10-01-13 50 Plus

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A guide to good living in the Brazos Valley



Surgery in one area can lead to pain in other places Pg. 2


Irresistible Basil Mashed Potatoes

Pg. 12

October 2013 • Vol. 9, Issue 3 • A monthly publication of the Bryan-College Station Eagle

Fall festival time Upcoming events include Wiener Fest, Texas Mushroom Festival PAGE 8

Reduce your risk of breast cancer PAGE 5

Explore an active vacation PAGE 11

50plus October 2013 The Eagle • theeagle.com

Surgery in one area can lead to pain in other locations I had a total hip re replacement seven months ago, ag but am still having hip and leg le pain. The worst wor pain is down the side of my leg. le I followed the doctor’s instructions to the letter and didn’t overdo er it erdo during rehab. I’ve been back to the doctor, doctor but they the can’t find anything wrong. ong I don’t want ong. to go on medication. What other options do I have? JB, Hilltop JB, thanks for the question. My response will be relevant to anyone who has had surgery (e.g., knee replacements, back surgery and so on). Any time you have ha trauma to your body, you are likely to develop tight muscles from LeON BraDwaY Dw DwaY guarding PHySical tHeraP HeraPy the injured area and from scar tissue. Surgery is a type of trauma, which can result in tight muscles and trigger points, not only in the surgical area but within supporting soft tissue structures in other areas of the body.


As I mentioned in a prior article, trigger points can cause radiating pain that could appear in places other than the surgical location. For instance, if you are ha having leg pain following hip surgery, ery this is most ery, likely due to the existence of trigger points along the muscle bands. Despite the fact that you faithfully followed your surgeon’s and rehab staf s instructions, your staff’ body may have ha tightened to such an extent that stretching exercises alone won’t solve the problem. Trigger points can persist until specifically addressed with manual techniques. In addition, differ dif ent surgeons ha differ have dif ent protocols for post-surgical patients and each surgery can be dif ent due to the patient’s differ unique situation. In most cases following surgery, ery ery, you will be progressed from simple stretches and range of motion exercises to an emphasis on strengthening the muscles. Immediately after surgery, ery you will be ery, moving, but the emphasis will be on reducing pain and swelling and ensuring your

50plus is a monthly publication of Bryan-College Station Communications Inc. 1729 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas PUBLISHER DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING Ron Prince


CONTENTS Memory Medic: Strategies for remembering Financial Literacy: Collaborative divorce Health: Reduce your risk of breast cancer Nutrition: Enjoy dairy for good health Feature: Fall festivals Leisure: Explore an active vacation Recipe: Basil Mashed Potatoes Calendar: Local senior events

3 4 5 6 8 11 12 14

The Most Important Thing in any Relationship

See Bradwa Bradway adway pa 16 page

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of mental images. The learning strategy should include spacing rehearsals out over time. Even “memory athletes” who are skilled enough to compete in memory competitions say that an item has to be rehearsed at least five fi times to “stick.” Strengthen the key mental skills As I have ha mentioned in various ear earlier columns, these include such brain executive ecuti functions as ecutive practicing focused attention (yoga is good for that), mindfulness (selfawareness), forcing yourself to hold items in working memory through rehearsal, engaging in challenging mental tasks and self-discipline. Making yourself more disciplined develops the brain’s executive ecuti control ecutive functions and improves your ability to be in charge of your life. One study of 97 clinically depressed patients has shown that their mental discipline is diminished, even during periods when they are in remission.

Senior Circle is out to expand your horizons with an exciting calendar of events scheduled around town and around the world. If you’re 50 or better, want to meet new people, learn more about your health, travel and just have fun, then Senior Circle is for you. Dues are just $15 a year. To join or for more information, call Mandy Williams at 979-764-5107 or visit CSMedCenter.com. Become part of the Circle. Rhine River Cruise October 4-12, 2014 Experience the Rhine River! To know the Rhine River is to know Europe. Historically important and visually stunning, the Rhine provides the perfect "highway" from which to explore the heart of the Old World. From your cruise ship you will see fairytale castles, endless vineyards and ancient cities. Legendary landmarks like Lorelei Rock, which soars high above the river, complete a perfect picture. This cruise and land program featuring Strasbourg and the romantic Rhine Valley will take you through one of the most historic and dramatic regions in all of Europe. Join Senior Circle for the travel show on October 4th at 10 a.m. to learn more about this exciting adventure.

dimensional space. Note how this was done in the example above If the objects are very familiar, miliar you miliar, can link an image of any item to be remembered to your mental image of a specific piece of furniture. Suppose you want to remember your “to-do” list for tomorrow: finish an over-due report, ask the boss for a raise, meet John for lunch, call Jason on the phone and swing by the hardware store on the way home to get a garden hose. You might: 1. Imagine entering through the front door and seeing the report slipped under the door. 2. Then see the doormat, where you picture the boss sitting in Buddha fashion on the mat. 3. Then you see the floor lamp, where you envision en it sitting next to a commode (john) where your barbecue lunch is being flushed. 4. Next you see the recliner chair next to the lamp and envision en a blue jaybird and a baby jay (“jay + son”) trying to talk into a telephone. 5. Finally, you see the throw rug under the chair and see it getting flooded with a soaker hose.

See Memory mor Medic mory pa 16 page

Come play with someone your own age!

The Eagle • theeagle.com

Use mnemonics My book, Memory Power 101 (Skyhorse Publishing) and my e-book for students, Better Grades, Less Ef rt (Smashwords.com), explain Effo

a large array of tips and tricks that make memorizing easier. The best of these have ha you create visual images to associate with what you are trying to remember. One approach is to link these images in a story line that you see in your mind’s eye, like a play. Suppose you want to remember to get eggs, bread, celery and chicken. First, re-sequence the items as they would be encountered as you walk through a familiar grocery store. Then picture the sequence as follows: 1. You enter the store via the bakery section, where you picture yourself picking up a loaf of bread. 2. The next section is for fresh veggies, where you pick up celery. En Envision your lunch will be a celery sandwich. 3. Next is the meat section where you want chicken to fry for supper. En Envision a chicken pecking away at your celery sandwich. 4. Next is the area where you pick up eggs. Envision En the chicken laying eggs while it pecks away at your celery sandwich. 5. … and so on. A most powerful permutation of imaging is to “nail down” mental-image associations by anchoring those to specific physical locations that you visualize in three

October 2013

Organize and strategize The first point about organization is to sort out what has to be memorized from what you already know or can figure out. This greatly reduces the brain’s workload. Next, you should manipulate the learning material so it can be learned in small chunks. Learning begins with what is held in working memory, memory and human working-memory capacity is very small. Remember the phone number example? Most brains can’t hold more than seven digits in working memory, memory and inf mation that is not infor rehearsed in working memory cannot be turned into lasting memory. Next develop Dr. BILL KLeMM an approach to the tHe MeMOry MeDic learning task. Don’t just plan to review the infor inf mation and hope that rote memory will be effective effecti fective. That is what most students do and why so many struggle in school, especially in college. The learning strategy should include identifying cues and associations with what you already know. Brains learn by associating what they already know with new knowledge. Such associations work best when they are explicit and when they are in the form


Three more strategies for remembering what matters

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50plus October 2013 The Eagle • theeagle.com

Why collaborative divorce makes financial sense “It costs $7,000 per family unit to open your mouth in court.” That is how local family la attorney Wendy Wood law described a return to court to resolve parenting disputes in this column two years ago. I doubt the cost has gone down. A local therapist tells me that she wishes there was a better way wa to divo di rce. The traditional process is bringing di rced parents to her office divo of , where they battle over their children. She was thrilled to hear about the collaborative ti tive la divo law di rce process. The TracY STewar ewarT ewar arT collaborative ti tive Financial literacy iter di rce divo method is customized to family needs. Parents can plan ahead for children’s costs, like vacations, camps, first vehicles and sports. Parents learn how to communicate and cooperate about sharing time with their children. Several couples have ha told me they communicate better after their collaborative ti divo tive di rce than in the years befor bef e it. The process fosters open and honest communication. This is in marke mar d contrast to traditional divo di rce methods, which are intended to be ad rsarial. Those processes adve can foster emotional pain and expensi court visits long expensive

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after the divo di rce. Unlike a traditional di rce, where the judge may divo ma be determining the property settlement and child custody issues, collaborative ti law tive la enables couples to create unique settlements tailored to their family needs. In the courthouse, the judge has a set of rules that must be strictly followed, plus other guidelines that are routinely followed in every case. The judge knows he or she cannot be reversed if the statutory guidelines are followed. Therefor ef e, after a efor trial, couples are stuck with “one size fits all” judicial decisions. In contrast, during the collaborative ti law tive la process, couples can customize the provisions to fit their particular circumstances. In a collaborative ti divo tive di rce, you and your spouse have ha control over your divo di rce. You can have ha priva pri cy and confidentiality that is not available in a traditional litigated divo di rce. In court, you ma have may ha to be on the witness stand and say sa things that can never be erased. Every word in the trial is public record. But then a collaborative ti tive la divo law di rce can be more dif difficult because you take responsibility for your own decisions. You cannot pass the buck and later blame the judge. You have ha to be mature enough to talk things through, even when it’s painful. You both have ha to act like grown ups.

Collaborative ti law tive la has four main characteristics: • Safe environment. en You and your attorneys pledge not to go to court. Your goals to get through the collaborative ti tive la process are aligned with law that of your attorneys. If you drop out, so do they. This means you can speak openly in the meetings because nothing you say sa will be used against you in a courtroom. • Transparency. You both agree to be honest, sharing all inf mation openly. This save infor sa s you a lot of money and speeds along the process because you don’t need an expensive expensi and slow discovery process. Your neutral financial professional examines all the financial data and save sa s you the expense of hiring dueling experts. • Privacy. Your priva pri te life remains priva pri te. If you have ha made mistakes, they are not exposed in a public record. Collaborative ti law tive la is not about looking backward with anger, er er, shame and regret. It is all about moving forward to a new normal. • Customization.

Collaborative ti law tive la professionals make it their goal to help you design the solutions that fit your family’s needs. You can agree to resolutions that a judge is not allowed by the law la to order. The collaborative ti approach tive is divo di rce done differ dif ently. You and your spouse get a neutral divo di rce coach who provides support for the variety of emotions that often accompany divo di rce. She will help you find stability and take your time to fully understand your choices. If you have ha minor children, your divo di rce coach will help you practice your new coparenting skills and schedules bef e the divo befor di rce is final. If your children’s shared time doesn’t work out as well as you two had anticipated, you get to try another schedule bef e you become officiall befor of y unmarried. She helps you choose and settle into the pattern that fits your family. Your neutral financial professional helps you two develop a complete and accurate list of property. She helps you to understand

and discuss finances openly. She provides insight and education on the money issues – for the negotiations and for your separate financial futures. She works to keep you both from making expensi financial mistakes. expensive (Disclosure: I have ha been doing this for several years.) Your collaborative ti tive attorneys also take a differ dif ent approach to your divo di rce. They advo ad cate and advise ad each of you, plus they work together to bring you two to your desired resolution. They help you set goals and understand the legal issues of your situation. Collaborative ti tive la attorneys don’t fight. law They don’t waste your money manipulating details to gain a few yards. They help each other and work together to find the best solutions for your family. Traditions are a staple of this community, community but breaking from traditional divo di rce is a positive positi option. To see if

See Stewart pa 13 page

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Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women, second only to lung cancer. One in eight women is expected to develop breast cancer in her lifetime, and a recent survey by the Society for Women’s Health Research found that 22 percent of women named breast cancer as the disease they fear most. The specter of breast cancer makes it no surprise that women are eager to seek various ways to reduce their risks of developing this potentially deadly disease.


How you can lower your risk of breast cancer early age. • Keep a healthy weight. Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer, particularly in postmenopausal women. Healthy eating and exercise can help women control their weight while reducing their risks of developing breast cancer and a number of other diseases. Scientists at The Mayo Clinic believe there is a link between estrogen production in fatty breast tissue and breast cancer.

• Eat a low-fat diet. The Women’s Intervention Nutrition Study from the National Cancer Institute found that the highest rate of breast cancer reduction was among a group of women who ate a

• Reduce alcohol consumption. Various studies have indicated that women who drink alcoholic beverages may develop cancer at a higher rate. Women who consume two to five drinks daily have a greater risk of developing breast cancer than those who abstain from

See Hormone replacement pa 13 page


The Eagle • theeagle.com

• Avoid exposure to radiation. Repeated exposure to radiation therapy used to treat illnesses like Hodgkin’s disease can increase a person’s risk of breast cancer, particularly if treatments begin at an

low-fat diet.

October 2013

Though cancer treatments continue to evolve, there remains no cure for breast cancer or any other types of cancer. However, there are steps men and women can take to reduce their risks of developing breast cancer. In fact, the National Cancer Institute says avoiding breast cancer risk factors is the best path to prevention.

• Get your exercise. Exercising four or more hours a week can lower breast cancer risk. Exercise need not be heavy lifting at the gym. Any moderate physical activity, from cycling to walking, can be effective. Exercise decreases hormone levels in the body that can impact breast cancer risk. Some studies indicate simply walking briskly for one to three hours per week can reduce a woman’s breast cancer risk by 18 percent.

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Enjoy dairy for goodhealth

October 2013

Metro Creati Cr ve Connection

The Eagle • theeagle.com

Nutrients in dairy produ pr cts can be good for your health.

To some people, dairy’s reputation for contributing to high cholesterol and weight gain is a misconception that’s hard to let go of. But dairy’s detractors should know the right dairy products enjoyed in moderation can actually be good for your health for a variety of reasons. Consuming dairy products as part of a nutrient-rich diet is important for individuals indi of all ages. Dairy products have ha many nutrients and vitamins essential to good health. Calcium, protein, phosphorus, potassium, and supplemented vitamins A and D are all nutrients the body needs. Calcium, for example, is necessary to build and maintain strong bones. Osteoporosis, a condition wherein the bones weaken and are more susceptible to injury, injury can af affect anyone, but it is particularly ticular ticularly common among women age 50 and older. The National Institutes of Health say as many as half of all women and a quarter of men older than 50 will break a bone due to

osteoporosis. To keep bones strong, health professionals recommend eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D — both of which are found in dairy products. Eating low-fat w-f dairy products w-fat can reduce a person’s risk of developing cancer. Studies have ha shown that populations that eat a high amount of calcium-rich foods have ha a lower incidence of colorectal cancer. According to child health authority Dr. Sears, calcium controls the multiplication of epithelial cells lining the colon. Fast multiplication of these cells increases a person’s risk of developing cancer. The best sources of calcium include bony fish and dairy products like yogurt. Dairy products, especially milk, are also essential for differ dif ent health benefits. Drinking milk helps protect the enamel surface surf of teeth against acidic substances. This helps prevent tooth decay and weakening enamel. Milk and other dairy products might also help maintain healthy skin.

Dairy also plays a role in digestive esti health. Consumption of estive milk products may help in reducing acidity in the stomach. Yogurts with acti cultures have active ha been known to promote healthy digestion and alleviate occasional irregularity. Indi Individuals with lactose intolerance, a food sensitivity sensiti where there are inadequate levels of lactase in the body necessary to break down the lactose sugar in dairy products, may avoid dairy foods. However, er infor er, inf mation from the Wisconsin Milk Marke Mar ting Board says that those with a lactose intolerance can still handle at least two cups of milk a day if taken with food and spread throughout the day. Research also indicates that consuming small amounts of lactose-containing foods may improve lactose tolerance over time. Dairy products, like milk, cheese, yogurt, creams, and even ice cream, can provide much of the daily recommended allowances of vital vitamins and minerals. Lowfat dairy products are important components of a healthy diet.


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Are you suffering from

leg pain ∙ swelling ∙ cramping ∙ restless legs spider & varicose veins

The Eagle • theeagle.com

See Sodium pa 11 page

October 2013

Eating junk food and fast food on the run is a recipe for nutritional disaster and a sure-fire way to rob the body of its need for a balanced diet. One way to attain higher ground nutrition-wise is to avoid empty calories -- food and drinks high in calories but low in nutrients -- while limiting your intake of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, sugar, ar ar, and refined grains. However, er you don’t have er, ha to eliminate those foods our bodies seem to crave cra . For instance, we often think of fats as unhealthy, but your body needs a limited amount of certain kinds of fat. It give gi s you energy and also helps your body absorb vitamins, experts say. On the other hand, fat contains more than twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. High-f foods tend to High-fat add excess calories and lead to weight gain. Excess weight increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other health problems. It also makes it more difficult dif to control these diseases if you already have ha them. You should limit fats to 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories. If you consume 2,000 calories daily, only 400 to 700 of the calories should be from fats. The number of calories from fat is listed on packagedfood labels. And most of the fats you consume should be polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats come from liquid vegetable oils, nuts, flaxseed, and fish such as salmon, trout and herring. At the same time, it’s important to limit the amount of saturated and trans fats you consume. Saturated fats are found in beef, cheese, milk, butter, tter tter, ice cream and other frozen desserts. Trans fats are found in margarine, crackers, icings and French fries, as well as such sweets as cake, cookies and doughnuts. Experts say no more than 10 percent of

your daily calories should come from saturated fats and you should keep intake of trans fats as low as possible. Read “Nutrition Facts” on the label to choose products that contain “0” trans fats. Here are a few ways to lower the fat in your diet: • Choose seafood, seaf lean poultry (with the skin removed) or lean cuts of meat; • Trim off of any extra fat bef e cooking. befor • Limit whole milk and whole dairy products. Use low-fat w-f or fat-free dairy w-fat products and salad dressings. • Use non-stick pots and pans, and cook without added fat. If you’re using butter or other saturated fats for cooking, switch to unsaturated vegetable oil or a nonf cooking spray. nonfat • Avoid frying your food -- broil, roast, bake, stir-fry, -fry -fry, steam, microwave owa or boil it. owave • Season your food with lemon juice, herbs or spices instead of butter. It’s also important to limit the amount of cholesterol you consume. People with a high level of “bad,” or LDL, cholesterol in their blood ha a high risk of heart have disease. You should consume less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol daily. Again, read the Nutrition Facts on food labels to see how much cholesterol is in the product. Cholesterol is only in animal products, so you needn’t worry about it being in fruits or vegetables, unless butter, tter cheese, cream or tter, sauces and gravies made from meat or meat broths are added. Limiting sodium intake is also a good idea. Sodium is consumed as part of salt. Older adults should limit their sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams daily. That’s about two-thirds of a teaspoon of salt. This helps keep your blood pressure under control to help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, congestive esti heart failure and estive kidney disease.


Read labels to balance diet

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Fall festival time Several upcoming festivals include Wiener Fest, Texas Mushroom Festival

By HOLLI ESTRIDGE Special to The Eagl Ea e

October 2013 The Eagle • theeagle.com

Center: Dachshunds race during the Wiener Races at last year’s Wiener Fest in College Station. Left, top: A woman holds her dog at the festival. Middle, left: A dog wears a costume at the festival. Costume contests are ar part of the annual festivities. A man carries his dog near the race track.


Texas Mushroom Festival On Oct. 12 Madisonville Madison – the mushroom capital of Texas – will feature the Texas Mushroom Festiva sti l, which will include booths, stiva cooking demonstrations, an auto showcase and a Shitake 5K Run/ Walk. Camilla Viator, or chairwoman of the Texas or, Mushroom Festiva sti l and director of tourism stiva and marke mar ting for the city of Madisonville Madison , said festiva festi l organizers are adding a grape stomping competition and art show to the event this year, ar and they have ar, ha rearranged the event logistics in order to accommodate the steadily-growing auto showcase. “The attendance gets larger every year, ar ar, and we are trying to keep it new and live li ly,” ly said Viator, or who added that festiva or, festi l attendance hit 15,000 in recent years – three times the population of Madisonville Madison . With opening ceremonies at 10 a.m., the festi l in the downtown area will also feature festiva Texas wines, recipes by celebrity chefs, a Kids Zone, more than 200 vendors and stages for

Other upcoming area festivals include: • Texas Renaissance Festival - Oct. 12 - Dec. 1, at 21778 FM 1774, in Todd Mission. The Texas Renaissance Festiva sti l is an interactive stiva interacti theme par that embraces differ park dif ent eras, including the 16th century and beyond. The 55-acre theater is filled with live li entertainment, food and professional actors. For more inf mation, visit Texrenfest.com. infor • 37th Annual Scarecrow Festival - Oct. 12-13 in Downtown Chappell Hill. The festiva festi l features more than 250 juried exhibitors (home décor, décor gardening, artists, craftsmen, jewelry, lry clothing, etc.), country-style food, live lry, li entertainment and music, children’s activities acti and tours of the historic community. Free admission; $5 parking. par For more details, see www.chappellhillmuseum.org. • Autumn Art & Texas Wine Festival - Oct. 12-13, in Old Towne Spring. Attendees can enjoy Texas wine and original art, and visit 150 quaint shops. Free admission; $7 parking. par A portion of proceeds benefit Knights of Columbus. Visit www.

These fall festivals, outside the Brazos Valley, are worth a longer drive: • State Fair of Texas - Sept. 27 - Oct. 20, at Fair Park in Dallas. The State Fair of Texas is a showcase of entertainment exhibits, competitions and creative ti tive fried food. The theme for this year’s fair is “The One and Only” in honor of the fair’s official of host, Big Tex. For more infor inf mation, visit www.bigtex.com. • Wings over Houston Airshow - Oct. 26 – 27 at Ellington Airport in Houston. The event features aerial perfor perf mances, aerobatics, demonstrations and displays, as well as a Tora! Tora! Tora! Re-enactment of the World War II air power attack on Pearl ar Harbor. The airshow also offers arl of a kids area and food and beverage tents. For more, visit www.wingsoverhouston.com. • Wurstfest - Nov. 1 - 10 in Landa Park in New Braunfels. The festiva festi l features food, dancing, carniva ni l rides and games, niva German, Texan and domestic beer, beer special events and Alpine and Bava Ba rian style entertainment. See Wurstfest.com. For more on Texas festiva festi ls, visit www. tourtexas.com, www.funtober.com and www.texasczechs.com/events.

The Eagle • theeagle.com

Wiener Fest For festiva festi l goers looking for a worthwhile local cause to support, there’s Wiener Fest on Oct. 5 at Wolf Pen Creek in College Station. The festiva festi l – the Aggieland Humane Society’s largest annual fundraiser – raises funds for the care of homeless animals. The event features “Wiener Races,” a 5K walk/run, costume contests, kids’ activities acti , food, drinks, li music and vendors. live Molly Georgiades, volunteer board member on the Wiener Fest committee, said the humane society is continuing the formula that has continued to make the festiva festi l a popular draw every year. In recent years, the festiva festi l has drawn 5,000 to 6,000 attendees, including many out-of-town and outof-country patrons, who mostly trave tra l for the wiener races (dachshund races). Other popular events, Georgiades said, are the “Wanna “W be a Wiener Races,” for breeds other than dachshunds, and the Bark Bar Leader competition. For the Bark Bar Leader contest, pet owners submit a photo and story on the humane society webpage. People then vote for their favo fa rite Bark Bar Leaders (modeled after Aggie Yell Leaders) with donations. Each year the humane society selects an Alpha Bark Bar Leader, Leader a Senior Bark Bar Leader and a Junior Bark Bar Leader. The dogs appear in mar ting materials and public appearances marke for AHS. For more inf mation, infor visit aggielandhumane.org/events/wienerfest2013.

winefesttexas.com. • Art Outside - Oct. 18-21, at the Apache Pass Event Center 9112 N. FM 908 in Rockdale. Art Outside is a festiva Center, festi l combining visual and interactive interacti art, perfor perf mance, film, as well as a wide range of music bridging genres, from bluegrass to experimental, hip-hop to dance music. Tickets range from $50 to $130. Admission is free for children under the age of 12. For more, visit www.artoutside.org. • Senior Fall Fest – Oct. 24, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the American Pavilion Pa at Veterans Park, 3101 Harvey Road in College Station. Event for seniors will include food, entertainment, a cakewalk, door prizes and free give gi away bags. No registration needed. For more infor inf mation, contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. • 14th Annual Wine & Food Festival – Oct. 26 in Indian Spring Park in Waco. The major fundraiser of the Humane Society of Central Texas (for (f community services, life-saving life-sa programs and day-to-day shelter operations), this festiva festi l features more than 200 wines, samples from more than 30 restaurants, live li entertainment, a sports area with beer, beer a barbecue cook-off cook-of and a “Red Carpet Dog Walk” featuring adoptable shelter dogs, a large silent auction and “Cork “Cor Pull.” For more details, see www.wacowinefestiva winefesti l.com. winefestiva • Brazos Valley Worldfest - Nov. 15 - 16 at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater in College Station. Organized annually by Texas A&M Unive Uni rsity and the city of College Station, this community-wide festiva festi l features cultural displays, demonstrations, international cuisine, perfor perf mances, children’s crafts and educational competitions. Free admission. For more details, visit Brazosvalleyworldfest.org. or orldfest.org.

October 2013

With the summer months in recent hindsight, many are planning weekend getaways to celebrate the joys of autumn. A full slate of festiva festi ls planned throughout the Brazos Valley region and within driving dri distance offer of plenty of opportunities for fall fun.

gospel and local talent. Immediately following the close of the festiva festi l, Madisonville Madison Sidewalk Cattlemen’s Association will set up for its fourth annual Ranch Rodeo. The rodeo will include ranch rodeo competitions and for kids -- mutton bustin’ and a stick horse race. For more infor inf mation on the Texas Mushroom Festiva sti l, stiva visit www.texasmushroomfestiva oomfesti l.com. For more on the oomfestiva MSCA Ranch Rodeo, visit www.sidewalkcattlemens.com.

Top right: An attendee at last year’s Wiener Fest enjoys the day, day along with three thr dogs. Middle, right: Cooks prep pr are ar food during the 2012 Texas Mushroom Mushr Festival in Madisonville. Bottom right: An attendee stops at a booth at the 2012 Texas Mushroom Mushr Festival.



These foods may help prevent cancer Metro Creati Cr ve Connection

Cancer is a potentially deadly disease that does not discriminate based on a person’s age, sex, ethnicity, ethnicity or social status. Though anyone can get cancer, cancer the National Institute on Aging notes that a person’s risk of getting cancer increases with age, even if that person has no family history of cancer. That reality highlights the importance of routine cancer screenings for men and women age 50 and older. While screenings are an important part of detecting and treating cancer, cancer those over 50 should know they can take certain measures to possibly prevent the onset of cancer. For example, including certain foods as part of a regular diet may be effecti effective fective at preventing cancer. Though there’s no way to guarantee a person won’t get cancer, cancer the following foods may help lower the risk.

The Eagle • theeagle.com

October 2013

• Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a carotenoid that numerous studies have ha indicated can reduce incidence of cancer, cancer cardiovascular disease and macular degeneration. These studies have ha based their findings on tomato consumption and not on the use of lycopene supplements, which may or may not be effecti effective fective at preventing cancer. Cooked tomatoes can improve the body’s ability to absorb lycopene, further enhancing its ability to protect the body against cancer.

Blueberries may help prevent the onset of neck and mouth cancers. That’s because blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which the American Institute for Cancer Research notes can protect cells from being damaged.

• Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, including salmon, that is full of omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to a host medical benefits, including lowering a person’s risk of cancer and heart disease.

• Coffee:

Though studies about the efficac ef y of coffee cof as a potentially preventive enti entive agent against cancer are ongoing, some studies have ha found that both caf caffeina ted and decaffeina decaf ted cof coffee can lower a person’s risk of developing colon, endometrial and prostate cancer.

• Whole Grains:

Whole grains can help men and women control their weight, as they are lower in calories than more traditional options. But studies have ha shown that whole grains, which can be found in whole-grain and whole-wheat pastas, can also reduce your risk of colon cancer.

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• Blueberries:

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Metro Creati Cr ve Connection

from page pa 7 Sodium is natural in some foods, but most of the sodium we eat is added to foods by manufactur uf ufactur ers. Restaurant foods also may be high in sodium. And many people add salt to foods at the table or while cooking, too. To cut back on sodium: • read the “Nutrition Facts” on labels to select products with low salt content; • keep the salt shaker off of the table; • replace salt with herbs, spices and low-sodium seasonings when you cook, and • ask for low-sodium dishes and sauces on the side when eating out. When you shop, look for foods labeled “low sodium,” “reduced sodium,” “sodium free” or “unsalted.” Read the Nutrition Facts label to find out how much sodium a product contains. Differ Dif ent

brands of foods that look the same can contain very dif ent amounts of sodium. differ A diet rich in potassium can counter the effects ef of salt on blood pressure. Older adults should consume 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily from food sources. Sources of potassium include vegetables and fruits such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, greens, beans, peas and tomato products. Potassium is also found in all forms of yogurt and milk and in such fish as halibut, Pacific cod, yellow fin tuna and rainbow trout. To help control your calorie intake, limit foods and beverages like soft drinks and fruit drinks that are high in added sugars. Replace sweets and soft drinks with lower-calorie, nutrient-dense alternative ti s like fruits, tive vegetables and smaller portions of 100 percent juice. Unsweetened tea, low-fat w-f or w-fat fat-free milk and plain water also are good choices. Be aware that some products are low in fat but high in added sugars.

mountains or rocky crags nearby. Many companies offer climbing courses so you can learn before exploring. Rely on experienced climbers to assess your skill level and choose mountain ranges that match up well with your skill level. Novice climbers may be able to rent gear if they’re not yet ready to purchase. Volunteering Volunteering allows you to marry a vacation with social consciousness.

For example, Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit with worldwide reach that helps make affordable housing a reality. You may be able to volunteer your time helping to build houses or making improvements anywhere in the world. People who enjoy staying active on vacation have many choices. Whether rafting down a river or touring a national park on horseback, active vacation opportunities abound.

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Trekking the trails on horseback is one example of an active vacation.

October 2013

If the thought of lounging on a beach for a week isn’t exactly your idea of a memorable vacation, then you may enjoy more activity in your recreational pursuits. Many individuals and families brainstorm their getaways well in advance of taking a trip. A jaunt to the coast may have satisfied an urge to wander in years past, but if you’re interested in something that is a bit more physical and demanding, you may want to spend your next days away from the office on a more active vacation. An active vacation is a trip that is built around physical activity. Instead of keeping the poolside chaise warm, you may be participating in a walking tour or hiking across a national park. Such vacations provide a respite from the daily grind and benefit the mind and body. Estimates from U.S. News and World Report suggest that active travel accounted for $60 billion in vacation spending in 2007. Over the past half decade, the number of people interested in active vacations has continued to grow and, as a result, more destinations are catering to such vacationers. Those ready to embark on an active vacation can choose from a host of options and locales. Horseback riding Making a trek on horseback is

a great way to see the countryside from a new perspective. Many resorts worldwide offer horseback riding in which you can tour mountains, crags, trails, and other adventures. Some resorts pair horseback trekking with camping and other activities for a well-rounded adventure. Water sports Many vacationers enjoy water sports like kayaking, canoeing, river rafting, riding jet skis, surfing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. Depending on your skill level, you may be able to work with a water sports company that offers experienced guides to help you through some of the more challenging parts of the trip. Some vacation providers also may offer training and certification, such as becoming SCUBA certified. Biking and hiking There are thousands of miles of trails just waiting to be explored. Many national parks and wildlife refuges have walking and biking trails, or you can create your own travel itinerary and explore trails less traveled. Biking and walking tours also are possible in urban areas. See the sights and sounds of the city as a pedestrian and mingle with locals as you squeeze in some shopping. Mountain climbing Boost adrenaline levels by scaling


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50plus October 2013 The Eagle • theeagle.com

A tasty take on a beloved side dish

Metro Creati Cr ve Connection

When making a meal, be it an intimate dinner for two or the main course for a dinner party, the entrée often gets the bulk of the attention. But as any cook knows, the side dishes can make just as big an impression as the main course. Few side dishes are as versatile and beloved as mashed potatoes. When making your next feast, consider the following recipe for “Irresistible Basil Mashed Potatoes” from Marlena Spieler’s “Yummy Potatoes” (Chronicle Books).

Irresistible Basil Mashed Potatoes

1. Place the potatoes in a saucepan and fill with water to cover. Add a big pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and cook, covered, for about 10 minutes, or until the potatoes are just tender. Drain, return to the heat and shake for a few minutes to dry them out; turn off the heat, cover the pan and keep warm. 2. Meanwhile, blanch the basil. Plunge it into a saucepan of boiling water, cook a moment or two until the leaves wilt and slightly change color and lift out of the pot using a slotted spoon, then plunge into a bowl of ice water. Leave for about five minutes or until it turns brightly colored, then lift from the ice water. 3. Heat the cream in a saucepan until bubbles form around the edge of the pan.

Serves 4 to 6

2 pounds floury, baking-type potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks Salt 2 to 3 cups fresh basil leaves of any type (2 to 3 ounces — a nice big bunch) 2 cups heavy (whipping) cream or half-and-half 4 tablespoons butter Black pepper

4. Squeeze the basil in your hands gently to rid it of excess water from cooking. Place in a food processor and whirl to purée. Slowly pour the hot cream into this puréed basil and whirl until it forms a fragrant, pale green cream. 5. Coarsely mash the potatoes with a masher, then add the basil cream and mash it in; work in the butter, and season to taste with salt and pepper. If you’re serving duck or lamb, serve the potatoes with a drizzle of the port reduction around the edge.

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from page pa 5 alcohol.

• Weigh the risks of hormone replacement therapy. There are mixed reviews on hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, for postmenopausal women. There may be a link between long-term HRT and breast cancer, particularly when estrogen and progesterone are used in combination. Some doctors advise estrogen-only hormone therapy for

women who have had a hysterectomy. • Use of SERMs and aromatase inhibitors. Selective estrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs, are drugs that act like estrogen on some bodily tissues but block the effect of estrogen on other tissues. Aromatase inhibitors decrease the amount of estrogen made by the body. Women with a high risk of breast cancer may benefit from taking a SERM or aromatase inhibitor. • Increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Carotenoids are cancer-protective pigments found in a

vast number of fruits and vegetables. Researchers at New York University found women who had higher blood carotenoid levels had a significantly smaller risk of breast cancer than women with lower levels.


Hormone replacement

• Go sparingly on antibiotics. Only take antibiotics when they are truly needed. New evidence suggests that the more often a woman takes antibiotics, the higher her breast cancer risk. A study of more than 10,000 women found that women who took antibiotics for the equivalent of about 25 prescriptions over an average of 17 years where twice as likely to develop breast cancer than women who never took the drugs.

October 2013

• Breastfeed your children. Lactation can suppress ovulation and the body’s production of estrogen, which has been linked to higher levels of breast cancer. Breastfeeding may drop a woman’s breast cancer risk by 4 percent. Although there is no cure for cancer, there are a number of different ways women can reduce their risks for breast cancer.


from page pa 4

• Collaborative ti Practice. tive com – International Academy of Collaborative ti Professionals tive • BVCLA.org BV – Brazos Valley Collaborative ti Law tive La Alliance

Contac nt t Trac ntac Tracy acy B. Stewart, CPA, CP PFS, PFS CF CDFA, CFF, CDF CFP® CF through ug her blog at ugh www.Texas www.T .TexasDi exasDivorceFin eF ance.com. eFin

Do I qualify for Home Health Care? You qualify for home health care if you meet the following requirements:

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1. You have the need for skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy services 2. You are homebound. 3. Your physician certifies your plan of care.

The Eagle • theeagle.com

collaborative ti law tive la divo di rce is suited for

you or someone you know, visit these websites: • CollabLawT bLa exas.com bLawT -Collaborative ti Law tive La Institute of Texas

What does it mean to be homebound? You can be considered homebound if: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Leaving your home requires considerable and taxing effort. Taxing effort can mean that you require help from another person to leave your house. Taxing effort can mean that you require the use of a wheelchair, walker, crutches, or cane. Taxing effort can mean that you are fatigued after you go out and need considerable time to rest.

Who decides if I am homebound? Information provided by you and/or your family, your physician determines if you are homebound.

How much will home health care cost me if I qualify?

If Medicare is your primary insurance, 100% of services are covered. If you have an HMO, PPO or other primary insurance, contact your provider for complete details.




The Eagle • theeagle.com

October 2013


Sit and Fit Chair Exercises - Get a workout while sitting in a chair. Seniors meet at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, every Tuesday and Thursday, from noon to 12:45 p.m. For more details, contact the center at 979-7646351 or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Line Dancing - Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, holds line dancing for seniors on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, contact the center at 979-764-6351 or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov. Bluegrass Jam Session – Bluegrass Jam Session is held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. All levels welcome to participate. Bring string instruments and a friend. For more details, contact the center at 979-764-6351 or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov. Friday Bridge - Southwood Community

Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, offers of bridge for seniors every Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Bible Study at Lincoln Center - Join other seniors every Thursday morning at the Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor St. in College Station, for Bible Study starting at 9:15 a.m. Contact Annie Williams at Lincoln Center at 979-764-3779 or awilliams@cstx.gov for more information Exercising with Arthritis – Free “Exercise with Arthritis” class held every Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor in College Station . Contact Annie Williams at Lincoln Center at 979-764-3779 or awilliams@cstx.gov for more information. 42 dominoes - Seniors meet every Thursday to play 42 at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. New players welcome. For more information, contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 or College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx. gov.

Oct. 2

Senior World Passport Program, “Croatian History” - Texas A&M Public

Partnership and Outreach and College Station Parks and Recreation Department are holding a free program about Croatian history, for seniors. Presentation begins at 10 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Refreshments served. For more information contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Computer Club for Seniors - “Unlocking the Secrets of Hand Held Computers” Mark Brown will explain tips for using tablets, kindles, nooks and more. Meetings are held at the Carter’s Creek Training Room, 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station, from 9 to 10:30 a.m.The Computer Club is open to all seniors interested in learning more about the computer world. Free and no pre-registration needed. For more information, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department, Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@ cstx.gov.

Oct. 3

Digital Photography Class – Class, which features tips for beginners on camera function and photography, will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. on Thursdays from Oct. 3 to 24 at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Bring a camera. Cost is $45. Register at rectrac.cstx.gov or visit the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road in College Station. For more information call College Station Senior Services

at 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 9

Making Mosaics class - Class will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. on Oct. 9, 16 and 23, at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Each student will create a mosaic flower pot and take away new skills to use for future projects. Cost of class is $45. To register, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 979-764-3486 or visit the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road in College Station. For more information, call College Station Senior Services at 979-7646371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 14

Beginning Computer Class - College Station Parks and Recreation Department will of a free beginning computer class to seniors offer from 9 to 10 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Registration is required and space is limited. Call College Station Senior Services at 979-764-6371 to register. Refuse to Be a Victim - A free lecture will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Southwood

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See Calendar pa 15 page

from page pa 14 Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Lecture focuses on ways to stay safe in the world, at home and in life, and teaches attendees how to protect themselves, their belongings and their identities. For more information contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 15

Oct. 16

Oct. 17

Senior Dance - Free dance for seniors

Zumba class – Offered Of Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Oct. 21 through Nov. 25, at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Learn to Salsa, Samba and master the Latin moves. Cost is $65 per session or drop in option available at $6 per class. To register, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 979-764-3486 or visit the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road in College Station. For more information call College Station Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov. Beginning Computer Class for Seniors - Class (starting on Oct. 21) meets for two weeks on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Class is geared toward seniors who would like to learn more about how to search the Internet and use e-mail. Class size limited. Cost of the class is $45. To register, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 979-764-3486 or visit the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road in College Station. For more information call College Station Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 23

Writing Your Family History Workshop - This free, one-day workshop will teach attendees how to prepare and write their family history. The class meet from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road. Register at 979-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 24

Senior World Passport Program “Guatemala” - Texas A&M Public Partnership and Outreach and College Station Parks and Recreation Department will hold a free program for seniors, to learn about Guatemala. Presentation begins at 10 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Refreshments served. For more information contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Senior Fall Fest – Festival for seniors will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. at the American Pavilion at Veterans Park, 3101 Harvey Road in College Station. Event will include food, entertainment, a cakewalk, door prizes and free giveaway bags. No registration needed. For more information, contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 25

Bingo and Birthday Celebration- Seniors are invited on the last Friday of each month to celebrate birthdays for that month with cake and bingo. Will be held at 1 p.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Prizes provided for Bingo. For more details, contact Southwood Community Center at 979-764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx. gov.

Oct. 28

Senior Advisory Committee - The Senior Advisory Committee meets at 10 a.m. on the last Monday of each month at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. For more information contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 31

Folk Painting class – Class will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. It will teach the basics of folk art techniques. Attendees will learn how to create their own personalized stationery, note cards, book marks and gift tags. All supplies are included. Cost is $25. To register visit rectrac. cstx.gov, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 979-764-3486 or visit the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road in College Station. For more information call College Station Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 22

Zumba class – Offered Of Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Oct. 22 through Nov. 26, at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Learn to Salsa, Samba and master the Latin moves. Cost is $65 per session


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The Eagle • theeagle.com

Exploring History Luncheon – Will be held at Aldersgate Church, 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway South. The College Station Historic Preservation Committee and Parks and Recreation Department present monthly lectures on the history of the community. This month’s topic will be “Maggies;” A few of the first women accepted to Texas A&M University will share their stories. A reservation is necessary for lunch. Cost is $5. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. The speaker will begin at noon. Make reservations by the Friday before, by contacting 979-764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.

Oct. 21

or drop in option available at $6 per class. To register, contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 979-764-3486 or visit the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, 1000 Krenek Tap Road in College Station. For more information call College Station Senior Services at 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.

October 2013

Nutrition Education presented by Texas A&M AgriLlife - Texas AgriLife presents nutrition education with Flora Williams, who will demonstrate healthy cooking and recipes at Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor in College Station, starting at 10 a.m. For more details, contact Annie Williams at the Lincoln Center at 979-764-3779 or awilliams@cstx.gov. Senior World Passport - “Zaire” Texas A&M Public Partnership and Outreach and College Station Parks and Recreation Department will hold a free program about Zaire, for seniors. Presentation begins at 10 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Refreshments served. For more information contact 979-7646371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.

will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Music will be provided by DJ Tom Byer. Light refreshments will be served, and door prizes will be given away. For more information call 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.



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Memory Medic from page pa 3

There are more formal peg systems (described in my books) that allow you to remember hundreds of items. There are ways to make this so systematic that even people with ordinary memory can become “memory athletes,” perfor perf ming seemingly unbelievable tasks of


The Eagle • theeagle.com

October 2013

from page pa 2


wounds heal properly oper . Movement, operly stretching and strengthening are critical to ensure good muscle health and long-term success. However, er as er, noted above, trauma to the muscles and surrounding tissue can result in very tight soft tissue structures and trigger points that need to be handled with manual therapy primarily. Over the last 25 years, I have ha worked with a number of surgeons and their patients and helped rehab over 6,000 patients and in many of these cases, additional manual therapy techniques were required to completely relieve the patient’s post-surgical leg or joint pain. Many physical therapists are trained in the use of manual therapy techniques; however, er not all have er, ha ad nced training and/or experience adva

memorizing the essence of what is on every page of a magazine, or 80-digit strings of numbers, or the sequence of cards in four decks of cards, in less than an hour. When I was 16, I gave ga exhibitions where I memorized the gist of what was on every page of a magazine, by page number, mber in about mber, 30 minutes. I could still do it now, but it would take longer. Admittedly, these are silly gimmicks, but they are profoundl of ofoundl y

powerful. And it is the silliness that makes them work so well. Even when not using peg systems, memory capability can be permanently enhanced by having ha learned how to create vivid vi images and associations.

Preiss, M., et al. (2009). Cognitive gniti gnitive deficits in the rhythmic phase of unipolar depression. Psychiatry Res. 169: 235-239.

Sources: O’Brien, Dominic.(2011) You can ha an amazing memory. London: have Watkins Publishing.

William Klemm writes a memory memor blog, og Thankyo og, ank ubrain.b ankyo ubr logspot.com, and also al authored author the book, Memory Memor Power 101 and e-book, Better Grades Grades, ades, Less Effort Eff (available in all e-for e-f mats at Smashwords Smashwor .com).

with a variety of techniques. Just as not all physicians have ha the same training and experience, the same is true for physical therapists. Make sure to determine the provider’s level of training, education and experience and look for a physical therapist who has adva ad nced credentials in manual therapy, py manipulation and py, trigger point dry needling -- as these skills are very important in treating post-surgical patients who are still experiencing pain. In your case, for example, I would manually examine all of the soft tissue structures connecting to the hip and or knee joint. While this type of examination can be time consuming, a thorough hands on evaluation is essential to uncovering continued pain problems. My goal is to determine where and why you are still experiencing pain and locate the tight muscles and trigger points. Once I’ve located

the problem, I would use a variety of manual methods for treatment, including targeted pressure point therapy, py trigger point dry needling, py, manipulation and mobilization. You would also be doing exercises to stretch and strengthen your muscles at the clinic and at home. Over the last 10 years, I have ha used Trigger Point Dry Needling frequently for post-operative ti patients tive who are still experiencing pain, and I can assure you it is effecti effective fective and ef efficient. It is important to note that in addition to the manual therapy, py it py, is still important for the patient to be flexible and strong, so home exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles will ensure that the pain stays away (unless you overdo the yard work). As you are still experiencing pain seven months after surgery, ery ery, be persistent in advo ad cating for a solution. Talk to your surgeon and

Free Seminar

physical therapist; if you still don’t get the answers you need, consider getting another opinion. I firmly believe that no one should have ha to li with pain nor take strong pain live medications long term, particularly ticular ticularly if they have ha not seen an experienced physical therapist who specializes in pain. In my experience, muscles and soft tissue structures are at the root of most pain problems and are very treatable. Don’t be satisfied with “there is nothing we can do” or “medication is your only option now.” Something is causing the pain, and chances are it can be treated naturally by an experienced and knowledgeable therapist who has experience using a variety of manual therapy techniques.

Leon Brad Br way is a doctor of phys ph ical therap erapy erap apy and director of the Sports Back and Pain Manage na ment Clinic. See www. nage www bvphys bvph physicaltherap erapy. erap apy.com.

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