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Financial independence starts today 2. Budget. Budgeting the process of tracking income, subtracting expenses and deciding how to divert the difference to your goals each month – is the essential first task of personal finance. 3. Spend less than you earn. It might be obvious, but it’s one of the most difficult financial behaviors to execute. 4. Build smarter safety nets. Emergency funds and insurance are rarely discussed in combination. The traditional definition of an emergency fund is a separate account for cash that can be used By Françoise Rhodes dence offering us the ability to vision of financial indepen- instead of credit to repair a brolive comfortably off one’s sav- dence actually looks like – and ken appliance or other expenses. Our past economic crisis hit ings and investments with no then get a reality check from a Do you have enough ready-cash many of us hard, in fact so hard debt whatsoever. qualified financial expert. The to cover an insurance deductible our thoughts of financial indepath to financial independence if you had a sudden claim? If not, pendence flew out the window. Start now with these may be considerably different build deductible amounts into Thankfully times have changed 9 helpful ideas: at age 20 than it is at age 50; but your emergency fund. and financial experts are saying that now is the time to strive 1. Visualize first, then plan. at any age, start with a realistic Continued on page 7 and reach financial indepen- Start by considering what your picture of your options.

Tips for insuring your manufactured home - pg.3

Gluten free cherry pie - pg.6

Traveling with Françoise to Grand County, Colorado - pg.8

Editor’s Inbox

Notes from the Editor

Dear Editor, Will you please print the following as a reminder to seniors that these high temperatures up the ante for heatstroke. Thank you, Linda M, Beaumont CA

Heatstroke symptoms include: •High body temperature. A body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher is the main sign of heatstroke •Altered mental state or behavior •Alteration in sweating •Nausea and vomiting •Flushed skin •Rapid breathing •Racing heart rate •Headache

Get ready, the snowbirds are coming back! I know, with record setting temperatures you are probably thinking my brain power is severely depleted, but it’s true. Within the last three days I’ve seen license plates from Alberta, Oregon and Washington. I was just as surprised as you! On another note, this paper holds a lot of surprises and tips for you as well. You’ll find tips on how to be financially independent, insuring manufactured homes, tipping, and how to keep your pets paws from terrible burns in this ridiculous heat. It’s so easy to want to please our pets with a walk, and easier to forget the pavement is unbearably hot. For those who eat only gluten free, our recipe is a gluten free cherry pie. Looks yummy, and I’m sure tastes even better. Remember the DMHN is online, so share the link with all of your friends and start sending in community information so I can put the Community Spotlight page back in the paper. I’m off to Las Vegas for the PGA Golf Expo, I can’t wait to see what new gadget will (supposedly) help me make every putt, and outdrive the guys!!!

Thank you Linda for this important reminder. Françoise

Send notes to the Editor to: Françoise Rhodes Editor/Desert Mobile Home News Email: Fax: (760) 776-5733 Mail: Françoise Rhodes/DMHN, 41-995 Boardwalk, Suite L2 • Palm Desert CA 92211

Françoise Rhodes

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August 20, 2015

Tips for insuring your manufactured home to be included in this. Finally, an emergency removal section should be available. This pays a negotiated amount for the costs associated with moving the manufactured home when required by the insuring company due to loss.

For those living in manufactured homes and needing homeowners insurance, here are some mobile home insurance tips to help you find a policy that is best for your needs. Mobile home insurance is the same as homeowners insurance for site-built homes. It covers loss from fire, theft, and liability for injuries and property damage. Three types of coverage are included in most standard policies: Personal property protection covers loss from damage to perGeneral coverage insures the sonal belongings (theft coverdwelling against damage from age may or may not be included fire and water damage (not in this). flood damage, though, that is a separate policy) and is based on Liability coverage protects you the value of the structure itself, and family members in the event someone is injured while not the land.

August 20, 2015

When looking for a policy, contact several carriers. Everyone offers different things, and have different rates for different combinations and deductibles on your property. in the policy. By working with a reputable insurance carrier, you In addition, a good policy will can take these mobile home ininclude a loss of use section that surance tips and create a policy reimburses the homeowner for expenses incurred if the dwell- that protects and covers your ing becomes unlivable. Costs home and property while keepfor hotel stays, food, cloth- ing premiums reasonable. ing, and boarding of pets tend


Adopt a hen event

rescued hens have a lot of love (and fresh eggs) to give, and make great little companions. Prospective adopters need to fill out an application in advance at the link below. Animal Place will These beautiful birds are white contact applicants; once they’re leghorns and bred for their layapproved adopters can pick up ing prowess. NorCal farm anitheir hens at the Palm Springs mal sanctuary Animal Place is nursing the lucky ladies back to Animal Shelter event August 29. health so they can begin their More detailed adoption infornew lives in backyard flocks. mation is here http://www.henLocals need to know that these About 1500 one-year-old hens that were recently saved from death at a Central Valley egg factory farm are looking for new homes in the Coachella Valley.


August 20, 2015

General tipping guidelines trieve a vehicle. For waiters at sit-down restaurants, bartenders, barbers/hairdressers/attendants at beauty salons, taxi drivers, tour guides, and food delivery folks, the tip should Parking valets are paid upon pick-up $3-5, depending upon be calculated as a percentage much effort is required to re- of your total bill as follows: Take the confusion out the tip by following these simple guidelines. Remember to tip on the entire bill, not on the discounted amount!

• 10% usually means you aren’t totally happy • 15% usually means all was acceptable • 20% for excellent

15-20 percent is considered standard in most communities. Another easy way to figure the tip, if you are happy with the service just take the tax and double it.

• Over 20% for outstanding

Register now for Mayor’s Race & Wellness Festival Register now for The City of Palm Springs 5th Annual Mayor’s Race & Wellness Festival, Sunday, January 24, 2016. Runners who pre-register will receive a discount for both the 5k & 10k divisions. The event is produced in cooperation with the Sustainability Commission and is part of

August 20, 2015

Palm Springs Healthy Planet, Healthy You initiatives.

Saturday, August 22 starting at 11:00 a.m. ECORE Fitness is located at 285 South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs at the corner of Belardo Road (Entrance is on Belardo Road).

ness Center, visit

Join the City of Palm Springs For more information contact for the first in a series of monththe Office of Sustainability, City ly training sessions called of Palm Springs 760-323-8214. “Community Moves Me.” The first class will be Cardiovas- For more information on the cular Conditioning and will training sessions and to pre-regbe held at ECORE Fitness this ister for the Mayor’s Race & Well-


Gluten free cherry pie

INGREDIENTS For Pie Crust: • 3 cups gluten free flour • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar • 1 teaspoon kosher salt • 1 cup butter, cubed and cold • 1 large egg • ½ cup buttermilk, cold For Filling: • 4 cups fresh, frozen or canned pitted cherries • ¾ cup granulated sugar • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • ¼ cup gluten free flour • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small cubes • 1 large egg • 1 tablespoon water • Coarse sugar, for sprinkling (optional)

DIRECTIONS For the Pie Crust: 1. Place all dry ingredients into a food processor and pulse to evenly distribute. Add the cold, cubed butter to the flour mixture, pulsing until the mixture resemble coarse cornmeal. To make by hand, cut in the butter using a pastry cutter or fork. 2. Transfer mixture into a large bowl and set aside. 3. Combine the egg and the buttermilk together in a small bowl. 4. Create a well in the flour mixture, gradually whisk in the egg mixture with a fork. until the dough comes together to form a ball. For the Filling: 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. In a large bowl, mix together cherries, sugar, lemon juice, gluten free flour and salt. 3. Place the fruit mixture in a pie dish lined with half of the rolled out pie dough. 4. Dot the top of the filling with the 2 tablespoons cut butter evenly. 5. Taking the other half of the pie dough cover the pie crust. Use a full crust, or cut into strips and weave to make a lattice top. Trim away any excess dough from the edge of the pie dish and crimp the edges together using a fork. 6. Whisk together the egg and the water to make the egg wash. Brush over the top of the dough and lightly sprinkle the coarse sugar on top. 7. Bake for 35-45 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. 8. Cool for at least 1-2 hours before serving. **Send your favorite recipe to the editor and if published, win a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant.


August 20, 2015

Let’s Do Lunch - New Program at Mizell niors who are homebound and provides for an afternoon “out” engaging in games, enjoying music, workshops, lunch and more. You will meet and socialize with other older adults, enjoy entertainment and social activities, all This program is offered to se- at no cost.

This free program will continue to be held at the Mizell Senior Center on Wednesdays, at least one time per month from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Watch this newsletter for additional dates. If you know someone who would benefit from this program or would like addi-

tional information please contact Kraig Johnson at Jewish Family Services at: 760-779-9400 x 204 or

Continued from cover

what fees you’re being charged for their services.

ment transaction you make.

Let’s Do Lunch is a unique FREE social activity for seniors which is a joint program of Mizell Senior Center and Jewish Family Services of the Desert. The upcoming event is on September 16 and October 14.

moving to a smaller one or to an area with lower living costs and taxes.

9. Always know where you are 8. Buy assets that generate in- financially. Financial planning 7. Invest frugally. Become a come. Stocks, real estate, col- isn’t about making one set of fistudent of investment fees and lectibles or cash investments nancial decisions and assuming commissions because they can all have up and down markets. you’re set. Lives and situations cut significantly into your prin- But do your homework and fo- change and your financial plan6. Downsize. You’ll generally cipal. Make a full evaluation of cus on investments bought at ning must be flexible enough reach wealth financial goals fees you are paying on every attractive prices that are likely to withstand both positive and faster if you can cut your overall investment account you have to appreciate over time. Also, negative changes. living expenses. For some, that and if you’re working with a don’t forget to study the tax means selling your home and licensed professional, know ramifications of any invest5. Eliminate debt. Getting rid of revolving, non-housing debt is one of the most effective ways to free up money for savings and investment.

August 20, 2015


Traveling with Françoise to Grand County, Colorado By Françoise Rhodes Surpassing all expectations was my recent trip to Grand County, Colorado for the travel show. Arriving at Denver International, my final destination Grand Lake in Grand County is only a few hours away, a trip that will kick-start your sightseeing as you pass through breathtaking mountain scenery, meadows with creeks branching out in all directions, and perfectly shaped pine trees everywhere you look. Moose, deer, bear, and smaller critters roam freely without a care in the world. Why not! The area is so lovely, their accommodations are first class. My host lodging was the Western Riviera Lakeside Lodging, lakeside meaning walk out the


door of your room and the lake is right there! Of course that means you’ll have spectacular lakefront and mountain views. The room was spacious, comfortable and with windows that open for the wonderful cool breezes coming off of the lake. Another plus of the Western Riviera, within

two minutes either way, you’ll be in the middle of the historic town with wooden boardwalks, or on the lake boating, fishing, kayaking, swimming or floating around on a peddle-boat. Within 10 minutes, the Grand Lake Golf Course awaits you, take the golf clubs and a camera.

The Town of Grand Lake will take you back in time. No signals or big box stores, only a few stop signs with parking on both sides of the main street. There are several restaurants to choose from, lots of shopping in boutique stores, a theatre with top ranked productions, bowling alley, the Kauffman House Museum, community bingo night and ice cream shops. Locals and visitors seem to love ice cream in Grand Lake, it’s homemade and delicious. As the Western gateway to the Rocky Mountain National Park, take a grand trip to Grand County, Colorado........who knows it might become your new summer retreat.

August 20, 2015

Summer ends in Big Bear with discount packages Big Bear Visitors Bureau announced two End of Summer Discount Packages good now through October 25, 2015. The packages called Stay & Ride Sky Chair and Stay & Play Golf gives Big Bear guests the opportunity to either ride the Snow Summit Scenic Sky Chair or play a round

of golf at Bear Mountain Golf Course and receive discounted rates of up to 20 percent off regular rates. The packages are bundled together with lodging accommodations discounted at 10 percent off regular rates.

& Play Golf Discount Packages are available now through October 25, 2015. Minimum night stays vary per lodge, and other restrictions may apply. Stay & Ride Sky Chair or Stay & Play Golf Discount Package must be mentioned at the time of bookStay & Ride Sky Chair and Stay ing. This offer may not be used

in combination with any other offer. To book the Stay & Ride Sky Chair or Stay & Play Golf Discount Packages log onto or call 800424-4232.

“Family Nutrition Day” at Farmers Market Let it be known far and wide that Saturday, August 22nd, will be known as “Family Nutrition Day” at the Certified Farmers’ Market - A special place on the calendar (and all over the Pavilion) where parents and kids can explore wonders of healthy and delicious eating.

food blogger.

activities that require no preplanning.

Second, Paint Morning for kids! Kellie Gillette-Wood, one of our CFM Superfans, also happens to be an art instructor. She will offer a guided kids’ still-life painting class on the Pavilion stage (9:00 10:00 a.m.) for ages 8 and up. The suggested donation of $10 FND attempts to answer the for this class will go towards age-old question, “What’s for our CFM Nutrition Education dinner?” The way we go about Program. delving into these questions is three-fold. First, FREE cook- Third, DIY scavenger hunt/ ing classes. Any foodie in bingo game with spin-andPalm Springs who ventures win prizes, early bird Chi Pops out of their own kitchen on and mural painting! For kids occasion should be aware of who would rather run around Chef Lori Cohen Sanford. Pri- on their own to discover the vate chef, class instructor and treasures of the CFM, we have

August 20, 2015

Springs Market Saturdays, inside the Palm Springs Pavilion 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. until September 12th.

No matter how you participate, this is one Family Party worth attending! The Palm Desert and La Quinta Markets are CLOSED for the More Market information summer season. at Palm


Protect your dog’s paws from hot pavement

5. See If Peel And Stick Pads Can Work. Peel and stick felt pads are a quick solution to minimize the dangers of hot pavement. They’re easy to stick onto the pads of your dog’s feet and they help protect against potential burns and injuries. (Yes, I am talking about the felt pads you find in the home improvement Here are 8 tips to keep your dog stores like these.) Just buy or cut or puppy from getting burned them to the size you need and paste them on your dog’s paws. this summer. Many owners like taking their dogs on walks to enjoy the warm summer weather, but many of them forget about one important detail: hot pavement can and will burn a dog’s paws. Remember that if asphalt and cement can get hot enough to cook an egg during the summer.

1. Walk Your Dog When It’s Cool. Avoid walking your dog in the afternoon when the sun is high in the sky or early evening, because the pavement will be hot.

6. Try Dog Shoes. Dog shoes are one of the best ways to protect your dog’s paws from heat and potential injuries if your dog will wear them.

2. Stay On The Grass. If you end up taking your dog out during the warmer times of the day, be sure to stay on the grass and stick to shady areas. Stay away from artificial turf because it gets extremely hot, too hot to touch!

7. Consider Disposable Dog Booties. Disposable dog booties are a great short-term fix for the summer heat.

8. Wash And Check His Paws Carefully. Be sure to check your dog’s paw pads dai3. Moisturize Your Dog’s ly for any signs of damage and Paws. Consider moisturizing wash his paws frequently. If you your dog’s feet daily to help pre- do happen to see a problem, or vent injuries like cuts, cracking, if your dog is acting strangely on his feet, be sure to have him takor peeling of the paws. en to the vet to see how bad the 4. Use Paw Wax. Paw wax can injury is. If you wash and moiseasily be smeared onto your turize his paws at the same time dog’s paw pads to protect them you check his paws, you’re dofrom harmful surfaces. Paw wax ing three things to help protect is designed to protect your dog’s your dog’s paws at once. Saving feet from hot surfaces and po- time...and saving paws! tentially harmful chemicals. 10

August 20, 2015

DHS Senior Center Fit After 50

An exercise program to increase strength, balance, mobility and prevent falls. Desert Hot Springs Senior Center Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 10:00 AM Program is FREE Bring your sneakers and water! Registration is required to participate, open to all Senior Center registered clients. (760) 329-0222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Advisory Council Seeking Members If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a member of the Desert Hot Springs Senior Center Advisory Council please see the Desert Hot Springs Senior Center Manager for an application. The Advisory Council plays a vital role in the success of the Senior Center, become involved! Desert Hot Spring Senior Center Physical and Mailing Address: 11-777 West Drive Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Phone: (760) 329-0222 Website:

BRAIN TEASER Question: Finish this phrase with a well-known Italian city: “All roads lead to _____� ANSWER ON PAGE 14

August 20, 2015



Answers: Sodoku, p.15, Crossword, p.15

HOROSCOPE • AUGUST 20 - AUGUST 26 ARIES (March 21-April 19). It is within your power to change the environment for good or for ill. A small and repetitive gesture will make a considerable difference. Social luck centers on a sharp Gemini.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your experiences have taught you a version of the world. Your neighbor has a completely different version, though, and you’ll get a window into it today. It’s an honor to be a part of this.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It’s finally happened. The one you were so impressed with has managed to bore you. Well, don’t worry or make any rash decisions. This relationship is cyclical.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Start where you are. Before you can change your response, accept the one you’re already having. Acknowledge the feelings you’re experiencing without judging them to be wrong or right.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Sometimes your wisecracks make people smile, but there are times when they don’t land with quite the same grace. That’s why today is such a special gift. People understand your genius and will pay you for it, too.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have good reasons to be proud of yourself and confident about what to do next. Think of what those reasons might be and write them down for reinforcement.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Test your ideas quietly before you bring them into the public eye. This will allow you to take risks and make your mistakes in obscurity. When you have consistent success, then you’ll tell the whole world.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Maybe the other animals aren’t as concerned with names, but the human animal needs to put a name on things in order to process them. That’s why today it will help you to name your feelings.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Those who’ve achieved greatness can’t always teach what they know, as teaching is its own gift. Seek the mentor who can guide you with wisdom, compassion and excellent communication.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Reach out. If anyone around is feeling isolated or judged, it will negatively impact the whole group. Be the peacekeeper. Your sensitivity will prevent future negativity.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Where the fault rests on only one side, the argument will be short. In a fight that goes on and on, both parties are to blame. You’ll act as a mediator and come up with a solution that satisfies everyone.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Following the complexities of your creative spirit, you weave your personal mythology. Real-life events turn into elaborate, meaningful stories. Write it all down — it will be interesting to you later.

August 20, 2015

Harrison House Music, Arts commemoration concert Harrison House Music, Arts & Sunset Street, in Joshua Tree. Ecology will open its 2015/16 Harrison House season with a performance by 6881 Mount Lassen Avenue the Pogossian Family String Joshua Tree, CA 92252 Quartet and Quintet on Sunday, For Information call: August 30 at 7:00 pm, commem760.366.4712 orating the centennial of the Armenian genocide. The program will include the works of Bach, Mozart, Dvorak, Baerman, Bruch and Komitas featuring Movses Pogossian, violinist; Varty Manouelian, violinist; Eddie Pogossian, cellist; Cara Pogossian, violist and Anoush Pogossian, clarinetist. There is a requested donation of $15 and tickets to this event are available at Joshua Tree Health Foods, 29 Palms Highway at

August 20, 2015




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August 20, 2015

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August 20, 2015


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