A guide to good living in the Brazos Valley
The one thing to know about retirement
Pg. 3
Mental health
How to handle the unknown
Pg. 9
June 2014 • Vol. 11, Issue 3 • A monthly publication of the Bryan-College Station Eagle
Senior Fitness
Local classes, facilities make it easy for seniors to exercise
What to do about urinary incontinence PAGE 5
50 Plus is a monthly publication of Bryan-College Station Communications Inc. 1729 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas PUBLISHER Crystal DuPre
SPECIAL PROJECT PR S EDITOR Shauna Lewis shauna.lewis@theeagle.com
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Call Today for More Information and to Schedule a T Tour!
CONTENTS Finances: The one thing to know about retirement Memory: Memory athlete gimmick Physical therapy: Urinary incontinence
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3 Feature: Senior fitness 4 Mental: The unknown 5 Calendar: Local events
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Over 30 Years Experience Caring for the Hearing Needs of the Brazos Valley 2 | June 3, 2014
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The one thing to know about retirement this 4 percent rule ru of Making your thumb. And so should you. retirement tir tirement co r your cove desir lifestyle desired lifesty for the rest In the last few months, of your life depends ther have there ha upon how much muc been a couple you withdraw withdra every ev of noteworthy rt rthy year from your research papers pa retirement tir tirement funds. on this topic. For most Americans, One is from these funds are ar JP Morgan usuall in qualified usually and another plan inve in stments is from Texas suc as IRAs, 401(k) TracY STewar such ewarT ewar arT Tech professor plans and 403(b) Financial literacy iter Mic Michael Fink Finke, plans. Twenty Tw years Ph.D., CFP®. ag William ago, Wi P. Bengen, a (I have ha mentioned Texas fee-onl financial planner, fee-only planner Tech financial planning determined that tha a client cl professors in the past. Tech with a $1 million portfolio tf tfolio seems to be a hotbed of split 50/50 between betw stoc stocks useful research.) These two tw and bonds could live li at research papers pa challenge least 30 years with a 4 the traditional rules ru of percent annual ann withdra l thumb. The 4 percent rule withdrawa ru ra on the retirement rate tir tirement of thumb works to protect portfolio tf tfolio balance. But with purchasing power in the the marke mar t turbulence in face of inflation. infla A second the last decade and the ru of thumb, the required rule quir quired current low interest inter rates ra , minimum distribution experts are ar challenging
approach, oac originates oach, origina from the IRS and bases the withdrawa withdra ls on life expectanc Instead, these expectancy. researchers encourage a better approach oac to looking oach at retirement tir tirement income from your pool of assets. Fink paper Finke’s pa warns of the dangers of relying on the 4 percent rule ru during toda low interest today’s inter rate ra en onment. envir The JP Morgan pa paper conc concludes tha that the 4 percent rule ru and the required quir minimum quired distribution method do not address addr the highly highl personalized aspects of your retirement tir tirement withdra ls. From the 2008 withdrawa financial crisis through toda following these today, ru of thumb risk early rules ear depletion of retirement tir tirement funds and the chance that tha you cannot maintain your
desir lifestyle desired lifesty throughout retirement. tir tirement. It is time to reconsider how to calculate calcula withdra ls from your withdrawa retirement tir tirement assets. The JP Morgan Dynamic Model method uses the following fiv factors. five Factor 1: Your preference for size and timing of withdraw withdr al - “Retir “Retirees etirees get less satisfaction satisf tisfaction from each eac additional dollar of income withdra withdrawn above ov a certain ove point. … [It is human beha behavior tha income that] receive cei d today ceive toda is more mor attractive attracti tractive than income receive cei d in the future ceive futur … This time prefer preference eference for ear earlier income is strictly strictl emotional in natur nature. ture.” Factor 2: Your leve le l of wealth and lifetime income - “… the downside risk is grea greater eater for those with less initial wealth
and lower or no lifetime income, relati lative lati tive to those with grea greater eater wealth and higher leve le ls of lifetime income.” Factor 3: Your current age and life expectancy pectanc - “A retiree’s pectancy tir tiree’s probability oba obability of surviva survi l decr decreases as age increases incr … The utility value of a dollar spent later la is significantl less than significantly tha of a dollar spent at that a younger age, simply simpl because there ther are ar grea greater eater odds the later la dollar will ne r actually neve actuall be used.” Factor 4: The in stment marke inve mar t randomness and ex extreme events - Consider “how differ different ferent withdrawa withdra l stra gies might fare in a strate
See Retirement pa 8 page
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[wide] variety of economic and financial marke mar t en onments.” envir Factor 5: The dynamic nature na of your decision-making process - “It is possible to broadly oadl estimate oadly estima living, li tra l and health care trave car expenses, but bu each eac of these also closely osel depends on osely unknown factors such suc as infla inflation, tra l frequenc trave frequency equency and destinations destina and general retiree tir well-being tiree and related la lated hea care heath car needs. Similarly Similarly, ly, portfolio tf tfolio perf mance will depend perfor on future futur economic and financial marke mar t perf mance, which perfor ic is ich completel unknowabl completely wa e in wabl the present.” pr One of our local
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June 3, 2014 | 3
Memory athlete gimmicks tip 2: use composite flash card Remember when you used “flash cards” in school? Maybe it was in English class where you wrote a word on one side of a card and its definition on the other. Many people use this approach when learning words of a foreign language. But what do you do if you want to use flash cards to remember ideas, especially a sequence of ideas? You might need this kind of memory aid when giving gi a talk to a club, or a formal speech, or an explanation to co-worke or rs or making a orke proposal to a boss, and so on. Well, I have ha inve in nted what I call a “composite flash card” approach for remembering ideas. It uses the same principle that I described ear earlier where mental images are linked to specific locations. dr. BILL KLeMM The differ dif ence is that the MeMory MeDic here, mental images (icons) are pinned to specific locations in a PowerPoint table, which you can browse one icon at a time in self-test mode. The entire process is illustrated
with nine key memory-improvement concepts in a copy of a single PowerPoint slide. Think of it as a “home page” that has links. The edit view of a PowerPoint slide contains basic infor inf mation about nine key concepts of effecti effective fective learning and memory. In slide-show play mode, the objects (icon and associated text block) are coded for animation, so that each icon and associated bullet list appears in turn upon a mouse click. A mouse click on an icon link can lead to an enlarged corresponding bullet slide and its hyperlinks per perlinks . Readers can download and run this actual slide show or learn the PowerPoint steps from links near the bottom of this web page: http://thankyoubrain.com/ consultant.htm. To accelerate the speed at which icons can be memorized, a learner can think of associational links between icons. For example, after seeing a moti tion icon, an association can motiva be made with the next icon (clock) by imagining that the parachuting people are looking at a clock to time how long it will be befor bef e they hit the ground. Organizing and presenting
inf mation. These cards help a infor speaker organize as well as remember the talk. If there is merit in showing the card to an audience, a speaker could play the complete slide show, or whatever portion is desired at a particular time, by mouse clicking through the icons and their bullet lists, and launch into the detail slides by clicking on the icon. Each detail slide can have ha links to return back either to the bullet list or to the “home” flash card. Bef e clicking, the speaker may Befor want to ask the audience what they think or know about the idea that is about to emerge on the next mouse click. Or the speaker may wish to pause to answer questions, orchestrate discussion, show a video clip, conduct a demonstration, conduct a hands-on activity, activity vity, or whatever. When all items in the home page are displayed, the audience sees a grand overview of the content. Also, this format has the adva ad ntage of matrix notes, which have ha the ease of discerning cross-cutting relationships among the ideas. Flash card self-study and testing.
Senior Circle is out to expand your horizons with an exciting calendar of events scheduled around town and around the world. If you’re 50 or better, better want to meet new people, learn more about your health, travel and just have f un, then Senior Circle is for you. Dues are just $15 a year. To join or for more information, call Mandy Williams at 979-764-5107 or visit CSMedCenter.com. Become part of the Circle.
Extra slides to expand on a give gi n icon’s mnemonic representation can be added at will, and links to them can be created from any icon to an expanded bullet list, which in turn can have ha hyperlinks per perlinks to any number of extra slides on that topic. You could organize a hyperlink per perlink ed book of “cliff lif notes” this liff way. Learners can study a card file in edit mode, which allows the learner to see, all in one place, both the “big picture” and the fine detail of the contained infor inf mation. They can look at the mass of infor inf mation from a topdown view and see how to navig na ate it. When learners can see and think about the total display of infor inf mation on the home page screen, they may find it easier to generate new insights. For study, the card is browsed in PowerPoint’s presentation mode. True self-testing is easily done when the learner anticipates what should appear upon the next mouse click and then adjusts recollection to correct any
See Memory mor mory pa 11 page
Come play with someone your own age!
Trains, Wineries and Treasures of Northern California April 13-21, 2015 Tour California! From the historical Gold Rush to the awe-inspiring wilderness of Yosemite National Park, experience the countless hidden treasures among the most popular cities of Northern California. The tour begins in San Francisco where we will explore the beautiful “City by the Bay”, which highlights the famous cable cars, extensive Golden Gate Bridge, and the view from Twin Peaks. The guided adventure will take you through the historic Gold Rush towns including Sonora and Sacramento with an opportunity to visit the California State Railroad Museum and unique shops along the way. Then, experience the popular vineyards of Sonoma and Napa. Sonoma County is home to one of California’s most fertile wine-growing regions. The elegant Napa Valley Wine Train encourages you to relax and enjoy the luxurious atmosphere combined with famous vineyard scenery. To learn more about this scenic adventure, please attend the travel show on June 5, 2014 at 2:00pm located at 1651 Rock Prairie Road, directly across the street from the Med. S p o n s o re d b y
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4 | June 3, 2014
Urinary incontinence in men: What you can do and how a physical therapist can help I know you help women with incontinence. Can you do anything for men who have a frequent fr need to urinate? I am 53 and I have to go to the bathroom constantl day constantly da and night. I also al started having pain in my left testicle. I know this is getting persona per l, but it’s really creating cr problems for me in sitting, sitting sleeping sleeping, ping, working, working king, playing pla with my grandkids gr and just not being crank cranky anky all the time. This has been going on for over a year now. I’ve seen my physician, urologist and neurologist and had multiple tests, tests but they the don’t find anything wrong. ong I’ve read your column about ong. women’s issues and noticed I have similar issues (need to urinate often, leakage leakage, ge, pelvic pain) and wondered wonder if this could be related to muscle as well. SW, SW College Colle Station This is a great topic and I’m glad you brought it up even though “it is getting personal”. Many issues related to women and muscle with respect to pelvic pain are relevant to men, as well, as they both invo in lve muscle and/ or soft tissue structures. Physical therapists are muscle specialists and some like me have ha even more specialized training pertaining to problems in the pelvic region (male and female). It is not common knowledge, but over 10 percent of men worldwide suf suffer from pelvic pain problems and this is only the number reported. The actual number is likely much higher as many men are reluctant to seek help or talk about this with their healthcare provider. Pelvic problems include post-surgical pain, frequent need to urinate, pain in the pelvic area, testicular complaints, prostititis, epididymitis and sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction. When men ha these problems, have many are embarrassed to discuss them with their healthcare provider and just “deal with it.” However, er I strongly er, encourage anyone who has any of these issues to talk with your physician T H E B RYA N - C O L L E G E S TAT I O N E A G L E
Leon BradwaY dw dwaY Physical theraP heraPy
or a physical therapist that specializes in men’s and women’s health. It could be the symptom of a more serious problem, and if muscle related, will only get worse if you don’t address it. Ha Having a frequent urge to urinate or leakage problems can be caused by pelvic problems that will not show up on an ultrasound or MRI and may not be related to an infection. If your pelvic symptoms ha been ongoing for greater that three months have and no cause has been identified, as in your case, I recommend you visit with your physician or a physical therapist specializing in the pelvic region. Please note that not all physicians are aware that physical therapists can help when the pain and/ or dysfunction stems from a muscular problem, which is more common than many realize. Physical therapists are experts in the neuro-muscular system, still widely misunderstood when it comes to pain and referral patterns. For example, a study perfor perf med by Anderson and Wise1 reported that 75 percent of a majority of chronic pelvic pain problems are
See Incontinence pa 8 page
neuro-muscular. Using an extensive extensi neuro-muscular examination, their study revealed that pelvic pain
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June 3, 2014 | 5
Free or inexpensive classes, facilities make it easy for seniors to exercise By HOLLI L. KOSTER Special to The Eagl Ea e
Reaping the rewards of exercise doesn’t require strenuous workouts or trips to the gym. Public parks par , swimming pools, hike and bike trails and even free or low-cost community workout classes offer of dozens of options for local seniors looking to get fit on a budget. In fact, swimming, yoga and Pilates – among the many fitness of offerings in Bryan-College Station – are beneficial for individuals indi over the age of 50 because of their focus on low-impact exercise, said Chris Henderson, an orthopedic surgeon with College Station Orthopaedics. “For joint health, it’s important to focus on low-impact exercises for weight loss, overall cardiovascular health and prevention of injury,” injury Henderson said. “This type of exercise is good for maintaining strength and flexibility while preventing injury, injury which could lead to arthritis in the future.” Low-impact exercise offers of dozens of benefits, increasing bone strength – in some cases reversing signs of atrophy and osteoporosis – and promoting joint mobility, mobility including in arthritis patients.
6 | June 3, 2014
“I recommend starting slow and having ha reasonable goals,” Henderson said. “Look at small steps you can meet to slowly increase the exercise, without becoming discouraged.” By exercising with care, Henderson said seniors can avoid many of the exercise-related medical issues he commonly sees, like tendon injuries, rotator cuff cuf tears and meniscal tears in the knee.
Parks and trails College Station and Bryan offer of several nature trails and hike and bike trails that are ideal for lowimpact exercise. Gwynne Shillings, special events and marke mar ting person for city of Bryan Parks and Recreation, said the Park Hudson Trail at Morris “Buzz” Hamilton Park is among the most popular trails in the city. Located between Booneville/ FM 158 and Copperfield Drive, Dri the trail spans a 59-acre property located along Hudson Creek, from FM 158 to behind Decision One on Unive Uni rsity Drive Dri . The trail connects to Tiffa Tif ny Park on one end and has 2 1/4 miles of trails. Also in the Morris “Buzz” Hamilton Park, canine lovers can exercise with their pets in the new dog park, par open every day from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. The city’s first dog par it offers park, of three fenced sections – one for small dogs (less than 25 pounds), one common area and another area specifically for large dogs (more than 25 pounds). The park par also features water fountains for people and their dogs, showers, picnic tables, benches and area lighting. “Most of the popular trails are located in subdivisions subdi , as it makes easy access,” said Shillings, adding that residents can view trail mileage for each of the city’s dozen or so trails on the city T H E B R YA N - C O L L E G E S TAT I O N E A G L E
website, www.bryantx.gov (select “Parks ar and Facilities”). arks For more infor inf mation on the city’s more than 30 parks par and network or of trails and green spaces, ork contact city of Bryan Parks and Recreation at 979-209-5528. In College Station seniors can explore 52 developed parks par , including several with exercise stations. Kelli Nesbitt, marke mar ting coordinator for College Station Parks and Recreation, said among the city’s most notable walking trails are the one-mile trails at Stephen C. Beachy Central Park (1000 Krenek Tap Road) and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (3101 Harvey Road). For more of a challenge, seniors might also try the 1.9-mile trail at Wolf Pen Creek Park (1015 Colgate Street) or 4.95-nature trails at Lick Creek Park (13600 East Rock Prairie). Wolf Pen Creek is among several parks par offering of exercise stations, as are Brothers Pond Park (3100 Rio Grande), Hensel Park (502 South College Ave.), Jack & Dorothy Miller Park (501 Rock Prairie) and Thomas Park (1300 James Parkway). For more infor inf mation on College Station parks par and trails, as well as amenities, visit www. cstx.gov (select “Parks ar and arks Recreation”) or call 979-764-3486.
Aqua fitness Shillings said aqua fitness is one of the more popular programs of ed by the city of Bryan, due offer in part to the heated pool at Bryan Aquatic Center, Center at 3100 Oak Ridge. Neal Recreation Center in Bryan also offers of fitness, with access to the gym. “Swimming is one of those skills that could potentially save sa your life one day, and at the same time provides a lifetime of recreation, leisure and fitness,” T H E B R YA N - C O L L E G E S TAT I O N E A G L E
said Bryan Aquatic Supervisor Marty Mulgrew. Visit www.bryantx.gov to view the city’s Activity Acti Guide or contact the city for more infor inf mation on Aquatic Boot Camp classes ($90 for residents), swimming lessons, public pool hours and more. The city of College Station of offers water fitness classes from 9 to 10 a.m., Monday through Friday at Cindy Hallaran Pool, located in Brian Bachmann Community Park ($50 pass for 25 exercise sessions). For additional infor inf mation, visit the city’s summer guide at www. cstx.gov/parks v/par . v/parks
Community fitness The city of College Station is of offering several free community workout courses, including FreeFit, a free workout held at 8:30 a.m. Saturdays at the W. A. Tarrow Pa Pavilion, located at the Lincoln Recreation Center (1000 Eleanor St.). The 45-minute class features a variety of workouts for all ages and fitness levels. Modifications are provided and no equipment or pre-registration is required. Monetary donations contributed by patrons benefit Project Sunshine. For every FreeFit class patrons attend, they can earn points to win prizes. Upcoming classes include Insanity on June 14 and 28 and July 12; Vinyasa Flow Yoga June 7 and July 5; Boot Camp June 21 and July 19; and a kid-friendly Insanity class and Family Fit Fest July 26. After the Insanity class on July 26, the festiva festi l will feature music, food and interactive interacti booths hosted by local vendors. Prizes will be awarded. For more infor inf mation on FreeFit classes, as well as several other senior fitness classes offer of ed by the city, city visit www.cstx.gov/ par or call 979-764-3486. parks
June 3, 2014 | 7
Incontinence from page pa 5
often associated with numerous trigger points, poor posture and either restricted or too relaxed muscular structures, all of which fall under a physical therapist’s expertise. To determine if this is a muscle issue, a physical therapist who has special training in pelvic pain and dysfunction will perf m an extensive perfor extensi clinical examination on the lower back and pelvic area. This will invo in lve examination of your posture, your muscle system (strength, rigidity flexibility, rigidity, flexibility trigger points) and palpations internally and externally. Posture is very important in pelvic symptoms to discern reasons for prolonged symptoms
and/ or pain. Palpating soft tissue structures is critical in determining the cause of the pelvic symptoms. This systematic approach is critical for the therapist to understand what is going on and why. In addition, the therapist will ask many questions. A physical exam and detailed question/ answer session will help the physical therapist determine the true cause of your symptoms. With this inf mation they can infor develop a treatment program specific to your needs and sit down with you one-on-one to discuss the problem, so you understand the cause and the course of treatment planned. For example, I recently treated a male client with
frequent urination/ urge and testicular pain similar to what you are describing. His symptoms had been ongoing for 11 months. He had been seen by several doctors, including a specialist, and give gi n two rounds of antibiotics with no relief. His complaints were a constant need to urinate and pain with sitting, standing and lying down. After an extensive extensi physical therapy examination, I found that he had extensi muscular extensive tension and guarding both externally and internally around his back and pelvic area, contributing to his current urination and testicular problems. The patient receive cei d one-onceive one physical therapy treatment, and in eight visits, his testicular pain went away and his urination frequency improved dramatically.
Upon discharge, the patient was instructed in a set of very important exercises for him to continue to perf m at home. In perfor addition, he was shown relaxation techniques to help reduce muscle tension. If you’re having ha pelvic problems similar to above, don’t wait any longer. Talk to your family physician for a referral to a physical therapist who specializes in men’s and women’s health. 1 - Anderson Ander SU et SU, al. Painful myofa myo scial trigge ig r points and pain igge sites in men with chronic prostititis/chronic pelvic pain in men. J Urol. 2009;182(6):2753-2758. Leon Brad Br way wa is a doctor of physical therapy therap apy and director dir of the Sports Back and Pain Manage Mana ment Clinic. See www. bv bvphysica ltherapy. ltherap apy.com.
Retirement from page pa 3
financial advisors ad , Wm. Jene Tebeaux, CFP®, CFA CFA®, CAIA IA®, CEO of Paragon Financial Advisors Ad , has been helping his clients cl with dynamic models of withdra l rates withdrawa ra for many man years. When I asked ask him about the 4 percent rule ru of thumb model versus the JP Morgan Dynamic Model, he provided this insight. “I completely completel agree tha the withdrawa that withdra l rate ra from qualified plans should consider an individual’s indi circumstances rather ra than a formulaic, specified withdra l rate withdrawa ra . If an indi individual has other sources of fixed income (pensions, social security, security etc.) and/ or more mor limited expense needs, why wh withdraw withdra from qualified funds at a 4 percent ra rate? Ear withdrawa Early withdra ls will trigger income taxes on the amount withdrawn withdra and lose the tax-deferred earnings -- on both the amount of tax
and the re-inve -in stabl -inve sta e portion of the after-tax after withdra l withdrawa amount. Required quir quired minimum distributions from IRAs don’t reach ac the ach 4 percent leve le l until age 73. The only onl reason for earlier ear withdra ls might be a withdrawa higher future futur income tax ra for the individual rate indi if withdra ls are withdrawa ar deferred.” The rules ru of thumb ar easy are eas to apply pl in a ply do-it-y do-it-yourself situa situation. Unf tunatel Unfor tunately, tely, they will probably oba obably not get you where er ere you want to be in your retirement tir tirement years. They will not get you to a financially financiall secur lifetime and the relief secure of anxiety about outliving outli your money. money These days da you need a customized dynamic approach oac to retirement oach tir tirement withdra ls. withdrawa
Contac nt t Trac ntac Tracy acy B. Stewart, CP PFS, CPA, PFS CFF, CF CDFA, CDF CF through CFP® ug her blog at ugh www.Texas www.T .TexasDi exasDivorceFin eF ance. eFin com.
Waldenbrooke Estat st es Waldenbrooke oke ok Esta tates does more than provide a beautiful place to live li . We provide a trusted community with th a sense of belonging. Everything is designed to create a better senior lifestyle. We offer off you u a whole new world of friendship, compassio sion, gracious livi li ng, and comfor mfor mf t in the ultima mate location. We invi in te you to schedule a pers rsonal tour and join us for lunch. Experience for yourself, lf, lf the warm hospitality and quality ty that is a way wa of life at Waldenbrooke Walde Wa ldenb nbrook ok Es oke Estates. Yo Your lifestyle is waiting.
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Our Summ
How to handle the unknown I remember coming home from school and watching Star Trek Tr . “These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise …” I especially liked the last part of the intro: “… To boldly go where no man has gone befor bef e.” Ah, adventure. I adored the thought of exploring new and dangerous places. Yep, I was a boy. Then I was bullied a bit. I got beat up on the playground at recess one day. A close friend died suddenly of an illness. The Vietnam War took the lives of my classmates’ older brothers. My parents divorced. Life no longer GarY roe seemed like the hosPice exciting escapade I had hoped for. Harsh realities tempered my thirst for adventure. I discovered that trave tra lling through unchartered territory wasn’t necessarily fun. Instead of embracing the unknown, I began to fear it. Today, at this moment, I can honestly say that I’ve never been here befor bef e. None of us ha . This is a new day, full of have new challenges. And many of us are facing obstacles which may seem more like impenetrable walls: financial problems, health challenges, relational difficulties dif , etc. On top of this, we live in a world of rapid, exponential change. Most of us are complex individuals who face demanding challenges, and many feel overwhelmed just thinking about it. We long for quieter, simpler days. We wonder where things are going. What does the future hold? We don’t know. Facing the unknown can be quite unsettling. When I was a boy, I loved maps. I was the navig na ator during family T H E B RYA N - C O L L E G E S TAT I O N E A G L E
vacations as we drove to wherever we were going, usually several states away. I always knew where we were, where we were going and how we were going to get there. What most of us wouldn’t give for a map of the unknown! The tech-challenged-but-willing-tolearn part of me says, “There should be an app for this!” Most have ha trouble navig na ating the unknown. We don’t like not knowing what’s coming. We prefer feeling we have ha control, but life refuses to be corralled and tamed. What can we do? How can we face the unknowns of life in a healthy way? Here are four things to remember: Fir you have choices. First, Na ating uncharted territory Navig well is about making good decisions. We want to make the best choices possible, given the situation. These decisions need to reflect who we are and be consistent with our character and con convictions . Granted, sometimes it seems we don’t have ha a choice. But even then, we have ha power over how we’re going to respond to those events. How we manage our own hearts can make all the differ dif ence. A wise man (Solomon) said, “Above all else, guard your heart. It is the wellspring of your life.” In similar fashion, a mentor of mine said, “It’s not what you did, but what you do next that really matters.” Many of us merely react to the surprises of life. What if, instead of just reacting, we chose to respond in a loving and healthy way? We have ha a choice about how we respond to what happens to and around us. Dealing with the unknown is about good (not perfect) decision-making.
Second, you’re u’r not alone. u’re Guess who else faces the challenge of the unknown? Everyone! You know people who don’t handle unchartered territory well, and who get very upset if they’re not in control. You also know people who appear to navig na ate the unknown with amazing finesse. There’s an old saying, “We “W become who we’re around.” Our closest associations greatly influence us. If we want to handle the unknown well, we need to be around people who possess that skill. Who do you know who seems to have ha an internal uncharted territory GPS? Spend some time with them, and ask them how they manage to ride out the speed bumps and potholes of life with such ease. Consider attending a support group. This can be a great way to meet potential mentors and also connect with others dealing with similar challenges. Someone has been where you are. They’ll know where you’re coming from. Learn from them. You’ll be glad you did. Third, ir you’re ird, u’r human. u’re “To err is human,” right? We’re far from perfect, and so we won’t get this dealing-with-the-unknown thing just right. It can be enough to make what seems the best choice based on the infor inf mation and insight we have ha . Yes, the input of others is in luable, but we also need to inva remember it’s not up to them to solve our problems. The choices are ours. Blaming benefits no one (although historically, we’re great at it). What are your options? What does your heart say? What seems to be most in line with who you are
and your mission in life? Take a deep breath. Whatever is out there, you have ha options. You’re not alone. And you’re human. You might make mistakes, and that’s OK. Fourth, you can focus on love. Few of us doubt the power and the importance of love. Love can be described as the desire and ability to think, speak and act for the good of another person. It’s not mere emotion, but it’s often emotional. Love is a choice. It’s active. It’s a noun, but it’s even better as a verb. In dealing with the unknown, most of us ask, “What’s the right thing here?” or perhaps, “What’s the best thing?” Since none of us are an island and we all have ha people we’re in a relationship with, maybe the question to ask is, “What seems to be the most loving thing?” It’s possible to be right, but not loving. And the loving thing always ends up being right when all is said and done. So when life surprises us, and the unknown looms ahead, remember: You have choices. You’re u’r not alone. u’re You’re u’r human. u’re You can focus on love. If you keep these four truths in sight, the unknown will be a little less daunting and you’ll learn to na ate it with increasing skill. navig Instead of drawing back, you might even find yourself leaning forward, eager to embrace the road ahead. And who knows what could happen then? Gar Roe is an author, Gary author speaker, er er, and chaplain with Hospice Braz Br os Valley. lle Visit him at www.gar lley. .garyr .gar aryroe. com or contact him at groe@ hospicebraz hospicebr brazosvalley. lle org. lley. or June 3, 2014 | 9
Sit and Fit Chair Exercises - Get a workout while sitting in a chair. Seniors meet at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from noon to 1 p.m. For more details, contact 979-764-6351, 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Line Dancing - Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, holds line dancing for seniors on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and on Fridays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information, contact 979764-6351, 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Bluegrass Jam Session – Bluegrass Jam Session is held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. All levels welcome. Bring string instruments and a friend. For more details, contact 979-764-6351, 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Friday Bridge - Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, offers of bridge for seniors every Friday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. For more, contact 979-764-
6351, 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. 42 dominoes - Seniors meet every Thursday to play 42 at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. New players welcome. For more details, contact 979764-6351, 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov. Bible study – Bible study is held for seniors at 9:15 a.m. every Thursday at Lincoln Center, 1000 Eleanor St. in College Station. Contact Annie Williams at 979-764-3779 or awilliams@ cstx.gov for more information. Exercising with Arthritis - Join other seniors every Thursday at 10:15 a.m. at Lincoln Center and learn how to exercise with arthritis. Contact Annie Williams at 979-764-3779 or awilliams@ cstx.gov for more information.
June 4
Yoga Class - Learn to relax, stretch, improve balance, increase stability and tone your entire body. Class meets on Wednesdays for four weeks from 9 to 10 a.m. at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station. Cost is $35. Register at rectrac.cstx.gov or call 979-764-3486. Computer Club for Seniors - Larry Lippke
will discuss Internet browsers. Meetings, open to all seniors, are held at the Carter’s Creek Training Room, 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Free and no preregistration needed. For more information contact 979-764-6371 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.
June 11
Marian Anderson String Quartet Chamber Music Outreach Concert - Students of the Marian Anderson String Quartet Institute will perform a free concert at Southwood Community Center at 1 p.m. For more information call 979764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov
June 16
Beginning Computer Class 101 - Two-week class, held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday, is designed to teach seniors how to use the Internet and email. Held at Southwood Community Center. Cost is $45. To register visit rectrac.cstx.gov or call 979-764-3486. Intermediate Computer Class 102 - Basic computer skills required. Move to the next level and learn more tips on creating and storing documents. Class meets on Monday and
Wednesday for two weeks from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at Southwood Community Center. Cost is $45. Register at rectrac.cstx.gov or call 979-764-3486. Beginning Bridge Class -Learn the game of bridge with other beginners. Class meets at Southwood Community Center from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Mondays for six weeks. Cost is $50. Register at rectrac.cstx.gov or 979-764-3486.
June 18 Exploring History Luncheon - The College Station Historic Preservation Committee and the College Station Parks and Recreation Department present monthly lectures with lunch on the history of the community. Henry Dethloff Dethlof and John Adams will present “Capturing Aggieland’s History.” Held at Aldersgate Church, 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway S. Reservation is necessary for lunch by the Friday before; cost is $5. Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Speakers begin at noon. Reserve at 979764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.
See Calendar pa 11 page
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• Ideas are represented by images, which are far easier to memorize than words.
from page pa 4
• Spatial organization facilitates memorization.
memory errors.
Perceived benefits
I think the adva ad ntages of this system are that you can: • Make your learning task comprehensive, ehensi ehensive, yet cohesive cohesi and compact. • Arrange infor inf mation flexibly. • Self-test in flash-card style. • Capitalize on well-established principles of effecti effective fective learning and memory. Also: • Content is condensed to essentials (“less is more”). • Material is organized by arranging like items in the same row or a sequence in which rows are read leftto-right, top-to-bottom. • Infor Inf mation is chunked by putting like items on the same row of the table.
Calendar June 19
Movie and Popcorn: “Captain Phillips” - Seniors are invited to enjoy a free movie and popcorn at Southwood Community Center. Movie starts at 1 p.m. For more details, contact 979-764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx.gov.
June 27
Bingo and Birthday Celebration - Seniors are invited at 1 p.m. the last Friday of each month to celebrate birthdays for that month with cake and bingo. Held at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Road. For more details, contact 979764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx. gov.
of the
• Learners can self-pace their study and review.
• Such cards are easily constructed and modified by anyone who knows how to use presentation software like PowerPoint. 1 - Klemm, W. R. (2012). Memory Memor Power 101. New York: Skyhor Skyhorse.. yhorse.. Klemm, W. R (2013). Better grades gr . Less effort. eff Online e-book. Brya Br n, TX: Benecton Pr . Press Bill Klemm is author of two books on improving memory, ry Memory Power 101 and Better Grad ry, Gr es, es Less Effor Eff t. His blog is at thankyoubrain.blogs logspot logs gspot. com.
Robert Herring, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
3091 University Drive East, #410 Bryan, TX 77802 www.listenhearaudiology.com
June 30
from page pa 10
Ice Cream Social for Seniors - Enjoy ice cream and learn about home fire safety with the College Station Fire Department. Held at 2 p.m. at Southwood Community Center. Contact 979-764-6351 or mrodgers@cstx.gov for more information.
• All memory processes (encoding, consolidation, retrieval) operate in the same visual format and space in which infor inf mation is presented.
• The process of creating a composite card is engaging and can be fun.
• Study quickly.
June 25
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Senior Advisory Committee meeting - The Committee meets on the last Monday of each month at Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd at 10 a.m. For more information call 979-764-6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov.
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June 3, 2014 | 11
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12 | June 3, 2014