites. A by “Breaking Bad” is a show about Walter White, a 50-year-old k r o high school chemistry teacher. In the opening episode, he is rtw A diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and is faced with the dilemma of trying to acquire enough money for his family to achieve financial stability by the time he dies. After he teams up with a former student, he uses his knowledge of chemistry to cook crystal meth and to build a meth “empire.” The one thing that really set “Breaking Bad” apart from other shows was the character development. The four main episode contained lots of action and drama and also ended with a characters, Walt, Skyler, Hank, and Jesse changed so much throughout the cliffhanger or an unanswered question. show. Hank was the stereotypical jock-turned-cop at the beginning of the One cliffhanger that I remember was in the episode where show, but after his time in Mexico and getting shot, he wasn’t the same. He Walt planted a bomb in Gus’s car to kill him. As Gus walked wasn’t lively. Rather, he was determined and battle-hardened. Skyler, at the toward his car in the parking garage, I thought it was beginning, was social and driven by principle. Once she finds out about Walt, inevitable that Gus would die right as he turned on his she hates him but later understands his motives. If you want to see how much car. But he stopped. Somehow Gus knew the car had Walt and Jesse changed, you just have to watch the first episode and then a bomb. As he was walking away from the car, my any episode after Season 2. Both change into completely different characters heart was pounding. How will Walt kill Gus throughout the series. now? Will he somehow poison Gus with Also, the character conflict was great. There was Walt vs. Jesse, Walt vs. Warning: the ricin? Will he strangle Gus with his Hank, Walt vs. Gus, and even Walt vs. Skyler. I didn’t know it was possible to Contains own tie? Will he strap a bomb to an old make as many enemies as Walt did, but the show made the viewer pick who guy’s wheelchair? Spoilers to root for in the series. (I was always a fan of Gus) The show was designed I also appreciated the fact that almost in a way that the conflicts weren’t necessarily a good vs. bad. Take Gus vs. all of the questions were answered during Walt, for example. Neither of them had good motives throughout the show, the final episode and I felt very satisfied after but it was compelling to choose a side. the finale. It was incredible to watch Walter White The series was compelling from the outset and the plot and characters progress from a meek, nerdy chemistry teacher to a became more and more intriguing as the show progressed. I was impressed relentless drug kingpin and later see him progress from that the creator, Vince Gilligan, didn’t allow the quality of the show to drop a character people hated and into a sympathetic figure in off at all. Some shows have very little action for an entire season just to the end. I enjoyed every part of this transformation and advance the plot. This wasn’t the case with “Breaking Bad.” Instead, each I’m proud to call myself a Breaking Baddict.

We asked you: What’s your favorite TV show? Freshman Eduardo Sanchez Show: Spongebob Reason: It’s really funny. I love sqaures and it’s cool.

Senior Andrea Murillo Show: One Tree Hill Reason: It’s really relatable and it makes you hooked. All the seasons are on Netflix so I can watch it whenever I want.

Junior Connor Evans Show: Big Bang Theory Reason: It always gives me a good chuckle.

Senior Rachel Doerneman Show: How I Met Your Mother Reason: It entertains me when I’m home alone on a Saturday night.






Design by: Abby Goodale

Page 5

& Tweet Short

Quote This

Students talk about their opinions of “Mix it Up” day.

“I find it pretty dumb. I don’t really sit with people I don’t know, I just scrambled to find people I did know.”

Students voice their opinions via social network

@ @ @ @ @

Wyatt Iseman, Freshman

“It’s a little pointless. I never actually follow the rule about sitting with other grades.” Eric Scharping, Sophomore

“I like the idea. It forced me to branch out and talk to people I normally wouldn’t see.” Catherine Le, Junior

“I think that it is a good idea in theory but students don’t always listen.” Caitlin Chambers, Senior

Anna Gerber @a_gerbs09

10/17/13 “Throwing baby powder was definitely worth losing a pride day.”

Nicole Beck @NBeck33 “‘People your age should get 8-9 hours 11/5/13 of sleep every night.’ Ha. Ha. Ha.”

Simon Nguyen @snguyen_11 “I think I crack myself up more than anything else on this planet.”


John Paul Hauge @JPeezyThreezy “That answer is right, it’s just not 11/4/13 the one I’m looking for.” #senioryear #inanutshell

Elle Clouse @iamelledawg “My handwriting is equivlent to a 10 11/5/13 year old boy’s.”

Off the Charts Kapaun/Carroll Game The BC vs KMC game

Top of was one of the the line best shows of

school pride at Bishop Carroll.



Red Ribbon Week Red Ribbon week was quite the success. BC held the traditional whiteout day, red accessory day, and the tying of ribbons on cars. Don’t do drugs, kids.

All School Speaker

Mix-it-up Day

Speaker Chris Stefanick stole the student body’s attention with his unconventional methods of portaying his message.

The annual mix-it-up day got some students to branch out, but others didn’t get quite as excited about it.

Boys XC

The boys claimed their fifth state title in a row.

Photos by Renee Dick, Kaitlyn Pham, Aubrey Burgess, Megan Gerken Page 6

Design by: Courtney Jordan



Thor 2 Movie Preview One year has gone since New York was attacked in “The Avengers” movie, and the 9 realms are in chaos. Asgardian forces have been stretched thin in their efforts to bring about peace in the universe once more, but their efforts are suceeding. This is how “Thor: Dark of the World” begins, and after this, the movie takes off. A race of creatures older than the universe itself, the Dark Elves, return after having been thought to be completely killed off in their wars with Asgard thousands of years before. In their return, they attemp to plunge the 9 realms into eternal darkness, as they were before the start of the universe. After the seemingly impossible happens, Thor has to seek help from Loki, his brother and worst enemy, in order to save Jane Foster and the 9 realms. They embark on a journey that forces Thor to put his faith in a person he doesn’t trust, and causes him to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe. “Thor: The Dark of the World” combines action packed scenes with moments of desperation and betrayal. This movie also incorporates humor into the storyline, making it a wellbalanced and very enjoyable show to watch.

What Marvel Movie are You Looking Forward to? Avengers: Age of Ultron

“I thought the first one was pretty good, so I have high expectations for this one.”

Freshman Luke Linnebur

Photos by Kenzie Borland

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

“It looks exciting, I think it will be really good. The actors are really clever.”

Thor: The Dark World

Sophomore Jack Leyden

“It sounds cooler than the rest and the actor is hot.”

Junior Taylor Wurtz

“It looks like a good follow up to the first one. The actors look witty.”

Thor: The Dark World

Senior Abby Belt Photo from

Iron Man 3, May 3, 2013

Avengers: Age of Ultron, May 1, 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy, Aug. 1, 2014



Thor: The Dark World, Nov. 8, 2013 Feature




Captain America:The Winter Soldier, April 4, 2014

Design by: Jacob Lubbers

Page 7

Caching In Junior Emily Schoenfeld finds a new hobby: Geocaching

Ashleigh Taylor Staff Writer Almost every day, junior Emily Schoenfeld participates in a worldwide scavenger hunt with her family. By using GPS coordinates placed on a website, or phone app, they can participate in the entertaining activity of hunting and finding an object, which is known as Geocaching. Geocaching is a real-life outdoor scavenger hunt where members of the game navigate to a precise set of GPS coordinates and try to discover the geocache container hidden around that location. Schoenfeld first found out about this game through a newspaper article sent to her by her grandmother. Since May, her family has been Geocaching nonstop. Geocaches differ in size and appearance. They could be big, plastic containers, to film canisters or pill bottles. A cache contains a logbook for the participant to log their discovery. The larger caches can contain different items inside as well. These objects turn the adventure into a real treasure hunt. There are virtual caches, too, which is a type of geocache that involves assembling information at the site of the cache instead of finding a hidden one. “There are a lot of virtual caches in Old Town, mainly giving the history of Wichita,” says Schoenfeld. That’s her favorite part of Geocaching: finding caches that are historical. She found one at a fire station, and there have been a few inside cemeteries. Another favorite is opening up a cache to find a Travel Bug. A Travel Bug is a tag that allows someone to track their item on the Geocaching website. The item becomes a “hitchhiker” that is transported from different caches in the real world and its progress can be followed online. The most recent one Schoenfeld found came up from Texas. Many fun stories come out of the experience of Geocaching. Finding toys and trinkets inside are a favorite for her younger siblings. There was one time, however, when opening the cache wasn’t so fun for Schoenfeld’s little brother. “He found a wasp’s nest inside of one with live wasps,” Schoenfeld said while laughing. The Schoenfeld family likes to take the scavenger hunt on vacations. Page 8

Whenever they make a pit stop in a different state, they like to go up along the highways to try and find a quick cache to log. They’ve been Geocaching in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado. When they visited their grandmother in Colorado, they went to a local park, where they had quite a struggle finding a cache. “It was magnetic and underneath an electrical box,” she said. “It took us about two hours and six sets of eyes to find it!” That was the longest she had ever searched for a single cache. There are many places around Wichita that have hidden caches. Sedgwick Country Park has a lot of them, as well as Buffalo Park and Brown Thrush Park. There are places in different parks and shopping centers where caches are also stashed. For the Schoenfeld’s, Geocaching is a great way to spend time with each other. “We have a lot of fun trying to see who can find where it’s hidden first,” said Schoenfeld. “We could go geocaching all day if we could. It’s so much fun.”

Left: Emily Schoenfeld and her family open a small cache they found on the side of a road in Maize. Right: Schoenfeld looks through the different items in a cache found inside a cemetery. To get started, go to Photos by Ashleigh Taylor

Design by: Ashleigh Taylor



From Bestseller to Blockbuster A look at the wave of popular young adult novels that have become movies

Students’ favorite books that have been made into movies:

Senior Brittany Yarberry “‘The Great Gatsby’. It has a good soundtrack.”

A group of sophomore girls (from left), Elleana Finkeldei, Haley Brake, Morgan Werth, and Breanna Sundeen sit in the Warren Movie Theatre while reading popular novels that have become movies, portraying the recent trend in movie-making. Photo by Rebecca Rauber

Elizabeth Goenner Staff Writer After reading “The Hunger Games,” senior Kyndall Rathbun was excited to see the movie when it debuted the spring of her sophomore year. Dressed in her “Hunger Games” T-shirt, Rathbun and three of her friends went to the midnight premiere. Rathbun was not disappointed by the movie. Like many other teens, she found that compared to the book, the movie didn’t disappoint. A big trend when it comes to movies is the wave

A look at

“Divergent,” by Veronica Roth, is the perfect book for fans of “The Hunger Games” and “City of Bones.” Though the size of the book can be a little daunting, the book really captures the reader’s attention and leaves them wanting more. In the story “Divergent,” when someone turns 16 they must choose a community to live in, known as a faction. Everyone takes an aptitude test before choosing, to see which faction they are best suited for. If someone is Divergent, it means that they are suited for more Feature

of books that have recently come to the big screen. Books such as “Catching Fire,” “Ender’s Game,” “Maze Runner,” and “City of Bones” are all popular young adult novels that have been turned into movies and are set to debut soon. Throughout the past few years, “The Help,” “The Hobbit,” “Life of Pi,” and “The Lovely Bones,” as well as the popular “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” series have all been turned into movies that have done very well. However, for people like Rathbun, the movie only goes so far. “The books are always better,” Rathbun said.

than one faction. Being divergent is dangerous, because most government leaders feel threatened by the Divergents’ power. Set in an apocalyptic world, the book gives the author’s insight into what she thinks society would be like after the fall of civilization in the United States, which is fascinating to think about. While “Divergent” has an element of romance to it, Roth does a good job of keeping the action the main focus of the book. -by Elizabeth Goenner


The Film

Premieres: March 21, 2014

Left: Theo James as Tobias Eaton (also known as “Four”) in “Divergent.” Right: Shailene Woodley as Beatrice Prior, the heroine, in “Divergent.”

Design by: Elizabeth Goenner

Freshman Angely Morgan “‘Beautiful Creatures.’ The movie missed key parts but still got what was going on.”

Freshman Jadin Kaltenbach “‘The Lovely Bones’. It was mysterious, and pretty close to the book.”

Starring: Shailene Woodley as Beatrice Prior and Theo James as “Four” What we learned from the trailer: “Divergent” promises to be an action-packed film that seems to follow the book closely. However, enough background information is given that you won’t have to have read the book to enjoy the movie.

Page 9

Hometown Hotspots Contrary to popular belief, Wichita has many funky, unique spots that are hidden away. Even though you may not have heard of these places, all it takes is one visit to make it your new favorite ICT venue.


What: Burger, Fry and Shake Stop Where: 352 S West St Mooyah’s is the perfect place to sit back, relax, and enjoy your meal. Situated just a few miles from Carroll, it is within ideal driving distance for a pre-game meal. Offering burgers ranging from single, double, turkey, or black bean veggie, everyone is almost guaranteed to find something they like. Don’t forget to leave your mark on the store’s giant chalkboard wall as you make your way out the door.

Final Friday

What: Art Crawl Where: Dowtown’s Trolley Route Hosted on the last Friday of every month, this artistic display of Wichita’s finest art is the perfect chance to experience the creative juices of hometown artists. A few of the best stops are Jones Gallery, City Arts, and Mead Street Gallery. The city’s trolley system runs the route and takes visitors from gallery to gallery.

Squeezers Palace What: Carnival Style Food Where: 828 W 11th St N Photo by Kenzie Borland.

This retro-styled walk-up food joint is open only from late spring to early fall. Created to be a get-away for those still stuck in the 70s, this old fashioned restaurant serves hamburgers, hot dogs, frozen yogurt, and ice cream. The lovely outside seating allows customers to hang out and enjoy the live music that plays each Saturday as they enjoy their meal.

Kernel’s Popcorn Express

What: Popcorn Shop Where: 224 N. Kansas St This quaint shop offers popcorn in over 20 different flavors including bacon cheddar, caramel apple, jalapeno, and chocolate covered caramel Katie Cooper and Ellie Klitzing carry bundles of with peanuts. Even though it has been in existence delicious popcorn. Photo for 26 years, this gem is unknown to many. Check it out if you’re in the mood for a salty treat. by Katelynn Maloney.

Page 10

Photo by Renee Dick.

Ashley Krier enjoys a meal from Mooyah’s. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham.

Oak Park

Carmen Macias and Jerod Adolph enjoy time together in the park. Photo by Kenzie Borland.

What: Recreational Park Where: 1400 W 11th St N Situated on the Arkansas River, Oak Park is Wichita’s own secret get-away. One can enjoy a game of frisbee, golf, a stroll through the woods, or a picnic by the bridge. This park transforms into a whole new world during the fall which makes it a hot spot for senior pictures.

Picasso’s Pizza

What: Brick Oven Pizza Restaurant Where: 621 W. Douglas Known for being a very laidback pizzeria, Picasso’s Pizza offers the chance to customize one’s pizza to the max with a large range of available ingredients. Each pizza slice is bigger than one’s head and the family pizza size, the “Ginormas” Miranda Reichenberger shows off her massive slice of pizza from can easily feed a hungry family of six.

Design by: Renee Dick

Picasso’s. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham.




Also check out... Mead’s Corner Located: 430 E Douglas Ave Donut Whole Located: 1720 E Douglas Emperor’s Located: 2250 N Ridge Rd and 7825 W Maple St The Alley Located: 11413 East 13th St N Starlight Drive-In Located: 3900 S Hydraulic St Museum of World Treasures Located: 835 E 1st St N Nifty Nut House Located: 537 St Francis N

Map courtesey of Nayeli Esparza rides her bike along the paths by the river. Photo by Kenzie Borland.

Bike Paths

What: City Trails for Bikes Where: Scattered throughout Wichita. Running 60 miles through Wichita, the bike paths twist and turn on the journey from downtown to the city limits. Popular bike routes are along the Arkansas River, Sedgwick County Park, and downtown.

Flying Stove Food Truck Located: places varied around Wichita and surrounding area

Ginger Lily Boutique

What: Clothing Boutique Where: Driving around Wichita. Welcome to every girl’s dream: a closet on wheels. Based off an idea seen on the early morning news, Ginger Lily Boutique is a woman’s fashion shop that travels around town. Look for it mainly at parties and markets around Wichita. Photo by Renee Dick.

...Around ICT

Photo by Renee Dick. Feature


Design by: Renee Dick

Page 11

15 Wins in a Row Rowdy fans help BC dominate rival Kapaun once again

Top Left: Bishop Carroll football players celebrate after beating Kapaun 42-10 on October 11 at WSU. Photo by Katelynn Maloney

Middle Left: Senior Scott Linnebur races to a first down. Photo by Kateylnn Maloney

Middle Right: Students throw up the Carroll U sign after the scoring of a touchdown. Photo by Kateylnn Maloney

Bottom Left: Players huddle up to make a plan for their next play. Photo by

Kenzie Borland

Bottom Right: Students throw baby power in the air as part of the white-out theme. A pride day was taken away for the action. Photo by Kateylnn Maloney

Page 12

Design by: Amy Gawlak



Speaking Up Students speak up on their experiences at the Carroll vs Kapaun game

The entire atmosphere given to us by the student section gave us something to work


-Zac Green, senior I never felt more unified as a school being a part of the

student section.

I felt like when the baby powder was in the air I could not see and it was exhilarating. Baby powder made the student section smell better. -Miki Simon, senior

“ Top Left: Senior Sarah Czepiel gets everyone pumped for the game while being held up. Photo by Kateylnn Maloney Top right: Senior Haley Northcutt puts face paint on senior Jessi Haffner to get ready for the game. Photo by Kateylnn Maloney Middle: The Bishop Carroll student section holds up the No. 1 sign in excitement. Photo by Kenzie Borland Bottom: Junior quarterback Colton Howell gets ready to pass the ball. Photo by Katelynn Maloney Photogallery


Design by: Amy Gawlak

- Emily Rohleder, senior

School pride was at its prime.

-Madison Hutchison, senior

I was happy we were


-Claire Schauf, junior

Page 13

Rebecca Rauber Staff Writer

Junior Sean Reddick turns on the TV and starts flipping through the channels, trying to find something to cure his bored mind. Scream-o music, intense drama, sick tricks, astonishing performances, and pure disbelief capture Reddick’s attention. Criss Angel’s show, “Mind Freak,” inspired Reddick to replace his boredom, with a life of magic. As a freshman, Reddick saw Angel’s show and became hooked on all things magic. Angel is an escape artist as well as a magician. Reddick saw how the crowd reacted to Angel’s tricks and knew he wanted that reaction for himself. He began to look up magic tricks that involved cards. Reddick specializes in card flourishes, which are visually appealing tricks that show off the magician’s talent. One fascinating card flourish that he performs is a long cascade of cards called the Anaconda. Another trick is the card sandwich, which is the illutionist’s go-to trick because of its versatility. This is the iconic trick where the magician has someone select a card and then the magician guesses which card the person chose. The young magician’s favorite part of magic is seeing people’s reactions. Over time, Reddick has gained confidence through his magic. Now that Reddick is a junior at Carroll, he uses this confidence to perform card flourishes and magic tricks for his classmates. He receives mixed reactions, but mostly disbelief. “I usually blow their mind so hard it’s coming out of their ears,” said Reddick while chuckling. One of Reddick’s most memorable moments of performing magic was at the Neon Party at the Riverfest. The radio station 93.9 was filming the people at the party. Reddick caught the camera’s attention with his fancy card flourishes. “It felt really cool to be recognized and filmed for my magic,” he said. “Plus, I got a free T-shirt out of it.” After 1 1/2 years of learning magic, Reddick feels he is ready for bigger and better things. The young entertainer wants to do street performances and maybe even perform at Eagle Espirit. Reddick said he needs to master bigger illusions before he can start performing on an actual stage. Also, Reddick is starting a YouTube channel to display his magic for people all over the world. He is trying to contact other magicians in Wichita to bounce ideas off of and to learn new tricks from. After high school, Reddick hopes to be an apprentice to a magician in Vegas. Reddick continues to be inspired by Angel. Reddick’s grandpa promised to take him to one of Angel’s shows after high school, and Reddick hopes to meet his hero. He wants to get better and better in order to inspire more people with his magic. “I could care less if people remember my name,” said Reddick. “It’s the lasting impression left on people that counts. True magic reaches the emotional state of people.”

“I usually blow their mind so hard it’s coming out of their ears.” -Sean Reddick

M AG I C MAN Top Tricks

Card Sandwich:

The most versatile trick. This is the iconic magic trick where the magician tries to find your card.


Mysteriously puts a phone into a blown-up balloon without popping it.

Her Card: Both the magician and a girl sign their names on a card and put it in their mouth. Then the cards are miraculously swapped .

The Jackson 5:

Filled with multiple fancy card flourishes that amaze the audience. The intricate ending pose shows off the magician’s talent.

The Anaconda: A long cascade of falling cards that looks like a waterfall.

Page 14 Design by: Rebecca Rauber



Photo by Rebecca Rauber Feature


Design by: Rebecca Rauber

Page 15

Notre Dame Catholic High School for boys was established in 1962. Madonna High School for girls was established in 1966.


Notre Dame closed in 1964, reopening at a new location as Bishop Carroll Catholic High School.

In 1971, Madonna High School merged with Bishop Carroll, making it co-ed.

Geoff Peters and Kay Perry “kick up their heels as the Prom gets underway� in 1982.

Page designed and compiled by: Lara Korte and Aubrey Burgess


Homecoming week included a parade in the Carroll parking lot, featuring floats decorated by the classes. This tradition was eventually halted in the 90s due to the time consumption and money required. Today, Homecoming enthusiasm is funneled into trophy case decorating.

Originally, 500 and 600 hall were the living quarters for the Christian Brothers who taught at Carroll. To the right is the old doorbell to the brothers’ apartments. This piece of history can be found in the breezeway by the back entrance to the drama room.

Freshmen experienced five days of embarrassment during “Freshman Initiation Week.”

Freshman Dana Plamann wears his freshman garb in 1966.

“Eagles eat wabbit meat” is a phrase that comes from the old-time cartoon “Crusader Rabbit.” The chant has become a traditional cheer at Kapuan vs. Carroll games. “It has always been East vs. West” said Director of Advancement Karen Gomez.

“A group of sprited juniors have a good time as they participate in the annual car caravan to the 4-H building” in 1982.

Today’s band room served as the lunch room. At this time Carroll did not have a lunch program. Vending machines lined the caged section of the band room. Sandwiches, candy, and, of course, ice cream could be purchased through the machines. The room was even complete with microwaves as can be seen in the 1974 picture to the left.

Page designed and compiled by: Aubrey Burgess and Lara Korte


“The Carroll boys would wait outside the school to pick up their girlfriends.” [Notre Dame was released before Madonna.]


Director of Advancement Karen Gomez

“Proudly atop his throne, Yertle [the Turtle] played by Pat York summons for more turtles as he views his widespread kingdom.” “Keeping time to the beat, Louise Breer adds a touch of Pizazz to the disco movement during the home game aganist South.”


“A group of sophomores mount their mopeds to ride home after school.”


“When I was here, MORP was the biggest dance of the year.”


English Teacher Aubrey Logsdon

[Before Carroll had uniforms] “Some people didn’t even wear shoes!”


Since 1979 the “Stop For Confessions” sign has remained a friendly reminder for the students at Carroll.


John Roth, Nicky Duling, Cathy Hill and Shelley Kline are encouraged by Sister Giovanni to stop for confessions in 1979.

Principal Vanessa Harshberger

“People were much more socially interactive... We didn’t have tweeting or texting.”



Spanish teacher Greg Rauch

Page designed and compiled by: Lara Korte and Aubrey Burgess

Although the chapel has been relocated several times, mass in the auditorium has always remained a stable tradition. Father Goracy celebrates mass in the auditorium in 1966.




Flyer staffers spent a month researching the history of Bishop Carroll. What they found was a story of a school steeped in community and tradition. The story of our beautiful building, the tight-knit community, and the excellence we’ve come to represent had a long road to get where they are today. In 1947, Bishop Mark K. Carroll was established as the head of the Wichita Diocese. One of the Bishop’s first goals was to expand and grow the community. And boy, did it grow. In 1957 Bishop Carroll opened the first Catholic high school in the history of the Wichita Diocese. Chaplain Kapuan Memorial High School was established in memory of Blessed Father Emil Kapuan and served as the sole Catholic boys’ high school in Wichita for five years. Soon, however, one school would not be enough for the ever-increasing population of the diocese. In 1962, Notre Dame High School was opened in West Wichita. After two years of teaching freshman and sophomore boys, Notre Dame closed, only to be reopened in the fall at a new location. In September 1964, Bishop Mark K. Carroll Catholic High school opened its doors for the first time. In the beginning, Bishop Carroll was an all boys’ school. Young ladies of the diocese received their Catholic education at Madonna High School, which is now Wilbur Middle School on Tyler road.


It was in 1971 that the Madonna girls merged with Bishop Carroll, and moved to the location on Central; finally making the school co-ed. Religious brothers served as the main educators of the school… they even lived at the school in what is now 500 and 600 hall. Sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ and the Sisters of St. Joseph lived in a convent behind the school, and also worked in the school. In 1999, Bishop Carroll underwent a major renovation: adding new classrooms, moving the library, and updating the chapel, front entrance, kitchen, offices, restrooms and commons. The next year, tennis courts, stadium concession stand, ticket booth and weight room were built on campus. In 2006-2009 the school received another round of updates. More classrooms were added along with the Activities complex that included varsity locker rooms and a multi-purpose wrestling room. The renovations were much needed by the expanding student body. Through the years, Bishop Carroll has grown as a community where students strive to serve God through academic and extracurricular excellence. The school has many more years of success and happiness to look forward to.


Page designed and compiled by: Aubrey Burgess and Lara Korte



Juniors Katie Carley, Madison Pascal and Rylie Thompson express their love for smashbooks

Katie Carley

•What is a sm as


A glorified scr apbook!

•How often do

you smashboo

Anytime after

•Does smashboo



a big event


king help relie

ve your

Sometimes. I do it because it’s so mething I enjoy doing.

Rylie Thompson

• What’s your favorite page in your smashbook? My state swim page because that was one of the best experiences. • If a stranger were to find your smashbook what do you think he/ she would say? “She has an eye for scrapbooking!” • How would you describe your smashbook in one word? ME. • Can guys smashbook? It might be weird, but I don’t feel like it should be limited to girls.

ascal P ok? n o s i d a scrapbo m Ma o r f t n e k differ it.

ou make mashboo •How’s a s om. It’s whatever y ur smashbook? and t yo It’s more r favorite thing abou s. orie our •What’s y to keep all my mem e c ? I have a pla Pinterest for ideas o t •Do you go ime. et ool kids? Yes! All th king approved for c ? organized oo t b e h g s a o t m s s •Is ep. rder ay for hoa andom stuff you ke . w it a o is d I g , in h Du er ook k smashb a place to put all th in h t u o y o u •D s yo es! It give y , y a w a In Photos by Ashleigh Taylor Page 20 Design by: Elizabeth Hybl



Taking The Lead

Junior Cundiff and Senior Sponsel lead the cast of ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.’


fter debuting as one of Disney’s most iconic father figures (King Triton of ‘The Little Mermaid’), senior Luke Sponsel returned as the lead in the fall musical “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” Sponsel decided to audition for the children’s play last year after being urged by his parents and friends. He says acting has opened his eyes to so many different perspectives, including what other activities Bishop Carroll offers students. The senior portrayed a backwoodsman from Oregon who is very proud and has trouble seeing things from other people’s perspectives. Sponsel admits the role was a little challenging to step into. “He’s extremely proud and it is a little difficult to step into him because I try to be humble. Well, most of the time,” Sponsel said. Sponsel hoped students enjoyed the play. “It is really funny and the music and dancing will be outstanding,” Sponsel said before the first showing.

Junior Caroline Cundiff (center) rehearses with the seven brides. Cundiff is excited to bring the lead, Milly, to life. After 12 plays at Carroll, Cundiff is the lead for the first time. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Jill Seiler Staff Writer


or experienced actress Caroline Cundiff, the fall musical ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,’ was her first time as the lead in a Bishop Carroll play. Cundiff, a junior, has had a part in every Carroll theater production since her freshman year. Cundiff has been performing at the Wichita Children’s Theater since she was five. After playing an abundance of sports, Cundiff has found that she prefers acting. “My favorite part of acting is how you get to express yourself that you don’t in other activities,” Cundiff said. Caroline’s dedication to this role can be seen in her determination to learn her lines. She used free time in class to go over lines or write down blockings (where to go on stage). Cundiff had her lines down halfway through rehearsals. Cundiff says that rehearsals went really well and they progressed much faster than usual. The junior played Milly, a young woman who marries an Oregon backwoodsman and teaches his brothers how to properly treat women, in the fall musical. She likes her character’s spunk and how she stands her ground. Cundiff isn’t finished with the stage after high school, though. Although she hasn’t chosen a college yet, she plans to pursue music theater.



Senior Luke Sponsel (right) practices a scene with the male leads of “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.” Sponsel brings to life the main lead Adam. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover.

Notes from the Director Director Brenda Boudreau chose “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” because of the comedy, fight scenes, and the romantic elements.

Design by: Jill Seiler

Ticket prices have increased to $6 in order to enhance the production with sets, costumes and a choreographer. “It is going to be well worth it, though. It’ll be as fun to come watch your classmates perform as it is to go to a movie.”

Boudreau encourages students to come to the other shows. The drama department will be performing a murder mystery in February and a Children’s play in March.

Page 21

Belldozing Forward

David Martin Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of OU Athletics Communications

When University of Oklahoma starting quarterback Blake Bell graduated from Bishop Carroll in 2010, his high school coach, Alan Schuckman, knew that he had coached a special player. “He has the potential to play in the NFL,” Schuckman said recently. “In addition to being 6 foot-6 and 265 pounds, he has a good arm, he’s mobile, and he’s smart with the football.” Bell completed 492 passes for 5,992 yards and ran for 1,175 yards as a Golden Eagle. After a recent Carroll game that Bell attended, he spent an hour signing autographs and taking pictures with fans, the type of thing that fans in Wichita and Norman have grown to love him for. Though success might be harder to come by in college football because of the competition, Bell has skills that have made the transition from Bishop Carroll Family Stadium to Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium appear fairly smooth. “Success in high school leads to success in college if you improve mentally and physically,” Schuckman said, “and Blake has definitely done that.” As Bell’s junior year at Oklahoma approached, many people assumed the starting job would fall into his hands. Sooners head coach Bob Stoops, though, had other ideas, as he named redshirt freshman Trevor Knight the starter. Knight, who grew up in San Antonio as a die-hard fan of the Sooners’ biggest rival, Texas, provided an exciting storyline. Knight emerged from high school as a flashy playmaker who wowed the nation with his abilities. “He (Bell) went in thinking he was going to be No. 1, but it didn’t work out,” said Bishop Carroll offensive coordinator Dusty Trail. “He kept working and by the third game, he took advantage of an opportunity. He is a gifted athlete, period.” Bell did not return calls and texts to his cell phone requesting an interview for this story. To paraphrase “KWCH 12” sports analyst Jeffrey Parson, “Oklahoma saw another Johnny Manziel in Trevor Knight. I think they looked at Manziel at Texas A&M and thought they had the same potential in Knight.” Two weeks into the season when Knight went down with an injury, it became Bell’s time to shine. In his first home start, he led the Sooners to an impressive 51-20 win over Tulsa and then led the team to a 35-21 victory in a hostile road environment at Notre Dame. The Sooners then triumphed over TCU before suffering a setback against the Longhorns in the Red River Rivalry, a game after which Bell came under fire for his faltering play under center. In his next two games, Bell responded by leading his team to victories over Kansas and Texas Tech, games in which the Sooners scored 34 and 38 points, respectively. “There’s going to be adversity and things aren’t going to go your way all the time,” Bell told the Tulsa World. “When things start going like that, you have to forget about it and go make the next play.”

Page 22 Design by: Renee Dick



The True Keeper of the Plains

Goalie Luis Fernandez, a two-time allstate player, leads his team to another successful soccer season. Nick Martin Sports Writer It was not long ago that the boys soccer team consistently finished in the middle of the pack in the City League. Recently, things have changed. Not only has the team moved past mediocrity, but for the past few years the team has become legitimate contenders for both league and state. There are many reasons why the soccer team has been able to become successful, but one of the biggest is senior goalkeeper Luis Fernandez. From the beginning of his time at Bishop Carroll, nothing was given to Fernandez. When most freshmen of his caliber would be given the starting varsity spot for their teams, Fernandez was put on the C team since there were already three returning senior goalkeepers. Instead of becoming discouraged, he learned from the seniors, worked on his form and technique, and learned how to manage the game from the goalie box throughout his freshman year. “I learned to control the defense, to tell players where to go, and helped teammates mark up players,” Fernandez said. “The key is to be aware of everything on the field.” Although he has become successful as a goalkeeper, Fernandez wasn’t necessarily blessed with the optimal body type to be successful. Most goalkeepers are tall and also have very long arms, but standing at 5 feet 6 inches, Fernandez is shorter than most goalkeepers. He tries to make up for his short stature by using his other physical tools. Fernandez is stronger than Page 23

most other goalkeepers and he combines his strength with a cat-like quickness that is rarely seen at the high school level. His quickness allows him to deflect or even catch shots that would normally result in a goal for the opposing team. He has also worked on his vertical leaping ability so that he has a wider range of motion to counteract his shorter stature. With his physical ability, Fernandez has been able to have a stellar high school career up to this point. He was all-state in both his sophomore and junior years, and in his junior year he had a 90 percent save percentage and only gave up a mindboggling .25 goals per game to go along with a 9-1-1 record. This year, he helped the Eagles reach the state semifinals. This success didn’t come easy for Fernandez. Head coach Mike Skaggs raves about his work ethic. “He is an extremely hard worker,” Skaggs said. “When his teammates see how hard he works and they see how much he loves the game, they just want to follow his lead.” Fernandez’s impact on the soccer team goes beyond his goalkeeping stats. He has grown into a leadership role throughout the last couple of years. He is not a strict and demonstrative leader. Instead, he looks the put the team in a good mood and tries to build cohesiveness amongst his teammates. “I try to use constructive criticism,” Fernandez said. “I try to help my teammates when they are doing something wrong, and help them to improve while keeping them from becoming discouraged.”

Above: Luis Fernandez dives for the ball and makes a great save. Right: Fernandez earned First Team All-State honors as a junior. Photos by Kaitlyn Pham.

Design by: Brooklyn Bockover



WINTER Page 24

SPOR Dynamic defenders Hunter Hogan and Luke Hohl hope to use their hard work and pesky defense to baffle opposing offenses this season. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover

Design by: Megan Gerkin




Boys Bowling Last year: 3rd at state Players to watch: senior Jamel Gunther, senior Gus Morgan, senior Austin Simons Team strength: Depth Coach Jim Nance: “We have a lot of depth, but we need consistency. The key to success is for all of our bowlers to perform at a high level each and every meet”

Hogan, Hohl shut down opponents

scoring is easier but not Hogan. “I find defense a whole lot easier than offense,” she said.

Two players who will D it up for the Eagles this year are Hunter Hogan and Luke Hohl.

Hohl: Always on the ball What does every team need? It needs a spark on defense. Carroll’s spark on the defensive side of the ball is senior Luke Hohl. Hohl is a very good on-ball defender who is always looking for the ball handler to make a mistake so that he can capitalize and get two easy points, coach Lonnie Lollar said. “Defense takes discipline and having to go hard and give it your all every time down the court and every game,” Hohl said. Defense is a bigger component in basketball than people think, because some games offense just isn’t there. But hard defense can be played every game. During the Kansas City, St. Thomas Aquinas tournament, Hohl “brought a great defensive presence off the bench and helped us create turnovers” Lollar said. Hohl is a hard worker, but he is also very humble. “My on-ball defense is great,” Hohl said, “but I need to work on off-ball defense and playing better help side defense to help my team out.” Hohl will be a very interesting player to watch this season because of everything he has in his arsenal. Even though he is known for his defense, he can use his quickness to move by defenders and get the easy basket. — by Sam Hanna

strong defense.

Hogan is aggressive, feisty Hogan went into the biggest game of the year last season knowing she had to play the best defense of her life. And she had to do it just days after getting her head split open, an injury that required five stitches. During last year’s sub-state, Bishop Carroll had to play Kapaun, which featured one of the City League’s best players: a sophomore guard named Sam Bachrodt. Hogan accomplished her job by holding Bachrodt to only two points, with both those coming from the free-throw line. Bachrodt was averaging 12.2 points going into that game. So how was Hogan able to stop this sophomore phenom? Deny, deny, deny. In order for Carroll to have an opportunity to win, Hogan had to stop Bachrodt from getting the ball. Entering this season, Hogan is again expected to be coach Taylor Steven’s go-to-girl to play tough one on one defense with the other teams’ best players. “She is very aggressive and feisty when she plays defense,” Steven said, “and has the sense to help one of her teammates out when they need it.” Most people say that offense comes naturally to them and that

Girls Bowling Last year: 2nd at state Players to watch: senior Hollyann Johansen, junior Danielle Hamilton Team strength: Strength at the top Coach Nance: “Hollyann is the best bowler in the state. Our success will be determined by who else on the team is able to step up.”


Offense gets a lot of attention, but the basketball teams will heavily rely on

Girls Basketball Last year: 13-9 Players to watch: seniors Jordyn Miller (Last year’s leading scorer), Hunter Hogan, and Rachel Doerneman Team strength: Size Coach Taylor Steven: “Everyone is used to my system, and last year it took a while but now we are ready to go.” Boys Swimming Last year: Finished 4th in City League and 10th at 5A state championship Swimmers to watch: Senior Will Smith (State champion in the 100 breaststroke), juniors Jacob Khoury and Jace Hilger Team strengths: Well-rounded; swimmers are very supportive of each other Coach Andrea Ellsworth: “We lost some swimmers last year when the seniors graduated, so we’re looking for guys to improve and fill in the gaps.”

ORTS Sports


Design by: Megan Gerken

Boys Basketball Last year: Finished 10-11, lost to at Kapaun in substate round Players to watch: Junior Connor Evans, seniors Matt Price and Luke Hohl Team strengths: Defense and chemistry Coach Lonnie Lollar says: “We have a group that has worked hard. The younger players need to buy into their role and learn to play together.” Wrestling Last year: 7-1 and co-champions in CL, 4th at regionals and 13th at state tournament Wrestlers to watch: Junior Tommy Marquez, seniors John Paul Sponsel and Alex Lipinski Team strengths: Maturity and excellent coaching staff Coach Mark Stovall says: “As a team, our athletes have been together as a squad for several years now. We are returning nine state qualifiers; two state placers and several talented JV wrestlers are moving up to fill vacated spots on the team. This level of maturity on behalf of the wrestlers lends itself to a high level of solidity and reverence for each other.” — Compiled by Sam Hanna, David Martin, and Nick Martin from coaches’ interviews

Page 25

Vaulting into


Freshman Justin Sand shows off his strength by competing in gymnastics

Megan Goetz Staff Writer It all started nine years ago when Justin Sand was playing baseball at the YMCA. “I was playing outfield and got really bored so I started doing cartwheels,” Sand said. Because of this, Sand’s parents put him in gymnastics. Sand’s family supports him in gymnastics by raising money for him to compete and also through encouragement. Sand has been practicing gymnastics for the past nine years and has been competing for seven. He competes for Epic Gymnastics Center and practices five days a week at Skywalkers. Monday through Thursday practices are 3 1/2 hours long. On Saturdays, practices last for 3 hours. Page 26

Practices consist of 20 to 30 minutes of stretching, core work, and then practicing events. The events Sand competes in are floor, pammel horse, vault, steel rings, parallel bars and high bars with pammel horse and parallel bars being his hardest events, and vault and steel rings being his favorite events. “My favorite event is vault and second is steel rings because I like flipping over stuff and flying in the air,” Sand explained. At a recent practice, after the gymnasts stretched, the practice started off with vault. Sand was flipped over the vault with ease, sticking his landing perfectly almost every time. If he did not, he would try harder and listen to his coach to make his form and landing perfect. After vault, Sand moved to high bar. At high bar, Sand and his teammates took turns doing swings, handstands, and flips.

Design by: Megan Goetz



Top left: Sand preparing to start his floor routine. Bottom left: Before parallel bars, Sand applies rubbing chalk to his hands. Middle: Sand performs his high bar routine and prepares to land. Top right: Sand is starting his steel ring event. Bottom right: Sand doing flips on the high bar. Photos by Megan Goetz

Following high bar, practice moved to steel rings. Sand showed off his strength at steel rings by doing handstands, flips, swings, holding his body parallel, and other tricks. Sand’s coaches Kyle Filiatreault and Jeremy Parks spotted him on the rings. If his form was not perfect, the coaches would correct him and tell him what he was doing wrong. Sand would work harder to make his routine flawless. Next were floor routines. Not much time was spent here, but floor routine consisted of cartwheels and flips. The last part of practice was spent at parallel bars. Sand worked on his routine with his coach Filiatreault. At times Sand would get frustrated if his routine did not go how he wanted it to but that just made him work harder to try to get it perfect. Sand practices with boys around his age. During practice they encourage each other in their events they are practicing and pump each other up. At times they goof around, but most of the time they were serious about what they were doing. Justin explained that he has made a lot of friends through gymnastics and that his teammates and coaches are like family. “I love that you can travel around and meet new people in gymnastics. It also helps me stay perfect,” said Sand . Sand and his teammates compete in six to seven meets per year. This includes meets in Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Springfield, regionals and Feature

state. There is also a nationals meet in which Sand can compete in but must qualify for. Sand and his teammates prepare for meets by practicing their routines and sometimes they have mock meets. Nerves run through Sand as he is waiting for the meets to begin, but they usually go away when he starts warming up and after his first event. At his meets, Sand usually medals in all his events. This includes floor, high bar, steel rings, and usually vault, depending on the meet.

“Sky’s the limit. It is really up to Justin.” Coach Filiatreault “My favorite part about meets are having friends all around me and having an ecstatic atmosphere to work hard and compete in,” said Sand. The coaches that work with Sand are


Design by: Megan Goetz

Filiatreault, Parks, and Blaine Huslig. They have been his coaches around five to six years. The coaches help spot and teach Sand skills he needs to know about gymnastics. Filiatreault, Sand’s main coach, explained that he helps Sand with mental and visual exercises. He also prepares Sand by helping him focus and trying to get his routines perfect. Sand trains hard in the gym and focuses on his goals. Filiatreault laughed and explained, “I keep him alive. I spot him, lead him in good technique, and encourage him to stay confident.” Sand is pretty good at everything he does; his only weakness is the pammel horse. Filiatreault also said that Sand is a great gymnast to work with because he is very respectful and attentive. Sand has big ambitions and is very encouraging to his teammates. When asked about Sand’s potential for gymnastics, Filiatreault said, “Sky’s the limit. It is really up to Justin.” Sand’s plans for gymnastics this year is to make it to nationals this year. His future goals are to make it to the 2020 Olympics in Japan. In order to do this, Sand must train hard and stay confident in his skills. Filiatreault said Sand can reach any of his goals if he trains hard and focuses because sky’s the limit. This, his coach said, makes Sand a great gymnast who competes to win and strives to achieve his goals. “One thing about gymnastics is that it is hard,” he said. “It’s not just for girls so don’t assume it’s only a girls sport.”

Page 27

Homecoming Week The Flyer staff grades Homecoming Week Decade Day: Students chose a decade of their choice between the 50’s and 80’s. Overall rating: A Superhero/Villain Day: This was a bit of a half-and-half participation day. Many students had lots of fun ideas, but others chose to just wear a superhero T-shirt with sweats. Overall rating: B+ Preppy Day: Students felt limited on what they could do and most just added ties or glasses to their uniform apparel. Overall rating: C Pep Rally: The pep rally was full of laughs and the band and pom sqaud surprised students with their glow-inthe-dark performance. Overall rating: A Homecoming Dance: Music was a bit below average, but this year’s dance offered photo opportunities by Pete Iseman, which added a way to capture the night with friends. Overall rating: B+

Page 28 Page 18

Above: The drumline wows students with their glow-in-the-dark performance during the pep rally. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham. Above right: Sam Hanna, Alex Morgan, Joel Sponsel, and Connor Hampton battle it out during the McDonald’s Happy Meal eating contest. Photo by Brooklyn Bockover. Right: Senior football boys show their moves during their performance with the pom squad. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham. Bottom left: Lianna Sundine of the Shreddin’ Sharks dives for the flag of Mary Linnebur of the Punting Pixies. Photo by Kenzie Borland. Bottom right: Austin Knoblauch makes a hit in the game against West. Photo by Renee Dick.

Design by: by: Kaitlyn Pham & Brooklyn Bockover 11.15.2013 Design Jill Seiler 9.27.2013

Photo Gallery Feature


Ricky Sanchez laughs after he gets a pie in the face from his homecoming court partner. Photo by Kaitlyn Pham. Feature


Design by: Jill Seiler

Page 19

Junior from Swedan

Tor Gimsvik

Flyer: What do you think of the United States? Tor: Everyone here is nice. I’ve been to the U.S. three times. In New York, the people were rude. Los Angeles, I enjoyed swimming in the ocean. Boston was the typical old city. F: Had you ever heard of Kansas before? T: I expected Kansas to be all farms. I knew it was the Sunflower State and where the ‘Wizard of Oz’ took place. F: What is the strangest thing you’ve seen in the United States or at Bishop Carroll? T: American flags on trucks. F: What is your favorite American food? T: Quarter Pounder. F: Tell us something about yourself. T: I run cross country. I am Lutheran, not Catholic. I find the Mass, chapel and praying interesting. And we talk Swedish in Sweden.








Flye Robe Chic

Photos by Katelynn Maloney Information compiled by Jessica Traffas

F: How is Italy different from the U.S.? M: There are many differences. In Italy we don’t eat lunch at school, we don’t choose any classes, they’re all manditory, and high school lasts for five years.

Senior from Italy

Mehnea Cimpuieru


Flyer: What do you think of United States? Mihnea: It’s not my first time in the United States. I stayed with my uncle in California. I’ve also been to Wyoming.

F: What is your favorite American food? M: Cheeseburger with fries. F: What is the strangest thing you’ve seen in the United States or at Bishop Carroll? M: The pep rallies. We don’t have those in Italy. F: What was your first football game like? M: I liked it a lot. I’ll be going back. F: Did you go to the homecoming dance? M: Yeah it was fun. I went in a group.

Page 30

Design by: Katelynn Maloney


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F: W R: H

F: T R: I

Flyer: What do you think of the United States? Claudia: “It is very different, but I like it. It’s interesting to see the things people do here in their free time. F: What is the strangest thing you have ever seen in the United States? C: You’re going to think this is weird, but people drinking water with a straw, like out of a glass. We drink pop in a glass and with a straw, but not water. F: Is this your first time in the United States? C: Yes, it was scary. I like it here, the people are nicer. Spain loves the United States. English is important because it is spoken in so many places. F: What is your favorite American food? C: Peanut Butter. We have peanut butter in Spain, but it’s not as popular, and doesn’t taste as good. F: Did you go to the football game? C: Yes, I loved it. ”F: Tell us something about yourself. C: I like dancing.

Roberto Sanchez Junior from Spain

Flyer: What do you think of the United States? Roberto: I like it. I’ve also been to New York and Chicago, but I like Wichita better. F: What is the strangest thing you’ve seen in the United States or at Bishop Carroll? R: Yellow school buses. There are no pep rallies in Spain, so that was fun.

Flyer: What do you think of the United States? Jen: I’ve been to California and Kansas. It’s very different. Here (U.S.) entertainment is an important part of life. In Asia, it’s all work and study. F: What is the strangest thing you’ve seen in the United States or at Bishop Carroll? J: A dad with a leash on his kid. It’s a child not a dog. F: What is your favorite American food? J: Steak, or a homemade hamburger. But it has to be homemade, no McDonalds! F: What did you think of the BC football game? J: It was great, I had fun! Everyone is very united, and all the cheers are known. F: Tell us something about yourself. J: Learning languages is my hobby. Some people like to play sports, I like to learn different languages. I want to make new friends, so anyone can come up and talk to me. F: Why do you like to learn different languages? J: I want to be a translator. I like to help people. Knowing lots of languages is good for travel, and I can hear what people have to say, and understand them.

Thang Nguyen Junior from Vietnam

Flyer: What do you think of the United States? Thang: There is more time, time is moving slower. (United States) Is more our (the people) way first. America is very united as one nation. F: What is the strangest thing you have ever seen in the United States? T: Fresh air. No pollution. F: What is your favorite American food? T: Macaroni and cheese.

F: What is your favorite American food? R: Hamburgers.

F: What do you do with your spare time? T: Stay home. I like to be at home.

F: Tell us something about yourself.

F: What kind of music do you listen to? T: Vietnamese pop. No American music.

R: I had fun at homecoming. I play JV soccer.



Jen Huang Chuang


Sophomore from Spain

Junior from Taiwan


Claudia Linares

Design by: Katelynn Maloney

Page 31

Zooming in on students Photojournalism class tells stories with portraits

Above: Emily Demel took this photo of varsity track member Kylee Mernagh. “I really like the worm’s eye view I used for Kylee,” Demel said. “I like how the picture shows her focus and determination before a race.” Above right: Emily Demel’s portrait was captured by Kylee Mernagh. “I like the selective focus, how the ball is sharp but Emily is a little blurry,” Mernagh said. Right: Maggie Loibl took this picture of junior Kellie Griffin, who has played on the varsity soccer team for the last two years. Loibl took this photo of Griffin to try out a technique covered in PhotoJ class. “I wanted to use the framing effect so I took a picture of Kellie in front of the net,” said Loibl.

Left: McKlaine Nichols shot this photo of senior Luke Ketter, who received first-team All-City honors. This is one of McKlaine’s favorite pictures of Ketter because he looks very determined and serious. Right: Morgan Werth snapped this shot of high jumper Elle Clouse. “This is one of my favorite portraits of Elle because, instead of her looking at the camera like in most portraits, she is looking into the distance,” Werth said. “She said it’s her ‘staring off the competition’ look.” Page 32 Design by: Elizabeth Goenner


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